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Kortron's Newsletter Mar/Apr

Greetings Ascending Light People!
In a twinkle of an eye all the hardships and feelings of
desperation and disconnection associated with Earth Assignment
will be long forgotten. On every level things are beginning to
peak with the new vibration and very soon the encapsulating
experience of time will no longer exist for us. After our
missions are completed we will return to our home in timeless
eternity; the place of our origin the Fifth Dimension.
Many of you still fear the unknown even as you enter into
new awareness. This is understandable and in many ways normal.
It takes a certain amount of courage to take that step into the
unknown, trusting completely in the Father/Mother Source in doing
so. The result however will be stepping out of illusion back
into reality, your true home.
You have faced this fear before. You have been in similar
situations in which you had no reasonable choice but to blindly
trust your intuitive guidance. What joy you felt when that new
choice lead you to experiences completely new and exciting. Your
first step when learning to walk was one of these and now you can
run and climb a tree - a long way from that first tentative step.
You may be asking where will this new step into the Fifth
Dimension take me? You have a right to ask, to know your options
when choosing the path and direction of your life versus basing
your decisions on blind trust because you felt you had no other
rational choice. The best way I know to answer this question is
to say that only through experience can you understand and then
relate to a new experience.
Remember the time you took your first solo out of body
experience and remembered it? Can you recall the freedom you
felt in the experience? If not, may I recall for you? There was
great joy in knowing you could escape body confinement and then
travel anywhere. Stepping into the Fifth Dimension will be like
that and yes, there is much more.
It's also being able to see everything all at once by just
directing your attention in any of the many new directions by
opening to universal expanded consciousness. You then can direct
any thought in exploration just by thinking about any subject.
It's like a fresh breath of air after coming out of a rank,
confusing and closed place. It's also embracing things you felt
were just beyond your understanding. In actuality you will be
free from external controls and the confinement of feelings of
limitation. You will feel and express love in a completely new
way which is more open and fulfilling, but never demanding
So, my question to you is, " Why fear the unknown? " It has
always been there in your life. It was one of the things moving
you ever forward into new experiences, new discoveries. It kept
you from becoming bored and often left your heart racing in
anticipation of your adventure. Everything you experienced in
your past you chose to experience.
What holds you back from embracing this new experience, the
Fifth Dimension - your next reality to explore? Is it death you
fear? Don't! It doesn't exist. It was put into your thoughts
by those who wanted to control others. You won't die entering
the Fourth or Fifth Dimension or any of the myriad levels of
new awareness for which you are now preparing. Only through

habit have you entered into the New Age still holding onto the
limitation of fear which keeps you from finding your real
identity and self. This, I might add, is just another illusion
you've created which limits your awareness. The time has come to
release it because it is only real in your mind.
Everyone can achieve the Fourth and Fifth Dimension just by
allowing it to be their experience. It will be no different than
all the awakenings of the past you thought were going to be so
difficult but weren't. You made it hard on yourself because you
thought you needed to do this or that. The Fourth Dimension is
about over and the Fifth awaits you. All can get there by just
wanting it to be their next experience and by letting go of all
external limitations in finding true self. You constantly look
out, finding nothing of worth, when in reality it was and is in
you. Look in not out! It's your Spirit in you.
In reality you're a child with many old souls around you
helping you over the rough spots in remembering who you really
are. We are coaxing you back to this understanding long forgotten
by you. Why do you resist what has always been your birth right?
You have listened too long to half truths which take you into
repeated circles preventing you from finding your real way home.
Wake up children! It's time to do so. It's time to leave your
limitation and open into the radiant flower you're keeping
tightly held in its bud. By releasing this you become radiance
and expanded consciousness resulting in the full essence of what
you really are, Golden Angels of Divine Light.
We, as volunteers, have been in your position before. Wake
Up! Wake Up! That's why we are here now helping you to put aside
all the things you put in your way. Just allow Spirit in. Go in
and let it happen through your free will choice and it will
become your reality. All those idyllic thoughts you're playing
with in your idea of how to be accepted are in reality your
inability to just be what you are. This statement is where real
peace of mind is hidden, awaiting you to find it. In your toy
box of created thought there is infinite existence, reality and
the ability to create as the Angel you really are. Wake up!
There is work ahead! None of us here in volunteer status
anticipate anything fowling it up. We would like to get all
of you involved if only to take your minds away from creating
more complications in what lies ahead. Your lack of involvement
and understanding constantly pushes erroneous thoughts into the
ethers. As in this dimension you will be responsible for all you
create out there. Did you know your thoughts create and you're
creating a mess with your confused erroneous thoughts and ideas?
Why do you keep doing this?
Much of the work to be done is already completed and the
remainder is now in fine tuning. We will try to get all the rest
of you involved. If we can do this at least you'll have the
satisfaction of doing your part in the achievement. This is (in
our way of looking at it) much better than getting it handed to
you - in doing you'll appreciate your part more. The more we
all do together the more we will be in each other's eyes the
loving whole we all represent.
Is this difficult or are you making it so? You were, in a
real sense, helpless before we came into your world. By lifting
you up and beyond your helplessness back into your much higher

vibrant selves we are helping you to understand your graduation,
the event of your returning home. This is the beginning of a
task you will in your more open form extend to others. Our many
frustrations in helping you, will in reality, be yours in the
help you will bring to other ascending worlds. You see this is
the way it has always been. We reach down to pull you up and in
doing so we go ever higher also. Getting out of external bondage
in a graduated life form beyond the human drama, there awaits a
very big task all of you will embrace.
When something was just out of your understanding you
started fabricating all sorts of things to fill those blank empty
places in the hope this would clarify your presence or worth.
The grade was always there and to reach it you were, for the most
part, creating confusion of how to get there in the first place.
Everything you couldn't or wouldn't understand was being done for
you. Once you understood then you became a doer instead of a
receiver. Once you really understood you were, in reality, free
from what held you fast. This now allows you to act with many
new found abilities. These abilities are your power to co-create
in a less time oriented fashion. As you feel more comfortable
with them they become permanently yours. To keep them you have
to use them. For some this is difficult as few really believe
they can do these things even when they see they now can. Heaven
is in you, in your new found ability to create any new reality.
What does this all mean? Simply put it means you're stuck in
illusion until you change it into something else. If illusion is
your understanding of how Earth is now, a living hell, then
Heaven must be reality. Who's in control of illusion or reality?
You are of course.
You and everything are in constant moving expansion never
stopping, never slowing down, constantly picking up vibration
into yet higher and higher expressions of self. The reason souls
became trapped here for so long was because this world was
involved in one of the many rebellions that did occasionally
spring up. Some alteration work was done to the Divine Plan by
those with the knowledge of how it worked which created a system
of not quite evolving, thus ever repeating itself over and over
again. But even this has its day of reckoning as there is a
cycled event of all creation policing itself back into renewal
thus catching all altered parts and putting them back into
perfect harmony. Rebellions aren't looked at as upsetting to the
Father. Everything created by him comes back as he created it in
cycled renewal, a plan he put in all of his creation and works.

Many schools of evolving gods were set up to teach them the
correct way to create. Earth is one of these. Many souls are
about to graduate to a higher understanding of what they really
are. In doing so they will become free of all limitations that
were inspired by the few who wanted to control the many.
Each of you are endowed with a power and in full awakened
understanding of it you are in reality Angelic Gods. The only
thing left is to restore your desire to remember. We are waiting
for it to fully sink into your understanding as the Father raises
this planet to the higher vibration frequency it once existed in.
In doing this all life upon it will also rise to become what each
life form was in it's original created blueprint.

By being an Angel of God you will in essence return to full
knowing of what you were. Holding fast to the illusion as it
crumbles is just stubbornness that will affix you to another new
situation of learning through experience. The Bible tells you
"God is Love". If this planet is returning to what created it
then you need only embrace love of self and all life over fear.
We cannot and will not interfere with the Divine Plan. We
respect this plan knowing full well it is one none of us could
possibly better. We, in higher understanding of it, can't find
anything wrong with it after seeing it over and over again put
all creation back into Divine harmony. The Divine Plan has ever
instilled in us a held fast inner knowingness of our great love
of the Father and profound respect of his plan and love of us.
None of us as star borne co-creators completely understand
it. We serve it in awe of its beauty, fairness, compassion and
it's love of all creation as it polices itself. We call this
"cycled renewal" and know it is of great benefit to all of
creation. Those striking out in rebellion against it have never
created anything like it or ever will. It is that beautiful and
keeps everything balanced in his light and love.
Your experience here is an example of one such rebellious
attempt. If my words were not true this horror would not be your
repeated experience. You're about to see Heaven become the new
reality replacing discordant energy here on Earth. What future
could any envision in what you see here? What drives the wheel
of eternalness in creation is the Divine Plan. It renews all
life to eternalness. It's the renewal of everything and if it
did not exist neither would you, this planet or anything else.
To stand against it is total ignorance of what life really is and
what in reality "you" really are. Wake up children your time of
infinite forgiveness is at hand! You need only embrace it as it
embraces you in eternal unconditional love. Fear only sets you
up for yet another learning situation of pain and suffering.
You are creating your experience. Your thoughts, acts and
deeds are your reality. Everything your eyes behold have been
created by "YOU" and only you. A definite change in how you
think can change your reality to something else. Change your
thinking and you will change your life and everything around you
in this world. If you're saying I can't change anything then
you're refusing to see the illusion of the cause and effect of
what created this Hell. You created everything here and only you
can change it back to Heaven before renewal does it for you.
We are now entering a time of speed up in our heavy dense
bodies. We are in essence reaching a light spectrum of our much
lighter existence. Many of you at this time are in massive body
purging of poisons as the time draws near for the transformation.
These slower vibrating energy forms will soon no longer exist and
from this time on more dense substance will loose its ability to
cling to us. For a time you will experience discomfort and after
purging you will feel much lighter and more vibrant in a newer
vibration of much higher resonance. All this is necessary as we
approach our last warp which will enter us into the awareness of
the Fourth Dimension overlapped by the Fifth. Those of you
accepting your light bodies will breeze through this. ALLOWING is
the key here for the rest of you to now achieve the final result.
Know it's taking place and you can help by saying yes, cleanse my

body of impurity. Meditate on cleaning it out.
Another much larger wave is gearing up for yet another
evacuation. This will take place in April for those choosing to
leave on it. Meditate and "listen" for directives as to when and
where. Many feel the need to leave, but in coming you agreed to
do your part, that we all must do first. So ask if your mission
is now complete. Have little fear as none will be left behind
and some work still remains. To those who have chosen to stay
and feel a pull to the east coast, please check in at this HQ.
Command center. Organization work in Operation Dove is now being
set up and everyone needs to do their part.
The reason for this is simple. All those leaving on the
ships are doing so in their bodies. The Dove is the vehicle of
another group in a terrestrial mission of a greater distance and
magnitude. They must do this and depart as one group. The Dove
is the accepted vehicle of choice planned by these prior to Earth
assignment. Others will join this group as awakening to this is
their ticket on it. This will be discussed more at a later date.
Many are aware that July and August represent a very high
significant time in the planet's ascension. The doors now being
opened at the vortex points are ones of rapid acceleration to
facilitate entering your light bodies. Take the time to now
visualize it taking place. This will drop a lot of the things
which create blocks to this experience being embraced in joy and
happiness. Meditate on love. All these wonders you are about to
embrace will quicken your hearts in joy of eternal love.
Peace and Love,
Cmdr. Kortron

A subscription to our newsletter can be purchased for $30.00/yr.
for six copies. Up-to-date information obtained through our net-
work will be included in addition to other news from Kortron.
Send check payable to: Judith A. Wells
Route 2, Box 309B
Vilas, NC 28692
(704) 297-2342
To the best of our knowledge, the text on this page may be freely reproduced and distributed.
If you have any questions about this, please check out our Copyright Policy.


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