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The Revelations Syndrome

by The notifier

I suspect the following scenario is what on several occasions has at different times in History created mass catastrophic world problems. Below is how Earth can allow a real Geological flip. The weather and quakes resulting could give us all a bad day.

Below are theories of which I have conceptualized. I believe I originated the below concept, which is a brief synopsis of a Geologist and Meteorologist worse nightmare!!!!!! I am not stating it is my original work but only I am the first I know of to theorize such. The industrial revolution is upsetting the very balance of the planet by changing the weight distribution on the Earth. Two hundred years ago the world population was an estimated 600,000 people. The population figure now is more than 7 billion with the preponderance of this figure in the Northern Hemisphere. This will in an indeterminate amount of time cause an Earth flip. I believe the same problem has been brought about before several times in prehistory because of different reasons. I believe several large space body strikes against Earth due to their addition of massive weights in an aberrant area to pervious locations prior to their strike on Earth caused the same centrifugal effect to cause Earth to become imbalanced.

The discovery of which this book concerns out lines with detail the coming tribulations of a world in environmental degradation both in Earthquakes and weather conditions that are unimaginable. Physics laws dictates so! The question is when! Will it be 10 or 20 years? I was unable to access many figures needed to form close time lines. I would need many math and other experts and high powered Computers plus programs unavailable to me to even be nearly accurate. This is based on one of the simplest laws of physics except from here on it is far from simple. Below is pending events to create hell on earth. The global warming effect is somewhat a worry but nothing in comparison to what I have decided to entitle my book. Below I give an experiment that takes little effort and will starkly point out my discovery. I will use an example of a Childs Soccer ball being similar to earth. If you wish to do the experiment and do not have a soccer ball this can also be done using a round balloon. If hypothetically you spun a ball in space until it had a reasonable speed Earth and the ball would be very similar. Both have a thin outside surface and contents that offer little resistance to the outside skin or surface. This can also be done in your kitchen but gravity influences the ball in a downward direction as it has weight even though slight it is influenced by Gravity. The inside of the ball has gasses that has nearly negative cohesion to offer little resistance to it's spin or change to the outside skins direction of spin. Earth has a viscous liquid called magma with little resistance relatively also to its spin. The earth is in space and it to has a thin membrane relative its mass we refer to as the crust which is believed to be about 7% of its volume. The other 93% are molten materials that are liquid and also offer little resistance to the crust shifting of earth in any direction. Man in 200 years has moved incalculable amounts of weight to previously uncharacteristic areas of Earth for constructing and feeding his megalopolises cities and life needs. Using super glue attach a string for the balls intended North Pole and spin for about a minute. If the ball is spun without anything placed on it the ball will spin smoothly. Place a small amount of peanut butter halfway between its North Pole and its present Equator and North Pole. Spin again and it will attempt to shift its equatorial and polar areas. On a percentage basis relative its size and weight earths skin or crust is nearly equivalent to the balls. Excessive weights have been moved by the industrial revolution mostly to the northern hemisphere like the peanut butter weight placed on the ball it will cause centrifugal force to change the balls equatorial areas. The Equator of the ball will be the largest circumference about 1/2 way between the topmost part of the ball and the bottom. This basic law will cause the advent of the geographical landform planetary flip of the ball and is an example of how Earth is soon to do the same. Polar areas will shift also. The ball does not however contain massive amounts of ice at the top and bottom to melt like the earth's north and south poles which possess unimaginable amounts of weight alone. This ice melt is causing oceans to mix in a manner they did not previously mix. It is also changing the direction of the oceans. This of course will change the weather. This geographical landform shift will distort the areas crops grow due the ferocious weather thus eliminating area herbivores, predators and even man himself? It is impossible to state the severity of problems this would entail. I believe this is now slowly happening with Earth. I believe also this has happened repeatedly in prehistory resulting form asteroid and or comet strikes that suddenly placed weight factors of these bodies at different areas to throw the previously established harmonic balance of the planet out of kilter. Centrifugal force caused the surface to arrive at another geographical location often causing it to flip. I believe weight moved by man to construct his huge Cities and etc. is literally causing the planet to become imbalanced. Earthquake’s one after the other will slowly increase due to the pressure placed on the tectonic plates as topography makes a gradual change southward. This action will continue slowly until it reaches a crescendo in 10 to 20 years. By these time periods melting of the poles will cause water to cover present landforms massively. The previous distances around the present Equator has been larger than the distance around the present Poles. This is the effect that makes distance of circumferences of the planet and gives it its nearly egg shape. Tracking around like this it will enlarge the previous smaller crust around the circumference of the poles putting vastly more pressure against these tectonic plates causing a stretching apart of them. These plates are not normally shifting in these directions. Surface aberrations such as large cracks not occurring as frequently in the past will form. The circumference that is now at the present Equator will slide and grate in a North and South direction against the others causing landforms that will create previously unimaginable quakes. This action will form unbelievable Mountains. This will become the norm rather than an aberration. When the Geographical surface change gets to its profoundness the Polar Regions will be located so the orbit of Moon will circle them instead of circling around the normal area around the Equator of the present day. This will of course have completely melted both polar areas long before and will have become the same in circumference size as the Equator of the present days. This effect will cause landform areas of the past to sink below ocean level and others un-seen in recorded history will rise drastically so the topography of Earth will be reversed for probably many thousand years. This will cause Previous sunken cities to rise above the Oceans and ones now above sea level to sink beneath the Oceans of the present days. Many of the present day landforms above the Ocean level will become the new Ocean bottoms of the time the shift is complete. The previous scenario with the melting of the polar areas will add considerably to this new reality. Instead of waterfront property in Florida the Entire State would be covered and water front property in central Tennessee would be a very real possibility.

Below is how earth behaves geologically. I have inserted this below to illustrate the basic mechanics that will re-enforce and in some cases enlighten the readers understanding to allow the coming and previous earth flips. I probably am not telling many readers anything but I thought that I would insert this. I do not know the reader’s level of understanding of the subject. I believe Earth’s inside is influenced by the gravity of the sun and moon to pull the inner core in the direction of especially the Suns gravity toward the surface of the planet as it turns. The moon also has an influence but as best I can ascertain much less. As this happens with earth spinning the inner core tracks around inside never reaching closer to the surface than approx. 1/2 way between the dead center of the planet and the surface. In other words the primarily iron inner core moves around in a slight off center position inside the planet. This would cause a pressure to be exerted toward the underside of the mantle/crust by magma causing a relatively small pressure on the inner side of the crust/mantle at the equatorial area and over extended periods of time stretch the surface slightly to cause the fat effect at the equator. This is due to the Moon orbiting around our planet and its gravitational effects being exerted. This is what I think has produced the larger circumference of the planet at the equator. Pressure exerted against the underside of the mantle/surface by magma pushed up it makes its perpetual rotation inside the Earth against the inside crust/mantle. From what I have seen and read in research materials that the inner core is approx 2,500 to 3,000 miles across in diameter. Depending on what source you consult the Earth’s solid thickness of the crust extends on average 45 to 55 miles inward so using the 55 mile figure it means between dead center of the planet and the underside of the crust is an estimated 3,945 miles ( ball park figure ) to dead center of the planet. Now if the figure from above concerning the estimated thickness of the inner core is used for figures and the dead center portion of the inter core is approx. 3,000 miles thick then I think it is reasonable to divide that by 2 to leave a figure of 1,500 miles extending outward to the outer edge of the inner core from its center. If the 3,000 miles in radius figure is used for our estimate of the size of the inner core in radius figures I believe everyone might agree too the following would be true. If not it will not make a large difference anyway. If it is assumed Earth is around 8,000 miles in radius so we can probably agree 1/ 2 of that distance is 3,945 miles from the planets center to the bottom of Earths crust inside. ( area below the bottom of the crust/mantle for simplification purposes.) If the inner core circles around inside the planet 1 /2 way from the planet center and the bottom of its crust inside and if the inner core is approx. 3,000 miles thick the center of the inner core would pass at or nearly at 2,000 miles from the underside of the crust/mantle region. Since we are talking about the center of the inner core passing at the 2,000 mile distance from the crust / mantle then the inner core center figure from its center would extend 1,500 miles from this area it circles at. Using these figures it would mean the most outer edge of this inner core circles in an estimated 500 miles of clearance beneath the inside of the crust/mantle encirclement area. It is reasonable to assume this core is a sphere or elongated one and as a result 1 /4 of its leading surface pushes this very viscous magma to be able to continue its progression forward. As this happens 3/4 of the magma it contacts is forced around it following the path of least resistance toward the planets center. The magma that contacts 1/4 or half its radius in front off it to the area nearest to the interior of the crust/mantle becomes more or less entrapped in front off and in between the crust mantle. The leading portion of the core causes this portion of magma to attempt to flow in the direction of the crust/mantle creating a pressure buildup between core and the crust mantle. This pressure would cause the crust/mantle to stretch outward to cause the planet to be enlarged in its circumference at or near the equator when we speak of a approx. 23 degree wobble of the planet. This inner core would follow this wobble degree also. This is my theory of why the planet is larger at the equator. This was not gleaned from any reference sources but it is my theory using logic. I was unable to find it anywhere although I may not have selected for research purposes one that said so. It is also my theory the constant circulation of the inner core due to friction is why the interior of the planet has remained as liquid as most sources theorize it has for so long. This is also my theory. I have been unable to find any mention of it in research even though somewhere their may be by other theorists / researchers may have hypothesized so. This hypothesis of diameter difference is depending whether measurements are figured from Earth center toward the poles or in the direction of the equator. The pressure produced by magma through the inner core is not evidenced toward the circumference around in the direction of the poles because there it does not follow the Moon. It consequently is not stretched the same way and therefore this circumference would not be as great in the polar encirclement direction as the equatorial area is. I believe the contributing factors of this bulge at the Equator is the pressure between the mantle /surface and the spinning iron ball/ inner core stretches the mantle / surface in an outward direction. Since each pole has such a large part that is solid the gravity influences them to pull slightly more toward planet center than the areas controlled by plate tectonics alone. If this effect was completely reversed which I believe is slowly taking place, the circumference of the equator and the polar region direction would also be reversed enlarging the polar circumference and the present equatorial region would shrink when the Geographical flip occurred. After this occurrence is complete the bulge previously located at the Equator of today would be located at the polar circumference region. The quakes produced would be in the extremely high moment magnitude range. These quakes in recorded history have never been seen before. The waters of the world would readjust accordingly allowing massive amounts of ocean bottom at the present time to rise above the ocean again. I believe that has happened for differing reasons many times in prehistory. If Earth shift occurs this theory would explain why many cities have recently been discovered in the depths of the ocean since the location of the bulge in the topography will have been reversed.

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