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Thelema Lodge Newsletter #1

Thelema Lodge Calendar/Newsletter for January 1990 to February 1990 e.v.
(Mailed for free within 100 miles of Berkeley)

Copyright © O.T.O. and the Individual Authors, 1990 e.v.

Limited license is hereby granted to reproduce this file without fee, with
this message intact. This license expires January 1991 e.v. unless renewed
in writing. No charge other than reproduction costs is permitted under this
license to the receivers of copies of this file without O.T.O. written

Ordo Templi Orientis
P.O. Box 2303
Berkeley, CA 94702 USA

Temple Location: 590 63rd St.
Oakland, California
(Entrance in front, to the left)

Phones: Lodge/Temple: (415) 655-4942
Messages Only: (415) 454-5176

Compuserve: 72105,1351

Calendar events in the San Francisco Bay Area for January 1990 to February
1990 e.v., in brief. Always call the contact phone number before
attending. Some are limited in size, change location and may be subject to
other adjustments.
When you call, you don't get lost or disappointed. Initiations are private.
Donations at all OTO events are welcome.


Date: Description: Contact: Sponsor:
1/2/90 Thelema Lodge Meeting 8 PM (415) 655-4942 Thelema Ldg
1/6/90 King Cake Party Evenings 'til Mardi (415) 549-0952 Merkabah Hse
Gras --- call for information
1/7/90 Gnostic Mass 8 PM (415) 655-4942 Thelema Ldg
1/11/90 Wm. James Birthday commemoration (415) 655-4942 Thelema Ldg
1/14/90 Gnostic Mass 8 PM (415) 655-4942 Thelema Ldg
1/17/90 Qabalah #2: 8 PM with Bill (415) 655-4942 Thelema Ldg
1/18/90 Rose-Croix/Lodge of Perfection
1/20/90 Minerval initiations (415) 655-4942 Thelema Ldg
1/21/90 Gnostic Mass 8 PM (415) 655-4942 Thelema Ldg
1/23/89 Secret Meeting ...
1/24/90 Qabalah #3: 8 PM with Bill (415) 655-4942 Thelema Ldg
1/25/90 Introduction to Shiatsu with Andrew (415) 655-4942 Thelema Ldg
7:30 PM at Horus Temple
1/26/90 Reading of "The Tempest" 7:30 PM (415) 655-4942 ABRAHADABRA
1/26/90 Eclipse Party 9:30 PM Call for info (415) 655-4942 Thelema Ldg
1/27/90 Ist and IInd Degree initiations (415) 655-4942 Thelema Ldg
1/28/90 Aquarius Birthday party 4:18 PM (415) 655-4942 Thelema Ldg
1/28/90 Deacon Class at Sunset (415) 655-4942 Thelema Ldg
1/28/90 Gnostic Mass 8 PM (415) 655-4942 Thelema Ldg

2/3/90 Brigid rite at Horus Temple (415) 655-4942 Thelema Ldg
2/4/90 Gnostic Mass 8 PM (415) 655-4942 Thelema Ldg
2/6/90 Thelema Lodge Meeting 8 PM (415) 655-4942 Thelema Ldg
2/11/90 Gnostic Mass 8 PM (415) 655-4942 Thelema Ldg
2/14/90 Qabalah #4: 8 PM with Bill (415) 655-4942 Thelema Ldg
2/15/90 Rose-Croix/Lodge of Perfection
2/18/90 Gnostic Mass 8 PM (415) 655-4942 Thelema Ldg
2/20/90 Enochiana with Dave 8:30 PM (415) 655-4942 Thelema Ldg
"Sigillum Dei Aemeth" Pt. I
2/21/90 Qabalah #5: 8 PM with Bill (415) 655-4942 Thelema Ldg
2/23/90 Secret Meeting ...
2/24/90 Minerval and IIIrd Degree init. (415) 655-4942 Thelema Ldg
2/25/90 Pisces Birthday party 4:18 PM (415) 655-4942 Thelema Ldg
2/25/90 Gnostic Mass 8 PM (415) 655-4942 Thelema Ldg
2/27/90 Mardi Gras

From the Grady Project:

The Rebel Soul

Disembodied, floating free,
Swept above the windy hills,
Lashing at the rolling sea,
Fleeing where the spirit wills,

A soul unleashed across the world
To speed its way, with freedom full
It leaps, its outstretched tendrils coiled
To rip and rend; a cyclone bull.

It has no ties that bind to earth,
It knows no bonds to hold its form,
But writhes and twists and howls its mirth
And has its being in the storm.

Upon its thought there is no reign
Upon its heart there is no hold;
An entity in joyous strain
That knows IT IS, so can be bold.

-- Grady L. McMurtry

From the Neck of the Bottle

This issue of the "Thelema Lodge Calendar" includes two postable Calendars,
one for January and one for February. We are so far behind our publication
deadlines that it is now time to shift one month. The shift will be done
gradually, beginning with this issue. All paid subscriptions will be extended
one month to compensate.
No news on the Raid aftermath this month --- no new major developments.
Ultimate resolution of this crisis will take more than a year. Just now the
Police Review Commission is still reviewing, Berkeley PD Internal Affairs has
scheduled interviews, and judicial business is still in early phases. More
information will be forthcoming as new developments take place.
Partly because of the disruption caused by the Raid, the holidays and
transportation difficulties, several of our regular features didn't make press
time. We expect to have more variety next issue, and hope our readers enjoy
the various selections on technical Qabalah offered below.

(Note to the Electronic Edition: In the following selections, extensive use
is made of Hebrew. The following table will help readers with the spelling:

English transliterations of Hebrew letters used in this edition:

A = Aleph ------- not correct for pronunciation.
B = Bet
G = Gemel
D = Dalet
H = Heh
V = Vau
Z = Zain
Ch = Chet ------- not correct for pronunciation.
T = Tet
Y = Yod
K = Koph
L = Lamed
M = Mem
N = Nun
S = Samekh
a'a = Ayin
P = Peh
Tz = Tzaddi
Q = Qof
R = Resh
Sh = Shin
Th = Taw -------- not correct for pronunciation.

Also, the order of the Hebrew letters in words has been reversed to read in
the normal left-to-right for English. When Hebrew is written in its proper
characters, the order is right-to-left. In ambiguous cases, some Hebrew
letters are preceded by "HB:" to distinguish from free-standing English

From the Out Basket

Since the Qabalah Series has started up again, here's a demonstration
of several techniques for studying words with Berashit (elementary)
Qabalah. Those interested in pursuing these methods will find a copy of
Crowley's "Liber 777" useful, as well as the various materials provided
with the current Qabalah classes. An inexpensive edition of "Liber 777"
can be obtained at Thelema Lodge by visitors. This presentation is
adapted from "Magical Correspondences", a series of class materials
originally used in 1972 e.v. Copyright © 1972 and 1990 by Bill Heidrick.

These examples use YHVH., the Tetragrammaton. Hundreds of others
examples could be introduced for that word alone, but these show some of
the most common methods.

1. Words may be looked up in a Dictionary:
YHVH = "He/She is" or "He/She causes to be".

2. Words may be compared to other words:
YHVH compared to AHYH.
HB:Y --- HB:A
HB:H --- HB:H HB:A instead of HB:Y
HB:V --- HB:Y HB:Y instead of HB:V
HB:H --- HB:H
AHYH signifies "I am"
YHVH signifies "He/She is".
Therefore HB:AH is a more direct expression of being than HB:YH or HB:YH.

.A unformed being.
AHYH-:H forming force.
.+Y partly formed being.
YHVH:.H forming force
: V more completely
. H formed being.

3. Words may be analyzed letter-by-letter through correspondences:

--- using Tarot cards (see "Liber 777", columns CLXXV and XIV):
Y --- The Hermit
H --- The Emperor or The Star
V --- The Hierophant
H --- The Emperor or The Star
YHVH is the secret force (Hermit) entering the organizing of
forms (Emperor) to teach the true nature (Hierophant) of the order of
creation (Emperor).
or, using Crowley's correspondence between HB:H and The Star Trump:
YHVH is the secret force (Hermit) entering the totality of the
creation (Star) to inform (Hierophant) all that exists (Star).

--- using Hebrew letter names ("777", columns CLXXV and III):
Y --- Hand
H --- Window
V --- Nail
H --- Window
YHVH is a reaching into true vision to establish a vision of

--- using Astrology ("777", columns CLXXV and VII):
Y --- Virgo
H --- Aries
V --- Taurus
H --- Aries
YHVH is a quiet harmony established through will in power and
firmness and perpetuated by will.

The same thing may be done with color correspondences ("Liber 777",
columns XV - XVIII); but reactions to colors tend to be somewhat
different for different people. Example:
Y --- Greenish Yellow
H --- Scarlet
V --- Red Orange
H --- Scarlet
YHVH is a living mist inflamed into a glowing fire.
An existence is acted upon to make it more active.

The shapes of the letters may suggest ideas to the mind:
Y --- a flame or a sperm cell.
H --- a man united with a woman.
V --- the erect phallus.
H --- union results in pregnancy.
YHVH is like a fruitful sexual union.

4. In some cases, traditional meanings are given to the letters of a
particular word in addition to the regular ones found in tables of
correspondences. This is the case with YHVH.
Y --- Father ----- Red ------ Atziluth --- Fire
H --- Mother ----- Blue ----- Briah ------ Water
V --- Son -------- Yellow --- Yetzirah --- Air
H --- Daughter --- Black ---- Assiah ----- Earth
Such traditional meanings may summarize the findings of Gematria
(the number 52 is informative for YHVH, see below), standard
correspondences to a fixed number of letters (any words having the same
number of letters may be matched to the same set), or the results of a
unique meditation.

5. Words may be analyzed by Gematria:
YHVH ---------- Y = 10
H = 5
V = 6
H = 5
10 + 5 + 6 + 5 = 26
Therefore YHVH = 26.
Some other words which total to 26 are:
ChVZH = 5 + 7 + 6 + 8 = 26; seeing, looking at
ChZVH = sight, vision
HChBYA = to hide, conceal
VDVY = confession
ZVGY = dual
(see below for more examples)
Thus, YHVH is the vision of concealed duality. this justifies
viewing YHVH as composed of "male" and "female" letters. YHVH is
the word which joins the creator to the created, spirit to matter, man
to woman, plan to action and so on.

The numbers of the middle column of the Tree of Life add to 26 = 1 +
6 + 9 + 10. this affirms the purpose of the middle pillar of the Tree
to be that of YHVH, to join two opposites together by the most direct
root. The name YHVH is associated with the Tree of Life diagram in
several other ways.

The letter names of YHVH may be added up to give another number
for this word, (see "Liber 777", columns CLXXV and II:
Y = Yod = YVD = 20
H = Heh = HH = 10
V = Vau = VV = 12
H = Heh = HH = 10

Other words which total 52 include: ABA VAMA; Father and Mother;
AYMA; Fertile Mother; BKL; in all Things; BN; Son. (more examples below)

There are yet other ways to spell the letters (such as Heh = HA = 6
instead of HH = 10) which give still more numbers.

6. Words may be analyzed by Notariqon:
MY Ya'aLH LNV HShMYMH, meaning: "Who shall go up for us to Heaven."
: : : :
(This Notariqon uses the last letters of each of these four Hebrew
words. If the initial letters are used instead, the resulting Hebrew
four letter word signifies "circumcision". Ouch! This double Notariqon
is noted by Ginsburg in his "The Kabbalah" as an argument for the divine
ordination of the practice of mutilating babies. Ideas obtained by
mystical methods need not always militate toward physical practices! It
is perfectly valid to treat this as a metaphor for a mental practice.
In Qabalah, that would be interpreting the information on a Yetziratic
level instead of an Assiatic one.)

7. More complex methods: All or part of the above techniques may be
combined and used with a more elaborate pattern or system. An example
of this sort of thing is the study of the "Twelve Banners of YHVH".
The name YHVH is composed of three different letters, two of which
are repeated. It is possible to rearrange the letters of YHVH into
twelve different orders, or permutations. These may then be associated
with other groups of twelve things: the signs of the Zodiac; the Tribes
of Israel, the categories of Aristotle, &c. For this example, the
Twelve Banners of YHVH are linked to the signs of the Zodiac, and the
results are examined in the light of one of the "traditional" sets of
correspondences to YHVH, that of the elements. The order of the
banners or permutations of YHVH is important. The method is to start
with the usual form of the name and then to get a second form by
switching the last two letters about. The third banner is obtained from
the second by switching the fourth and second letters. The fourth is
obtained from the third by switching the last and first letters. The
fifth is obtained from the fourth by switching the last two letters
about. The rest are obtained by a repetition of the same series of
operations. The twelfth banner automatically is changed by this process
into the first, and the whole thing repeats in a regular cycle of such
permutations --- this is also the nature of the annual cycle of the
twelve signs of the Zodiac.

Aries --------- YHVH --- FireWaterAirEarth --- fire on water, air on earth.
Taurus -------- YHHV --- FireWaterEarthAir --- fire on water, earth on air.
Gemini -------- YVHH --- FireAirEarthWater --- fire on air, earth on water.
Cancer -------- HVHY --- WaterAirEarthFire --- water on air, earth on fire.
Leo ----------- HVYH --- WaterAirFireEarth --- water on air, fire on earth.
Virgo --------- HHYV --- WaterEarthFireAir --- water on earth, fire on air.
Libra --------- VHYH --- AirEarthFireWater --- air on earth, fire on water.
Scorpio ------- VHHY --- AirEarthWaterFire --- air on earth, water on fire.
Sagittarius --- VYHH --- AirFireWaterEarth --- air on fire, water on earth.
Capricorn ----- HYHV --- EarthFireWaterAir --- earth on fire, water on air.
Aquarius ------ HYVH --- EarthFireAirWater --- earth on fire, air on water.
Pisces -------- HHVY --- EarthWaterAirFire --- earth on water, air on fire.

Aries --- Harmony of actives (fire and air) on passives (water and
earth). Fire leads --- this is the 1st of the fire signs of the
Taurus --- Still harmonious in combination, but now the earth is raised
above the air --- 1st earth sign.
Gemini --- The actives isolated from the passives. Air is advanced ---
the 1st air sign.
Cancer --- Actives and passives are mixed, but water leads --- the 1st
water sign.
Leo --- Again actives and passives are mixed, but this time fire scorches
earth -- the 2nd fire sign.
Virgo --- Actives and passives are isolated. Earth advances in the 2nd
earth sign.
Libra --- A harmonious mixture of actives and passives. The reversal of
the two pairs of Aries. Air advances in the 2nd air sign.
Scorpio --- Actives and passives are mixed to counterbalance Taurus, but
now water is advanced --- 2nd water sign.
Sagittarius --- Actives and passives separated. Fire advanced --- 3rd
fire sign.
Capricorn --- Earth leads and actives are mixed with passives --- 3rd
earth sign.
Aquarius --- Actives and passives mixed, air advances --- 3rd air sign.
Pisces --- Actives and passives separated, water advanced --- 3rd water sign.

Cardinal Quadruplicity: Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn.
Aries ------- YHVH
In each case the Actives and Passives Cancer ------ HVHY
are mixed. The order is the same in each. Libra ------- VHYH
Only the starting point is different. Capricorn --- HYHV

Fixed Quadruplicity: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius.
Taurus ----- YHHV
In each case the Actives are mixed with Leo -------- HVYH
the Passives, but the order is different Scorpio ---- VHHY
from the Cardinals. Aquarius --- HYVH

Mutable Quadruplicity: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius & Pisces
Gemini -------- YVHH
In each case the Actives are separated Virgo --------- HHYV
from the Passives; a different order is Sagittarius --- VYHH
seen in each. Pisces -------- HHVY

Note that if the banners of YHVH be read as vertical columns in
each group of Quadruplicities, the name YHVH will be spelled out in
the first of the four columns and the remaining columns
will cycle through the letters of YHVH in that same order.

The Fire Triplicity: Aries, Leo & Sagittarius. Aries --------- YHVH
The elements of Fire (HB:Y), Water (HB:H) Leo ----------- HVYH
& Air (HB:V) cycle, but Earth (HB:H) does not. Sagittarius --- VYHH

The Earth Triplicity: Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn. Taurus ------ YHHV
Air (HB:V) is fixed and the other Virgo ------- HHYV
elements cycle. Capricorn --- HYHV

The Air Triplicity Gemini, Libra & Aquarius. Gemini ----- YVHH
Water (HB:H) is fixed and the other Libra ------ VHYH
elements cycle. Aquarius --- HYVHH

The Water Triplicity: Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces. Cancer ---- HVHY
Fire (HB:Y) is fixed and the other Scorpio --- VHHY
elements cycle. Pisces ---- HHVY

For a more extensive discussion of the Banners, see "Notes on Liber
777", "O.T.O. Newsletter", Vol. III, No. 9, August 1979 e.v., pp.34-44.
The article also presents an analysis of variations in the order of the
banners in different sources, including the one in Crowley's "777", and
examples of Noteriquon for each of the Banners.

Many of the above techniques can be applied with success on names
AHYH --- Eheieh; ADNY --- Adonai; AGLA --- Agla; YHShVH --- Jeshuah

These techniques produce results on any word, but it's easier to start
with something having a known mystical significance.
It may seem that the work on YHVH has produced many results, but
the surface has been merely scratched. Words like BRAShYTh, B'rashit
(first word of the Old Testament) have been studied in this fashion for
several thousand years and new result keep coming. Each new meaning
which supports or expands previously known meanings adds confidence to
the use of the word and greater force in ritual.

Notes on Liber 777 --- columns CXLVI-CXLVIII

Angelic Names for the DECANS of the ZODIAC, a possible Merkabah Qabalah
--- from "Magical Correspondences" notes © Bill Heidrick.

These "Angelic" names are said to rule the decans of the Zodiac, and
some are spelled differently in Hebrew in different sources. The
translations offered below bear slight but occasional resemblance to
general meanings attached to the Decans in Astrology, but it is probable
that this list of names is derived from an incantation or other Hebrew
text. The progress and connectivity in this list suggests a passage of
mystical literature cut up into names. For more information on the
Decans, their planetary rulers, spirits and images, see Crowley's "777",
columns LXXII-LXXIV, CXXXIII-CXXXVI, CXLV-CLXVII. Also, for those who
can read German, see: "Dekane und Dekansternbilder", by Wilhelm Gundel,
1936 e.v. and "Verzeichnis astrologischer und Mythologischer"
"illustrierter Handschriften des lateinischen Mittelalters in Romishen
Bibliotheken", by Fritz Saxl, 1915 & 1927.

Key Name in English Approx. English Sign &
No. Hebrew: Pronunciation: Meaning: Decan:

15 ZZR Zazer Extending Border 0-10 Aries
15 BHHMY Bahhemei Silent Sound 10-20 Aries
15 STNDR Satander Radiance in Adversity 20-30 Aries
16 KDMDY Kadmedie Half-filled Container 0-10 Taurus
16 MNChRAY Manachraie Bestowal of Vision 10-20 Taurus
16 YKSGNVTz Yaksagnotz Rapid Suppression by 20-30 Taurus
17 SGRSh Siegrash Baseness and Poverty 0-10 Gemini
17 ShHDNY Shahadnie Confirmed Suffering 10-20 Gemini
17 BYThVR Betor In a State of Seeking 20-30 Gemini
18 MThRAVSh Mitraos The Dead See the Sun and 0-10 Cancer
Are Strong
18 RHDa'a Rahadea Tremble with Knowledge 10-20 Cancer
18 ALYNKYR Elinakier God is Known 20-30 Cancer
19 LVSNHR Laosanhar Desire the Thorn of the 0-10 Leo
19 ZCha'aY Zachaay Remove the Ruinous 10-20 Leo
19 SChYBR Sachieber Vile is Purified 20-30 Leo
20 ANNAVRH Annaorah Breath Trembles with 0-10 Virgo
20 RAYHYH Reayahyah God Beholds God (Pos. fig. 10-20 Virgo
for "Countenance Beholds
20 MSPR Mispar Number 20-30 Virgo
22 TRSNY Tarsani Fresh Thorn 0-10 Libra
22 SHRNTz Saharnaz Tower of the Hawk 10-20 Libra
22 ShHDR Shehdar Goat of the Age 20-30 Libra
24 KMVTz Kamotz Much Oppression 0-10 Scorpio
24 NYNDVHR Hiendohar Weak Child of the Mountain 10-20 Scorpio
24 NThRVDYAL Natarvadaiel Tremble and be Filled with 20-30 Scorpio
25 MShRATh Masharat Divided Sign 0-10 Sagittar.
25 VHRYN Vahrin God Overcomes 10-20 Sagittar.
25 ABVHA Abuha Father of Interjection 20-30 Sagittar.
26 MSNYN Masnin Tribute of Posterity 0-10 Capricorn
26 YSYSYH Yasisyah God's Swallow (or 10-20 Capricorn
twittering sound)
26 YSGDYBRVDYAL Ysgadibarodiel Adore the Chosen and 20-30 Capricorn
Sufficient of God
28 SSPM Sasfem Mouth of a Moth (prob.fig. 0-10 Aquarius
for "The Mouth Trembles")
28 ABDRVN Abadron Forsake Victory 10-20 Aquarius
28 GRVDYAL Geradiael Strangeness and of God 20-30 Aquarius
29 BHLMY Biehalmi Flow Rapidly 0-10 Pisces
29 AVRVN Auron Light Overcomes 10-20 Pisces
29 STRYP Satrip Giants Roam 20-30 Pisces

Gematria Suppliment

Here are some additional Hebrew words to experiment with the
numbers 26 and 52, mentioned elsewhere in this issue. Repetition
has been minimized, so don't forget to check the examples above as well.
These examples are from an on-going gematria project © by Bill Heidrick:

26 -> 8 - 26 - 26 = 2x13

AChZY --- pr.n. "Holder".
DBK --- (506 w/f); to stick, join together.
ChGYH --- pr.n. "Festive".
ChDYD --- pr.n. "Sharp-peak".
ChChY --- hook, ring.
ChTT --- to cut, dig, explore.
YTBH --- pr.n. "Pleasantness".
KAH --- to be dejected, sad.
KBD --- to be heavy, weighty; to be a burden; to be wealthy; to be severe;
to be dull; to be in honour; to be glorious; sore, grievous; abundant,
numerous; sluggish; difficult; the liver; glory; violence;
a multitude.
KDB --- to lie, to deceive; lying, deceiving.
KV --- a window, a hole; thus, now; hitherto; in this manner; how?

52 -> 7 - 52 - 52 = 22x13

ABYTL --- pr.n. "Father is Shelter".
ALYHV --- pr.n. "Yah is God". (see also 46).
ALYChBA --- pr.n. "God Hideth".
ANA --- (see also 56); I (first person singular); ah now!, ah pray thee!
BHMH --- dumb beast; cattle; tame beasts; beast of burden; wild beasts.
GDLYH --- pr.n. "Great is Yah".
ZHM --- (612 w/f); to be foul, rancid; pr.n. "Loathing".
ZMH --- thought, plan, plot; counsel; mischief, crime; lewdness, incest;
revolt, apostasy.
ChDLY --- pr.n. "forbearing".
ChLDY --- pr.n. "Long-lived" or "Worldly".
ChMD --- to be warm, eager; to strive after something; to desire or covet;
to take pleasure or delight in; attractiveness, pleasantness.
YBM --- (612 w/f); to long for, to become attached; brother-in-law,
husband's brother; to act the brother-in-law, to perform the levirate
(impregnate your brother's widow to get him a son, the duty broken
by Onan).
KBL --- to bind, combine; a bond or fetter.
KLB --- to weave, plait; dog; to be fierce, bold; pr.n. "Bold", "Brave",
Caleb; a male prostitute, catamite.
MBTA --- rash utterance.
MGVG --- pr.n. "Magog".
MZH --- to suck out; to collect or store up; sucked out, exhausted.
--- pr.n. "Firm".
MChD --- to be renowned.
NB --- pr. n. "Hill", of a city of the priests near Jerusalem.


January and February 1990 e.v. at Thelema Lodge

Happy New Year!
Gnostic Masses in our relocated Temple (downstairs) every Sunday at 8 pm.
Deacon class at sunset on the 28th - please come to Lodgemeeting to get on the
Mass calendar.
Minerval Initiations January 20th; I and II Degrees on the 27th. All
Initiations are arranged in advance.
Thelema Lodge's monthly meeting is at 8 pm Jan. 2nd and February 6th. The
Lodge of Perfection will meet on the 18th.
The Qabalah series continues on the 17th and 24th of January with Bill.
These classes roughly correspond to the Tree of Life in approach, with the
meeting on the 17th corresponding to Yesod and that on the 24th to Hod.
Slides, booklets and other materials will be used. This month we will get
into the basic techniques of Qabalah and into some systems.
A new class- Andrew will be doing an introductory lecture and
demonstration of Shiatsu at 7:30 on the 25th (Horus Temple). Wear comfortable
Merkabah House hosts the first King Cake party of the 90's on the 6th "in
the evening"- call 549-0952 for info.
Abrahadabra Oasis will read Shakespeare, "The Tempest" Friday the 26th at
7:30pm in Horus Temple. (may we have Lysistrata next?)
Thanks to everyone who's helped with the interminable shuffling of the
Lodge...the Aquarian Birthday Bash is at 4:18 the 28th, and the secret
meeting's on the 23rd but only the man in the Moon knows about the Eclipse
party. Enochiana will return in February after BRIGID..

February Dates:

2/3: BRIGID 2/20: Enochiana 8:30 pm
2/4: Gnostic Mass 8 pm 2/21: Qabalah #5 w/Bill 8 pm
2/6: Lodgemeeting 8 pm 2/23: (secret mtg)
2/11: Gnostic Mass 8 pm 2/24: Minerval/III Initiations
2/14: Qabalah #4 w/Bill 8 pm 2/25: Pisces Birthday 4:18 pm
2/15: Lodge of Perfection meets Gnostic Mass 8 pm
2/18: Gnostic Mass 8 pm 2/27: Mardi Gras


Thelema Lodge Calendar/Newsletter for January 1990 to February 1990 e.v.
(Mailed for free within 100 miles of Berkeley)

Ordo Templi Orientis
P.O. Box 2303
Berkeley, CA 94702 USA

Temple Location: 590 63rd St.
Oakland, California
(Entrance in front, to the left)

Phones: Lodge/Temple: (415) 655-4942
Messages Only: (415) 454-5176

Compuserve: 72105,1351


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Scientific explanation for demonic possession
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