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Force and Fire - Volume 1, Number 2 (WP51)

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NOTE: This file may be distributed freely to any BBS as long as
there are no changes made whatsoeverthe contents. All material
Copyrighted 1992, Xanadu Camp.

? ??  # ? ?Force And Fire
?  * ? ?
?    ?The Official Newsletter of Xanadu Camp
?  * ? ?
?   ? ?Volume One, Number Two
?  # ? ?June 1992 E.V.
?  * ? ?
?  * ? ?? ?? 
?  ?

? ??   ? ?Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
?  * ? ?? ?? 
?  ?

? ??  &  ?Contents
?  * ? ?? ?? 
?  ?
News From The Camp...............................................1
On The Cover.....................................................2
The Campmaster Speaks!...........................................2
The Rising of the Sun............................................3
A View of Magick Using Quantum Mechanics.........................3
The Goals of Xanadu Camp.........................................5
The Herbal Corner................................................5
The Present Moment...............................................7
Liberation From The Old Aeon.....................................7
From The Diaries of Frater Mansabath.............................8
A Study From Nature..............................................9
What Is The O.T.O.?..............................................9
Famous Last Words of Magickians.................................10
Publications Recieved This Month At Xanadu Camp.................10

? ??  ! ? ?News From The Camp
?  * ? ?? ?? 
?  ?
?    ?93! Well, the first issue of Force And Fire was greeted with
an immeasurable amount of prairom all who saw it, so I took
that as a good omen. This second issue is even bigger than the
prevosoe, and I don't see an end to it's growth in sight! The
newsletter seems to have taken on a lif o is wn and is mutating?  h) 0*0*0*? ?  ? rapidly beyond my control, so if you seeanyflas o errors,
they're not my fault! Please, as always, leave us feedback on what
you think ofit.
?    ?Our first meeting was a great success despite the fact that
half the people expected to sho dropped out at the last minute.
We are holding regular meetings which will occur once a month atteAarchist's Coffee House, and you can get that address from the
back of this issue. As far as th dte o the meetings go, we will
announce the next meetings date at the previous meeting, and ther
isalwys calendar posted on the door which shows the schedule
for the month. Or you can always gt intouc wit us personally
(that is, if you know how!). Along with general Camp business we
will e havng vaious opics headlining each meeting. One idea is
to go over selected chapters from Crowly's Maick InTheoryAnd
Practice. If you have any ideas or would like to do a presentation
of your wn, letus know As a sde note, we are going to be
engaging in a little type of feasting at each meting. Ifeach of
ou wouldbring in just a little something for the group (such as
soda or some minucule fooditem) it hould hopfully make the time
much more pleasing. This way we not only satisfy te hunger o the
mind nd the sou, but of the body!
?    ?Apart from our regularly scheduled (?!?) monthly meetings, we
intend on engaging in variouser activities. All of you out
there with a dirty mind who just misinterpreted that line should beahmd of yourself. We are open to any suggestions you might have
as far as group activities or rital g, nd we encourage you to
let us know. We try to make everyone happy here (please note that
I tres "ry".
?    ?We are still waiting for our Charter to be officially listed
as a Camp. Once that happens oddress will be listed in The
Magickal Link, the quarterly newsletter of the O.T.O., and that way
l hse members out there in Pennsylvania who don't know about us
will be enlightened on the fact.
?    ?I think that a brief mention of the personnel of the Camp is
in order, so I'm gonna start bing about it (I am the editor so
I can do what I want, right?). First of all, Frater Mansabath 55,i ur Campmaster. If you haven't met him it's because he shrouds
himself in seclusion and deep meittin ost of the time. I myself
rarely get to see him (could he be a Secret Chief?). Frater Tam i
ou Cap Scretary, and is the busybody of our humble group. He's
in charge of scheduling and publi reltion andall sorts of
little tasks and errands (and he does a great job of it!). I am
currentl the ditorof ths newsletter (I'm wondering for how
long) and will be taking up the role of Initiaion Cordinatr (nowthere's a title!). Anyone out there who's planning on taking an
initiation and asn't te faintst ideaas to what to do just come
to me and we'll try and arrange something. And wemustn't orget
al of the embers of our Camp who help with ideas and inspiration
in all sorts of maners. Evey bit of nput fromyou counts! If you
don't like something or would like to see somethingdone, let s
know! Wedon't bite(well, most of the time).
?    ?So far we have compiled the collections of Frater Mansabath,
Frater O.A. (me), and are waitfor Frater Tam to finish his. We
also have a list of some duplicated archived material that we've ) 0*0*0*? ?  ? gathered. We will be handing out copies of these lists at our next
metng ad will be able to lend out some of the items on a
limited basis. If you feel you have an imresivecolection of
related books or whatnot, make up a list and we'll add it to the
Camp's collecion.?   ? hope you enjoy this issue, as hours upon hours of work were
put into it by the contributi authrs an myself. If we didn't
get your submission in time for this issue, don't worry, there's
lays net mont. Welp, that's it for me. I hope I didn't scare
any of you away yet because there's wole tresure chst of
inspired writing after this. Peace and Love!

Frater O.A., Editor

? ??  $  ?On The Cover
?  * ? ?? ?? 
?  ?
?    ?This issue's cover features the unicursal hexagram. The colors
of the planets in the Queen e are found at their corresponding
points, with Sol being in the center.
?    ?Also on this issues cover is the O.T.O. Lamen and the seal of
Xanadu Camp (which comprised whole of our first issue's cover).
The seal was designed and drawn by Frater O.A., who did this
isescover as well.

? ??  ' ? ?Errata
?  * ? ?? ?? 
?  ?
?    ?In the May issue of Force And Fire, the article "Why Do People
Believe What They Do" was wrn by Frater O.A.

? ??   ? ?The Campmaster Speaks!
?  * ? ?? ?? 
?  ?
?    ?Although awaiting a reply from the Electoral College
concerning our charter, Xanadu Camp isve and kicking. We at
Xanadu Camp feel that all should go well. With the help of Frater
O.A. and rtrTam, I have signed on as Camp Master and hope all
our readers will enjoy our Thelemic input. Ica pomse many
terrific things with the newsletter, and Magickal activity will
follow. At this tim, Fate O.. and Frater Tam have held the
Camps first meeting within the Philadelphia area. Althoug unale
t attnd, I was informed that all went well. I am making plans to
hold some meetings in theReadig are, I aso plan to attend some
of those held in Philly. This would be a good foundation fo our
Cmp, hoding gound in both the Philadelphia and middle
Pennsylvania areas.
?    ?I also plan on submitting articles, essays, poems, and other
personal projects. We wish to ire others to do the same,
comment upon our submissions, and inform us at Xanadu Camp what you
th edr prefer to read about. But being Camp Master entails a?  h) 0*0*0*? ?  ? littlemoe ha just writing for the newsletter.
?    ?As a Second Degree member of the O.T.O., I plan on taking my
Third degree and seeking an Intion Charter. I have sent out
letters informing my Initiators of this and hope for an update in
detm. I believe this will not occur for another year or so, but
progress will be achieved. In the eatie,we at Xanadu Camp will
provide, as a vessel for those of local interest in Thelemic
matters tounie ad hold meetings. I believe it is the wish of
all Xanadu members to prosper and increase ur Mgickl acivity
and enlightenment.
?    ?I am also required to make suggestions as to what our Camp can
do for both public events, ahe private events themselves
include readings of Crowley's writings of all forms (poems, acts,
et..."Magick In Theory And Practice" workshops have also been
discussed, between myself, Frater O.A, ndFrter Tam. I would
also like to see other workshops, such as Enochian Magick and/or
Crowley'sThoh Trot I have done some work with these systems,
and feel they would be worthwhile to instructothes in andperhaps learn more myself. These are possibilities for public
gatherings, but these mttersmust e looed into. Actual
ceremonies should be held for O.T.O. members only, but discussionswould o goodfor inuiring minds. For instance, one who may be
trained in Tarot, but wary of the O..O., ma find elightenent
through Crowley's deck and tarot teachings. He or she may then
become moe intereted in jining th Order, all because we shed
new light during a Thoth Deck workshop.
?    ?At public gatherings, perhaps we could have friendly debates
concerning our own personal vion Crowley and the Law of
Thelema. Therefore a better understanding from various viewpoints
wouldb icussed and witnessed. These of course, could be between
Camp members and/or other O.T.O. visitrs
?    ?Private meetings should consist of those regarding actual
ceremonial work. Ceremonies are aer part of my agenda. Doing
just the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram would be too
short,bttere are many Crowley suggests for the aspiring
student, especially those of Minerval and FirstDere, f which I
have worked with, and again, can help with. I have done some work
with Liber Regui, nd ithgood results. Other practices can be
added to these private meetings. One meeting which as oten een
eld for public and private gatherings has been The Gnostic Mass.
The Mass has been dicusse, andone mst be trained by the E.G.C.
to perform a Mass, so this is something we can think o for te
?    ?Whatever happens will prove interesting. I believe we in the
Camp should take our time in aving our goals, and by doing so
we focus on quality, not quantity. I myself wish to achieve my
Asoits Degree in Psychology before I attain my Third Degree.
I'm halfway there, but another year an ahaf ill be needed. So
this gives the Camp plenty of time to get started, and we await the
word romtheU.S Electoral College. I hope all have enjoyed this
venture as much as I have.

Frater Mansabath 555
P.O. Box 13431?  h) 0*0*0*? ?  ??Reading, Pa 19612?3431

? ??   ?The Rising Of The Sun
?  * ? ?? ?? 
?  ?
I grope along this beach in darkness,
Akin to a man bestruck with blindness.
I shake and shiver amidst the cold,
And watch the gloom turn new to old.

My soul screams out in plight and dread,
And wonders if all is really dead.
My mind crumbles amidst the thunders
Of a million phantoms ranting of wonders.

I wonder if all I behold is true;
If this darkness is real that no light can shine through.
I wonder if some light may pierce through this gloom,
And save me, this day, from the depths of doom.

Is all I behold and all I see
Merely but one big reflection of me?
Is there truth to those words echoed once long ago:
"As it is above, so be it below?"

As if in an answer to my weary mind,
There appears on the horizon a vision of some kind.
A glimmer of hope, as sweet as a chime,
Bearing the mystery of light so sublime.

At first but a glimmer, a luminous sheen,
Breaks forth the aurora, splendid and keen.
Slowly it grows in majesty and size,
Shedding forth light to the darkness of my eyes.

Then appears the orb, majestic and austere,
That godly being and luminous sphere.
My heart thrills as my soul soars,
A glorious triumph, opening all doors.

At last the Golden Dawn has appeared;
LVX has shown forth to those who have dared.
The spirit of man is enlightened with love,
As the snow white dove descends from above.

Frater O.A.

? ??   ?
 ?A View of Magick Using Quantum Mechanics
?  * ? ?? ?? 
?  ?
?    ?In quantum mechanics, reality (or time lines, as I like to
say) is shown to be waves of difnt probabilities of different?  h) 0*0*0*? ?  ? events happening from the same inteato on the event. We have
been taught that these waves can be shown as matter, energy,
particles r avs hen seen by observation. These waves, in a
sense, are made up of a single structure or forc oflined ime
lines or probabilities; so in a sense, the they link the universe
together as a whol uni. Thse lnes form a matrix link with all
other parts, so when an event effects one spot in thelink t
effcts al the parts.
?    ?I have read in many books about four different explanations
for this unified wave matrix thxists in the universe.
?    ?(1) That the time lines are the most basic level of reality,
and there is nothing more basian them. (This is a very popular
view in many text books, but leaves the reader hanging for a
betreplanation, which I agree is most lacking.)
?    ?(2) Consciousness is the underlying link. (This is the one I
believe is correct, as I will ain later.)
?    ?(3) That the input of information is the cause of the basis of
the universe. Information iser (the opposite of entropy), and
both are occuring at the same time in the universe.
?    ?(4) That space and time, as described by physics, are the
results of other unknown phenomenuperstring theories and
unified field theories fall under this group.
?    ?All of these theories leave alot to be desired, but whatever
hidden or mysterious ways run universe, at the basis of it is
consciousness. Our consciousness is definitely a part of this
reaiyo the universe. If anything random exists in this theory,
its that we, with our conscious minds ae hehidden variables.
?    ?What this means is that the non near space wave patterns that
make up the time lines of theverse allow us to influence our
reality around us and to obtain information about its structure
wt u minds. This ability is what makes reality manifest itself,
as matter, energy and other magickl heomnon. This is what gives
us pagans our powers to cause change according to will. These
power ar jut nw being recognized by modern physics and
hopefully will be more fully explained in the nar fture
?    ?"Normal waking consciousness occurs when the nerve cell firing
rate (synaptic switching rats high enough to spread out the
waves associated with electrons to fill the gaps between nerve
cel snaptic clefts) with waves of probability of similar
amplitude. This is described mathematicall b te uantum
mechanical mechanism of tunneling. These waves are interconnected
throughout regionsof he rai through resonances, linked by fast,
sequential quantum mechanical tunneling. The resultis alarg wav
pattern filling regions in the brain. The waves are interconnected
with each other ad wit infomatio storage and sensory input
mechanisms within these interconnected regions. The sene of
idividul idenity resides in the continuity of the process."
(taken from Walker, Evan H. "TheNature f Conscousness"
Mathematical Biosciences 7, 1970)
?    ?Using the above theory, the brain cells fire at a low rate and
they fire at random, but wheey fire at a higher rate they begin
to lead to a collective behavior based on the hopping conducto
n waking consciousness. The above theory may predict the level
between sleeping awareness in pepl ad nimals.?  h) 0*0*0*? ?  ???    ?Changes caused by a person are not caused y frceor nergy
per say in the conventional way, but is something far more
difficult to measure an see Mos likly it is the resonant effect
within the brain pattern which cause matter and energy t behae
andmanifst themselves. This can be predicted using a model of
resonances between the brainand it targe objec. This effect can
be checked by:
?    ?(1) The information rate at which the brain is processing the
?    ?(2) The amount of time it takes the brain cells to resonate
together as a whole.
?    ?(3) The probability of the desired outcome in the absence of
a conscious mind.
?    ?Because we are connected to the rest of the universe by our
minds it is possible to "tune ith our surroundings, including
nature. This in turn allows us to perform Magick. When our minds
rahtat level of awareness of the deep reality around us we may
experience that level of awareness ha'susally reported by
?    ?Out there are many theories of how Magick works, by groups
like Cabalistics, Buddhist and Hs. Many of them parallel each
other, but they most always connect the mind with the universe.
Reaigaout things like this are ok, but to become good at it you
must use it or play the game. In my ex atile I will describe a
Magick ritual based on these theories.

? ??  &  ?Untitled
?  * ? ?? ?? 
?  ?
I see, in the early morning,
The vanishing stars of night,
And the pale moon's latest glimmer
Slow fading away from sight.
I hear, as my eyes drop downward
On the busy world below,
Its ceaseless noise and confusion,
Its hurrying to and fro.

But up and away above me
There stretches an endless plain,
Where never a green grass groweth,
Nor billowy fields of grain.
But over its vast expanses
Are thousands of stately halls;
Still the hands of invisible spirits
Are piling their lofty walls.

No sound of hammer of chisel
Awakens the dreaming air;
But silently, swiftly, and surely
Are rising those castles fair;
And the mystic, unseen builders
Sweep by like a summer breeze;?  h) 0*0*0*? ?  ??The murmuring of their voices
Scarce heard in the song of trees.

There are lordly halls of marble,
Snowy, and pure, and cold,
Clear cut on the sapphire heaven
Things of unearthly mould.
There are many?turreted towers,
Gloomy, and dark, and gray,
Casting their grand, dim shadows
Over the light of day.

There are gorgeous domes of the Orient,
Glittering with spires of gold,
Fretted, and carved, and sparkling
With jewels most bright and cold.
There are pale and moonlit columns,
Gleaming with crystal light,
Pearly and slender pillars,
Ending above our sight.

There are proud and solemn temples,
With altars, and choirs, and naves;
And flows through their rainbowed windows
The daylight in brilliant waves.
And flooded with crimson glory,
The sunset's lurid fire,
Slowly each beautiful temple
Rises higher and higher.

Slowly the flames of sunset
Flicker, and flash, and wane;
Slowly the raven darkness
Broods o'er the world again.
Temples, and towers, and columns
Fade in the twilight mist
The splendor of arch and window,
Of topaz and amethyst.

Oh dreamer of earth! are you rearing
An edifice grand and fair?
Are you one of the spirit builders
Of castles in the air?
And ah! have you seen, as I have,
The beautiful fabrics fade?
And buried in deepest midnight
Even the ruins laid?

What if dreams were foolish?
What if they proved untrue?
Is there nothing in earth or heaven
But simply to be and do;
Cherish those thoughts of beauty,?  h) 0*0*0*? ?  ?? Build them higher and higher,
Till, reaching their heaven?wreathed summits,
The wishes of earth expire.

Till up by the mystic river,
And bathed by its silver tide,
For evermore true and eternal
They stand in their glorious pride
No longer a dream?built cloud?house,
A palace so frail and fair,
But one of the mansions of the heavens,
So wonderful and grand, is there.

Contributed by Frater Tam

? ??   L ?The Goals of Xanadu Camp
?  * ? ?? ?? 
?  ?
?    ?If the goals of Xanadu Camp had to be summed up in one word,
I believe that one word would Growth." This growth will take
place on many levels; primarily through knowledge, Magickal work,
n h development of a Thelemic culture. It is a process of
change and evolution, and hopefully it il ladto spectacular
advancement on all of these levels. If you share the same dream as
we do, hoefuly e cn make it manifest amongst us together.
?    ?Growth through knowledge is something which is held dearly to
our heart. An increase in knoge can only benefit a person as
long as it is tempered with wisdom and understanding. Knowledge cnso the way to the wonderful mysteries of life and the universe,
and guide one through the strang ine wrld of the mind. But I
myself do not believe that a person can truly learn something by
simly eadng book. There is a theoretical and a practical part
to everything, and we try to stress bth a theCamp Through our
group discussions and debates a multitude of ideas and views can be
absobed, nd thn it s left up to the individual to decide which
one he or she will employ. Of course, ll argments o leadin a
circle, but hopefully by engaging in them one will see the
inadequacy of uing reaon for atters hich lie above the abyss.
On a more material level, since the Camp is, in a ense, a
ommunity we belive in the pooling of our libraries so that
various works may be shared byall. Thiswill hopeully openup new
avenues of information to those who are seeking it.
?    ?Growth through Magickal work is also a concept which is highly
stressed here. One really calearn Magick and be proficient at
it just by reading a book. The aspirant must practice and get i
oc with the forces involved on a personal level. We hope to
achieve this through the various grop ital and workshops which
we will be holding. Here the individual will find an opportunity
for ativ inolvment in various Magickal methods and techniques.
One will able to learn by example and ten b tril an error. One
can't forget that everyone is a student, and always will be. There
is no uch ting a a "Mster" or whatever you'd like to call it.
Certainly there are those who know a litte bit ore thn othes,?  h) 0*0*0*? ?  ? but there will always be something which the do notknow. Snce we
re all students, and we are all seeking to learn and grow, we
should pool ou knowlede togethr and tech each other as brothers
and sisters.
?    ?"Liber Al vel Legis", or "The Book of the Law", is of
paramount importance to any Thelemite is, in a sense, the
cornerstone of the whole system. Of course, all interpretations of
"Liber Al r o be left up to the individual, but we hope to
generate a better understanding of the various oneps nd ideas
expressed within the book through open discussions within the Camp.
We are trying o cltiatea Thelemic culture in which the words of
"Liber Al" are translated into a living and brethin fore,
tuching and inspiring all. Hopefully we can all grow in this
environment, and see our reamsmanifst uno us in a truly
Thelemic manner.
?    ?Since our Camp will soon be an official body of the Ordo
Templi Orientis, it will be, in a e, an extension of the Order.
All of the guidelines which appear in "The Equinox III,10" will be
olwd by our body. The Order has much to offer, and all members
of the Camp are expected to advanc troghthe degrees at their
own pace in sincere interest. The Gnostic Mass is the central rite
of ublc wrshp in the O.T.O., and hopefully in the future we
will be able to conduct it in our area. ut tere re vrious other
bodies of the Order which perform it on a regularly basis and for
those wo canmake t, its well worth the trip.
?    ?The key to growth is change. It's not the destination but the
actual "going" which counts. fully we can remain an active
catalyst for the type of change which will lead to the advancement
hc e all seek. But this will take the effort of everyone
together as a whole, each putting in hisorhe on share of work
and devotion. With the fuel of our yearning we can make it happen.

Frater O.A.

? ??  # h ?Foolish Idiots!
?  * ? ?? ?? 
?  ?
I look around at what I see,
And cannot hold my laughter in,
When I see them run so foolishly
From what they label crime and sin.

I wonder why they toil and suffer
In bondage and restriction,
Making their lives only rougher,
And withholding every passion.

We're the only animal that's left the path
From Nature's beautiful way.
If we could set our feet back on that path,
We'd fulfill ourselves in every way.

Frater O.A.?  h)
0*0*0*? ?  ???

? ??  " ? ?The Herbal Corner
?  * ? ?? ?? 
?  ?
?    ?Welcome to another month of herbal remedies for men. This
month's topic is a continuation ost months, plus some new stuff
for you folks out there. Before I go on, these remedies I have bee
icssing for men can also be used for women. Its just that for
these next couple of months I willbefousng on them for men,
because I feel that men's health science has been ignored for too
long.Ok,tim toget off my soapbox and get on with the discussion
of other natural bee products that canenhace mn's ealth. The
final product that bees make which can be useful in men's health
care is clled ropols. Ths gum like substance is made by bees
from tree resins. This resin is collected by ees an changd by
tem to be used as a glue and building material in their hives.
Bees also use it s a disnfectan and asantiviral protection.
Whenever bees kill an invading insect they will place roplis
aound thecarcass ill it can be removed. This kills any germs
that the insect may have carred and diinfects te spot. Popolis
is a complex series of enzymes, vitamins, minerals and a
combintion of flvonoids, wich act ascell building material in
the human body. Propolis can be chewed lie gum rightfrom the hie
or it canbe made into a liquid for drinking. People should chew
about a pece the sizeof a kernel f corn wheneer they feel a
cold coming on or a sore throat starting. Afte awhile your aliva
may stig a little asthe propils causes your saliva to distribute
the anti?bactrial chemicalsin your mouth.Take the pieceof
proplis out for about a half an hour and then returnit back again.
hew it till it isappears and sallow the rest. A book that I can
recommend that expains all the wonerful propertiesof this
substanc is called "Proplis ? The Natural Antibiotic," byRay
Hill. As a noe, proplis is ver sticky and will tick to your
teeth easily and can be a bit annying to chew. Yourbest bet is to
suc it and push it aginst the top of your mouth to soften it. Itwill most certainlygive your mouth a wrkout, but it is wel worth
it to feel better.
?    ?I would like to include this month a recipe for improving the
general health of the memory the central nervous system. Also,
this recipe will help neutralize free radicals (high energy
framnsthat run around in your body which are known to cause
accelerated aging rates and may cause soe yps f cancers). I'd
like to suggest the following recipe:

? ? ? `" ??    ?Hawthorn ?  ?? hh# ?? ??( ?4 Parts
? ? ? (# ??    ?Ginkgo ? ? ?  ??  ?? hh# ?? ??( ?4 Parts
? ? ? ?# ??    ?Siberian Ginseng ? hh# ?? ??( ?3 Parts
? ? ? ?$ ??    ?Gotu Kola ?  ?? hh# ?? ??( ?2 Parts
?    ?Ho Shou Wu
? ? ? H& ??    ?(often called Fo?Ti) ? ??( ?2 Parts
? ? ? ' ??    ?Rosemary ?  ?? hh# ?? ??( ?1 Parts
? ? ? ?' ??    ?Skullcap ?  ?? hh# ?? ??( ?1 Part

?    ?As a small note I recommend that when you boil the water for?  h) 0*0*0*? ?  king any herbal tea, that you do not use any aluminum pots or
cooking utensils. It has been stronl ugested that there is a
link between aluminum deposits found in foods cooked this way and
Alzheme'sdiease. Your best bet is to use glassware or ceramic
cookware for making herbal preparations.
?    ?Next I would like to take the above recipe and break it down
into its different plants and ain why I included them in this
recipe. First off lets start with Hawthorn, this herb is rich in
ifaonoids. These are compounds that are essential for Vitamin
C function, and help strengthen blod esel. This herb does many
things for the heart also. It works by increasing blood flow and
oxygn fow o te heart, and also lowers blood pressure. It also
functions as a diuretic, helping the boy ge ridof ecess water
and salt. The next herb is Ginkgo, this is commonly prescribed in
Europe ad Chia, an mainy works on the bodys system of blood
vessels. Recently, experiments have shown tha Ginkg increses
blod flow to the outer regions of the body and also improves
memory by increasingblood fow to te brain Studies have also
shown that it is an antioxidant, which means it stops or lows theformatio of freeradicals (see above for definition) in the body.
Going down the list we nxt come t SiberianGinseng. his well
known herb is not the one that most people are familiar with,but
a disant cousinof it. Theactive chemical in this root is called
eleuthweosides. This chemica helps normlize blood ressure andhelp relieve the body of mental and physical stress. This herb aso
seems to elp lower chlesterol levls. It comes from the upper
reaches of Siberia, where it is cmmonly used b Russian athltes
to increae their stamina. Continuing on we next have the herb Gotu
ola. This Indin herb is usedas a circulatoy improver. It seems
to increase blood flow through thebody by strengtening the veinsand arteries. Aso, some claims have been made that it can improve
mmory and brain fnctions. The nex herb we have isthe Oriental
herb called Fo?Ti or sometimes calle Ho Shou Wu. Thisherb is used
as arejuvenating toni that can help keep a person strong and
active It is believed toprevent blood clot, lower blood presure
and strengthen the heart. It also is reorted that it can pevent
gray hair andpromote fertility i both sexes. The next herb to
look at isRosemary. This herb as been called throuh the years a
memorysharpener. Also it is used to treat hadaches, especially
mgraines. Sipped as a ea by itself it is god for tension
headaches. And lastl the herb Skullcap. Ths herb is commonly use
to relieve stress in he body and mind. It is also comonly used to
relieve mnstrual cramps and musce pain.
?    ?As a closing note for this month, I would like to tell you
where you may obtain these herbs your own personal use. For
those who live in the Philadelphia area, a good place to get hard
to idhrbs and such is Penn Herb Co.. They are located on 603
North Second St, near Spring Garden andSeon. f you wish to call
them to place an order their number is 1?800?523?9971. I also sell
many erb an ois for use in herbal treatments and aromatherapy.
I can be reached through the address onthe ack f ths
newsletter. I offer competitive prices and fast turn around on
orders (no credit cads plase).Next onth I will focus a bit more
on herbal treatments for women. Till then, 93! and god healh!?  h) 0*0*0*? ?  ???P.S. If any of you missed the first installment of this aticle,
ou can rite tothe address on the back for a copy.

? ??  &  ?Drown...
?  * ? ?? ?? 
?  ?
I feel like dancing
Through my central
Nervous system
I feel like swimming
Through my bloodstream

I feel like
An insect at night
And attracted by light
I feel like turning
Water into wine
For my own personal use
I feel like drowning

I feel like sightseeing
Through every inch
Of unused brain
The pleasure centers
And those of pain

I feel like feeling
I feel like drowning
I feel like cutting
I feel like dying

From Autobiography Of My Alter Ego

? ??  ! ? ?The Present Moment
?  * ? ?? ?? 
?  ?
All my past life is mine no more,
The flying hours are gone;
Like transitory dreams given o'er,
Whose images are kept in store
By memory alone.

The time that is to come, is not;
How, then, can it be mine?
The present moment's all my lot,
And that, as fast as it is got,
Tam is only thine.

Then talk not of inconstancy,
False hearts, and broken vows;?  h)
0*0*0*? ?  ??If I, by miracle, can be
This live?long minute true to thee,
"Tis all that she allows!

Contributed by Frater Tam

? ??   \
 ?Liberation From The Old Aeon
?  * ? ?? ?? 
?  ?
?    ?In these current chaotic times, the inherent divine spirit of
man is constantly suppressed repressed to the point of almost
complete nonexistence. In a sense, people are trained to conformt
oe arbitrary standards which have been in practice for ages, but
to which there is no valid prof f her conducivity to an
increase in the advancement of the human race. It is this trap of
the mnd hic inibits man from realizing his own hidden inner
potential; the fact that every man and womn isa go in heir own
right, and an essential part of that "divine" essence from which
all that wesee hs sprng foth.
?    ?Man has become accustomed to repressing his emotions and
feelings, and putting on a false arence for the sole sake of
maintaining some sort of social decorum. In my opinion, this has
done ohn but break down society as it should be, and set up a
false frame of some scarred and barren isttuio. Emotions are
the essence of a persons personality. They are the very essence
that makes u wh weare Emotions transcend words and speeches;
after all, aren't the barbarous phrases which wespea merly a
attempt at expressing how we feel? One's spirit has not soared
until one has been inthe hat ofpassin or at the depths of
despair. The fluctuations of our feelings make life interestng! Itis quie simpe actually. In order to have a high, one must have a
low of some sort, otherwis it allwould b plain nd bland. Life
would become boring and uneventuful. We should relish each an
every mment as eing an nteraction with our self and everything
which is not our self. Every momet of our ife here hould be
ikened to a kiss with god ? the ultimate ecstasy ? a union of
equal an opposite deas.
?    ?Love is the most tender and benevolant of all emotions. In
actuality, it transcends emotion being in a sense on a higher
dimension. It is that attraction which arises between two people,
a trction stronger than gravity or any known force in the
universe ? quite mysterious in its origis,bu nvertheless
completely convincing and compelling in its manifestation. It's a
joyous celebraionof ifeand the independance of the human
spirit. It is a celebration of the mystical marriage o oppsite
whih is the key to expansion and liberation. It is ecstasy, and
that at its purest and mst unilute form
? ? ? ?% ? ?    ?But love should not be restricted to one person, but should be
given out tl. So many people dwell on hate and anger and other
frustrating thoughts. In the long run, thoughslk these
eventually come back to oneself. By a law of sympathy, if you work
or act in a positivefahin,then positive forces are attracted to
you; and if you work or act in a negative fashion, thn ngatve? h) 0*0*0*? ?  ? forces will be attracted to you likewise. To each his own Do hat
hou ilt, but understand the outcome and consequences of whatever
action you take. In my oinion if scietyas a whole would express
within itself a sense of brotherly love, looking out for ne
anoher an helpig each other in whatever manner one can, there
would be an atmosphere quite conucive t growthand devlopment,
and there would be a less degree of strife and trouble to plague a
an's min.
?    ?The intellectual capabilites of man have also been repressed
by the desolate remains of then of Osiris. The present time
calls for free and independant thinking. Change is the key to
evoluin nd stagnation the key to ruin. A society full of
individuals who recognize the fact that they real uique and
different, and who use the power of their minds in a creative
effort to propel humnit fowars is what we need. The phenomenon
of genius is rare in a stagnant society, but in one inwhic thee
isconstant change and activity it becomes more common. People must
learn to think for temseles, ad see out the real meanings
behind the mysteries of life. Man should also be cultured i the
vrious choolsof thought and departments of education, but the
key here is to teach the essene and hart of he subjcts. We are
taught certain things in various educational institutions which n
essenc are quie useles to the majority of people. Certain
concepts and subjects should be taugh to thosewho inten on
specilizing in a related field, but to those who aren't, why waste
the timewith useles informaton? Why no spend that time teaching
them more information related to their fild? For insance, as fa
as historyis concerned, it can be quite interesting. But, the vast
amount f dates and acts and nams are not gong to serve the
average person one bit of use in their life uless they be o
fortunate t become a conestant in a game show! The essence of
history lies in the essons to be larned from theevents of the
ast, not in the dates and names of the people who were here.
?    ?Man must also realize and comprehend the fact that at his very
essence he is a god. He mustlize the inherent genius which lies
within him and establish a communion with it. All religious ssesare equally valid as long as the person in question believes in it,
but also recognizes the fat ha tere are other philosophical
systems out there, and they all work. The need for a religious
ystm i aparently very strong in man, and it should hence be
satisfied. In my opinion, this is notadeqatel don as far as the
outdated religions go. First of all, their formulae are now
obsolete i thiscurret Aeo. Secondly, they really don't offer
the common individual a chance to get involved The cmmon mn doesnot actively participate in the ceremony, but merely watches and
occasionally sys a fe words.What beter a way to numb the soul
than that! Man must get up and reawaken those lon lost pats of
hi essence He must feel that religious fervor and that energized
enthusiasm and pla out the oles! He ust get i touch personally
with his godhead!
?    ?Obviously these changes won't happen over night, but slowly
the motions are taking place. Ane has to do is look around at
his environment with a careful eye. One will be able to recognize
h lrious stars from the dead souls by the light of their?  h) 0*0*0*? ?  ? loving. ndifpechance you would look up into the night sky, you
would notice that it's getting even brightr ad bigher by the
second as every now and then a new star sparks up out of the
lifeless void andrejoces n it own unique and resplendant glory.

Frater O.A.

? ??  &  ?Untitled
?  * ? ?? ?? 
?  ?
Curiosities in our Drawer
A cog from the wheel of fortune.
A nail from the finger of scorn
Some of the change that the moon makes.
The key to the trunk of an elephant.
A feather from a tale of sorrow.
A telescopic view from the heights of presumption.
A nerve from the elbow of a stove?pipe.
A fish caught in the gulf of oblivion.
A finger from the hand of oppression.
A piece of the reins of government.
A file to sharpen the appetite with.
A reed from the organ of self?esteem.
Side combs from the horn of plenty.

Contributed by Frater Tam

? ??   |  ?From The Diaries of Frater Mansabath
?  * ? ?? ?? 
?  ?
The Vision of the Nemph Sigil


?    ?This occurred around 1:15am on Luna morning.
?    ?As for the symbol itself, recently while doing some basic
techniques in astral attempts, I across a vision which hit
home. Although I have yet to draw this vision, I may try to do so
soon ogh draft is included, plus these descriptions. While
lying in bed one night, I thought upon mypat agckal paths and
?    ?A cousin of mine is married to a woman who for many years has
had Wiccan whispers about hersence. Other relatives mentioned
her interests in secretive spurts. Although she has personally
amte to me her interests in astral travel, "white witchcraft,"
and meditation, she has never gone nt dtal with me. This all
happened during my early teens. We got along, but I was always
frustratd a ho sh shied away, giving me advise to "visit the
library and read about it." (I now believe tis t be wis move
on her part). Anyway, I occasionally see her at local family
reunions. They liv a smll ditanceaway, and I still get eluded
away from the subject when brought up. However, I've et the know? h) 0*0*0*? ?  ? that for me it's more than an interesting fancy.
?    ?I started to experience a strange awareness (the Alice in
Wonderland, small/big consciousne I quickly (mentally)
performed the LBR. The next vision was of a young, blond boy
(myself!?) sitigi a chair (or throne). He is staring at me.
Behind him is a women, fair complexion, with curly igtbow hair.
She can hardly be seen, and eventually fades away. Before doing so
though, she spreas hr ams own around the chair, and makes the
Nemph sign. As she does this, her right arm shrinks nd hr let
ar lengthens into the sign. She disappears in atomic/cosmic
starryness. The boy sits an contmplats me.I awaken from the
?    ?Reflecting back, I at first thought the woman to be my cousins
wife, yet now I don't think Why, I am not sure, but feel
confident it is not her. I also felt like the boy was me, yet now
I nwi wasn't. How I'm not sure. Than I thought, "Guardian
Angels"!? I wonder if both are mine or ifony Ifthey were indeed
H.G.A.) Bizarre how the Nemph figure came into play, though being
in my suconcios (r collective un?conscious), it's appearance
does not surprise me.

? ??  ! x ?A Study From Nature
?  * ? ?? ?? 
?  ?
The robin plucks the berry red,
And tastes its spicy flavor
The dainty bee the flowers woo
And sips its honeyed favor.

T'is Nature's universal law
Her sweets should not be wasted.
If fruit and flower a lover find,
Should ripe lips pout untasted?

Contributed by Frater Tam

? ??  ! x ?What Is The O.T.O.?
?  * ? ?? ?? 
?  ?
For those of you buying this magazine and are not familiar
with the OTO or and of its functionshave included here an
extrapolation of a letter I received from the OTO.

The O.T.O. is an international Thelemic Organization founded
around the 1900 by Dr Karl Kellner Mr Reuss. Around the 1920's
Aleister Crowley became the Outer Head of Order. The present
Caliph,konhas Hymenaeus Beta, who was elected in September of
1985 e.v. The new Caliph wishes to have hi prsna name kept
private. We hold papers of direct and unbroken continuity in the
direction of O..O.fro th hand of Aleister Crowley, and we have
been judged to be the genuine O.T.O. of Aleister rowly byU.S.Federal Court.?  h) 0*0*0*? ?  ?? As of now there are 2131 members f theOrderwith 786 being
iniates into it. They are spread throughout 29 countries, with half
of i beingin theUSA. Te order provides associate membership and
iniatory membership in accord with th provisons in rowley'
"Blue Equinox." The order is incorporated as a tax?exempt religious
entity n Califonia and he U.S..The religious aspects of the
Order depend completely on:
1. "Liber AL, The Book of the Law."
2. The absorption of the Gnostic Catholic Church into the Order
in the 1920's by the hand of "Pa.
In other aspects we are a mystical and Magical fraternity.
Membership in O.T.O. is private in the sethat names and
addresses are not released to anyone, including O.T.O. officers
lacking a need to nw e are a teaching order; we offer classes
and publications to our members, and to a lesser extet o heGeneral Public. The availablites of these materials depends on the
location, and some of ou Loges Oaes and Camps are bvetter able
to provide instruction than others. Some instruction is avilabe
thoughdirect correspondence, but we don't have enough volunteers
to provide it often. We donot ofer crrespndence courses at
time. To the limit of time and resources, Grand Lodge will be hapy
to snwer istorial questions about the Order and questions on
Magick, Tarot, Qabalah and simila subjecs.
The Order publishes a number of periodicals, three from Grand
Lodge, amnd others from individuadges, Oases and Camps. "The
Magical Link" is a quaterly publication, which is for members only
an a o sunscription. It is free as part of membership in the
Order and focuses mainly on current O..O eens. The "Oriflamme"
is longer than the "Link", a journal style publication with
atricles andstuies an it does have public sales. The
"Oriflamme" is also a free part of membership, and the frst ssuecameout in March of 1990 e.v. The Oriflamme is not published every
year, but all members eceiv it wen itdoes come out. To become
an Associate Member of the O.T.O., the dues are US $10.00per yer,
payble tothe Grand Lodge (we at Xanadu Camp can provide you with
the address) To become Minervl Initite ther is a fee of $20.00
for the cost of the iniastion and feast $20.00 for a yea's dues,this payble onlyat the place of iniation. Initiation must be in
a physical ceremony by a roper initor, dulycredentiaed.
Associate membership can be a corresponmdence matter. Passage
upwad in the Dgress of OT.O. towars the IVth Degree is usually
a matter of years. Degrees above IVth re by invittion only, nd
dues andfees incrase with inistion after Ist Degree. The annual
dues aboe VTH Degreeare limited o no less thn $150 or 1.5% of
income, up to the ceiling dues assessment. In some ocations, it ay be possibl to take advancement from
Minerval to Ist Degree immediatey, but this isnot always
advsable. If a nely initiated Minerval member is interested in
quickly ging on to Ist Dgree, the initior should be ased about
it and any reason for or against it. What i means is that Mnerval
being terporary membershi, which enables the new member to take
as long asthey wish to findout if the Order s what they want.Ist Degree is for those who have decided to jon for lifr. It wil?  h) *0*0*? ?  ? stil possible to resign, but not to forget the nner effect of the
niation. Nine month minimun is normal or Minerval to Ist Degree.
If you have any further questions you can reach us at the address
on the back of this magazine or at monthly meeting.

? ??   ?  ?Famous Last Words of Magickians
?  * ? ?? ?? 
?  ?
"And I invoke thee without fear, O Great Choronzon!"
"No, there is no need to banish! This is good energy!"
"No I will NOT give up my wallet."
"Gee, I wonder what will happen if i touch a fire elemental?"
"Who would booby trap so simple a ritual?"
"Trust me."

Frater Amadeus

? ??   ? ?Publications Received This Month At Xanadu Camp:
?  * ? ?
?  * ? ?? ?? 
?  ?
The following is a list of publications recieved this month at
Xanadu Camp:

The Magical Link Volume Five Number Four
Abbey News May, 1992 e.v. Volume V, Number Four
Baphomet Breeze Vernal Equinox 1992 Volume VII, Number 1
Whiskey Rebellion Camp Newsletter Spring Equinox 1992e.v. Issue 7
Pyramis January 1992 e.v. Issue 3
Pan Gaea Vol II No. 2
The Solstice March 6, 1992e.v. Volume 1 Numer 4
The RPSTOVAL Review Vol II Number 1
Thelema Lodge OTO May 1992 e.v.
Plus we have back issues of these and many other newsletters which
are not shown here because we hav received up to date issues.

?    ?Plus there are many other publications which we recieve but
haven't listed here becuase we not recieve their latest issue
for this month. We also have an extensive libarary of back issues
o ot of these publications.

? ??  $ ? ?HAND OF ARIES
?  # ? ?(215) 923?5264
?  * ? ?
?   L ?Spiritual Paraphernalia,
?  ! x ?Books, Tarot Cards,
?  # h ?Goddess Jewelry
?  * ? ?
?   ?620 So. Fourth Street?  h) 0*0*0*? ?  ???   ? ?Philadelphia, Pa 19147 * ? ?
?  < ?H. Ann, N. Duckworth
?  * ? ?? ?? 
?  ?

?  * ? ?
?   |  ?One of the regular meeting places of
?  $  ?Xanadu Camp.
?  * ? ?
?   P
 ?Also has a wide variety of groups meeting
 ?here all the time. See the schedule on the
?  # h ?door for dates.
?  * ? ?
?   ?4722 Baltimore Avenue
?  " , ?Philadelphia, Pa
?  * ? ?? ?? 
?  ?

? ??  # ? ?Force And Fire
?  * ? ?? ?? 
?  ?
Force And Fire is the official newsletter of Xanadu Camp and is
published on a monthly basis. If youe any comments, ideas,
suggestions, or submissions, please send them to the address to the
right.Pes keep in mind that the views expressed herein are
those of the contributing authors, and not ncesail those of the
Camp. All material Copyright 1992, Xanadu Camp.

Frater Omnis Amare

? ??  % X ?Submissions
?  * ? ?? ?? 
?  ?
If you have any poetry, essays, articles, humor, or artwork
(cartoons, drawings, cover submissions),ase send them to the
following address. We would also like to see any comments,
criticisms, suggetos or ideas that you might have.

? ??  % X ?Frater O.A.
?  % X ?Xanadu Camp
?  $  ?P.O. Box 155
?  " ? ?Trevose, Pa 19053
?  * ? ?? ?? 
?  ?
To the best of our knowledge, the text on this page may be freely reproduced and distributed.
If you have any questions about this, please check out our Copyright Policy.


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