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Crypt Newsletter #31

NOTICE: TO ALL CONCERNED Certain text files and messages contained on this site deal with activities and devices which would be in violation of various Federal, State, and local laws if actually carried out or constructed. The webmasters of this site do not advocate the breaking of any law. Our text files and message bases are for informational purposes only. We recommend that you contact your local law enforcement officials before undertaking any project based upon any information obtained from this or any other web site. We do not guarantee that any of the information contained on this system is correct, workable, or factual. We are not responsible for, nor do we assume any liability for, damages resulting from the use of any information on this site.
May - June 1995

Editor: Urnst Kouch (George Smith, Ph.D.)
Media Critic: Mr. Badger (Andy Lopez)
INTERNET: 70743.1711@compuserve.com
[email protected]
[email protected]
COMPUSERVE: 70743,1711

"Overthrow - owwoh-ow! This is the time, this is
the place, get inside your tank! You're a tank!"

from "Overthrow," a song by
obscure rock band: Life, Sex
& Death

IN THIS ISSUE: Dan's excellent adventure continues . . . More
from the Mitnick files . . . Notes from the fringe underground on
revolution in the streets . . . A poll on secrecy and security . . .
New World Order glossary . . . Two computer virus guys and the
Vulcan death grip . . . other stuff.

The bugs crawled out of everyone's woodwork in the US in May,
so it seemed appropriate to devote this issue of the Crypt Newsletter
to similar themes: paranoia, overthrow, naked fear, the mass
psychosis gripping statistically significant portions of the
citizenry, creeping evil and ill-defined techno-menace. You'll also
be thrilled by the laff-a-minute sayings of Crazy Dan and his continuing
excellent adventure on the information superhighway courtesy
of SATAN. And so as not to be left behind by the mainstream media
in its reactive, knee-jerk coverage of the emergence of the
New World Order, the Crypt Newsletter has unearthed "Behold A
Pale Horse," a fascinating, scary book out of the land of
the militias which is either a lost volume of "X-Files" scripts
or a completely unfastened link between the sinister TriLateral
commission, silent computer weapons for a quiet war, UFOs and microchip
tagging of all patriots deemed traitors. Don't dare skip the
informative New World Order glossary, either. Finally, there are
pithy comments on Americans and secrecy and one final crazy - this time
from the anti-virus and computer security industry - warning us of
looming techno-anarchy. The truth is out there. Trust no one.


Last Crypt Newsletter, we left rock 'n' rollin,' groovy-lookin'
computer security whiz-bang Dan Farmer, his cyberpal Vietse
Somethingorother, and their Internet security probing hacker
tool from the Inferno, SATAN, triumphant astride the information

In April, Farmer was able to pull off a promotional coup of
Michelangelo virus proportion. With some good woe-betide-us
press, SATAN - although an almost indigestible lump of
cobbled-together software and documentation for those not
equipped with Sun/Sparc workstations beside their water
beds - became an instant "ware." Everyone in
computing creation wanted SATAN, even if they hadn't the slightest
idea what it was.

In the May 14 issue of Los Angeles Times magazine reporter
Bob Sipchen cast Farmer as a flaunting, techno-lotus eater,
prone to outstanding quotes like:

"I'm bisexual.

"I was interested in implements of mass destruction [in the US
Marine Corps] -- from an academic point of view. Being able
to blow somebody's head off at 500 meters with an M-16,
that's an interesting skill to have."

"The more I got to know people as people, rather than abstractions,
the more going out and killing them wasn't something I could

Sipchen writes Farmer declared himself a conscientious objector
during the Gulf War and enrolled at Purdue were he subsequently
got his ticket punched in independent study under computer
security expert Gene Spafford. Farmer is also into S&M, sexually
open relationships and has a girlfriend (This is too choice!)
named Muffy. While this might _seem_ outrageous - normally worth
a grimace, an outraged Congressman or two and a grab for the roll of
Tums in Middle America - consider the Times magazine's audience
as essentially a cohort of the West Hollywood-Beverly Hills-Brentwood-
Sunset Strip districts of EL LAY, where a flaunting, big-haired
bisexual into sadomasochism, ritual scarification, switch-hitting
and crummy poetry would not be out of place.

Set opposite Farmer in the cover story was the ubiquitous SRI
pope of computer security, Donn Parker. The story veered
briefly to mention Parker regrets jailed hacker Kevin Poulsen
was able to gain employment at SRI and carry on his underground
work while at the installation. "His hiring was kept a secret
from me," Parker claims. The reporter creates the impression Parker
considers Farmer, like Poulsen, an object of distaste - someone
whose philosophy is "tainted" by the shopworn hacker bromide
"all information wants to be free."

" . . . that's an infantile, idealistic concept that is
contrary to capitalist free enterprise. I think that's just
an impractical pipe dream. The kind of people who think that
way are not in the real world," said Parker.

Capitalistically, however, Farmer brags in the article he
can bring down $2-3,000/day as a security consultant.

Sipchen's piece was a cracking great read but it's difficult to
judge how real it was. Simply, the problem lies in the reporter's
characterization of Dan Farmer. No one could really be such a
sickening piece of work and live.


Levord Burns, special FBI agent in charge of task force used
in arrest of Kevin Mitnick, wrote these notes on computer network
intrusions attributed to the hacker in an affidavit which
has now been distributed widely.

On February 11, 1995, " . . . a computer system listed as
bi.fish.com (belonging to Dan Farmer) is hacked into by
[email protected] and computer programs
are compressed and transferred to another machine," wrote Burns
in the document.

"Files are later transferred to the Internet provider The WELL.
E-mail is read and hacker backdoor tools allowing the intruder to
obtain root access are initiated. Programs to erase all accounting
log files of intruder are activated."

Later, Burns records the hacker, thought to be Mitnick, invading
the Internet provider Internix where he "changes directories into that
of New York Times writer John Markoff. Intruder reads E-mail and
then deletes the mail from the system."

Two days later, "the intruder [again] logs into internex.net,
then into escape.com where he changes the permissions . . . of
writer John Markoff to make his account world accessible to
anyone. Proceeds to delete files from the system. Activates
backdoor hacking tools to obtain root superuser status on

These activities, writes Burns, were "narrowed . . . to Apartment
No. 107 and Apartment No. 108, located in the Players Apartment
Complex . . . Raleigh, North Carolina. " Further investigation, noted
Burns, showed that #107 was "leased by a new lessee," the suspect
Kevin Mitnick.


While combing the black and fearsome wastes of the BBS underground
over the past three years, the Crypt Newsletter has always been
confounded by vast amounts of superficially impenetrable revolution

After all, how _does_ one respond appropriately to a long electronic
mail discussion into which suddenly erupts:

"Do not ever believe that grown men meet on a regular basis just
to put on fancy robes, hold candles and glad-hand each other. George
Bush, when he was initiated into Skull & Bones, did not lie naked in
a coffin with a ribbon tied around his genitalia and yell out
the details of all his sexual experiences because it was fun. He
had much to gain by acceptance into the order . . . "

Frankly, it's a show stopper.

Usually, when colliding with something like this, it was accompanied
by cut-and-paste text files reputedly stolen from government military
sites. The files invariably contain extensive "proof" of sinister
conspiracies being perpetrated on Joe Average by shadowy forces -
the Bilderberg Group, the Jason Society, the Knights of Malta -
lurking behind the UN, the Presidency and the Pentagon and armed
by the techno-might academic slave-lackey elites from MIT, MITRE Corp.
or other think tanks supply. Usually as a bonus, something called
the Protocols of Zion is tossed in: an ant-Semitic, almost unreadable
tract, which establishes the presence of an inimical secret order.

At the time, very little of it made sense, due to the hodgepodge
nature of information storage on the dynamic network of
professionally and semi-professionally run bulletin board systems
which emulate and hang off the Fidonet, and the fact that while
the material exists, it's far from squarely in the network mainstream.

However, now the Crypt Newsletter has "Behold A Pale Horse" (Light
Technology) by William Cooper, a book published in 1991 which
put into hard copy a reasonably linear account of what's troubling the US
as filtered through the eyes of tax resistors, the militias, fringe
survivalists, UFO groups and the starkly paranoid.

Cooper, a burly-looking ex-military man, even alludes as to how
he dispersed the material from "Behold A Pale Horse" into the
computer networks and hands of like-minded friends when he became
convinced men in black were going to take him down.

He writes "I knew that I was being checked out . . . two Defense
Investigative Services men showed up at my house and confiscated all
my floppy disks. The only thing that prevented them from taking my
computer was the fact that it was an XT with no hard drive. I
knew that my plan had worked because they didn't take _me_."

"Behold A Pale Horse's" pages are all stamped with a "Top Secret"
label. Cooper describes the strategy of the Bilderberg Group, "silent
weapons for quiet wars," developed from the thinking of "Amschel
Rothschild." Complete descriptions of the construction of concentration
camps for US citizens are revealed. Cooper insists that they'll come
for us on national holidays or weekends, so if you want to stay
out of a cage, never be home at these times. There is a rallying
cry for open action in Oklahoma because of a tax law which Cooper
writes requires residents "to declare everything they own to the tax
collector . . . [this will] make life easy for the gun grabbers."

"It is time to stand up with a weapon and scream 'ENOUGH!' It is
time to draw the line. It is time to make decisions and carry
them out. It is time to resist at any and all cost."

There is a fold-out chart of the complete roster of the
Trilateral commission and associated groups which also includes lists
of the current or past deans of many of the nation's finer
universities. Cooper establishes links between the US military and
Satan. Prozac is a nefarious drug of mind control developed by
the CIA for use in programming citizens into murderous attack
zombies. Microchips to control, trace and coerce citizens have
been developed and implemented, perhaps by the Marin County
Humane Society.

"Your job is to make sure your Congressmen and Senators are educated
on [these issues]. GET TO WORK - NOW!" writes Cooper.

Even this doesn't really do justice to the flavor of Cooper's book.
Reading it once gives the impression that either by accident, or
clever subtlety, "Behold A Pale Horse" is the great unifying field
theory behind the voices of the maddened crowd. If you take it even
half-seriously, "Pale Horse" makes the back of your head itch from the
unseen eyes of the Bilderbergs, the IRS, the UN, the secret societies.

It seems to be selling briskly.


by Steven Aftergood, [email protected]
[Reprinted from the May 1995 issue of the Secrecy & Government
Bulletin, Federation of American Scientists, 307 Massachusetts
Avenue, NE; Washington, D.C. 20002]

A poll of US public attitudes has found that "Overall
support for security and counter-espionage measures is quite
strong. Only in terms of the classification of secrets does
the majority favor the anti-security position."

A survey last year found that 56 percent of the public
believes that too many documents are classified. At the same
time, however, 76 percent support a "high level of secrecy"
when it comes to protecting technologies with military applications.

The poll was commissioned by the Department of Defense
Personnel Security Research Center (PERSEREC) in Monterey,
Calif. The report on the survey, entitled, "Public Attitudes
Towards Security and Counter-Espionage Matters in the Post
Cold War Period (November 1994) is available from the
Secrecy & Government Bulletin for $2.

Confronted with the proposition that "Given the world situation,
the government protects too many documents by classifying them
as Secret and Top Secret," 13.9 percent of the respondents
strongly agreed, 42 percent agreed, 17.1 percent neither agreed
nor disagreed, 17.5 percent disagreed, 4.4 percent strongly
disagreed and a scrupulous 5 percent said they "don't know."

Public attitudes toward secrecy and security policies such as
background checks were also correlated in the survey with a
variety of social factors such as attitudes toward government
and military, patriotism, political orientation, religious
sentiment including a belief in Bible inerrancy, concern
with civil liberties, crime, obedient children, personal
freedom, deviance and misanthropy.

Of course, polls can be devised to confirm any prejudice that
the pollster may have. 74 percent of the public knows _that_.
But the PERSEREC survey has every appearance of methodological
rigor. Thus, "a factor analysis with a varimax rotation does
indicate that there is not a simple and general security
dimension" (p.2) -- which seems indisputable.

While acknowledging public concern about over-classification,
PERSEREC director Roger P. Denk concluded that it "It appears
the current government personnel security policy in connection
with granting access to classified information is in synch
with the climate of public opinion."


In a wire news story in April from the desk of the Arizona
Daily Star, Mark Ludwig is profiled as a virus-writer and
vendor who said he wrote "The Little Black Book of Computer
Viruses" (American Eagle) in 1991 to "break down false concepts
and wrong ways of thinking." Of course, none of this is
breaking news to long time readers of the Crypt Newsletter.

However, Ludwig has also been the recipient of a roiling
hellbroth of animosity for his computing blasphemies, a stream
of calumny and vilification which shows little sign of abating
even in 1995.

An unnamed virus researcher calls the book similar to child
pornography, Ludwig a lunatic. But, Ludwig counters,
it pays the bills and, further, viruses can be instructive.
"Computer viruses are a legitimate topic of scientific inquiry . . ."
Ludwig is attributed as telling the Star.

There is also some discussion of Natas, a more recent
archetypal nasty virus designed purely to smash data. The
Star goes on to report - cribbing from the book "The Virus
Creation Labs," actually - Natas was initially spread inadvertently
in Mexico City by an anti-virus software agent.

Ludwig insists, though, he's never written a virus like Natas, nor
would he.

". . . [Ludwig] would sing the praises of viruses because he's
a virus author and sees himself as some kind of revolutionary
and overthrower of systems," the Star quotes David Stang of Norman
Data Defense. Stang adds, "[The Little Black Book] is a how-to on computer
terrorism." In the article, and also pulled almost verbatim
from "Virus Creation Labs," Stang is credited with saving the
Secret Service from Satan Bug - here misnamed as "Satan" - when it's
network went down for about "three days" in 1993. "[Stang] later
hired a San Diego teen, nicknamed Priest, who wrote Satan [Bug] and
Natas [viruses], and put him to work on virus solutions," supplies
the Star.

Stang insisted to the Star, Ludwig "is taking steps in the direction
of overthrowing the US government . . . He is an anarchist!"

There is mention of the Stealth Boot family of computer
viruses, hacks traced directly to Mark Ludwig's original
"Little Black Book" Stealth boot sector virus. Joe Wells,
a wizened, diminutive virus researcher for IBM, is quoted
as saying Stealth Boot B is one of the 10 most common viruses, and
is a productivity leech, rendering Windows unusable on infected
machines. Stealth Boot B is 95 percent the original Ludwig Stealth
model, insists Wells.

Behind the scenes, the Star reporter commented Stang waxed almost
messianic on the controversy surrounding the employment of virus
writer, Priest. If there was a way to bring the virus writer to the
side of good, as a temporary guardian of the lad, he tried.

Recently, Norman Data Defense announced a cooperative agreement with
Thunderbyte Anti-virus. Together the companies intend to pool
resources in the crusade against computer virus contagion, is the
word, according to the corporate boilerplate describing the matter.
When anti-virus companies pool resources, it's generally seen as an
advance to the rear, so to speak.

Yet, Norman Data has reportedly been successful in pulling in
a lucrative and hefty government contract for anti-virus service.
The front runner in this horse race had been McAfee Associates.
Observers warn, though, that the dust hasn't quite settled on
the affair.

Although Stang apparently continues his feud with Mark Ludwig,
behind the scenes the anti-virus vendor continues to send complimentary
copies of his virus information database, VBase, to the "revolutionary."
According to the Star's reporter, Stang became incoherent with
rage when told he was given a credit in the latest edition of
Ludwig's "Little Black Book," ending the interview. Ludwig intends
to publish a volume called "The Giant Black Book of Computer Viruses"
this summer but declined to add if Stang would also receive credit
in it.

Finally, after the gnashing of teeth and insane shouting had ceased,
Ludwig, Stang, and Wells did agree on one thing. Back up your data.


AREA 51: Secret base where they keep aliens, flying saucers
and stuff.

BATF: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, aka, agency of
jack-booted American fascists who launch abusive and vicious
assaults on private residences, stomp family pets, terrify children,
shoot completely innocent citizens and slash car tires, as defined by

BLACK NOBILITY: shadow ruling group of transnational super elites.

BILDERBERG GROUP: developed silent weapons for quiet wars strategy
(see ULTOR, GOOD TIMES, etc.). Secret society thought to be in
control of United Nations. (See TRILATERALIST, CFR.)

BILL CLINTON: president of United States, puppet of Bilderberg Group.

CLUB OF ROME: published cautionary book in early 70s, "Limits to
Growth," warning of planetary biological meltdown if human population
growth uncontrolled. Thought to have developed secret plan to
redivide global social and national boundaries through a method
which "represents a symbiosis of man and computer in which the
computer provides the logical and numerical capability while man
provides the values, intuition and experience." (see SILENT

CRLLL: or Original Hostage Crlll. Alien ambassador to Earth,
received by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1954.

DAVID MOORE: head of computer virus research at China Lake
Naval Weapons installation in California. Linked to ULTIMATE VICTOR

DAVIS-MONTHAN AFB: Davis Monthan, old
Strategic Air Command base near Tucson, AZ. Referred to
as "David Munson" in "Behold a Pale Horse." Ready site
for concentration camp when New World Order UN sweeps
seize all US patriots deemed traitors. Nicknamed
"The Boneyard" for its role as repository for discarded military
aircraft, but you know what it really means . . .

E PLURIBUS UNUM: 13 letters in this famous phrase. Thirteen is the
mystical number assigned to Satan.

JOHN DEUTCH: Head of Central Intelligence Agency, CFR member
(see TRILATERALIST), former member of National Foreign Intelligence
Board, consultant for Scientific Applications, San Diego, Calif.
Thought to be senior consultant on ULTIMATE VICTOR (see ULTOR) and
MOLOCH projects (see ULTOR).

EBE: Alien survivor of Roswell UFO crash-landing. Died in 1951
while in captivity. Exhibited a tendency to lie during questioning.

EBOLA ZAIRE: one of a family of unusually segmented RNA viruses
which also includes Marburg, Ebola Sudan and Ebola Reston viruses.
Almost 100 percent lethal in infected hosts. Thought to
be genetically manufactured by US military for use as anti-population

EIELSON AFB: Eielson - old Strategic Air Command base near
Fairbanks, Alaska. Ready site for concentration camp when
New World Order UN sweeps seize all US patriots deemed

ELMENDORF AFB: Elmendorf Air Force Base, Anchorage, Alaska.
Ready site for concentration camp when New World Order UN
sweeps seize all US patriots deemed traitors.

FEMA: Federal Emergency Management Agency, aka, A Tool That
Can Be Used to Establish a Police State (ATTCBUEPS).
In the mid-80s was empowered as an intelligence organization
that could coordinate local police departments in war games which
involved sweeping arrests, mass imprisonment and/or combat against
political dissidents, potential terrorists and illegal aliens.

GEORGE BUSH: Skull & Bones elite society member, former President
of United States, ex-NRA member, reborn Man-God, Trilateralist,
used term NEW WORLD ORDER extensively.

GOOD TIMES: computerized disinformation bomb first test
deployed by ULTIMATE VICTOR (see ULTOR) machine into America
On-line network in November 1994. Re-used on Compuserve and
Australian networks with great success during first quarter of 1995.
Confirmed success of silent weapons for quiet wars strategy.

HIV VIRUS: cause of AIDS. Thought to have been developed by Club
of Rome to clear undesirables and control exponential growth of
planetary population, according to "Behold A Pale Horse."
Found unsatisfactory. (See EBOLA).

JASON GROUP: pre-eminent group of US scientists administered
through super secret MITRE Corporation, McLean, Virginia.
Technical arm of Bilderberg Group. Engineered one project centered
around Jupiter probe Galileo. In late 1999, Galileo is programed
to crash into Jupiter, detonating 50 pounds of plutonium carried
as part of its power source. The resulting atomic explosion will
act as a fuse, igniting the gaseous atmosphere of Jupiter and
turning the planet into a proto-sun, codenamed LUCIFER. This is
designed to look like an act by forces beyond comprehension.

JOHN ALEXANDER: special _non-lethal_ weapons guru for US military
working out of Los Alamos National Laboratory. Author of
seminal paper "The new mental battlefield: Beam me up, Spock,"
published in December 1980 edition of Military Review.

LARRY HARRIS: Columbus, Ohio, man who attempted to purchase
Pasteurella pestis, the bacterial microorganism responsible for
bubonic and pneumonic plague, from the American Type Culture
Collection in Rockville, Maryland. Harris thought to be sympathetic
to militias.

LARRY POTTS: second-in-command of FBI. Puppet master behind Waco
and Ruby Ridge incidents. Hated and much feared nemesis
of US militias. Codename thought to be "Cancer Man."

LIBERAL NEWSMEDIA: "Liberal newsmedia" has sixteen letters.
Subtract three letters (for television, print, radio types) and
you have thirteen letters. Thirteen is the mystical number
assigned to Satan.

LONE GUNMAN: Obscure, highly regarded semi-technical journal
dedicated to exposing sinister conspiracy within the military
industrial complex.

MARIN COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY: running InfoPet project which implants
pets - or people (?) - with microchips for easy, computerized
identification. Thought to have planted microchip in buttocks of

NCSA: National Computer Security Association, "defused" Good Times
disinformation bomb on Compuserve network in first quarter of

NEW WORLD ORDER: You're reading the blueprint. TOP SECRET. Thirteen
letters in "New World Order". Thirteen is the mystical number assigned
to Satan.

PROTOCOLS OF THE WISE MEN OF ZION: deeply anti-Semitic tracts
entwined within New World Order psychology. Describes recent current
events: "Babblers inexhaustible have turned into oratorical
contests the sittings of Parliament and Administrative Boards. Bold
journalists and unscrupulous pamphleteers daily fall upon executive
officials. Abuses of power will put the final touch in preparing
all institutions for their overthrow and everything will fly
skyward under the blows of the maddened mob."

PROZAC: powerful drug used in psychotherapy. Combined with electronic
microchip brain implants, microwave or ELF radiation, produces
murderous attack zombies. Developed in conjunction with CIA mind control
experiments to sap and impurify precious bodily fluids. (See JOHN

RICIN: extremely dangerous poison extracted from castor bean. Intended
as "silent tool of justice" for use against the IRS, according to
some survivalists. Sold by Sigma Chemical, St. Louis, Missouri.

RITALIN: powerful drug used to control hyperactivity in boys.
Overprescribed by teaching authorities and used to "zombify" children,
sapping and impurifying precious bodily fluids.

ROBERT STRANGE MCNAMARA: elitist, deceiver, former Secretary
of Defense under John Kennedy, former head of World Bank,
CFR member (see TRILATERALIST). Recently admitted US leaders
waging Vietnam War knew it was a scam all along.

RUBY RIDGE, IDAHO: rallying cry for US militias. BATF task force
armed with assault rifles, armored personnel carriers and black
helicopters lay siege to cabin in woods belonging to local
eccentric, Randy Weaver and family. Son shot and killed. Wife
shot in head and killed. One US marshall killed. BATF found guilty
of entrapment operation.

SATAN BUG: computer virus manually deployed into US Secret Service
networks in October 1993. Optimized into Natas computer virus
and redeployed into Latin and South American PC networks
by ULTIMATE VICTOR (see ULTOR) project scientists in 1994.

SCIENTIFIC APPLICATIONS: consulting group based in San Diego,
Calif. which seems to constitute a shadow ruling-class within
the Pentagon. Currently Scientific Applications devotes 51
percent (see AREA 51) of its effort on Pentagon projects. One
new project that isn't, if true, claims to be a program for
turning air pollution into fertilizer. John Deutch, current head
of the CIA, is associated with Scientific Applications.
(See also ULTOR).

SHAWN TIMOTHY NELSON: "This is the time, this is the place,
get inside your tank! You're a tank!" Maddened by excesses of
Bilderberg Group which have caused his life to crumble, ex-military
man penetrates security of National Guard installation in northern
San Diego in May 1995, commandeers 50 ton M60 tank, goes on crush
hour drive through suburbs, destroying fire hydrants and 50 civilian
vehicles. After M60 throws a track on highway divider, local police
storm stalled armored fighting vehicle and ventilate driver.

SILENT WEAPONS FOR QUIET WARS: doctrine derived from thinking
of "Amschel Rothschild." Sophisticated computerized strategy for
controlling national population and world states through comprehensive
data collection, electronic surveillance, electronic transnational
economic domination and information/social manipulation and
destruction. (Examples: see ULTOR, GOOD TIMES, STEALTH BOOT).

STEALTH BOOT: family of computer viruses developed to render
Microsoft Windows unusable. Published in "Little Black
Book of Computer Viruses" by Caltech/MIT graduate Mark Ludwig.
Part of silent weapons for quiet wars strategy.

TINKER AFB: Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma City. Holding
cage for suspected mass murderer Tim McVeigh. Ready site for
concentration camp when New World Order UN sweeps pick
up all US patriots deemed traitors.

elite super-rich transnationalists of which David Rockefeller
was a guiding light. Public extension of Bilderberg Group implementing
silent weapons for quiet wars global strategy. (See SILENT
WEAPONS FOR QUIET WARS, ULTOR.) Controllers of United Nations.
Prominent members of Trilateral Commission group charged with
control of media include Katherine Graham, Bill Moyers, Ted Koppel,
Barbara Walters, William F. Buckley, Jr, David Halberstam and others.

TURNER DIARIES: best-selling racist novel self-published in 1978
by William Pierce. Describes white war of supremacy in US in early
1990's against blacks, Jews and multiculturalism from the point of
view of one of the foot soldiers in it. Rape made legal by reviled US
government - called ZOG for Zionist Occupation Government - because it
is a "sexist" crime. Day of The Rope occurs in which
all of the newsmedia (See LIBERAL NEWSMEDIA) are captured and
hung as public spectacles. The Pentagon is destroyed with
a 60-kiloton nuclear weapon in a kamikaze assault, after NYC has
been flattened with similar weapon captured by revolutionaries.

ULTOR: or ULTIMATE VICTOR, a Pentagon deep black project
optimized to wage _non-lethal_ "cybernetic/informatic"
conflict - the supreme silent weapon for quiet wars.
Completed in 1994, the ULTOR is a neurally-netted,
parallel-processed, multiple logic-gated vast interactive
semi-autononmous system developed by Scientific Applications
while working on projects used to implement the SIOP (Single
Integrated Operational Plan), America's evolving battle
strategy for spasmodic, escalating nuclear war. The
ULTOR machine, located in a secret complex at Battelle
Pacific Northwest, is designed to aid in the development of
the logic for its successor, the completely autonomous MOLOCH
(Mnemonic Overseer and Logical Ontological Conscious Herald)
project, slated to go on-line in late 1999.

UNITED NATIONS: puppet group thought to be implementing plans
for New World Order at behest of Bilderberg Group. Thirteen
letters in "United Nations". Thirteen is the mystical number
assigned to Satan. (See WHAT ME WORRY.)

WHAT ME WORRY: Motto of Alfred E. Neuman. "Alfred E. Neuman"
contains 13 letters. Thirteen is the mystical number assigned
to Satan.

X-FILES: Interesting television program about rogue FBI agents
probing sinister conspiracies within the military industrial



[Note: For those interested in subscribing to Crypt
Newsletter, r-e-a-d s-l-o-w-l-y, THERE ARE NO SUBSCRIPTIONS. None.
Not one. Not listserved. Not e-mailed. Nope.]

Thanks to Jim Thomas, magnanimous editor of Computer
underground Digest and all around cool guy,
you can now visit Crypt & The Virus Creation Labs on the
World Wide Web, view pics of the author and his book,
download back issues and sample a chapter from VCL!

Set your graphical browser (Mosaic, Netscape, etc.) to:

URL: http://www.soci.niu.edu:80/~crypt
(don't forget the squiggly before the "crypt")

See you there!

American Eagle has just released THE VIRUS CREATION LABS: A
Journey Into the Underground, a new book by Crypt Newsletter
editor George Smith. Smith unravels the intrigue behind
virus writers and their scourges, the anti-virus software
developers and security consultants on the information highway.

What readers are saying about THE VIRUS CREATION LABS:

"There are relatively few books on the 'computer underground' that
provide richly descriptive commentary and analysis of personalities
and culture that simultaneously grab the reader with entertaining
prose. Among the classics are Cliff Stoll's 'The Cuckoo's Egg,' Katie
Hafner and John Markoff's 'Cyberpunk,' and Bruce Sterling's 'The
Hacker Crackdown.' Add George Smith's 'The Virus Creation Labs' to
the list . . . 'Virus Creation Labs' is about viruses as
M*A*S*H is about war!"

---Jim Thomas, Computer underground
Digest 7.18, March 5, 1995

"THE VIRUS CREATION LABS dives into the hoopla of the Michelangelo
media blitz and moves on to become an engaging, articulate,
wildly angry diatribe on the world of computer virus writers . . .
Expert reporting."
----McClatchy NewsWire

"The eruption of electronic publications and services has
produced some genuinely novel ways to waste time. Anyone who
has the time to explore the vast resources of the Internet
should probably read 'The Virus Creation Labs' instead.
Cynical, diverting new book . . ."
----Steven Aftergood, the Federation of
American Scientists' SECRECY & GOVERNMENT

"I like it! The writing is witty and informative [and]
does a fine job of keeping the interest of the
'outsider' to the virus scene."
----Nowhere Man, infamous virus writer and
programmer of the software virus-maker,
the Virus Creation Laboratory kit

-------------------------order form-------------------------

Yes, I want to receive a copy of George Smith's "The Virus
Creation Labs: A Journey Into the Underground"
(ISBN 0-929408-09-8).

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George Smith, Ph.D., edits the Crypt Newsletter when he
feels like it and is the author of "The Virus
Creation Labs: A Journey Into the Underground."
Media critic Andy Lopez lives in Columbia, SC.

copyright 1995 Crypt Newsletter. All rights reserved.
To the best of our knowledge, the text on this page may be freely reproduced and distributed.
If you have any questions about this, please check out our Copyright Policy.


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