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Black box plans

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<:-\-Black Box Plans-/-:>


What is a BLACK BOX? A BLACK BOX is a device that is hooked up to your phone that fixes yhone so that when you get a call, the caller doesn't get charged for the call. This is good for al pto 1/2 hour, after 1/2 hour the Gestapo (the

you can guess what happens.
What this little beauty does is keep the line voltage from dropping to 10v when you answur phone. The line is insted kept at 36v and it will
make the phone think that it is still ringing while your talking. The reason
for the 1/2 hour time limit is that the Gestapo thinks that something is wrong
after 1/2 an hour of ringing. (I mean, come on)

(>Phone Modification Instructions<)

All parts are available Radio Shack. Using the least possible parts and arrangement, the cost .98; and that is parts for two of them! Talk about a deal! If you want to splurge then you cngta?+???PC board, and a switch. There are two s

** Schematic 1 for most fones **
** LED ON: BOX ON **

FROM >--------------------GREEN-> TO
LINE >--! 1.8k LED !---RED--> FONE
! !

Parts: 1 1.8k 1/2 watt resistor
1 1.5v LED
1 SPST switch

*You may just have two wires which you connect together for the switch.

** Schematic 2 for all fones **
FROM >---------------GREEN-> TO
LINE >------- ---RED--> FONE
! LED !
! !

Parts: 1 1.8k 1/2 watt resistor
1 1.5v LED
1 DPST switch

Here is the PC board layout that I recommend using. It is neat and is
very easy to hook up:

Schematic #1 Schematic #2

************** ****************
* * * ------- *
* --<LED>--- * * ! ! *
* ! ! * * ! <SWITCH> *
* RESISTOR ! * * ! ! ! *
* ! ! * * ! ! / *
* -------- ! * * ! ! \ *
* ! ! * * ! <LED>! / *
* --SWITCH-- * * ! ! \ *
* ! ! * * ! ! / *
L * ! ! * F L * ! ! ! * F
N>-----GREEN---->N N>-----GREEN------>N
E * h * E E * * E
************** ****************

Once you have hooked up all the parts, you must figure out what set of wires go to the lid which go to the fone. This is because of the fact
that LED's must be put in, in a certain direction. Depending on which way you
put the LED is what controls what wires are for the line & fone.

In order to find out, hook up the box in one direction
using one set of wires for line and the other for phone.

*NOTE* For Model I switch should be OFF.
*NOTE* For Model ][ switch should be
set to side connecting the LED.

Once you have hooked it up, then pick up the fone and see if the LED is
on. If it is, the LED will be lit. If is doesn't light then switch the wires
and try again. Once you know which are which then label them. *NOTE* - If
neither directions worked then your switch was in the wrong position. Now
lable the switch in its current position as BOX ON.

(>Black Box Usage<)

The purpose of this box is not to people who call you so it would make
sense that it can only be used to recieve calls. When the box is *ON*
then you may only recieve calls. Your phone will ring like normal and the LED light on the box willh. When you answer the fone the LED will light and the caller will not be charged. Hang up the fn fe you are done like normal. You will not be ab

o Unknown Author

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