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Know if anyone is bugging/listening

NOTICE: TO ALL CONCERNED Certain text files and messages contained on this site deal with activities and devices which would be in violation of various Federal, State, and local laws if actually carried out or constructed. The webmasters of this site do not advocate the breaking of any law. Our text files and message bases are for informational purposes only. We recommend that you contact your local law enforcement officials before undertaking any project based upon any information obtained from this or any other web site. We do not guarantee that any of the information contained on this system is correct, workable, or factual. We are not responsible for, nor do we assume any liability for, damages resulting from the use of any information on this site.

What's or Who's Bugging You!!

Is someone out there trying to find out what you're up
to. Whether it be Law Enforcement, Private investigator or one
of your competitors trying to steal your secrets. Don't think
that Law Enforcement won't try to listen in. If they think
your up to something there not getting there cut of, they will
try. Just because the case gets thrown out of court be cause
of it. If they caught you with anything your not suppose to
have,there not going to give it back unless they can get you
again before you get out the door. They do throw cases you know
on purpose, hoping you get a public defender who is as blind
as justice or you not knowing any better and pleading guilty.
Because after they have caught you, you can bet they'll have
there eye on you every chance they get.
As for private investigator. Who knows what he might
be after. Maybe it's the better or whatever half just making
sure you have no secrets from them. Or he could be collecting
information for a competitor on that latest product that will
wipe is company out and leave you to rape and pilige anyone
needing what you offer.
Then of course they is always the guy that always brings
out products that look like your products twin. And he doesn't
have a research and development staff. But claims his ideas came
to him in a dream or 900 number he can't remember. Of course
yours is patented or copyrighted andyou could sue. Of course
by the time you got to court the idea is obsolite and you had to
sell everything you own to pay the lawyers, and you can't figure
out how typing paper could be so expensive. Your advasary as
allready closed up shop and moved on to the next victim and has
collected his cut from your lawyer, who told you it was a
airtight case and would be over before you knew it.
So as you can see it's better to protect it now and
not worry about who is listening.
The art of surveillance, and it is an art if no one ever
catches you or your equipment. So that means the person who is
doing counter surveillance must be twice as good. The first
thing we need is a Bug Detector. Actually this is a wide band RF
Detector. With a range of around 50 MHz to 2000 MHz. Basic
circuit consists of a antenna, Detector, and readout to tell you
what it is seeing, be it as simple as a single led, or as
large as a field strength meter with a audio output.
Now that we have our detector in hand it's time to sweep
the first room. So first lets turn on the stearo, Tv any thing
to make sure there is sound in the room that can be easily heard
anyware in the room and start running the anntenna all around
the room slowly. The noise is so if it's a voice activated bug
it will be active and transmitting when you sweep over it. Now
after you are satified you have covered every inch of the room
and left no spot unchecked, it's time to move on to the next
room and repeat this till all areas are covered.
Now that you've sweept everywhere and are confident that
no bugs are left you are now sucure. Not a chance, now you need
to setup a schedule to repeat this on irregular intervals.
That way no one can plant new ones and remove them just before
you sweep. Remember anyone coming around you can plant bugs or
have a wire on. For the wire part I would suggest that every
now and again you keep your detector with you and act as if your
playing with it in close prox. to guests. If buildt with enough
gain or you get real familiar with them using the antenna it
what ever fashion deemed needed, the detector should register
it's presents and tell who's got it on.

Now you know what to do with it, but don't know how to
Build it. Just leave a message on The Screaming Electron to me
and I will give you information on the how and where you get

*********** REMEMBER THE RF BUGS ARE NOT ***************
*********** THE ONLY WAY TO LISTEN !!! ***************
*********** THEY CAN ALSO USE LAZORS TO ***************
*********** HEAR WHAT'S GOING ON. ***************

* For lazor and rf bug jamming look for future *
* file on bug jamming. *
* *
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