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Nazis and UFOs go hand in hand

origins of the SWASTIKA
NAZI secret societies

The Third Reich exhibits strange Tibetan roots. Nor were they
confined to the adoption of the swastika and a general
fascination for the land of mystery and magic beyond the
Himalayas. In fact, it may be that the real key to the Third
Reich lies buried in the history of Tibet, for it was here that
Karl Haushofer, the initiate who taught the youthful Hitler, first
met in literal fact the superman of Nazi legend.

Sometime around 1880, or a little before, a young lama arrived in
the Tibetan capital of Lhasa. There was little at the time to
distinguish him from scores of other novice monks in the city,
except perhaps the fact that he was not Tibetan. He had been
born in Azochozki, which is to the east of Lake Baikal in the
Siberian steppes. His features and his race were Asiatic-
Mongolian Buriat, but his nationality was Russian.

in Tibet, in these early days, he was known as Ghomang Lobzang.
Later, as he rose in the world, he was called Khende-chega in
Lhasa and later still Tsannyis Khan-po, these both being titles
rather than proper names. To add to the confusion, he seems to
have gone under the names Ngaku-wang-dorje and Akohwan
Darjilikoff. In Russia, he was known as Hambro Akvan Dorzhieff
or, alternatively, Dorjieff. This latter name, which was the one
under which he became notorious in international political circles
at the turn of the century, is a Russian version of a Tibetan
word meaning "thunderbolt".

shortly after his arrival in Tibet, young Dorjieff entered
Drepung Monastary, one of the country's three great seats of
religious learning and- at least according to some observers of
the day- a hotbed of political intrigue. Dorjieff seems to have
kept remarkably uninvolved in politics for a long time. his major
talents lay in an entirely different direction for, after years
of careful study, he became a professor of metaphyusics. he
might well have died in obscurity- a fate not uncommon for Tibetan
professors. but destiny weaves curious patterns.

in 1898, Dordjieff was sent by his superiors back into Russia.
his mission was religious. he was required to collect
contributions from the pockets of those Buddhists in the
southeastern provinces who looked on Lhasa much as Moslems look
on Mecca. he traveled extensively among the Baikal Tartars and
eventually came to the attention of the Russian government.

the Tsarist ministers were no more interested in metaphuysics
than, I suspect, their Communist counterparts are today. but
they had a sharp eye for the main chance. a strong Russian
influence in Lhasa would be a farsighted step toward the
consolidation of the Central Asian Empire, which the Tzar
beliedved to be his country's birthright. Tibet at the time was
in no particular shpere of interest- except possible that of
China which, not being a great power, did not count. it had
rigorously pursued a policy of isolation for centuries. but
wedges have edges. Russia saw in Dordjieff such an edge.

he does not seem to have been an unwilling tool. he returned to
Tibet with many valuable gifts in his saddlebags and high hopes
of converting Lhasa to the Tzar's political views. Dordjieff's
notions had an immediate impact on the `dalai Lama of the day.
he argued forcefully enough. Tibet's traditional defender, China,
was no longer a military power of any consequence- and was
besides totally under British domination. the English were a
nation of heretics, with no respect for the Buddhist religion.
Russia, on the other hand, had genuine military potential, and
there was even- so he said- the possibility of converting Tzar
Nicholas to Buddhism. far from its being a question of Tibet
falling under Russian influence, Dordjieff saw the long-term
picture as the entire Russian race eventually falling under the
religious influence of Tibet!

it was an intrigueing prospect and it certainly attracted the
Dalai Lama, a tall, arrogant, and highly dogmatic man. but the
Dalai Lama, despite his enormous influence, did not have absolute
authority. for a decision of the type, he required the backing
of his cabinet, the Tsong-du. in his attempts at persuasion, he
was supported by the country's prime minister, a man with an
abiding hatred of things British ever since he had been thrown
into a fountain by a British officer in India years before. all
the same, the cabinet was not immediately convinced.

back in 1893, Britain had concluded a treaty with China settling
some troublesome border differences with Tibet and negotiating
limited trading rights in the southern region of that country. but
China, although nominally suzerain over Tibet, could not make the
treaty stick.

a Himalayan comedy began. British and Chinese commissioners
arrived on the frontier to set up the markers of the newly agreed
boundary. the Tibetans watched the operation calmly. when the
commissioners left, the Tibetans took away the markers and
reestablished the old frontier. then Britain applied for her
trade concessions. Lhasa adopted a bland, blank, Oriental pose.
Tibet knew nothing of any trade concessions.

but it was no comedy ot India's viceroy, Lord Curzon. Dorjieff's
activities wre becoming more and more widely known outside Tibet-
largely due to Dorjieff himself. he made two further trips to
Moscow and on the second of these returned toward the end of 1901
with the suggested draft of a treaty between the two countries.
when the cabinet still declined to be persuaded, the Dalai Lama
determined to provoke a crisis with British India which would
lead to Russian intervention on Tibet's side.

Russian small arms, mainly rifles, began to flow into Tibet. the
Tibetans encroached on British territory in the mountain
protectorate of Sikkim. a Tibetan customs post was set up fifteen
miles inside Sikkim and British subjects refused passage beyond
it. Dorjieff boasted- and made sure that Curzon knew of it- that
the Russians would have a detachment of Cossacks in Lhasa by the
spring of 1904.

between them, the Dalai Lama and Dorjieff achieved their aim.
the British did indeed react. troops began to concentrate at the
Sikkim base of Hnasthong. on December 12, 1903, they moved out
through the Jelep Pass. Russia, to the consternation of the two
schemers, did not intervene.

the British invasion of Tibet, under Sir Francis Younghusband,
was so successful that the Dalai Lama was forced to flee his
country in 1904. with him went Dorjieff, who disappeared into
Mongolia and ceased, from all outward appearances, to play any
further part in international politics.

but outward appearances may have been deceptive. Dorjieff
appears to have returned to Tibet after the British left. there
are suggestions that he was visited there by Karl Haushofer in
1903, 1905, 1906, 1907, and 1908. Haushofer, of course, went on
to found the Thule Group in 1923, assisted by the odious Dr.
Theodor Morell, who later became Hitler's personal physician. the
Thule Group, which was almost certainly molded on similar
esoteric groups in Tibet,m studied the ancient Stanzas of Dyzan-
the cornerstone of Helena Blavatsky's "Secret Doctrine". Hitler
and Himmler became members of the Thule Group the year it was
formed, introduced by Morell. So, at some stage, did Goering and
the party philosopher Rosenberg.

Louis Pauwels alleges he has information that the practical
aspect of the group's work involved a form of divination using a
special Tibetan esoteric card pack. Hitler appears to have been
particularly adept at theis and used the system to divine the
political future as a basis for his military decisions. the game,
says Pauwels, was also used to keep in mystic communication with
the group's Secret Master, known by the symbolic title of "the
King of Fear".

but the group had a rather more mundane means of communication- a
radio transmitter/reciever- which suggests the Secret Master had
corporeal existence somewhere on the planet. was the King of Fear
really the Tibetan professor of metaphysics, the Lama Dorjieff?
by the 1920's, when the Thule Group was formed, he had left Tibet
and was living in France whithin easy range of shortwave radio in

he was also beginning to achieve international fame under a new
name which will be instantly familiar not only to sutdents of the
occult, but to quite a few contemporary intellectuals and
psycyhologists as well. for the Lama Dorjieff was simply one
more alias for that most fascinating of all twentieth-century
occultists, George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff.

Gurdjieff's cosmology, with its rings within rings and souls
sucked up to feed the Moon, is so symbolic that many scholars
find it impossible to understand. but Gurdjieff's psychology is
something else again.

at the root of all his teachings is the notion that men, with
only rare exceptions, live their lives in a state analogous to
that of sleep. although we feel ourselves to be awake and in
control of our actions, the reverse is actually the case.
whatever we may imagine, out actions do not spring from any
exercise of will: things merely happen to us, that is all. we go
through life like robots, the effect of a multitude of causes.
the weather depresses us, or the international situation worries
us. wherever we are, whatever we do, we are never free; for
freedom ultimately is the freedom to be ourselves, and few of us
even know what we are, let alone how to be it.

words like "evolution" and "progress" are, according to
Gurdjieff's viewpoint, meaningless when applied to the life of
the average man. no real progress of any sort is possible until
we somehow manage to pass out of our curious sleep state.
students who took grudjieff's psychology beyond the purely
theoretical found themselves engaged under his tutelage in a
series of physical and psycho-spiritual exercises designed to
help them awake.

Gurdjirff believed that men remain asleep throughout their lives
because for most of the time they forget themselves- that is to
say, they are not consciously aware of themselves as active
participants in the drama of life. their attention is
continually- and habitually- focused outward, so that their
reactions are merely trigger responses to external stimuli. in
order to wake up from this semi-dream state, Gurdjieff taught
that self-remembering was necessary. the individual had to build
up a habit of self-awareness and build it so solidly that it
became his permanent, automatic state.

several of the exercises designed to stimulate self-awareness
were, to say the least, bizarre. at one Gurdjieff group, for
instance, it was a firm rule that, at a given signal, each and
every member should freeze like a statue in whatever position he
happened to find himself. he was then obliged to maintain this
position without moving a muscle until a second signal released
him. the exercise was fine if the signal happened to come when
you were reclining on a couch. but you might just as easily be
forced to freeze in the act of rising from a chair. as one
student commentad years later, the muscular strain of holding
such a position certainly riveted you attention on yourself- it
was, in fact, all you were capable of thinking of until the
second signal sounded.

there was, however, a less entertaining aspect of the Gurdjieff
system. Louis Pauwels himself practiced it and ended on the
verge of suicide, almost blind in one eye, and so physically weak
that he required hospital treatment. in his study GURDJIEFF, he
describes the appearance of two young American girls driven to a
similar extremity by engaging in the work: "they were extremely
thin, and one felt that their nerves were vibrating, tying
themselves in knots in their necks and around their hearts. their
faces were gray and their eyes hypnotized. they were at their
last gasp, ready to take the plunge into death, in fact already
bending over it- fascinated."

despite its difficulties and its dangers, the Gurdjieff
techniques attracted the attention of some of Europe's finest
minds. Katherine Mansfield practiced them, as did the Russian
philosopher P.D. Ouspensky, the opera singer Georgette Leblanc,
Margaret Anderson, the first publisher of Joyce's "Ulysses", and
the psychologist Maurice Nicoll. D.H. Lawrence was drawn to
them, although he could never quite persuade himself to take the
study up: he felt the disciplines might interfere with his prized
artistic freedom.

origins of the SWASTIKA

by 1945 the Thousand Year Reich had become a smoking ruin.
Russian soldiers pressed through the rubble, fighting from house
to house, from street to street in order to link up with their
British and American allies who also pressed in inexorably on the
heart of the dying capital. before they overran the eastern
sector of Berlin, these Russian troops came across something very
strange: vast numbers of Tibetan corpses. the fact is mentioned
by Maurice Bessy and again by Pauwels and Bergier, who set the
actual number of bodies at a thousand. They wore German uniform,
but without the usual insignia of rank.

the religion of Tibet is Buddhism, but like the Zen of Japan, it
is a brand of Buddhism far divorced from the Indian original.
many scholars prefer the term "Lamaism" to distinguish between
Tibetan Buddhism and its parent root. the religious life of the
country is concentrated in a multitude of monastaries, many of
them built in almost inaccessable mountain regions. side by side
with the state religion of Lamaism, and flourishing particularly
in the rural districts, is Tibet's aboriginal religion of Bon. the
Bon-pas follow a primitive, animistic creed, full of dark rituals
and spells. if the holy lamas of the Buddhist sects were looked
on as personifications of spiritual wisdom, the priests of Bon
had a potent reputation with the common people as magicians.

the Nazi leaders were in many cases attracted to Tibet by its air
of mystery and intrigued beyond words by those of its secret
doctrines which filtered through to the West. they believed,
those members of the Thule Group, the Luminous Lodge, and the
various other occult organizations which helped shape the Third
Reich, in an esoteric history of mankind. and it was in the
archives of Tibetan monasteries that this history was preserved
in its purest form.

already, in the latter half of the previous century, intriguing
hints about Tibetan secret teachings had been carried to the West
by Helena Blavatsky, who claimed initiation at the hands of the
holy lamas themselves. more to the point, Blavatsky taught that
her "Hidden Masters" and "Secret Chiefs" had their earthly
residence in the Himalayan region. as soon as the Nazi movement
had sufficient funds, it began to organize a number of
expeditions to Tibet and these succeeded one another practically
without interruption until 1943. one of the most tangible
expressions of Nazi interest in Tibet was the party`s adoption of
its deepest and most mystical of symbols- the swastika.

the swastika is one of mankind's oldest symbols, and apart from
the cross and the circle, probably the most widely distributed.
it is shown on pottery fragments from Grece dasting back to the
eighth century b.c. it was used in ancient Egypt, India and
China. the Navaho Indians of North America have a traditional
swastika pattern. Arab-Islamic sorcerers used it. in more
recent times, it was incorporated in the flags of certain Baltic

the idea for the use of the swastika by the Nazis came from a
dentist named Dr. Friedrich Krohn who was a member of the secret
Germanen Order. Krohn produced the design for the actual form in
which the Nazis came to use the symbol, that is reversed,
spinning in an anti-clockwise direction. as a solar symbol, the
swastika is properly thought of as spinning, and the Buddhists
have always believed the symbol attracted luck. the Sanskrit
word "svastika" means good fortune and well being. according to
Cabbalistic lore and occult theory, chaotic force can be evoked
by reversing the symbol. and so the symbol appeared as the flag
of Nazi Germany and the insignia of the Nazi party, an indication
for those who had eyes to see, as to the occult nature of the
Third Reich.

NAZI secret societies

"Hitler is one of our pupils. you will one day experience that
he, and through him, we, will one day be victorious and develop a
movement that makes the world tremble." the author of this
prophecy was Adolph Lanz. the prophecy itself was made in a
letter to a member of an occult order early in 1932, a year before
Hitler came to power. Lanz liked to refer to himself as "Dr.
Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels", and he claimed to be the offspring of
Baron Johannes Lancz de Liebenfels, born in Italy on May 1, 1872.
Lanz was, in fact, the son of Austrian parents and was born in
Vienna on July 19, 1874.

his Order of the New Templars derived its basic philosophic
inspiration from the Grail legends, and it members met for ritual
practice. they seem to have been interested in almost all the
occult arts- particularly those, like phrenology, which go to
make up the outer fringes of esotericism. but the driving force
behind the New Templars, and indeed behind Lanz himself, was the
concept of an Aryan master race, the purity of which could only
be maintainded by the strictest process of selective breeding.
like many another racist, Lanz felt his genus threatened.

many of his ideas have an ominous ring, not merely in themselves,
but in the light of what was to happen in Germany during the
years ahead. he advocated the sterilization of "inferior races"
and the establishment of breeding colonies to perpetuate the
master breed. other "solutions" he put forward to the problem of
the inferior races were starvation and forced labor. during
World War Two, of course, Hienrich Himmler put all these notions
into brutal practice.

Hitler was reading the works of Lanz as a youth, and the two men
actually met in Vienna in 1909. although ideas of a master race
had wide enough currency in Germany long before the Nazis tried to
make practical application of them, the Lanz suggestions of how
to deal with inferior races are too close to what actually
happened to leave us entirely comfortable with coincidence as an

thirty-two years previously, a frient of Lanz, one Guido von
List, climbed to the top of a hill overlooking Vienna and buried
a number of empty wine bottles in the shape of a swastika to
celebrate the summer solstice. Lanz was a writer by profession,
although never a very successful one in the financial sense. he
was also, as the solstice ceremony indicates, an occusltist and

his eccentricity appears to have developed early. at the age of
fourteen he made a promise to build a temple to Wotan when he
grew up. the promise is startling in itself. that he made it
before the altar in the crypt of St. Stephen's Cathedral is

List was, on his own estimation, psychic and turned his alleged
clairvoyant talent to divine the distant past. what he saw there
was very different from the picture presented by the history
books. there had been an ancient race of German wise men,
initiated into highly esoteric doctrines. this race was called
the Armanen. traces of it coud be found by those who knew where
and how to look. the last surviving member of the Armanen was
List himslef.

he did not remain too long alone as sole representative of this
master race. in 1908, a secret society of "Armanen Initiates"
was formed to carry on the tradition. members made a close study
of, among other things, rune occultism, in which List was
particularly skilled. years later, another society formed to
preserve the master race was also to study the runes. that
society was the Order of the Death's Head- Himmler's SS.

the doctrines of the Germanen Order follow very closely List's
ideas about an ancient German master race. all the founding
members were violently anti-semitic and at least one of its
subsequent leaders was anti-slav as well. Candidates for the
order had their skulls measured to make sure they lay within the
limits of strict Nordic ideal. Herman Pohl, a breakaway from the
order, founded another secret society of his own- and many
members of this latter order were closely linked with the German
Worker's Party.

in the entire 1,436 pages of Shirer's monumental "Rise and Fall
of the Third Reich" there are only two fleeting references to
Professor Karl Haushofer. were are told that Rudolf Hess
introduced Hitler to Hausofer's ideas sometime in the early
1920`s. since Haushofer was Professor of Geopolitics at the
University of Munich, the assumption is that these ideas were
geoploitical in nature.

in fact, this is very unlikely. Haushofer was an initiate
magician, a member of the Vril Society and the Thule Group.
Hess, who was also a member of the Thule Group and one-time pupil
of the strange professor at the University of Munich, not only
referred to Haushofer as a magician, but also claimed him to be a
"Super Chief".

a close friend of haushofer and a fellow member of the Thule
Group was the drunken poet Deitrich Eckhart, a man often referred
to as the spiritual founder of National Socialism. Eckhart's
indulgence in alcohol killed him in the early winter of 1923, but
before that day came, he spent almost three years as close adviser
to the youthful Hitler.

the concept of Vril was created by an English nobleman of the
nineteenth century: Baron Lytton of Knebworth. Bulwer-Lytton, as
he was widely known, saw the Vril as an enormous reservoir of
universal power, some part of which could be concentrated in the
human body. in hs imaginative novel "The Coming Race", Lytton
describes a subterranean nation of supermen who had gained
control of the Vril and used it to work miracles.

Hans Horbiger, creator of a bizarre cosmology which taught that
the universe came into being and was maintained by an eternal
struggle between fire and ice, saw his doctrine of the
Welteislehre- eternal ice- spread fairly widely throughout
Germany as early as 1925. several future Nazi leaders came to
subscribe to it, including the party philosopher, Alfred Rosenberg
and possibly even Hitler himself. the Horbiger faithful, having
reached positions of considerable power in 1933, began during the
war to wonder if the rocket tests might not interfere with the
delicate balance between fire and ice and cause a global disaster.

it was not the only instance of Germany's "totalitarian" war
effort being interrupted because of insane occult theory. in
April, 1942, for instance, Dr. Heinz Fisher and a team of top
German scientists were put to work with rare and very precious
radar equipment on the Baltic island of Rugen. the object of the
exercise was to prove a curious secret doctrine which, if true,
would give Germany an enormous advantage over the Allies- if not
intrinsically, at least by virtue of the fact the Nazis knew the
truth and the Allies did not.

this secret doctrine taught that mankind lived on the inside
surface of a hollow earth. "outside" stretched a womb of solid
rock, reaching to infinity. the sun, a far smaller globe than was
usually imagined, hung in the center of the bubble in the rock;
so did the moon. the sky was a cloud of blue gas. the stars were
pinpoints of light within it.

taken from:

THE OCCULT REICH by J. H. Brennan Signet Books 1974

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