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Alternative AIDS cures?

by G. J. Krupey


by G. J. Krupey

Steamshovel Press #5

In "AIDS: ACT OF OF GOD OR THE PENTAGON?" i dealt with the most persistent and sinister of the alternative origin theories of AIDS, that of AIDS as a US military chemical-biological warfare agent deliberately or accidentally released upon an unsuspecting population. while unable to prove or disprove, the allegation, i marshalled enough evidence, circumstantial perhaps, but compelling, to at least show that the theory is far from being the incredible nonsense that denigrators of the theory, most of them paid government agents or mass media hacks (any difference?), have dismissed it as.

The official, government-approved theory is, as we should all be aware by now, that AIDS is the result of the human immunosuppressive virus (HIV),and for which there is no known, effective cure. but just as there are those who question the official origin theory and offer alternatives, there are those who question the official pronouncement of no-known-cure, and in fact, offer one of their own. to these people, what caused AIDS is not as important as how to stop its spread and cure those who already suffer from it. most of these cures, perhaps not so surprisingly, are rather simple and inexpensive, and, of course, ignored or suppressed.

It is not my intention in this survey of alternative AIDS cures to promote or recommend any of them. am neither a doctor nor a scientist; i can prove nothing. the information given here, in the immortal words of the Food and Drug Administration, is strictly for the purposes of education and research, and no intention to prescribe treatment is intended. that said, let us examine the alternatives.

currently, the only federally-approved substance available for relieving the symptoms of AIDS is the very expensive and highly toxic AZT (clinical name Zidovudine, brand name Retrovir), manufactured by the Burroughs-Wellcome pharmaceutical firm. first developed by the National Cancer Institute as an anti-cancer drug. it was purchased by Burroughs-Wellcome, offered B-W a chance to recoup their losses on their previously useless investment. in 1986, AZT was rushed through the FDA's approval procedure faster than any drug had ever been approved before, and "proven" to be effective and safe by studies that AIDS activists insist were shoddy, mismanaged and inconclusive. (1)

however, Burroughs-Wellcome mad a real "killing" on the toxic drug. it's stock "went through the roof" when the official announcement from the FDA was made. by the mid-nineties, stock market analysts predicted, Burroughs-Wellcome would earn about $2billion from sales of AZT, with estimated gross profits of $230 million for 1990 alone. (2)

a chemotherapeutic drug, AZT causes severe debilitating side effects in patients that it is administered to, such as depletion of both red and white blood cells, and bone marrow. for these reasons, expensive and time-consuming blood transfusions are necessary. this adds another $750 to the already extortionate $8,000-10,000 per patient per year price of AZT (the most expensive drug in history). (3) many AZT recipients, claiming that the cure ids worse than the disease, have gone off AZT and decided to take their chances, some seeking out alternative cures. this is an even more pressing concern when it is remembered that AZT only buys an AIDS victim about a year's worth of extra time. physicians are now urging AZT as a preventive upon patients testing positive for HIV antibodies, even when no AIDS symptoms are present (most recently seen in the Magic Johnson episode), operating under the unproven assumption, by no means proven, that HIV presence guarantees eventual full-blown AIDS which guarantees eventual death. it would seem that the only guarantee of death is to take AZT, especially as a preventive.

This is the situation that has made the development of alternatives to AZT so vital. fortunately, it would seem that they exist.

One of the most promising and oddly simple of these is AL 721, made from three active lipids extracted from chicken egg yolks, and blended together in a precise reaction of seven parts to tow parts to one part. hence its title, AL 721, which means Active Lipids AT A RATIO OF 7:2:1. it was developed in the late seventies at Israel's Weizmann Institute of Science team headed by Meir Shinitsky. AL 721 proved effective in treating many diseases: memory loss, drug addiction and alcoholism withdrawal, cystic fibrosis in children, and in repairing damaged immune systems, the latter making it a perfect candidate for treating AIDS.

But it wasn't until 1985 that any attempt was made to treat AIDS with AL 721. the results were positive, and seconded by (of all people) Dr. Robert Gallo of the National Cancer Institute, the man who "discovered" the HIV virus and remains the high priest of the HIV-as_sole-cause-of-AIDS cult. Gallo confirmed that AL 721 was an effective, nontoxic inhibitor of HIV with no side effects. (4)

The AL 721 treatment is simple enough. it is made into a buttery substance that is spread onto a piece of bread and eaten by the patient once in the morning for several weeks until the symptoms disappear. AL 721 works by stripping away the cholesterol-hardened membranes of virally infected cells with lecithin, a substance that AL 721 us rich in. returning the cell membranes to a fluid, pliable, and healthy condition. envelope viruses like HIV, which are armored in rigid shells, are then unable to interact with, and infect, the healthy cells. it doesn't so much destroy the HIV virus as it weakens it , by extracting the cholesterol from the infected cell membrane. the HIV is then rendered inactive. (5)

In 1986, Dr. Yehuda Skornick of Tel Aviv treated thirty AIDS patients in this manner, only one died, the rest, it is reported, returned home in revitalized health. patients remained, at last report, without symptoms for as long as 19 months. (6)

AL 721 is now the exclusive property of a Los Angeles-based company called Ethigen, which received the international rights for manufacturing and marketing from the Weizmann Institute in 1982, before it was realized how effective AL 721 could be in use against AIDS. the release of AL 721 to the people who needed it most was stalled. Ethigen claimed not to have the minimum amount needed to finance FDA drug testing (about $50 million), and the National Institute of Health sat on it, favoring the more lucrative AZT. (7) AIDS activists accused Ethigen of holding out for federal drug tests and approval for reasons of venality, pointing out that AL 721 could have been easily and quickly released to the public by marketing it as a food substance rather than as a drug. underground clinics sprang up in the meantime to produce their own AL 721 and sell it at cost to those in need. five months after Celia Farber's SPIN column exposed the whole sordid mess, Ethigen announced that it planned to market AL 721 as a nutritive (8). so far i have come across no reports of its being hailed as a miracle cure for AIDS. whether that is the fault of Ethigen or of the same mass media that continues to harp on the looming danger of the AIDS epidemic while choosing to ignore all options to AZT, i don't know. it would be interesting to discover how many AIDS sufferers- including those now deceased- even knew of its existence.

The other alternative AIDS cures are well known to the medical establishment: penicillin and typhoid vaccine. the problem, from the viewpoint of the AMA/FDA/CDC/NIH/NCI axis, is that to admit to either of them being curative agents for AIDS is to automatically deny the official HIV/AZT catechism and accept the proposition, for which there seems to be much evidence, that AIDS is actually nothing more than another outbreak of a new strain of syphilis, misdiagnosed as a previously unknown disease.

First to make the AIDS/syphilis link was Joan McKenna, a research physiologist at the Institute for Thermobaric Studies in Berkeley, California. she noticed that the symptoms of those suffering from AIDS and syphilis were identical, that the two groups most devastated by AIDS, gay males and African heterosexuals, shared in common high rates of previous syphilis infection, abuse of antibiotics (which leads to immunosuppression), and seronegativity for syphilis in patients who were obviously syphilitic. in other words, blood tests were indicating that people who had syphilis didn't have the disease. this was due to chemically induced immunosuppression, from abuse of both antibiotics and "recreational" drugs like cocaine, qualudes, etc. (10)

However, it was two German doctors, Klaus-Uwe Dierig and Urbad Waldthaler, who initially began using massive doses of penicillin to successfully eliminate syphilitic symptoms in their AIDS patients. in 1988, they told Katie Leishman of the ATLANTIC MONTHLY that 'THE united States would nave never had such a high death toll from AIDS if our [American] doctors had been treating syphilis properly over the last twenty years." (11)

Syphilis, the most destructive and contagious of venereal diseases, is also the most resilient. known as the "great imitator" or "great masquerader<" it is as old as recorded history and prone to periodic outbreaks. it is the disease that won't go away, the one for which there seems to be no cure, no "magic bullet". just when humanity thinks it ha seen the last of it, it pops up again, nastier than ever. despite this, American physicians thought that they had conquered it in the 1950's through massive antibiotics use. instead of destroying the disease, they merely suppressed the symptoms, allowing the real culprit to burrow deep into the immune system "of those who had been [poorly] treated" for it, "causing it to smoulder away like an underground fire". (12) and biding its time to erupt once more, while being passed on to others.

Syphilis is not caused by a virus like HIV, but by a bacterium, a germ, called Treponema pallidum. a spirochete (because of its corkscrew shape, ironically enough). syphilis is notorious for the latency period between infection- it can penetrate every organ in the body within twelve hours of initial infection- and the first manifestations of symptoms. it is this characteristic of the Treponema pallidum, the ability to burrow directly into bodily cells, called intercellularity, that makes it so difficult to detect the spirochetes before they cause real damage, rendering treatment even more difficult, and in some cases impossible. (13)

Despite what seems like overwhelming evidence that AIDS is indeed nothing else but syphilis in a new disguise, there have been no shouts of "Eureka!" from the halls of the medical establishment. when Joan McKenna called the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta with her findings, they replied:

"Well, this isn't new." so i [McKenna] said, "what do you mean it isn't new?" and they said, "we've been getting calls for two years now from physicians who are treating men with AIDS, whose symptoms are consistent with secondary syphilis but whose blood work is negative." so i asked, "well, what are you doing about it?" and they said, "nothing." (14)

As Jon Rappoport states:

"Venereal disease would not be a popular interpretation of AIDS symptoms. no novelty in a discovery like this. there is no quick tie-in to research on new drugs or new vaccines, there is only better management of penicillin. there are no Novels waiting for the man who says, "look for syphilis in your AIDS patients". (15)

Which means that Dr. Stephen Caiazza won't be getting the Nobel Prize any time soon. a New York City physician specializing in immunological research, he became intrigued with the links he found between AIDS and syphilis when he noticed the paucity of syphilis cases when all other venereal diseases were flourishing, and the only cases of syphilis he was treating were AIDS patients with syphilitic symptoms. when treated with penicillin, their symptoms disappeared. (16) intrigued by McKenna's findings, he traveled with her to Germany to study the finding of Dierig and Waldthaler. his experiences there convinced Caiazza that he was on the right track. the standard America blood test for syphilis was no good, as patients who tested negative on it tested positive on the much more sophisticated blood tests used by the German doctors. that, coupled with the use of the wrong type of penicillin to treat syphilis, benzathine penicillin, which does not penetrate the blood-brain barrier as the syphilis spirochetes themselves can. therefor, when elimination of syphilis symptoms indicated that the penicillin had done its job, most doctors would terminate the penicillin infection under the mistaken assumption that the disease was cured. but in actuality, it continued to flourish within the spinal column, brain, and eyes, all organs beyond the reach of benzathine penicillin. to compensate for this, Caiazza included in his treatment protocol along with benzathine penicillin, the drug doxycycline, an antibiotic which can cross the blood-brain barrier and kills spirochetes when they are at their most vulnerable, when doubling (reproducing). (17)

the validity of Caiazza's theory would seem to be in his success rate. operating under the assumption that HIV was the cause of AIDS and antiviral drugs the only possible treatment, in his own words, "between 1982-1986 i lost somewhere in excess of 200 patients, which i believe...averages out to approximately one a week." (18) after he began working from the AIDS-as-syphilis hypothesis, and treating his patients with the benzathine penicillin doxycycline regimen,m in one year (1986), he lost only one patient our of 216. all were diagnosed as having either AIDS or AIDS-Related Complex (ARC). Caiazza reported that his ten sickest patients, who should have already been dead or close to it according to their initial prognoses, were recovered and living full, productive lives, with only minor AIDS-syphilis symptoms. (19)

if Dr. Caiazza has not solved the AIDS mystery, her certainly seems to have taken a step in the right direction. not that everyone is ruching to lay the laurel crown upon hi head. "Caiazza's work, like that of others who have strayed from the HIV herd, had been harshly criticized by his peers, and he has been continually monitored, to the point of harassment, by the New York State Health Department since his return from Europe in early 1987:. (20)

Dr. Caiazza himself is under no illusions as to why he is so unpopular. "i've talked to a number of officials in New York, both city and state, and they aren't interested at all" in his findings. (21) in his interview with Celia Farber in SPIN, when asked about his dealings with the medical establishment, he was completely candid.

he noted that he represented a threat to a powerful"whole retroviral industry mostly funded by the government", chief of whom are the AZT pushers at Burroughs-Wellcome. "i can do with a couple of hundred dollars of generic penicillin what has taken them $10,000 to do". ($10,000 being the cost of one year's supply of AZT for one patient). to drive home his point:

"let me tell you a true story: the penicillin i use is manufactured by a company i called up, and i spoke to the fellow in charge of research. i said, "i;m suing about two thousand dollars of your medicine a month. help me out a little bit. i can only treat rich people, give me some help so i can treat some poor people here" and you know what he said? he said, "listen, i'm going to be perfectly honest with you. you're dealing with a generic medicine here. we're in the process of developing some real, legitimate AIDS medicines. why should we give you $150,000 in order to prove that the medicines that we're working on, which are going to be incredibly profitable, aren't necessary?"

for Dr. Caiazza, that summed up the whole thing. and he concluded,

"there's no money in what i'm doing. there's no money for the doctor, there's no money for the pharmaceutical house, there's no money for the researcher, there's no money for the scientist. the only one who profits is the patient". (22)

another maverick who has challenged the AIDS party line and achieved success in treating AIDS patients for syphilis is Long Island medical technician Salvatore Catapano. Catapano was awarded a patent (one of three only) for AIDS treatment for his typhoid vaccine. the patent statement concludes: "it has been found that a complete immunization and remission of a person afflicted with AIDS may be achieved by the administration with typhoid vaccine with no observed toxicity". (23)

a researcher with over forty years experience in exploring cancer and venereal disease, Catapano first became acquainted with the study of syphilis while serving in the navy in the Pacific during World War Two. during the war, several members of his family died of cancer, which led Catapano away from the study of syphilis and toward the effort to discover a cure for the disease that robbed him of so many loved ones. Catapano rejected the approved treatments of chemo- and radiation therapies and focused instead on something that would bolster the body's own best defense mechanism, the immune system. he tried several different vaccines until, in 1970, he hit paydirt with the typhoid vaccine which proved superior in the reduction of cancer tumors and in stimulating the immune system's production of T lymphocyte cells., the very cells that the HIV virus allegedly destroys, according to the official theory (24). kin 1978, Catapano was able to have the National Cancer Institute perform animal experiments with his typhoid vaccine, and they confirmed the results. that Catapano, an independent researcher with no connections to any university or hospital, was able to have the NCI take his vaccine seriously enough to test it was the doing of its then director Dr. Arthur Upton, an unusually open-minded member of the medical establishment. Upton said, "people thought i was wasting my time talking to someone without an MD or other scientific credentials. but its easy to forget, now that science is such a well organized profession, that a century ago, it was conducted by amateurs". (25) to easy to forget, unfortunately, as the fortunes of the dissenters from the HIV establishment attest.

in 1982, Catapano began working with Dr. Miguel Cima in administering the typhoid vaccine to AIDS patients willing to risk the untested (on humans) treatment. Catapano was struck by the similarities of their symptoms to the syphilitics he saw during the war. all the symptoms were the same, even the mysterious Kaposi's Sarcoma and pneumocystis carinii pneumonia that were the two leading causes of death in AIDS patients. coming to the same conclusion that McKenna, Caiazza, Dierig and Waldthaler did, he surmised that AIDS was a bacterial not viral induced disease, and AIDS victims were "suffering from extraordinarily entrenched late-staging syphilis, its symptoms exaggerated by multiple exposures, the resulting depression of the immune system and misapplication of antibiotics and radiation. once the immune system is restored with typhoid vaccine...a course of penicillin should bring the patient into remission". (26)

so successful has Catapano's vaccine been, that since he was granted the patent in 1987, doctors all over the US have paid him the royalties to use his regimen (which demands strict adherence to his protocol otherwise it will be rendered ineffective and even possibly dangerous). Catapano insists that no other treatment should be used along with the typhoid vaccine, especially any chemotherapy or radiation. this precludes AZT, which Catapano "regards as a death sentence and its use as a double tragedy, because he is convinced that AIDS is really syphilis, which is treatable, and for which an anti-viral drug, like AZT, can do nothing". (27) Catapano was even approached by Burroughs-Wellcome, who were interested in using the typhoid vaccine as "an immune moderator" for their property. Catapano refused, and remarked: "why would anybody give daily chemotherapy to patients who are already severely immune suppressed" in's crazy. " (28)

Dr. Emmanuel Revici, the founder of the Institute of Applied Biology (164 91st st., New York, NY 10028< (212) 876-9669) has formulated yet another method of healing AIDS. Revici doesn't "cure" the patient as much as he enables him to heal himself. Revici's system postulates that good health comes from a balanced dualism between two opposite states of being which he designates as anabolic, when the immune system is in a positive mode of building up, and catabolic, when the immune system is in a negative mode of building down. in a healthy person, the anabolic-catabolic sequence fluctuates within one twenty-four hour period, providing just the right amounts of anabolic energy for daytime activities, while catabolic repairs are made during sleep. the pH balance between acids and alkalines must also be maintained. with anabolic activity, the level of alkalinity rises (high pH), and with catabolic activity, the acidity level is dominant (low pH). (29)

when an imbalance occurs, Revici treats it with the injection of lipids, or fatty acids, that help boost production of the t-cells that AIDS depletes. (lipids are also the active ingredient in AL 721). in the case of anabolic imbalance, lipid acids, sulfur, selenium, magnesium, and lipid-copper compounds are used; in the case of catabolic imbalance, lipid alcohols, lithium, zinc, and iron compounds are used. Revici's program operates in four stages: 1) antiviral agents are injected to combat primary viral infection; 2) the immune system is bolstered with refractory (disease-fighting) lipids; 3) the secondary opportunistic infections (usually Kaposi's Sarcoma or pneumocystis carinii pneumonia) is treated with the appropriate medication, antibiotics, antimicrobials, or antifungals; 4( the imbalance is categorized as anabolic or catabolic, and treated as required. (30)

Rivici's system requires the patient to be as involved in and responsible for his treatment as much as the physician. constant monitoring and charting of pH levels are necessary. yet he has produced near miraculous cures with this method, not only of AIDS patients, but also of terminal cancer patients who were told to "go home and die" by mainstream medical practitioners. like Salvatore Catapano. Revici will not treat patients on AZT. as one of his associates explained, "AZT will totally destroy the lipids." (31)

as could be expected, Dr. Revici has drawn the wrath of the medical establishment. among his more heinous crimes, apparently, is his tendency not to charge patients who can't afford treatment. one Long Island doctor, who also happened to be a lawyer, sued Dr. Revici for malpractice. the jury acquitted him, even though the judge directed the jury to find for malpractice leading to a US Court of Appeals decision that found for Revici, in what is considered a landmark, precedent-setting case for the rights of patients to seek alternative medical therapies. (32)

and as the devastation rates of catastrophic diseases like AIDS and cancer continue to grow, that precedent will be increasingly relied upon by desperate people fleeing the disaster area of mainstream medicine. when a Harvard Medical School biostatistician writes in the NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE that "we are losing the war on cancer", and when the war on AIDS looks like it was lost even before it began, the time has come to make a radical reappraisal of the current orthodoxy. and those few physicians who have done just that, like Emmanuel Revici, are attacked because of the threat they pose to that still lucrative disaster area.

traveling 360 degrees in the opposite direction from his colleagues in the medical establishment, and arriving at the destination sooner and with the least casualties, physicians like Emmanuel Revici have realized that freeing the human body from disease is not the same thing as replacing defective parts on an automobile.

"Revici would rather assist the body to heal itself, through a diligent, time-consuming, holistic process, than cutting, burning, and/or poisoning the disease. traditional solutions of surgery,y, radiation, and toxic chemotherapy have been shown in case after case to cause extreme physical and emotional trauma, often exacerbating the symptoms and speeding progression to an excruciatingly painful, and tremendously expensive, death". (33)

there are other, perhaps promising, treatments on the horizon, all said to cure AIDS. there is Compound Q, of Tricosanthin, a drug derived from the root of the Chinese cucumber. FDA foot-dragging, as usual, led to an underground system of clinics where the desperate could risk everything on the remote possibility that an unknown substance could be the Holy Grail. (34) in Kenya, scientists at Kemri, the Kenyan Medical Research Institute in Nairobi, developed kemron, and oral alpha interferon, small doses of which have been said to eliminate major AIDS symptoms within merely a few weeks. (35) once again, early extravagant claims led to an informal underground developing around the drug which, like Compound Q, is said to raise T-cell counts to high, healthy levels. even more incredible claims have been made for such oddly simple treatments like megadoses of ascorbate (vitamin C)which "disarm the unwanted antibodies and at the same time augment the immune system's attack on the parasite". according to Dr. Robert Cathcart. (36)

another purported AIDS cure found in every household is hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). when diluted to one half of 1% or less, it can be administered orally, the highly oxygenated solution destroys the HIV virus, or whatever anaerobic parasite (which flourish without free oxygen) infect the patient. Dr. Horst Kief and other German doctors claimed to have destroyed not only AIDS but "herpes, hepatitis, Epstein-Barr, cytomegalovirus, and other lipid-envelope viruses" through a hyper-oxygenation process whereby blood withdrawn from the patient is infused with electrified ozone (O3), and then the blood, saturated with the oxygen-enhanced, virus-destroying ozone, is infused back into the patient. this is done from twice a week to twice a day, depending upon the severity of the case. (36) since most of these claims have been "anecdotal" rather than the doubleblind/placebo, controlled studies favored by the American medical establishment, they have been conveniently disregarded. (37)

in light of all this, it seems hard to deny that AIDS may not be a new and deadly disease, relentless and impervious t treatment, elusive o even plausible explanation as to its origin, but the latest outbreak of an old disease that refuses to disappear, a serious menace but one will enough understood, and capable of being effectively treated. this is hardly good news: no one expects AIDS victims to suddenly shout, 'yippee! i don't have an immunosuppressive virus after all, i just have syphilis!" but- and this is a big but- it should come as a relief to those suffering from AIDS and those attempting to treat them, as well as the millions of us scared silly by the doomsday rhetoric of the last few years, to know that this is not an insurmountable plague, or the looming death of the human race as we know it. it's not the wrath of some genocidal deity even crueler than his fallible creations, or the implacable revenge of an outraged Mother Nature trying to extinguish her most destructive parasite; or the secret biowarfare weapon of either Us or Them...

at least, that's how you would think it would be by now. bit it isn't. you only have to watch the CDC's "public service" commercials on television, or read an article in a mainstream news magazine to realize that the HIV myth is still dominant. why? for one thing, the medical profession has made no attempt to retract its collective error or revise its findings. too many egos and reputations, not to mention too much money, on the line. it's quite embarrassing, this, the single greatest fuck up in the history of modern medicine. never mind that people are dying, and will continue to die, needlessly: slowly and painfully deteriorating day by day because of this willful blindness. can the medical establishment really be this vain, this ignorant, this stupid? or is there, after all, some more sinister, covert purpose at work here, are we back in conspiracy theory territory again? what looks like the deliberate suppression of the simple solution to a falsely elaborate mystery can be seen to point that way.

from 1932-1972- forty years- the US Public Health Service, the direct precursor of the current Center for Disease /Control, conducted an experiment on approximately 400 black men in Macon County, Alabama, the now notorious Tuskegee experiment. during this time, these black men, all suffering from syphilis but kept ignorant of the fact by the doctors running the study, were monitored as to the progression of the disease and its effects on them. basically,m it was an experiment to determine at close range the condition and behavior of men slowly and unknowingly dying of a vicious venereal disease, purely for the purposes of scientific progress, of course. this went on while the Nazis conducted similar experiments in the death camps, while a penicillin treatment for syphilis was devised and denied these men, and while the civil rights movement arose. yet is wasn't until 1972 that the Tuskegee experiment was ended after a disgusted federal worker, who had been trying since 1966 to stop the experiment, leaked the story to the press. otherwise it would still be going on today. (38)

or is it over? could AIDS be Tuskegee II: The Empire Strikes Back...? wait a few years then switch the focus t another despised, expendable minority group, gay white men (hell, even blacks hate them...) as the initial group of guinea pigs, rename the disease and profess befuddlement as to its nature and origin, broaden the laboratory to include the whole country, and put it under the control of the new, improved federal agency that produced Tuskegee I, and which suppresses every attempt to revise or contradict its claims.

then you can find the same thing in Africa, Brazil, in Europe, Japan, the Caribbean...a world-wide outbreak, an epidemic, a plague...something must be done, or by the Year 2000, that magic millennial number, half the world will be dead...

and then you can implement you program for a kinder, gentler, less crowded New World Order...for more lebensraum for straight, white , rich Republicans to...to do whatever it is they do for fun...

impossible" paranoia" maybe...maybe it just is only greed and hubris and stupidity and the dinosaurian obtuseness that keeps the tail wagging long after the brain has died, that keeps the AMA/FDA/CDC/NIH/CNI and the rest of the alphabet soup axis from bowing to the inevitable and admitting to their errors, their myopia, and facing the facts.

it's not an enviable prospect for the medical community: dereliction of duty and violation of their sacred oath vs. being tools of a genocidal plot. either way, many people have died, many people are still dying, and if ignorance of this disease and its suppressed cures increases along with the predicted number of future AIDS cases, many more people will die, all needless, avoidable deaths.

in the meantime, a handful of compassionate, free-thinking physicians and researchers seem to have found more than enough viable alternatives to death. if they are correct, and if they prevail over the HIV cult, then there is a good chance that AIDS- whatever it is - will not survive until the year 2000. if they are not correct, or if they do not prevail over the HIV cult, as things now stand and as we are constantly being reminded, many of us might not survive until the year 2000.

G. J. Krupey

STEAMSHOVEL PRESS 5927 kingsbury st. louis, MO 63112


1) Farber, Celia- "AIDS: Words From the Front", SPIN, v.3, #7, Nov/Dec 1987, pp. 73-5: Rappoport, Hon, "AIDS Inc.: Scandal Of The Century, 1988, Human Energy Press, San Bruno, Ca., pp. 60-2

2) Farber, "Sins of Omission: The AZT Scandal", SPIN, v.5 #8, Nov. 1989, p.42

3) Farber, SPIN, v.3 #8, Nov/Dec, 1987; Rapoport, v.5 #8, Nov. 1989, p.57

4) Farber, SPIN, v.3 #7, p.74

5) ibid.

6) ibid

7) ibid

8) Farber, SPIN, v.4 #2, May 1988, p.73

9) Mitchell, ?Robert, "Syphilis as AIDS", 1990, Austin, Texas, Banned Books: Rappoport, "AIDS Inc.., pp.243-47; Farber, SPIN, v.2 #10, March 1988, pp.54-6

10) many gay men would get antibiotic prescriptions from their doctors for a variety of ailments, often for use as a preventive for any possible sexually-transmitted disease (STD). see Mitchel pp.12-3, and Rappoport, pp.47-50

11) Farber, SPIN, v.3 #10, March 1988, p.54

12) Rappoport, p.244

13) Mitchell, pp. 18-23

14)Farber, SPIN, v.3 #10, March 1988, p.54

15) Rappoport, p.244

16) Farber, SPIN, v.3 #10 p.54

17) Farber, ibid; Mitchell, pp 13-5 & 99-107: Rappoport, pp.245-6

18) Mitchell, p.101

19) Farber, SPIN, v.3 #10, p.56; Mitchell, p.14 & pp.101-2: Rappoport, p.246

20) Mitchell, p.14

21) Rappoport, p.246

22) Farber, SPIN, v.3 #10

23) Leishman, Katie, "AIDS: Words From the Front", SPIN, v.4 #8, Nov. 1988, p.44

24) ibid, pp.46-7, Mitchell, pp.15-16

25) Leishman, p.47

26) ibid, p.49

27) ibid. p.46

28) ibid

29) McMillan, Dennis; "AIDS: Words From the Front"; SPIN v.4 #11, Feb. 1989, p.62; Salinas, Mike, "Doctors Present Proof of Effective AIDS Treatments", New York Native, May 25, 1987, p.9

30) ibid

31) McMillan, p.63

32) ibid. p.75

33) ibid

34) Hopkins, Drew, "AIDS: Words From the Front"; SPIN, v.5 #6, Sept. 1989, pp.81-103

35) Regush, Nicholas, SPIN, v.6 #5, Aut. 1990, pp.70-1

36) Salinas, pp.8-9

37) Waves, Forest, "AIDS, Cancer Cured by Hyper-Oxygenation", NOW WHAT? #1, 1987, box 768, Monterey, Ca 93942

38) Lederer, Robert, "Precedents for AIDS", Covert Action Information Bulletin #28, Summer 1987, p.35; Cantwell, Alan, jr., MD, "AIDS and the Doctors Of Death: An Inquiry Into The Origins Of AIDS", 1988, Los Angeles, Aries Rising Press, pp.167-71, Mitchell, p.86

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