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The Conspiracy, Part 3

by Rev. Ivan Stang

Part 3 of 3.


In the "Normal" job world, The Conspiracy keeps you on the tightest leash possible. They would completely deprive you of freedom if they could, but, out of necessity, to keep you alive for another year, they grudgingly give you Sundays, sometimes Saturdays, sometimes a whole week out of your life for that minimum life-sustaining taste of false freedom. And what do the Normals do with the illusion of "freedom" the CON grudgingly rations out? Most folks mow their lawns, wash their cars, do errands or go to church(!). Somewhere along the line, they receive a pitiful modicum of false freedom, or else they would die. HOW MUCH freedom they receive is what the Conspiracy tries so hard to control. They want to ration it out to you, drop by drop, as with an eyedropper, so you'll always be at Their mercy, carrying out Their every evil whim.

Their arbitrary "laws" extend unquestioned into every minuscule aspect of your private life. Every last vestige of freedom, even standing around doing nothing, is regulated. Notice that "loitering" isn't just illegal in restaurants and stores, but even on so called "public" sidewalks, parks, everywhere. You've got to keep moving. For that matter, you can be thrown in jail for "vagrancy," the inability to produce official identification or money. We are not legal life forms without a shell of paper defending our bodies. The only place you can legally cease moving is in your own home.

And what must you do to have one of these "homes" in which you can legally exist, and enjoy TV with which They brainwash you? Nothing much, merely spend the majority of your life working for Them...that is, after you've spent twelve to twenty years subjecting your mind to Their programming, digging yourself out from under mountains of irrelevant information that has nothing to do with the "real" life They have planned for you.

Turning wild animals into manageable slave units is not easy. Children must be institutionalized and forced into totally unnatural practices such as sitting in stationary positions for hours, reacting to bells, stifling curiosity, kissing authority's ass, ect. Upon adolescence the Conspiracy rips out the original mind and installs glitch filled software, obsolete before the season's out. The individual is sucked deeper and deeper into the abstract universe of symbols, now indistinguishable from reality. The institutionalized techno-society point of view is further enforced as those who act differently are ostracized or beaten by their "peers." Is it any surprise that those who don't want to work for the company, get married, and breed a new litter of future employees, are considered AIDS-sneezing sodomites or pet-molesting, baby-eating devil worshipers? Is it any surprise that some of them ARE?

But at least it's equal servitude for everybody, regardless of gender. In the old days, women were the serf's slaves. But in our New World Age liberated society, women too have the opportunity to participate in their own futility. Once prevented form working, women are now prevented from not working.


They listen to you through your telephone without its even being off the hook, and watch you from satellites that can peer down onto any street, anywhere. The only legal drugs are alcohol and tobbaco; reality-numbing tranquilizers. Most forms of sex are crimes. Exercise of instincts must be suppressed for Their system to work. No one who is Truly Free is really going to feel like saluting a flag or dying for God and Company.

They kick in your door any time they want to. All they have to yell is "DRUGS!" and you and your spouse are in jail, your kids are farmed out to the state, your car and house are suddenly theirs. They can walk up to you anywhere today and say, "Excuse me, can we see your wallet, please? Hmm, you have a lot of cash here. We'll have to confiscate it - you fit the profile of someone who might be a drug dealer."

The fake "war on drugs" is eroding every last bit of freedom we've managed to wring out of the sons-of-bitches since 1776. We've spent 200 years trying to make "We The People" include someone besides the white land-owning aristocracy, and now that we're finally beginning to do it, they're going over to the other end of the Constitution to tell us what rights we don't have. Everything that is not forbidden is proscribed.

Nobody up there is a friend of yours. Nobody up there wants to see you get what you would call freedom. The purpose of "government" is to produce and maintain consumers and workers who will keep the cost of labor down, and the profits high for the owners. If you believe that any of the Janus faced jackasses running for office are going to do anything for you, if you think that even one of these "people" who claim to be on the side of liberty and freedom cares in the slightest what you want, then you have bought The Conspiracy line. And you didn't even have to go to room 101.



It is the time foretold, when people would be judged not by their works, nor by family, nor even by looks, but buy their urine. For this has become so crooked and perverse a nation, that your precious bodily fluids are no longer your own, and not even your bladder or bloodstream are private. There is no place where they may not watch.

Where can you run, Where can you hide, When the man dressed in blue Is on the inside?

The Conspiracy will not, cannot rest until it controls everything. They want to make sure that when The Dome goes up, they'll be on the inside and everybody else is out there. If they can't make us Normal, they'll make us HOMELESS. They'll work us and tax us until we're powerless bums and slaves, so poor and cowed that when they come to take away our kids we won't complain, but thank them.


But NO, you say. This is all just TOO PARANOID, BITTER, MEAN and DEPRESSING!! There's more democracy and less tyranny in the world now than ever before!

GET REAL. Sure, they can vote now in those Commie countries. But where has voting gotten us? Our "choices" are between two or three scapegoats to hurl garbage at. UNSEEN OTHERS make all the rules. Real governments don't want publicity. They've kept the rubes happy for centuries, simply by letting them "build the prisons for themselves."

All presidents are only symbols, bar-coded Tarot-card chessmen in the Conspiracy's ceremonial Monopoly Gameboard Earth. Elections don't need to be fixed; they are FIXES for the hopeless who are all too willing to deceive themselves into getting a sense of "empowerment" by standing in line for hours to put a little checkmark on a dead piece of the Amazonian Rainforest. Some reptile shoves a card in front of your face: "Which vampire would you like to pay to suck your blood? Clone One, Clone One, or Clone One?" And you Pink Boys and Girls lecture about apathy! I repeat: They see us as MEAT - nobody gives a flightless FUCK what you think - and all those trees did die for nothing. Yes, you are free - free to be a consumption-gratified meat sack, sleepwalking malls coast to coast, reflexively seeking out the hide wrapped around another mobile hamburger.

If you ask most people to name their religion, you'll get a LIE - it'll only be what they SAY they believe, lip service to invisible super-beings on the off-chance that some might actually exist. Their politics define what they actually DO. That's the filter through which they filter everything. When someone says they are a conservative or a liberal, that self-determination reveals far more than their professed "religion" about their world view and their perceived relationship to the Universe.

Even so, there are no hard and fast rules. There are PLENTY of liberals who think like Nazis, and there actually exist conservatives who think like Jesus. Just look at how many Democrats could be convinced they were really Republicans after all, and voted for Reagan, Bush and Clinton. Count the bosses from both parties that are in jail for malfeasance, embezzlement, thievery, cronyism...and that's just for their business crimes. The "intelligence" community, of course, never, ever gets touched.

What's the difference? Both parties bend over for their special interest groups. The Republican Party, once the most noble institution in the land, is now sold out to the country- club effete rich and superstitious religious fanatics. The Democratic Party, once the most noble institution in the land, is the fawning lap dog for the whining jerk-kneed, quivering under the table with it's tail between it's legs. Both have been broken under the Conspiracy wheel.

My outlook is so much more extreme than either far left or far right that, to me, they might as well be identical. Both ideologies are JUST MORE RELIGION. Both might as well be Cargo Cultist's bowing down before department store dummies. I believe in freedom of religion, and Cargo Cultists are free to worship dummies if they wish. But between the "Politically Correct" on the one hand and the "Theologically Correct" on the other, we're being P.C.ed and J.C.ed until freedom is D.O.A.

YOU CAN'T TRUST ANYBODY, and you can't believe anything you read. It's LIES all the way down the line, starting with your first-grade history primer and leading up to this very sentence. All this ballyhoo about the God-fearing founding fathers, and how this nation is based on the Bible - !#!@!*! Those guys were all Masons and Deists working under the Sign of the ALL-SEEING EYE! Check out the back of the dollar bill.


Funny how the people who holler for "less government" want even more government in the bedroom! They fulminate and demonstrate against abortion, sex, drugs, and birth control, but God forbid that big business be forced to stop pumping millions of tons of polychlorinated waste into the oceans, or belching poisonous smoke into the deteriorating atmosphere! No limits on business, only on pleasure. They have satellites that can read your license plates while birth control remains at a medieval level. Teen VD, AIDS and pregnancy skyrockets, and overpopulation threatens to negate any population...and yet the panic-stricken Pinks shriek, "But if we teach sex education in schools, it'll only give kids ideas!"

Ingrained hypocrisy and double standards are the building blocks of the so called "conservative" lifestyle. As long as you don't show NIPPLES or POT SMOKING, and nobody CUSSES, you can call any kind of ultra-violence or demeaning pornography "family entertainment." Drinking beer and watching a girl in a wet T- shirt and a G-string rub her butt against a pole at one of those bars with a name like "HOOTERS"...that's GOOD CLEAN FUN, and you can bring the kids. Yet you can be thrown in jail for simply possessing an inanimate book, if it has the printed words or pictures that "go too far."

But you watered-down so-called "liberals," you young soi- disant "Slackers" with your tie-dyes, Hard Rock Cafe T-shirts and bitchin' hairdos, you who think you're on our side, are even worse. The rest of the brain-dead idiots have an excuse. But YOU KNEW from the beginning what was happening, and yet you bent over HAPPILY, offering up your aerobicised buns to the Alternative Conspiracy, saying, "HERE! TAKE ALL YOU WANT! WIDEN IT TO YOUR HEART'S CONTENT!" You sorry simps think you're so aware and radical while doing your best to conform to the norm defined by Normal non-conformity! You are your own worst nightmare: A DUMBASS. FACE IT: all this New-Age clap-trap means is, now when you shaft the next guy, you've got to have a smile on your face when you do it.

At least conservatives always have that hilarious total assurance that they're right. Liberals indulge in too much mealy-mouthed, wishy-washy DOUBT before they sell you out. They always think, "Surly that other person is human, like me. Too bad we HAVE to KILL you." At least the conservatives have the good sense to WANT to KILL us.

Well, I've HAD IT with these goody-two-shoes, politically correct, New Age, namby-pamby, hand-wringing do-gooders, who presume that THEIR brand of The Conspiracy would be ANY LESS HIDEOUS than that of the right wing fascists who've been running/ruining this country since the 63 coup. The conservative Glorps may be enslaved by greed and the dollar, but the Tragically Hip-Hop Wimps and P.C. Pinks are enslaved by bottomless guilt, and by pretending NOT to be enslaved by the arty dollar.

The Trendy Liberal Con is the Unfashionable Conservative Con's slickest trick, a Black Hole that absorbs anything "cool" and "anti-conspiracy," anything revolutionary that may later become a threat, and then spits it back out as cutesy, watered- down trivia, mass-produced and mass-marketed, packaged to move, paraded as another triumph for the Culture Dish of the Universal Beehive - something any normal can enjoy when it gets tired of masturbating Smurfs.


Have you noticed how the Conspiracy will suddenly announce in the media, that thanks to a huge study with endless funding that kept thousands of bureaucrats and sociologists busy, they can proudly announce this incredible new discovery, and it turns out to be some UTTERLY pointless thing that, moreover, ANY DUMB- ASS could already have told you was common sense? And remember how BURNED-UP you got, to think that your hard earned tax money was being thrown willy-nilly at any gang of jargon-jabbering whiners with a self-invented "NEEDY CAUSE"??

Don't you SEE?

The Conspiracy encourages and publicizes only the most kooky, ridiculous, simple-minded, knee-jerk extremism, in order to turn you OFF to ANYTHING EFFECTIVELY "ALTERNATIVE"!

Of course, you can't blame the Con for taking advantage of a good thing. All those "special interests" are but the visible froth on the great heaving sea of "victims." Fashionable crybabyism, an orgy of denial of any responsibility for one's situation, especially denial of the fact that even within this society of co-dependant cross-victimization, IT ACTUALLY REMAINS DOG EAT DOG. It's who can out-victim who at this point. The Conspiracy sits back and laughs. It's babies squall and bleat and wet themselves.


All these "Visualize World Peace" assholes, "love Warriors" and "neo-shamans"...If they can sit and visualize world harmony clearly enough, WHOO BOY, that's better than voting! BECAUSE it's MAGIC! The tree-hugging, crystal-head New Age loveburgers FORGET that going back to nature includes open ditch latrines in mid-summer, staphylococcus bacteria, plague-ridden rats and no antibiotics. THEY choose to DENY their FULL evolutionary heritage AS animals, or even as hunter-gatherers, which involves a lot more sweating and swearing and hurting and killing than they care to admit.

I'm reaching out to the real minorities - individuals - who aren't weeping about oppression, because THEY HAVE NEVER LET ANYBODY OPPRESS THEM WITHOUT A DEATH STRUGGLE. The half-assed sits around and blames one or two piddling aspects of the Con, the fully-assed SERVES AS A LIVING EXAMPLE of SOMETHING THE CONSPIRACY HATES TO SEE.

As the years go by, it will become more obvious that "1984" already HAPPENED way back in 1953!!! ONE HAND has been jerking MANY PUPPETS. America, in some ways, is hardly any different than China. In China, you have to do what They want. In America, you can do whatever you want - as long as you want what They want.


Firebirds and Camaros are what are termed "clonemobiles" - the cars of choice of one of the mainstream types of Pinks. The cars look exactly alike, and the people who drive them are exactly alike. They all listen to the same radio station, no matter what part of the country they're in, because even if the call letters are different, it's still the same radio station. The DJ's all tell the same jokes, at the same time of day, and it's always Real Rock Radio, and the same songs are always playing simultaneously in every nook and cranny of the nation.

It's the Rise of the Mediocretins. Everything looks just like it does on TV. Every city is the same city now, spores of one gigantic spreading amoebic "mall" that will someday cover the globe like an endless antbed. From any given downtown, you drive for hours past the identical mini-malls, Pizza-Huts, apartment complexes and housing developments in endless repetition. This used to be considered dystopian science fiction. Now that it's here, we think it's perfectly normal. Small towns, once different, now all have the Whataburger, the Burger King, the mall, the Cinema-Octoplex...while everything that made them unique or "quaint" locales is swallowed by THE DEVOURING PINKNESS.


If you can step away from your numbness long enough to really look around you...does what you see excite you? Does it give you Freedom? Does it do anything for you but prolong the numbness? "Oh, it's ok," you say, "Everything is okay. In fact, I don't like things that are more than okay, because then it makes me think that there might be things that are less than okay. As long as everything is okay, that's good enough! You can't have your cake and eat it too. Don't make waves. Okay? We're free enough - we can indulge in the properly ritualized "bad" behavior, like going to the lake, watching the game, getting real drunk and beating our dogs, that's understood - we all do that. Now, going to the lake and launching heads, chanting, getting naked, stoked to the max, performing beating rituals with each other's dogs. NO WAY!!!" And it's okay to sublimate our sexual drives into things like despoiling the landscape at the expense of health and future just for money, because the only thing that gives our tired, twisted old nervous systems a thrill is the thought that we can buy MORE THINGS.

There are degrees of aliveness. You can be not only stupid, but 90% DEAD, and still hold down a Conspiracy 9-to-5 job. Your body keeps clocking in, functioning on 10% of your life essence, while the Con gets the rest. YOU MORON...They've got you thinking it's perfectly natural to "work" for a "living!!" What you WANT to do is real work, something useful and fulfilling - nothing wrong with that - but what you HAVE to do is slavery. No matter what They're paying, you're selling TOO CHEAP.

In the Middle Ages, they called it The Obscene Kiss; kissing Satan's bum was the way a sorcerer was initiated. Today, we have corporate-style butt-kissing...bestowing that submissive kiss upon the posterior of the Chief Executive Devil and his minions.


Mark my words - it will be our doom! Our little terrarium Earth is turning into a toxic toilet controlled by dim-wits. Day after day slips by, time you could have invested in doing something truly useful while having a good time, but instead sold out cheap to The Conspiracy - like a SUCKER! Years out of YOUR LIFE, with nothing to show for them but lots of paid household bills. YOU'LL NEVER GET ANY OF THOSE PRECIOUS YEARS BACK...you'll just get older and older, and develop more chronic aches, pains and regrets. And when you die, the Con at large will just say, "Well there's plenty more where that one came from."

Pessimistic? Hell, I'm so pessimistic I'm afraid most of my most PESSIMISTIC PREDICTIONS will turn out to have been IDIOTICALLY OPTIMISTIC. A little pessimism and paranoia never hurt anybody. But the Pinks and Yups and Nuzis and Yinkies have been employing Positive Thinking and suchlike namby-pamby mama's boy stuff for the last 20,000 years, and things just keep getting worse FASTER. Yet, through the magic of Positive Thinking, THEY DON'T CARE!

It may be too late to stop being optimistic - but it's never too late to start being bitterly pessimistic.

Remember, things could be much, much worse. That's the consolation. You could SUDDENLY, ONE MINUTE FROM NOW, be screaming in unimaginable pain, half burned to death and trapped inside the white-hot twisted metal and broken glass and charred wood of wherever you are when IT happens...

...or you could be lying on parched ground with bones so brittle from malnutrition, and a brain so ruined by disease, that ALL LIFE for you has become that one dry, vermin-ridden grain of rice at the end of your tongue...

...or you could be rich but afflicted with something caused by your own lifestyle that bites deeper into you, but ever so slowly, so that you never stop thinking of killing yourself...("Then they'd be sorry.")

...or you could be so wrapped up in your job that you haven't noticed that you've gone crazy, that you've only been hypnotised into thinking that "everything's okay," but actually there is starvation and misery all around that will catch up with you sooner or later...

But that hasn't happened yet, so in the meantime, WHO CARES??!!! - as long as the power plants still run, and we can televise ritual yearly Earth Days, where the liberals congratulate themselves for being liberals, and the conservatives congratulate themselves for fooling the liberals, and the ones in-between are ground into dog food.

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