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Introduction to Telecommunications

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A nice authorative review of CID and ANI and how y
All about dialouts
An explanation of telco loop lines
An explicit phile for beginning phreaks
BIOC #3's guide to phreaking
BIOC Agent 003's course in basic telecommunication
BIOC Agent 003's course in basic telecommunication
BIOC Agent 003's course in basic telecommunication
BIOC Agent 003's course in basic telecommunication
BIOC Agent 003's course in basic telecommunication
BIOC Agent 003's course in basic telecommunication
BIOC Agent 003's course in basic telecommunication
Basic Telecommunications
 In this course, I plan to cover as much material as possible relating to telecommunications. First, in the syllabus are the long-distance services, which is the topic of part I. In future issues, such subjects as The Network, colored boxes, telephone electronics, central office equipment, operators, special #'s, and much, much more will be covered.
Basic Telecommunications #2
Basic Telecommunications #3
Basic Telecommunications #4
Basic Telecommunications #5
Basic Telecommunications #6
Basic Telecommunications #7
Bell Glossary of terms
Bell's Identification Letter Codes by The Sensi
 Bell's Identification Letter Codes and the meaning along with each letter code. These codes are used in addressing, basic letters, forms, order sheets, and a lot of other assorted documents.
Bellcore CLASS codes by Xbar
Calling Number Delivery (CND)
 Calling Number Delivery (CND), better known as Caller ID, is a telephone service intended for residential and small business customers. It allows the called Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) to receive a calling party's directory number and the date and time of the call during the first 4 second silent interval in the ringing cycle. The protocol uses 8-bit data words (bytes), each bounded by a start bit and a stop bit. The CND message uses the Single Data Message format shown below.
Custom local area signalling services [LOD/H]
Dialouts - what they are & how to use them
Frankie's Yellow Pages - list of all of Bell's acr
General phreaking info
Get data by being a dumpster diver
Good intro to 950's
Good introduction to phreaking
History of telecommunications
How Ma Bell works. 1 of 3
How Ma Bell works. 2 of 3
How Ma Bell works. 3 of 3
Info on bridging heads, multiline distribution, tr
Info on loops and how to find them
LMOS/MLT (Loop Maintenance and Operations System)
Loops explained
Phreak 2k by protonigger
 The beginner's guide to phreaking in today's world
Phreak tutorial for beginners
Phreaking Basic, including a little history, and h
Phreaking basics by Long John Silicone
Telephone & Network Related Definitions
The Official Phreaker's Manual (Great!)
The Phone System - A Basic Overview
The Phreaker's Handbook #1
The Phreaker's Handbook #2
The Phreakers & Boxers BIBLE! Every decent phreake
The Rulez Of Phreaking by The Ripper
 A beginner's guide to basic phone phreaking.
The Telephone System: A Basic Overview by Evil Incarnate
 Bell's concept of a public telephone network - "this grand system", "whereby a man in one part of the country may communicate by word of mouth with another in a distant place" - was well underway by January of 1878, when the first commercial exchange was operated in New Haven. By 1907, one hotel alone, the Waldorf Astoria in NY, had 1,120 telephones and processed 500,000 calls per year.
This is some informative text about making your ow
Understanding telephones
Understanding telephones
Where is this phone number located?
Your rights as a phone phreak
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