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Making a slug box - phone recorder

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Name: Slug Box
Date: 5/14/90
Time: 10:18 pm

Hack Week Feature Box- Slug Box

A slug box is basic recording box. Unit does not require power
from phone line so no need to worry about tap detectors.
The slug box stops and starts the tape recorder when a connection
is made. You can you this to record phone or modem conversations.
I think this box is perfect for recording data because it
doesn't cause line noise etc.

To make a slug box you need the following:
(1) 220 ohm 1/4 watt resistor r3
(1) 39 k 1/4 watt resistor r2
(2) 100k 1/4 watt resistor r1
(2) .01 uF/50 V disk cap c4
(1) PN2222 npn silicon q6
(1) PN2907 pnp silicon q5
(1) 15 V zener diode z1
(1) Sub mini plug molded daimond tip connector 2.5mm p7
(2) alligator clips cl1,2
(1) mini plug molded daimond tip connector 3.5mm p8
(1) plastic cap or suitable enclosure ca1
(1) 1 1/4 x 1 1/6 perfboard .1 x .1 pb1
(18") #24 hookup black wire wr4
(18") #24 hookup red wire wr3
casto potting castolite or paraffin wax
Pc Board optional

see note | Z1 | | |
-------|----- | | | |
Green | | \ R3 | |
| | \ | |
| | | R4 / |
| | | +--\\\----+ Q2 @ p1
| | R2 | / \ |
|----+---\\\-----+----------| Q1 | |
| | \ | |
| | +-----------+---+
| |
| | c1
| +------------------------------[]--------+
| r1 c2 @ p2

@p1 is a plug wired for a radio shack recorder
@p2 is to auxiliary
Note: Connect to any phone line, connect via aligator clips

1) Layout perfboard as shown and assemble using standerd
wire and soldering.
2) attach P1 and P2 to their respective points. P1 is usaully a
2.5 mm while P2 are 3.5mm, for remote and aux ports on most
3) verify proper soldering
4) get a decent recorder and a tape
5) plug in P1 and P2. In some recorders P1 and P2 might have
to be reversed.
6) connect leads to phone line
7) set recorder to record mode

This should be all correct. If you have problems just
leave me mail on Fourth Dimension #2 or just leave feedback.
For more boxes look on any bbs with Hack Week in it's g-files.

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