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East Coast Powerpoint Newsletter #6

Nov\Dec Transformational updates
Cmdr. Kortron \ Solinus

Greetings ascending Star people! Well here we are again
after another period has passed which was filled with many new
scenarios faced, then processed and dealt with. Many of you are
wondering, "What's next and how can I endure all these changes?"
Simply put, you are much more than you give yourself credit for.

As the mutational changes effect you they will also change
in you. By being in you they will mutate back to pure light.
You might say as light seeds you are pulling all these discordant
energies into your being and at the same time you are mutating,
causing these energies to mutate back to pure light along with
you. Whatever effects you also becomes effected by your seeded
blueprint. It is a passive, unresisting energy path for this
planet's new birth - Heaven on Earth. Do you understand?

Aside from these mutational changes many of you are strug-
gling with the violet ray, the beam of truth Archangel Michael
has invoked as a means for you to separate from the illusion.
Many of you are failing to release the illusion and are thus not
preparing for the needed lifestyle changes that would carry you
through the coming events.

Some of you are backing off these words because they are not
your idea of how it should be said. You are reacting as though
they are being dictated or infused into your life. But, dear
ones, truth (even if not received as words of joy and love) is
still truth. In reality the things which are not nice can only
be said as they really exist. Those of you who are pulling back
and not listening, for whatever reason, are "cutting off your
nose to spite your face". This is sad because it slows and
hampers those serving Spirit by doing and implementing the very
things that will benefit everyone.

Soon we will all see that the dye is cast and your position
will be your experience. All have been counseled and directed as
to the probability of what is ahead. Putting it "nicely" won't
change anything. Your failure to act will directly result in
your choice to experience your own reality. No one else can be
blamed for your free will choice in what lies ahead.

( Do You Understand?)

A few of you have voiced your dislike of my using "Do you
understand?" It is my way of telling you that something is
important and should be thought about more. To just leave a
statement of importance to the reader's discretion without some
form of attention getter is not my idea of how my job should be
done. Hopefully this little irritant to some will now be over-

(Commanders' Activities )

These past months have been busy on all fronts especially
for the commanders that are actively involved in their sectors.
As one of these it went sort of like this for me.

First there was the tremendous job of trying to get our
SPIRIT Bulletin Board Service (SPIRIT, B.B.S.) on line. No small
feat to say the least and there are still some bugs to work out
of it. Tons of "Oh, my god how will I learn leading edge tech-
nology?" were the result of so much new information piling up to
learn. Aside from this the list of what we do here at the head-
quarters command is growing to the point of insanity. We are
looking forward to the time when our team of 12 is in place, each
doing what he/she has been trained to do for the Mission.

Early on some disconcerting things were addressed aboard the
ships. In just two weeks there were two war councils. Yes, I
said war councils as things in the Mid East are steadily heading
to that end. Once that scenario was set into the plan our new
priority was to bring all of you up to an ALERT status. This
means that you are to be ready when called.

My job is to coordinate action from each of you; to help you
support each other in the Mission. The Earth Command needs to
address itself and become fully functional on every level. Talk
minus action must now stop. Each part must see every other part
and support each other in the same manner you have been support-
ing yourselves. This will make the picture of our group effort
more visible, more unified as one energy of light.

I should add that this IS taking place now. The spirit of
cooperation in our combined effort is beginning to bare fruit.
The results are being assembled and sent to those who get it out
to all the rest. Our networking efforts are beginning to work.
My hat is off with a big smile on my face as this reaches a stage
of clarity and productive results. Good work! Also, bare in
mind that efforts are being made to get each of you situated and
informed about your job here on Earth Assignment. This is a big
feat on our end and we will take all the help we can get.

Those who heeded the call for donations both monetary and
action wise have kept things headed in the direction of becoming
a reality. We couldn't have gotten this far without you. Many
thanks to all of you. Many will soon be reaping the benefits of
your sharing.

In addition to putting my energies into developing the
B.B.S. we insulated and finished off the inside of part of a
building that will hold it. Once the building is heated and the
computer is out of our bedroom and separate from all the other
things that go on in the main house we will be able to operate on
a much more efficient basis. Meanwhile my desk is so cluttered
it sometimes takes a while to find the computer (grin).

( Conversations with Kortron )
Solinus: Kortron, all this talk about dimensions being
compressed and pushing into Earth has really gotten me confused.
Can you explain again what is happening? Maybe this time I'll
catch on.

Kortron: It's not easy to comprehend or explain in third dimen-
sional terms, but you're not alone in being confused. Some
erroneously believe that we are being drawn somewhere else when
in actuality the fifth dimension is descending, as it were, in
wave after wave of the love vibration.

First off it's important to understand the Central Suns in re-
spect to everything else. If you could see all the universes and
at the same time see the Central Suns you would see (from a
distance) a huge donut revolving around a hole of glowing light.
The hole itself is not defined exactly like a hole in a donut.
It is overshadowed by the rest of the donut with only the glow
escaping from the center. As the donut revolves into the center
glow from all sides it is being constantly bathed in light. This
light reenergizes all that passes through it giving renewal
energy to everything created in the revolving donut.

Solinus: So the universe we are in is in this swirling donut?

Kortron: Yes. Our universe is just a speck in billions of
galaxies in many universes. That will give you an idea of just
how immense the donut really is. Once this concept is understood
the Law of One can be understood.

Solinus: So God is that glow in the donut?

Kortron: In total truth you are also that glowing light as it is
also you. In your fullest expression you are love and, in full
awareness, you then are the full expression of the glow. When
you actively become the light, you are the bonding force keeping
your part of the donut glued to the rest of it, then you are
aware that you are love. You are one of many parts representing
the extension of the center of the donut. In other words, you
are a part of what is called the Creator or God. Everything is
God. You are God. You are the extension and the essence of
bonded light that recreates the glue holding it all together.
All is One.

Solinus: And this glue is light, and light is love, and love is
God so God is the glue and we are also God and God's Image.

Kortron: Yes, and in your physical body you are the fullest ex-
pression of God's Image, the fullest extention of that Image in
the many dimensions it exists in. But, here's the clincher, the
part that is least understood. There are seventy-two of these
donuts representing all that is. Seventy-two Creator Gods creat-
ing over and over again, bigger and bigger donuts in the endless
darkness you call limited space. It is ever expanding, infinite
and pushing light ever outward into the darkness.
Solinus: So then what is God?

Kortron: In reality the one we call God is Love. The other
seventy-one are probably related expressions of love also. To
understand we have to experience these others.
Solinus: So this is where you reach a point of not comprehending
the situation?

Kortron: Not one part of any of this completely understands all
the rest. In reality it is incomprehensible no matter how en-
lightened you become. School, the experience of going on, never
ends and the creator of this many and one experiences is an
infinite number of ways also. Every minute part feeds it new
experience. It is changing as you are through your input. Noth-
ing is stationary. Everything is always in motion in conscious-
ness. Do you understand this incomprehensible statement?

Solinus: Of course (chuckle). It sure is a relief though to
know you don't know it all.

( Atomic Energy. Why say no? )

Atomic energy is the reverse of subatomic energy. Atomic
energy is created by splitting atoms thus turning subatomic
energy inside out. It is sort of like cancer as once its fluid
radiation gets out of enclosed perimeters it destroys subatomic
structure and blueprints that create life. All the universes are
made of subatomic configurations based on blueprints in geometric
forms that create different aspects of creation.

So when the Space Brothers told all governments this would
not be allowed in space there was a sound reason for confining
this gross, deteriorating energy to its place of origin. The
lesson we will soon learn is that the science that created it has
not reached the place of understanding it or how to neutralize
it. By using it they are in effect creating a blind alley none
will be able to back out of. This sad state of affairs will not
only eradicate bodies but souls as well. What is even worse is
that the speck of Spirit in the soul will also be effected. This
will completely sever any connection to God creating a total

Many are playing with other forms of energy little under-
stood. Take for instance ion generators which create negative
ions. What you're not aware of is that so many changes are
ongoing. Things thought of as being beneficial in the past will
create different results now. The only energy needing your
attention now is tachion energy such as is found in pyramids.
Tachion energy is rising in everything now. In so doing it will
eventually open consciousness to light technologies. All of you
now need to understand this in order to release duality once the
bridge is up to cross. Do you understand?

( Pyramid Energy )

Little is being said on the topic but the reality of the
situation is that there are many benefits to using a pyramid.
For instance, did you know the capacitor or condenser of the
tachion energy in the pyramid helps break away the veils of
duality in the third dimension? When used correctly a pyramid
aids the user and accelerates the person's consciousness to a
point that he/she is able to see and hear light.

Pyramid energy can help to release all attachments that bind
you to duality. It opens doors to other dimensions. Light is
tachion energy and an understanding of it will open a new direc-
tion and new thinking. When this enters into aware understand-
ing, then knowingness it will accelerate in ways many do not yet
understand since experience is the door to understanding.

Many of you should be using at least a small cardboard
pyramid in your meditations or in your restful quiet times when
you are just listening to what's out there to be heard. I know
few will feel comfortable sitting around with a cardboard pyramid
on their heads. It may even surprise you but under my bed at my
head there is an eighteen inch pyramid that I sleep over that has
been there for years. The tachion swirling apex energy goes
right through my crown chakra while I lay there whether in or out
of my body. This is one aid which needs your review for use in
your life.

Pyramid energy also acts as a light shield which protects
the body from discordant energy while astral projecting or trav-
eling the dimensions or even while being aboard the ships. Did
you know this energy can be lowered or raised by the individual's
thoughts to any frequency change desired? This directly speeds
up, balances and creates the correct amount of light energy thus
also adding to your understanding of how to take your bodies into
different light frequencies or dimensions.

Knowledge of this will come to many of you in the next
energy shifts in November. Then you will understand more
completely some of the things mentioned to date and will start
using this understanding in many surprising new ways. You'll see
as this becomes more understandable in opening to knowingness.

The big pyramid to be built on this point has been put on
hold until Spring. Everything needed to get started on it is
available but it is getting too wet and cold now to pour the
footers. If support toward this project continues spring will
host a neat pyramid many can use and enjoy with guided tours into
new consciousness.

Meanwhile other priorities such as the B.B.S. have been
addressed. Projects have been shuffled due to the "Alert" status
on the ships and the many changes occurring in people and energy.
The plan was revised by divine intervention causing certain

things in the Mission to get different priorities. These changes
will benefit all of you, the planet and thus the Mission.

Quite frankly, of late there has been concern over just
getting the Star people lifted off as so many are still asleep.
As a result each new directive may take precedence over the last
and that is what happened to the building of the pyramid - the
Bulletin Board Service "Spirit" came first.

( What's Ahead for November and December? )

To be quite honest both these months and from then on will
be extremely bumpy on the Spiritual, Mental and Material Planes.
So much so in fact that everyone's conscious idea of how things
work will be effected. All three of these levels will be in
constant review and many of you will be shocked into total awak-
ened reality. Earth changes will be more severe than previously
thought, but still limited to the extent that no immediate evacu-
ation of the planet for at least the remainder of the year will
occur. Beyond that is anyone's guess as things are still being
left undone as many still cling to the illusion and are not
participating in the Mission. These people are creating cracks
in the plan. This was out of any context we thought possible in
the prearranged plan of Earth's ascension. Nonetheless this is
what we here on Earth Assignment are being faced with for the

What this means is that controls set in place as holding
patterns that had control over the stepped-up, erratic Earth
changes are becoming more unstable. There has been a lack of a
group mind focused on a desirable, planned effect. But all is
not lost so don't get any idea about letting it all go or giving
up. There are always alternatives that can be implemented to
help stabilize things.

At the same time as the Earth is transforming and mutating,
illusionary security blankets are on the verge of complete col-
lapse. When this takes place you had better have food supplies
put back for at least the possibility of a very difficult winter.
I am referring to the possibility of a monetary and economic
collapse. This also includes WAR that can have highlights from
areas not mentioned by the news media. Not to panic you, but
putting it bluntly, all nations are now in the very thick of it.
Beyond that time span, known plans or directives not acted on
will be of little use to those doing this. Follow Spirit without
hesitation!! (That came in as a do or die directive to all.)

( Earth Changes )

What has been said about the Earth changes thus far has been
verified that these will now take place. This has been confirmed
from many other channels and it now appears that earthquakes will
occur in mid to late November as the Atlantic Shelf is shifting
even as we speak. These changes in effect are coexistent all
over the world depending on what goes first.
The east coast of the U.S. has some changes coming in Novem-
ber, December and into early next year. These are quake origi-
nated. The knowledge of the meteor or large mass coming in is
now being received by many channels. These two events will

coincide and much confusion will result as the south or southern
east coast and inland will be effected. Tidal waves will result
possibly from Virginia to the Bermuda Triangle. December looks
even more unstable as these will increase the breakdown. Forest
fires due to hot winds created by the meteor look realistic for
November after a short dry spell hitting the eastern states.

The Midwest and west coast also have their woes building.
All three areas are becoming less stable as we approach new
planet alignments, Earth compressions and instability of discord-
ant energy. All are now rising and are somewhat lessened by the
efforts of many worldwide trying to head this off.

( Surviving Earth Changes )

Many of you are having growing concern about impending doom.
You feel in your present locations there is a dark cloud
hovering. If that is the case make provisions to find a place or
ask for guidance to a place where this is not present. Otherwise
your choice is to weather whatever comes. Survival in your body
is a decision only you can make.

If you desire to walk the whole scenario to assist others by
your decision of being here it will require keeping your vehicle
(body) in one piece. This may require stepping down from easy
living into a simpler life style in order to do this.

Many have done this before you and have survived the tran-
sition quite nicely. Many of these are known by you as examples
of a simpler life. They are your brothers and sisters reaching
out to show you the way. Do not cast them aside in their love of
you as it runs deep and is pure of heart. Their experience was
gained to share, not in a forceful way, but in one of love. If
the hand is given do not rebuke it, but realize you must learn
new things in your desire to go on in a rapidly changing world.

These souls have a specific job to play bringing in the new,
clean, abundant and free technologies before, during and after
the Earth changes to create the foundations of the new safe
havens for these things to occur. The rest of the world will be
in rapid cleansing. These places are the embassies of Spirit
through which your greater family will be united as Heaven is
being restored to Earth.

( Islands of Light Must Form )

Our advice is to get together now to rapidly form the
Islands of Light. Feed love and light into these islands to
create safe zones on Earth to give sanctuary to the ones here to
help Earth and those victimized by the controlling few. Time for
this is about to run out. For survival you must take into con-
sideration your needs anticipating up to a year's duration
without outside help. Think long and hard on this one. Rough
times are coming children. Your survival depends on you not some
false security based on a government which is loosing it on every
level. How many received from Spirit, "Look out for number one?"

The Islands are now forming and are looking for people to
raise capital to secure them. Those of you who have been given
the job of creating these islands please check with us. We would
like to be your source for anyone needing this information. This
is an example of how SPIRIT, B.B.S can be very useful.

( Ascension )

(I have taken the liberty of adding in my own comments
where I felt it was necessary to qualify information.)

After aligning the physical, emotional, mental and spirit
fields and achieving full internal resonance in them to the point
of having unified them, and having achieved a high degree of
resonance with the higher frequencies of Spirit, you will be
ready to begin ascension in earnest. (You have been engaged in
ascension all along - it is a process, not an event.)

Ascension is the process of raising the frequency of all
energy in your lower fields so that there will be eventually no
energy which vibrates on the lower planes at all. Your lowest
energy frequency, currently the physical body, is then in the
Etheric Plane. Others in this band can see your energy clearly
and hear you telepathically but not audibly because they cannot
hear sounds. They are, of course, invisible from the physical
plane. Their energy is just too high a frequency to register on
the physical retina or plane. Your Plane is rising crossing into
other dimensions. Soon your sight will take in new experience.
All this mutation creating these new energy experiences enables
you to have new definition.

In this you will begin to project a Light Body. The process
of planetary ascension will accelerate dramatically as each new
wave of ascended masters assists many others that will eventually
also ascend. The planet and all of creation here then steps-up
into frequencies beyond the material dimension. When you are not
facilitating others, you will still have your own show going on.
Ascending to the Etheric Plane is a major step but by no means
the last experience.

How then, do you raise your base frequencies to those of the
Etheric Plane? Ascension involves raising the frequency of your
tachion energy making up your aura (including the cells of the
physical field) to the frequencies of the Etheric Plane. This
energy is the energy behind the electromagnetic spectrum of which
light is a part; it is the energy that bursts through the
physical barrier to become electromagnetic radiation and
ultimately to appear as subatomic particles or waves; it is the
Light behind what you believe light is, which is just a shadow of
the real thing.

You transmute your energy by intent. It's that simple. If
your four fields are aligned and they hold the intent that
something is true, the lowest frequency field, the physical, has

to change or it will be out of alignment with the mental body.
So through your thought intent you are raising the frequencies of
the energy in the physical field by one octave, then another and
another as you learn how this is done. You can do this. Remem-
ber how you lowered your frequency a few octaves to density into
the physical a long time ago? Now admittedly that took a long
time because you had to work out the bugs (no pun intended). The
physical field is an enormously complex chemical plant dealing
with high-tech organic compounds within critical limits. (Have
you ever stopped to ponder how your body maintains its tempera-
ture at exactly 98.6 degrees? Imagine what went into planning
that!!) Of course it took eons to figure it all out and there
were many false starts and dead ends. But with ascension, you
know and your body consciousness knows where you're going -- your
etheric Spiritual body is the original blueprint and it already
exists. You could change this in a matter of seconds or months
if it were your wish. It is under your complete control - to
release your idea of timed duration in your mutation.

Once your fields are aligned you will be able to set your
thought intent into increased vibratory rates effecting your
cellular structures at will. You can boost your intent by clear
visualization of light flooding into the cells and DNA, and by
imprinting your cells with images of cells made up of extremely
high-frequency energy. Your body will literally become light as
you absorb this high frequency energy and start to emit light
itself. You see your mind is a transformer from dense energy to
fine tuned tachion "Spirit" energy. Your thoughts regulate all
the planes as you direct the other waves of energy from the Mind
Plane into the Spiritual Plane. In the Spiritual you find direc-
tion in what is called knowingness, giving you aware use of this
knowledge and unlimited control to release the bonds of the
material, emotional and mental bodies. You become freed up and
balanced in your Spiritual Light body.

Many of you will ascend and are all ready beginning to feel
the joy of every moment in your fuller understanding of who you
are and why you are here on Earth Assignment. You can now accel-
erate your consciousness and arrive at all the frequencies
through your remembering, thus opening to fuller understanding of
astro physics field resonance. The "etheric you" wants you to
reunite from one body of limited understanding into open contact
with all of your other bodies. Then you can begin enjoying the
party of unification. This is said for the benefit of the con-
scious mind, not the etheric Spirit self which is fully aware on
all levels.

The lowest frequency that your etheric self expresses
through is obviously in the Material Plane. From the higher Mind
Planes, which some of you are already dancing through, you can
bring back this experience to help all the rest to remember. You
can easily reach the other parts of the fields by the desire and
intent to do so. Your fields will then resonate at the Etheric
Spirit frequencies and foster the Spirit skills, the remembered
knowledge, wisdom and love in all your combined fields. Your
physical, emotional and mental fields will vibrate in harmony

with your etheric self already partying away in never ending joy
and happiness. This will get you to the party much sooner and
back to your real home, the place you're now remembering with a
renewed understanding. At the same time your energy rises so
does that of the Earth Plane. Remember your experience here is
the seed or root by which Spirit changes all you are involved
with as the energy shifts.

Unify your chakras and invite the etheric level of your
spirit-function to blend with your material field. Set your
intent to show your conscious mind what life on the etheric is
like through visions, words, sensations or just knowing. Then
try to hold the double consciousness of being here and there
simultaneously. Experiment with changing your focus between the
two realities. Enter fully into the etheric reality. Be there.
Your unified field will resonate with the etheric energy and your
physical field energy will lighten in resonance with the higher
harmonics of your etheric body. Your emotional field will
resonate with the love in your etheric field, and your mental
field will flood with the wisdom of your etheric self. You will
come out of the experience a very different person, closer to the
being who you are, and who you are becoming.

When you get to this stage in your ascension process, it
will seem quite normal. Delightful in fact! Want it, allow it,
accept it and then just be it. You'll get there. You need only
be still and ask for this to be your next experience. Otherwise
school starts over again. The period for making this choice is
all but over for those lingering on the edge not quite able to
make the final decision and commitment about this. You cannot
serve two masters when in reality there is only one.

( The Doors Are Now Temporarily Closed )

Many who have the ability and the desire to create change
are being drawn into the experience of getting caught up in the
actual experience. The experience regarding the Earth upheavals
is a good example of that statement. It seems the prophesies of
old in the Bible and also by other seers may now be followed more
closely catching many off guard.

Those of you who have chosen ascension as your way out of
here will be greatly pleased to know that in the event of your
shell experiencing dysfunction here your soul upon leaving the
body will be picked up. Your light body is on the ships awaiting
your return. You will find it less confining, less limiting and
fully functional in every way. There is no such thing as death.

Those choosing the other aspect reality of their idea or
belief will be picked up and ferried as a group to another school
planet. These have been prepared for all those choosing to go
back into another school of experience and learning.

All those remaining at this late date are heretofore remind-
ed that NOT exiting before the full scenario of the change time
was your free will choice decision. Dates and times were broad-

cast to all of you who were wanting or wishing to step through
the door. All information on this was presented as a choice to
all as to whether they wished to remain on Earth at the change

Some did not hear the directives of this choice being given.
This was the result of their refusal to be silent, to open ave-
nues for this to come in. We, the Star Command, did make every
effort to inform and activate all those sleeping volunteers into
full Star awareness, but due to the weird way things work on
Earth we found that many were still beyond our means to activate
and inform. The time of change is now accelerating into full
activation on every level and will create the results many of you
had envisioned bringing Earth back into a state of purity and
pristine cleanliness.
Peace and Love, Cmdr. Kortron


Sometimes it gets a little crazy around here, but it's still
"Sanctuary". We even have a sign proclaiming that this piece of
Heaven on Earth is just that. It is a Sanctuary built with a lot
of entities' love. We are thankful to have it to share.

I like using the term entity when referring to "people". A
beautiful walk-in taught me the wisdom of the term. When you
live in an alien embassy you never really know what kind of
entity you will meet next. I've learned a lot about not having
expectations as a result. Expectations always lead to disap-
pointment. No expectations brings joy in the moment.

I've often wondered and actually asked entities who pass
through here what they expected to find. After all I'm sure it's
hard to imagine what a human being in appearance, walk-in, com-
mander called Kortron might be like. It's also hard not to
imagine at all; to have no expectations.

I'll give you a hint entities, he looks like a man and has
eyes that recognize souls. The walk-in part was his experience -
I've only known him since his rebirth but other family members
noticed a difference after it happened. And don't get put off by
the commander business. Evidently these are "space" terms decod-
ed to Earthen language for our understanding. As near as I can
tell he'd just as soon not have a title but, if it gets the point
of a need for organization across, then he'll use it.
There are all sorts of specialists involved in the Mission.
Some are from other dimensions recently schooled in their area of
expertise. Life on planet Earth this time around has been merely
a training ground in which to hone these skills and make them
workable in the Third Dimension, using what's at hand. They're
here to get the job done as pleasantly as possible. Earth is
going to evolve to her next stage and all life forms will evolve
with her, like it or not.

No matter what manner of curiosity prompts entities to beam
in here it's o.k. We're all just passing through anyway. That's
a thought that keeps me balanced now that we've opened our
Sanctuary as an embassy. It is a wonderful place and space to
share, and it's important for some entities to touch base, but
sometimes I just want to go home!

As for Kortron - he's too brash for some, a little on the
straightforward side for others, would be a guru to some if he'd
let them, and just "plain folk" to others. Aside from which,
have you ever noticed how serious he can sound? As for me, I'm
just passing through trying to help others to get the job done as
pleasantly as possible. There are a lot of us and we're begin-
ning to recognize each other as we learn to recognize ourselves.

About the teams of twelve. There's significance in the
number twelve itself (which someone else can explain better than
I can) but I do know there are suppose to be groups of 12 + 1 who
work as teams. Here at the Headquarters Command outpost we may
sound a bit frustrated on occasion. This is due to the fact that
we are missing several members of the "command" structure and we
sure could use their advise, input and expertise.

For instance we could use a co-parent type to help out with
star child Adel (she's 18 months old). She has so much to teach
and sometimes we don't slow down long enough to learn. And then
a lot of the time we need a resident computer expert to help
interpret, explain and put into action what our computer expert
says. Then there's the need for someone who can communicate over
the phone about all that's going on and who can simultaneously
cook, change linens, haul wood, construct pyramids and sing God
Bless the Universe. Get the picture?

You never know what new entity is going to call on the phone
either. Now with the B.B.S. two line system we can actually be
communicating with three entities over the air waves at one time.
Such is the price of progress! Once we received a phone call and
the entity on the other end was a soft spoken, hesitant but
committed sounding soul. I suppose the hesitancy could have been
in the fact that he was phoning an alien (E.T. phone home?), but
never mind that part. Anyway, it turned out to be Omshati but he
didn't know that then. Now he's Cmdr. Omshati (he has our full
support) and heading up the Forces of Light for the New England
Sector. He's delightful! Here's some information he wanted to
pass on to you:

Concerning Red Alert: My sensing is that due to the rapid
gathering of LOVE and LIGHT here and the approaching asteroid
(Wormwood) and possibly other such changes...certain members of
the Illuminate are very scared. When one perceives that the very
life of self or loved ones is in danger, loyalties tend to shat-
ter. Some members do not want to wait and go along with the
general time scheme plan of the others. They feel they have to
act right now or forfeit/lose their chance! They think that if
world war is initiated now there may still be time to bring the
resisting powers and the people to their knees...but they are too

late...we are here...we stand in the Greatest Power of the uni-
verse. Now the Light Army will take its place in TEAMWORK.

I have now anchored my Light Body into the physical and into
the Earth. I have fully arrived in Soul Presence and there is no
power in creation that can stop or interfere with my Divine
purpose. I AM THAT I AM. So it is. So BE it.

Certain light codes are now being brought forth through the
Light Workers who, when in place, will activate the final
ascension process for the planet. These are strategically
located across the continent, in the Plan, and along the East
Coast. Ascension cannot take place until all is in order. They
are large sites which can accommodate many Light Workers. Be-
cause of the presence of so much Light and the safe locations
being on universal grid focal points, there is tremendous poten-
tial for rapid mutual group ascension.

For the world public these will be areas of living example
for the new age including education, health/healing, counseling,
art/music, intergalactic communication, survival skills, network-
ing closely with other Light Centers linking up in the worldwide
gridwork which follows meridians, independent from governmental
control and based on love-in-action.

The only time we have left for this focus is now through
1992! This message will strike a strong chord in some. If so,
please ACT NOW. There are those ready now with money, land and
know-how. - Cmdr. Omshati

As you can see Omshati is dedicated and busy at his job of
co-creating Heaven on Earth now. He is a clear channel for the
Light and specifically for the northeastern area. Because of his
intent to follow Spirit without hesitation he is presently in
transition and in much need of assistance and support from the
Legions of Light serving with him in New England. Love donations
to further his efforts, a computer/modem system to link-up with
SPIRIT, B.B.S, and a light center (perhaps already established
but unknown to us) from which to coordinate the Mission's work in
that area are all desperately needed. Omshati welcomes your
contact and is waiting for you to come forth. You may call him
at 207/775-3742.

Cmdr. Kortron (Message via The Command)
We cannot manifest material objects on the third dimension
to fulfill the needs of the Mission. It is your job to create in
your combined effort setting firmly in place the Earth-base as a
representation of Spirit. Heed the call. Take action now. The
success of the Mission depends on a multi-dimensional effort
supported at each level, and all command representatives. Please
Support Omshati!

Laea arrived with daughter, son, enough food to feed the

masses and a glowing spark of Spirit. She spent three days and
we all had a hard time parting. She has been informed that she
is the Deep South Sector Commander as she is located in Alabama.
We support her in her efforts to network that area, knowing as we
do that she has accepted a very difficult job.

She has a computer and modem so is able to be in touch with
all the updates and important things that occur in between news-
letters and thus will be able to spread the word quickly. At the
moment, however, she has only a small group of Light Workers
assisting her and efforts to locate others in her area have not
met with the success necessary to fulfill the Mission there. For
those of you who want to help coordinate efforts please contact:
Loretta Bloodworth/Laea
6912 Epperson Drive
Montgomery, AL 35117

We have had the pleasure of communicating with Eric Klein
out in California over the past few weeks. He is a West Coast
Communications Commander and has produced tapes of his ascension
classes and spiritual growth series in which he channels Sanada,
Ashtar, Archangel Michael, St. Germain and others. He is a
beautifully clear channel and we think you will enjoy hearing
Ashtar with a midwestern accent. ( Note: He is also the West
Coast Communication Headquarter verified by Kortron and Spirit.)
To order tapes and information regarding his classes call
408/459-7791 or write: Eric Klein
820 N. Plymouth
Santa Cruz, CA 95060


In our last newsletter we mentioned that the computer bulle-
tin board service SPIRIT was available for your use in obtaining
the latest updates and other information pertinent to the Mis-
sion. We were a little early in that announcement and we apolo-
gize to those who tried to log on but were unable to do so.
There were a lot of complications and "bugs" to work out of the
system and a lot to learn that we did not anticipate.

However, we are now pleased to announce that it is up and
running and available for your use. Until we have the Headquar-
ter team on site we will be unable to run it on the projected
twenty-four hour a day basis, but for the most part you can now
"phone home" between the hours of 8:00 AM and 10:00 PM.
This service is an added benefit to being a subscriber to
our newsletter. In some instances a fee will be charged for
advertising but these will be minimal and not a part of the
"user" log on process.
The following is a list of Areas we have devised for infor-
mation on various subjects:

* User Information for the Board * Earth Updates
* Communities and Island of Light * Link-up to the Command

* Events, Seminars, etc. * Reviews: Books, Audio, etc
* Services * MASH - Medical Reports
* Newsletters * New Technologies
* Science Reports * Political Forum
* Updates from Kortron * Lost & Found Light Workers
* Upload Information * Utilities

The following are Message Areas:

* General Messages - User * Starmate Service
* Becoming a Node * Your Ideas
* Wanted: Your Needs * Personals
* Travel Exchange * Relocating?
* Advertisements * Who's Who

At this point we have several people who are willing to act
as Nodes. They have computer systems adequate to upload (send)
and download (receive) information from the central computer and
thus will be instrumental in getting out information to individu-
als and groups who request this. For more information regarding
becoming a Node or for the computer settings and phone number
used in linking up please call or write us at the number/address
listed below.

( Subscription Information )
There are now five back issues of our Bimonthly Newsletter.
They are available upon request for $5.00/copy. They contain
much information which is still relevant and may provide some
clarity to subjects discussed in subsequent newsletters.
We are pleased to send a complimentary copy to anyone you
think will be interested. The newsletter may be copied and
shared but remember those who don't subscribe are not directly
supporting our efforts to network, inform and create for the
Earth volunteers to get the job done. Donations and subscrip-
tions go to Spirit's work to support all of you. Think about it.
It's now really happening in ways none thought possible before.
There will be more coming!!!! (Grin), Kortron. For a year's
subscription (six bimonthly newsletters) and user status on
SPIRIT, B.B.S. please send $30.00 to:
Judith A. Wells
Rt. 2, Box 309B
Vilas, NC 28692
(704) 297-2342
To the best of our knowledge, the text on this page may be freely reproduced and distributed.
If you have any questions about this, please check out our Copyright Policy.


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