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What is Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth?

T.O.P.Y is.....

No matter how often we stress that thee Temple seeks to create a sense ov
fierce individuality, that it is for each Individual to redefine and redesign
TOPY within themselves to meet their own needs, thee questions still arise:
What is TOPY? What is thee Psychick Cross? What is thee significance ov 23?
It seems that there is still a need, or at least a belief that such things
should be cast in black and white, for a clear, concise description ov exactly
how TOPY should be viewed, ov how its signs and symbols should be interpreted.
Not that such questions can be answered, certainly not in a way that would
remain specific enough to satisfy thee enquiring, yet broad enough to remain
true to thee multitude ov Individuals who make up thee Temple. As we have
said before, and no doubt will say again, TOPY exists to promote a system ov
functional, demystified magick, utilising both pagan and modern techniques.
It is a process ov individual and collective experimentation and research
with no finite answers, dogmas or unchallengeable truths. It is for each to
discover his or her own understanding ov thee questions that suggest
themselves, and through that voyage ov discovery to find their personal and
true identity, thee True Will. To set down on paper pre-packaged responses
would be to deny thee opportunity for self-expression, to defeat thee
purpose for which we are all striving. Worse than this, it would take away
thee fun, thee simple joy ov finding things out for ourselves.

Thee following texts are drawn from a variety ov sources, but all deal with
thee most common questions that are asked. Some are written by
Individuals with considerable experience ov TOPY methods, others by those
who are new to thee Temple. Some are taken from letters clarifying ideas or
criticising TOPY, others from more general places. We have taken much from
thee many responses we have had to thee Skills Access form all Temple
Individuals are asked to complete. Thee views expressed are entirely those
ov thee individual authors. They have been edited to fit into thee structure
ov this booklet, but in all cases we have taken care not to distort what has
been said, or to interpret what we as individuals may find unclear. This is
thee Temple talking to thee Temple - a communion and communication ov
Individuals to Individuals.

Before we go further, it should be remembered that people are attracted to
TOPY for many different reasons, that there is nothing consistent, nothing to
categorise. There are those who claim to know nothing, and those who
presume to know it all. This changes in time, as thee Temple draws out
strengths and eliminates weaknesses.

Everyone, without exception, who gets in touch with thee Temple is urged to
demonstrate their interest by setting out their own thoughts and ideas, a
first step in showing a commitment to what thee Temple stands for. We are
pleased that those who think they know little are at least as able to respond
as those with greater experience. There is no "right response", and no shame
in honesty. We thank all those who have contributed to thee publication ov
this booklet, and urge everyone who reads it to follow their lead. As
information flows in, so we will ensure that it flows out. That is thee
meaning ov Feedback, a continuity ov expression flowing both in and out,
creating a new understanding, a new sound, a new dimension.

T.O.P.Y. is action against dissatisfaction
in a society that is passive not peaceful
(aiming for the throat)

From the Institute Of Positive Pagan Nihilism
to the passionate process that enfolds
(but does not control)
there is hope through energy.

Energies directed and multiplied,
energies conformed then deformed
energies facilitating psychick enemas.
To purge and purify,
to pain and putrefy.

To communicate is to cure.


Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth is a collective body ov Individuals, all
working together towards a common goal. It is about thinking deeply about
oneself, questioning one's role in a so-called free society.

Man is essentially a robot: he has set programmes imposed on his life, even
before he is born. Whatever Man does he should do with passion. He should
rise above thee imposed trappings ov society. Involvement with thee Temple
is purely active and positive, thee bottom line being: "I don't want to lead a
pointless existence, following and accepting thee indoctrination ov a
worthless society.

With Man's progress, our self-destructive nature drives us all further from
our true selves. In thee Temple we are a group ov people trying to halt this
process by turning into ourselves and helping others to accomplish thee
same. From birth, a person is conditioned to conform to thee accepted laws
and morals ov thee society in which they find themselves - each institution
and aspect ov our culture is intertwined with guilt and fears in order to push
us on to thee acceptable path. Society is thus so easily capable ov moulding
one into a flat, one-dimensional person (thee socially acceptable yet
controlled person). TOPY goes to thee root ov thee problem, challenging us to
honestly reveal our innermost needs, expectations and desires, ov bringing
them to consciousness in the hope ov breaking society's Chain ov Control.

Involvement with TOPY can stem from an interest in investigating thee
potentialities ov thee brain: knowledge that has been massively suppressed
by those in Power. It includes making known information on both a
political/conspiracy level, and on thee level ov an Individual's control over
their own life. We have been taught to view thee State as a crutch to lean on,
to fill our heads with pre-packaged ideologies that avoid thee need for us to
think for ourselves and which create a society ov dead, bored, apathetic
people. TOPY counters this by fighting conditioning and by allowing thee
individual's true selves to come through - at thee same time there is
action/research to demonstrate how all pervasive thee "spectacular" society
is. By working together we can pool research, theories and actions: this way
forward avoids needless duplication and, where necessary, provides allies
and support for action. Much ov thee control mechanism ov society is based
on guilt about/around sex, it being easier to control a sexually repressed
person who thus always has a weak spot for thee Servants ov Power to
press. For this reason, thee Temple strives to destroy thee conditioning ov
guilt that lies deep in thee mind and which chains it to a mundane existence.
Through thee process ov freed (and free) love/sexuality thee mind can be
focused and channelled against all ov Power's conditioning mechanisms.

Thee tools ov thee Temple are first and foremost those which lay us open to
thee reality ov life in permanent flux. Many techniques can be used: trance
inducing music, chanting, dancing - these can all help strip down our outer
mundane shell, exposing our inner core to thee free play ov creative forces.
Thee method most favoured by thee Temple (because it is surrounded by
thee most imposed guilt, fear and limitation) is thee unashamed exploration
ov sexuality. Fundamental to thee workings ov thee Temple is thee belief
that great psychic force/energy is released at thee point ov orgasm and that
this, if channelled, can effectively "make those things happen" which will
bring you closer to your ideal self.

This technique, and many more, can be found within thee many and varied
spiritual/magickal traditions ov thee world. It is thee aim ov thee Temple,
through practical experimentation, to extract thee core ov truth running
through all, and thus demystified to present a working formula for any
Individual courageous and compassionate enough to strike against dogma,
habit, guilt, fear and all that weighs on thee spirit; to strike against flat
monotony under all its titles, and to step into a magickal perception ov thee

TOPY is a lifeline ov magickal people aiming to change society for thee better
through thee magickal transformation ov Individuals, and by helping people
to understand thee power and potency ov their sexuality. A common mistake
people make is that they think that TOPY is just another fanatical religious
organisation. They hear thee name "Thee Temple Ov Psyckick Youth" and
automatically assume its philosophy will be an unquestioning dogma for thee
masses. (Proving ov course that thee society-controlled mass mind simply
projects its crippled reality on to those who seek to challenge thee orthodoxy
ov thee moment.) However, thee difference between TOPY and other groups
is that we create an environment in which Individuals have no choice but to
find their own answers in order to improve themselves. Thee emphasis is
very much on individual exploration. TOPY gives people hints and pointers,
and whereas other organisations may make it easy for people seeking to find
"answers", TOPY stresses that it is up to thee Individual's personal efforts
for anything to be gained. And it is a two-way process: as thee Individual
learns things from involvement with thee Temple, so thee Temple as a wider body
learns from thee Individual.

There are elements ov truth in all schools ov thought, but not one single
school can be thee "most correct" (no monopoly on knowledge!). What is
needed is to take thee parts from all - those aspects that seem thee most
logical and honest - and to discard that which perhaps reeks ov theatricals;
understanding thee use ov rituals, as did thee so-called "ignorant" Indians ov
America before thee evil Christian soiled their pure mind (pure in that they
understood thee deeper reality that is thee essence ov magick). Many races
and cultures ov thee world have stumbled across truths in their religions.
We should make use ov these and develop our own minds in all possible ways.

Ov every organisation, TOPY comes closer than any to thee ideal ov freedom.
All areas ov life, especially those most taken for granted as being correct and
right, are called into question. Questions open up possibilities ov thought and
action, all in thee pursuit ov a sublime happiness. Not only does this intense
questioning stimulate life, but it helps us affirm or reaffirm ideas and
behaviours. TOPY allows people more confidence and comfort - hence more
pleasure with themselves - in their own environment. Comfort is not
laziness. TOPY further guarantees freedom (something that no other social
arrangement can do, except that which evolves between very close friends)
by not only tolerating differences in thoughts and actions, but by
encouraging natural, intrinsic differences; that is, TOPY recognises thee inate
potential godliness ov being; and its methods, its Psychick Cross, its 23, its
Ov, can all help foster thee beauty ov each Being.

Thee Temple is a creative organisation, a place to share and learn. Creativity
needs to be freed. Time waits for no-one. We live once, so we take the
opportunity: Participation.

Is thee Temple Ov Psychick Youth a cult?

Yes, a non-existent one in that it exists as a cult only for those who are
uninformed and uninvolved. Thee Temple gives those involved positive
ammunition in thee war to relcaim ourselves, our world, our time, our love,
thee truth. To disconnect thee cables ov control.

Thee Temple az a non-organisation recognises thee reality ov Individuals.
Thee power ov Individuals focused by choice to some common points. We, as
multi-dimensional peoples live yes and no; colours, not black and
white/either-or. There are more than two choices! Religion, history,
psychology, magick: integrated for individual use. Sucksessors? To thee
Surrealists and thee Hippies? Radical interest in political and spiritual.

Sexuality as focus. Ov Power. Subconscious guns. Thee orgazm as divine
messenger. No denial ov sense-based vision. We are free! Let us stand up to
see it through thee veil ov control.

Many people ov small mind and spirit try to deny thee Temple its right ov
existence. They are so completely disillusioned and hopeless that they
demand we all be as miserable as they are. They call us crazy, power
hungry, ego-maniacs, perverse, money-hungry, non-sensical freaks.

O.K. Crazy? To change thee world we live in, yes.
Power hungry? For power over our own lives and destiny.
Ego-maniacs? Yes, if as usual their definition ov an ego-maniac is someone
who wants to achieve, grow, change and progress. Yes - WE DO THINGS!
Perverse? Yes, and proud. Thee rational ov thee world is no rationale.
Sense? Right? Normal?
Whose sense? Whose right? Whose normal? No sense makes sense. Our
sexuality is our own. If you don't like it, leave it.
Money hungry? Sure. Money is but a way to get things done. Not thee only
way, but a way.
Freaks? Oh yes! No, we do not fit in, we never fit in, and we choose it that
way, thank you. Fashion, morals, duty: they are yours not ours. YOU keep
them. A freak is someone with individual motivation, separate from thee
dictates ov past, present and future.

Thee Temple is not for all. In this time/space or ever.


TOPY is a collaboration ov Individuals. We fight all forms ov restriction to
realise thee potential ov thee human brain through a system ov pagan
Magick. It exists devoid ov dogma, be it political or religious. Information is
shared amongst those involved, not in order to be treated as instruction but
rather as a means to promote participation, discipline and contribution to an
ideal as opposed to self-ambition. Thee recognition that only truth counts.
Rituals (sigils) are employed as a means ov discovering one's true psyche,
desires (and their realisation), integrating thee conscious and subconscious as
a way to produce a spiritually whole person as opposed to a fragmented

TOPY attempts to wake people up to thee fact that they are controlled,
socially programmed to suit those with an interest in control, and that guilt
and fear are weapons employed to suppress natural advancement.
Preconceptions must be swept aside and a de-programming occur until
fearless and guiltless sexuality is mastered. Thee Temple embraces suitable
forms ov technology to support its aims for collective advancement. Methods
ov information access include PTV recordings, booklists, video
deprogramming transmissions. These are all designed to surprise, even
shock, but with a view to expansion, thee removal ov limitation.


It is difficult to understand the infinite and the inexpressible contained,
albeit hidden controlled and repressed, in much ov the grey parade that is
called life, even within one's own mind; but to communicate an idea that is
beyond your own ego to another ego is almost impossible. The clclosest things
to transmitting such ideas are Zen Parables, or Koans, such as what is the
sound of one hand clapping, or what is enlightened Buddha being answered
by being hit over the head with a brick. The Temple represents colour, but
colour has to be seen, not intellectually analysed.

I justify my involvement with the Temple by saying, just as the present
world needs the Temple (love being such a rare bird) I feel the need to help
and be part ov something that represents evolution and a better future. I
personally have lost "friends" because ov their inability to perceive what the
Temple means (people conditioned by shit... who see in their little egos the
wearing ov a PTV badge as evidence ov a brainwashed moonie-type cult.

How can I be in a cult when I know only one individual even slightly
connected with the Temple?; yet people whose only knowledge ov the
Temple - love, the future, colour, magick as sublime poetry - is gleaned from
those who wish to climb up the intestines ov the machine ov Babylon by
slagging the Temple off, presume to know better). Magick defends itself, but
at times the gentleness I see in the Temple makes it a sitting duck for the
projection ov complexes ov the cynical, bitter and controlled. The Temple's
crusade to free the individual from control so s/he can grow focuses on
sexuality because it's the only thing everybody is involved with at some
point in their passage from birth to death, in whatever form. This is what
scares the repressed, the puritanical who seem intent on punishing a new
generation for the brief but vital progress that took place in the 60s. There
is no Temple sexuality: its sexuality is mine, yours, or that ov any other
individual involved. There is fuck all wrong with sex despite the macho-men
and unbelievable creations ov the media and the flags ov restriction put up
by both the political left and the right (all nasty oppressive illusions, not
only are all cliches true, but all paradox).

The methods ov the Temple are vital because ov the appreciation ov the
functional uses ov technology, the Magick ov the 1980s is filed on computer,
photographed and taped, rather like the tools ov control. As Peter the Great
ov Russia said: "our enemies will teach us how to beat them." The Cross is a
symbol. Like all symbols it helps communicate an idea quickly and focuses
the will. It is potent and harmless and very powerful. The nuber 23 is a bit
ov a situationist prank as nothing freaks out the flat people as this mystic

The Temple = psychedelic + discipline

Individuals controlling their own minds themselves, by opening up.



Most people, when they come into contact with TOPY, will do so via Psychic
TV. Whilst being a useful expression of and filter for TOPY, this has been the
cause of misunderstanding of what TOPY is about, why it has to be here.

Firstly, it's important to say that TOPY is emphatically not a fan club for PTV
- not a spin-off. While PTV are there for everyone to see, access without
thought, as it were, TOPY is something else - it "gives" to the amount you
"push". It lies behind, but is not contained by, PTV.

This much should be obvious. It is easier to say what TOPY isn't than to say
what it is.

Basically, TOPY as a "system" is an expression of the ideas and methods of all
the individuals involved. But TOPY "in itself" is harder to define - it is the
idealised Hidden Instrument of Evolution - the "organum occultus". The
hidden instrument is magickal- a synergetic interaction of certain powers of
the brain. It has no "direction". Its centre is everywhere. Thus it cannot be
"possessed". The hidden instrument is the means by which inner potential

TOPY is about setting change into motion NOW. It's about questioning
authority NOW. It's about releasing the social function of subjectivity from
the doghouse. Letting the dog roam free.

All this is now. TOPY has arrived as an urgent force to overcome the endless
deferral of all this - the realisation of our dreams.

Our resource - our sincerity.

It is a synchronistic vector - the "dis-ease" being the dream of social and
individual transformatin - of which we continually remind ourselves, and
struggle to realise, in our rituals, our work.

TOPY is an expanding system of caring and action - communication without
limit - MUTUALITY. We are aware that language alone does not suffice. Too
many systems expand in direct proportion to their insistence on the dogma
of their WORD. TOPY's method is to cut up the word, cut up behaviour - to
find meaning beyond the parameters of Control. To re-connect at the source
- our "spirit".

Therefore, it is not a religion, not a cult. We have no use for gods, devils,
"instruction". We have nothing to fall back on but that which is in us.
Everything we see is ourselves. TOPY is, in the best sense of the word, a
movement. The movement, the process, being continual and at various levels
simultaneously - spotting the lies, the disjunction between socialised "givens"
and our dreams, our real potential - deciding to commit oneself to re-
connecting with one's potential - and doing. We have many "people" within
each one of us - we want them all.

This is expressed in our ritual and all our manifestations. Our network - our
mutual experience and searching of TOPY.

The maturity of man/woman - that means to have reacquired the
seriousness that one had as a child at play. (Nietzsche)

Vide infra (SSOTBME)

As explained at some length in the Grey Book, the Temple's initial and root
method is the recognition and utilisation of our true sexuality - the
invocation of primal sexual energies latent in the subconscious. The concept
of "sexual energy" is, for the Temple, interchangeable with "psychic energy".
Sex is the medium for magick - the frequency of truth. The sigil is its
practice, the keystone.

...the significance of sexuality must be extended to embrace Reality, or that
which endures after all else fades... (Kenneth Grant)

In a very real way our sexuality is interactive with our behaviour as a
whole. With the Temple Method we cut up traditional sexual behaviour in
order to release the New Sexuality - new because it is everchanging, ever
regenerating. Thus liberating our real sexuality (everybody - every man and
woman is a man and woman), we liberate our behaviour away from Control.
We seek to deprogramme ourselves from harmful internalised alienating
stereotypes. "Control begins with sexuality" (TOPY). We seek to reacquire the
seriousness and curiosity that we had as children, to observe and act without
guilt/fear. If there is one simple description of TOPY, it is that every
involved Individual recognises the need to overcome GUILT and FEAR of
DARING TO BE. We "see below" in order to "rise up".

New sexuality - ever youthful.


Jung saw symbols as "libido analogues", capable of transforming energy. A
representation channels libido (psychic/sexual energy) into new form -
invokes ever renewed potential. Symbols in themselves represent NO
SEPARATION. That is, the Psychic cross is a total synthesis of all we think of
and mean by the Temple. For express purposes, and certain time-zones,
some of its components can be isolated, but ultimately there is no separation.
It exists of itself: the characteristic of all living symbols.

Because the Psychick Cross has many "personalities", a multiplicity of
explanations, it is an ideal symbol for TOPY. Various significances have been
pointed our: the single vertical line as the Individual, bottom horizontal as
Past, middle horizontal as Present, top as Future. The Cross of Jesus and the
inverted Cross of Satan combined. A television aerial. The alchemical symbol
"very poisonous".

"We didn't choose it so much as the symbol chose us." A symbol of
disenchantment, uncertainty and challenge/change.

The point of all this is that, like a true Individual, it cannot be pinned

Neither - Neither.

The Psychick Cross also incorporates the 23 mythology. The number 23 is
total neither-neither territory (Austin Osman Spare's mindfuck technique -
comparing opposites separate, together, then absent).

(But of course it isn't. It is just a number like any other, 22 before it, 24
after, surely?) Except that 23, for us, seems to behave very strangely. It has
become a snake in the grass of reason. Thus the exception; for the Temple
always the exception. The Individual. Every man and woman is a 23.

"A presence, neither good luck or bad luck, it seemed to have some sort of
control over its appearance." Like the Psychick Cross, 23 has been isolated to
symbolise certain concepts, random chance, Crowley's GET OUT, Burroughs'
total cut-up, Robert Anton Wilson's total paranoia symbol. Its "common" (!)
significance is its provocativeness, its individuality, however one wishes to
depict it. So, OK, you have your cynicism, you may remain unconvinced, may
not recognise TOPY, you see everywhere human weakness and self-interest -
but the next step is to realise that cynicism is not a total answer, that the
facade/shell of ego/"cool"/style can, and must be, discarded before we grow
once more and enter a new "time zone" of evolution. Drop your shield, be
vulnerable, thee wound is the reminder, you cannot remain untouched, so
touch yourself.

Enter the Combat Zone. The Temple has declared war. It does not do so lightly.

T.O.P.Y. is an energy, fuelled with fiery Individuals who want change.
Change. People are too hung up with sex, with getting things done, so they
mess up. No-one cares anymore. To become rewarded is to give. And to give
is contagious, to create synergism.

The Self is who I am after, yet I cannot find her until I give her away, and
watch her without from within; then I can go. Egos are selfish and jealous -
to reverse the Ego is to open the mind; to be curious; to recognise, to
understand, to commit. Without altering the Ego one cannot undergo the
process. E to 3.

I am curious. Curious and willing to learn. Tell me what I could do for the
group that would help me. Not really help, but INlighten. For we are all out
for INlightenment, for each one of us, ourselves, and for the whole. First
know to be yourself, then to help the group, then to know you ARE your self.

For me I cannot "When in doubt - BE EXTREME"
Right now it's "When in doubt - Do Nothing"
I am curious Right Now.


Life is mediated by symbols. Symbols that steal. Numerical symbols that
steal our intelligence. Word symbols that steal our voice. Pornographic
symbols that steal our sexuality. Magical symbols that steal our will. A death
on your symbols. Let each kill themselves.

The Psychick Cross is a symbol that represents the idea of "without
Symbols". It is the first entry in a dictionary of the future Meta-symbolical
language, a language of no-thought.

T.O.P.Y. is directed anger (which in itself is only Love). A foundation set up
to compile this "dictionary" which all WEs will need in order to survive. A
clearing house of symbols.

When ever you dis-cover stamp on a Psychick Cross. This release it for our use.


The Temple Ov Psychick Youth is an organisation that has been created to
further the ideas and feelings of those who feel that they have something to
contribute to the running of society. The Temple involves a large scope of
feelings and images that are connected to each other by the potency of their
own desires.

Firstly, the Temple as an organisation is created for those who feel and
believe that they can increase their own potential in body and mind by
pushing themselves to the limit of their durability, and do so in such a way
that they can find the limitations of their own body as well as finding how
far they can really go in producing a perfect understanding of themselves.
Unlike other creations, the Temple does not try to coerce of push an
Individual into doing what "it" wants them to do - the contrary is true, the
Temple encourages the individual to think and act for themselves, perhaps
offering gentle instruction as an aid to success. The Temple remains as a
haven for help where friends are guaranteed. A spiritual as well as physical
father. By involving oneself with the Temple you find that the trappings of
an autocratic society are handcuffs to the spirit, holding you in place,
disabling a mind, disallowing it to think and act for itself - laying down
rigid rules that must be adhered to. The Temple, conversely, encourages us that
we need no regimented rules to survive, all we need is to expend a minimal
amount of consideration for our fellow people, to accept differences in colour,
ideas, sexuality, etc. Falling (sic), the rules of our wonderful and
enlightened society has led to nothing but war, man killing man; religion
playing a large part in the reasons for war. Religion is another point that the
Temple puts across. It shows us the trivialities in religion be it Christian or
Hindu. The idea of believing in a spiritual god - how abhorrent. It insults the
intelligence to have god and jesus rammed down our throats - Crass put my
feelings very well when they said Jesus died for his own sins, no mine.
Religion is an easy way for a frightened people to hide behind the eventuality
of their own death - it's okay, we will be going to a better life - what a
joke. The only temple/god we should worship is our own bodies - any sacrament
to be given should be exercise of the mind and body. Prayer should be an
introspective look into your own feelings.

The Psychick Cross is a symbol that is easily recognisable - and therefore a
medium through which publicity can be shown. Unlike the "cross" the
psychick cross is a very strong image of ideals, and shows a firm belief in
what we feel the Temple stands for; I know that when people see the cross
on my clothes - be it badges, t-shirts - and they ask what it stands for, they
will always associate it with the Temple as well as Psychic TV. The strength
of its images remains in the subconscious, therefore leading to easy

The Temple roots its beliefs in magic where sexuality and mental strength
have always played an important role. This world is inhibited by its narrow-
mindedness of sexuality. The Temple shows us that we should not be
embarrassed by it, nor inhibited by it. This does not necessarily mean
infidelity, or polygamous behaviour. Free Love can be practised between two
individuals involved in a close relationship because the restraints of society
are prevalent in marriage etc. It encourages us to be free - the most
important aim for all humans - to be rid of a repressive society and to
develop together with no feelings of materialism.

Although society is against us, too many people are unable to stand up for
themselves, they allow themselves to be carried along without stating how
they wish things should be done. If we work hard enough though, perhaps
one day we will have a world where at least the ideas of the Temple are
practised, even if they are disconnected from the actual force and developer
of those ideas.


The Temple is a group of people who together, and individually, work to
combat any form of personal restriction. Quite simply we want to make our
dreams, and those of everyone else, come true.

We work on three levels, or ratios. On the first level we examine our real
selves, discovering our dreams, our potential, our REAL selves. We then try
to live our lives, realising our dreams and making the most of what we have
to offer (skills, abilities, etc...), thus following (to use a rather archaic
term) our destiny. Once an initiate begins to work on this ratio, he/she has a
chance to take joint control of the helm. The Temple is constantly evolving:
each initiate has the chance to help dictate the direction of that evolution.
In the 3rd ratio we work to try and improve the world in which we live. At this
level we try to act as an evolutionary goad, pushing mankind back on course.

We realise that the only way of achieving anything is to help one another. So
whenever we can we donate time, money, ideas and skills to T.O.P.Y. We receive
no reward for this: no medals, no "I raised ?100" selling shirts. The reward is
the knowledge that we have helped someone else to realise their dreams.

We are an international group, with bases in the UK, Holland, Germany,
Sweden, Canada and America.

As is obvious ("Temple" & "Psychick") we are metaphysically minded. Many
of our methods could be considered magickal. Magick is merely a technique
for helping us negate the effects of restriction and control; and live (again
that rather naff word) destiny. We are constantly developing and refining
our own magick. We do not believe in any great powerhouse in the sky, any
gods, angels, demons, etc. We have realised that the human brain is capable
of much more than it is used for. Our magick operates within the human
nervous system - and works!

Our magickal techniques are a little too "technical" to go in to. Suffice it to
say that one of our main sources of energy is sexuality and orgasms. Sex
plays a very important role in our philosophy as the energy obtained from it
is tremendous. As was said earlier, we try to "touch our real selves". Our
first stepping stone to this is the removal of restriction placed on our
sexuality by society. Once a month, or more, an initiate performs a simple
magickal exercise which is designed to bring him/her closer to his or her real
sexuality - as experienced in sexual fantasies. There should be no holds on
sex, one should be able to enjoy sex in whatever way one, and one's
partner(s), want to.

Our symbol, logo, emblem or whatever - the Psychick Cross - contains a great
deal of symbolism. The most obvious facets are: 1, it is the reverse of the
Papal Cross, thus making it an anti-papal cross; 2, it is an "E" for Ego,
backed with a reversed "E", thus representing the negation of the Ego's role
over the human mind.

In many systems of magick numbers are said to have meanings. 23 has
many meanings all of which are applicable to the Temple: Initiation; Union of
Fire and Water (symbols of male and female) - sex; Integration of all levels
of consciousness.

I first heard of T.O.P.Y. through the drunken ramblings of someone I now
find it impossible to describe. At the time "Godstar" boomed from his room
almost constantly. After this, a friend lent me "Dreams Less Sweet". I bought
a few records, sent off for some literature.

Previously, I had dabbled with THELEMA, which seemed to ask the right
questions, but gave the wrong answers. T.O.P.Y. seemed to ask equally
pertinent questions (and sometimes more so), and answered them with
nothing but Hagbard Celine's "Think for yourself Schmuck". As time went on
I became increasingly interested in, and in agreement with, the Temple's

At last a decent magickal system. No more silly Kabbalistic rituals. Simple,
straightforward, and functional. A chance to help, however little, however
much. Perhaps even to meet people who've got better things on their mind
than taking the piss.


The Temple is an international group of people who want to improve the
quality of not only their own lives, but of everybody. We have realised that
the life of the average person lacks direction and meaning. Human beings are
persuaded, by various methods, to do what they are told, however subtly,
rather than what they really want. Some realise this and "drop out", hiding
the world behind a beer can or a line of coke; others try to change the world.
We are in the latter group. We try to do nothing unless we really want to.
We try to differentiate between "pretend" desires programmed into us by
society, and our true wishes. We then try to live these true desires. That is
what real freedom is. Our method is, I believe, the most powerful. We use
magick; not card tricks or turning princes into frogs; but real magick (that's
what the "k" on the end signifies), which is a method of programming your
own mind to do what you want it to do. We use sex as a tool for elevating the
mind in much of our magick. Sex is one of our basic needs. It is also the most
powerful force we have access to.


What attracted you to T.O.P.Y.?

The systematic use ov will power to make dreams become real. The
undogmatic appreciation ov the inherent potentials ov thee Individual who
wants to see and is not afraid to invest energy in finding their true self,
their true desires, and to act accordingly. Furthermore, the new approach to
Magick: a demystified system ov practical techniques to extend the
perception and skill ov acting consciously according to one's own nature
without guilt.

In what ways has T.O.P.Y. failed to live up to your expectations so far?

I see T.O.P.Y. as an active forum/expression/output ov thee assembled
energy ov its members. I consider myself taking part in thee process and
don't feel that thee organ has failed to live up to my expectations as they are
identical with thee expectations I have for myself in life. I apply T.O.P.Y. in
my life according to my own interpretation and accept no dogmaa, and as
long as I feel that my intentions coincide with T.O.P.Y. and that its structure
is based on mutual appreciation/trust/respect/challenge/communication
then I invest energy in this forum. I am curious/open-minded by nature. In
thee course ov time and involvement much is explained. I have no fear.

Explain T.O.P.Y.

Through education, school, inherited dogmatic value systems, TV, radio,
written/spoken propaganda people are continously deprived ov their self
respect as unique manifold human Individuals. We are systematically
discouraged by thee keepers ov addicts to Control from exploring our real
physical and mental needs and potentials. We are exposed to constant
programming, its main aim being streamlining ov thought into unquestioned
acceptance ov illusory satisfaction, leaving an unlocated feeling ov
frustration behind. Fear is the Key to Control/Manipulation. Thee fear ov
change/thee unknown/thee unsecure/thee unfamiliar - all these block thee
Individual longing for development/experience and make him/her accept
thee vast offer ov surrogates and substitutes in today's world system. Those
who are not contented with this pseudo-reality seek other ways for deeper
knowledge/realisation ov dreams, and create their own forum/access point
for mutual encouragement/support/challenge ov individuality and will.

We are history, thee sum ov our ancestors. If we ignore our own history and
its impact on our lives, we are inclined to repeat thee pitfalls and disasters
ov previous generations. We dig our own graves as culture.

Christianity has monopolised thee European thought system and thee use ov
ancient methods/rituals as a means ov recollecting force, and has deformed
its intentions to thee point where they lose every form ov potence and sense
while being refunctioned to "evil/dangerous mysticism/occultism".

Ritual as Access Point to thee inner regions ov thee mind and focus ov will
into conscious action. . .thee threat to status quo in thee present socio-
political and cultural world-system. A society deprived ov its history/past is
a society deprived ov its future and identity.

Sex is thee primal key to thee mental system ov a person. It is thee nucleus
ov their own past, present, and future. In thee moment ov orgasm thee brain
is for a short period ov time thrown out ov/disconnected from its
subconsciously socialised/adapted thought-system. In this moment ov
disconnection thee brain is highly susceptible to new information. Orgasm is
thee Access Point ov de- and re-programming ov thee mind. Storage ov
subconscious information - thee seed to conscious action. Attack on
subconsciousness determines thee overflow to consciousness latently
transformed into concrete action.

Education/indoctrination has trimmed our minds in thee course ov a life-
time to fit thee demands/needs ov thee control units in society. We see
continuous re-education as a necessity in order to develop. Ritual
strengthens our determination to find and do our true selves and to cross
new borders ov knowledge and understanding, to avoid thee obstacles to
thee realisation ov our dreams. Through self-decided
"indoctrination/dedoctrination" ov thee subconscious mind we avoid daily
pitfalls in mental laziness and cowardice/compromise. Free sexuality without
guilt liberates our mind from inherent blocking mechanisms between
consciousness. Free flow ov information between thee brain hemispheres
brightens our eyes, makes us clear, strong and real.

23: Number ov "Coincidence" - thee genes in thee human being consist ov 23
chromosomes, blood needs 23 seconds to cross thee human body. A sign ov
life and death, its correlation and its unknown dimensions. Death/mortality -
thee ultimate reference point for each human being. To live fully without
regrets or not. We are mortal. Here and Now.

Christians have their Cross - fetish ov guilt and shame. Christ on thee Cross -
symbol ov martyrdom/sacrifice for thee sinfulness ov thee human race.
Unworthy, godless slaves.

We repudiate - have our own fetish/symbol for thee immense possibilities
and dimensions ov thee human mind and vessel in life. Thee Psychick Cross -
an alchemical symbol for (magickally) dangerous material/knowledge. Thee
Temple Ov Psychick Youth is "danger" to dogmatic/streamlined thought, that
is to thee stability/status quo in present society/culture: thee seed to a new
science/way ov living.

Magick: a system ov Will Made Flesh. We focus our will in collective ritual
across thee world on thee 23rd ov each month, and programme/tune-in our
mutual wavelengths/sexual desires in thee moment ov orgasm. Our will-
power programmed in thee genes and assembled in thee liquids ov
semen/lubricant/blood/spit, and hair.

Thee features ov thee embryo is decided/determined through thee thoughts
ov sexual partners during coitus. Thought made Flesh. Will made Real.
T.O.P.Y. Made Real.


In answer to a cynical journalist:

Most people can't stomach the "missionary zeal", so to speak, so any mention
of a "Great Crusade to save The World" is right out of the window. The
Temple is there for those who want it - it isn't another banal ideology, but a
network of Individual interests where information is relayed to one another
on the basis of practical experience. You've heard of synergy: the working
together of two or more elements to create an effect greater that the sum of
the individual elements' output. Well that's us! We support one another by
our own efforts - like a latter-day tribe.

What impels a person to work within the Temple? A dissatisfaction with
current societal values, perhaps. An awareness of possibilities within
ourselves that most recognised institutions of society, religious or otherwise,
either flatly deny or appear reluctant to expand upon. (As social beings we
have an inner need to express ourselves amongst friends - interpreting
"friends" as those people who can relate to you!) All such answers seem a bit
"rhetorical" to me, so we might gain a better understanding of the
"attraction" of T.O.P.Y. by taking a brief look at the ideas and methods it
collectively presents.

We take a very broad view - limitlessly so - of the means at our disposal
towards self-development. Jung called it individuation. Aleister Crowley
called it the realisation of the True Will. You may call it simply "Maturity".
From the lore of Magic (a much scoffed at notion, superficially, in our high-
tech rationalistic era; but isn't our science the highest magic to a so-called
primitive? And what arrogance you have to deny the function of something
you know nothing about, despite its overwhelming history of practice?!), to
music, to martial art; if the perceptive individual thinks there is something
worth picking up on, we will attempt to pluck it out of the mire and use it!
That is why T.O.P.Y. is often seen in the "public eye" to "wallow morbidly" in
social taboos; or however else they choose to put it. Life's too short and
wonderful to run away from and/or wrap up in unnecessary
prohibitions/superstitions. So, cut out the crap! The Temple brings together
people who aren't afraid to try a little. The luxuries of Western
"civilisation" (loud laughter) also bring greater excuses for us to get very

(The notion of forced commitment, street-corner proselytizing, I find
repulsive. We emphasise, more than anything else, the power and
cretiveness of the individual will; how that feeling can be shared through
communication and care. To force others to "join in" would defeat the
purpose of the network. How can I force you to be yourself? [eg. forcing
another to emulate my thoughts & feelings is no freedom for the other
person.] What the fucks the point? We can only provide inspiration - no
greedy Gurus infest this House.)

Why do I think T.O.P.Y. is important? Could answer that in several ways I
suppose. The workings of the Temple are not always to my liking, but then,
as a network with some degree of structuring/organisation, what else do you
expect? Humanity has yet to invent a machine that is 100% efficient. And
involvement with T.O.P.Y. does NOT mean you go along with every suggestion
that's put forward. In terms of energy, feedback and so on, you reap what
you sow; just as with any human relationship (I use that analogy quite
intentionally). Anyway, I feel it is important because - in an age of much
insincerity - T.O.P.Y. is rooted in what I ultimately recognise as COMMON
SENSE. We seek to embrace the earthly human condition, warts and all. We
look at ourselves and recognise the need to strive for personal goals; expand
our often blinkered definition of "self" by trying to utilise the new and the
strange; experiment, instead of wallowing in the "fear of the unknown";
reject dogma, reject guilt, reject anything that leads to unnecessary anxiety -
not by pushing things to the side, but by confrontation. (The quickest route
between two points is a straight line.) Such ideas, although expressed a little
dogmatically here for the sake of brevity, outline a healthy, strong approach
to living. And it feels very refreshing to be amongst friends who won't try to
fob you off with more alienating politics or mystical pap.

No, my involvement with T.O.P.Y. has not equipped me with easy panaceas
for the problem of Government, etc. We live in a complex environment - I
am the first to admit it. T.O.P.Y. has no manifesto up its collective sleeve.
Rather, we consider the situation from the perspective of "To change the
World you must first change yourself." It is no use disbanding the police-
force tomorrow if they are all going to continue acting in the same way to
the people they picked on before!

(To amuse myself, I might describe involvement in the Temple as a course in
psychic self-defense for the outsider! But then you'd probably take that the
wrong way. The Temple is NOT a cheap sort of psychotherapy; no psychic
prescriptions from Doc P-Orridge, or anybody ridiculous like that. Nobody
involved in the network wishes to suffer fools gladly, and the only people
"assessed" are ourselves - BY OURSELVES. A little eccentricity leads to a
progression of ideas - stupidity does not! And you must ultimately deal with
your own problems, if you wish to reclaim personal responsibility at all - a
belief that is central to T.O.P.Y. philosophy.)

Why the big profile on Sex in T.O.P.Y.? The fact that you feel our "high
profile" needs to be mentioned may provide part of the answer! As I have
already tried to indicate, the Temple strives to eliminate our (often
culturally inherited) feelings of guilt. We consider sexual energy to be of
great importance - its free expression is our very birthright, in whatever
way our nature inclines. The neuroses and psychosomatic ailments resulting
from high levels of sexual repression have been catalogued well enough by
now, without me having to re-iterate the point. And guilt about one's
personal sexual activities can be used as a potent weapon in the hands of
your adversaries - just look at the gutter press. Sexuality is just that -
whether it be expressed in "fetishism", "homosexual" activity (a horrible,
clinical expression if ever I heard one), and so on. It's nobody's business but
your own.

Having said that, it is obvious that many people - particularly the younger -
pursue an active sex life without recourse to massive guilt! So why all the
hypocrisy about its public expression? Why the hassle? Evidently, the mass
media does not reflect an accurate - honest - picture of our feelings. The
Sunday Sport continues to make sex and sexuality an absurdity - something
to sneer at. We wonder why.

T.O.P.Y. wishes to take sexuality a step further by investigating the powers
we consider to be generated by sexual activity, so that they can be used for
the benifit of the individual. Every Individual. Orgasm has a powerful effect
on one's perception, body chemistry, bio-electric field, etc., if only for a
few moments. And we feel that the state of being created can be put to use, in
combination with intense desire. Again, we are entering the arena of
"magick" and ritual (all sex is ritual); we are considering the so-called dark
side of nature, and to a TV generation brought up on Dennis Wheatley films,
such ideas seem very taboo. We wish to break down those superstitions - we
have little room for fear in such speculative areas - but we have no vested
interest in people agreeing with our aims and methods. (We are not out to
harm anybody, so please remain sensible and leave us be if you are

Of course you can't discuss sex without mentioning AIDS nowadays. To
counter popular misconceptions let it be stressed that the Temple does NOT
encourage orgiastic or promiscuous behaviour - forced promiscuity to prove
one's "liberation" is just a stupid and damaging as exaggerated pruder; if it
goes against your natural inclinations. I suggest you use your common-sense
and exercise responsibility. But, to give an example: should someone
attracted to their own sex no longer feel attracted because circumstances
dictate a certain degree of caution with the choice of partners? We think not.
Circumstances and the means of your natural indulgence may vary quite a
bit, but the right to "be and feel" whatever you are does not. This must be
kept in mind, as the puritans cry out for "conformity" yet again. . .


Thee Temple Ov Psychick Youth, we are united, united in the differences that
constitute our individuality. At one stage or another all ov us had reached
the same crossroad. The roads were clearly marked - conformity, control,
suburbia, soap and no hope. The general flat planes that lead to a hollow,
wasted death. Instead, we deliberately leave the roads to travel cross-
country - to aim for the high mountains on the horizon. There are no clearly
visible signposts, no neatly maintained roads and no resting points. The
undergrowth can be extremely dense, the inhabitants hostile and the speed
of travel tiresomely slow. But etched on the horizon, amongst the loftiest of
mountains is a Psychick Cross. We move onwards and upwards. This is the
way of T.O.P.Y.

To travel with T.O.P.Y. is to map out your own route, to cross virgin territory,
often alone. You discover you pace, your own dreams of the goal. Discovering
your own philosophy of life, but instead of preaching it you live it, and live it
to the full. We may travel alone, but we obtain strength that elsewhere in
the wilderness others are planning and travelling their own routes to the
same goal. We may rendezvous, by chance or by desire. We can then share,
relate our travels and exchange maps for we know that to fulfill our life we
must help fulfill others: open their eyes, let them help us open ours. Share
our results and tactics and help to change the maps of old. To lay new paths
and roads and satisfy the discontentments of society and its expectations and
limitations of an individual.

It is every person's basic right and task to be as they will, as they truly
will. The study is long and hard to find this will. Total self-honesty is
needed. The ability to touch oneself, no less. T.O.P.Y. will encourage, suggest
ways of touching at all levels and of all aspects, by using rituals and
intuitive magickal methods specifically aimed at getting closer to oneself. To
integrate all the different levels and aspects to develop a total, free

T.O.P.Y. realises that every man and woman has their own potential to
achieve and live by. This can vary greatly within individuals but this is the
key because each individual's achievements are relative to only that one
person's potential. There is no competitive hierarchy as that would serve
only to stifle development. Each individual must ultimately justify their
every motive, action and belief to themselves. If they achieve this then they
are allowing T.O.P.Y. to achieve itself. It cannot work in reverse. It can be
hard. To start to truly look at yourself can hurt. Strength, honesty and
commitment are needed to move towards T.O.P.Y. Sexuality is a key as
within sexuality the restrictions and constrictions of society and its controls
can bite the hardest. To liberate and understand one's own sexuality is to
liberate and understand T.O.P.Y. An individual who has learnt to express
themselves sexually can then use the lessons learnt here to inspire freedom
and development in other aspects of their person. Your sex and sexuality
belong to yourself. The energies it generates all come from within your
psyche. At the peak of sex the doors open, the barriers collapse and there is
no separation. The interchange between conscious and "sub"-conscious is
complete. Using controlled focusing at this magickal time, T.O.P.Y. individuals
can make a conscious desire to move to the higher levels of their own
consciousness where it can take effect and help the dreams become real. By
truly understanding this process and tailoring it to an individual's methods,
breakthrough can be reached and you have given yourself back to yourself.

These methods of sexual focusing provide the basis of T.O.P.Y. workings. The
results achieved here by the individual filter down through all levels, all
actions, all motives. All comes from within the individual.

T.O.P.Y. has a psychick symbol and a psychick number. Both of these are
woven deeply into the sub-structure. Both act as a focus, as a synthesis of
beliefs and actions; as a trigger. The Psychick Cross with its horizontal arms
in the ratio of 2 to 3 can be interpreted on many levels: to signify the
individual (the vertical line) with his/her past (bottom line), present
(middle) and future (top); a symbol of integration between opposing
functions within an individual of T.O.P.Y. (3 E). The arms flow outwards from
the Cross to symbolise growth and discovery whilst at the same time they all
draw inwards to focus and synthesize this growth within the individual. A
cross to sacrifice the self upon; a uniform symbol to identify with, but like
T.O.P.Y. itself to be interpreted in different ways by different individuals.

The magickal number 23 is interwoven throughout T.O.P.Y. It is the point of
focus, to integrate, to dissolve. A time, a time for work, a date to complete a
task 23 times is to see it move deep within the consciousness. A number
that's history is proven and potent, one that occurs internationally,
irrationally and totally naturally. Like the Psychick Cross, indeed like
T.O.P.Y., 23 is the gateway, the crossover point to internal focus and
development and external flowering.

When there is no other way.



~ Thoughts on The Temple ~

The Temple Ov Psychick Youth is a body of like-minded, ageless souls all
striving in an individual manner towards a collective goal: a guiltless state
of self-awareness.

The exploration of our innermost desires by the release of the sexual spirit,
and thus the freeing of our emotions of dogma and external control, is
fundamental to the process by which the Temple achieves its collective
identity. The process is a deeply personal voyage of discovery (the very fact
of the emphasis of the individual testifies to this), one in which the Temple
acts as a guiding light, a processor of information and its re-direction.

"No Man is an Island", and for this reason the Temple is both needed for
support in our battle, and as a focus for the support we ourselves can offer.
Its sum being greater than the parts, the Temple serves as a sounding board
for ideas, provoking thought which may under other circumstances never
have been given the right "culture" in which to form and grow. Thus the
Temple is a growing, living organism whose form is a result of the collection
of "cells" within it, as in any biological organism. The analogy with the
natural world is of direct significance. All life operates within a set
environment or eco-system, but its very presence is an integral part of that
system. If any one species grows it is at the cost of another, and if any
"external force" is introduced the balance can be forever altered with the
possibility of collapse (eg: Rainforests). The Temple is such a force, one
which could ultimately over-turn the preconceived ideas of our Western society.
This may seem to many to be a fanciful argument, but to those who mock I
would say, "how small is a virus or cancer cell that can cause the collapse of
an organism."

We may be small, but we are growing to attack like a cancer from within!

We must stand together, we must fight!

~ On criticism of the Temple ~

How can you criticize an organisation which makes statements such as ". . .
we support your individuality", "we offer no dogma", and talks of "de-
programming". These are some of the most important statements mady by
T.O.P.Y., and show the principal aims of the Temple: the realisation of
YOURSELF, which results in SELFLESSNESS in the most positive way - no
greed, no sex barriers, no age barriers, no race barriers. . . .etc.

The ultimate goal of LOVE and escape from the prison of 20th Century
(especially western) ideas and values. DON'T WE ALL FEEL THE SAME? Thee
Temple gives no orders, it gives a method through books, records, states of
mind to a form of enlightenment. "You must understand 'til it hurts. The
mind must be stretched to include emotions, thoughts and points of view
entirely foreign to the narrow limits of our present life." (quote from "Zen"
by Christmas Humphreys) To me, the Temple is about THINKING and trying
to spread this FREEDOM.

SEXUALITY: This I am only myself realising at the moment - NO GUILT. We
see it on T.V. every day: twisted sex values - TURN IT OFF! I can't find the
right words to use about my sigil experiences but I feel re-charged, focused,
powerful, aware.

THEE PSYCHICK CROSS: This to me forms a kind of focus (not in a fearful,
religious sense) and is a common ground and understandable sign to those
involved within T.O.P.Y.

23: This to me is Kammerer's Law of Seriality. The natural rhythms, patterns,
harmonies in all the universe. It is an expression of this belief of the
unexplored forces that act upon us.


I can relate to what the Temple Ov Psychick Youth is trying to do because we
are all living in a world where chaos reigns. The Western World has been
under the dogma of religion, Catholic and Protestant, for the last five
hundred years. And its teachings, far removed from the original message,
have beenused to control the masses and to shape humanity's moral codes.

So today we have people wanting to have spiritual freedom, but who
because of the age-old brain washing of God and the Devil, and good and evil,
find it hard. Even worse, most people in our society have to unlearn and
begin at thee beginning about their relationship with life, the universe and
everything in it; and they generally start looking within themselves for their
answers. I personally think that Christianity is on its last legs, as its churches
are full of middle-aged and old people, but not young people. So there are
many who are searching for spiritual freedom, and a truer relationship with
life. The Temple Ov Psychick Youth provides a means and a way for people
to break free and rise above the lie of society. Because magick, witchcraft are
keys that unlock many of life's closed doors, and enable individuals to
explore and develop themselves on all planes of life, from spiritual to

Nothing in life is easy, and magick is not an escape. As with all life you have
to give of yourself to receive, and giving of yourself means a sacrifice of
time and effort which is a hard lesson for many an aspiring occultist. So
through contact with open groups like T.O.P.Y., individuals can meet other
people with similar ideals in life.

Obviously people will have to face moral principles such as sexual Magick
(tantric yoga) and other methods used in ritual magick to raise the power,
but this is something they learn naturally and not unnaturally as the rest of
society still thinks and believes. They have to learn that they themselves
create or destroy what life presents before them, not God or the Devil, and
thus having learnt go forth into a new world of gods. After all, evil is
essentially misplaced energy (unnatural). So things like sex, and all
pleasurable activity so long as it be done with free will, are healthy for us
in life.

This last point is another reason why I agree with T.O.P.Y.'s ideals: because
they encourage people to be free within themselves, and to discover their
own true wills.

As A/C puts it: Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law.
Love Is The Law, Love Under Will.


My interpretation of T.O.P.Y. is that of the propagation of unlimited
expression and potential. Also, that of the freeing of world technology and
communication from the restraints of generally restrictive, authoritarian
value-systems. The Temple, to me, has the potential to both examine and
free the latency of both physical and psychical potential.

I would like to take part in a world-deprogramming task, and experience the
worthiness of my own full powers, in all their comparitive spheres.

These thoughts encompass my attitudes towards sexuality (in both its drive
and visionary factors) and also my movement towards a cooperative methodology.


What is Thee Temple Ov Psychick Youth?

To me, ultimately a special state ov mind - the place where all dreams meet.
The place you know exists but are afraid to admit it. A secret place, timeless,
sexual, a magick place open to all. Have you never felt so alive, happy, sexual
that you want to live forever? Or are you lost, scared or just too pissed off
to care. T.O.P.Y. can help you find your real self and you can help T.O.P.Y. in
the process. By helping and caring and coummitment to T.O.P.Y. the same energy
is given back. Love is not a dirty word, helping people is not wrong. For
society to change, people must change. People must see what is happening all
around them. People must be given information about sigils, dreamachines,
magick. People must be pro-sexual, have respect and caring for everybody.
What is wrong with being happy, alive, caring? So reject money - I'm on 16K
a year, smart mate but who's interested. I'm a Man City fan - You're dead.
(Fighting for a football team, strange.) This jumper cost ?60. (Very smart,
but does it make you really feel better inside.)

In these times ov one-upmanship why not join the ultimate game and play
for your life and make history as well.


Thee Temple Ov Psychick Youth acts as a focal point, a sigil to thee Will. It
can provide thee FORM about which thee FUNCTION ov Thee SELF can be
wrapped. Thee act ov focusing releases tremendous energy which Thee
Temple, as a concourse, forms into a flow ov energy. As a concept it sparks
off Individual activity and through thee Image ov Thee SIGIL it channels
that energy into a creative outburst.

As a free form with a continuous flow ov unrestricted and unlimited ideas it
allows any Individual to develop a language to express what can not be
explained. Magick in its modern context is largely a question ov interpreting
a subjective reality in purely personal terms. This requires a personal
subjective language. Yet if society is to continue - have any meaning - then it
is precisely this that must be communicated. A subjective reality can not be
expressed in terms ov common language, but only as a personal experience.
Thus thee only channel ov communication open to us is to place our personal
view within a common framework. This in essence is what all communication
is about. But most ov our present belief is based on distortion. Our culture
simply has not got thee necessary tools to cope with thee present situation.
Our cultural language is still based on thee rational universal world ov thee
past aeon. This will have to be swept aside before people can talk to each
other again.

Thee Temple as a focal point without a fixed system ov values begins Thee
Process. It provides a channel through which thee Individual can view
his/her circumstances from their own perspective. It sweeps past thee
outmoded views ov mass philosophy. Most importantly, by mutual
encouragement, Thee Temple Ov Psychick Youth gives me thee courage to
accept and trust my own view.


Its aims on human freedom and independence
To inspiration individuality
Freedom in any dreams, in any wisches

Sexuality with no limitations so long as it is yours
sexuality to make you free of any restrictions
sexuality & Love the most successful drivepower for any dream & wisch
Love the power of all powers.

Methods of magic and philosophy from many individuals
Psycho-levels of the brain to help you in higher atomosphere's
Methods from magic to create your perfect atmosphere and to get closer to
that one self
Methods look sometimes bizzare but are the ones who understand there are
no limitations, when you wanne reach exstacy-freedom

OV 23 - That moment, that day, that dream, that wisch, that freedom
It all can come true, OV 23 is one of those methods

Lots of thoughts are feelings which are not easy to explain
May be when I have to represent a year later it might be totally different, I
learn every day more and more, it will take lives.


Thee Temple Ov Psychick Youth is important because it is ACTIVE and
CARING. It intends to nudge people into an understanding of themselves,
into RESPECT for themselves. To Love themselves and their lives. It intends
to spur people into doing coumthing with their lives, being ACTIVE. It gives
people back to themselves along with the realisation that they CAN get what
they really deeply want and need. Their desires can be made real. All it
takes is effort and discipline.

For a few years now I have felt a deep hunger and frustration. There has
been a large gap in my life. It took me awhile to realise what this gap was. A
deep spiritual lack. There has never been any talk ov or involvment with
anything remotely spiritual during the whole of my twenty years of
existence. During Primary School it was required of the whole class to stand
up in thee mornings and say thee Lords Prayer. I never ever believed in it.
It seemed totally absurd to me even then, I don't really know why, but I
never believed in "God". For seven years I stood up and mouthed thee words
of thee prayer. When I left at the age of 12, if anyone asked me to recite
thee words ov thee Lords Prayer I couldn't do it! Seriously. I had never
learned it and had wilfully blocked it out. I objected out loud of course, oh
no, that would result in the belt. Little boys who don't say their prayers get
pain as a reward. It wasn't until I was about 19 that I found what I
thought/think might be thee answers. I have always been interested in thee
unusual. In everything. People. Books. Music. Art. Thee "Chaos ov thee
Normal", thee "Moronic Inferno". Fashion has never interested me. During
childhood I read mostly science fiction. Then came a period ov flux, ov
wandering, where I no longer was deeply "into" Sci-fi as before, but couldn't
find anything else. That was when I decided to buy "A William Burroughs
Reader" having heard him mentioned in numerous articles in thee muzak
press. Pages of wonderous images, surreal images, new ideas, new methods.
This replenished my lust for thee innovative.

I used to go to an "Adult Training Centre" at night to help out at a kind of
social gathering of handicapped people. There was a small record player, and
a box of records. Sidney Devine, Elvis, Nana Mouscouri, country and western,
thee muzak ov my nightmares! Tucked neatly in between two of these
wreckords was an unimposing little single. It was Just Drifting and was by
Psychic TV. I asked if I could have it as I wondered what they were like,
having read reviews in thee press. As one of our records had disappeared
they said "Yes". That was how I discovered PTV. It was a few years before I
made enquiries into thee Temple. This was made at thee same time as I
found a possible solution to my problem. I read a book called "Mysteries" by
Colin Wilson. It was thee most amazing book I had ever read. A whole new
universe ov possibilities opened up to me. I immediately developed a deep
hunger for knowledge. Not everyday knowledge. Knowledge ov this strange
new world. I went to thee library and read every occult book I could find.
Whole new worlds of meaning opened up.

Thee Temple seemed like an honest organisation. Not a brainwashing cult.
An "anti-cult". I didn't know (and still don't) just how much knowledge it
possessed. To make "the occult" a part of everyone's everyday lives, now
that was an interesting idea. A very good idea. An essential idea. Ideas into
action. Kick start evolution again.

To destroy tyranny and oppression. To bring joy back to living once more.
Love. Responsibility for actions. Interaction between Individuals again,
instead ov this total isolation that is becoming a hallmark ov thee twentieth

Sex. To free sex from all fetters. To throw off guilt and all restrictions to
pleasure. To make sex pure again. Between two Individuals. Not thee
ignorant sexist, totally damaging view of a man fucking a woman. Sex
involves two people. Two active people (who may be active in their
passivity). To reclaim sexuality as our own. To be shared with who we
choose, however we choose. Thee magick ov sex. Thee new sexuality. To
choose ourSelves.

Thee Psychick Cross. Thee cross is thee union of opposites (0=2). Thee top
half has thee Christian Cross, thee bottom half has thee anti-Christian or
Satanic Cross. Thee middle branch ties them together. Thee top half mirrors
thee bottom. As above so below. It is thee anti-Papal Cross since thee middle
branch is shorter than thee outer two, thee opposite of thee Papal. It is a
television aerial. It receives and transmits information from and to every
area ov life. Thee centre of thee Information War. It is a focus for knowledge
and understanding. It is also thee face of thee Temple. Thee central line ov
thee face along which is arranged thee line of thee eyes at top, nose middle,
and mouth bottom. Thee three branches are mind, body, and spirit. There
are three crosses in thee Psychick Cross, not two.

23, in Crowley's system, is Water. Thee essential element ov life. Thee great
sea ov thee subconscious. Thee element that is always in flux, forever
changing. Change is stability. Water has three states (branches on thee
cross?). Water is the body and the mind. Just as the moon affects the sea so
does it affect mind and body. The brain is something like 80% water after all.
23 is a mystery. It's just a number. It's just the number ov rays from Sirius,
The Sun behind the Sun. Thee star of thee Dogon, those marvellous people.
Thee symbol of Sirius is pretty close to thee cross.

23 is synchronicity and recognition:

2+3=5 2x3 = 6 2/3 = .666


Trying to explain my reason for my involvement with T.O.P.Y. is hard, but to
say I am searching for my inner strengths and weaknesses is as good a one
as any. To me T.O.P.Y. is doing more for thee couming together ov people
than any thing I know. They encourage thee sharing ov ideas which to me is
an important factor in knocking down life's walls.

To ask me thee meaning behind their aims, ideas, sexuality, methods, thee
meaning ov thee Psychick Cross, ov 23 would be an injustice to T.O.P.Y. Their
aim I believe to be more wakefulness in society, for people to open up their
eyes and see for themselves. Their ideas revolve around Pagan philosophy
and thee arts ov Magick which in a way takes on all aspects ov Life. Methods
are thee same in all new conceptions and must be used to get thee message
across. Sexuality is a beautiful thing and should be treated in thee same way,
free love must be forever in our souls. Thee Psychick Cross is a symbol to
symbolise all aspects ov T.O.P.Y. ideals, they must be put up everywhere. Ov
23 I am stuck with no true conclusion as to thee proper idea/ideas behind it,
but to me it stands out and crops up in thee weirdest ov situations and it is a
JOY to see it anywhere.

T.O.P.Y. is an inner door, a device for breaking down mental walls. T.O.P.Y.
can be pleasure with thee pain, thee garden ov eden and you are Adam or
Eve. Open thee eye to T.O.P.Y. and experience everything before it is too late.


I feel no need to justify my interest or my sympathy. Those who reject
T.O.P.Y. reject themselves - and few want to face the truth. Each individual
must decide their own course, and as no-one is the same, so no course is the
same. Everyone responds and rejects or accepts according to their own
thoughts and feelings.

T.O.P.Y. offers an alternative to mass control, depersonalisation and guilt.
Those who choose this path will never find it easy - prejudice and jealousy
will see to that, as very few people have the courage to be themselves and
those that do are often hated for it. For not conforming. For not being "one of

T.O.P.Y. aims to make each individual free of the mental shackles and
spiritual bonds placed on us since birth. To question the unquestioning mind
and to heal the wound of separation withing us. For no-one is whole when
psyche, mind and body work in discord. The Psychick Cross is a symbol of
this unity - a tangible representation of 23 - two threes back to back, joined,
whole, a perfect harmony visually and psychically, to be used as a focal point
for energy, a comforter emotionally and a reminder of the potential within
us. A potential T.O.P.Y. can help us to achieve.

The thing I can give most readily is my love. My love of Life and its unifying
energy and of all living things. My love of humanity and all that these
destructive creatures have produced that is creative. My love of my ideal
that I have cherished and nurtured all my life - that finally humankind will
see and feel all that is within me is within all life and therefore that all
life is within me.


The nation, the world is in a trap. The poor are getting poorer, and the rich,
richer. Our environment is collapsing in upon ourselves because of what we
are doing. An example: it is legal to corrode the ozone layer (by use of
aerosols, etc.) and thereby harm everyone, yet illegal to smoke marijuana,
and harm no-one. We need change, revolution - and T.O.P.Y. is that. The ideas
of it being an insane death cult are a misconception. We are help, perhaps
the only help and friend, not an enemy. So open your eyes.


Once upon a time. . . .

. . . . I first spurred interest in T.O.P.Y. with the listening of Dreams Less
Sweet. After I proceeded to lose that tape to a young lady, I decided to find
out more about the sound and reasons of T.O.P.Y. I purchased the live
records series, which has proven to be a source of great enjoyment. And I
try to forward the ideas of T.O.P.Y. with messages on the dorm door, and I
try to play a few songs when I dj at the campus radio station.

What I rather liked about T.O.P.Y. was that there was no forcing of ideals on
myself the listener. There are, I will not hold back, a few ideals I do not in
self practice, because they do not appeal to me, but I will not condescend
because someone else may. For the book, I do not experiment with drugs,
have sex, or denounce strongly non-pagan religions. Persons may say that I
have not lived, but that is someone else's idea of living. If and when I wish
to try something, I shall, but until then I am content with myself. I guess the
point is that it is a choice, and one must not necessarily make certain choices
to be involved with T.O.P.Y.

The problem, well wait. Let us stay with that prior thought, about choices,
just for a minute. You may have noticed I don't spell certain words the way
T.O.P.Y. does; again I do not feel that is important for me to reflect that
thought to be considered involved with T.O.P.Y. Anyway, as I was writing,
the problem is I am afraid that I may not be able to be as active as I wish in
T.O.P.Y. with my schooling, because education is very important to me. So,
what I guess I am getting at, is that I will do my best to do what I can. I can
only hope that does not sound too "wishy-washy". So, I am, will, try to do my

How would I explain T.O.P.Y. to a stranger? Simply, a group, tribe of persons
who are looking ahead, with little recourse to beliefs or principles that have
been embedded, sometimes unwillingly, into society. An aim of reversal,
getting people to quit taking for granted what surrounds them, and having
them realize they have control of their life, and to use themselves to their

Why do I feel T.O.P.Y. is important? Because it serves as a meeting center for
those persons who already know what they feel to get stronger
centralisation and organisation, and make themselves and their ideas more
available to others. It's got a lot to do with the concept of awareness.

I guess aims and ideas have been taken care of. Sexuality, again, is an
awareness, realizing how present it is, and how it can be made into
something more wonderful than expected or known.

The Psychick Cross has so much behind it that it is rather hard to sum up its
meaning, besides representing a receptor for thought processes. Also, I just
rather thought that it could also be seen as a christian cross overlapped by a
satanic (inverted christian) cross, and a bar in the middle to cancel the two
out, which would go along with the theory of bowing to no god.

23 is something I cannot comment too intelligently on, since I have not the
amount of information necessary. I have heard, however, that it is the
number of confusion, and actually, I myself have not much more of a view
on it. . .yet.

Other resources of my self-determination, defining ideas clearly, patience,
art skills (with both pen and words), and desire to communicate.


Explanation of T.O.P.Y. to a Stranger:

I found this question difficult to answer as I do not know enough about
T.O.P.Y. People have asked me what it is, so I told them that it is an
information network and to contact T.O.P.Y. if interested. However, when
pressured I inform them of as much as I can, expanding on the ideas that I
know, and state that thee network runs all over thee country and that
depending on an individuals involvement information is available to them;
that it is up to thee individual, if they want, to becoum involved and that one
is not pressured into it.

To justify my involvement I would say that T.O.P.Y. has thee same or similar
beliefs to those I have always held, but from which I had switched off as it
was not "right" in thee conditioned world.


On T.O.P.Y.

I have played PTV &/or T.O.P.Y. material for many friends, so I am often
asked about T.O.P.Y.

I tailor the answer to the questioner, telling no more than I think they can
follow at the time. Sometimes I describe PTV as a loose aggregate of people
working with music and video. I may explain that they are part of a larger
organisation which seeks to support people whose aims and interests are
outside the mainstream.

To people I trust I explain more. That T.O.P.Y. is a network of people with
some similarities and some differences, held together by a desire to
understand and short-circuit control. To explore ways to make what they
want to happen, happen. That T.O.P.Y. encourages people to find out their
true natures, not a shallow and generic, dictated and advertised "identity".

One method is to exploit the cut-up, both on other material and
behaviourally as well. We constantly run on habit, and it is good to break
this up. Do you see friend X because you really want to? Or because it's what
you always do on Thursday night? A simple but pertinent example.

Burroughs has been quoted as saying there was nothing special about 23,
just that it was something he noticed and then kept noticing. I see it partly
as a symbol of focus. That there is so much around that we screen out daily,
if we pick something not to screen out it will seem omnipresent. I also like
the idea of it as a sort of mischievous number, popping up with a will of its
own where it has no statistical right. And each time it pops up itself it
reminds me of my psychic heritage that I am reclaiming for myself.

I see no particular sexual style that is representative of T.O.P.Y. It is more
an aspect of sex itself, that of the power (indeed - OV Power) it contains. A
power that can be frustrated by a denial of desire; dissipated by investing it
in removed, marketed images; or directed by self-understanding and a ritual
method. Since the sex drive is so basic, and since social repression functions
here as much or more than anywhere else, sexual magick is a most powerful
and empowering technique.

The particular interpretations of 23 and the Psychick Cross are not as
interesting or important to me as the fact that there are many interpretations.

If a cynic - journalist or otherwise - is asking me about T.O.P.Y., I believe
it is important not to try too much to defend or to try to convince the person
that there's nothing horrid about us. I will, however, try to dispel any basic
misconceptions. I have found that so much of what I take for granted is alien
to many people that I cannot explain parts of it. As I've noted, it took me a
while to understand so many foreign thoughts at once. If pressed by anyone
who is obviously hostile to and/or threatened by the ideas, I say "Well, I'm
convinced of it, it works for me, and I'm happy." I do not try to "convert"
them. If they are unaccepting of it, I give them some things to read, and
T.O.P.Y.'s address.


T.O.P.Y. is an international network system, a kind of organisation that brings
in touch people who share ideas and feel free to do whatever they like, as
strange as it may be. That's the reason why T.O.P.Y. is important. In times of
loneliness, T.O.P.Y. tries to bring people in touch, tries to bring back the
lost innocence, the correspondence among people. T.O.P.Y. hates everything and
everyone who tries to limit its freedom. T.O.P.Y. offers a method of living to
better survive as a True Being, and as an Individual, and not as part of the
maze. Individuality is expressed as Spirit and Will. "Love Under Will" is the
meaning. To manage it, T.O.P.Y. edits books, records, video tapes. T.O.P.Y.
requires belief in Magick and modern Paganism, and recognises the power of
the human brain.

The Psychick Cross means to me: Brain (upper bar); Heart (middle bar); Prick
- as the home of souls (lower bar). It means the Individual itself, with its
three psychic powers: Brain = dreams, fantasy, cleverness; Heart = L.OV.E.;
Prick = soul = the power that motivates all the above.

The meaning of 23 is a mystic one, and people can only understand it after
long thought about T.O.P.Y.


T.O.P.Y. is very important to thee continued growth of psychic awareness in
thee world. We have progressed physically as far as we can. Thee next stage
is mental.

T.O.P.Y. offers a series of mental training exercises: awareness (especially ov
yourself) is thee goal.

There is no obligation, as thee Temple is you.
Thee aims are immense. Education, realisation, principally.
Thee Temple can be anything you need from it.
23 is thee pure number, completely random, a prime number.
Thee Cross: a reflection of thee ego, a place to focus energy and a simple,
comfortable symbol representing a new strength in thee world.


Thee Justification ov T.O.P.Y.

Last night me and some members ov T.O.P.Y.S.T.E.E.L engaged thee "JESUS
ARMY" in verbal confrontation. It was in some ways an awakening
experience. It was also an experience which demonstrates thee necessity for
T.O.P.Y., PaganLink, O.T.O., etc.

To be confronted with thee organised inculcation of GUILT, FEAR and
LOATHING in militaristic form demonstrated the need for L.O.V.E.
organisations to provide the keys to self-(de)-programming.

To be confronted with INTOLERANCE and PSYCHIC VAMPIRISM showed the
horrible fate awaiting us if our society/thee earth is taken over by thee

T.O.P.Y. provides a decentralised set of forums for individuals who wish to
escape our conditioned guilt and fear responses. It provides outline methods
for individuals who wish to acquire self expression, self love, self

T.O.P.Y. is a will/energy focus. It's LOVE transmitting on all frequencies.
True sexuality is a timeless moment of orgone mutation, thee event where thee
subconscious becomes all thee planes, thee times, where it becomes an
identity with thee conscious worlds. Liberation is only a heartbeat away.

Thee Psychick Cross = pagan Cross. Sexual unions. Tree of Life, qabballahs.
Thee planes, all in one. Thee sigil of Temple workings, immanent in this
cross, every working ever done before or in thee future, happening now.
Thee sigil ov no name, thee blank sheet for our experiences and desires to
write upon.

23: No-one has ever satisfactorily explained to me how or why a computer
works. But I use one almost every day, and computers always touch my life.
Similarly, 23 has not been totally explained to me, even in numerological
terms. Not fully anyway. Thee fact remains that 23 seems to have some kind
ov recurrent activity, in my experience. That does not mean it will
necessarilty be a feature of your experienced universe...

23 attaches itself in its various guises (32, 223, 123, 0-23, etc.) to things I
j- and many other YOUTH - are involved with. 23 seems to be a sign of
recurrent activity in thee universe, ov unifying themes.


Justification of T.O.P.Y. to a cynical interviewer:

As rationality has failed to create a new mankind there are other methods to
be found of changing minds. The will must come from individuals, who, to
reach their aims, gather in a group.

Through the moral conditioning in childhood, school, military and the general
influence of language, media and moral systems, men are totally controlled.
They control each other, oftenj without even knowing it. The wishes, dreams
of the body and subconsciousness are ignored and the subject, so long as
there is one, is conditioned to ignore it too. Only functionality is important.
Life is shortened to operational functions to serve society. It is degraded to
a servant. As I feel unsatisfied by this, I need to escape from this control
and want to destroy it. I like to experiment with other aspects of life. In
this case, sexuality is an important factor because it gives the individual a
total conscience of its own existence. It may help to find the inner self and
break pre-formations. I like sexuality. In orgasm, you cross the border. In
orgasm you die. Your coming back from another cone of reality after it. The
coming to climax is a way to ego-destruction.


People are suppressed and conditioned by the socialisation processes of our
"society" - education, media, and the family - to believe in certain attitudes
and to behave in certain ways.

What has happened to individuality and the personality?

People should be taught to develop their own-selves and their own
personalities - To learn about instinct, nature, consciousness and further

The human mind is suppressed not to generate its "unacceptable" powers.

Meditation, creative visualisation, and MAGICK are important tools which
may be used to help bring out our true selves.

Sexuality is condemned from an early age. Society as a whole condemns

It is a beautiful experience - and can prove to be a very powerful and
magickal act - generating immense emotion and feeling.

The idea of PLEASURE AND PAIN is fundamental to the understanding and
experiences of people. Sex can exist within both concepts.

People should learn not to be ashamed of their sexuality, and sexually, to
share experiences with other individuals.




Involvement with T.O.P.Y. means that I have broken away from the social
graces forced upon me by society. I am finding out what I really enjoy to do,
with my mental/physical attributes. I am learning to reach further than
before, to grasp the things that were previously beyond my reach.

T.O.P.Y. is a collective of individuals who, in a way, do not want to be part
of any group/social type. This is not as hypocritical as it sounds, because
each individual within T.O.P.Y. is going his/her own way, each with differing
goals, concepts of life.

T.O.P.Y. is important because it gives the individuals within a confidence that
others are trying to struggle against society. T.O.P.Y. members feel as though
they are not the only ones with a different point of view. It gives the
individual strength to succeed.

T.O.P.Y.'s aim is to help individuals attain their highest dreams, and to help
them accomplish their works and wishes in life.


T.O.P.Y. allows thee individual a chance to know him/her self. I am not sure
if I would be able to explain T.O.P.Y. to a stranger. Recently I was talking to a
friend who told me she no longer wanted to be my friend because I was
involving myself with T.O.P.Y. She does not believe in anything. Her point is
that I would no longer be me and that I didn't need T.O.P.Y.'s ideas to help
me with my problems, that in time everything works out in itself.

I disagreed with her argument, trying to explain that T.O.P.Y. would help me
with the goals that I want to obtain in my life, and that in the past not all my
problems have worked out by themself.

T.O.P.Y. asks for the individual to be clear in admitting their real desires by
discarding all irrelevancies and by asking yourself what do you really want
out ov life. The argument with my friend allowed me to see that we were no
longer friends and perhaps we never really were. How could we have been
friends when she would not allow me to be anymore than I already was nor
anything else that I could be.

T.O.P.Y. is not there to be occult. But a lot ov people have that
misunderstanding. People will always condemn the thoughts and actions ov

There is someone who I am deeply interested in, who spoke ov tribal living
and the ideas ov T.O.P.Y. At that time I had no idea what he was talking
about and the shyness that we both have makes it almost impossible to talk
to each other. We are barely able to smile and say hello, and I believe thru
the Psychick process we will be able to speak again. I will overcome the
shyness that keeps me within myself and keeps me from having what I
really want from life.

T.O.P.Y.'s ideas are for everyone who wants to wake up fromthe dreamless
world that we are living in. It's for the individual who asks themself what
they want from life, and the rituals are there to make those thoughts happen.

"Awareness ov your own energy is the awareness that flesh and spirit are
one, that thou art goddess, eternally linked, connected, at one with the
moving spirit ov all" (Starhawk 138)

T.O.P.Y. is there for thee individual who makes the coumitment to become
aware ov thee energy that is inside us all. . .


Magic has interested me from an early age - but I didn't have the best
informed beginning. I used to try telekinesis, telepathy, astral projection,
even levitation, all with varying degree of complete failure. I had no
concentration or confidence, and a very impatient streak. The things I tried
to do were very nice "tricks" but many of them are no longer goals of mine. I
see no reason now to attempt things for which I had little aptitude, solely to
impress others and build up my own social standing. People are so cynical
now, and maybe some of it has rubbed off on me.

The Temple has shown me a practical side to magick which makes no
pretensions, I don't expect to be able to force the hand of chance with
minimum effort and concentration and nothing to inform me but a half-read
Aquarian Press book. In my future sigil work I shall aim to overcome some
of my less attractive tendencies, and build on my natural talents and
abilities. My ideal target will be a perfect self and not a material
manipulator. Maybe people should expect miracles because I think if you
believe in something enough then you are halfway to having it, just as long
as it's within and not without yourself.

I don't feel that I need to justify my involvement with anything, to anyone.
People have an instant dislike and fear of things they don't understand, but
worse than this, an aversion to information which could disrupt their secure,
boring, featureless lives. To me, many of these people are lost causes, I
would prefer that they knew nothing of what I choose to do with my life -
which is too precious to spend arguing with people who will never see sense
for the simple reason that they don't want to. This may seem a selfish
attitude, but the example of Susan Bishop is enough to put me off talking to
journalists, and Christians, for life. Let them remain ignorant and happy,
they will never change.


People like to control you. They want power and they achieve it. These
thieves are smart and they work off people's insecurities. CONTROL means
dictating how others should live and how to think. If you are afraid of
making these decisions for yourself (because of fear of failure, lack of self-
confidence, fear of death, and definitely laziness) then it is easy to
associate yourself with, and follow someone strong enough to make decisions for
you. You are no longer responsible for yourself and no longer have the burden
or that responsibility. It is easier to identify oneself with an already
developed personality (hero/heroine) than go through the never ending struggle
of self-discovery. The insecure robbers who feed off our weaknesses are the
ones most people tend to trust: our rabbis and priests who control through
strict regulations and traditions, our school teachers who take advantage of
the innocence and naivety of young children by presenting themselves and
their ideas as manifestations of god, and our media which depicts THE
acceptable lifestyle through slanted manipulations. These thieves are aware
of your trust and innocence, and intend on using those weaknesses to control

The Temple Ov Psychick Youth is an organisation aimed at DE-control. They
do not wish to control you; they wish to liberate themselves. They offer
suggestions on how you COULD liberate yourself, not how you SHOULD
liberate yourself. The process of liberation consists of many types of
research, such as the music group PTV. Members of the Temple feel that
there is no reason why life should not be "lived to the fullest" where all
one's NEEDS and DESIRES are fulfilled. Because there are so many distractions
to divert one's attention from one's goals, symbols are invented to be worn, to
be drawn, etc., to constantly remind, if not the conscious, then the
unconscious, of these goals. Ideally, through this process laziness is
combatted and the goals will more likely be achieved since those goals are
constantly on the person's mind. Because there are so many distractions and
limitations posed by the "controllers", sometimes our deepest wants do not
seem earthly possible, and we repress them in our subconscious (a step
towards neurosis) trying to dismiss them. The Temple does not believe in
repressing our needs and desires (submitting to those "controllers"), because
our personal needs are what make us human and individual.

The Psychick Cross is the symbol of the "whole" person, uncovering one's
unconsciously hidden desires and obtaining them. The unconscious speaks
most loudly in our dreams and our fantasies. When we fantasize, our desires
usually take place in Utopian settings, and represent these goals by creating
collages including parts of our physical body to personalise the symbol of our
goal even more. This symbol reminds us over and over again that this is thee
want, this is thee self. Temple members using this process end up
understanding their needs and desires better, are more able to satisfy
themselves and succeed in life.

I personally enjoy making decisions and discoveries on my own. I will not
allow anyone to take that joy away from me. I enjoy my intelligence, my
talents, and discovering myself using the symbolic rituals suggested by the
Temple Ov Psychick Youth. T.O.P.Y. is an important organisation because: 1) it
shows people they are not alone in the struggle, and 2) it allows people to
exchange views, ideas, and solutions to better these processes to liberate and
satiate the individual self.


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