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An Overview of the No- Name Church

An Overview of The Church Without A Name

The people, known within the group as "friends", believe that they
alone, are in God's true and ONLY church.

In reality this no-name church was founded in Ireland in the late
1890's by a man named William Irvine. He was joined by Edward
Cooney, who was later expelled. Cooney's small group of followers
(Cooneyites) still survive today.

At the start Irvine's followers were required to renounce all and
become "workers." Eventually his own workers excommunicated
him and since that time they no longer acknowledge him as their

Irvine's movement spread rapidly at first and continues today. It is
in most countries and although no records are kept; no doctrine is
published, and publicity is shunned; there are thousands of
"professing people" worldwide.

The friends, also known as "saints", and "God's people", take pride
in the "true ministry." The workers (preacher/evangelists) leave
their paid careers, give up all possesions, remain unmarried and
take no salary. (However, money is slipped to them quietly by the
saints to assure they are well provided for. Tax receipts are not
issued for these offerings.) Head workers in each area send out
workers in pairs, hence the nickname, by "outsiders", of Two-By-
Twos. The area in which each set of workers (either two males or
two females) preach is called a "field." These "ministers of the
gospel" live with the friends, moving to a different friends' house
every few nights. They eat the friends' food and drive the friends'

This group publishes only a scant few items. Their hymn book,
entitled HYMNS OLD AND NEW, was published in 1951 and
1987. A "friends' list" giving name, address and phone number, is
provided to a local area of friends. (Due to recent attempts to
provide the friends with facts concerning their group, many friends'
lists no longer contain addresses.)

A list of workers' names and mailing addresses is produced. Notes
of workers' sermons, taken from Conventions or Special Meetings,
are typed and passed among the friends. (Taking notes of workers'
talks is currently discouraged because, as one senior worker stated,
"there are people out there who are trying to find out what we

Within society the friends usually keep a low profile. Women are
expected to conform to a strict standard of dress. The "sister
workers" set the standards for the women's appearance. Ladies' long
hair is usually worn in a bun. Plain dresses or skirts, rather than
pants, are the norm. No jewelry is worn, except for watches,
wedding bands and pins. No visible make-up is used. Men are to
dress conservatively and maintain an "above the ears, off the collar"
hair style. Most often beards are frowned upon.

Gospel meetings are held, usually in a rented facility, to recruit
new members. Two-By-Twos believe that "new comers" must hear
the Gospel preached by the workers in order to gain entrance into
the "kingdom." All existing members are expected to attend these
Gospel meetings purposefully held to educate "outsiders."

The Sunday morning meetings and weekly Bible study meetings
are for members and are held in members' homes. Only the King
James version of the Bible is recognized. Christian literature is to
be avoided. Workers use allegories throughout their talks to prove
their "way" is right or to warn people who might be questioning
their beliefs. (It is possible to attend meetings for years and learn
very little about God's Word.)

Church property is not acquired, although funds which are given
to the workers are used to build and maintain convention buildings.
The annual conventions are usually held on farms. These
conventions last four days with food and lodging provided. There is
no charge and no registration is required, however members do
contribute food and/or money. Attendance varies from 300 to over
1,200 people. All members are ecxpected to attend at least one full
convention each year.

Generally the Two-By-Twos do not have televisions nor do they
attend movies or go dancing. Drinking, smoking and gambling,
including playing cards, is out. Christmas and Easter are not
celebrated in any religious way.

Contrary to true Bible teaching, the 2x2s, sometimes mistakenly
called Cooneyites, do not understand that salvation is a free gift
that cannot be earned. Consequently they become "the best living
people" in hopes they will earn their salvation. Most do not
consider themselves saved, and feel they must remain in the 2x2
system until they die to have even a chance of salvation.

Some who leave "The Truth", as they call it, without learning that
the group has a false doctrine and has hidden it's origin, continue to
live in fear and feel they are doomed for a lost eternity.

The Two-By-Twos deny Jesus Christ. This would be a shock to
them since they feel Jesus is the head of their fellowship. They do
not acknowledge that Jesus, Himself, is the Almighty God. They
worship "another Jesus."

Their ministers (workers) claim they have worldwide unity.
However, they only have unity in the belief that the only true way
to Heaven is through THEIR homeless ministry, and the church in
the home--their "way."

This no-name church subtly propagates control, fear, guilt and
anxiety within its members. However, because of the way they are
organized, and because of their beliefs, the people are sheltered and
they do not understand that they are in a religious cult!

There are a growing number of EX-Two-By-Two members who are
now informing others of this cult. As of 1994 six books have been
published to document the beliefs, explain the history, and reveal
the inner workings of the 2x2s.


The WORKERS suggest that SALVATION is through them, by WORKS (self denial)

The BIBLE teaches that SALVATION is through Jesus alone, by
grace, through faith.
(Ephesians 2:8,9)

The WORKERS suggest that REPENTANCE is following the
workers' rules and believing other churches are wrong.

The BIBLE teaches that REPENTANCE is turning from sin.
(Matthew 9:13; 1 John 1:9)

The WORKERS suggest that SIN is "worldliness" as defined by the Workers.

The BIBLE teaches that SIN is the works of the flesh.
(Galatians 5:19-21)

The WORKERS suggest that FAITH means following the Workers.

The BIBLE teaches that FAITH is believing in Jesus.
(Romans 3:22,25; 1 Corinthians 2:5; 15:14,17)

The WORKERS suggest that the GOSPEL is the Two-By-Two
homeless ministry and the church in the home. (i.e. their system)

The BIBLE teaches that the GOSPEL is the message of Jesus
Christ's death, burial and resurrection.
(1 Corinthians 15:1-3) This is the Good News.

The WORKERS suggest that TRUTH is the 'meeting' in the home
and the Two-By-Two ministry. (i.e. their system)

The BIBLE teaches that the TRUTH is Jesus Christ.
(John 14:6)

The WORKERS suggest that the WAY is the 'meeting' in the home
and the Two-By-Two ministry. (i.e. their system)

The BIBLE teaches that Jesus Christ is the only WAY to God.
(1 Timothy 2:5; John 14:6)

The WORKERS suggest that JESUS CAME to show us a ministry.
(i.e. the 2x2 homeless ministry--the workers)

The BIBLE teaches that JESUS CAME to be the Savior of the
world; to save all who trust in His Sacrifice for their sins.
(Luke 2:11; John 4:42; Acts 5:31;)

The WORKERS preach that Jesus is our example; that He is our
elder brother.

The BIBLE says that Jesus is GOD. He is our Savior.
(John 1:1 + 14; Luke 1:47; 1 Timothy 2:3; Isaiah 9:6; John 20:28;
Titus 2:10)

The WORKERS suggest that the Holy Spirit is a force.

The BIBLE teaches that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the
Godhead, that He is God the Holy Spirit.
(Acts 5:3,4;)

The WORKERS suggest that the BODY of Christ are all those
who follow the workers. (i.e. all those in the 2x2 system)

The BIBLE teaches that the BODY of Christ are all those who
believe and follow Jesus.
(1 Corinthians 12:27; Ephesians 1:22,23; Colossians 1:18; 24)

The WORKERS suggest that that WORD OF GOD is a dead book
unless made alive by one of their workers.

The BIBLE teaches that the WORD OF GOD is alive and powerful
and that God reveals Himself to us through the Bible, which is
God's Word.
(Hebrews 4:12)

The WORKERS suggest that the CROSS is no big deal.

But the Bible says: "For the preaching of the cross is to them that
perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of
- Corinthians 1:18

An explanation of why we say (as above) that the Workers *SUGGEST* -

The Two--By-Two Workers preach in such a way that their message
is always rather subtle and vague. They do not TEACH so much as
they SUGGEST by use of allegories. This leaves those they preach
to drawing their own conclusions as to what is meant. (Refer to the
Sermon By a Worker in this web site.)

The Workers use allegories. What is an ALLEGORY? "An allegory
is a description of one thing under the image of another; a narative
in which a teaching is conveyed symbolically." (eg. from a worker's
sermon: "He missed the plane because he was at the wrong gate."
translated means: He did not go to heaven because he was not in
the 2x2 way." and "We need a fence around our lives" translated
means: We should not associate with those outside of our group
and we need to avoid worldly activities of which the workers do not
approve.) It takes time to understand what the 2x2 workers mean
when they speak in their "Gospel" meetings. To an "outsider" their
preaching style is always confusing and difficult to follow.
However, once a "newcomer" has caught on to their preaching and
figures out that what they are really saying is that the 2x2 WAY is
"God's ONLY way" it is said that he or she has "received the

By contrast to the 2x2 workers' preaching a good way to learn
about the Bible is through sound EXPOSITORY preaching. Most
Christian pastors who teach about the Bible use this method. They
explain the Bible; they expound on it. Many a 2x2 having left the
sect has been surprised and delighted by the clear understanding
they receive once they have listened to expository preaching.
Expository preaching tends to be clear, specific and detailed. Most
often the Bible is expounded upon line by line with an explanation
of each verse being given. This is unlike the 2x2 preaching as the
workers usually have a theme and then they choose the verses or
chapters to try to support their theme.

"The Bible is so alive to me now. Since so many verses were taken
out of context, and there was so much skipping around, I felt my
knowledge was so disconnected. Our pastor teaches the Bible verse
by verse. It is so neat to be able to hear the whole story rather than
pieces of it. When you study this way, it's pretty hard to get
something out of context. So to me, Bible reading is like
completely new."

Characteristics of the Two-By-Twos

NAME: They claim to take no official name, but are called: "The
Truth, The Way, The No-Name Church, The Friends, The Two-By-
Twos, The Cooneyites, The Nameless House Sect, The Black
Stockings, The Secret Sect, The Dippers, The Go-Preachers" etc.
While they claim to take no name they have officially registered
with the governments of some countries. For example, in the United
States they are registered under the name of Christian Conventions.

CLERGY: The Two-by-Two ministers are called: "workers,
servants, handmaidens, evangelists." They shun formal religious
training and education in original Bible languages. Lay members
supply the workers' needs (food, shelter, clothing and
transportation). These workers travel with assigned companions of
the same sex, usually older in authority over the younger. They
follow an ascetic lifestyle.

MEMBERS: The lay people are called: "the friends, saints,
children of God, brothers/sisters in Christ, the Kingdom, family of
God." [See below for The Four Classes of Saints/Friends]

DAY OF WORSHIP: They consider Sunday as the day of rest and
work ceases.

BIBLE: The King James Version is used exclusively in English
speaking areas.

HYMNAL: They use their own compilation: HYMNS OLD AND
NEW published by R. L. Allan & Son, England, 1987.

SERVICES: There are two principle types: (1) Sunday and
midweek fellowship meetings are attended by the 2x2s themselves.
Members participate in prayers, testimonies and hymns. (2) A
series of gospel meetings is conducted by their evangelists
(workers) for the purpose of teaching and converting non-members.

ORDINANCES: The Two-By-Twos observe Baptism by complete
immersion; they oppose infant baptism and sprinkling. Communion
(bread and grape juice in a common cup) is served every Sunday.
Communion is reserved for baptized members who are approved by
the workers.

CONVERSION: A public profession in a gospel meeting is
required to become a member. Previous baptisms are not
recognized, and a convert must be baptized into this faith.

PROGRAMS: The Two-By-Twos do not offer any programs
within their group. For example they do not have Sunday school for
the children nor do the provide courses in Bible study for the
adults. As well, no group activities are organized or promoted for
those in the fellowship.

OUTREACH TO THE NEEDY: As a congregation they do not
participate in any form of aid to the poor, needy, homeless,
downtrodden or underprivileged.

CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES: No guidelines or advice is given by
the 2x2 workers on such issues as: abortion, adultery, Aids,
homosexuality, drugs, alcoholism, Satanism, new age philosophy,
etc. As well the specific topic of SIN is not discussed.

The Four Classes of Saints/Friends

Within the structure of the 2x2 system there is a type of class
distinction. This is understood but not talked about within the
group. (This distinction does not include the workers who have
their own class distinction.) One could say that the "friends" fall
into one of these four categories:

1. The Snubbed Saints

The ones who have re-professed several times. Those in divided
homes, the very poor, the widows, those with handicaps, disease,
obesity, single mothers, the families with special problems. These
are the forgotten ones, the ones no one invites to dinner, to sings,

Former "Snubbed Saint" writes:

"It is clear to me now that I started out as a "Celebrity Saint" having
professed as an adult "outsider." I gained notoriety in that first year
and was paid lots of attention-it seemed like I gained instant
friends! But as time went by I soon became a "Snubbed Saint."
After all, I didn't have an "in" with the big professing families and
worst of all I was from a divided home! The fact that my kids went
to meeting for years, yet never professed, was another reason for my
low status! But there is still another reason, as I now so clearly see
it, for my low standing in the "Way." I never did quite catch on to
the deportment of the group-that necessary quiet demeanor, soft
speaking voice, lack of "worldly" talk and use of slang, and
seemingly gentle spirit which seemed to count for so much!"

2. The So-So Saints

These are just the run of the mill, ordinary ones. They aren't
ostracized, but neither do they enjoy any privileges or attention.
They notice they are left out but aren't sure just what the reason
may be. They are the main body of neglected "friends." They often
have problems with their families leaving the church. They try hard
but fail often, having little comprehension of what they believe.

3. The Celebrity Saints

These are the ones who by virtue of professing in only three
meetings gain reputation. Or, they may be some personable,
wealthy or religious person. These usually have money or status
which lend credibility to the church. They also include the older
fourth or fifth generation members who have workers for relatives.
Newly professing people are in this category for about one year.
Then, they too, join the So-So Saints. A change in status often
occurs when people move from one location to another.

4. The Superior Saints

These have meeting or convention on their property. Or, they have
influence with the head workers. Some of these families even have
more influence than some of the workers. Their homes are approved
for all gatherings. They are aware of many of the situations in the
church that the others never know about. They bear the brunt of
most responsibility and privileges. These people are usually better
able to verbalize the church beliefs than others.

Former "Superior Saint" writes:

"I have read with interest the discussion on the beliefs among 2x2's
re: salvation. The understanding of what is taught hangs
precariously on one's history in the group. Those of us who were
raised in it, and had generations (in my case four) of hearty service,
were 'privileged' to participate in discussions that 'babes' would
NEVER experience.

I have heard workers and friends alike discussing in our home, and
in my presence, issues regarding the 'understanding' of babes...what
they were 'getting' and what they weren't, where they were 'growing'
and where they weren't. These issues were never discussed in

Because I grew up in that 'confidential' atmosphere, I believe the
things I understood were the intended meaning behind the 'double
speak'. I would hear contrary things in the presence of the 'babes' in
the guise of protecting them because they 'weren't ready for it.'

I think one's beliefs and understanding about the 2x2's depends a
lot on how long a person (or their family) has been professing and
how exposed they were to the 'inside scoop'."

Policies and Procedures of The Two-By-Twos

TABOOS: The Two-By-Twos claim they have no rules or
regulations. Some taboos or expectations vary according to locality.
The following unwritten taboos are generally recognized by the
entire group as being unacceptable: television, movies, stereos,
smoking, drinking, illegal drug use, swearing, gambling, dancing,
reading Christian books or literature, Christian symbols, current
fads and fashions, jewelry (except for wedding rings, pins and
watches). No short hair, make-up, slacks or shorts for women is
acceptable. Long hair on men is unacceptable. Women are expected
to dress very modestly and wear their long hair uncut and pinned up
on their head.

HOLIDAYS: Customs regarding celebrations of holidays differ
from area to area. Some 2x2 families get together on holidays
although holidays like Christmas and Easter are not celebrated in a
religious way.

CONVENTIONS: These gatherings are held annually in most
states and provinces for four days. There are usually three two-hour
meetings on each day of the convention. These conventions range
in size from 300 to over 1,200 in attendance. Members are strongly
urged to attend one complete convention per year. The convention
property is owned by approved members. The buildings are
constructed and maintained with member donated funds.

ARMED FORCES: An approved method of serving in the armed
services is in a Conscientious Objector capacity, refusing to bear
arms, taking literally the commandment: "Thou shalt not kill."

MARRIAGES: It is strongly recommended that a mate be a group
member. Weddings are performed by civil authorities as the 2x2
ministers are not licensed. Home weddings are common.

REMARRIAGE: After a spouse dies remarriage to another group
member is acceptable. Should a 2x2 remarry after a divorce his or
her privileges (eg. giving a testimony, partaking of the bread and
wine) vary depending on the overseer in charge.

Government of this Secretive Group

ORGANIZATION: It is stressed by the leaders of this group that it
is not an organization, religion or a denomination; that it is non-
incorporated, not tax-exempt and that it has no headquarters.

CENSUS: No census records of membership are available and
attempts to estimate the numbers have varied from 35,000 to 600,00
worldwide. [Recent attempts to determine the numbers have
indicated 50,000 to 150,000 worldwide.] In 1987-88, the USA and
Canada listed a total of 1,071 workers of which 63% were women
and 37% were men. {12/97}

OUTREACH: Outreach for the purpose of recruiting new members
is worldwide.

OUTREACH TO THE NEEDY: Two-By-Twos do not participate
in any form of aid to the poor, needy, homeless, downtrodden or

PROGRAMS: The Two-By-Twos do not offer any programs
within the group. For example they do not have Sunday school for
the children. No group activities are offered or promoted for the
adults. No courses in Bible study are offered.

MINISTRIES: Two-By-Two members do not get involved in ministries.

HIERARCHY: States, provinces or regions are controlled by a
male head worker who assigns fields to workers under his
authority. Each field contains various home churches, where up to
35 members meet, over which an "elder" presides. All overseers and
elders are men. There are less than ten senior USA overseers, to
whom the state leaders report.

CONTROLS: Characterized by rigid authoritarianism. Workers
have absolute authority in all matters. Members have no
representation and no means of recourse. Members exist for the
belief system, rather than the belief system existing for the
members. Unquestioning loyality is expected.

DISCIPLINE: Implemented with talks, threats and shunning. Not
unusual for communion or baptism to be withheld; or to take away
the offender's part in prayer and testimony. Meeting may be
removed from an offender's home. Excommunication rarely occurs.

FINANCES: No collections are taken and no accounting is made
to the congregation. They claim the ministers do not use bank
accounts. Monetary contributions are made individually to
individual ministers rather than collectively. They claim not to
accept donations from non-members.

The 2x2's History and Founder

In Ireland, just before the turn of the century, a man named
William Irvine, a "Pilgrim" preacher for the Faith Mission, decided
after reading Matthew 10, that all preachers should go forth as
homeless, unpaid ministers. A few other of his contemporaries
agreed with him. Irvine then challenged them to join him in going
forth without salary and without a home. (Years later he referred to
this as an "experiment"!) Early on, Irvine also enlisted Edward
Cooney, a lay preacher, who had been preaching among various

The Faith Mission disassociated itself with Irvine in 1900 but his
experiment continued. Irvine's group insisted that they take no
name. Seventy attended the first convention, which lasted three
weeks, at Rathmolyn, Ireland. Irvine was a dynamic speaker and
easily captivated his audiences. At first he preached that all should
give up their possessiions and go forth as "workers"; men and
women alike. Many took the challenge taking vows of poverty,
celibacy, submission and self denial. They were taught that only by
hearing the "gospel" through Irvine, or through one of his workers
who had heard and seen the gospel being lived through Irvine or
through one of his workers, could one be granted salvation.

As more and more became workers, selling all and giving Irvine
the proceeds, the organization grew quickly. Workers were sent to
other countries including the United States, Canada, Australia and
New Zealand. By 1908 Irvine changed the rule that all followers
must become homeless ministers. Home meetings of the "friends"
were instituted about this time.

Next Irvine appointed his trusted associates such as James Jardine,
George Walker, and William Carroll as "overseers" of vast regions.
So began the set-up of what the people who are in this nameless
group today refer to as "The Truth."

As time went on various disagreements surfaced among the top
leaders and in particular with Irvine. In 1914 Irvine was
excommunicated by his own fellow workers! By 1928 Edward
Cooney was also put out.

Next the cover-up began. The remaining workers agreed to never
again admit Irvine was their founder. Today there are many
different explanations for how "The Truth" began. Some say that it
was founded by Jesus Christ and has existed "from the beginning."
Then the story line was that it lay dormant for a time until it was
"restored" or "sprouted anew" through a revelation of God to some
man or men. Another new explanation is that the history "doesn't
matter!" Some say that William Irvine learned of "it" from another
"just before his time." Also it has been said that "God's Way" began
in eternity; that it began when two and two became four! And, on a
few occasions, the sect's true origins have actually been mentioned



The Impartial Reporter and Farmers' Journal in Ireland had reported
extensively on the "Tramp Preachers" during their early beginning
years. What follows are a few quotes from that newspaper as
written in Doug Parker's essay:

Huge Following in its Infancy: "Impartial Reporter" Enniskillen, 1908

"The great convention of the Tramp Preachers is still in progress at
Crocnacrieve, and as anticipated has surpassed in extent all
previous gatherings. There were some thousands of persons in
attendance. The speakers at the meeting were the two leaders of the
movement, Mr. William Irvine and Mr. Edward Cooney. Both
speakers denounced the various churches and the clergy in no
unmeasured terms. As usual, the call for volunteers for work in
distant lands met with a response, a large number offering their
services for America, South Africa, and Australia."

Money Pours in Through Conventions

"The Tramps say they have no collections. In strict parlance this
may be correct, but it is not the whole truth. They may not "collect,"
but they receive donations. So that while Messrs. Irvine and Co. do
not collect, they receive, and the receipts are sufficient to send the
preachers to America, Scotland, anywhere else, and to take Mr.
Irvine to South Africa and other places abroad. The regular clergy
could not afford those trips. The tramps can afford it, but they go
another way about it. THEY OBTAIN THE MONEY."

The Journal regarding Hymns--Old and New:

"And while the Tramps denounce John and Charles Wesley as
having gone to hell, they sing the very "Devilry," written by Charles
Wesley in some of his immortal hymns. On Sunday last a new
hymn book entitled HYMNS--OLD AND NEW, made its
appearance. This book, compiled by Edward Cooney and William
Carrol, consists entirely of hymns taken from such collections as
"Songs of Victory," Redemption Songs," and "Songs and Solos."
The Go Preacher's Hymn book is no longer used."

"Their one constant worry was their past."

"These men were overcome by their authority, position and place,
but their one constant worry was their past. The fear that someone
would ask their foundation, their beginning, their Spiritual Father,
their genealogy, and oh, what a past.

He [Irvine] made them what they were, and except for him they may
be what and where they were when he discovered them. How would
they explain to the young converts?

And so started a great sifting. Those that knew too much were
gradually done away with, frozen out, persecuted until they went

People were forbidden to visit friends, and some had been ex-
communicated on that miserable ground. Letters were being
intercepted and destroyed, and the persons to whom they were
addressed, never saw them. Pressure had been brought to bear on
struggling souls to compel them to deny the truth that was in them,
even bodily violence had been done, that through pressure or pain
they may be brought under their will."

Decision to Bury the Past

In the year 1929, the Central Bible Truth organization published a
AND THEIR DOCTRINE. This really exposed this movement, and
was circulated in every country where the belief had been active.
An endeavour was made by both John Hardie, in Australia, and
Jack Carrol, in the U.S.A., to have it put out of circulation. Hardie
in the company of another since ex-communicated preacher,
approached the Sydney publishers at 302 Pitt Street, in an effort to
have it stopped, but without success.

......... Because of this difficulty and another involving a division
between both George Walker and Jack Carrol, the two overseers in
the U.S.A. as to who would be "Next Greatest Amongst Them," it
was decided that a world conference would be held at W. Haneys
(England) on July 19, 20, 21, 1930. Amongst those that attended
this meeting were J. Hardie, J. Jardine, W. Gill, Wm. Jamison,
George Walker, John T. Carrol and several others. The most
revealing resolution that was adopted at this meeting was: --

"It was unanimously agreed by all present that THE PAST SHOULD BE BURIED."

Other matters dealt with, were: --

"Travelling expenses that had to come from the 'Saints,' how these
huge expenses and disagreements had been hidden from the

An extract from the report states: --

(During the days we, the undersigned, were together, full
opportunity was given to all to express their minds and to offer any
suggestions that would be helpful.)

Guildford Meeting 20-24 February, 1954

After the recent death of William Carrol, it was decided that a
meeting would be held where the many differences amongst the
preachers could be ironed out. In all, eleven attened the meeting
which lasted 4 days.

This covered mainly the perplexities with troublesome borders and
the questions of "saints" being put out of the fellowship.

It was decided: "We are agreed that anything which would cause
contention should be avoided."

If you would like a copy of these documents:

A SPIRITUAL FRAUD EXPOSED can be ordered from Telling
The Truth (TTT) P.O. 620343, Oklahoma City, OK 73162 Email:
[email protected]

The Impartial Reporter and Farmers' Journal newspaper articles
from Enniskillen, Northern Ireland (1903-1917) can be ordered
from Research & Information Services (RIS) P.O. Box 2141
Sisters, OR 97759 Email: [email protected]

Comments from a few of the "friends" who have left the sect:

I was over thirty before I heard the truth regarding the actual history
of the fellowship. I had always firmly believed that we were a
continuation of the first century church, established by Jesus and
somehow preserved throughout the ages as had been reinforced
often by the worker's preaching. I relied on this "fact" often when I
was telling "outsiders" about "The Way". In my mind, it was
probably the single most important fact of all - that Jesus
established His Church while on earth, complete with instructions
of how the church was to gather and how the ministers were to
preach. That I was a part of that continuing church was amazing! I
never challenged this concept anymore than I challenged the fact
that the world is round vs. square. The workers either actually
preached or subtly alluded to their belief of the church's origin and
I simply accepted them at their word. One wasn't to question the
authority of the workers! When I discovered that the church is only
approximately 100 years old and has an earthly founder by the
name of William Irvine I was at first shocked. But that soon led to
anger and a feeling of betrayal. After careful scrutiny I could not
find anywhere in the gospels where Jesus actually said, "this is the
way in which you are to worship" or "this is the way I want
ministers to go forth and preach from now until eternity." His
sending forth the 12 in Matt.10 was for a SPECIFIC reason, to
SPECIFIC people for a SPECIFIC period of time. I found more
instances of the apostles going forth singly, or in three-somes and
four-somes than two-by-two. One also can read 1 Cor. 9:5 and
ascertain that many apostles were married and likely had families
and homes of their own. I find it interesting to read about the
beginnings of the "fellowship" and see how it has been patterned
after a church in Scotland, the Faith Mission, which is still in
existence today."

"We were having doubts for several years about all that goes on in
the "Truth" and reading about the background and beginning of it
made me furious after being lied to about the history all those years
that we professed."

The Beliefs of this No-Name Church

DOCTRINE: This no-name church does not publish a doctrinal
statement; rather they profess their doctrine is the Bible.

AUTHORITY: They state they believe and follow only "the
teachings of the New Testament."

GOD: This no-name 2x2 church believes there is only one God.
God is God, the Father, the Creator. (Christians believe that there is
One God: eternally existing in three persons, God the Father, God
the Son and God the Holy Spirit, co-eternal in being, identical in
nature, co-equal in glory and power...not three Gods, but one God,
neither confounding the Persons nor dividing the substance.
Christians believe that Jesus Christ is fully human and fully God.
Christians believe that the Holy Spirit is God. Gen. 1:1-2; Ex.
3:13-14; Isa. 9:6; John 1:1-3&14; John 20:28; Heb. 1:8; Rev. 1:7-8

JESUS: They view Jesus as God's only son, who is today under the
authority and position of His Father; but He is not God the Son.
They believe Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the
virgin Mary; lived a perfect life; came to establish a ministry
pattern (Matt.10) to be followed universally ever after. They believe
Jesus was crucified, died and rose again bodily before ascending to
Heaven; they look for His sceond coming. (Unlike Christians this
no-name church does not believe in the deity of Jesus; that Jesus is
God come in human flesh.)

HOLY SPIRIT: They believe the Holy Spirit is a force or power
emanating from God or Jesus to a child of God. (Unlike Christians
they do not view Him as God the Spirit.)

SATAN: They see Satan as a fallen angel engaged in an age-long
struggle to deceive and seduce men to follow him rather than obey
God. He is evil, a deceiver, a murderer, a liar, and has power only
insofar as God allows.

MAN: They believe that man was created by God per Genesis
account. They believe adolescents reach "the age of accountability,"
when they are responsible to God for their actions. (Christians
believe that man is born in sin.)

MINISTRY: They believe the only God-ordained ministry is made
up of men and women who follow Jesus' instructions to His
disciples in Matt. 10:5-14, Mark 6, Luke 9 (namely, them). The
2x2 ministers/workers leave their homes, give their possessions
away and go from place to place preaching in pairs (two and two),
unmarried, living with and taking meals from those willing to
receive them. The don't ask for contributions, accept no salary,
taking literally Jesus' command: "freely give as you have freely
received." Matt. 10:8

AFTER LIFE: All people either receive eternal life in heaven or
eternal punishment in hell, depending upon their lifestyle while on
earth. Further, they believe they must remain in the 2x2 church to
have a hope of salvation.

OUT DEMONS: These are viewed by the 2x2s as divine signs used
only in the first century. Speaking in tongues is deemed to be
speaking in foreign languages.

CHURCH SITES: The Two-By-Two congregation meets ONLY in
homes for fellowship meetings, taking literally: "God dwells not in
temples made with hands" Acts 7:48, 17:24. No restriction is
placed on sites they use for their gospel meeting services (for
recruitment purposes). They are strongly opposed to church
buildings. An often used slogan indicates the emphasis placed on
their methods: "the ministers without a home, and the church in the

Some who have left this no-name church have said:

I decided that I wanted to understand the Bible and I wasn't getting
enough information from the workers. All they talked about was the
ministry and I wanted to know more about the Bible. When I finlly
did learn more, I realized that the "way" wasn't right.

The bottom line is this...the 2x2's teach doctrine that is contrary to
scripture and they do not agree among themselves (at all levels,
from older workers to younger workers from elders to saints) on
what they believe.

When I left the 2x2's, and got into a good church, the Bible became
a new experience for me. I remember reading it like I had never
even set eyes on it before in my life!! It, for me, at least, was NOT
the same Bible I had in the "truth." The words were the same, but I
had finally grasped the MEANING, which was so much different.

Oh how confident we were that we had the answers! Such
misplaced confidence while in reality we knew so little!

The 'truth' believes and teaches doctrine contrary to the inspired
inerrant Word of God.

The one distinctive characteristic of a cult is that they do not
recognize or acknowledge who Jesus Christ is.
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