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Heaven's Gate: Statement of an E.T. Presently Inca

Heaven's Gate

(slightly edited) January 1997


In the early 1970's, two individuals (my task partner and myself)
from the Evolutionary Level Above Human (the Kingdom of
Heaven) incarnated into (moved into and took over) two human
bodies that were in their forties. I moved into a male body, and my
partner, who is an Older Member in the Level Above Human, took
a female body. (We called these bodies "vehicles," for they simply
served as physical vehicular tools for us to wear while on a task
among humans. They had been tagged and set aside for our use
since their birth.)


We brought to Earth with us a crew of students whom we had
worked with (nurtured) on Earth in previous missions. They were in
varying stages of metamorphic transition from membership in the
human kingdom to membership in the physical Evolutionary Level
Above Human (what your history refers to as the Kingdom of God
or Kingdom of Heaven).


It seems that we arrived in Earth's atmosphere between Earth's
1940's and early 1990's. We suspect that many of us arrived in
staged spacecraft (UFO) crashes and many of our discarded bodies
(genderless, not belonging to the human species), were retrieved by
human authorities (government and military).


Other crews from the Level Above Human preceded our arrival and
"tagged" - placed a deposit "chip" - in each of the vehicles (bodies)
that we would individually incarnate into, when that instruction
would be given. These "chips" set aside those bodies for us.


We feel that while we were "out of body" between arrival and
incarnation, we were thoroughly briefed and were taken through an
extensive preview of places and events that would assist our
individual incarnation process of bringing our mind - our
consciousness - into the vehicle (body) and overriding the mind of
the human "plant" (or container) that each of us was to use. This
incarnation process is very difficult and cannot be done without the
help of Older Members of the Evolutionary Level Above Human
who have not only gone through the metamorphic transition to
completion themselves, but who have also assisted others through
this transition before (acting as "midwives" for some in the
shedding of their human-creature characteristics while preparing to
be born as new creatures into the Next Evolutionary Kingdom).


The true Kingdom of God - the real physical Kingdom of Heaven -
the Evolutionary Level Above Human - are completely
synonymous. As a genderless Kingdom, it "reproduces" or adds to
its Kingdom membership through the use of this metamorphic
process. This Next Level Kingdom created all that is - including all
the paths that lead to decay and destruction, for the creatures it
creates are created with free will - an ever-present option to choose
the direction to take at any juncture or moment of decision.


The metamorphic "birth" into the Level Above Human occurs as
follows: In any given civilization on a fertile planet such as Earth
(and Earth has had many periodic/cyclical civilizations), the Level
Above Human plants all the new life forms (including humans) for
that civilization in a neutral condition so that they have a chance to
choose the direction of their growth. The Level Above Human - or
Next Level - directly (hands on) relates significantly to the
civilization at its beginning stage, and subsequently (with few
exceptions) at approximately 2000-year intervals (48-hour intervals
from a Next Level perspective) until that civilization's final "Age."


Each time the Next Level relates directly to any portion of that
civilization, "deposits" containing "souls" (the "seed" or "chip" with
a program of metamorphic possibilities) are placed in many human
plants. This deposit is potentially the "gift of life" into the physical
and real Evolutionary Level Above Human. These deposits are
given or made only when members of the Level Above Human are
assigned to directly relate to (be incarnate in) the civilization. Only
these Representatives can "nurture" those deposited souls with
Next Level thinking, behavior, and all the information required to
effectively "fluff off" all human/mammalian characteristics of the
old creature. (A potential creature of the Next Level cannot cling to
human ways any more than a butterfly can cling to caterpillar
ways.) So, when a Representative from that Kingdom is present -
that "Rep's" nurturing (teaching) is a "window" for exiting the
human kingdom for all who have been given deposits/souls. These
deposits are made only in vehicles (bodies) that are "old enough" -
having grown or matured enough - for self-determination or


Humans with deposits containing souls can likely be identified at
this time as some of those who are rapidly losing respect for this
world or its "system." They are, from the establishment's point of
view, being irresponsible or anti-social - and will be seen by the
world as duped, crazy, a cult member, a drifter, a loner, a drop-out,
a separatist, etc.


Not only is the body, in a sense, the temporary container for the
soul, but even more importantly - the soul is the housing or
container of the new creature. The soul has its own "brain" or "hard
drive" that accumulates only information of the Next Level -
mundane as well as theoretical or philosophical. The soul also
becomes part of the new physical body of the new creature, though
it is seldom seen by human eyes. Therefore, when a soul is a part of
a new deposit, it has very little information and is as a very small
Next Level "fetus." As it develops or grows in size, it necessitates
the abortion of the human mind, which is in a container beside it. If
you think of a glass vase that has two balloons in it, one balloon is
the human mind, the other is the Next Level mind. When the Next
Level makes a "soul deposit," it is like placing the second balloon
in the glass vase. So, when metamorphosis begins, the human mind
(balloon) is all but filling the container, and the Next Level mind or
soul is all but empty. As the Next Level mind increases - and the
soul begins to grow larger - the human-mind container or balloon
decreases until, if the Next Level mind successfully makes it to
"term," the human deflated balloon is discarded and the Next Level
balloon (with Next Level mind) is all that fills the container, or
glass vase. That soul with its Next Level mind has by then become
a physical body in a new species (the Level Above Human),
needing only a new physical outer shell, which it receives as a
"quartermaster issue" upon physically entering the Next Level.

The final act of metamorphosis or separation from the human
kingdom is the "disconnect" or separation from the human physical
container or body in order to be released from the human
environment and enter the "next" world or physical environment of
the Next Level. This will be done under the supervision of
Members of the Next Level in a clinical procedure. We will
rendezvous in the "clouds" (a giant mothership) for our briefing and
journey to the Kingdom of the Literal Heavens.


Metamorphosis is not ordinarily accomplishable during only one
period of visitation from the Level Above Human. Therefore, the
deposit task at each visitation includes deposits with "programs" for
returnees who are still in "forward motion."


At the end of the Age or civilization (where we are now), it seems
thatall souls that were deposited in any part of the present
civilization are brought back. Between visitations, "faithful" souls
are "put on ice," so to speak - in the keeping of the Level Above
Human, to be re-deposited and again incarnated during the next
visitation. So, at this time we have both "faithful" souls who might
be in the third "trimester" of their metamorphosis preparing for the
final test before "emerging" in their new physical body belonging to
the Next Level, and we also have all those souls who have "fallen
away" during this civilization's visitations. Even they now have a
chance at reinstatement.


The requirement is the same for all who might expect to find
themselves in the safekeeping of the Level Above Human - each
must proceed in the forsaking of all human ways, ties, addictions,
thinking, gender behavior (sexuality), and be in the forward motion
of becoming this new creature (literally and physically belonging to
the Kingdom Level Above Human). (Some in the class have chosen
on their own to have their vehicles neutered in order to sustain a
more genderless and objective consciousness.) The overcoming
process can only be accomplished in the care, keeping, and
tutorship of the present (incarnate) Representative(s) of that Next


Humans in any given time seem to fall in one of three categories:
i)Humans without deposits - those who are simply "plants" (a part
of the various levels of human "plant" life) containing the mind or
program of their genetic information combined with their brain's
interpretation of the information of their current body's
experiences,ii)those with deposits/souls who are receiving
nourishment from the present Rep(s) toward metamorphic
completion, andiii)those with deposits/souls who are not in a
classroom nor in a direct relationship with the Representative(s)
from the Level Beyond Human, having:a) not been confronted with
the information and the Rep(s), orb) been confronted but have
chosen not to "pursue."


Now that we are here again, how an individual responds to us and
our information will, in fact, judge that individual as to whether he
or she will or will not have a further relationship with the Next
Level. In other words, coming in contact with this information will
force a decision for all with souls, and the stand they individually
take will judge or determine their future. Remember, even those
who have fallen away are being given an opportunity at this time to
be reconciled or reinstated.


Those with souls -- who fall away -- become a part of the
opposition to the Next Level. Once, in a prior civilization, records
suggest that a third of the class fell and the strongest, and thereby
leader of those fallen, was called "Lucifer" (or Satan). Even today
they occupy the near heavens as what humans refer to as "space
aliens." They also burrow in bases underground and participate in
genetic manipulation and hybridization with humans, and attempt
to recruit (while remaining among the "unseen") those humans with
souls who are unstable or weak in their pursuit of the true Kingdom
of Heaven. These "Luciferians" (for the most part from the "unseen"
world) started all religions and masquerade as "gods" to humans.
They offer to humans (who are unknowingly praying to them)
whatever material gains they desire. These "Luciferians" and their
devotees preach "Heaven on Earth," "Peace among men," and a long
and healthy life in the human condition, and are determined to take
the steps to make the inhabitants of the planet subservient to their
"ideal" mammalian ethic - destructive to the natural evolutionary
processes, and abhorrent to the Kingdom Level Above Human.
These "fallen angels" unknowingly also SERVE the Next Level --
for as the aspirants to the Level Above Human apply the necessary
effort to rise above "this world" -- they gain the strength to enter the
"Next World."


Where the space aliens have a major stronghold in playing "God" is
through those humans with the most power. The power is the
strongest among the very rich and the very righteous (their self-
styled religion) who accept that it is their ("God-given")
responsibility to maintain the world's stability - judged, of course,
by whatever actions are necessary to maintain and increase that
power. These powerful individuals have a loose-knit world-wide
"club" that for the most part dictates who their primary "monopoly"
players are - those leaders in the "significant" or strong societies or
cultures. Government leaders, the very rich, and the world's
righteous or "moral" leaders, need each other to accomplish their
desired ends. They together really determine what is "right" and
"wrong" for the populace as a whole, for they trust their overview
(and needless to say, it is motivated, for it makes the rich richer, the
political more powerful, while offering sufficient "moral
consciousness" to nurture a guiltless society). This "morality call"
translates down to every level of society's structure, i.e., its laws, its
permissiveness, and its intolerance. The governments' law enforcers
see to it that nothing is permitted to significantly threaten the rules
of the "big bedfellows" morality - which is no morality at all, but
the long list of do's and don'ts which protect the money flow,
secure the power players, and sustain the acceptable morality code.
Any little group that isn't naively, totally submissive to their social
rules, or begins to see through this "control mechanism," or
questions its rightness, is seen as subversive, radical, anti-social, a
cult, or even treasonous - or potentially "terrorists."


It is a fact of record that a number of space alien groups or "races"
have related to humans as recently as the past few decades for
various reasons. These ranged from "deals" of mutual benefit -
trading spacecraft technology for uninterrupted genetic
experimentation - to missions of "spiritual enlightenment." All of
these activities are far beneath Next Level interests or activity and
are, in fact, diversionary efforts of the space aliens to have humans
look to them at a time that our return presence was imminent.


The space aliens have very successfully, through their religions,
totally confused the humans' concept of "God" or "Deity." (These
religions were begun as major distortions immediately following
any visitation of the Next Level.) The Next Level abhors religions,
for they bind humans more thoroughly to the human kingdom,
using strong misinformation mixed with cosmic or universal
consciousness of Creation, about which, in truth, they know
nothing. Some of their Christians say that God was incarnate as
Jesus - though He knew that His Father was clearly a separate
entity, even when His Father's mind was in Him. Luciferians now
answer the Christians' (as well as all other religions') prayers or
requests as they promote enriching their human lives and having
them seek a "Heaven on Earth" and a type of Second Coming that
would clearly be abominable to the Next Level. Only the
Luciferians could have Christians believing that Jesus promoted
family values, becoming better humans, establishing professional
religious institutions, and looking for the Second Coming of some
flowing-robed, peace-and-love manifestation of their artists'

Most religious think of a Kingdom of God, though it doesn't
register to them that that Kingdom has many members. They feel
that if you acknowledge "many members" in the Kingdom of God,
then you would be acknowledging a pantheism. Any time any
member of the Next Level is assigned a task to relate to humans
directly, since he is of the Kingdom of God, he is rightfully "God"
to them, for he is the member of the Evolutionary Level Above
Human ("Kingdom of God") who is relating to them. This is not to
say that there is not in the Next Level a "Chief of Chiefs" or one
who is Supreme. Luciferians have had humans spiritualize and
elevate that spiritual feeling for the word "God" so that no member
of the Next Level would want to identify as one of those members
of the Kingdom of God. The irony is that humans pray to the
masquerading "gods" - space aliens - who have many "superior"
beings in their different races and subraces. So, humans are
unknowingly praying to different "gods" of many "gods." Of course,
none of these are, in fact, "Gods" - other than self-appointed. (They
are simply humanoid remnants from previous civilizations that are
allowed to exist as a part of the balance of positive and negative
presences, and allowing a full range of free-will options.)

The Next Level is not into rituals, or spiritual inflation of stature,
though it's true that younger members learn to be respectful and
acknowledge the wisdom and serviceability of Older Members in
the Next Level. Where one can fall from progressing in the Next
Level is to slip into believing that he can grow on his own. The
only way an individual can grow in the Next Level is to learn to be
dependent on his Older Member as that source of unlimited growth
and knowledge. So, any younger member in good standing, forever
remains totally dependent upon (and looks to) his Older Member
for all things.


Since this is the close of the Age, the battle in the Heavens with
their servants on Earth will be the means of that closing and the
spading under of the plants (including the humans) of this
civilization. "Weeds" are now getting rid of weeds - from gang wars
to nations involved in ethnic cleansing. This is simply a part of the
natural recycling process which precedes a restoration period of the
planet in preparation for another civilization's beginning.


If you connect with this information - if you attempt to connect
with us in your desire to leave your humanness behind and link
with the Evolutionary Level Above Human - you may encounter
what seems to be insurmountable tests. You can imagine the
"fallout" of your separation. You may even be faced with the
possibility of losing the body you are "wearing" in the
demonstration of your faithfulness. We can take you through all of
these trials - they are designed to offer you strength and resolve.


If you expect to go with us in our spacecrafts headed for our
"world" and the only true Kingdom Level Above Human, you will
likely have to physically engage in preparedness and readiness for
that departure. That readiness should not be interfered with by the
servants of this world.

I find it all but impossible to present these truths to you in a way
that might stand a chance to survive the avalanche of thoughts from
the opposition that would do anything in their power to prevent
your separation from their world and your physical life in it. I hope
that my Older Member's mercy will give you strength. If you care to
speak to me in your thoughts, I answer to "Do" (pronounced Doe).
The name itself means nothing, but I connect with it for it was
agreed upon for my usage by my Older Member "Ti" (pronounced
Tee). Ti stayed with me, setting an example and preparing me for
this present responsibility until 1985, and then separated from her
borrowed human container and returned to the Next Level. (If we're
not mistaken, our entire classroom task here from 1975 until the
present has only been about 30 minutes by Next Level reckoning.)

If you have grown to hate your life in this world and would lose it
for the sake of the Next Level, you will find true life with us -
potentially forever. If you cling to this life ---- will you not lose it?

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