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Tone sweeps and loops in Northern California by Da

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| A NIRVANAnet(tm) Infodose written by Dastar Com |
| Distributed via the NIRVANAnet(tm) text file distribution network |

On many switches the 0046 number is used for what's called a tone sweep.
It's supposed to check for hard taps on your line (specifically Infinity
Transmitters). And no, it will not detect line tracing you wannabees...
that's an old wive's tale. The 0043 number is the tone side of a loop.
Everywhere in N. Cal, 0042/0043 is a loop pair as well as 0044/0045. But
they are rarely operable. And 0046 is a lot of times a tone sweep. To use a
loop, have someone call the tone side and wait. Then you call the silent
side. Once you connect, you will both be able to hear each other... ie. you
will be in a "loop". Its used for (or used to be?) for testing dB levels. I
don't know that they still use them these days. But you can still play with
one even though, as I said, they are inoperable. If you press touch tones,
the other person on the line will still be able to hear weird noises. They
used to be good to give to people you didn't want to give your number to.
You'd give them one side of the loop and call the other and you could talk to
each other, anonymously. Very handy. Those were the days.
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