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The call waiting phone tap

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+ WRITTEN BY: The Byte +
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+ DISTRIBUTED BY: Road Agent +

So, you have an enemy who talks behind your back, eh? Or, maybe you just
would like to "listen" in on your friend's conversations? Well, if you have 2 phone lines waiting on one of them, you are in luck. (Only one problem: your friend must also have alwiig)

[1] Call up your friend with the phone you want to listen with. When he
answers call waiting (he's already on the phone, and you are the 2nd caller), then you eitthere or say: sorry, I have the wrong #.

[2] Next, you wait until he goes back to the other line (puts you on hold).

[3] Then, pick up your other line and call ->YOUR<- call waiting.

[4] Answer call waiting

[5] Then go back to him. (Answer, and then click back.. Click ->2<- times
answer, and go back..)

[6] Hang up your second line

[7] You are now on the line!

[8] Listen and be Q U I E T ! He can hear you!

Techniques I use to prevent noise or confusion:

If you have call forwarding, turn it on and forward calls somewhere before you
start listening. If a call comes through on your call waiting circuit, the
people talking (your buddie and his pal) will not hear anything, but after you
answer call waiting and come back, they will hear the other call hang up (two
clicks). If you don't have call forwarding, I suggest you get it if you are
going to make a habit of this, because it will become a major pain in the ass.
When your call waiting rings, you are removed from the "listening" conversation
and placed back on his hold circuit. In order to get back on, you must answer
the phone and wait for your party when you answer the phone, tell the guy you
are in a hurry and you have to go or you'll call him back later or something) to hang up. When he orgs up, you will be back on the conversation. Then, one of your pals will say: What was that? bcueo h clicks).. So, try to use call forwarding if you can. Remember: Have fun, and don't abseit Iamno sreabout it, because I just discovered it. It is illegal (what isn't these days) bcaue i isinvdin prvac". I don't know if the phone company just did not realize there was a flw init, r tht wa planed or lne testing, I am not sure. Have fun!

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