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Alternative AIDS Therapy

by thrival

This information is freely and anonymously given for those suffering from the AIDS virus, chronic fatigue, fybromyalgia, Gulf War Syndrome and a host of other immunological dysfunctions. Countless persons have benefitted already and the author has personally cured his own illness using these methods. There is no financial profit to be made by doctors or hospitals to use these techniques, hence you aren't likely to learn these methods from them. The point is to learn to be your own doctor. How is it that persons with no formal medical training can cure themselves while those with an 8 year medical education cannot? Someone is serious and the other is just "practicing" or managing your condition for profit. Someone has accurate information and someone does not.

There is fair evidence that the US Army contracted to have the AIDS virus engineered, but who to blame or how the virus came about isn't relevant to getting well. See Captain Joyce Riley's article at:


There is much controversy in fact whether the HIV virus causes AIDS at all. Renouned virologist Dr. Peter Duesberg has spoken often on the TV- syndicated Tony Brown Journal, expressing his willingness to be innoculated with HIV to prove to the medical community that the HIV virus is not responsible for the disease called AIDS. T.C. Fry and others have written about the AIDS hoax / conspiracy.

The symptoms of AIDS are identical with chemical toxicity/exposure. Chronic fatigue, Gulf War Syndrome and chemical sensitivities fall under this category. No secret that many toxins are implicated as causing cancer. There is a failure in the body's detoxification pathways due to exposures beyond the body's ability to handle at one time. The medical specialty that addresses the issues is TOXICOLOGY, which covers poisons and antidotes. You should read as many books on the subject as accessable. Cure comes from within and from without, from your own efforts, self-discipline, applied knowledge, God's infinite forgiveness and nature's abundant and ever-present energy, not from doctors. Where there is life there is hope. God gave you life. He is on your side. Life is a radiation by which energy becomes organized matter strung into DNA. The alchemists knew this.

The body manufactures chemicals from food ingested, to detoxify poisons. These antidotal substances are found in many common foods but are very specific in which poisons are rendered harmless. Minerals and vitamins are the major detoxifiers.

Consider that according to Duesberg, AIDS symptoms may be caused by any number of micro and macroscopic parasites, from viruses, bacteria to tapeworms. One doctor studied for over a year, the grapefruit-sized tumor, that killed an AIDS patient, only to discover it was one long, balled-up tapeworm. These intestinal parasites can usually be rid of in direct and expeditious fashion, but more problematic if lodged in other organs, especially the brain. And yet, 'tumors' have dissolved away, even miraculously so.

One explanation is that tumors are simply depots of waste crud the body has accumulated. Under right circumstances the waste is redissolved back into the body and excreted via normal channels. If the tumor is a nest of parasites, they need to be killed.

Hulda Clark in her book Cure for All Diseases states there is only two causes for diseases-- poisons and parasites. One is typically found where the other is present. The chicken-vs-egg question of which came first doesn't concern us as we want to rid ourselves of both. (NOTE: I will add two other causitive agents of disease spoken of in chinese medicine-- deficiencies and excesses.) Clark states that parasites secrete chemical waste products that act as growth factors to cancer. Remove or kill the parasite and you eliminate the growth factors and cure the cancer. Her electrical device using positive offset (DC pulses) generates hydrogen peroxide in the blood. Hydrogen peroxide production is the common product in expensive blood ozonators (banned by FDA, illegal in the USA, thank you AMA.)

The first cause of all pathogenic illness are conditions where parasites live and breed. Without a place to live and something to eat, pathogenic disease is impossible. This usually begins in the colon due to a build up of mucoid placque, lining the inside intestine with many layers of slimy, viscous material. The source of the material is from eating gluey foods and from overeating. See: The Mucusless Diet Healing System by Prof. Arnold Ehret.

Look at the colon as the endpoint of a city sewer system. Plug the exit or narrow the flow and waste backs up into the streets.

A minimal amount of mucous is necessary for food passage. Chronic intestinal catarrh, lung and sinus congestion are NOT normal. Systemic mucous arises ONLY from choice of foods eaten, nowhere else.

It is well proven in farm animals that over-feeding pigs causes a thickening of the intestinal wall, and human 'animals' are no different. This because over-eating brings on an acid condition in the body. Acids are irritants and the intestine secretes a coating of mucous to protect itself and create slippery conditions for easy passage of food, but chronic overeating never allows the lining to diminish naturally. (NOTE: the remedy many farmers use is added enzymes to the feed, which also tends to reduce acid-reflux and subclinical diabetes in humans.) Enzymes are a wonderful therapy but not a cure. After all the point of a pig's life is slaughter for food as soon as it reaches adult weight.

Certain foods such as meat, eggs, milk, cheese, rice, potatoes have gluey properties. Lest you doubt, remember old and injured horses being sent to glue factories, egg as the fixative for medieval tempura paintings, elmers glue from casein (milk/cheese protein) rice and potato starches and pastes. These foods mixed together are excessively viscous, forming a semi-digested wall of slime / amino acid petri dish for growing every kind of parasitic animal.

Mucous has no texture so tends to hang on (imagine trying to grab a jellyfish); however mucous precipitates (solidifies, gets a texture or skin) in contact with minerals. By ingesting massive doses of powdered minerals in the form of capsulized dry herb powders, and rectal enemas of mineral waters, the mucous gains a texture and the vegetable fiber scrapes it out. The remains can be seen as incredible varied excresences found in bowel movements, from the appearances of jelly to thick hose encrusted or not with pebble-like stones, etc.

For herbs I recommend those sold by Arise & Shine Products (Mt. Shasta, CA) which are proven effective in cleansing mucoid plaque from the digestive tract. The book Cleanse & Purify Theyself by Richard Anderson is a must-read. Use the Chomper and Herbal Nutrition formulas or make them yourself by buying the ingredients in bulk from a discount herb supply house (Moneterrey Bay Spice Company-- www.herbco.com).

Minerals can be found from a variety of sources. Potassium chloride is sold as ice melter, diatomacious earth (89% silica) as oil-dry from hardware stores, calcium-magnesium carbonate (rock-dust) is sold by landscapers in 50lb. bags for a few dollars. (Be sure it is low in lead.) Clean, nondeodorized cat litter is actually volcanic ash / clay / sodium-aluminum silicate / bentonite and is very good both to make clay shakes and/or add to enema water. The clay attaches to the intestinal slime and causes it to peel away in huge shards. Clay can also be dry powdered in a blender and filled into gelatine capsules (for those who cannot tolerate the idea or texture of drinking clay shakes.)

Many native peoples and wild animals have been observed eating clay (bentonite) which is given to race horses and domestic animals by breeders, farmers and veternarians as a parasite cure. We know how to take care of our animals, why not ourselves? What makes us think we're any different! When the mucous lining is passed (imagine a snake shedding it's skin from the inside out) then the parasites living inside are expelled also.

To make a clay shake, mix a half-blender full of your favorite fruit juice, water and/or concentrate. The water should be cool to cold. Add up to a quarter cup of clay powder and drink immediately before the clay has time to swell. To increase effectiveness add 50:50 psyllium seed husk powder (gelling agent) to the clay powder. This mixture is good for both shakes and capsules. This is to be taken ORALLY. NEVER add psyllium to enema water as it will turn to gel! Add chlorophyll (weed juice) B-vitamins, minerals to your clay shakes. Adding lecithin helps alleviate neurological symptoms as pesticides are released from fat cells.

Ingesting clay is constipating and the inner slime to which it attaches does not release of its own accord. You need to take enemas to expand the colon and cause the skins of slime to break loose and leave.

For enemas, you can add several cups of fresh, clean (non-deodorized) cat litter to a 5 gallon bucket of water. (NOTE: NEVER use cat litters that contain "Odor Crystals," as these are CHEMICALS and will make you sick! Ask your pet dealer for plain bentonite clay litter or READ LABELS CAREFULLY.) Allow to hydrate, add a cup of rock dust and stir thoroughly. Set the bucket above your toilet and run hose and an automobile siphon from the bucket to your plastic enema tip or catheter. A colema board can be made from a 4'- 5' 2"X10" board with an inverted, vertically split bucket nailed to the end as a splash guard. Lift the toilet seat and set the bucket end of the board on the toilet bowl. Set the other end of the board on an inverted 5-10 gallon bucket at your disposal so the board is level (these empty buckets are typically discarded and can be obtained free from construction sites.)

Scoot your butt up to the splash guard, insert your enema appliance and open the clamp. Give the siphon a few pumps to start the water flowing downhill. Fill yourself with as much water as you can retain without excessive pain. Slosh it around in your intestines with your hands. Take your time at this. Roll on your right side to reach the ascending and transverse colon. Roll back onto your back and release. Do this several times till nothing but water comes out.

To kill viruses and bacteria, add a few drops of essential (lavender) oils and a shot-glass of hydrogen peroxide to 5 gallons of enema water. Hydrogen peroxide oxygenates the blood and kills a host of pathogens. Your own body makes peroxide to cure itself but it ages (oxidizes) the body if ingested orally.

When lightening strikes lakes, rivers and oceans, ozone is created. the ozone breaks down to hydrogen peroxide which kills water-born pathogens, including worms. Hydrogen peroxide is God's way of cleaning the earth's water supply. It will work in you too.

You can add chlorophyll to enema water and blender drinks. Chlorophyll dissolves mucous and kills bacteria. If you have systemic thrush, mycoplasma or any blood-born illness, clorophyll and peroxide are especially important.

Whenever you feel whacked out, take an enema, even if you don't feel like you need it. See what comes out. No you won't become dependent upon enemas. I cleansed for six months, 1-3 enemas per day. I don't need them anymore. Trust your body and God's overshadowing Presence.

A woman doctor was stranded on the high seas for weeks with her two children. She knew they would die of kidney failure (overconcentration of minerals there) if they drank sea water. She gave them sea-water enemas and everyone lived. The colon acts as a mineral filter that selectively allows or excludes from entering the blood what the body doesn't need. You can also feed a person rectally with mineral soups and herbal broths when they're too sick to eat solid food. Coffee enemas cleanse the liver.

Along with the above you should eat a mucus-lean, nutritious diet; mainly all types of fresh and cooked fruits and vegetables, raw fruit and vegetable juices and broths; avoid all heavy animal foods in the beginning, practice good food combining. Later when the colon is cleansed you can go back to meat and fish soups and then a more mixed fare. If you cheat you will pay the consequences. This is your illness and you must cure yourself. No one is judging you but you must be sufficiently scientific and objective to learn from your own symptoms and reactions to fully understand and change your regime as necessary.

You will experience discomfort, dizziness, migrating intestinal symptoms impossible to describe, extreme tiredness, sleeplessness on occasion. Bite the bullet and weather through it. You are a spirit mastering your body. Too many years you have given the animal feelings free reign, but the soul doesn't know what to do with freedom. Always it has been your job to train and instruct it. In the beginning it resists and you will think you are losing, there is no hope. Then remarkably the symptoms resolve, slowly, in stages, so gradual you may not even notice the improvements, as you edge further and further away from death's precipice.

When you feel you're losing your marbles and absolutely must binge, eat the least harmful food that will still satisfy your craving. Occasional binges won't kill you but they do slow your healing down. For symptomatic relief, study the effects of herbs and essential oils and use them when those symptoms appear, stop using them when the symptoms abate.

Note: Manufacturers of AZT plainly state that the drug prevents DNA replication, i.e. cellular repair. If cells cannot repair, the body dies. AZT is every bit as dangerous as your disease, in fact more so. To prevent your body from healing is to die. AZT prevents you from healing. Magic Johnson has survived over 10 years since being diagnosed with AIDS. He is in good health, why? ...because he has refused to take AZT.

Colloidal Silver kills everything (bacteria, viruses and fungi) but saves the person. The russians claim it stood up against over 600 agents in their bioweapons arsenal. Pathogens cannot develop resistance to colloidal silver, which is cheap and easy to make but sold for outrageous prices in health food stores. Contact a refiner of precious metals. Buy 1'-2' of .016 guage (about the thickness of wire coat hangers) 99.9% pure silver wire (about $20. USD.) Cut in half. (Now you have two pieces, 6"-8" long.)

Take a piece of hose .5"-1" thick, 4" long. Punch two holes through the hose. Insert the silver wires into the holes. The hose serves as a jig to hold them wires equidistant apart. Only small nibs (.25") of wire need extend on one side of the hose. You want most of the wire projecting downward into a mason jar filled with distilled water.

Visit your local thrift store, buy a small electrical transformer, AC or DC (although AC is best) .250-.750 mA, 15V-30V (anything within these ranges is fine.) Strip the end leads and solder two alligator clips to the wires. Attach the clips to the silver wire nibs. Plug in the transformer to live 110V house current. The current causes microscopic globules of silver to detach from the wire into the water

Within 30 minutes - 1 hour you should notice the water has developed a pink to golden hue. A blackish ash will collect from the electrode(s) to the jar bottom. Filter the liquid through a coffee filter and store in a closed container away from light. No need to refrigerate, ever. Drink a few tablespoons a day for viral infections and thrush.

Regarding specific parasites, carotenes (triterpenoid saponins) are very important to dealing with liver flukes. Jalapeno peppers contain piperazine, a chemical used as a thread dewormer in horses, dogs and cats. You can buy the product at local Farm & Fleet stores, or you can eat lots of hot peppers. Omphalia (thunderball) fungus is a chinese herb that contains an enzyme that paralyzes tapeworms. Do not heat; make a cold decoction, followed by a laxative. Pumpkin seeds are also recommended. Tapeworms can burrow deep and may not release until you get down to the layer of mucoid placque where they live. Citric Acid kills Candida yeast / thrush.

You must stop the habits which made you sick-- drugs, late hours, poor eating habits, sexual contact, destructive relationships, stress. The more destructive habits you renounce, the faster your body can rebuild.

Sex is an energy. To heal, your body needs energy (yang) and material ingedients (yin). "God cannot fill a leaky bucket." Your sexual habit is an energy leak, and your indulgence forstalls the date of your healing. Bad habits aren't broken overnight, but they can be broken gradually. ("The wages of sin are death." ...The fruit of impurity is labor and pain.") You are doing this to yourself. For me has been one of the hardest lessons to learn. For many of us, sex feels to be a refuge of comfort from life's cruelties and pain, but this is mere human subjectivity. The objective truth is, hardship comes from indulging our animal passions, for while we are animals, we are also more than that. Sex is not love per se. Love is a universal supportive energy, the background radiation behind everything. Sex is the swapping of DNA for purposes of propagation. If you don't recognize Creation for what it is and for, you will necessarily suffer for your missuse of it, since you are also part of the Great Experiment called Life. There is a point where sex no longer feels good, when the body is actually exhausted and dying from too much. Wild animals never violate their own physiologies. If you're sick you've exceeded this point but are likely in denial. Willful ignorance is NOT bliss.

It is well known in Chinese medicine that every time a man has an orgasm, he loses minerals (women lose minerals from having children.) In seminal fluids there are chemicals and hormones. When we are young these substances are made easily but as we age, they are made at greater expense. Chinese medicine teaches that by age 50, men should stop having ejaculations to preserve youth and vitality. This is in direct contradiction to western advertisings' goad to perform, viagra, over-stimulation, etc. "if it feels good do it." You are a victim of a cultural disinformation campaign encouraging self-indulgence, a Big Lie for profit, indifferent to your life at best. The cure is to wise up.

We now know that virus and bacteria parasites aren't evil. In fact they are nature's clean-up crew, spontaneously generating themselves from inert biocrystals, on demand to the waste material present. The great evil has not been the pathogens (after all they are only doing their job), but our own ignorance how to care for ourselves. "My people perish for lack of knowledge." Don't blame the bugs. They have always been here.

Many people who were once HIV+ have gone into total remission. A common factor in many is the renunciation of organized religion and the imposed social guilt, without which it becomes possible to heal. God's forgiveness is real and everywhere present. "I take no pleasure in seeing man die the death. Turn from your sins, and LIVE YE!" The truth is wherever you find it. Seeking it is the purpose of your life. How hard have you been looking? Find a spiritual path and discipline. Bless your illness for starting you in the right direction. God decrees your wellness but you must accept it; learn and obey those natural laws which make it possible.

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