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Modu Box - hook up alligator clips to a modular so

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 Written and designed by: 
 Magnus Adept 

Another elestial =lite phile!

For those of you who are sick and
tired of ruining their phone with
white and beige boxes that make
stupid (and now because of ESS,
worthless) tones, there is now an
alternative. (Thanks to Magnus!)

How this came about:

Once I was reading and complaining
that there must be a better way to
attach alligator clips to a phun
phone without ruining it and making
it a permanent phone man's set.

I began to contemplate the basic idea
of this new box, when I said, "I just
happen to have a spare modulator and
some phone wire in my phreak kit at
home!" Immediately I got some
alligator clips. By the thought I
was thinking, I knew I was up to
something to solve this pain in the
ass problem.

Construction of the Modu-Box:

You will need:

2 alligator clips
2 lengths of wire
Preferably red and green about 1/2
a foot long.
1 phone modulator
This can be bought (shoplifted!)
at Radio Shack or other
electronics stores for not very
many bucks. (No bucks if
shoplifted: the five finger
discount) They are simply a
little beige colored square piece
of plastic that has a phone jack
in the front, and when the back is
taken off, the inside has 4 wires
ready to hitch up to a phone line.


Y R B G - yellow, red, black, and
green terminals inside
 - length of red or green wire
< - alligator clip

|B| |G <

|Y| |R <

The black and yellow should be left
alone. (for later use)

Now plug your phone into the jack,
open up the terminal (explained in
the "Terminal Phun" phile), attach
the alligator clips to the bolts
inside, and if you get a dial tone,
then phreak OUT!

If you really want to be a smartass,
you can use the black and yellow also
and make a party line! (brown box)

Copywrong (C) 1986 by

   --   --

All wrongs reserved, so there.

Have phun!

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