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Crap about boxing: don't believe the lies

NOTICE: TO ALL CONCERNED Certain text files and messages contained on this site deal with activities and devices which would be in violation of various Federal, State, and local laws if actually carried out or constructed. The webmasters of this site do not advocate the breaking of any law. Our text files and message bases are for informational purposes only. We recommend that you contact your local law enforcement officials before undertaking any project based upon any information obtained from this or any other web site. We do not guarantee that any of the information contained on this system is correct, workable, or factual. We are not responsible for, nor do we assume any liability for, damages resulting from the use of any information on this site.

GDh/\__ /\____/\____/\____ /\__ /\____ _ . . (:.:.:.:.) ? .
/ \/_ /_ /_ /_ /__ \/_ \ _ . (:.:.:.) * . .
/_/ / / / / / / /_// / / / __ . (:.:.) . .
/ /_____/_____/_____/ /_/ /_____/_ _ . . (:.) . . .
/_____/ /___/ . ____ .
___ ___ _____ ________ ________ . [____] * . .
- -\_ Y _/-\ \/ _ / _ \/ __/ __/- - . ? |_||________ . .
_/ _ \_/\/ / |/ / __/\_. \_. \ ||/ \
\ / \ / \_/ | \ | / | \| \ |/-W-A-R-E-Z-\ .
- -\/ - \/\__/ \__\__/\___/\____/___/gh- . . / \ .
/---D-E-P-O-T---\ .
____/\__ _/\______/\___/\_ _/\_____/\_/\__ . /_________________\
\_____ \| ______ ___ | | _____ | / . . V(_-__--__-___-__)V .
C| | _/| __)_ | __| |__| __)_ \_ _ _/ (-_-_-_-_-__-__-) .
r| \| | \ | | | | \ | \/ | \___ __ _ . (_-_-_______--__) .
t|__|___\______\|__| |_____/______\__|_______ __ _ (-__-| | |__-_) *
Supporting Amiga/PC/Snes/Sega/MODs/XXX ^^^^^^^^^^(_-__|US|HQ|-_-_)^^^^^^^
3 x 16.8 DS HST 1.2 Gigs Online ^ ^ AM(-_-_| o|o |_--_) ^^ ^
^ ^ ^ (_-__|__|__|_-__) ^ ^
Sysops: AmigaMan - Mery - Johnny5 - Toms ^ ^ / | \ ^ ^
pEPe - Wintermute - NightBreed - Slash ^ ^ ^ / | \^ ^ ^ ^



/\ /\
// \ // \ _
_/| \__/ \__/ _ /\_ _/| / \
| | __ _ ___ /%\ / /%\ | | _/| // \_ _/|
|% | | |/ \ / \ | // \/ // / |% | | |// / | | |
|| | |% /% / / / |// /\ // /__ || | | %|\_/\/ | |% |
|| | /\_|| \\ \ / /% // / / // //_ \ || |_| ||___|% |__ || |
|| |_/ /| |\\ \/ /|| \ \ \ \ \_/ \ || _ \ _|/\ |_//\|| | /\
|___ /|| | \\ / || |\_/ \/\ / || | | |\ \// \|_// \| |_// \
\__/ || | \\ / || | [SP] \____/ |__| | ||\_____/_____/_______/
|__| \/ |__| |__|

-*- Running /X 3.37 With 350 Meg Of Files -*-

-*- Old School Atmosphere In The Amiga Area! -*-

-*- The Ultimate Console Board In The U.K! -*-

Sysop Team: Dream Master / Protocol / Zorro / Astropath / Claire

Conferences: Sega Megadrive / Genesis - Super Nes / Famicom
Gameboy - Atari Jaguar And 3DO - Amiga
AGA Fixes / Music Modules

The Number To Dial -*- +44-386-421662 -*- [ NO NEWUSER PASSWORD ]

??????? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??????? ????? ??????? ???????? ???
?????? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???????? ???? ??? ??? ???? ??? ????????
?????? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???????? ???? ? ????? ???? ??? ????????
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?????? ??????? ??? ????? ????????? ???? ???? ??? ??? ? ? ??? ????????
??? ??? ??? ??? ??????? ????? ??????? ??? ??? ??????

???????? ???????? ???????? ??????? ??????? ????? ??????? ?????
????? ???????? ???? ??? ???? ??? ??????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ??????
????? ???????? ???? ??? ???? ??? ??????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ??????
????? ? ?? ??? ??? ???? ???? ??? ??????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ??????
????? ???? ??? ? ? ???? ? ? ??? ??????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ??????
???????? ??? ???? ??? ??? ??? ??? ????? ??? ?????

0 Day Wares * 1.2gig Online
24hrs * 21.6 Dual Terbo !!
* Burn Them Phonelines *
PC Only
Call +44 (0)442-Ask Around

__ __
|\ _\ |\ _\ _________ THe ONLY BBS WiTH ANARCHY
| | | | | |\________\ __ __
| | | | | || ___ |\__\ |\__\_________
| | |_| | || | | | || | || |\________\ _________
| | |___| || |_| | || \|| || |\________\ _________
| | || |__\| || \| || ___ || |\________\
| | ___ || || || | | | || ______|| |
| | | | | || ___ || || | \|__|| |__ | | ___ |
| | | | | || | | | || |\ || |_____ | |__\ | | | | | |
| | | | | || | | | || ||\ || |\ ___\ | | | | | | | |
\|__| \|__|| | | | || || \ || |\|_ || ___| | | |__\| |
__________ \|__| \|__|| || | || |__\| || |_____| | |
\_PCE 1.3_\_________ \|__| \|__|| || |_____\ | __ /
\__________AMiGA___\__________ \|_________|| || |\ \ \
\_____________SNeS____\__________ \|_________|| | | | |
\______________SeGA____\__________ \|__| \|__|
DiDDy - JOKER - THE PHANTOM \____________\

/\ /\ ____ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ _____
|| || / __ \ / __ \ / __ \ | __ \ / ____| / __ \ / ___/
|| || || || || || || || || || || || || | |
||___|| || || ||__|| ||__|| || || ||_ ||__|| | |__
| ___ | || || | __ | | __/ || || | _| | __/ \__ \
|| || || || || || ||\\ || || || ||\\ | |
|| || ||__|| || || || \\ ||__|| ||____ || \\ ___| |
|| || \____/ \/ \/ \/ \| |____/ \_____| \/ \| \____/
\/ \/
/\ /\ _____ ____ _____
|| || / ____| / __ \ /\ /\ / ____| |\ /\
|| || || || || || || || | \ ||
||___|| ||_ ||__|| || || ||_ ||\\ ||
| ___ | | _| | __ | || || | _| || \\ ||
|| || || || || \\ // || || \\||
|| || ||____ || || \\// ||____ || \ |
|| || \_____| \/ \/ \/ \_____| \/ \|
\/ \/
For any older wares for the A600
8-) (-8
If there`s any older warez you are after this
is the place to try, Contact me for the number

| CO-SYSOP'S... |
| _____ ELVIN SIGMA SEVEN LYt0x! |
| ______/ __/_______________ |
| \ / \ _ \ _ / |
.-/ / /\__ \/\__ \/-----------------------------------------------.
|/ / / . \ / \ |
|\_______/_____/|__/_______/ /\ |
| / | / \ |
|__________Mb/__|____________________________________/ \________________|
|\ _ / \/ \__ ___/ _ / _ \ _ \ _ \____/ _ / _ /|
|/ _/\/ \ | \ _/\/ _/ / _/ \ _/ / \____ \/ _/\/ |
/ | \ | \ | \ \ \ \____/ \ \ \ / \ \ |
\_______\ \_____| \______\___\ \___|/_____\ \_____\_____/_______\|
| |
| |
| 1.2 GIG ONLINE |
| GVP 040/30MHZ 12MEG 32BIT RAM |
-( oNe oF tHe fASTESt iN eUROPe !!!! )-
__/ __ __/ _ __/ _ __/ _ __/ ___ __/ _ __/ ____/ / __/ ____/
\_ _ \_ / \_ / \_ / \_ / \_ / \_ / \_ _ \_____\_
/ / ??/ _/ / _/ / / / _/ / _/ / _/ / / ??/_/ /
/___ \__ \__ \__/ \__ \__ \__ \__/ \_ \
sAl1 \/______\/ \/______\/ \/______\/ \/______\/ \
/ \ /________\ / \ /________\ /
/ \ / \ /

[ bOONDOCKs! ] [ tRIStAr aNd rEd^sECTOr ?Nc! & zENITh! eUROPEAn Hq! ]
[ tRIStAr & rEd^sECTOr ?Nc! cONSOLe eUROPEAn hQ! ] [ cOMMODORe 64 iNDy ]

sYSOp: [-sAl-?Ne!/tRSi & zENITh!/tRSI!/tOC!/dOSSe pOSSe!-]

cOSYSOPs: [x-tREMe!] [mARIo/tRSi^zNt!] [j.wALKEr/tRSi^zNt!/tRSi!]
[-rEDSKiN!'/tRSi^zNt/aRt][sECTORCHARGEr/2000 aD/tRSi/tRSi^fTh!][aPOLLo/cLS]

--?> oFFICIAl eQUINOx eUROPEAn tOp 2O & mYSTIc sCENe tALk vOTINg sITe!<?--
--?> mYSTic /X dESIGn tESt sITe! & dR.dRe tESt sITe! <?--

2 * cREDITz fOr mAJORs! 3 * cREDITz fOr mAJORs fROm yOUr oWn gROUp!
---?> nO nEw uSEr pASSWORd aNd/oR sYSTEm pASSWORd! <?---

-[ +31-(0)-548-040-653 ]--[ +31-(0)-548-021-716 ]--[ +31-(0)-548-021-848
-[ 16k8 dUAl ]- -[ 16k8 dUAl ]- -[ 16k8 dUAl ]-

[-[[ uPLOADEd bY: EaSy RiDeR ]]-] [-[[ nODe: 1 ]]-]

[-[[ tIMe aNd dATe oF tHe uPLOAd: ]]--[[ 08:14:22 ]]--[[ 16-aPR-94

| |
| /\_______/\_ __ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\ |
| / / | \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \ |
| / |___/ | \ ^ \ / \ / \ | \ \__ |
| \ : \ > > \ > \ > |___/ \ |
| \_____ /____|_ /___|_ /___/\ /___/\ /_______\____ / |
| \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ |
| /\ /\ |
| Off. /X DevelopmenT EHQ / \ / \ A2000/030/882/9 @ 40MhZ |
| -> ReG. AmI-ExpresS 3.x \ V / AmigA, SneS, PC, 18PluS |
| -> MySTiC /X-DesigN DHQ > < OveR 2GB & CDRom OnlinE |
| / A \ |
| SyS: TyCooN & KiLLRaVeN \ / \ / CoS: EMPiRE & EasyRideR |
| \/ \/ |
`------ +31-ASK-ELITE ----------------------- +31-ASK-ELITE -------'

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ *************************************
* *
* Blue Boxing Scare Stories *
* *
* *
* *
RE: Scare Stories About People Charged For Boxing And Calling Cards

by Bender (Chris, Newcastle)

If you want to dispute or discuss any of these
points please leave me mail on an Express Board....

I want to start by mentioning At&t calling cards.

If you were to make dozens of illegal free-calls to the United
States, and one day you got caught, no-one would be surprised if BT
back-billed you and the authorities took legal action against you.

This explains why people are so ready to believe and spread stories
about other people that this has supposed to have happened to.

However, when you use a calling card, you are NOT making an
illegal free telephone call.

The call that originates here is completely legal. You are
defrauding equipment and/or operators who are in another country
- outside of UK law.

For Example:

You dial 0800 890 011 for At&t. At&t answer. You are now
connected to the At&t offices in the US - TOTALLY LEGALLY.

You give At&t a telephone number and a calling card number, they
check the card number and then At&t connect you to the number that
you want to call. No problem.

If the card number was not yours to use, then that's fraud;
but ONLY in the United States, under US law.

You could actually brag to BT about doing this because it is none
of their business. You are defrauding At&t, in America, NOT BT.

For At&t to take any kind of action against someone it would be
up to the US authorities to find out who committed the fraud.

If that person lived in another country they would have to apply
for that person's extradition to America in order to bring any

Unless you were ripping them off big time, and I mean BIG time it
is extremely unlikely that they would apply for your extradition.

How could they catch you anyway, they don't know your number and
even if they did all that would prove was that it was done on
your telephone, who could say whether it was you, a friend or
a flat mate who's fingers actually entered the card number?

Even in America when someone uses calling cards illegaly it's hard
for At&t to prove that the person who's name the telephone is in
was the one who made calls using a stolen card.

Unless they have his voice on tape or the authorites can find
card numbers in his possession the most that they can do is to
back-bill that telephone number. If you don't believe me then ask
people who you know over there.

As long as the telephone call that YOU make out of this country is
done legally you should have nothing to worry about.

If you call up ANY American company and trick them into connecting
you to another number then that is their problem. Even if they send
you back over to the UK. Tough shit. Their problem.

I've dialed American hotels on 0800 89 numbers and conned them into
giving me an outside line before. How could BT back-bill ME for that,
BT were paid for the call. What could the UK police do about it?
If I did the same thing to a hotel based here BT would STILL be paid.
The UK hotel would have to try and take me to court.

The fact that it's not a hotel but a telephone company that you con
when you use a calling card doesn't matter, so long as they are
outside of the UK. Even if they are a British phone company based
there they can't do anything.

So long as the call you make to America is made legally it has
nothing to do with any UK authorities what happens after that.

If the At&t computers and operators were based in the UK then it'd
be a different matter, still nothing to do with BT.

Look I'll get to the blue-boxing in a second, let me give you another
example of international law...

Imagine if I bought a telephone, fitted a bomb inside it then sent it
to someone in America as a gift.

One day I call this person up, dial a secret code and blow the
bastard's brains out. Murder? Yeah in America. Would BT bust me?
No. So long as I paid for the call or it was an 0800.

Even the police here couldn't charge me with murder. The most that
they could do is await an extradition warrant from the US.

So as far as I can see, using calling cards isn't illegal under
UK law. BT chargecards of course would be different because the
operators and equipment are based here.

What happens when you apply the above arguments to blue boxing?

Legal 0800 call. (BT get paid.)

Okay so far.

Then you send tones down the line, which fools equipment in Hawaii
or wherever into connecting you to your favourite American BBS.

Tough shit GTE.

Aah! But how did you send the tones?

You didn't use the keys on your telephone did ya?

Pair of headphones mate. ILLEGAL. Why? Because if they don't have
a green circular approval sticker then they are:

PROHIBITED from direct or
indirect connection to public
telecommunication systems. Action
may be taken against anyone so
connecting this apparatus..

And that, is what they could do you for. They can't do you
for tricking equipment in Columbia or Hawaii.

So what about all of the scare stories?

You've all heard these rumours. I reckon that they are started by
a certain kind of people, the kind of people who wouldn't want
you to read this file, the sort who will nuke it if you upload
it to their boards. They want to scare you into giving up
using blue-box programs and calling cards. Not to be greedy and
keep it all to themselves - but because they know that if it
continues to escalate then it will die.

BT surely MUST know all about blue-boxing (and calling cards).
Too many people are doing it. The amount of 0800's that have
died or been filtered in the last few months is unprecedented.

If you want to help keep boxing alive then you can. But not by
making up "scare stories" that get discredited later. Just
be careful, don't overdo it. Don't brag to people about it.
Don't copy your box programs for irresponsible people and kids,
and for fuck's sake don't make TV programmes about it.

I'd like to know what other people think so leave me mail
on QED.


| |
| /\_______/\_ __ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\____ /\ |
| / / | \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \ |
| / |___/ | \ ^ \ / \ / \ | \ \__ |
| \ : \ > > \ > \ > |___/ \ |
| \_____ /____|_ /___|_ /___/\ /___/\ /_______\____ / |
| \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ |
| /\ /\ |
| Off. /X DevelopmenT EHQ / \ / \ A2000/030/882/9 @ 40MhZ |
| -> ReG. AmI-ExpresS 3.x \ V / AmigA, SneS, PC, 18PluS |
| -> MySTiC /X-DesigN DHQ > < OveR 2GB & CDRom OnlinE |
| / A \ |
| SyS: TyCooN & KiLLRaVeN \ / \ / CoS: EMPiRE & EasyRideR |
| \/ \/ |
`------ +31-ASK-ELITE ----------------------- +31-ASK-ELITE -------'

__/ __ __/ _ __/ _ __/ _ __/ ___ __/ _ __/ ____/ / __/ ____/
\_ _ \_ / \_ / \_ / \_ / \_ / \_ / \_ _ \_____\_
/ / ??/ _/ / _/ / / / _/ / _/ / _/ / / ??/_/ /
/___ \__ \__ \__/ \__ \__ \__ \__/ \_ \
sAl1 \/______\/ \/______\/ \/______\/ \/______\/ \
/ \ /________\ / \ /________\ /
/ \ / \ /

[ bOONDOCKs! ] [ tRIStAr aNd rEd^sECTOr ?Nc! & zENITh! eUROPEAn Hq! ]
[ tRIStAr & rEd^sECTOr ?Nc! cONSOLe eUROPEAn hQ! ] [ cOMMODORe 64 iNDy ]

sYSOp: [-sAl-?Ne!/tRSi & zENITh!/tRSI!/tOC!/dOSSe pOSSe!-]

cOSYSOPs: [x-tREMe!] [mARIo/tRSi^zNt!] [j.wALKEr/tRSi^zNt!/tRSi!]
[-rEDSKiN!'/tRSi^zNt/aRt][sECTORCHARGEr/2000 aD/tRSi/tRSi^fTh!][aPOLLo/cLS]

--?> oFFICIAl eQUINOx eUROPEAn tOp 2O & mYSTIc sCENe tALk vOTINg sITe!<?--
--?> mYSTic /X dESIGn tESt sITe! & dR.dRe tESt sITe! <?--

2 * cREDITz fOr mAJORs! 3 * cREDITz fOr mAJORs fROm yOUr oWn gROUp!
---?> nO nEw uSEr pASSWORd aNd/oR sYSTEm pASSWORd! <?---

-[ +31-(0)-548-040-653 ]--[ +31-(0)-548-021-716 ]--[ +31-(0)-548-021-848
-[ 16k8 dUAl ]- -[ 16k8 dUAl ]- -[ 16k8 dUAl ]-

[-[[ uPLOADEd bY: EaSy RiDeR ]]-] [-[[ nODe: 1 ]]-]

[-[[ tIMe aNd dATe oF tHe uPLOAd: ]]--[[ 08:14:22 ]]--[[ 16-aPR-94
| CO-SYSOP'S... |
| _____ ELVIN SIGMA SEVEN LYt0x! |
| ______/ __/_______________ |
| \ / \ _ \ _ / |
.-/ / /\__ \/\__ \/-----------------------------------------------.
|/ / / . \ / \ |
|\_______/_____/|__/_______/ /\ |
| / | / \ |
|__________Mb/__|____________________________________/ \________________|
|\ _ / \/ \__ ___/ _ / _ \ _ \ _ \____/ _ / _ /|
|/ _/\/ \ | \ _/\/ _/ / _/ \ _/ / \____ \/ _/\/ |
/ | \ | \ | \ \ \ \____/ \ \ \ / \ \ |
\_______\ \_____| \______\___\ \___|/_____\ \_____\_____/_______\|
| |
| |
| 1.2 GIG ONLINE |
| GVP 040/30MHZ 12MEG 32BIT RAM |
-( oNe oF tHe fASTESt iN eUROPe !!!! )-

/\ /\ ____ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ _____
|| || / __ \ / __ \ / __ \ | __ \ / ____| / __ \ / ___/
|| || || || || || || || || || || || || | |
||___|| || || ||__|| ||__|| || || ||_ ||__|| | |__
| ___ | || || | __ | | __/ || || | _| | __/ \__ \
|| || || || || || ||\\ || || || ||\\ | |
|| || ||__|| || || || \\ ||__|| ||____ || \\ ___| |
|| || \____/ \/ \/ \/ \| |____/ \_____| \/ \| \____/
\/ \/
/\ /\ _____ ____ _____
|| || / ____| / __ \ /\ /\ / ____| |\ /\
|| || || || || || || || | \ ||
||___|| ||_ ||__|| || || ||_ ||\\ ||
| ___ | | _| | __ | || || | _| || \\ ||
|| || || || || \\ // || || \\||
|| || ||____ || || \\// ||____ || \ |
|| || \_____| \/ \/ \/ \_____| \/ \|
\/ \/
For any older wares for the A600
8-) (-8
If there`s any older warez you are after this
is the place to try, Contact me for the number

__ __
|\ _\ |\ _\ _________ THe ONLY BBS WiTH ANARCHY
| | | | | |\________\ __ __
| | | | | || ___ |\__\ |\__\_________
| | |_| | || | | | || | || |\________\ _________
| | |___| || |_| | || \|| || |\________\ _________
| | || |__\| || \| || ___ || |\________\
| | ___ || || || | | | || ______|| |
| | | | | || ___ || || | \|__|| |__ | | ___ |
| | | | | || | | | || |\ || |_____ | |__\ | | | | | |
| | | | | || | | | || ||\ || |\ ___\ | | | | | | | |
\|__| \|__|| | | | || || \ || |\|_ || ___| | | |__\| |
__________ \|__| \|__|| || | || |__\| || |_____| | |
\_PCE 1.3_\_________ \|__| \|__|| || |_____\ | __ /
\__________AMiGA___\__________ \|_________|| || |\ \ \
\_____________SNeS____\__________ \|_________|| | | | |
\______________SeGA____\__________ \|__| \|__|
DiDDy - JOKER - THE PHANTOM \____________\

??????? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??????? ????? ??????? ???????? ???
?????? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???????? ???? ??? ??? ???? ??? ????????
?????? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???????? ???? ? ????? ???? ??? ????????
?????? ??????? ??? ????? ????????? ???? ???? ??????? ???? ??? ????????
?????? ??????? ??? ????? ????????? ???? ???? ??? ??? ? ? ??? ????????
??? ??? ??? ??? ??????? ????? ??????? ??? ??? ??????

???????? ???????? ???????? ??????? ??????? ????? ??????? ?????
????? ???????? ???? ??? ???? ??? ??????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ??????
????? ???????? ???? ??? ???? ??? ??????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ??????
????? ? ?? ??? ??? ???? ???? ??? ??????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ??????
????? ???? ??? ? ? ???? ? ? ??? ??????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ??????
???????? ??? ???? ??? ??? ??? ??? ????? ??? ?????

0 Day Wares * 1.2gig Online
24hrs * 21.6 Dual Terbo !!
* Burn Them Phonelines *
PC Only
Call +44 (0)442-Ask Around

/\ /\
// \ // \ _
_/| \__/ \__/ _ /\_ _/| / \
| | __ _ ___ /%\ / /%\ | | _/| // \_ _/|
|% | | |/ \ / \ | // \/ // / |% | | |// / | | |
|| | |% /% / / / |// /\ // /__ || | | %|\_/\/ | |% |
|| | /\_|| \\ \ / /% // / / // //_ \ || |_| ||___|% |__ || |
|| |_/ /| |\\ \/ /|| \ \ \ \ \_/ \ || _ \ _|/\ |_//\|| | /\
|___ /|| | \\ / || |\_/ \/\ / || | | |\ \// \|_// \| |_// \
\__/ || | \\ / || | [SP] \____/ |__| | ||\_____/_____/_______/
|__| \/ |__| |__|

-*- Running /X 3.37 With 350 Meg Of Files -*-

-*- Old School Atmosphere In The Amiga Area! -*-

-*- The Ultimate Console Board In The U.K! -*-

Sysop Team: Dream Master / Protocol / Zorro / Astropath / Claire

Conferences: Sega Megadrive / Genesis - Super Nes / Famicom
Gameboy - Atari Jaguar And 3DO - Amiga
AGA Fixes / Music Modules

The Number To Dial -*- +44-386-421662 -*- [ NO NEWUSER PASSWORD ]


GDh/\__ /\____/\____/\____ /\__ /\____ _ . . (:.:.:.:.) ? .
/ \/_ /_ /_ /_ /__ \/_ \ _ . (:.:.:.) * . .
/_/ / / / / / / /_// / / / __ . (:.:.) . .
/ /_____/_____/_____/ /_/ /_____/_ _ . . (:.) . . .
/_____/ /___/ . ____ .
___ ___ _____ ________ ________ . [____] * . .
- -\_ Y _/-\ \/ _ / _ \/ __/ __/- - . ? |_||________ . .
_/ _ \_/\/ / |/ / __/\_. \_. \ ||/ \
\ / \ / \_/ | \ | / | \| \ |/-W-A-R-E-Z-\ .
- -\/ - \/\__/ \__\__/\___/\____/___/gh- . . / \ .
/---D-E-P-O-T---\ .
____/\__ _/\______/\___/\_ _/\_____/\_/\__ . /_________________\
\_____ \| ______ ___ | | _____ | / . . V(_-__--__-___-__)V .
C| | _/| __)_ | __| |__| __)_ \_ _ _/ (-_-_-_-_-__-__-) .
r| \| | \ | | | | \ | \/ | \___ __ _ . (_-_-_______--__) .
t|__|___\______\|__| |_____/______\__|_______ __ _ (-__-| | |__-_) *
Supporting Amiga/PC/Snes/Sega/MODs/XXX ^^^^^^^^^^(_-__|US|HQ|-_-_)^^^^^^^
3 x 16.8 DS HST 1.2 Gigs Online ^ ^ AM(-_-_| o|o |_--_) ^^ ^
^ ^ ^ (_-__|__|__|_-__) ^ ^
Sysops: AmigaMan - Mery - Johnny5 - Toms ^ ^ / | \ ^ ^
pEPe - Wintermute - NightBreed - Slash ^ ^ ^ / | \^ ^ ^ ^


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