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The Conspiracy, Part 2

by Rev. Ivan Stang

Part 2 of 3.



Humans would rather fight their neighbors than the Conspiracy. That's been the key to Their success. Pinks prefer the familiar in everything, ESPECIALLY enemies. Colonialism never would have succeeded anywhere, had the natives not been so dedicated to fighting amongst themselves that they were happy to sell out to the invaders for a few extra blunderbusses. By the time any two given tribes of Normals stop hating each other and start organizing against the common foe, it's too late and they're BOTH under the jackboot. What's worse, the minute the genocidal conquerors finish looting and leave, the natives go right back to fratricide. This pattern repeats itself in all human systems, from nations down to kindergarten classrooms. You can bet that if any group of people are starving to death, their neighbors will be throwing food away in PLAIN VIEW.

Without divine intervention, we can probably look forward to an inevitable, perpetual apocalypse in which the "Enlightened Fascism" of a New World Order/Northern Hemisphere Conspiracy will be pitted against the more traditional Third World Fascism of a Southern Hemisphere Conspiracy...a planet where the loud hairy tribes of super-industrialized Northern Asia - America - Europe - Russia are a cancerous blight of asphalt and shotguns, paranoiacally guarding their soft, formica empires against the hard and hungry hoards from South America - Africa - India - and the Middle East...forever, and ever, and ever.

How did They screw things up so fast?


Easy...all They had to do was let the place fill up with HUMANITY - the ultimate carnivorous mammal, the incurable virus of the landscape. It's not like this is a recent development! If you read history, you'll realize that nothing has changed. Oh, the diseases are different - leprosy then, AIDS now; but the treatment hasn't changed. For lesser ills than those, a barber used to bleed you with leeches; now a qualified doctor carves you, irradiates you, then bleeds you with bills. The average housewife/worker puts in far longer hours than did her/his ancestors 30,000 years ago. The Conspiracy itself has only grown, and we certainly aren't getting any wiser. We're still the same venal, corrupt, petty-minded, uncaring, cold, vicious animals as always. Once we invent something terrible, we can't bring ourselves to un-invent it. "Hey, we can unlock the power of the atom! Let's DO JUST THAT!"

This is the most self-centered, egotistical, all-consuming, anal retentive, ego-bound, crap-generating, xenophobic, self- righteous, ignorant, bleached and processed culture ever to have crawled out of the slime, ruled by the lowest common denominator: the exploitative, monkey-see-monkey-kill nature of our primitive inheritance. We are the meanest monkeys on the planet, that's all - disgusting split-brained apes with big thumbs. When we stumble upon something new and good, we immediately steel it, rape it, market it and finally use it all up...and if we can, we'll stop anyone else from getting a piece.

There MUST be a life form superior to us on this planet. (It might have been the dolphins and whales, but we've almost exterminated them.) If we're the top, then this must be a damn bad neighborhood. In fact, the whole Universe must be seriously flawed.

Do you see the human race choosing any of the sane options? When the humans finally held an "Earth Summit," the first thing they did was ban any discussion of overpopulation. In fact, they banned the word "overpopulation" itself; FOR RELIGIOUS REASONS!!! What nattering, blithering IDIOTS!!!

From the dawn of time, we've done nothing but strangle ourselves with our own monkey smartness. Too much stinking ingenuity and not enough common sense. The world will continue to see GIGANTIC human disasters on a VAST SCALE: famine, eco- collapse, insurrection, disease, war...If we don't even like our friends, how can there ever be any common guiding goal for humanity, any hope of tolerance?


OF COURSE this sounds like the product of a diseased mind.

There was a time when I, too, used to think the John Birchers, Liberty Lobbyists, Unarians and all those other fringe fanatics were funny kooks, what with their paranoid ramblings about the Trilateral Commission, The Bildebergers, The CFR, the World Trade Organization, the IMF, the Federal Reserve and so on. Then I found out the hard way that they were RIGHTER THAN THEY KNEW!!!


But the CON keeps you distracted with one or two of it's offspring, like the Kennedy assassination, so that you think you have the big picture, and never catch onto the BIG picture. If you believe anything on Tee Vee or in the newspaper, then you'll probably believe everything in the Warren Commission Report. If only a tiny fraction of what ANY "conspiracy nut" says is true about those six seconds in Dallas, then the entire Federal Government is, at best, as illegitimate and evil as the old-style communists who attempted the coup in Russia.

The only difference is, the Russian people TRIED not to let them get away with it.

In America, YOU didn't even NOTICE because you were too busy blaming everything on Lee Harvey Oswald. You not only let the deadly Frankenstein gangster Military Industrial Complex and their puppets get away with it, you rewarded them by letting Them have your kids' BODIES for exercises in international banking like Vietnam, Operation Desert Storm, and Paul McCartney concerts. Well, GOD BLESS AMERICA and MERRY FUCKING CHRISTMAS.

Believe me: Your elected officials, top media and business honchos have always considered you GULLIBLE and STUPID. They look down on you. I know. I've had to "do lunch" with Them. To them you are a food animal. Brainwashed Zombie Sheep, stampeding each other to be first in line for the slaughterhouse.

And they may be right. You ARE so easy to fool. They have you fretting about some "Star Wars" outer-space missile-defence ruse, while They are actually spending the money to put Silent Behavior Control brainwash satellites, spaceborne nightmare mega- death focused-sunlight/microwave weapons, high-rez infra-red jobs that can hear and peer into any room, anytime, anywhere. Vietnam? That wasn't just about selling Pepsi in Southeast Asia... it was a weapons systems demo.

You won't see any major wars for awhile, only small wars designed to prove the efficacy of weapons systems - weapons which can be sold to people who'll want them in case they become the next product testing sight.

Check out the commercial weapons conspiracy. Which families and banking companies sell arms? For how many generations? Where do they sell arms? How much technology does our government license to other countries, to make CHEAPER weapons?

It's no longer two huge nations fighting each other by building up nuclear arsenals; we now have major weapons markets competing against one another, throughout the planet, for everything from small arms ammo to air-to-air interceptor missiles to virus gasses to particle beam orbiting death rays. When we sell 150 F-16's to China, it not only keeps 5,000 Americans employed, it also means the Russians get to sell MIGs to Libya and get cash on Their deal. The world has been divided up: we sell missile guidance chips here, the Eastern Block gets to sell Tupelovs there. All history is just a big cash flow chart.


Remember how Operation Desert Storm seemed, on TV, like a cross between a miniseries and an infomercial? The Gulf War, Grenada, and Panama - those were WEAPONS COMMERCIALS. They even ran a domestic one: Los Angeles 92. It's like the Olympics; every four years we have a gala commercial war. There's more money in it than even NFL Football; you just don't see the names of McDonnall Douglas, Lockheed, and LTV advertised as sponsors. But wait till the "SUPER BOWL!!!"

Although it's always better than NOT ENOUGH, there's just TOO MUCH in this culture...too much of EVERYTHING, packing our senses to overload. We KNOW we don't NEED all this crap...if we were to somehow JETTISON it all, we'd probably get a lot more THINKING and FEELING done. So we fantasize that there must be places in the world where all this "normal" overcomplication and stress would be considered absolutely crazy, and the people there would say, "No wonder you people have cancer worse than anyone else in the world. No wonder there's so much crime and everybody's going nuts! Why don't you lay back in this hammock, have some fruit, and hang out with us topless natives in this idyllic, primitive utopia for a couple of decades!"

Well, there USED to be places like that.


Sure, we may be hooked on South America's coffee and Japan's microchips, but we've hooked them and almost EVERYBODY ELSE on OUR POP CULTURE, our diabolically seductive brand of mindless consumerism. Amazonian Indians are walking around in Coca-Cola T-shirts, Aerosmith T-shirts. The Japanese are wearing Desert Storm combat fashion and paying $2,000 for a simulated .44 Magnum that shoots B-B's. All based on the most insidious products America has to offer - Hollywood Movies, Pop Music, Prime Time Television, snotty attitudes, and slick catch phrases. Our trash "pop" is the current meme; it burrows straight into the world's subconscious and cuts across all barriers. In the middle of Tibet you'll see that damn Rambo T-shirt, and when the Tibetan wearing it finishes his Pepsi, he'll THROW THE CAN ON THE GROUND - because that's how the Americans do things; get instant gratification, then leave the garbage for someone else to clean up.

Mindless consumerism has been successfully foisted off on Third World chumps because convenience is a stronger drug than heroin. They don't want democracy, they want Madonna albums. They don't want the sacred tea of their ancestors, they want Dr. Pepper...or better yet, a banana wine cooler. And they sure as hell don't want to return to any practices of their ancestors - that requires patience and creative thought. It's not instant gratification. Even with prayer, one has to wait - but turn on the TV, and the sweet voice of consumption is instantly right there in front of you. Push a button on the microwave, and out pops dinner. You don't have to wait for anything - you don't even have to get out of your car. We've addicted the entire world, tagging their brains with our radioactive photon emissions like a dog marking it's territory.

Rabid consumers jack-off in awe over High Definition TV- Virtual Reality "state of the art" toys which are really nothing but industrial fallout from technologies already obsolete in the 60's!! What The Conspiracy considers primitive space junk They sell to the masses, in the form of New Product to slowly, entertainingly kill us!!

It doesn't really matter that The Conspiracy has manufactured TV's that can watch us, for it manufactures TV's that WE WATCH.

It's been shown that heavy TV addicts perceive a much greater level of violence around them than do abstainers. Immersion in the TV reality, where everyone is always "sitting on a time bomb" (be it wacky or deadly), makes people paranoid and isolated. While simultaneously uniting people with common images and fantasies, it cut's them off from reality. On TV, all problems are solved in 30 or 60 minutes - so people start expecting the same convenience in real life. The world becomes image, rather than visa versa. TV distorts what we are; we aspire to become what it shows, and pretty soon reality is worse than bad science fiction. (In OLD MOVIES, the only time They moved the army into Los Angeles was when the GIANT ANTS came out of the sewers or the Martians invaded.) People see the collage of sadistic ultra-violence on television every day, and wonder, "Why the hell shouldn't we have this much FUN in real life?" It's not that people get real life confused with TV - it's that they are indistinguishable now.

Television both integrates the culture and destroys literacy, reducing us to a homogeneous mass of photon-dependant P-heads. Pinks aren't sentient enough to disengage their sense of identity from the products being sold to them. They ARE their tennis shoes, jackets, drugs, fast foods, favorite shows, pop groups and media stars... and the CON, rather than protecting the minds and psyches of the undiscerning, childlike Pinks, exploits that weakness. Everything, including so called "news" and "fact" is reduced to "entertainment" geared to the lowest common denominator...irrelevant sound bites and factoids made to seem meaningful. People PAY not to think.

That's why TV SEEMS FREE but isn't. You pay in free will for those broadcasts, and not just by having to sit through the ads. Everything They let you watch is being run through a Number 4, industrial strength, Mammon Filter on it's way to your brain. Most people understand that...but they are too lazy to take it's evil effects into account.

But...what about GREEN ACRES, you ask? What about PEE WEE'S PLAYHOUSE, REN & STIMPY and DRAGNET? Is not some TV , for it's wealth in stupid bulldata alone, well worth the fact that the rest of it turns all the world into a homogenous beehive? True. But BULLDATA is ALL TV is good for. When it purports to show us reality, that's when TV is at it's most dangerous.

"I used to think salvation was in the Sky. Now the Sky is one big video screen for the shit that makes our genetic code stagnate. Each section of the Sky's Space is cordoned off and regulated by the FCC, the International Holographer's Union, the Ad Council, and a million consumer advocacy groups. They have turned the Sky into a workhorse which turns the Mill which reenforces the Illusion of Time - the movement of Sun and Moon from the vantage point of this prison is just advertising time for sale." - Rev. Nicholas Gardner

The sports conspiracy...the entertainment conspiracy...the fashion conspiracy...it's all a circus, to keep you deluded, to keep you stupid, to keep you thinking of nothing else but your stomach, your genitals and your ATM card. YOU ARE BEING TRAINED TO FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE ABOUT YOURSELF, to HATE yourself. It's a sad matter of disempowerment.

If you turn that around, and fight The Conspiracy infection that's already in you, and make yourself more capable, more in control of the events around you, you'll have more FREEDOM. And that's the BEST thing you can do in revenge. It's not the only thing you can do. You can try to keep your needs down, and your plans loose...give 'em a low silhouette...escape the credit system...cash only...fly under the radar whenever you can...but They'll still track you.

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