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The unknown Hitler: Nazi roots in the occult

the unknown hitler: nazi roots in the occult

on april 6, 1919, in bavaria, left wing socialists and anarchists pro-
claimed the bavarian soviet republic. the brains of the revolution were a
group of writers who had little idea of administration. life in munich grew
chaotic. the counter- revolutionary forces, the whites, composed of various
groups of decommissioned soldiers known as "frei corps", equipped and
financed by the mysterious thule society, defeated the bavarian soviet within
a matter of weeks.

many other decommissioned soldiers waited out the turbulence in barracks, pfc
adolph hitler among them. after the bavarian republic had been defeated by
the whites, in may, hitler's superiors put him to work in the post revolution
investigating commission. his indictments injected ruthless efficiency into
the kangaroo courts as he fingered hundreds of noncommissioned officers and
enlisted men who had sympathized with the communist and anarchists. he was
subsequently sent to attend special anticommunist training courses and
seminars at the university which were financed by the reichswehr
administration and by private donors from the thule society. this led to an
assignment in the intelligence division of the postwar german army, to
infiltrate groups that could organize the working classes while the
communists were weak. on a september evening, 1919, hitler turned up in the
sternecker beer hall where members and friends of the budding german workers
party had gathered. he quietly listened to the presentation by engineer
gottfried feder, a thule society member, who talked about jewish control over
lending capital. when one of the other group members called for bavaria to
break away from the rest of germany, hitler sprang into action. the
astonished audience stood by while his highly aggressive remarks and
compelling oratory swept through the room. after hitler had finished his
harangue, party chairman and founder, anton drexler, immediately asked him to
a meeting of the party's steering committee held a few days later. he was
asked to join the committee as its seventh member, responsible for
advertising and propaganda.

back in 1912, several german occultists with radical anti-semitic inclina-
tions decided to form a "magic" lodge, which they named the order of teutons.
the main founders were theodor fritsch, a publisher of an anti-semitic
journal; philipp stauff, pupil of the racist guido von list, and hermann
pohl, the order's chancellor. (pohl would drop out three years later to found
his own bizarre lodge, the walvater teutonic order of the holy grail.) the
order of teutons was organized along the lines of the free masons or the
rosicrucians, having differing degrees of initiation, only persons who could
fully document that they were of pure "aryan" ancestry were allowed to join.

in 1915, pohl was joined by rudolf blauer, who held a turkish passport and
practiced sufi meditation. he also dabbled in astrology and was an admirer
of lanz von liebenfels and guido von list, both pathologically anti- semitic.
blauer went by the name of rudolf freiherr von seboottendorf. he was very
wealthy, although the origin of his fortune is unknown. he became the grand
master of the bavarian order and he founded the thule society, with pohl's
approval, in 1918.

after the bavarian communist revolution of 1918, the thule society became a
center of the counterrevolutionary subculture. an espionage network and arms
caches were organized. the thule club rooms became a nest of resistance to
the revolution and the munich soviet republic.

journalist karl harrer was given the job of founding a political "worker
circle". he realized that the workers would reject any program that was
presented to them by a member of the conservative "privileged" class. harrer
knew that the mechanic anton drexler, who was working for the railroads, was
a well-known anti-semite, chauvinist and proletarian. with drexler as
nominal chairman, harrer founded the german workers party in january 1919

the german workers party was only one of many associations founded and
controlled by the thule society. the thule was the "mother" to the german
socialist party, led by julius streicher, and the right-wing radical oberland
free corps. it published the munich observer, which later became the
national observer. hitler became the most prominent personality in the
party. he caused harrer to drop out, and he pushed drexler, the nominal
chairman, to the sidelines. he filled key positions with his own friends
from the thule society and the army. during the summer of 1920, upon his
suggestion, the party was renamed the national socialist german worker party
(nasdap). the new name was intended to equally attract nationalists and

to go along with the new name his mass movement also required a flag with a
powerful symbol. among many designs under consideration, hitler picked the
one suggested by thule member dr. krohn: a red cloth with a white circle in
the middle containing a black swastika.

hitler wanted to turn the german workers party into a mass-conscious fight-
ing party, but harrer and drexler were hesitant, due in part to their woeful
financial situation. the thule society was not yet supplying very much money
and no one seemed to know how to build up a mass party. hitler arranged two
public meetings in obscure beer halls, and he drafted leaflets and posters,
but there was no real breakthrough.

all of this changed dramatically at the end of the 1919 when hitler met
dietrich eckart. most biographers have underestimated the influence that
eckart exerted on hitler. he was the wealthy publisher and editor-in-chief
of an anti-semitic journal which he called- in plain german. eckart was
also a committed occultist and a master of magic. as an initiate, eckart
belonged to the inner circle of the thule society as well as other esoteric

briefly, the creed of the thule society inner circle is as follows: thule was
a legendary island in the far north, similar to atlantis, supposedly the
center of a lost, high-level civilization. but not all secrets of that
civilization had been completely wiped out. those that remained were being
guarded by ancient, highly intelligent beings (similar to the "masters" of
theosophy or the white brotherhood). the truly initiated could establish
contact with these beings by means of magic-mystical rituals. the "mas-
ters" or "ancients" allegedly would be able to endow the initiated with
supernatural strength and energy. with the help of these energies the goal
of the initiated was to create a race of supermen of "aryan" stock who would
exterminate all "inferior" races.

there can be no doubt that eckart- who had been alerted to hitler by other
thulists- trained hitler in techniques of self confidence, self projection,
persuasive oratory, body language and discursive sophistry. with these
tools, in a short period of time he was able to move the obscure workers
party from the club and beer hall atmosphere to a mass movement. the emotion
charged lay speaker became an expert orator, capable of mesmerizing a vast

one should not underestimate occultism's influence on hitler. his subse-
quent rejection of free masons and esoteric movements, of theosophy, of
anthrosophy, does not necessarily mean otherwise. occult circles have long
been known as covers for espionage and influence peddling. hitler's spy
apparatus under canaris and heydrich were well aware of these conduits,
particularly from the direction of britain which had within its mi5
intelligence agency a department known as the occult bureau. that these
potential sources of trouble were purged from nazi life should not be taken
to mean that hitler and the nazi secret societies were not influenced by
mystical and occult writers such as madame blavatsky, houston stewart
chamberlain, guido von list, lanz von liebenfels, rudolf steiner, george
gurdjieff, karl haushofer and theodor fritsch. although hitler later
denounced and ridiculed many of them, he did dedicate his book mein kampf to
his teacher dietrich eckart.

a frequent visitor to landsberg prison where hitler was writing mein kampf
with the help of rudolf hess, was general karl haushofer, a university
professor and director of the munich institute of geopolitics. haushofer,
hitler, and hess had long conversations together. hess also kept records of
these conversations. hitler's demands for german "living space" in the east
at the expense of the slavic nations were based on the geopolitical theories
of the learned professor. haushofer was also inclined toward the esoteric.
as military attache in japan, he had studied zen-buddhism. he had also gone
through initiations at the hands of tibetan lamas. he became hitler's second
"esoteric mentor", replacing dietrich eckart. in berlin, haushofer had
founded the luminous lodge or the vril society. the lodge's objective was to
explore the origins of the aryan race and to perform exercises in
concentration to awaken the forces of "vril". haushofer was a student of the
russian magician and metaphysician gregor ivanovich gurdyev (george
gurdjieff). both gurdjeiff and haushofer maintained that they had contacts
with secret tibetan lodges that possessed the secret of the "superman". the
lodge included hitler, alfred rosenberg, himmler, goring, and hitler's
subsequent personal physician dr. morell. it is also known that aleister
crowley and gurdjieff sought contact with hitler. hitler's unusual powers of
suggestion become more understandable if one keeps in mind that he had access
to the "secret" psychological techniques of the esoteric lodges. haushofer
taught him the techniques of gurdjieff which, in turn, were based on the
teachings of the sufis and the tibetan lamas- and familiarized him with the
zen teaching of the japanese society of the green dragon.

from "the unknown hitler" by wulf schwartzwaller, berkeley books, 1990

the nazi international a union of opposites

the key to understanding the role of the nazi international today is the
concept of "derivative networks". british, american, israeli and soviet
intelligence all have a standing agreement to jointly reap the benefits of
having an extra-governmental network with which to run renegade unapproved
operations untraceable back to the parent organization. this dirty busi-
nesses is run through powerful reorganized remnants of the global nazi empire
building machinery, the nazi international. these derivative networks
incorporate various factions of both rightist and leftist politics, organized
crime, arms smuggling networks and their camouflaged "cut-outs" in law
enforcement, government, trade unions, and communications.

in lausanne, switzerland, there is the bank of international settlements
founded originally in the early 1920's by the anglo-american-french alliance
to collect the war reparations levied against the defeated germans. by the
late 1940's it had become something else under the leadership of francois
genoud. genoud was a prominent nazi official in switzerland during adolph
hitler's rule. he joined the national front for switzerland, the swiss nazi
party at age 21 in the late 1920's. the nfs was financed by the oltramaire
family of the lombard-odier bank of geneva and later served as a channel of
contact between o.s.s. station chief allen dulles. in the 1930's dulles was
new york representative and attorney for such nazi interests as i.g. farben
and schroeders bank, including the abswher, nazi intelligence, and after the
war the first director of the c.i.a. by 1942 genoud's lausanne operations
had expanded into the highest echelons of the international banking community
and were instrumental in laundering billions in stolen and hoarded nazi loot
into international coffers where they could finance such undertakings as the
odessa organization, responsible for smuggling countless nazi war criminals
to safe havens in latin america, spain, north africa and the middle east.
these networks to this day make up the hard core of the international drug
and arms trafficking organizations.

in the early 1950's genoud launched the first attempt at reorganizing the
nazi international and based it in buenos aires. by 1960 genoud had created a
string of trading companies and political fronts including societe interlogin
s.a., a freiborg based export-import company, and the lausanne-headquartered
international association of the friends of the arab world. the latter was
co-founded by a longtime british intelligence agent, benoist mechin, protege
of st. john philby, british double agent kim philby's father. through this
apparatus, genoud became a primary weapons trafficker to the marxist moroccan
polisario revolutionary group and the algerian revolutionary fln. in 1960,
using funds still remaining from the hitler and goebbels trusts, and his more
recent arms revenues, genoud set up the banque commerciale arabe in lausanne.
genoud and otto skorzeny, the s.s. general who, under direct orders from
hitler, rescued mussolini from imprisonment during the final days of wwii,
were providing arms and money to both the right wing french secret army
organization (o.a.s.) under jacques soustelle, and the left wing f.l.n. of
ahmen ben bella.

genoud's banking ties to the o.a.s. raises an important question concerning
his ties to the french anthropologist and o.a.s. leader soustelle. soustelle
was a leading communist agent of the comintern's "red orchestra" in mexico
and south america in the 1940's and is implicated in the assassination of
leon trotsky. in 1941, soustelle and his comintern mentors paul rives and
jean de menil set up organizations which would later facilitate the arrival
of scores of nazis and vichyites into latin america.

in sept. of 1969, genoud was brought in as special advisor to the legal team
defending three pflp terrorists who had attacked an israeli el al plane in
zurich. the lead attorney defending the terrorists was jacques verges, also
known as jacques mansur. verges also served as attorney for nazi klaus
barbie who was put on trial in lyon for war crimes. barbie had been
extradited from bolivia where he was an official in the interior ministry and
deeply involved in cocaine trafficking. barbie was but one nazi-turned-
narcoterrorist whose postwar career was fathered by genoud. genoud's
apparatus encompasses scores of currently active terrorists and narcotics
traffickers in south america, europe, and the middle east.

the international monetary fund (i.m.f.) was founded in 1931 by the london
economist george maynard keynes. lord keynes conceived it as an expansion of
the bank for international settlements which itself was conceived by family
run "fondi", lending banks with a long tradition of playing both sides
against the middle and taking over european ministries and governments by
means of usury to use their armies to collect on further usury. in the late
1700's, the genoese and the venetian fondi created modern switzerland as a
bank with an army attached. it remains the fondi's stronghold.

all of the military, financial and social convulsions which have wracked
latin america, africa, and later southeast asia since wwii have, as their
model, a return to the genocidal empire building conditions of the six-
teenth and seventeenth centuries, and as their objective, a new division of
the world into a "new world order", with national boundaries only a
masquerade for the actual boundaries of the spheres of influence to be carved
up like mafia turf according to which family controls which money laundering-
lending operation, debt collection operation, etc. banking practices based
upon speculation and usury are key to a an understanding of modern politics
and underlay all other strategic political factors such as raw materials
distribution, industrial development, or cultural and intellectual trends.

the fondi exist mainly out of the public spotlight. the evidence of their
existence is the misery they leave in their wake. among these top families
are the montefiores, financial servants of the genoese nobility since the
1200's, the goldsmids and mocattas, leading bullion merchants for the british
royal family since the 1600's, the oppenheimers, controllers of a large
proportion of the diamond and gold mining in south africa, the sassoons,
agents of the british crown in india in the 1700's devoting themselves to
opium production, the banking families of warburg, schiff, meyer, loeb,
radziwil, de menil, di spadiforas, schroeder, von thurn und taxis, von finck,
wittelsbach, lambert, hambro, luzzatto, orsini, weill and countless others
hiding behind the curtain of interlocking banking directorates, holding
companies, offshore banking empires, free port concessions, camouflaged out
of public view. nearly all of these rich powerful families directly
collaborated with central european fascism and manned the dummy governments
of hitler and mussolini. after wwii they went to work for soviet or
anglo-america intelligence, sometimes for both. all of them play an
active role today in the drug, political dirty tricks destabilization, and
assassination operations of the various international mafias.

the "fondo" is the collective financial interest of a "family" of the landed
aristocracy, or a "family" of the rentier-financier aristocracy. the fondo
functions as a private bank, or a syndicate of several fondi may combine
forces to create a jointly controlled private bank or insurance company. the
characteristic activities of the fondi are income from speculations on gains
from the manipulation of commoditiy prices through monopolies over some
portion of trade in a commodity including raw materials and their means of
transportation. syndicates of fondi greatly increase their power over
society by financing the debt of government. if they are able to establish a
relative monopoly of lendable currency, bullion or credit, the syndicate is
can dictate key policies of governments, including the appointments of
government ministries. thus they control policies on tariffs, taxation,
public works, land concessions, special monopolies, and so on. the takeover
of substantial political and financial control in the u.s. has centered on
the recruitment of families such as the cabots, russells, peabodys, morgans,
harrimans, moores, rockefellers, astors, belmonts, wallops and so on.

at the time of the american civil war, the "father of italian unification",
joseph mazzini, founder of italian scottish rite freemasonry, sent two of his
sicilian "young italy" proteges, joseph macheca, charles matrenga and
guiseppe esposito to new orleans to take over the port facilities after the
failure of the british financed and armed confederacy, as an entry point for
post war black market commodities and anti-reconstruction espionage networks.
esposito then traveled through the united states, pulling together italian-
speaking secret societies and establishing intercity communications where
none had existed before. from esposito's tour onward, the sicilian-speaking
secret societies became crime syndicates. the vehicle for the new orleans
mob's conversion to "legitimate" business came to new york from bessarabia,
established his organization in ten years and moved his headquarters to
canada. samuel zemurray, obtained financing from boston and new york banks,
and bought out the macheca gang's shipping interest. joe macheca's shipping
line merged with four others to form the united fruit company, recently
rechartered as united brands. when charles mastrenga died in 1943, the
entire board of united fruit turned out for the funeral. the power ruling
the banana republics of central america is and has been the united fruit co.
every coup in the region has been backed by united fruit, which ran the
nations of central america as slave-labor plantations. for forty years the
united fruit co. stood behind the regime of anastasio somoza in nicaragua.

the link between organized crime, banking and international intelligence is
rarely observed since little is written in traditional academic history that
reveals these links. consequently, law enforcement and always concentrates
on the "little cheeze" and pulls back whenever it approaches connections
which break past derivative cutouts and point to the financial elite. the
link between organized crime and banking received a jolt in the early 1980's
with revelations about the banco ambrosiano, the p2 masonic lodge, the papacy
and the bank of london. this link remains unprobed and unreported even now
in the heat of the savings and loan scandals and the bcci investigations.

the men behind hitler- excerpts from the book by bernard schreiber

thomas robert malthus (1766-1834) was an english political economist and
historian who in 1796 published a book called "an essay on the principle of
population" in which he said that poverty, and thereby vice and misery, are
unavoidable because population growth always exceeds food production. checks
on population growth were wars, famine, and diseases.

malthus's ideas had great impact, only a few asked on what his claims were
actually based. yet neither malthus nor his later disciples ever managed to
put forward any scientific proof for his theory. many scientists have
disproved malthus' theory and the ideology resulting from it.

however, with the book, malthus created an atmosphere which moved his
adherents in 1834 to pass a new law providing for the institution of work-
houses for the poor, in which the sexes were strictly separated to curb the
otherwise inevitable overbreeding. this kind of philosophy urged the calling
forth of drastic measures. the full title of charles darwin's famous book is
not so famous: "the origin of species by means of natural selection or the
preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life". in it he explains
the development of life-forms as a struggle for existence. the result of
this struggle would be a natural selection of those species and races who
were to triumph over those weaker ones who would perish.

francis galton (1822-1911) was an english psychologist and a half-cousin of
darwin. galton extended darwin's theory into a concept of deliberate social
intervention, which he said was a logical application of evolution to the
human race. he called his theory "eugenics", the principle of which was that
by encouraging better human stock to breed and discouraging the reproduction
of less desirable stock, the whole race could be improved.

modern racism really began with arthur count de gabon (1816-1882) who
published his "essay on the inequality of human races". he wrote in of a
fair-haired aryan race that was superior to all the others whose remnants
constituted a tiny racial aristocracy decaying under the overwhelming weight
of inferior races. a revival of his work in germany began ten years after his
death by the pan-germans, an extremely nationalistic and anti-jewish group.

in 1899, gabon's disciple, houston stewart chaimberlain (1844-1927), an
englishman, published "the foundations of the nineteenth century", in
germany. he upheld the german race to be the purest and damned the inferior
races, the jews and negroes, as degenerate. from this point on, eugenics,
social darwinism and racial hygiene fused into a single concept.

in 1904 the first chairs in eugenics wewe instituted at university college,
london, followed by the establishment of the galton laboratory for national
eugenics in 1907. in 1910 the eugenic record office was founded in the
united states, both institutes used the research results of the galton
laboratory of national eugenics to propose practical applications. eugenics
was used an the "scientific" basis upon which racism was fused to politics.

eugenicists believed that the child of a mentally-ill person and a mentally
heathy person would be a mentally-ill offspring. this led to a series of
escalating regimens: separation from society, restraint, separation of the
sexes in defective's colonies, and sterilizations. in great britain one of
the leaders of the mental hygiene movement was miss evelyn fox. she had been
an active member of the eugenics society before the foundation of the
national council for mental hygiene, of which she was an officer and founder.
among the board members was sir cyril burt, who later founded mensa, a high
i.q. group which espoused eugenic principles. the mental hygiene movement
drew strongly from the eugenic movements of whatever country they were in.

shortly after the turn of the century eugenic organizations were set up
throughout the world. while the whole world was being prepared by propaganda
for the sterilization of the insane, the adherents of mental hygiene and
eugenics were preparing their next step, euthanasia. in the u.s.a., dr.
alexis carrel, a nobel prize winner who had been on the staff of the
rockefeller institute since its inception, published his book "man the
unknown" in 1935. in it he suggests the removal of the mentally ill and the
criminal by small euthanasia institutions equipped with suitable gases.

in 1933 the nazi party rapidly consolidated its power. in june of that year,
minister of the interior wilhelm frick put in motion the passage of the "law
for the prevention of hereditary diseases in posterity"- the sterilization
law. architect of the law was ernst rudin, professor of psychiatry at the
munich university, director of the kaiser-wilhelm institute for genealog, and
of the research institute for psychiatry. a separate legal system was set up
consisting of "hereditary health courts", which could decree sterilization
against a person's will. by 1935 the "nuremburg laws" intended to insure the
racial purity of the nation and was aimed specifically at the jews.

in 1934 the institute for heredity, biology and racial research was founded
at frankfurt university by professor ernst rudin's colleague at the kaiser
wilhelm institute, dr. otmar freiherr von verscheur. von verscheur's
assistant there was dr. joseph mengele.

in england, dr. charles killick millard, president of the society of medical
officers of health, brought up in 1931 the question of voluntary euthanasia
and proposed a suitable law. later he became fellow founder of the voluntary
euthanasia legislation society. in 1935 lord moynihan, president of the
royal college of surgeons, founded the euthanasia society .

sterilization and euthanasia were not the ideas of the nazis and never had
been. they were ideas which were supported and promoted throughout the world
by groups with an interest in the development of mental hygiene. germany,
however, was the only country in which the political climate allowed
materialization of the final goal of sterilization and euthanasia.

there is not a great deal known about "t4" compared to other aspects of nazi
germany. t4 was the fuhrer chancellery and the initials came from the full
address which was tiergartenstrasse 4, berlin. "project t4" was fully
integrated into the organizational structure of the reich and fell under
section 11b. ("mercy-death") of the chancellery of the fuhrer. four cover
organizations safeguarded the project t4: the realms work committee in charge
of collecting information on candidates for euthanasia from questionnaires
sent to hospitals, the realms committee for scientific approach to severe
illness due to heredity set up exclusively to apply euthanasia to children,
the charitable company for the transport of the sick which transported
patients to the killing centers, and the charitable foundation for
institutional care, in charge of final disposition of the victims' remains.

at the time the questionnaires went out a number of mental hospitals were
being converted for use as killing centers and schools for murder. death
chambers were built disguised as shower-baths and crematoriums, which were
identical to those later to be established in the death camps in poland.

schooling of the personnel at hadamar mental institution produced perfect
murderers who were used to the smell of burnt flesh, had been taught to trick
people being led to their death and to steel themselves against the crying
and pleading of the victims. on arrival, the victims were stripped, dressed
in paper shirts and forthwith taken to a gas chamber where they were murdered
with hydrocyanic acid gas, and the bodies moved to crematoriums by conveyer
belts, six bodies to a furnace. the psychiatrist in charge at hadamar was
dr. adolf wahlmann, an active member of the german mental hygiene movement.

after the state had been relieved of the burden of these undesireables, the
operation, still under the direction of eminent mental health psychiatrists
in t4, was expanded under the code of 14f13. from being limited to mental
hospitals and institutions, it now embraced german and austrian inmates and
jews in concentration camps who were sick or invalid. at dachau at the end
of 1941 a commission composed of 4 psychiatrists under professor dr. werner
heyde, ss standartenfuhrer and lecturer in neurology and psychiatry at
wurzburg university, arrived at the camp and selected hundred of patients
incapable of work who were transported to the gas chambers and disposed of.

the extermination camps had followed a separate evolution from the concen-
tration camps that were opened a few months after the nazi rise to power.
these death camps had their headquarters, not in himmler's ss organization,
but in the fuhrer's chancellory (t4). franz stangl (austrian gestapo) said
at the nuremberg trials that his progression to builder and commander of the
sobibor extermination camp went through the hartheim and bernberg euthanasia
centers. the original staff at sobibor was taken from hartheim.

during the war eugenics became associated with the nazis and afterwards a
global whitewashing began. the first step was the reconstitution of the many
national councils of mental hygiene. the first was the british association
for mental health. lady prescilla norman, wife of montagu norman, governor
of the bank of england, had been working in the mental hygiene movement since
the 20's. in 1944 they sponsored a congress held at the ministry of health
in london where they established the world federation of mental health- wfmh.

the first elected president of the wfmh was dr. john rawlings rees, a british
psychiatrist associated with the tavistock institute. in 1948 the wfmh was
formally inaugurated at the third international congress of mental health. a
vice-president of the congress was dr. carl g. jung who was described by
fellow vice-president dr. conti as "representing german psychiatry under the
nazis". dr. jung had been co-editor of the journal for psychotherapy with
dr. m. h. goering, the cousin of marshal hermann goering.
george ivonovitch gurdjieff: proto nazi

it may be that the real key to the third reich lies buried in the history of
tibet, for it was here that karl haushofer, the initiate who taught the
youthful hitler, first met in literal fact the superman of nazi legend.


George Gurdjieff- Proto-Nazi

sometime around 1880, a young lama arrived in the tibetan capital of lhasa.
there was little at the time to distinguish him from scores of other novice
monks, except perhaps the fact that he was not tibetan. he had been born in
azochozki, to the east of lake baikal in the siberian steppes. his features
and his race were asiatic- mongolian buriat, but his nationality was russian.

shortly after his arrival in tibet, young dorjieff entered drepung monas-
tery, one of the country's three great seats of religious learning and- at
least according to some observers of the day- a hotbed of political intrigue.
dorjieff seems to have kept remarkably uninvolved in politics for a long
time. his major talents lay in an entirely different direction for, after
years of careful study, he became a professor of metaphysics.

in 1898, dordjieff was sent by his superiors back into russia. his mission
was religious. he was required to collect contributions from the pockets of
those buddhists in the southeastern provinces who looked on lhasa much as
moslems look on mecca. he traveled extensively among the baikal tartars and
eventually came to the attention of the russian government.

the tsarist ministers were no more interested in metaphysics than, their
communist counterparts are today. a strong russian influence in lhasa would
be a farsighted step toward the consolidation of the central asian empire,
which the tzar believed to be his country's birthright. tibet at the time
was in no particular sphere of interest, it had rigorously pursued a policy
of isolation for centuries.

he returned to tibet with many valuable gifts and hopes of converting lhasa
to the tzar's political views. dordjieff's notions had an immediate impact
on the `dalai lama of the day. tibet's traditional defender, china, was no
longer a military power of any consequence- and was besides totally under
british domination. the english were a nation of heretics, with no respect
for the buddhist religion. russia, on the other hand, had genuine military
potential, and there was even- so he said- the possibility of converting tzar
nicholas to buddhism. far from its being a question of tibet falling under
russian influence, dordjieff saw the long-term picture as russia eventually
falling under the religious influence of tibet!

back in 1893, britain had concluded a treaty with china settling some
troublesome border differences with tibet and negotiating limited trading
rights in the southern region of that country. but china, although
nominally suzerain over tibet, could not make the treaty stick.

a himalayan comedy began. british and chinese commissioners arrived on the
frontier to set up the markers of the newly agreed boundary. the tibetans
watched the operation calmly. when the commissioners left, the tibetans took
away the markers and reestablished the old frontier. then britain applied
for her trade concessions. lhasa adopted a bland, blank, oriental pose.
tibet knew nothing of any trade concessions.

but it was no comedy to india's viceroy, lord curzon. dorjieff's activi-
ties were becoming more and more widely known outside tibet- largely due to
dorjieff himself. he made two further trips to moscow and on the second of
these returned toward the end of 1901 with the suggested draft of a treaty
between the two countries. when the cabinet still declined to be persuad-
ed, the dalai lama determined to provoke a crisis with british india which
would lead to russian intervention on tibet's side.

the tibetans encroached on british territory in the mountain protectorate of
sikkim. a tibetan customs post was set up fifteen miles inside sikkim and
british subjects refused passage beyond it. dorjieff boasted- and made sure
that curzon knew of it- that the russians would have a detachment of cossacks
in lhasa by the spring of 1904.

between them, the dalai lama and dorjieff achieved their aim. the british
did indeed react. troops began to concentrate at the sikkim base of
hnasthong. on december 12, 1903, they moved out through the jelep pass.
russia, to the consternation of the two schemers, did not intervene.

the british invasion of tibet was so successful that the dalai lama was
forced to flee his country in 1904. with him went dorjieff, who disap-
peared into mongolia and ceased, from all outward appearances, to play any
further part in international politics.

but outward appearances may have been deceptive. dorjieff appears to have
returned to tibet after the british left. there are suggestions that he was
visited there by karl haushofer in 1903, 1905, 1906, 1907, and 1908.
haushofer, went on to found the thule group in 1923, assisted by dr. theodor
morell, who later became hitler's personal physician. the thule group, which
was molded on similar esoteric groups in tibet, studied the ancient stanzas
of dyzan- the cornerstone of helena blavatsky's "secret doctrine". hitler
and himmler became members of the thule group the year it was formed. so,
later, did goering and the party philosopher rosenberg.

louis pauwels alleges he has information that the group's work involved a
form of divination using a special tibetan esoteric card pack. hitler
appears to have been particularly adept at this and used the system to divine
the political future as a basis for his military decisions. the game, says
pauwels, was also used to keep in mystic communication with the group's
secret master, known by the symbolic title of "the king of fear".

but the group had a rather more mundane means of communication- a radio
transmitter/receiver- which suggests the secret master had corporeal
existence somewhere on the planet. was the king of fear really the tibetan
lama dorjieff? by the 1920's, he had left tibet and was living in france
within easy range of shortwave radio in germany.

he was also beginning to achieve international fame under a new name which
will be familiar to students of the occult, contemporary intellectuals and
psychologists as well. for the lama dorjieff was simply an alias for that
most fascinating twentieth-century occultists, george ivanovitch gurdjieff.

at the root of all his teachings is the notion that men, with only rare
exceptions, live their lives in a state analogous to that of sleep. although
we feel ourselves to be awake and in control of our actions, the reverse is
actually the case. whatever we may imagine, out actions do not spring from
any exercise of will: things merely happen to us, that is all. we go through
life like robots, the effect of a multitude of causes. the weather depresses
us, or the international situation worries us. wherever we are, whatever we
do, we are never free; for freedom ultimately is the freedom to be ourselves,
and few of us even know what we are, let alone how to be it.

"evolution" and "progress" are, according to gurdjieff's viewpoint, meaning-
less when applied to the life of the average man. no real progress of any
sort is possible until we somehow manage to pass out of our curious sleep
state. students who took gurdjieff's psychology beyond the purely theoret-
ical found themselves engaged under his tutelage in a series of physical and
psycho-spiritual exercises designed to help them awake.

gurdjieff believed that men remain asleep throughout their lives because for
most of the time they forget themselves- that is to say, they are not
consciously aware of themselves as active participants in the drama of life.
their attention is continually- and habitually- focused outward, so that
their reactions are merely trigger responses to external stimuli. in order
to wake up from this semi-dream state, he taught that self- remembering was
necessary. the individual had to build up a habit of self- awareness and
build it so solidly that it became his permanent, automatic state.

several of the exercises designed to stimulate self-awareness were, to say
the least, bizarre. at one gurdjieff group, for instance, it was a firm
rule that, at a given signal, each and every member should freeze like a
statue in whatever position he happened to find himself. he was then obliged
to maintain this position without moving a muscle until a second signal
released him. the exercise was fine if the signal happened to come when you
were reclining on a couch. but you might just as easily be forced to freeze
in the act of rising from a chair. as one student commented, the strain of
holding such a position certainly riveted your attention on yourself.

there was, however, a less entertaining aspect of the gurdjieff system.
louis pauwels himself practiced it and ended on the verge of suicide, almost
blind in one eye, and so physically weak that he required hospital treatment.

despite its difficulties and its dangers, the gurdjieff techniques attract-
ed the attention of some of europe's finest minds. katherine mansfield
practiced them, as did the russian philosopher p.d. ouspensky, the opera
singer georgette leblanc, margaret anderson, the first publisher of joyce's
"ulysses", and the psychologist maurice nicoll. d.h. lawrence was drawn to
them, although he could never quite persuade himself to take the study up: he
felt the disciplines might interfere with his prized artistic freedom.

part ii- origins of the swastika

by 1945 the thousand year reich had become a smoking ruin. russian soldiers
pressed through the rubble, fighting from house to house, from street to
street in order to link up with their british and american allies who also
pressed in inexorably on the heart of the dying capital. before they overran
the eastern sector of berlin, these russian troops came across something very
strange: vast numbers of tibetan corpses. the fact is mentioned by maurice
bessy and again by pauwels and bergier, who set the actual number of bodies
at a thousand. they wore german uniform, but without the usual insignia of

the religion of tibet is buddhism, but like the zen of japan, it is a brand
of buddhism far divorced from the indian original. many scholars prefer the
term "lamaism" to distinguish between tibetan buddhism and its parent root.
the religious life of the country is concentrated in a multitude of
monasteries, many of them built in almost inaccessible mountain regions.
side by side with the state religion of lamaism, and flourishing particu-
larly in the rural districts, is tibet's aboriginal religion of bon. the
bon-pas follow a primitive, animistic creed, full of dark rituals and spells.
if the holy lamas of the buddhist sects were looked on as personi- fications
of spiritual wisdom, the priests of bon had a potent reputation with the
common people as magicians.

the nazi leaders were attracted to tibet by those of its secret doctrines
which filtered through to the west. they believed, those members of the
thule group, the luminous lodge, and the various other occult organizations
which helped shape the third reich, in an esoteric history of mankind. and
it was in the archives of tibetan monasteries that this history was
preserved in its purest form.

already, in the latter half of the previous century, intriguing hints about
tibetan secret teachings had been carried to the west by helena blavatsky,
who claimed initiation at the hands of the holy lamas themselves. blavatsky
taught that her "hidden masters" and "secret chiefs" had their earthly
residence in the himalayan region. as soon as the nazi movement had
sufficient funds, it began to organize a number of expeditions to tibet and
these succeeded one another practically without interruption until 1943. one
of the most tangible expressions of nazi interest in tibet was the party`s
adoption of its deepest and most mystical of symbols- the swastika.

the swastika is one of mankind's oldest symbols, and apart from the cross and
the circle, probably the most widely distributed. it is shown on pottery
fragments from greece dating back to the eighth century b.c. it was used in
ancient egypt, india and china. the navaho indians of north america have a
traditional swastika pattern. arab-islamic sorcerers used it. in more
recent times, it was incorporated in the flags of certain baltic states.

the idea for the use of the swastika by the nazis came from a dentist named
dr. friedrich krohn who was a member of the secret germanen order. krohn
produced the design for the actual form in which the nazis came to use the
symbol, that is reversed, spinning in an anti-clockwise direction. as a
solar symbol, the swastika is properly thought of as spinning, and the
buddhists have always believed the symbol attracted luck. the sanskrit
word "svastika" means good fortune and well being. according to
cabbalistic lore and occult theory, chaotic force can be evoked by revers-
ing the symbol. and so the symbol appeared as the flag of nazi germany and
the insignia of the nazi party, an indication for those who had eyes to
see, as to the occult nature of the third reich.

part iii- nazi secret societies

"hitler is one of our pupils. you will one day experience that he, and
through him, we, will one day be victorious and develop a movement that makes
the world tremble." the author of this prophecy was adolph lanz. the
prophecy itself was made in a letter to a member of an occult order early in
1932, a year before hitler came to power. his order of the new templars
derived its basic philosophic inspiration from the grail legends, and it
members met for ritual practice. they seem to have been interested in almost
all the occult arts- particularly those, like phrenology, which go to make up
the outer fringes of esotericism. but the driving force behind the new
templars was the concept of an aryan master race, the purity of which could
only be maintained by the strictest process of selective breeding. he
advocated the sterilization of "inferior races" and the establishment of
breeding colonies to perpetuate the master breed. other "solutions" he put
forward to the problem of the inferior races were starvation and forced
labor. during world war two, of course, hienrich himmler put all these
notions into brutal practice. hitler was reading the works of lanz as a
youth, and the two men actually met in vienna in 1909.

thirty-two years previously, a friend of lanz, one guido von list, climbed to
the top of a hill overlooking vienna and buried a number of empty wine
bottles in the shape of a swastika to celebrate the summer solstice. lanz
was a writer by profession, although never a very successful one in the
financial sense. he was also, as the solstice ceremony indicates, an
occultist and eccentric. at the age of fourteen he made a promise to build a
temple to wotan when he grew up.

list was, on his own estimation, psychic and turned his alleged clairvoyant
talent to divine the distant past. what he saw there was very different
from the picture presented by the history books. there had been an ancient
race of german wise men, initiated into highly esoteric doctrines. this
race was called the armanen. traces of it could be found by those who knew
where and how to look. the last surviving member of the armanen was list

he did not remain too long alone as sole representative of this master race.
in 1908, a secret society of "armanen initiates" was formed to carry on the
tradition. members made a close study of, among other things, rune
occultism, in which list was particularly skilled. years later, another
society formed to preserve the master race was also to study the runes. that
society was the order of the death's head- himmler's ss.

the doctrines of the germanen order follow very closely list's ideas about an
ancient german master race. all the founding members were violently
anti-semitic and at least one of its subsequent leaders was anti-slav as
well. candidates for the order had their skulls measured to make sure they
lay within the limits of strict nordic ideal.

in the entire 1,436 pages of shirer's monumental "rise and fall of the third
reich" there are only two fleeting references to professor karl haushofer.
were are told that rudolf hess introduced hitler to hausofer's ideas sometime
in the early 1920`s. since haushofer was professor of geopolitics at the
university of munich, the assumption is that these ideas were geoploitical in

in fact, this is very unlikely. haushofer was an initiate magician, a member
of the vril society and the thule group. hess, who was also a member of the
thule group and one-time pupil of the strange professor at the university of
munich, not only referred to haushofer as a magician, but also claimed him to
be a "super chief".

a close friend of haushofer and a fellow member of the thule group was the
drunken poet deitrich eckhart, a man often referred to as the spiritual
founder of national socialism. eckhart's indulgence in alcohol killed him in
the early winter of 1923, but before that day came, he spent almost three
years as close adviser to the youthful hitler.

the concept of vril was created by an english nobleman of the nineteenth
century: baron lytton of knebworth. bulwer-lytton, as he was widely known,
saw the vril as an enormous reservoir of universal power, some part of which
could be concentrated in the human body. in his imaginative novel "the
coming race", lytton describes a subterranean nation of supermen who had
gained control of the vril and used it to work miracles.

hans horbiger, creator of a bizarre cosmology which taught that the
universe came into being and was maintained by an eternal struggle between
fire and ice, saw his doctrine of the welteislehre- eternal ice- spread
fairly widely throughout germany as early as 1925. several future nazi
leaders came to subscribe to it, including the party philosopher, alfred
rosenberg and possibly even hitler himself. the horbiger faithful, having
reached positions of considerable power in 1933, began during the war to
wonder if the rocket tests might not interfere with the delicate balance
between fire and ice and cause a global disaster.

it was not the only instance of germany's "totalitarian" war effort being
interrupted because of insane occult theory. in april, 1942, for instance,
dr. heinz fisher and a team of top german scientists were put to work with
rare and very precious radar equipment on the baltic island of rugen. the
object of the exercise was to prove a curious secret doctrine which, if true,
would give germany an enormous advantage over the allies- if not
intrinsically, at least by virtue of the fact the nazis knew the truth and
the allies did not.

this secret doctrine taught that mankind lived on the inside surface of a
hollow earth. "outside" stretched a womb of solid rock, reaching to
infinity. the sun, a far smaller globe than was usually imagined, hung in
the center of the bubble in the rock; so did the moon. the sky was a cloud
of blue gas. the stars were pinpoints of light within it.
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