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The Secret Book of Joshua

by Rabbi Jacob Y. Berman

(English Translation by Rabbi Jacob Y. Berman, 1901)

Chapter 1

1. These are the words spoken by Joshua to all of Israel while in the land of Shechem five years before his death.

2. Before Joshua's final days he gathered all into the public square and gave these final laws for all of Israel to follow and obey.

3. While on the highest most place Joshua spoke thus, "O, Israel, our LORD G-d has delivered us from the wilderness and gave us victory over our enemies and gave us the Promised Land! In addition to the Torah (Law) G-d has given us futher commandments which to follow."

4. "When entering the lands of the Gentiles do not follow their ways, for G-d has given you your own laws and customs to follow and the ways and customs of the Gentiles are wicked and perverse."

5. "While in the lands of the Gentiles take powerful and influental postitions in their kingdoms so you can destroy them from the inside and destroy their culture.

6. After their culture has become corrupt seize all their mighty weapons and slaughter all in the land.

7. Raze their buildings and homes and allow none of their beasts to live because they commit (sexual) perversion with them (the beasts.)"

Chapter 2

1. "When in the land of the Gentiles it is permissable to terminate the life of one if no one will catch you.

2. Just as Moses killed the wicked Egyptian that attacked an Israelite so shall you kill the wicked Gentiles in their own land."

3. "Pretent to be friends with the Gentile so you can get to know his secrets, for they (the secrets) will be powerful weapons against the Gentile."

4. "Mixing with Gentiles is prohibited, for a mixed offspring will be half demon and

5. the offspring of the Gentiles are wicked demons that want to destroy the Israelites and take away our Promised Land."

6. "Gentile girls are all wicked harlots that will seduce man and beast, stay way from them because they shall corrupt those who follow the LORD."

7. "Gentile boys are always aroused like a (male) dog seeking a female dog. The Gentile boy shall take pleasure in touching Israelite women and girls.

8. Stay away from them (Gentile boys) because they shall rape and grope our girls and women if they catch them unguarded."

9. "Gentile adults are like beasts in a continuous heat, they copulate out in the open and defile themselves and their homes."

10. "Do not enter a house of a Gentile for it is a house of whoredom and uncleaniness."

Chapter 3

1. These were the commandments given to Joshua by our LORD G-d, may we follow them and not faulter. G-d shall deliver all the Gentiles' lands into our hands and we shall destroy them and their beasts and children.

2. The wicked shall perish and the world shall be ours. We our a powerful people because we are G-d's people.


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