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Culture, Religion And Why Athiesm Isn't Intellectually Lazy

by Gyhth

In relation to something someone else submitted, I figured I would state why they are wrong, and why Athiesm isn't just laziness, but in all actuality, is the fulfilment of what we deam to be logical given the information of which we have as present.

It's true, Athiesm doesn't consist of Gods or Godesses, but it contains logic. Most athiests really are people whom either are quite well versed in literary ideas of which conflict the bible, or are people whom do not believe in a higher being because they choose not to. Though it is true some Athiests are quite lazy, alot of us are really quite well versed in the bible and other religions texts.

Athiesm is truely seeing the world and reflecting what you see in it. Really, take a good look at the world, and tell me, what do you see? I see different cultures, of which all take their basis from the need to survive. The bible will say people got together to become closer to God, but really, take a look at it. We gather together not for betterment of the self or searching for a greater being, but for the protection and interpersonal ideas it gives. Culture is the idea that we humans want to survive, nothing more, nothing less. You may argue "But culture is different everywhere, so how is this true?", and my main argument is that culture is different because it reflects the area and what one must survive against. Same with religion, people have different religons because they grew up in different areas and as such they decided "God must be like this, after all, we live like this". Religion is just like cuture, people wish to survive past this mortal plain and wish to accept anything that is based on "We don't really die, there is another life you can survive in".

Religion is based in culture, and culture in the fundimental will and wish to survive. In the end, religion is not but the idea that peopel can survive in groups, and that in the end we can be with a being that "created" us, or to be in a place of perfect tranquility. Look at the culture you live in, and reflect on the main religion that is there. You will find quite afew similiaries, and that is because religion tries to keep up with culture no matter what the cost.

To sum up what is above, religion is just the idea that people wish to survive and that people wish to continue to do so in another context of "Existance". I will admit though, be it I'm dead on the nail or not, I do not know, but this is what I currently beleive as of this day. I apologuise if this offends anyone, I'm just stating in relation to "Intellectual Laziness of Atheists by William Jeffreys", I am an Athiest, and if you read above, I am not Intellectually lazy. I am a Philosopher and Poet, so please, do not take a generalized idea of the masses from the statements of the few.

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