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Interesting phone numbers

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Vol 1, No. 3
March, 1985.
This month:Part I-Southern California and Los Angeles Dial-it's, trivial
info numbers, and entertainment dial-in's. Some #'s of which were
printed Part II have been in previous issues.
Also, a special thanx to "Cat Eyes" who helped us
distribute January and Februarys issues to local A.E. lines.
And also thanx to "Jeff" in Beverly Hills and "Jim"
who supplied us with the conference lines.
Corrections and Updates:
Here are a few addends to last months article on Bay Area Dial-its
that didn't quite make the deadline:
415-976-TEEN Help for teenagers
415-976-2020 Help on dieting
Also, the Lambda Switchboard BBS has a new number in 408
area code. Now, you can reach it at 408-298-6969. The
415 area code number is still the same at 415-321-6969.
Dial-its [FREE if in the local calling area]
213-372-6244 Dial-a-Joke
818-571-6523 Dial-a-Devil
213-664-7664 Dial-a-song
818-765-2000 Dial-a-Joke
818-765-1000 Entertainment programs
213-652-8028 Dial-Doctor Demento Request Line
800-242-4022 Smog Report for Los Angeles [southern CA only]
800-367-4710 Smog Report for San Bernadino [southern CA only]
818-906-7000 Comment Line
818- Plays back comments
800-252-0112 USC Hotline [southern CA only]
818-768-2520 Dial-a-story
Dial-it's 976 numbers [at least 50 cents-depends on time of recording]
All are (213)
976-8181 All my children update
976-8080 General hospital
976-8282 Another Soap Update
976-8484 " "
976-8585 " "
976-3333#Jean Dixon's horoscopes (also in Spanish)
976-STUD A sex recording for girls or gays
976-2222#Consumer Reports Dial Product info
976-2500 Michael Jackson update
976-6161 Romance
976-9999#Dial Republicans
976-2020 Dial-wall street info
976-2525 Sports Features
976-1313 Sports
976-3030 Rock Hotline
L.A. had a good amount of sex recordings so we
decided to print them separately:
976-2626 } 50cents
976-2727 } 2 dollars
976-2828 } 50 cents
976-6060 } 2 dollars
976-LOVE -sick
976-STUD -for you girls or gays
Conference Lines
[again, all these are free if in the local calling area]
**if you know any more let us know**
Part III:More 800-numbers
800-368-5667 Business Line
800-521-7008 Fantasy Phone (pay by Credit Card!)
800-221-0226 NBA hotline
800-368-5774 AFL-CIO NEWS
800-638-6780 Info on Insurance
800-221-4945 Women USA & Hotline
800-424-9075 Reserve Forces
Part IV: More Horoscopes
In January's issue we featured Horoscopes from New York
City's 976 Dial-it service. In February's issue we listed all
of San Francisco's 976 Dial-it's and three horscopes were included
there. Now, here's a complete listing of all known horoscopes
with the ones from January and February's issue included too.
Note: The 976 numbers cost money no matter where you're calling from
xxx-976-3333 Jean Dixon's personalized horoscopes
[works in (213), (415) (212) and many other area codes. Try it out]
New York (212)
976-6161 Aquarius 976-5050 Aries 976-5353 Cancer
976-6060 Capricorn 976-5252 Gemini 976-5454 Leo
976-5757 Libra 976-6262 Pisces 976-5959 Sagitarrius
976-5858 Scorpio 976-5151 Taurus 976-5656 Virgo
(916) Sacramento, and (415) San Francisco
976-2200 Aquarius 976-1200 Aries 976-1500 Cancer
976-2600 Capricorn 976-1400 Gemini 976-1600 Leo
976-1800 Libra 976-2300 Pieces 976-2400 Sagitarius
976-1900 Scorpio 976-1300 Tarus 976-1700 Virgo
Los Angeles Area (818) [these are free in the local calling area]
347-0148 Business Office of Dial-Your-Horoscope
716-1145 Aqurius 716-1146 Pisces 716-1147 Aries
716-1149 Tarus 716-1149 Gemini 716-1150 Cancer
716-1151 Leo 716-1152 Virgo 716-1153 Libra
716-1154 Scorpio 716-1155 Sagittarius 716-1156 Capricorn
San Diego (619) [these are free in the local calling area]
294-3366 Business office Dial-Your-Horoscope
294-8780 Aries 294-8781 Tarus 294-8782 Gemini
294-8783 Cancer 294-8784 Leo 294-8785 Virgo
294-8786 Libra 294-8787 Scorpio 294-8788 Sagittarius
294-8789 Capricorn 294-8790 Aquarius 294-8791 Pisces
Next Month:
ProgramLLand at 415 327 6197 always on-line!!
P.P. needs to distribute the Phone Phun Sheet to a wider
audiance. This means you can help by uploading it to your
favorite RBBS or A.E. line. The editors work out of Silicon
Valley and do not wish to have lage phone bills so long distance
uploading away from California would be appreciated. Also please
upload current issue to bbs's that already have back issues
Again, as we've been saying, send all suggestions, ideas
critiques, junk, comments, or phone numbers to the BBS at
415-365-9124 and post a message there under the name INFO GUY.
Articles submitted are welcome and will be printed in the
next issue. If you submit an article leave you're nameaalias
and a BBS which you call regularly where you can be reached.
All Information was compiled and researched by =->PHONE PHORTRESS<-=
thanks phone phortress, james

okay this file is pretty lame but i decodeided to upload it anyoways
i emean horoscopres and 976's - wow. anywasys some of the stuff
is uoutdated butlike lambda switchboards and 365-9125 4 no longer

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