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How to hack 950's

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950 Code Hacking for the Beginner
by Jim Heebner


Many of you out there phreak. You call a bulletin board and see a code posted, then use it to call mg distance boards. Now think about how many others are using that code...a lot of other people hsi h codes often die so fast; there are a hundred phreakers to every 1 code hacker in this cunry Tisphleis intended to get the other 99 started into hacking codes for themselves.


I?ll make this short and simple:

1. You can use some for yourself; it?s much safer when only 1 person is using it instead of a hundree

2. Once you use them for a few days, post them on other boards. You?ll be admired for your selflessnd allow other people to contribute more to the far away boards you are on.

3. You can rotate them as often as you wish, insuring that you won?t be caught.

4. You don?t have to rely on any others to get codes. In other words, you don?t have to keep hoping ey?ll post another code if the one you had just died.


1. It?s easier to get caught hacking then to get caught phreaking.

2. It?s time consuming

3. It?s tough to get all the settings right, and, in general, it?s just a big hassle

Well, hopefully I will be able to scratch #1 and #3 of that list. Enough kids stuff, let?s get to thdure...


Say you were calling the number (213) 555-1212, and you wanted to use a 1311 code, which was 123456. know, you would dial:

9501311,,123456, 2135551212
|_____| |_____| |_________|
| | |
| | |-This is the TARGET
| |
| |-This is the CODE
|-This is the EXTENDER. If you want a good list of these
with info on them, check out Leon Trotsky?s 950list2 text file or DA

For targets, all you need is a carrier to tell the program that you?ve found a valid code. So, you just about any number with a carrier...preferably one that will hardly ever be busy. If it isbs,yu acking program might skip over a valid code.
The best way to get a whole bunch of these numbers, is to get a bunch of SprintNet local dialups an some of them in by hand. To do this, you can call 1-800-424-9494 (7-E-1). It will spout some abg tyu and then you'll get a prompt saying 'TERMINAL='. This is your terminal type. If you hvevt00emlaio, type it in now. Or just hit return and it will default to dumb terminal mode. Yu'l no ge a romt tat looks like a @. From here, type @c mail <cr> and then it will ask for a sernme. Ente 'phnes'for he username. When it asks for a password, enter 'phones' again. From his pint, t is enu diven. Or, f this seems like too much of a pain, just look for a file calle ?Targts.txt on an of th P/H/AboardsI am on (listed at end of phile), as I have already done tis for ou and ut it ito a bi text fle.
I will put in a sample extender that I made in code thief here, so you can get an idea of what settu should use:

Number : 9501311 Starting Code : N/A
Short Note : ITT Sequential Increment : N/A
Code Length : 6 Code First : Yes
Code Template : Target Prefix Digit :
Code Delay : 8 Multiple Extender Flag: Yes
Target Delay : 1 Multiple Port Mode : No
Timeout : 20 Ending Hunt Number : N/A
Default Target: [ANY TARGET] File For Valid Codes : 1311
Hacking Mode : Random

This is a typical extender file for hacking a 1311, a common 6 digit code. The explanations of whatsettings mean are usually in the docs to the program. The important parts of this are the codedly oelength, timeout, and hacking mode. For the hacking mode, you should almost always hack RNDM.Yo soud xperiment a little bit with each extender to find out the code delay, target delay et.


The first thing I?d like to say is something many of you already know: do not use Mac hackers, as t very unsafe and generally suck. There are a couple basic features a good code hacker should hv: .Mliple Extenders Capability- This allows you to hack many different services in one sitting anedce yurchances of getting caught.
2. Multiple Target Capability- This is definitely a MUST. It allows you to have a file of valid carhat the program will choose randomly. This makes your chances of getting caught go drasticallydw,a sng the same target over and over on a code could get you busted REAL quick. At the long isane eric, here is usually a person who sits there and watches to be sure nothing?s wrong. Ifhe eestha soeon istrying many different codes to call 1 number, this will look mighty suspicios. Wen yu ge a pogra wit a multiple target file, it?s better to start from scratch and make yor ownfile f tarets..ones hat yu know work correctly.

Ok, now that you know what to look for, let me make some suggestions as to what code hacking prograhould use. For the IBM, I recommend either Fuckin? Hacker 2.0 or Code Thief Deluxe 3.5. These r rbbythe most popular and best programs to use. They are both ample in features, and are justwht ouwat o et. If you have a Mac II with 4 megs of RAM, you can get SoftPC to run these fine.If ou avea lsse Ma than that, you might try getting ][ in a Mac and a decent Apple II hacker (orry I?mnot oo fmilir wih them, you?ll have to ask around). If you have a GS, though, Hack thi Budd is spposely vey goo. If ou absolutely MUST use a Mac hacker, just use Cheese, but do it n shor perios of tme, an chang your arget often. As long as a hacker has a multiple target andextende option you shuld be ll righ. You cn try many different ones to decide on the one you lke persoally. Alo, READ HE INSTRCTIONS. f your hcker came with a file with the suffix of ?.doc, read it It will ell you al the inf you shoud know whn using the program. If you have a mac, ust use CaOpener to ead the fie.


I know some who like to leave their hacker on overnight. Although this is convenient, it?s not safe.e activity in codes occurs during normal business hours. About 8AM to 6PM. If you hack during hstm,yur invalid attempts will blend in a lot better with the numerous others that are occurrig imltneusy.At night, hardly anyone is using the codes, and your hacking their service will stnd ut ikea sre hum. Christmas time, and other holidays, is a great time to hack, as many peopl arecallng teir elatves round the country with these codes. But the main thing to remember is o do t durng buinesshours


This changes as time goes by, so I?m not going to list specific extenders you should hack. The best o do is to ask someone on any phreak board what extenders are safe. As of now, 0266 and 1979 aeNTsf,and you should not use them without some sort of diverter. It is also important to ask aoud s o hih odes are not safe, and which ones have busted people. Once again, for a comprehensve istng f eteners(1-2000), get Trotsky?s 950 scan file (It is usually called ?950list.txt? or?950ist2txt?. Itis s hany, that I have made it into a Desk Accessory on the Mac, which you als migh wantto ge.


1. Don?t use a mac hacker (this may change within time, so if you spot a new mac hacker with the 2 nt features I listed, go right ahead and use it!)
2. Don'ts use 0266 or 1979
3. Always use a multiple target file
4. Always hack during business hours
5. Hack randomly
6. Don?t be afraid to ask lots of questions...that?s how you learn

Well, I?m not the hacking pro, so don?t take all this information as your code hacking bible. But I?dent that most all of the information in here will work to your benefit. If you have any questos o a reach me on one of these fine boards:

The Holy Grail (415) 776-3021
Crazy Larry?s Used and Abused (916) 662-4024
Legacy IIcx (205) 279-6549
The Pirates Hollow (415) 236-2371
The Skeleton?s Crue (415) 376-8060 [1200 E-7-1]

Thanks to Zod and Leon Trotsky, for teaching me almost everything I know...

*SprintNet targets portion taken from NARCO SATANICUS

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