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The REAL Truth About Renaissance

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? The Truth About Renaissance ?

I originally had intended to write something like this for our next
release, but it seems that some lamer wanted to be as K00L and K-Rad as can
be and release their own lame file claiming they were me. Before I go on, a
message for the lamer who wrote REN-DEAD.TXT:
Get a life you loser. You didn't even SPELL THE NAME RIGHT, ASS-MUNCH!

???? ????
???? OFFICIAL ????
? ?
? The Final Word ?
Hahahaha... Duh -----> ? on Rennaissance ?
? - Charles S. ?
???? ????
???? ????

So, lets set aside that lame piece of work and go to the real topic
of this text file, Renaissance (with 1 "n"). I don't think I've ever seen so
many rumors floating around about a group before. So lets answer a few of
the questions here for you.

Q: Is Renaissance dead?
A: Most certainly NOT. Renaissance may have temporarily dropped out of the
demo-making scene, but we are not just sitting around doing nothing.
StarScream and I both have school as well as something called a LIFE.
Obviously the lame people don't have one, so they don't understand that
there are other things to do at this age than code all day. I am sure
that those of you who are cool or even just normal understand the
situation quite well. When the time comes for us, we will start making
demos again. For now, you will just have to accept the fact that we are
busy with other things (which include: school, life, girls, outside coding
projects, etc.) Don't get the idea that we have abandoned the demo scene,
because we haven't. We just need to take care of more important business

Q: Why did Tran quit?
A: Tran's quitting from the group was not a forceful departure, or even an
argument by anyone. It was just the thing he had to do in order to pursue
his career. We still talk regularly, and meet often. Now there are also
those who constantly say "the group is dead without Tran". Well, why don't
you wake up? If you hadn't noticed, the last thing that Tran released before
leaving was Zone 66. That was done over a year before he left. When he left
us, he hadn't released anything in over a year. The only coders really doing
anything at the time were CyberStrike, White Shadow, Zeek, and myself. Tran
is a cool coder, but we can live without him.

Q: Why did the other coders leave?
A: This is a tough question to answer without offending any of my friends, but
I will try my best. I think it was a combination of money and lack of time.
Heck, if Tran could take off and make money, why are we wasting our time
doing things for free? They also all wanted to make some money, which I
guess they felt to be more important. They didn't really have the time or
dedication for the group that I or some of the other original Renaissance
members had, so I really can't blame them. I also tend to think that they
left because they didn't want to be alone without Tran, but again I really
don't want to say much more.

Q: Is it true that nobody else in the group is doing anything?
A: Everyone in the group is busy with something of their own. The artists
are working on games, the musicians are doing independant projects, and
most of us have school and/or work too.

Q: What and when will be the next release?
A: Our next release should be the long-overdue music disk, which I plan to
release this month (January '94). I don't even want to get into the story
of why it hasn't yet been released, as that would be too long for this
short text file. It will be out. Period. Whether it be January, or early
February I am releasing it soon.

Q: Is the Sound Barrier down?
A: Whoever started that rumor is truly lame... probably just some lamer I
deleted from the board for uploading .WAV files... yuck.

Q: Is REN-DEAD.ZIP true?
A: If you have to ask that, go to DOS right now and type FORMAT C:

Q: What other info can I get?
A: Look at REN-94.NFO for the latest list of members and sites!

? Closing Words ?

As usual, I must thank all the die-hard Renaissance fans who have
stuck with us through it all. You are what makes us continue our work!
So to all you lamers that sit around making fun of us all day, you are right.
We are lame... You are K00L and really 3lite d00ds. I am glad that we have
provided you with a source of entertainment in your truly boring, dull, lame,
and girl-free lives. Enjoy yourselves...

Please excuse any typos in this thing... its late. I need to get
some sleep.... ZzZzZzzzz.....

Greets To: All PC Demo Groups, Coders, etc.

Personal Greets: Gore, Trug, Pixel, CyberStrike, White Shadow, Zeek, Tran,
Martial Artist, ZigZag, Byte, Yog Sothoth, and everyone
else on IRC.

[-] Daredevil/Renaissance [-]

Internet: [email protected]
BBS: (718)979-6629
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If you have any questions about this, please check out our Copyright Policy.


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