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Some numbers to hack

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snikt! (/\) snakt!

The REVISED 950 list
(for East Bay)

| 950-XXXX Code Format Name of Company Comments |
| 950-0233 | 6 digits + acn | TDX | |
| 0220 | 6 digits + acn | Metrophone | |
| +* 0223 | 6 digits + acn | Cable and Wireless | Businesses/calls overseas |
| +* 0266 | 7 digits + acn | Com Systems | |
| +* 0370 | 7 digits + acn | LDS | Long Distance Services |
| +* 0488 | acn + 13 digits| ITT | |
| +* 0511 | 6 digits + acn | Execuline | Based in Sacto.; operator |
| +* 0658 | na | na | 9 + 7 digits + acn? |
| +* 0738 | 6 digits + acn | na | |
| +* 0760 | 7 digits + acn | na | Gives short false carrier |
| +* 0794 | 7 digits + acn | na | |
| 0777 | na | Sprint | Possibly 8 or 9 digits |
| * 1007 | 6 digits + acn | WestTel | West Coast only |
| 1007 | 7 digits + acn | TMC Watts (W. Va.) | East Coast only |
| 1002 | na | Sprint | Possibly 8 or 9 digits |
| 1003 | 6 digits + acn | RCI | |
| * 1011 | 7 digits + acn | Metromedia | |
| 1020 | na | W.U. Metro | |
| +* 1022 | 0 + acn + 14dig| MCI Execunet | Calling card |
| 1023 | na | Starnet | |
| 1026 | na | ITT | |
| +* 1033 | 7 digits + acn | Telecom*USA | MCI purchase not agreed yet|
| +* 1044 | 6 digits + acn | Allnet | |
| 1050 | 6 digits + acn | Metrophone | |
| +* 1053 | 6 digits + acn | ITT | |
| +* 1055 | 6 digits + acn | Telesphere | |
| 1066 | 6 digits + acn | LexiTel | |
| +* 1088 | 6 digits + acn | Skyline Comm. | |
| +* 1099 | 6 digits + acn | Americall | Gives false carrier |
| * 1253 | 6 digits + acn | LiTel | |
| +* 1261 | na | na | 10d + acn? acn + 10d? |
| +* 1311 | 6 digits + acn | ITT | Calls internationally |
| +* 1407 | 7 digits + acn | TMC Watts #1 in CA | Gives false carrier |
| * 1408 | 7 digits + acn | TMC Watts #2 in CA | Gives false carrier |
| 1432 | 6 digits + acn | LiTel | Mid-west only |
| +* 1444 | 9 digits + acn | Allnet | Calls internationally |
| * 1456 | na | na | |
| +* 1539 | 6 digits + acn | Allnet | |
| +* 1555 | 6 digits + acn | Telesphere | |
| +* 1621 | na | na | 9 + acn + 6 digits? |
| +* 1729 | 6 digits + acn | FuturTek/ExpressTel| Some codez international |
| +* 1772 | na | na | Voice for "access code" |
| +* 1820 | na | BizTel | 6d? 8 or 4 + 8d? 7 + 5d? |
| +* 1979 | 6 digits + acn | VorTel | They claim ANI recording |
| + 1982 | 7 digits + acn | na | Immediate operator |
| +* 1999 | 6 digits + acn | ITT | |

. . ..in the East Bay, 1456 gives the message "this long distance company can
no longer complete your calls", which is different from most error responses.
As a reference point, I put *'s in front of all the extenders that can be
reached from San Francisco. Any information to fill in the info that is (n)ot
(a)vailable and comments would be greatly appreciated. Just post it, I'll come
across it! Do some research guys .. . . . it's all about da scam!!!!! >-)

The Leon Trotsky East Bay Revision Front Communiqu?, 4/18/90

I added a + in front of all extenders available from the East Bay, and
added some info that was missing. Fill in, y'all!!

If you do NOT live in S.F. or the East Bay, try calling the following 950's.
They gave an error response other than the usual, "..due to network
difficulties.." one. Either:

a) "..your call cannot completed as dialed.."
b) "..all circuits are busy now.."
c) "..." (i.e. silence)

0486 a
0835 a
1000 c
1001 b
1002 a
1003 - 1009 c
1087 a
1212 c
1250 - 1254 c
1255 b
1256 - 1259 c
1271 a
1276 a
1369 a

Ya never know, you might get something, there.

So remember: information is power.


(/\)otsky © 1990

Distributed in part by:

Skeleton Crue 415-376-8060 located out of Moraga, California.
!!Get on the band wagon before it RUNS YOU DOWN!!
Headquarters for Computer Hackers and Anarchists to Overthrow the State
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