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Another from Cmdr. Kortron

Greetings Ascending Light Beings!
May and June brought some really intense energy shifts in
our minds, bodies and consciousness. We can expect more of these
rapid changes in July/August. These will create a more defined
shift in our "blue prints" as the changes are indexed into new
DNA cellular memory. Cellular memory changes body configurations
allowing us to adjust to habitat changes effecting us. We are
being raised gradually, similar to a transformer, to accept more
and more energy in higher and higher frequencies effecting our
dense physical structures. For some these alterations have taken
place aboard the ships while we slept. These changes are
necessary for our adjustment to the approaching change time and
our transformation into our light bodies.
The Fifth Dimension will be realized after the end of the
twelve Time Warps which began August 17, 1987 and will finish on
August 17, 1990. The bridge crossing into the Fourth Dimension
is now shortened and very close to Earth as the Fourth Dimension
is being pushed into the Third by the Fifth Dimension. If you
could see this and distinguish each Dimension separately it would
look like three circles of different energy crossing over each
other and being compressed into Earth. When complete Earth will
be stepped up to Fifth Dimensional energy octaves.
Light bodies allow us to cross the three Dimensions, to
assimilate higher frequencies and still maintain our cellular
based structures. These changes, once in the blueprint
structures of all life on Earth, will bring with them a much
higher awareness level and much more rapid life pulsations.
New understanding will create less dependence on external
control systems and a new found freedom and joy will result in
yet unknown new abilities. Others, who are resisting change,
will have some difficult adjustments as resistance will place
them on overload. The amount of individual stubbornness will
reflect the severity on the human body as change cannot be
resisted. Those "allowing" the blending in these phased step ups
will feel some discomfort for awhile but will easily adjust as it
won't be much different from other previous energy step ups.
Time is now rapidly collapsing. As you detach from time-
oriented models of Third and Fourth Dimensional realities new
ideas in visualization and other forms of manifestation will be
known for their true purposes. These days have been mere "dry
runs" to understanding that "thought creates".c We are fast
approaching the time of instant, created reality by just thinking
it; it then becomes our next experience.
Soon thoughts will create "minus the limiting factor of
time". When this happens those of you in new understanding
knowingness will be able to create in a new way. Others, then
approaching this new awareness state, will also feel the effects
of this in their lives. Do you understand?

( Sector Commands )

There are four Quadrants on Earth. In these are one hundred
and forty-four thousand "Master Creators". Less than one-third

of those have awakened. In each Quadrant there are three
Quadrant Sectors each having twelve Commanders; one Headquarters
Commander and eleven Sector Commanders. In each Sector there are
twelve thousand Light Masters in different jobs and with various
ranks. Along with these are many millions from the higher
dimensions of the Many and One Universes present to support them.
When Sananda said he was back with the numbers in his service to
get the job done he was not kidding.
My directive is to affix those that answer the call to their
Sector Commands, then to Spirit contact. Upon opening to Spirit
you will then need to follow that guidance without hesitation.
It is the only way. No other will do. You must keep this
connection open. Soon normal ways of doing things will not
exist. We need to come together and connect to the command
structure so that we can set in motion the plan for the co-
creation of the Islands of Light.
As a Quadrant Sector Headquarters Commander it is my job to
organize this Quadrant Sector called the East Coast into twelve
Sectors. There are twelve Sector Commanders including me on the
East Coast. At this time only three other Commanders have
stepped forward since the call was issued. Organization cannot
proceed until this is done. Also, there are many officers in
each Sector who need to see their parts and check in.
What does this all mean? In a real way none of you will
feel separated or alone ever again in the Mission. A ground
support unit will form around or near you connecting you up to
your part of the Mission. Then comes definition and a real
purpose for being here on Earth Assignment.
In December of 1989 a release attuning us to events
effecting our next step in organized action came out in Tuieta's
Third Conclave meeting on the ships. Many of us were present for
this meeting. We have now taken our purpose in service to a new
and greater clarity. One of the directives we received was that
the Commanders now need to take their commands. Because of this
my presence is now known to you. Others who are holding back
must now come forward as commanders.
One result of this was the first ever meeting of in-flesh
Commanders. It was a joyous event. Lady Cmdr. Thena was present
from Florida. Cmdr. Amas was here from Maryland as well as other
Light Officers in this evolving Earth based command. I'm pleased
to say that for some your Sector Commander is now aware of you.
However, many out there need their Commanders to come forward.
The idea behind this newsletter is to keep people informed.
Updates are to be filtered out to you via Sector Commanders.
This is why it is so important for you to make contact and
hopefully subscribe, as these Commanders are linking up. A
Command can only function if each person accepts his part.

( Earth Changes Updates )

Earth changes have accelerated faster than we can report
them taking place. In March we were told volcanic action would
take place in North and South America taking Hawaii out of the
news for this type of occurrence. South America beat us to the
printer, as did Iran which had major earthquakes. Earthquakes
will continue with the possibility of a big one in the U.S. by

Fall. Other unstable areas will still have activity both large
and small into the end of the year. August is the month to watch
in this respect.
Our last letter told of the continuance of torrential rains
causing much damage. These things did occur and are not over as
some new aspects arise such as typhoons, tornadoes, etc. This
will be a big year for major hurricanes to cause above usual
damage due to their size and intensity.
The Continental Shelf is showing unusual stress. This is a
cause-effect situation for undersea activity resulting in
possible tidal waves hitting the East Coast. However, this is
seen only as a possibility which will sooner or later happen.
Faults in or near nuclear power plants will cause attention
resulting in some long overdue shutdowns. Cities built on or
near these faults are becoming ever more unstable. This will
result in new thinking as to the safety of staying in one of
these places.
The meteor dust cloud approaching Earth will begin to be
visible to the naked eye on the East Coast and other parts of the
world as it gets ever closer. Some news leaks of the four large
asteroids heading for Earth will create new debates as more are
becoming aware of this situation. Nuclear missiles will be one
thought up remedy, but will only cause more concern. They will
not be allowed in space by the Space Brothers as their use would
cause a radioactive, hot, hot asteroid which would do more than
just surface damage upon impact. This would cause a chain
reaction of all pressure points, weakening the plates of Earth
and creating the long predicted cataclysms. Other things can
avert this which are little understood by science. As the many
awaken to their real and powerful abilities to create change
averting such damage is more than just a mere possibility.

( Getting Out of Dodge )

All of you are aware that Earth is changing. She must shed
her polluted form to assimilate a clear, pure and radiant new
beginning for all the Light Beings that will flourish on her then
clean surface. Not all of Earth will feel the very radical
shifts in this cleansing process. These places we can consider
as safe from a standpoint of colonization. They do exist and our
family now coming together will build Islands of Light on them.
In acquiring these special safe tracks a different attitude
must develop. Many of you have acquired knowledge to be used in
a communal environment on very large tracks of land. Bringing
these working communities together will breach the old opening to
Spirit for guidance in the evolving New. The knowledge required
must now come together without social barriers with those with
money in a brotherly/sisterly way if these planned Islands of
Light are to evolve and work. Do you understand?
Money soon will not exist so all of these Island of Light
need to be purchased and opened for development very soon.
Certain parts must be fully functional no later than 1992. Now
is the time to gather together as a group in this endeavor.
While those of you in the cities were accumulating money, others
were learning the skills of survival and the new technologies for
these Islands of Light. These Islands will be examples of the

evolving New for others to see and learn from.
These projects are in a plan. These sites are scattered but
safe and are productive places for the evolving New. These areas
are not polluted, little used and not yet developed.
In this endeavor there will be an Intergalactic site set up
called ORVOTRON and is connected to the HQ. Center here in
North Carolina. If you're interested in this send us information
as to your possible contribution and part in the manifestation of
this endeavor. The model could easily hold one or more thousand
Light Workers of varied talents. It will be one of many on the
East Coast but most likely it will be the largest.
This is another reason the Commands are being set up now.
No one is an island in surviving the times ahead. This is one of
the things discussed at the first Commanders meeting on Earth.
Are you all starting to see how loved you are and the extent of
planning now going on involving you?

( Life Eternal )

Many have asked the question, "Can I awaken so and so?"
Some of you are with such a partner in a relationship or have a
family member, friend, etc. with whom you are very emotionally
attached and want to see awaken. Now is the time to focus on
Spirit, releasing all attachments to those that refuse to open to
Spirit as the means of bridging the Old into the New. It can be
no other way, each has freedom of choice which no other can
violate. The two worlds cannot remain together and are now in
separation even as I write this. Each soul chooses its path to
reunite with Spirit. None of you in your love of another can
force that change. Sananda, in coming here two thousand years
ago, set the stage for us to freely make our choices. The time
has now edged itself into the final hour. None of you must look
back by being attached to those who refuse to see and hear. Your
direction is clear and must be followed in Spirit, without any
hesitation. Spirit is now merging with Earth. Do you
The forces are rising and will soon be felt by everyone no
matter what degree of rejection exists in their stubborn refusal
to awaken to the reality of the one supreme force, Love. Your
job is to release past attachments to what will soon no longer
exist and direct all of your energy to the creation of your idea
of Heaven on Earth,OUR PRIME DIRECTIVE.
Granted this is not easy as we all hoped for better
solutions and outcomes, never wanting to give up. But now is the
time to move forward to unite back with Spirit as the veils of
our purpose and reason for coming here are lifted. We, as that
group bringing Love to Earth, must unite as one force. Our
Spirit Unification will create the needed changes on Earth based
in Love. This must be seen by all of you. Do you understand?
Looking back to those near or around you who refuse to
awaken will only take your attention and energy away from
creating Heaven on Earth. None of us can serve two masters when
in reality only one exists; that is LOVE. Do you understand?
Eternal life exists for all souls. No one will be lost and in
their own time they too will reunite with us in the Mansion World
reality they now refuse to accept or bond to. Everything of

Spirit will eventually return to Spirit. This has been a problem
for many, but now must be released directing energy to the job
A Universal Law is that no one can take away or change
another's freedom of choice. You must release these souls in
love knowing they will eventually return to Spirit. We have much
work to do and now is the time to focus on your part of the
"grand picture". Each person not creating their idea of Heaven
on Earth is a missing aspect of the whole picture. The
importance of this is not easy to put into words, but must be
understood by each of you. By reuniting our Angelic family we
will vibrate as Light and Love overcoming the many sacrifices
made in our true service in coming together as the Family of God.

**** Star Names ***

Many of you have been trained for a very long time for your
part in the Mission. Receiving your "Star Name" will bring new
clarity to your conscious understanding of your job. By using
your Star Name a spatial energy shift will occur in you which
will open pathways to receive directives as to your part and
function. Meditate and ask for your Star Name. Ask and you will
receive. Listen and you will hear. Then do as Spirit tells you,
without hesitation. Now is the time for only one reality.

( Thoughts and Channeled Messages )

At the first Commanders meeting several people had feelings
and some channeled messages, one is presented here for your
"There is a mountain of love in North Carolina. The name is
Stone Mountain. When one first drives up the mountain it feels
like you have left everything and everyone behind. You then
enter Stonecrest and you meet some of the most loving, giving

"Commander Kortron and Solinus greet you and invite you into
their home. They have never met you before but you are suddenly
aware you are family. There are hours of conversation on all the
important issues at hand. I am not talking about the mundane
things of everyday life. I am talking about the issues now
concerning the Father's Plan and what we as Light Workers have
laying ahead of us. The talk of Love, Understanding and feeling
of Brotherhood and Sisterhood is all around."
"You are invited to sit at their table and break bread.
There is more talk of flying ships, vortexes, and pyramids.
Discussions of other dimensions, higher realms, the Masters and
every other important topic. When it becomes time to leave you
feel like you are leaving home. You know you must because you
must return to everyday life and work on the Father's Plan and
someday you will return for a final time. With Light and Love,
Cmdr. Amas."
Communications Officer Asaria channeled this from Ashtar:
"The time for action is indeed now. And your limitation of words
does not allow us to express our great joy - exhilaration at your
meeting in your Earth based conclave which allows us to work more

closely with each of you, with you and through you beings of
great light. As we see you following Spirit (as we do) we are
authorized to implement the sending of more and more specific and
technical information. For us you know we work with those who
also work with us in following Spirit. And indeed each of you
has demonstrated great understanding and faith in all of you
participating in this gathering...This meeting of Masters. We
send you our love and honor your commitment." **ASHTAR**

Lady Cmdr. Thena will give her version of the first conclave
meeting on Earth in her newsletter titled "The Return of Eagles
and Doves." To get on her mailing list write to her at 750 NE
64th St., B-390, Miami, FL 33138. Her newsletter is a beautiful
publication and is available for $30/year.

Sister Thedra's new book, held back for awhile by order of
the Command is now released for all of you who enjoy her fine
books. The title is "The White Star of the East". It sells for
$7.95 and can be purchased at A.S.S.K., 2675 W. Highway 89A,
Suite 454, Sedona, AZ 86336. Phone orders can be obtained by
dialing (602) 282-3421.

( Name Clarification )

Due to the similarity of the names some of you have mixed
Cmdr. Kortron up with Cmdr. Korton. We are different in name but
alike in purpose and service, with the exception that our prime
directives are different. My job is not specifically in
communications, but I am involved with it in a command structure
here on Earth. We are all part of a Master Team in action and
service to the Father/Mother Creator Spirit. In that there is no
greater joy but to serve. In that we are all one.
( The Pyramid )

The pyramid site is now settled, lumber is stacked and
footers will soon be laid out. We have received some donations
toward this project and all are greatly appreciated. They remain
in a special fund until the time of actual construction. Once
begun, we will need to proceed nonstop to get it under a water
tight roof before winter weather sets in.
If you can contribute labor, supplies or additional funds
please contact us so we can begin in earnest to organize the
building phase. We have been told that everything necessary will
be supplied, but our directive is that it will be a "community
project" with much love and labor coming forth from you our
extended family here on Earth. We look forward to sharing this
project with others and are anxious to begin.

( Subscription Information )

There are now three back issues of our Bimonthly Newsletter.
They are available upon request for $5.00/copy. They contain
much information which is still relevant and may provide some
clarity to issues discussed in subsequent newsletters.
We remain reluctant to remove names from our mailing list.
Unfortunately, as the list of potential subscribers increases we

find it harder to mail complimentary copies more than once to the
same person. If this is the second newsletter you have received
from us, please now consider subscribing. Continued contact with
you makes our job of networking more complete. It creates for
you a way to stay informed and in touch with other Star people
within your area. Please send additional names of Star People so
we can revise our mailing list and set up the East Coast Command.
Our newsletter may be copied and shared as we do not
exercise copyrights, preferring to inform in whatever way
possible. Those wishing to receive our newsletter but due to
some hardship are unable to subscribe, please contact us and we
will make sure you remain on our mailing list. Many folks pay
per newsletter or have made other arrangements, so don't be shy
about asking for special consideration. We want to serve you in
as loving a manner as possible.
Judi (Star Name, Solinus) is the Director of The Center for
Higher Awareness. Due to the need for flexibility and freedom of
movement Kortron will remain in an advisory capacity to assist
the Center.
A subscription is $30.00/year (six bimonthly issues). As
the command structure evolves updates and timely news will filter
through your Sector Commander, so in the future your subscription
will include more than just six issues. Send check payable to:
Judith A. Wells
Route 2, Box 309B
Vilas, N.C. 28692
(704) 297-2342

Joyce Holbrook
Channel and Shamaness

A Weekend Intensive, August 11-12, 1990

You are invited to participate in a gathering to unite our
own grid energies in the "Divine Love Current" with the primary
power node on Stone Mountain to assist in the activation of the
opening of the eastern gate. Come join with your brothers and
sisters in working with self alignment and Earth alignment.
Activities will include:
* Learning how to locate grid lines and power nodes.
* Working with the conjunction of your body's own grid lines and
power nodes with those of the Earth to bring cleansing and
clearing of old blockages and alignment to the Divine Love
Plan within your own being.
* Channeling from the Space Brothers.
* Direct experience with Shamantic healing
* Sacred ceremony and Earth energy attunement.

This seminar is limited to 30 participants but if more are
interested Joyce is willing to set a date for another weekend
later on this year. Her fee is $100.00 with a non-refundable
$25.00 deposit required.
Our school house can accommodate sleeping bags and there are
plenty of tent sites available. Also campers can be parked in
our gravel parking lot. Toilet facilities are available, but

bathing is rather primitive. Bring clothes/shoes suitable for
outdoor activities and food to share for both Saturday and
Sunday. A love donation for those choosing to stay at the Center
will be appreciated.
Our Center is located in a remote mountain area of
Northwestern North Carolina with Tri-Cities Airport in Tennessee
being the closest airline connection. Hotel/Motel accommodations
are available in Boone, N. C. which is the closest city (within
25 miles) to us. We suggest if you prefer a hotel room to
"roughing it" that you make your reservations early as it is the
tourist season here and often "there are no rooms at the inns" on
"It is suggested that you meditate daily for three days
before coming to this experience. This will then initiate a
joining of consciousness and the opening of the doorways for the
participant collective who will be selected to come...if you make
this decision you are selected. Your inner guidance will reveal
to you the necessary crystals, stones, amulets or power
implements that you will need to bring." (Channeled to Joyce
about the two day seminar.)

Peace and Love,
Cmdr. Kortron

To the best of our knowledge, the text on this page may be freely reproduced and distributed.
If you have any questions about this, please check out our Copyright Policy.


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