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UltraSonics: America's Secret Police

Can a secret police force exist in America? Never! I would have given this answer before September of 1998 but not now. A secret police force operating above the law, conducting illegal surveillance, and acting as judge, jury, and executioner exists in America. This secret police force consists of private American citizens who have access to extremely sophisticated surveillance, harassment, and non-lethal weapons technology. This technology is restricted classified technology and should only be available to special military and special law enforcement divisions but private American citizens have obtained it. This classified technology was developed to protect the national security of the United States but is now being used against innocent American civilians. I named this secret police force "UltraSonics" because of the type of weapons they use to attack the person they are targeting. I'll refer to members of UltraSonics as "UltraSonics Agents". I'm referring to UltraSonics Agents as agents because their training, equipment, and weapons are equivalent to or even superior to that of agents of the FBI or CIA. And I'll refer to the person that UltraSonics is targeting as the "Target".

I'm a Target. UltraSonics conducted illegal surveillance of me and then attacked me with non-lethal weapons. The information on this page is based on observations I made of UltraSonics over a period of several years, information I received from other people who have knowledge of UltraSonics, and my personal speculation about UltraSonics. Since UltraSonics did illegal surveillance of me and learned everything about me, I thought it was only fair that I tell as many people as possible everything I know about UltraSonics. Isn't that fair? This web site is my attempt to do so, and the story you will read on this web page is based on a true story. This is only a draft of my story and it is by no means the complete story. I wanted to put together a summary of important information about UltraSonics that should be brought to the public's attention.

I am not a professional writer but the story on this web page should be told. I hope someday a professional writer will write the complete story, and I would seek no compensation for telling the story. The story on this web page I would not have believed unless it happened to me. I don’t’ believe I would have been targeted by UltraSonics under normal circumstances. I believe a corrupt and powerful person living in my neighborhood community used his influence to persuade UltraSonics to target me. Because of this corrupt individual, a unique opportunity has arisen to expose a well-kept and horrific secret that may have been kept hidden from the general public for decades. The secret involves Human Rights and Civil Rights violations on an unprecedented scale. I urge you to read through this entire web page and keep an open mind.

UltraSonics is a hate group and a terrorist organization. Just as any other hate group or terrorist organization, UltraSonics has an extreme agenda. The agenda of UltraSonics is to create and maintain a society in America they feel is the proper one. This creating and maintaining of UltraSonics’ society involves social engineering at the local community level of our society and social engineering at the political level of our society. Like any other terrorist organization, UltraSonics will use terrorism as a means of implementing their extreme agenda. In attempting to implement their extreme agenda, UltraSonics will even sacrifice the lives of innocent people to achieve their objectives. UltraSonics is a terrorist organization that is no different than the terrorist organization that destroyed the World Trade Center in New York.

When you’re dealing with terrorists, you can’t use simple reason to analyze them. Is it reasonable to believe that terrorists would fly two passenger planes filled with innocent civilians into the World Trade Center and kill everyone on the planes and thousands of innocent people on the ground just to advance their extreme agenda? NO! Well, it happened. When you’re dealing with terrorists, reason is out the window. The FBI’s definition of terrorism is “Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives”.

Make no mistake as you read through this web page, UltraSonics is a vicious extremist terrorist organization and has developed terrorist methods and obtained terrorist technology to implement their extreme agenda. The terrorist methods and terrorist technology of UltraSonics may seem strange and unreasonable to you at first, but remember you are dealing with terrorists who are unreasonable and extreme. UltraSonics is a terrorist organization that is better equipped, funded, educated, trained, and organized than their Middle Eastern terrorist group counterparts.

Past efforts by extreme right wing groups in America, such as the KKK, to change or prevent the change of society have been unsuccessful. Human and civil rights Groups were able to halt efforts by these extreme groups that wanted to deny American Citizens their basic Human and Civil Rights. People’s race, sex, sexual orientation, and state of mind were used as reasons by these extreme groups to deny them their basic rights afforded to them as citizens of the United States.

These extreme right wing groups have not gone away. They may be fewer in numbers and not as visible as they once were, but they are still very active and as dangerous as ever. People who have in the past joined these extreme groups have now formed a secret police force strikingly similar in nature to that of the former Soviet Union’s KGB. This secret police force, UltraSonics, uses today’s high technology as means of secretly and slowly implementing their extreme agenda.

A primary goal of UltraSonics’ extreme agenda is to target people considered socially unacceptable by UltraSonics and force them out of neighborhood communities. UltraSonics considers mentally ill people socially unacceptable and thereby a threat to neighborhood communities. UltraSonics targets mentally ill people living in neighborhood communities to force them out of the communities, force them into mental institutions for treatment, and force them onto prescribed medications for the remainder of their lives. In UltraSonics’ attempt to achieve this goal, a mentally ill person may flee the community, commit suicide, be willingly or forcibly committed to a mental institution, or wind up in jail. Because UltraSonics views people with mental disabilities as a threat to neighborhood communities, UltraSonics will dedicate enormous resources to obtaining this primary goal.

Other members of a community who UltraSonics views as a threat to their agenda could also find this technology used against them as well. A person's past history, current behavior, race, sexual orientation, ideas, politics, religious beliefs, and/or attitude could also qualify him as a Target. The Target can be a man, women, or child. The references to the Target as “him” or “he” also refer to “her” or “she”.

Public officials who threaten UltraSonics’ agenda are also targeted. These public officials include elected officials, politicians, news reporters, CEOs, civil and human rights activists and leaders, and any other public figure that could use his position of power to threaten UltraSonics’ agenda. Public officials who are targeted by UltraSonics are placed under surveillance to collect potentially embarrassing or damaging information about them that can be used as leverage against them or used to destroy them. UltraSonics can setup public officials, blackmail them, or even destroy their careers with this surveillance intelligence.

Selected people from prominent professions in our society are entrusted with the secret of UltraSonics. These selected people include psychiatrists, medical doctors, lawyers, law enforcement officials, government officials, state officials, and local officials. They protect the secret of UltraSonics vigorously. They were entrusted with the secret of UltraSonics because it was determined they have the persona and stature necessary to assist in the implementation of UltraSonics’ extreme agenda. They work within their professions to promote the agenda and protect the secret of UltraSonics. These people believe in the agenda so deeply that they will lie and even commit perjury to protect the secret. They believe that society relies on them to make decisions and take actions, sometimes extreme and illegal, to protect society. Not all their actions are of public record, many are covert and hidden from the general public.

These selected prominent members of society all help contribute to achieving the overall goals of UltraSonics’ extreme agenda. Psychiatrists and medical doctors knowingly misdiagnose people targeted by UltraSonics so the targeted people can be forcibly removed from society, placed in mental institutions, and forced onto prescribed medications. Law enforcement uses information from UltraSonics to have targeted people setup and sent to prison. Lawyers mislead and take advantage of targeted people in order to drain their financial resources and their will. Government, state, and local officials use the powers that they were given to promote laws favorable to the agenda and block laws that are not. The officials covertly assist in the delivery of restricted classified surveillance, harassment, and non-lethal weapons technology to UltraSonics.

All these selected prominent members of our society use their influence to sway other members of their professions who are not aware of UltraSonics. Pressure is put on these other members of the profession, who are unaware of UltraSonics, if they somehow discover or do something that could somehow place into jeopardy the secret or agenda of UltraSonics. Members of a profession who are uncooperative and threaten the secret or agenda of UltraSonics will find themselves targeted by UltraSonics, shunned by other member of their profession, and their career placed in jeopardy or even destroyed. These uncooperative members of a profession could even find themselves setup and sent to prison or forced into mental institutions, declared mentally unstable, and forcible drugged.

Public officials who threaten the agenda of UltraSonics will find embarrassing or even devastating information leaked to the news media organizations in an attempt to discredit or destroy them politically. Reports of alleged extramarital affairs or illegal activities will surface at critical moments in their public careers. In addition to placing these public officials under surveillance, UltraSonics will also place their mistresses, known acquaintances, family members, and friends under surveillance in order to covertly obtain this information.

UltraSonics uses its sophisticated technology to conduct surveillance of and in certain cases attack people who are targeted. In order to protect the secret of UltraSonics, UltraSonics will not normally attack targeted people with non-lethal weapons unless they have some type of a mental disorder that can be used by psychiatrists to link the targeted person’s complaints of attacks by non-lethal weapons to mental illness. This selective attack strategy is used to guarantee the person attacked will not be able to take legal action against his attackers. The attack will simply go unnoticed by society.

The technology that UltraSonics uses to attack targeted people can be used to artificially create symptoms of serious mental or physical disorders. While under attack, if the Target is unable to comprehend what is happening to him, he could be driven out of control and/or driven insane. Parents of children with mental disabilities should be warned about UltraSonics because those parents may misinterpret artificial symptoms produced by this technology as symptoms of serious physical or mental disorders, should the technology be used to attack their child.

People attacked by UltraSonics will find that they are alone and with nowhere to turn. Prominent members of society who are aware of UltraSonics will do nothing to help and sway others from helping. People in general who are not aware of UltraSonics will view people attacked by UltraSonics as being mentally ill and distance themselves from them. Family members of a targeted person under attack will try to understand what is happening to their family member but usually come to the conclusion that their family member is suffering from mentally illness.

Non-public officials or everyday people who are placed under surveillance and possibly attacked by UltraSonics can range from mentally ill people to people who have seen something they should not have. If the parents of a mentally handicapped child refuse to put their child that their community feels threatened by in a mental institution, UltraSonics can use its technology to attack the child and drive the child out of control. The parents will then have no other choice but to institutionalize the child. If the community feels threatened by the loner that lives in the house down the street, UltraSonics can attack that person and drive him out of the neighborhood and into a mental institution. If law enforcement wishes to discredit a person who has crossed the path of the law, UltraSonics will use its technology to have the person setup and sent to prison or attacked and sent to a mental institution, declared mentally unstable, and forcibly drugged. If someone has seen something he should not have seen UltraSonics can make him quickly forget what he has seen. If a community discovers that a convicted criminal has moved into their neighborhood, UltraSonics is on the way.

In the United States, a person is considered legally mentally ill when a psychiatrist diagnoses him with a mental illness. Psychiatrists use a manual called the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders – Fourth Edition) to diagnose people as being mentally ill. The DSM-IV is basically a psychiatrist’s bible for diagnosing mental illness. The DSM-IV gives step by step guidelines for a psychiatrist to use when diagnosing mental illness. The DSM-IV has been adopted by the American Psychiatric Association and its guidelines are used in our courts of law to legally declare people as being mentally ill. Psychiatrists must follow these guidelines when diagnosing mental illness.

In almost every state in the United States, a person legally declared mentally ill cannot be forced into a mental institution unless he is classified as violent. Once he is classified as violent by the legal system, he can be forced into a mental institution against his will for an indefinite period of time. The threshold for legally classifying a mentally ill person as violent is simple: If a mentally ill person commits the slightest violent act, he is considered violent by the system. A violent act can be as simple as punching another person in the face or slashing a tire on a car. Once a mentally ill person commits an act of this nature and is caught by law enforcement, he can be legally declared mentally ill and violent by a psychiatrist. Once this classification occurs, the mentally ill person will lose his right to refuse institutionalization.

Additionally, in almost every state in the United States, a mentally ill person who is not violent cannot be legally forced to take prescribed medication for his mental illness against his will. However, when a mentally ill person is classified as violent, in addition to being forcibly institutionalized, he can also be legally forced to take prescribed medication for his mental illness regardless of his wishes. If a mentally ill person who is classified as violent by the system refuses to take his prescribed medication orally, it can be forcibly administered intravenously. If a mentally ill person is forcibly committed to a mental institution after becoming violent, one condition for becoming eligible for release is that he continue to unconditionally take the medication prescribed for his mental illness.

To insure a released mentally ill person declared violent by the system does take his prescribed medication, he may have to report daily to a health center to take his medication in front of a mental health worker or a mental health worker may show up at his home daily to administer the medication. Click here for a cartoon of “Meds on Wheels”. This is done to guarantee the mentally ill person does not discontinue his medication. Periodic blood tests can also be ordered by the system for the mentally ill person to guarantee he has not discontinued his medication. If a released mentally ill person considered violent does discontinue his daily medication, he will be forcibly returned to the mental institution, where the medication can be once again forcibly administered. This forced medication is for the remainder of the life of the mentally ill person.

Thorazine, Clozapine, and Haldol are some of the medications mentally ill people classified as violent by the system are being forced to take. These medications can have very harmful side effects that can damage the brain and cause permanent damage the nervous system. These medications are being referred to as mind-altering and brain-disabling drugs because the medications basically give a person a lobotomy without surgery, a “Chemical Lobotomy”. Since surgical lobotomies performed on mentally ill people in the past are now illegal, mental institutions are now using these medications to give mentally ill people a Chemical Lobotomy and turn them into walking zombies.

Psychiatrists at mental institutions are using these mind altering drugs to control their patients. “Thorazine Stare” is a term given to a condition a mentally ill patient develops after being placed on Thorazine. The patient on Thorazine stares aimlessly at walls all day and develops a robotic personality. The patient is mainly disconnected from reality and requires little supervision. Mental institutions are using Thorazine as a means to control patients at the institutions. Fewer staff personnel are needed to supervise the mentally ill patients, and a significant cost savings is realized. The drug Thorazine allows mental institutions to basically warehouse mentally ill people in an affordable and profitable manner. Click here for a cartoon of a mental hospital.

Mentally ill people that can’t afford their forced medication and have no health insurance that will pay for the medication will have their medication paid for by state and federal programs.

“Involuntary Inpatient Commitment” occurs when a mentally ill person commits a violent act and is forced against his wishes into a mental institution for treatment. Treatment in a mental institution for a mentally ill person basically means forcing the mentally ill person onto prescribed medication. “Involuntary Outpatient Commitment” is a more aggressive action against mentally ill people. Involuntary Outpatient Commitment allows the mental health system to actively seek out mentally ill people who the system feels may commit violent acts in the future and force those mentally ill people to take prescribed medications against their will. This is a far more dangerous approach to dealing with mentally ill people because a person who is diagnosed as being mentally ill by a psychiatrist can be forced to take prescribed medication simply because the psychiatrist suspects that the mentally ill person may commit a violent act in the future. With Involuntary Outpatient Commitment, a mentally ill person can be forced to take prescribed medication even though he has committed no violent act.

If a mentally ill person living in a state where Involuntary Outpatient Commitment is law refuses to take prescribed medication for his mental illness, then it’s Involuntary Inpatient Commitment for him. Only one state in the United States currently has Involuntary Outpatient Commitment, New York. Several other states are considering adopting it as law but have met great resistance against it by human rights groups for the mentally ill. Click here to read “Problems with Forced Psych Drug Treatment”.

The Law Show, a National Production of WAMC Northeast Public Radio, aired a radio segment on Involuntary Outpatient Commitment. The segment was aired sometime in or around July of 2001. The radio segment is about seven minutes long. I converted the segment to Real Media format that can be downloaded over the Internet and listened to with a Real Media Player. The Real Media file contains only audio. The size of the file is around 820 K and will take around 3 minutes to download on a 56K-modem connection. Your web-browser should have a Real Media Player built in but if not, you can download a free one from a link in the link section of this website. Click here to download “The Law Show segment on Involuntary Outpatient Commitment”.

Since a mentally ill person who is not classified as violent by the system cannot be forcibly incarcerated in a mental institution against his will, UltraSonics has developed strategies they use against mentally ill people to attack them and drive them out of control so they can be classified as violent and a threat to society. Once a mentally ill person is declared violent and a threat to society by the system, the mentally ill person can be forcibly committed to a mental indefinitely and forced onto prescribed medication for the remainder of his life. Once forcibly committed to a mental institution, a mentally ill person cannot be released back into society until psychiatrists at the mental institution believe that the mentally ill person is no longer a threat to society.

UltraSonics also has strategies they use to discredit sane people and have them forcibly committed to a mental institution for an indefinite period of time and forcibly drugged, as well. UltraSonics knows the mental health system inside and out. UltraSonics understands that psychiatrists use guidelines from the DSM-IV to diagnose people as being mentally ill. Knowing that psychiatrists will use the DSM-IV, UltraSonics will harass the sane person with its high technology in ways that when the harassment is told to a psychiatrist, the psychiatrist can legally and ethically come to the conclusion that the sane person is mentally ill.

In effect, UltraSonics will lay the groundwork for a sane person to be diagnosed by a psychiatrist as being mentally ill. After the groundwork is laid, UltraSonics will attempt to get the sane person to turn violent, and if he does turn violent, he can be forcibly committed to a mental institution for an indefinite period of time as well. Even though this sane person has no mental illness, he will be treated as mentally ill and violent by the legal system and will have to undergo treatment for the mental illness a psychiatrist diagnosed him as having. Remember as you read through this story, there is a reason why UltraSonics is devoting so many resources to one person, and unfortunately, that person may not realize why until it's too late.

It is important to be aware that UltraSonics will use its high technology to harass the targeted person in ways to get the targeted person to commit a violent act. Once the harassment is told to a psychiatrist, the psychiatrist can legally use Involuntary Inpatient Commitment to have the targeted person forced into a mental institution and onto medication for the remainder of his life. In states where Involuntary Outpatient Commitment is law, a targeted person who simply tells a psychiatrist about the harassment by UltraSonics can be forced to take prescribed medication for the remainder of his life, and if he refuses to take the prescribed medication, it’s Involuntary Inpatient Commitment for him. This is important to remember because if UltraSonics is unable to get a targeted person to commit a violent act, UltraSonics may try to trick the targeted person into telling his harassment to a psychiatrist. Once the harassment is simply told to a psychiatrist, the psychiatrist can get a court order to legally force the targeted person onto prescribed medication.

The Russell Tribunal is an International Tribunal that investigates War Crimes. In the past, the Russell Tribunals have brought together distinguished public figures from many walks of life to examine testimony from experts and first-hand witnesses. The Tribunal has been able to interrogate these witnesses and arrive at conclusions which have sometimes had a significant influence on public opinion. The Fifth Russell Tribunal was held in Berlin in June and July of 2001 to hear testimony on psychiatric abuse in Western Societies. Medical practitioners, patients, victims of psychiatric abuse, and concerned citizens were invited to testify before the Tribunal. After all the testimony was heard, a written verdict about psychiatry was released by the Tribunal that is very disturbing. Click here to read the “Verdict of the Russell Tribunal on Psychiatry”.

UltraSonics would need hundreds of thousands of dollars to fund their operations. Funding to conduct UltraSonics’ operations come from several sources. First, funds from government programs are covertly and illegally diverted at the local level to fund UltraSonics’ operations. Second, funds from the forced incarceration of mentally ill people in mental institutions are funneled back from mental health service providers to fund UltraSonics’ Third, funds from the profits of prescribed medications that are forcibly administered to mentally ill people are funneled back from drug companies to fund UltraSonics’ operations. Fourth, real estate companies fund UltraSonics’ operation. Other additional funding sources exist from public and private sources.

The interests of all parties involved are met. By forcing mentally ill people out of neighborhood communities, into mental institutions for treatment, and onto prescribed medication for the remainder of their lives, UltraSonics’ primary goal is achieved. Remember, UltraSonics views mentally ill people as a threat and will use any means necessary to drive mentally ill people out of neighborhood communities.

HUD (Housing and Urban Development) is a federal government agency that is basically into social engineering. HUD funds and develops programs and strategies specific to what it feels are the needs of local communities. HUD allocates funds and gets involved at the local level to develop communities and rid the communities of what it considers undesirable elements. HUD covertly targets what it feels are threats to local communities to basically remove the threats from the communities. Local HUD officials illegally divert government funds from HUD and other programs in order to help fund UltraSonics’ operations. Taxpayers’ money disappears into black holes of inefficient and poorly run HUD programs and windup financing UltraSonics’ operations. There are widespread allegations of missing HUD funds, inefficient HUD programs, and corruption among HUD officials.

One government program in which HUD is directly involved in is called operation “Weed and Seed”. Operation Weed and Seed targets what the government considers undesirable people living in high crime neighborhood communities. Local steering committees are established that consists of the U.S. Attorney, private business owners, union representatives, community residents, corporations operating in the area, Chief of Police, faith-based representatives, school administrators, teachers, superintendent, non-profit leader, District Prosecutor, Law Enforcement Coordinator from USAO, regional leaders of Federal Departments and agencies (HUD, HHS, Small Business Admin, etc.), representative(s) from city agencies (housing, code enforcement, Dept of Recreation, etc.), and Military community outreach staff.

These local steering committees meet to decide how best to fight crime and rid the communities of undesirable people. UltraSonics is directly involved with Operation Weed and Seed. There is a government and military connection, which would explain UltraSonics ability to obtain sophisticated police and military surveillance equipment and non-lethal weapons. Click here to read excerpts from the Department of Justice Website on Operation Weed and Seed. If you would like learn more of Operation Weed and Seed, the actual Department of Justice Website is listed in the link section of this website. Or you can do a search for “Weed and Seed” at an Internet Search Engine to find the Websites of the various state branches of the program.

I converted an audio file from a website for a state division of Operation Weed and Seed to Real Media format. The file is a portion of a speech given by a State US Attorney General while discussing Operation Weed and Seed. The file is audio only and runs for under a minute. The file size is around 89K and will take under 30 seconds to download on a 56K modem. Click here to download a State US Attorney General discussing Operation Weed and Seed.

The mental health service providers or so called “Mental Health Caregivers” will benefit financially from the forced incarceration of mentally ill people in mental institutions. The more mentally ill people who are forced into mental institutions for treatment, the more profit can be made. More private companies are shifting to rehabilitation to boost their stock revenue. These private U.S. companies are even listed on the New York Stock Exchange, so the more mentally ill people that can be forced in for treatment, the higher these companies’ stock prices will go. Click here to read “U.S. private firms shift focus to treatment”.

Drug Companies also benefit financially from the revenue of the forced lifetime medication of mentally ill people. Drug Companies are also listed on the New York Stock Exchange and their stock prices will benefit from the forced medication of the mentally ill. Drug Companies are actively promoting their drugs as the magical cure to mental illness, and they are spending millions of dollars in a campaign to persuade psychiatry that their drugs offer the most effective treatment of the mentally ill. Click here to read “Psychiatric agenda set by drug firms”. Another interesting article that discusses the abuse and fraud in today’s modern psychiatry is titled “Insane Psychiatry – A Profession Run Amok”. Click here to read “Insane Psychiatry – A Profession Run Amok”.

Both Mental Health Caregivers and Drug Companies funnel a percentage of their profits from the forced medical services to mentally ill people and the forced medication of mentally ill people back to UltraSonics so UltraSonics can continue its operation against the mentally ill. More mentally ill people can be sought-out and forced into mental institutions and onto a lifetime medications, and the cycle continues. This is Big Business. There is a lot of money to be made, and with the efforts to make Involuntary Outpatient Commitment law in other states, a lot more money can be made.

Mental Health Caregivers and Drug Companies may even be pumping money into advocacy groups that support Involuntary Outpatient Commitment. Mental Health Caregivers and Drug Companies can let these advocacy groups do their dirty work for them. Advocacy groups that support Involuntary Outpatient Commitment are currently using random acts of violence committed by mentally ill people to try to scare the general public into supporting Involuntary Outpatient Commitment in states throughout the United States.

Real Estate companies benefit financially from the removal of people considered socially undesirable from neighborhood communities. Property values in the neighborhood communities will rise allowing the Real Estate companies to benefit financially. Real Estate companies can covertly provide financial support to UltraSonics and allow UltraSonics to do their dirty work for them.

"Plausible Deniability" is a term very well understood and used by UltraSonics. Plausible Deniability gives a person the ability to deny involvement in something that he is directly or indirectly involved in by simply providing a plausible denial. “I simply did not know anything about it” is a plausible denial used by many politicians in our government. Plausible is defined as the nature of an explanation appearing right within itself, but superficial in its appearance, specious. Deniability is defined as that having the attribute of being contradictable or deniable. Basically, if you want to seriously harass a person, you harass him in such ways that if he describes the harassment to anyone, he will be immediately suspected of being a pathological liar or simply mentally ill. That's a "Plausible Deniable Attack Strategy”. If the harassers are accused of harassing the person, the harassers can simply say that the person making the allegations is crazy. This is "Plausible Deniability" because the harassers can successfully deny the allegations by simply saying the person making the allegations is crazy.

UltraSonics attacks targeted people (Targets) with technology that extremely few people have ever heard of and they use psychological warfare tactics in their attempt to drive the targeted people out of control and/or insane. UltraSonics recruited people with the best minds in psychiatry, law enforcement, and non-lethal weapons technology. All these people have collaborated for the development and use of the technology and psychological warfare tactics that will be used against people targeted by UltraSonics. A method and a means now exist for using the system to deal with people living in neighborhood communities who are considered socially unacceptable by UltraSonics. The targeted person is up against an army of people who feel that he does not belong in their society. This army of people is extremely well organized and funded. They have extremist views and they are very devoted to their cause. UltraSonics is not playing games with the targeted person; they intend to destroy him.

Members of UltraSonics, UltraSonics Agents, are specially selected people who believe in the agenda so strongly that they will protect the secret of UltraSonics at all costs. Members of UltraSonics are angry white people who are dissatisfied with the direction of America. UltraSonics Agents fit the profile of the people who join hate groups such as the KKK and Skin Head Nazis. A possible tragic event in their lives may have caused these people to join UltraSonics because it allows them to strike out against the people who they feel are responsible for their pain. With media attention paid to hate crimes, such as KKK cross burnings on the home lawns of African Americans, it becomes more and more difficult for these hate groups to carry out their hate crimes. UltraSonics offers these angry white people an opportunity to strike out against the people they hate without risk of prosecution.

With today’s high technology, UltraSonics Agents no longer have to put white sheets over their heads and go out on a night of lynching; UltraSonics Agents can use high technology that can’t be reported in the news media or proven in a court of law to setup, harass, and attack the people they hate. UltraSonics Agents are driven by hatred, rumors, gossip, racism, homophobia, and bigotry. UltraSonics is protected by the powerful in our society, which allows UltraSonics Agents to have the state of mind that they are above the law and untouchable. UltraSonics Agents feel they have the right to conduct their operations and the laws of this country don’t apply to them; they feel they can get away with anything.

UltraSonics is made up of two tiers of members, specialist members and ordinary members. Specialist members are the people who make the decision on who is targeted and who is attacked. They have the stature, prestige, and the influence necessary to allow UltraSonics to operate covertly and above the law. Specialist members are the more affluent members in our society. They include high positioned government officials, highly positioned law enforcement officials, specially selected psychiatrists, and specially selected medical doctors. Specialist members analyze targeted people and make decisions on how to deal with them on a case-by-case basis. Ordinary members are members that perform the surveillance and attack of targeted people. Specialist members are much fewer in numbers and rely on ordinary members to supply critical surveillance information on targeted people.

Both specialist members and ordinary members are screened and tested thoroughly before being asked to join UltraSonics. A person cannot simply seek out and join UltraSonics. A person must have the “Right Stuff” before even being considered for membership in UltraSonics. The Right Stuff includes the requirement of hatred towards anyone who apposes or threatens UltraSonics’ agenda and the willingness to protect the secret of UltraSonics at all costs.

Specialist members of UltraSonics make the decision on who will be targeted. The specialist members receive information from internal and external sources on potential people considered threats to UltraSonics’ agenda. The specialist members secretly meet to discuss potential people that may be targeted by UltraSonics. This secret meeting is similar to the secret group meeting in the movie “Star Chamber”. If the specialist members at this meeting agree that a person is a threat to UltraSonics’ agenda and should be targeted, local selected specialist members are assigned and given resources to begin the operation against the now targeted person.

There are many divisions of UltraSonics throughout the United States. Some states have only one division but other states have several or more divisions. The states with multiple divisions may even have one division per local-county. Information and equipment is shared among the divisions. All targeted people are placed in a secret national database that is shared among all divisions. If a targeted person flees the state for another state, the division of UltraSonics in that state can resume the operation against the targeted person. Forms of UltraSonics also exist in other countries friendly to the United States. Technology and information are also shared among these foreign forms.

People targeted by UltraSonics are public figures and simple everyday people. Public figures are normally targeted by UltraSonics only for surveillance. UltraSonics will not normally attack public figures. Since public figures are normally only placed under surveillance, no one other than UltraSonics Agents is made aware of UltraSonics’ operation against the public figure. UltraSonics Agents will simply move into a home or an apartment next to the public figure to conduct covert surveillance of the public figure. The public figure will notice nothing out of the ordinary, other than the fact he now has new neighbors. The new neighbors will typically be people that appear non-threatening to the public figure, such as a retired couple. Surveillance equipment will be secretly moved into the new residence hidden in everyday typical items in an apartment or house, such as furniture. Everything will appear normal and the public figure will normally never be made aware he is under surveillance.

Every day people, who are not known to the general public, will be targeted differently. UltraSonics targets non-public figures for surveillance and possible attack. If the Target, who is a non-public figure, is living in a neighborhood community, UltraSonics will make contact with community leaders to discuss possible methods to rid the community of the Target. If a community is united and want the Target out of their community, UltraSonics will be able conduct its operation more easily with the support of the community. However, if a community were not united, UltraSonics would be more limited in the type of operation they would be able to conduct.

UltraSonics, with the assistance of community leaders, will make contact with each direct neighbor of the Target. Each direct neighbor, if not already aware, will be given information about the Target and the neighbor will be tested to see if he has the persona to knowingly break the law in order to rid the community of the Target. UltraSonics must select one direct neighbor's house as close to the Target's house as possible to conduct its operations. The direct neighbor that UltraSonics selects will either rent his house to UltraSonics or allow UltraSonics to operate out of his house.

UltraSonics will prepare the selected neighbor's house for the operation. Special hiding compartments will be installed in floors and other places throughout the house for hiding equipment and small parts of weapons. The large parts of the weapons are hidden in large pieces of furniture, such as end tables or cabinets. When the weapons are needed to attack the Target, the weapons can be assembled and made ready for use. If the Target calls the police after being attacked, the weapons can be quickly disassembled and hidden again. If the police do enter the house of where the weapons are being fired from, the police will notice nothing out of the ordinary. Only a complete and thorough search of the house will reveal the equipment and weapons.

UltraSonics will select willing volunteers from the local neighborhood community to help participate in the home operation against the Target. The operation against the Target is a 24-hour a day massive undertaking that requires more personnel than just UltraSonics Agents. Depending on their abilities, certain volunteers from the community will be trained in the operation of surveillance equipment and non-lethal weapons. All volunteers will be given lessons in basic psychological warfare tactics that will be used to harass the Target. UltraSonics will inform the participating neighbors of their legal rights they have for hiding the surveillance equipment and non-lethal weapons in their homes. The participating neighbors will also be shown methods, tactics, and tricks to avoid police detection. These newly recruited "UltraSonics Assistants" are only used for the home part of the operation against the Target.

Every case will be different, but if the Target is an adult and employed, UltraSonics will attempt to conduct some type of workplace surveillance of the Target. To conduct this workplace surveillance, UltraSonics could send UltraSonics Agents to the Target's workplace to try to gain employment. The UltraSonics Agents who do manage to gain employment will try to keep some type of low-level covert surveillance of the Target at work. One UltraSonics Agent gaining employment would be enough to keep this type of surveillance. The UltraSonics Agent(s) will covertly observe characteristics of the Target by observing his demeanor and acquaintances at work. With this type of surveillance, the Target will never know he is under surveillance at work. This low-level workplace surveillance is not the optimal type of surveillance that UltraSonics would desire because there would certainly be times when the Target's activities cannot be monitored.

If circumstances permit, UltraSonics will lease a business suite as close as possible to the Target's workplace to conduct more thorough workplace surveillance. A small business whose employees consist of UltraSonics Agents will move into the suite to conduct this surveillance. In addition to their regular job responsibilities, these UltraSonics Agents will assist in the surveillance and possible later harassment of the Target at his workplace. Since the suite is leased by UltraSonics, UltraSonics Agents will be able to prepare the suite and bring their sophisticated surveillance equipment and other devices to the business suite for this more thorough workplace surveillance of the Target.

I live in a mostly white middle class neighborhood community in Camden County, New Jersey. The real estate value of each house runs an estimated 75 to 125 thousand dollars. The houses are separate units spaced apart from each other by around 30 feet. I'm a loner living in a family neighborhood. My neighbors for years have tried just about everything to persuade me to move. They used conventional methods, such as name-calling, threats, and other psychological warfare tactics in their many failed attempts to persuade me to move. Names such as "Fag" and "Queer" were used to address me.

The atmosphere of the neighborhood has always been hostile towards me, but things really took a turn for the worst when I installed one of those ground shaking car stereo systems in my car. The stereo could be heard halfway down the block. I would typically listen to Gangster Rap artists, such as Ice-T, NWA, Easy-E, Ice Cube, Dr. Dre, Snoop Doggy Dogg, and Mc Ren. One of the residences of the neighborhood is a retired cop.

This retired cop is a big man in town. He is said to be the dirtiest of the dirty cops. I like to refer to this retired cop as the “Nazi Cop”, for reasons which will soon become obvious. Several people have told me that the Nazi Cop has connections with the CIA. The Nazi Cop’s daddy was a powerful real estate developer who built part of the neighborhood where I live. There are local landmarks that bare his daddy’s name. The Nazi Cop’s father was also said to be a Nazi himself, like father, like son.

The Nazi Cop, who was never able to fill his daddy’s shoes, joined the local police force to show his daddy he could do something on his own. He used his daddy’s name throughout his career on the local force to advance himself to a high position within the force before retiring from the force. The Nazi Cop seems to feels that since his daddy helped build the neighborhood where I live, he owns it. People living in the neighborhood are actually fearful of this guy. This Nazi Cop is one of those delusional cops of the past that felt they owned and ran the town.

The Nazi Cop does not like what Gangster Rappers have to say because he feels that Gangster Rappers threaten his authority. The Nazi Cop, already wanting me out of “his” neighborhood, decided to declare war on me after I started playing Gangster Rap music in the neighborhood where he and his daddy grew-up. As I came and left my house with the Gangster Rap music blaring on the car radio, the Nazi Cop’s blood started to boil. The Nazi Cop decided to use his influence to persuade UltraSonics to target me. The Nazi Cop has direct connections with UltraSonics and may even be an UltraSonics Agent himself. The Nazi Cop held a high position at the local police station, and was a valuable asset to UltraSonics in the past. UltraSonics certainly owes this Nazi Cop for his services.

With the Nazi Cop’s blessing, UltraSonics is doing a "High Tech Rodney King" on me to try to teach me a lesson about playing anti-cop rap music in a police neighborhood. This Nazi Cop wanted to show me how he would personally deal with Gangster Rappers moving into “his” neighborhood. Nothing scares this Nazi Cop more than Gangster Rappers taking on the issue of police brutality. The Nazi Cop thought he would show the entire neighborhood how big of a man he is by dealing with me and my Gangster Rap music personally.

The Nazi Cop’s plan was to attack me and control any law enforcement investigation which could result from the assault. This Nazi Cop’s plan might have worked but he forgot about one thing: The Internet. The Nazi Cop must have never heard of the Internet because he never thought anything could go wrong with his plan of revenge. The Nazi Cop does not want anything to do with the Internet because he can’t control it. The Nazi Cop can control local law enforcement but he can’t control the Internet. Because of this Nazi Cop’s actions, the horrific secret that has been so well hidden from the general public for decades can now be exposed.

With the abundance of video camcorders that the public owns, it's far too risky for cops to simply pull people out of their cars and beat them in the street anymore. Cops are forming vigilante groups that take the law into their own hands to punish suspected criminals. The cops who are members of these vigilante groups are referred to as "Gangster Cops". These Gangster Cops are now borrowing this surveillance, harassment, and non-lethal weapons technology, which were mainly used in the past on mentally ill people, to go after people who break or disrespect the law. These Gangster Cop vigilante groups are magnets for racist cops who blame the nation’s woes on minorities.

Police Brutality of the past is evolving into a new and far more dangerous form of “High Tech Police Brutality”. Police are now being given high technology to help fight crime. This new technology ranges from Facial Recognition Technology to Through-Wall Imaging Technology. It is said this new technology will revolutionize law enforcement in the coming years and enable law enforcement to catch the bad guys more easily. The problem is that some of the bad guys in this country are cops who are now misusing this high technology in an attempt to advance their own agenda.

A short time before I knew I was targeted by UltraSonics, I would notice a person standing at a window inside of my direct neighbor’s house holding a video camcorder and video taping me as I came and left my house each day. I really didn't think much of this at the time, but the Nazi Cop must have been sending these video recordings to UltraSonics in order to persuade UltraSonics to target me. The video taping started around the time I first started playing the Gangster Rap music on my newly installed car stereo.

I was targeted by UltraSonics because the Nazi Cop wanted to teach me a lesson. If it were not for the Nazi Cop, I don’t think I would have ever been targeted by UltraSonics. I have never been arrested before or broken any law. I have a technical background, which allows me to be familiar with today’s high technology. It was absolutely foolish for this Nazi Cop to use his influence to persuade UltraSonics to target me because from the first day I was attacked, I knew exactly what UltraSonics was doing to me. The disastrous and possibly fatal mistake made by the Nazi Cop and UltraSonics was to attack someone with this secret technology who could easily figure out the technology and broadcast it to the world on the Internet. It’s a little too late now but if UltraSonics wants to keep their secret technology a secret, they shouldn’t attack people with it who can easily figure it out.

UltraSonics targets people who would not be believed if they spoke out against this high tech form of harassment. People with mental disabilities would most certainly not be believed if they told other people about this harassment because people in general would most often attribute their complaints of harassment as symptoms of their mental disorder. These people would be laughed at and chastised by the public if they simply told people what they were experiencing.

People targeted by UltraSonics who misinterpret this harassment or are unable to understand it might create wild stories of haunted houses, extraordinary religious experiences, mind control, radiation weapon attacks, or any other incredible event to explain what is happening to them. These people are usually experiencing something real but are simply misinterpreting what they are actually experiencing.

People who misinterpret this harassment technology as symptoms of serious mental disorders could willingly commit themselves or find themselves forcibly committed to a mental institution for treatment for a mental illness they don't even have. Other people believing they are possessed by evil demons, under attack, or seriously mentally ill may commit suicide or die from complications to their health.

People targeted by UltraSonics can also include people who would not want any publicity involved in reporting the harassment or speaking out against it. People with criminal records would be reluctant to come forward because there could be publicity involved in speaking out. These people would normally try to avoid the spotlight because they would not want other people to learn about their criminal history.

The Nazi Cop was able to successfully persuade UltraSonics to target me and around August of 1998, UltraSonics began its operation against me. UltraSonics moved into my direct neighbor's house, where I noticed the person video taping me, to prepare for the operation against me. The original occupants of the house moved out and without my knowledge at that time, UltraSonics moved in. The neighborhood became mostly deserted at this time.

I work in a business complex that has dozens of suites for small businesses. Each business suite is separated by simple drywall and insulation, similar to what is found in most houses. Each business suite has the capacity to accommodate up to 10 employees. The business suite directly next to my workplace was vacant at the time and, also without my knowledge, UltraSonics had leased the suite and moved a small business into the suite to conduct workplace surveillance of me. At about the same time, UltraSonics had setup operation in both the neighbor's house directly next to my house and the business suite directly next to my workplace and began its operation against me.

Local HUD officials connected to UltraSonics may be moving specially trained people, UltraSonics Agents, into trouble spots in communities to assist community members in combating threats to their communities. Local HUD officials would simply use HUD funds to rent houses near targeted individuals and move the UltraSonics Agents in. Local HUD officials could also be using small businesses that outsource work from HUD to conduct illegal surveillance of targeted individuals at their workplaces. Employees of these small businesses would be specially trained people, UltraSonics Agents, who would keep workplace surveillance of targeted individuals. These small businesses would be moved near targeted individuals’ workplaces to conduct this workplace surveillance. UltraSonics may be forming these small businesses by employing only UltraSonics Agents and receiving special inside information from local HUD officials about how much to bid for outsourcing work contracts from HUD to insure these special small businesses run by UltraSonics get the contracts.

UltraSonics uses a two-stage approach to carry out its operation. The two stages are the "Surveillance Stage" and the "Attack Stage". In the surveillance stage, the Target is placed under surveillance. This stage is similar to a FBI stakeout, except that the FBI has a warrant to do its surveillance. UltraSonics is operating above the law, which means they answer to no one and need no warrant to perform their surveillance. This surveillance stage occurs first in the operation and will typically last for about 1 to 3 months. The Target will be totally unaware that he is under surveillance during this period.

The surveillance equipment that UltraSonics is using to conduct this surveillance is just as good or even superior to that of the FBI's or CIA’s. All surveillance equipment is operated from inside a direct neighbor's house and is not visible to anyone outside the house. From inside this direct neighbor's house, UltraSonics will be able to keep total audio and video surveillance of the Target in his house. UltraSonics is in possession of the most advanced classified surveillance technology available that can hear and see people through walls of a house. Using this type of surveillance technology means that the Target's house does not have to be entered to place bugs. The Target can be placed under total surveillance in his house and be totally unaware of the fact that he is under surveillance. A house where surveillance is being performed out of on another nearby house is referred to as a “Spook House”. Click here for a cartoon of a Spook House.

This surveillance technology is restricted classified technology and should not be available to private citizens. The surveillance technology is not the simple amateur type of surveillance technology sold at the local “Spy Shop”, it is the most advanced and sophisticated available. The technology was developed to protect the national security of the United States but is now being used against innocent American civilians. Countermeasures sold at local spy shops to defeat amateur surveillance technology will most often prove ineffective against UltraSonics’ sophisticated surveillance technology. Finding people locally that understand this sophisticated surveillance technology and are able to help defeat it will be nearly impossible.

Audio surveillance technology that can eavesdrop on conversations of people inside a neighboring house from inside a Spook House has existed for years. One type of audio listening device that UltraSonics is in possession of is a device that can hear conversations of people inside a neighboring house by simply bouncing a laser off a window of the neighboring house. The laser is aimed at a windowpane of the neighboring house from inside the Spook House, and as people in a room of the neighboring house speak, the windowpanes of the windows in the room actually move microscopically. The laser strikes the windowpane of the neighboring house and reflects back to the listening device inside the Spook House. The reflected laser is actually altered by the microscopic movements of the windowpane of the neighboring house. The alterations to the laser are converted by the listening device to audible signals, which are the voices of the people inside the neighboring house. This type of listening device has a tremendous range, possibly several hundred feet. The listening device uses a laser with a wavelength that is not visible to the human eye so no laser dot will be noticed on the window of the neighboring house.

Another type of audio listening devices that UltraSonics is in possession of is called a "Rifle Microphone". This name was given to the device because it actually has a shape similar to that of a rifle. This type of listening device can actually hear conversations through walls. The device is an extremely sensitive device that is susceptible to background noises. The device is so sensitive that it can hear a person breathing through a wall up to 100 feet away. The device is much more limited in range than the laser listening device, and is mostly used when no window is available to bounce a laser off of for audio eavesdropping. The listening device is simply pointed at a wall of a neighboring house from inside the Spook House and all conversations behind the wall of the neighboring house can be heard. Another name this audio listening device is referred to as is an “Electronic Stethoscope” because of its extremely high sensitivity.

Surveillance technology that can see people through walls has existed for some time. A recent and highly advanced type of this technology is called "Through-Wall Imaging Technology". This latest imaging technology allows for very good video eavesdropping of people inside a house through its walls. The through-wall imaging device incorporating this technology is pointed at the side of a neighboring house from inside the Spook House and a video screen connected to the device will actually display images of people and other objects inside the neighboring house. The imaging device is computer controlled and uses computer imaging software to produce images on the screen that are easier for the human eye to identify. The imaging device produces real time images and has enough detail to identify a person by body detail. It’s just like having X-Ray Vision, it can see through walls.

This imaging technology is incredibly effective in seeing through house walls and determining the location of a person inside a house. Through a wall, the imaging device can even distinguish a person's hand being held in front of his face. The capability of this through-wall imaging technology to see people through walls is far greater than the general public has been led to believe. I was informed that the newest devices that incorporate this through-wall imaging technology can be carried with one hand and are now the size of a small video camcorder. Click here to read about "Through Wall Imaging Technology".

Imaging technology that can see through walls and other materials operate in one of two modes, "Active Mode" or "Passive Mode". Active Mode is used to see through walls and other thick materials. In Active Mode, the imaging technology actually uses microwave radar signals, electromagnetic waves, in the range of 30 GHz to 300 GHz to see through walls. This range of microwave radar signals is very useful because the radar signals pass through walls of a house but reflect back off people and other objects inside a house. An object's characteristics will determine if or how well a certain microwave radar signal will reflect off it. The characteristics of an object include what material the object is made of, the static charge on the object, and the temperature of the object. The imaging device will transmit very short bursts of each microwave radar signal over the range of 30 GHz to 300 GHz and then detect any reflected signals from each burst. The computer-controlled device can scan through hundreds of microwave radar signals per second.

The disadvantage in using microwaves radar signals to see through walls is that detection equipment can detect when the imaging device is being used for video eavesdropping. Unfortunately at this time, no commercially available and affordable detection devices are available on the open market for the average person to purchase that can detect this latest through-wall imaging technology. Microwave oven leak detectors are available but will not detect through-wall imaging technology. Microwave oven leak detectors usually only detect microwaves up to 3 GHz, far below the 30GHz to 300 GHz range necessary to detect through-wall imaging technology using Active Mode.

I don't know if long-term exposure to this range of microwave radar signals presents a danger to a person's health. I’ve been exposed this technology for years and suffer no health effects from the technology. An area of concern may be a person’s vision but I was informed that the technology is harmless.

A less effective imaging technology that is mainly used to see through a person’s clothing is also available and uses what is called "Passive Mode". This less effective mode transmits no microwave radar signals; instead it relies on objects it’s scanning to emit some type of energy that can be detected. The static charge and heat emitted by an object is what this mode of imaging technology detects.

The advantage to using no microwave radar signals to see through material is that it's impossible to detect when the imaging technology is being used. Passive Mode is much less effective and is normally only used to see through a person’s clothing to detect concealed objects a person may be carrying. Passive mode can be used to see through walls but it’s much less effective than Active Mode.

In Passive Mode no microwave radar signals are emitted by the imaging technology so no risk to a person's health occurs. Passive mode is used extensively at airports to detect concealed weapons passengers may be carrying.

Millivision is a company that develops and manufactures through wall imaging technology. When you visit an airport, airport security uses Millivision’s Gateway Scanner to see right through your clothing to detect any concealed objects you may be carrying. I took excerpts from Millivision’s web site and placed it on the link listed directly below. If after reading the excerpts from Millivision, you would like to visit their web site, I listed the URL in the links section of this web site. Click here to read excerpts from Millivision’s web site.

MSNBC News aired a news segment in June of 2001 called “X-Ray Scanners Raise Privacy Issues”. The news segment is around three minutes long. I converted the segment to Real Media format that can be downloaded over the Internet and viewed with a Real Media Player. The Real Media file contains both video and audio. The size of the file is around 850 K and will take around 3 minutes to download on a 56K-modem connection. Click here to download the MSNBC News Real Media Segment on X-Ray Scanners.

As mentioned before, both the audio listening device and video through-wall imaging system are located out of sight inside the Spook House. From the outside of this Spook House, no visual evidence of the surveillance is possible. From inside the Spook House, UltraSonics can now see real time images of people in the Target's house and hear their conversations. All actions and conversations in the Target's house can be video taped and used by UltraSonics against the Target.

This through wall imaging technology can also be used to see other objects, besides people, inside the Target’s house. Objects such as guns, knives, drugs, house wiring, and hidden compartments concealed inside the Target’s house can be detected with this imaging technology. If the Target keeps a gun in a furniture drawer, for example, the through wall imaging technology will be able to detect it. Guns insides safes should be undetectable by the imaging technology but UltraSonics can enter the house to open the safe when the Target is away from home if a safe is detected.

As will be explained later, UltraSonics has incorporated through-wall imaging technology into targeting scopes that can be used to target a person through walls. The through-wall targeting scopes are used to target UltraSonics' non-lethal weapons and devices. With great precision, UltraSonics will be able to target and strike the Target inside his house from inside the Spook House.

UltraSonics is conducting 24-hour surveillance of the Target. UltraSonics Agents who are conducting this surveillance are editing and condensing the surveillance tapes (video and audio recordings) to remove any blank spots (gaps) before sending edited versions of the surveillance tapes to the specialist team in charge of analyzing the Target. This specialist team, who are much fewer in numbers, consists of doctors and psychiatrists who can best determine what makes the Target tick. The specialist team can quickly review the edited daily surveillance tapes to determine the Target's daily living habits, passions, and fears. All these characteristics of the Target will be used to build a complete and accurate profile of the Target.

Once this complete profile of the Target has been built, it will be used to determine the next step in dealing with the Target. A decision must be made by the specialist team on how to proceed with the operation against Target. If these specialist members of UltraSonics conclude the Target is a threat, the attack stage will be initiated against the Target. The attack stage is designed to remove the Target from society. This stage of the operation against the Target can include simple harassment of the Target, attacking the Target with non-lethal weapons, forcing the Target into a mental institution, or setting up so the Target to be sent to prison. The method chosen to attack the Target will be determined by the specialist team based on the personal characteristics of the Target.

The complete profile built of the Target will be used to determine the best method of attack. One goal of the attack stage is to attack and harass the Target is ways that if he tells his story of the harassment to other people, he will be immediately suspected of being a pathological liar or simply mentally ill. In the attack stage, UltraSonics could attack the Target in his home with sonic non-lethal weapons that are targeted and fired at the Target from inside the Spook House. Sonic non-lethal weapons provide an excellent method of attacking the Target in his home because the weapons leave no physical evidence behind after attacking the Target.

If the specialist team, after analyzing the Target during the surveillance stage, concludes the Target is not a threat to their agenda, no further action against the Target will be taken. UltraSonics will simply suspend the operation against the Target and the Target will never discover that he was under total surveillance.

Before proceeding I just wanted to explain what sonic non-lethal weapons are. Sound waves are atmospheric waves in our atmosphere (air). Sound waves are not visible to the human eye. Sound waves have a frequency, amplitude, and duration. The frequency of a sound wave is the number of times per second the wave will repeat, cycles per second (Hertz). One thousand cycles per second is called Kilohertz or simply KHz, one million cycles per second is called Megahertz or simply MHz, and one billion cycles per second is called Gigahertz or simply GHz. The frequency of a sound wave classifies it as infrasonic, audible, or ultrasonic. An infrasonic sound wave can't be heard by humans and has a frequency below 20 Hertz. An audible sound wave is the only wave that can be heard by humans and it has a frequency of 20 Hertz up to 20 Kilohertz. An ultrasonic sound wave can't be heard by humans and has a frequency above 20 Kilohertz. The amplitude of a sound wave is the height of the wave and the duration of the wave is how long the entire wave lasts for. Sonic and acoustic are both words used interchangeably to refer to sound. Click here for more information on ultrasonic sound.

We hear audible sound waves because those waves are creating pressures on our eardrums, and our eardrums are converting the pressures to signals our brains can understand. Our eardrums will not respond to infrasonic or ultrasonic sound waves, so no signals are transmitted to our brains in response to these sound waves. Most people associate sound with things we normally hear, such as birds singing, music on the radio, and people talking. What most people don't know is that sound waves can be used as a very effective weapon.

It is important to remember that sound waves not only travel through the air but also travel through metal, concrete, stone, plastic, wood, water, and people. When you're in your house with all the windows closed and an airplane passes overhead, you hear the sounds created by the airplane because the sound waves are passing through the structure of the house. When a pregnant woman goes to the doctor for an ultrasound, the doctor uses a device that passes ultrasonic sound waves that can't be heard or seen through her body to create images of her unborn child on a video display. The only thing sound can't travel through is a vacuum (no air). In outer space sound doesn't exist because there is no atmosphere, just a vacuum.

As we speak, sound waves, created by vibrations of our vocal chords, travel in all directions through the air, allowing other people near us to hear our words. In an explosion, sonic shock waves created by the explosion travel in all directions affecting all people near the explosion. These two examples are examples of sonic waves that are not directional because the waves travel in all directions. Sonic waves can be created that are directional and travel in only one direction.

A focused sonic wave is a single sonic wave traveling in a single direction with a single frequency. If you have ever seen a laser, you have seen a focused electromagnetic wave traveling in a single direction with a single wavelength. A laser is an electromagnetic wave (light) but sound (sonic or acoustic) is an atmospheric wave. For illustrative purposes, a good way to think of a focused sonic wave is as a "Sonic Laser". A sonic laser travels in a straight line, just like a regular light laser does.

If you have a laser pointer, you can get an idea of how a sonic laser will travel by using the laser pointer to strike an object without striking any other objects. Take a laser pointer and move the red dot produced by the laser pointer around the room. Where the red dot appears is where the sonic laser would strike if sonic laser were used instead of a laser pointer. The sonic laser is just as focused and controlled as a light laser.

In essence, UltraSonics has obtained non-lethal sonic weapons that fire powerful focused infrasonic and ultrasonic waves, which can be thought of as infrasonic and ultrasonic lasers. These sonic weapons accelerate the air molecules of the infrasonic and ultrasonic waves to such a high velocity that the waves will pass through walls, ceilings, floors, windows, furniture, and people with ease. The infrasonic and ultrasonic waves are tight focused directional beams of powerful acoustic energy that can have amplitudes of an inch to several inches. The beams of acoustic energy are just like light lasers but they are acoustic rather than electromagnetic. The acoustic beams can travel tremendous distances, up to several hundred feet, through the air, walls, ceilings, floors, windows, furniture, and people along its path. As will be explained later, nothing in a conventional house can stop these sonic lasers, except one thing, a vacuum (no air).

To understand what these focused sonic waves would look like if they were visible, take a 12-inch ruler and hold it vertically, the 1-inch indicator towards the ceiling and 12-inch indicator towards the floor. While keeping the ruler completely vertical, move the ruler as far away from you as possible, and then move the ruler in one direction towards you. The movement of the ruler towards you is essentially how the focused wave would travel if the wave were fired at you. Whatever part of your body got in the way of the ruler during this forward movement is the part of your body that will be struck if a focused sonic wave were fired at you. The amplitude of the focused wave is the inches of the ruler, 1 to 12 inches. You can now see how a focused sonic wave can travel through a house and only strike one person without affecting anyone else in the house.

Ultrasonic focused waves can be produced using ultrasonic transducers. Transducers are mechanical devices that convert electrical energy into acoustic energy. A speaker from a stereo is a good example of a mechanical device that converts electrical energy into acoustic energy. One difference between a speaker and a transducer is that a speaker produces audible acoustic waves, while the transducer produces ultrasonic acoustic waves. We can hear sound from a stereo speaker but we can’t hear sound from an ultrasonic transducer.

Focused ultrasonic waves produced by ultrasonic transducers can be made to be extremely powerful. In fact, focused ultrasonic shock waves can be produced. Focused ultrasonic waves can even be combined to produce lower frequency focused waves. Combining two or more of these focused ultrasonic waves can produce an even more powerful lower frequency sonic shock wave that can be infrasonic, audible, or ultrasonic. The focused waves can be combined near the transducers or at a focal point in the distance. The focal point is where the two or more focused ultrasonic waves combine to produce the lower frequency wave.

By directing a powerful focused infrasonic or ultrasonic shock wave towards one person, the force equivalent to that of an explosion can be directed toward that one person that cannot be heard by anyone but only felt by the person targeted. Non-lethal sonic weapons direct focused sonic shock waves in one direction. One person in a crowd of people can be singled out and attacked with a non-lethal sonic weapon to temporary disable or even kill that person. The military has done a lot of research in sonic non-lethal weapons and has developed the weapons for military applications. Click here for a military description of a sonic weapon.

Another method of generating a powerful focused infrasonic shock wave is to create multiple controlled explosions per second in a sealed chamber and direct the force from the explosions in only one direction. This method entails injecting an explosive gas into a sealed chamber and then igniting the gas. Ports leading from the sealed chamber allow the force of the explosion to be directed in only one direction. Repeating this controlled explosion many times per second creates the powerful focused infrasonic wave. The infrasonic wave can only be felt not seen or heard. The military also has created a weapon that uses this principle. The weapon is portable and light enough to be carried by only a single person. This weapon can also single out one person in a crowd and disable or even kill him without affecting anyone else in the crowd.

The Discovery Channel aired a show on non-lethal weapons called “Shoot Not to Kill” that featured a 4-minute segment on sonic non-lethal weapons. I converted the segment to Real Media format that can be downloaded over the Internet and viewed with a Real Media Player. The Real Media file contains both video and audio. The size of the file is around 1Meg and will take around 4 minutes to download on a 56K-modem connection. Click here to download the Discovery Channel Real Media Segment on Sonic Non-Lethal Weapons.

Sonic non-lethal weapons are used to temporary disable a person without causing any permanent damage. In a riot situation, an out-of-control rioter can be disabled temporary by striking the rioter with a powerful sonic wave. Most often, the weapons will not cause any damage to the human body but passing sonic waves through the body could create air pockets in cavities of the body, possibly causing death to occur. No physical marks are usually left on the human body after being attacked with sonic non-lethal weapons.

The major advantage UltraSonics has found in using sonic non-lethal weapons is that the sonic waves produced by the weapons can pass through a house or a building without damaging the structure of the house or building in anyway. Sonic non-lethal weapons can be used to attack a person in a house or a building and no physical evidence of the attack will be left behind.

I was given the grand tour of UltraSonics' arsenal of sonic non-lethal weapons. I’m not exaggerating when I say arsenal. UltraSonics has amassed an enormous collection of non-lethal sonic weapons that are used for one purpose, to terrorize people. I can’t stress enough that these sonic non-lethal weapons are profession precision military style non-lethal weapons. UltraSonics must have used every type of their sonic non-lethal weapons against me. UltraSonics has sonic weapons that fire long and short duration infrasonic and ultrasonic focused waves. Below I will describe the sonic non-lethal weapons and describe the effect to the human body created by each type of non-lethal weapon.

Since sonic non-lethal weapons technology is restricted and classified, I was unable to find a technical vocabulary that exists for sonic non-lethal weapons so I'll define a simple one here. The following terminology I'll use throughout the rest of this story. Short duration focused infrasonic waves are referred to as “Infrasonic Bullets”. Short duration focused ultrasonic waves are referred to as “Ultrasonic Bullets”. The general terms “Sonic Bullets” and “Acoustic Bullets” are used to refer to both infrasonic bullets and ultrasonic bullets. Long duration focused infrasonic waves are referred to as “Infrasonic Lasers”. Long duration focused ultrasonic waves are referred to as “Ultrasonic Lasers”. The general term “Sonic Lasers” is used to refer to both infrasonic lasers and ultrasonic lasers. The general term “Sonic Waves” can refer to both sonic bullets and sonic lasers. The general terms “Infrasonic Waves” and “Ultrasonic Waves” are sonic waves. “Acoustic Waves” is another term for sonic waves.

The tissue of human body tends to absorb the acoustical energy of an infrasonic wave while not absorbing the acoustic energy of an ultrasonic wave. This means that if a person were struck with an infrasonic wave, the human tissue would try to stop the infrasonic wave thereby creating the sensation of the wave colliding with the body. On the other hand, if a person were struck with an ultrasonic wave, the human tissue would generally not try to stop the wave and no collision sensation is created. Ultrasonic waves create other sensations to the human body that will be explained below.

Force will be applied to the walls of a house if a strong focused ultrasonic wave passes through the house. This force is not enough to damage the structure of the house, however. If this strong ultrasonic wave were to also pass through a human body, as it is traveling though the house, a strong force will be applied to the part of the body the ultrasonic wave travels through. The bones in a human body have a greater density than a wall of a house, which means the ultrasonic wave will have more trouble passing through the bones of a human body than the walls of a house. The more difficulty the ultrasonic wave has traveling through an object, the more force will be applied to it.

A strong force will be applied to the part of the body the focused ultrasonic wave travels through because of the bones in the human body. This force applied to the body may produce a strong violent jolt in the area of the body the ultrasonic wave travels through. The ultrasonic wave will attempt to actually drag the bones of the body in the direction the ultrasonic wave is traveling. Passing the ultrasonic wave through the legs of the body, for example, can jolt the legs as much as 6 inches. An ultrasonic wave of this nature usually has a frequency is in the Megahertz range, which means the wave is far above the human hearing range and can't be heard.

Try pushing against a wall in your house. The wall will not move because the structure of the house will counteract the force you applied to the wall, the wall will actually push back to prevent it from falling down. Now apply that same amount of force to a person. If the person is not ready to counteract the force by pushing back, that person will be jolted in the direction you push them. This is essentially what occurs when the powerful focused ultrasonic wave travels through a house. The structure of the house will withstand the force of the ultrasonic wave but the part of the person's body the ultrasonic wave travels through will be jolted in the direction the ultrasonic wave is traveling. Due to no counteracting force applied to that part of the body great enough to counteract the force applied to the body by the ultrasonic wave, a jolt to that part of the body would occur.

This is the trick to creating a jolt to the human body that leaves no physical evidence behind. The powerful ultrasonic wave easily passes through the tissue of the human body but has trouble passing through the bones. This trouble of passing through the bones creates the jolt. No visual physical evidence, such as marks or bruises, is created on the human body. This is one of those closely kept secrets that extremely few people have ever heard of. It’s an invisible force, which can’t be seen or heard, traveling through a house that can cause a violent jolt of a person’s body inside a house.

As will be discussed later, people who have claimed to have lived in haunted houses have experienced what they claim are jolts to their bodies caused by ghost or spirits. What they are actually experiencing is not ghosts or spirits causing these jolts but rather powerful focused ultrasonic waves passing through their bodies causing the jolts.

A focused sonic wave passing through the human body can also cause the organs in the body to resonate (vibrate) at low frequencies. These low frequency vibrations can cause the nerves in the body to react, thereby creating great discomfort and/or possible loss of bodily control. Infrasonic waves passing through the body can cause the organs in the body to resonate at a frequency equal to that of the infrasonic wave. On the other hand, ultrasonic waves passing through the human body can also cause the organs in the body to resonate at lower frequencies equal to that of the resonate frequencies of the matter.

Passing the right frequency focused sonic wave through the neck of a human can produce a choking sensation as the vocal chords resonate at a low frequency. This choking sensation can be achieved by passing an infrasonic or an ultrasonic wave through the neck of a person. This choking sensation is enough to wake a person from his sleep. UltraSonics Agents can use this choking sensation method to keep the Target awake all night and deny the Target his sleep. Every time the Target falls asleep, UltraSonics Agents can pass a sonic wave through the Target’s neck and wake the Target up with this choking sensation. No physical damage to the body is caused by this technique but a sore throat sensation may ensue for about an hour after a powerful sonic wave is passed through the neck.

Passing a focused sonic wave through the chest of the Target can cause the lungs of the human body to react and produce a violent gasping for air reflex. This gasping for air reflex will feel like someone just knocked the wind out of the Target. This is also an effective method to wake the Target from his sleep at night. It’s a far more violent method to terrorize the Target and UltraSonics does use it on occasion. The effect it creates is similar to someone punching another person directly in the chest and knocking the wind out of the person. No physical damage is done to the body as the wave passes through the chest.

The vocal chords, lungs, or even stomach can even be made to resonate at audible frequencies by passing the right frequency focused ultrasonic wave through them. The person the ultrasonic wave is traveling through can actually hear his vocal chords, lungs, or stomach resonating in his body at an audible frequency. This method can be used to make strange and weird sounds appear to emanate from the Target’s body.

Focused ultrasonic waves striking the Target’s head or passing through the head can cause dizzy sensations or severe head pains. The frequency of the ultrasonic waves determines if the waves pass through the skull of the targeted person. A severe headache can be artificially created if ultrasonic waves strike the Target’s head for a short period of time. This headache could last for an hour or more. Ultrasonic waves striking the Target’s head can cause a sensation referred to as a “Caffeine Head” or a “Dizzy State of Mind”, which could also last for up to several hours. Circular areas of numbness on the head can also be created by these ultrasonic weapons. Sonic weapons that produce these ultrasonic waves are sometimes referred to as ultrasonic pain generators. Ultrasonic waves passing through the head create a more violent and painful experience.

I've been hit with ultrasonic bullets and ultrasonic lasers that can penetrate the human skull. Good names for these ultrasonic bullets and ultrasonic lasers are "Skull Penetrating Ultrasonic Bullets" and "Skull Penetrating Ultrasonic Lasers", respectively. These skull penetrating ultrasonic bullets and skull penetrating ultrasonic lasers usually have amplitudes around an inch and produce different sensations as they pass through the head.

One type of skull penetrating ultrasonic bullet produces a very slight jolt of the head as the ultrasonic bullet penetrates one side of the skull bone. A feeling of something moving through the head will then occur and then another very slight jolt of the head will occur as the ultrasonic bullet exits the skull bone on the other side of the head. It will take around one second for all these sensations to occur.

A skull penetrating ultrasonic laser that passes through the head produces a sensation of something quickly passing through the head with no jolting action of the head. No jolting action is felt because the ultrasonic laser is much higher in frequency than the ultrasonic bullet mentioned above. Because the duration of an ultrasonic laser is much longer than the duration of an ultrasonic bullet, a continuous sensation of something passing through the head will occur. This continuous sensation lasts for about one to three seconds and feels like a long needle is being pushed through the head.

Another type of skull penetrating ultrasonic laser is an ultrasonic laser that produces a strong knocking sensation of the skull as the ultrasonic laser travels through the head. This knocking sensation is felt at the exit point of the skull where the ultrasonic laser exits the head. I believe the knocking sensation is produced by the ultrasonic laser being quickly varied in frequency from an ultrasonic wave that will easily penetrate the human skull bone to a frequency that will not. A feeling of pressure inside the head will occur as the ultrasonic laser passes through the head, then the knocking sensation occurs from the variation in frequency of the ultrasonic laser. No sensation of a needle being pushed through the head is felt.

Skull penetrating ultrasonic bullets and skull penetrating ultrasonic lasers are probably the closest a person can come to being shot in the head and surviving. If the ultrasonic bullet or ultrasonic laser passes close enough to the optic nerves while traveling through the head, the vision of the person could go completely white for a few seconds.

A knock out type of skull penetrating ultrasonic bullet is an extremely powerful ultrasonic bullet with amplitude of several inches that will pass through the human skull and produce a sensation similar to that of being hit in the head by a two-by-four wooden board. This powerful ultrasonic bullet will leave a person disoriented for a short period of time after being struck in the head. UltraSonics will usually fire this type of ultrasonic bullet at the Target’s head while he is sleeping. The Target will be abruptly awoken from his sleep by a sensation of something crashing through his head, and then disorientation will occur for a period of time.

UltraSonics has a sonic weapon that can fire an ultrasonic blast wave at the Target’s head that will engulf the entire head. As the blast wave passes through the Target’s head, it will produce a sensation similar to being hit by a Mac truck. Disorientation can last for several hours to a day after being attacked with this weapon. UltraSonics will also use this weapon against the Target while he is sleeping to basically blast the Target out of his sleep. Ultrasonic will use this weapon against the Target out of an act of desperation. If for example the Target was about to divulge damaging information about UltraSonics, this weapon would be used against the Target to frighten him into keeping his silence. If this weapon were used against the Target, the Target must have very important information that could prove catastrophic to UltraSonics. This weapon was most likely developed by the US Military.

Infrasonic bullets and infrasonic lasers are used to smack parts of the human body, including the back of the heard, hands, fingers, feet, arms, legs, and back. As mentioned before, the body absorbs most of the acoustic energy from infrasonic bullets and infrasonic lasers. Not much acoustic energy is needed to produce a smacking sensation on the human body. In fact, using too much acoustic energy for infrasonic bullets or infrasonic lasers can leave a mark on the human body or damage the structure of a house or building, which is something that UltraSonics will try to avoid at all costs. The Target will not see or hear the infrasonic bullets or infrasonic lasers striking his body but only feel them. As the infrasonic bullet or infrasonic laser strikes the human body, a feeling of something striking that part of the body will occur. Depending on the power of the infrasonic bullet or infrasonic laser, a sensation of something penetrating several inches into the body can result. The human body is trying to actually absorb the acoustic energy of the infrasonic wave and stop it.

An interesting note about infrasonic weapons that create infrasonic waves by means of controlled explosions: if the infrasonic wave passes extremely close to an ear, a faint sound of an explosion can be heard. The explosive method of creating an infrasonic wave is not perfect and audible sounds produced by the explosion will piggyback on the infrasonic wave. Unless the infrasonic wave passes extremely close to the ear, within an inch or less, no faint sound of an explosion will be heard. Also, an interesting note about certain infrasonic bullets created by combining ultrasonic waves together: if the infrasonic bullet passes extremely close to an ear, a faint high pitched swirling sound can be heard. UltraSonics fires these swirling bullets close to the Target’s ear simply to annoy the Target.

UltraSonics has an infrasonic sonic weapon that uses the explosive method to create one powerful pulse of acoustic energy focused in one direction. The sonic weapon uses a very large sealed chamber that is filled with explosive gas once and then ignited. Ports leading from the sealed chamber direct the force of the explosion in one direction. This weapon is aimed at the Target’s head and fired. The acoustic pulse passes through house walls without damaging the walls in anyway. After attacked with this weapon, the Target could have a severe headache that could last for several days. The pulse created by this sonic weapon is not as focused as UltraSonics’ other sonic weapons so it is usually only fired at the Target when the Target is alone in a room. The Target will feel and hear what seems like an explosion for a split second and then pain will result in the Target’s head.

The long duration powerful ultrasonic lasers can have amplitudes of several or more inches. As mentioned before, due to the density of bones in the human body, ultrasonic lasers can create a strong violent jolt or movement of parts of the body when the ultrasonic laser passes through the body. If one of the limbs of the body is struck, that limb will be suddenly thrust in the direction of the traveling ultrasonic laser. With the muscles in the hand and arm completely relaxed, a strong ultrasonic laser can pick up the hand or arm and thrust the limb in the air in the direction the ultrasonic laser is traveling.

It will seem like an invisible person just tugged the limb. Since the frequency of the powerful ultrasonic laser is in the megahertz range, it can't be heard by anyone. If anyone else is in the same room, they will not see, feel, or hear a thing. To anyone in the room who is unaware of UltraSonics and observing the targeted person’s sudden and unexplained limb movements, it will appear that the targeted person has a serious neurological problem. And if the targeted person is unaware of what UltraSonics is doing to him, he could be tricked into believing that he now is a very sick person.

Passing a very powerful ultrasonic bullet or ultrasonic laser through the shoulders can create a severe jolt of the upper body, and passing the same powerful ultrasonic bullet or ultrasonic laser through the waist can cause a severe jolt in the lower body. The powerful ultrasonic wave will not damage the skin or the internal organs of the body in anyway. The powerful ultrasonic wave passes easily through the flesh of the human body but not through the bones of the body. A jolt or movement will be felt but no marks will be left on the body. Again, the jolt or movement to the body is produced from the powerful ultrasonic wave passing through the dense bones of the human body.

One of UltraSonics favorite methods to terrorize a targeted person is to strike the person in the hands and fingers with powerful ultrasonic lasers. The person's hands and fingers will make involuntary movements in the direction the ultrasonic laser is traveling. UltraSonics strikes the hands and fingers because when psychiatrists diagnose a patient, they ask if the patient has experienced any involuntary movement of the hands and fingers.

Other types of sonic weapons that UltraSonics is in possession of can shower large parts of a person's body with an array of infrasonic lasers or ultrasonic lasers. This weapon can continuously be fired for several minutes. The sonic lasers in the array travel side by side in one direction. Each of the sonic lasers has amplitudes of an inch or more. The array of sonic lasers forms a circular shape with a diameter of around 12 inches or more. Since the sonic lasers are out of the human hearing range, the person being attacked will hear nothing as these sonic lasers strike against or pass through his body.

By targeting the legs of the targeted person with the ultrasonic version of this sonic array weapon, the person will feel a burning sensation in his legs. This method can be used to make the person feel very uncomfortable while sitting in a chair in his living room, for example. If this same ultrasonic weapon is used to target a person's head, the person will receive a severe headache, which could last several hours. UltraSonics also has a version of this ultrasonic weapon where the ultrasonic frequency of each ultrasonic laser is much higher in frequency. UltraSonics uses this weapon to pass incredibly high frequency ultrasonic lasers through the Target’s head. If this weapon is used against the Target’s head, the sensations created are disorientation, slight burning of the eyes, and a feeling of pressure building in the head. After the attack, the sensations of burning of the eyes and the pressure in the head will last for several hours, diminishing significantly after each hour. All of these sonic array weapons fire confined beams of acoustic energy that can attack one person in a room while not affecting any other people in the same room.

People who claim to have been gassed in their home may be mistaking this ultrasonic array weapon for the gas attack. The burning eyes or head pain sensations created might be similar to what a person would expect to experience if toxic gas were used against him. No physical evidence is left behind after the attack. If the targeted person went to the hospital after the attack, the doctors would find nothing wrong with the targeted person and recommend psychiatric help.

The infrasonic version of this sonic array weapon can be used to affect the proper functioning of a targeted person’s body. Vomiting or loss of control of bodily functions can result if infrasonic waves pass through or near parts of the digestive system. For example, the Target could vomit if this weapon were used on his digestive system. An infrasonic bullet fired into the Target’s stomach can cause a violent reaction of the stomach.

The array weapon can also cause what feels like a pressure to the chest or cause an irregular heartbeat if the infrasonic waves pass through or near the respiratory system or heart. While the Target is sleeping, UltraSonics will use this weapon to create pressure in the Target’s chest or create an irregular heartbeat to wake the Target in middle of the night.

This weapon is used by UltraSonics on homeless people to clear them out of neighborhood communities. The weapon is fired at the homeless person from inside a house or in some cases, a small van, truck, or SUV pulls up next to a homeless person sleeping on the street or in a park, and from inside the back of the vehicle, the weapon is fired at the homeless person. The homeless person is suddenly awakened with a severe pressure to the chest or an erratic heartbeat and then sees the van or SUV quickly pull away.

Homeless people targeted with these weapons have been creating wild stories of radiation weapons attacks and mind control devices being used against them, when in fact it’s just harmless sound being used. UltraSonics views homeless people as a definite threat to neighborhood communities and are actively running homeless people out of the communities with these sonic weapons. Complaints to law enforcement by homeless people regarding the attacks have fallen upon death ears. Law enforcement can easily brush off the complaints by these targeted homeless people because the general public assumes most homeless people are mentally ill.

Less powerful versions of this infrasonic weapon can be used to create tingling sensations in certain parts of the human body. In those haunted house stories when someone claims to feel the presence of a spirit, what he is most likely feeling is this type of infrasonic weapon striking his body with sound waves that he can't hear.

It is important to remember that all these sonic weapons are almost always fired from inside of a house next to the Target’s house. No one will run up to the Target's house and fire the weapons. The sonic waves pass straight through the walls of the house of where the weapon is fired from and then pass through the walls of the Target's house, and along the way striking the Target. No visual sighting of the weapon is possible because the weapon is fired from inside the house next door, the Spook House.

After a sonic wave passes through both houses, the sonic wave will eventually dissipate in the atmosphere. The weapon is usually fired with an upward angle so after the sonic wave leaves the Target's house, it will travel towards the sky and not pass through any other houses in the neighborhood before dissipating in the atmosphere. This upward angle is achieved by firing the weapon at the Target from the basement or first floor of the Spook House while the Target is on the second floor of his house.

The weapon can also be fired with a downward angle. This downward angle is achieved by firing the weapon at the Target from the second floor of the Spook House while the Target is on the first floor or basement level of his house. The sonic wave will travel toward the ground and then dissipate in the ground after traveling through the house.

These sonic weapons produce what can truly be considered a vanishing bullet. The weapons are perfect harassment tools because the weapons leave no physical evidence behind and it can't be proven in court of law that the weapons were fired at a person. After firing the weapons at the Target, no physical damage will be done to the Target or the Target's house.

UltraSonics also has sound projection equipment that can direct audible sounds to only one person in a house. The sound projection equipment works by producing two or more ultrasonic lasers that are angled to combine at some focal point at a distance. As the ultrasonic lasers combine at the focal point, a lower frequency audible wave is produced at this point. Humans can't hear the ultrasonic lasers that leave the device, but at the focal point, where the ultrasonic lasers combine, audible sound can be heard.

If one of the ultrasonic lasers is modulated with information, the final audible wave can be controlled. Controlling the final audible wave means that messages and other audible sounds can be directed to one person by placing the focal point of the ultrasonic lasers near the head of the person the message is to be sent to. The audible quality of the sounds projected by this device is of fairly good quality, somewhere between AM and FM broadcast quality. The sound projection device is operated from inside the Spook House and it can project audible sounds to a single person inside the neighboring house.

UltraSonics used their sound projection equipment to project an audible message to me in my house. An audible message that was a sentence in my own voice that stated "YOUR BEING TARGETED, BETTER KEEP MOVING" was directed towards me. UltraSonics had taken several sentences I had spoke in my house and chopped words out of those sentences to form this new sentence. This was one of several incidents that led me to the conclusion that UltraSonics was using eavesdropping devices to record my conversation in my house.

UltraSonics also directed audible sounds, such as barking dogs, firing guns, and footsteps, toward me in my house. A laptop computer that is connected to the sound projection equipment would be used to play the audio recordings. A laptop computer can be used to edit sounds and store those sounds indefinitely on the computer's hard drive.

A harassment device that is similar to what UltraSonics is using to project audible sounds and messages is called an "Acoustic Heterodyne System". The Acoustic Heterodyne system uses two ultrasonic lasers at around 200 KHz each that act as carriers of audible information. Click here to see a picture of an "Acoustic Heterodyne System".

UltraSonics sound projection devices use ultrasonic lasers in the Megahertz range as carriers rather that the Kilohertz ranges. UltraSonics’ sound projection devices are used to send audible messages directed at one person through walls, so a higher carrier frequency is needed. As the two or more Megahertz carriers are beat together at the focal point, audible sounds are created. UltraSonics’ sound projection devices can transmit an audible message to one person in a house from up to 200 feet away.

A police application for this sound projection technology would be to transmit an audible message to a hostage in a standoff situation with police where a deranged person has taken hostages. The police can direct an audible message to a hostage giving the hostage instructions on what to do when the police storm the house or building. The hostage can give some type of acknowledgement of hearing the message by a physical movement of a limb or quietly uttering an audible response. The police can use through-wall imaging technology to see the physical movement or the sensitive listening equipment to hear the audible response.

Another sound projection device available is called the “Sound Spotlight”. The sound spotlight was developed by a M.I.T. graduate student. The Sound Spotlight directs a discrete beam of sound in one direction. Click here to read the article “An Audio Spotlight Creates a Personal Wall of Sound”. Also: Click here to see the pictorial “Directing Sound like a Spotlight”.

In the haunted house movie "Amityville Horror" an evil spirit tells the priest to "GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE". This can be accomplished with UltraSonics' sound projection equipment. The audible message is sent to the Target stating "GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE" and then a powerful infrasonic wave is slammed into the side of the Target's face. The Target will hear the message and then feel what seems like a slap in the face. UltraSonics tried a similar method on me. I received an audible sound of a person doing a karate kick and then a powerful infrasonic wave was slammed into the side of my face. It really works and seems real. A feeling of a slight numbness will occur on the spot the infrasonic wave slammed into the face. The numb feeling could last for several hours and would actually feel like someone did hit the side of the face.

UltraSonics also has a high-powered version of its sound projection equipment that can fill a room in a house with extremely loud audible sounds. This sound projection equipment works on the same principle as the less powerful version. This more powerful device produces two or more very powerful ultrasonic lasers that are angled to combine at a focal point in the distance. At the focal point, loud and powerful audible sounds are produced. By modulating one of the powerful ultrasonic lasers with information, the frequency of the powerful audible sound at the focal point can be controlled. This high-powered version of UltraSonics' sound projection equipment is also fired from inside the Spook House and no physical damage is done to either house.

By placing the focal point of the high-powered sound projection device in a room of the Target's house, the room can be filled with very loud audible sounds. One method UltraSonics uses to harass the Target with this device is to fill the room where the Target sleeps with loud audible sounds while the Target is sleeping. This effect is similar to placing a powerful stereo loud speaker next to a person who is sleeping and then turning the volume of the stereo system up very high. The sounds created from this sound projection device can be so loud that the Target may have to cover his ears. Since the resulting sounds are audible, the sounds can be heard outside the Target's room. Because of this, UltraSonics will normally use this method of harassment on the Target while he is home alone or if he lives alone.

In those haunted house stories where a person claims to hear all types of strange and scary sounds coming from the attic of his house, it may not be ghosts or evil spirits, but rather UltraSonics. By placing the focal point created by this high-powered sound projection equipment in the attic of the Target's house, the attic can be filled with loud audible sounds that can be heard in other rooms of the Target's house. From the other rooms, it will appear that the strange sounds are originating from the attic.

By placing the focal point of the high-powered sound projection device outside of the Target's house near a window, loud sounds can be produced outside the Target's house that will appear to come from the outside if the Target is standing inside near the window. UltraSonics will create loud sound of explosions, electrical shocks, and fireworks outside the Target's house window. UltraSonics can also use this same technique to create very powerful low frequency rumbling vibrations of a house wall. If this rumbling method is used, the Target will feel and hear what seems like a big truck passing by his house, but when the Target looks out the window of his house he will see nothing. In those haunted house stories where the house starts to vibrate, rumble, and shake, it may just be this high-powered sound projection device being used. As will be discussed later, haunted house stories seen in the movies and on TV are greatly exaggerated to make them more entertaining to the viewing audience.

UltraSonics is in possession of an extremely sophisticated type of sound projection equipment that uses the human vocal chords to transmit an audible message to the Target that only the Target will be able to hear. As mentioned before, UltraSonics has a device that fires a certain frequency ultrasonic laser at the vocal chords of the Target to cause the vocal chords to resonate (vibrate) at low frequencies. This resonation of the vocal chords at low frequencies creates a gagging sensation in the Target’s throat.

UltraSonics’ much more advanced type of sound projection device modulates information on the ultrasonic laser that strikes the vocal chords to cause the vocal chords to resonate at audible frequencies. The resonating vocal chords produce low-level audible sound waves that only the Target can hear. This creates a sensation similar to a person talking with his mouth closed. All types of sound can now be transmitted to the Target that only the Target can hear. These sounds can include words spoken by the Target that were recorded earlier or other people's words.

A drawback to this device is that if the Target moves his body in anyway to cause the vocal chords to move out of the ultrasonic laser's path, the transmission will end. The audio quality of the transmission is not very good but it is good enough to trick the Target into believing he is now hearing voices inside of his head. It works and does seem real and can be used to artificially create voices in the Target's head, which are symptoms of serious mental disorders. This advanced device is used because once the Target tells a psychiatrist that he is hearing voices in his head, the psychiatrist can legally give the Target a Chemical Lobotomy, no questions asked. This device has been used to trick people into thinking that evil spirits possess them. The ultrasonic laser that is striking the vocal chords can't be heard; only the vocal chords resonating at audible frequencies will produce sounds that will only be heard by the Target. This device is also used against the Target from inside the Spook House.

UltraSonics can use their sound projection equipment to create strange sounds that appear to emanate from surfaces inside the Target's house. By angling the ultrasonic lasers to create the focal point just before the ultrasonic lasers strike a hard surface, audible sound can be produced that will appear to emanate from the hard surface. The two ultrasonic lasers in their original form pass through walls with ease but at the focal point as ultrasonic lasers combine to produce an audible wave, the audible wave will reflect back off the hard surface. This reflection of the lower frequency audible is what the Target will hear.

A clever method to harass the Target with this sound projection technique is to create loud snapping noises that appear to emanate from the hard plastic surface of the Target's TV set when someone on a TV program says a certain keyword, such as kill or murder. Implied messages can be sent to the Target by snapping his TV set whenever someone on a TV program says a keyword.

Many more methods are available for harassing the Target in his house with this sound projection technique. As the Target walks by certain places in his house, UltraSonics can produce strange sounds on hard surfaces near where the Target is walking. When the Target has company over, for example, UltraSonics can snap surfaces near where the Target is standing when someone in the room says a keyword. This snapping noise occurring once or twice will seem natural to someone not aware of UltraSonics, but to the Target, who this has been done to many times in the past, it will appear to be another signal from UltraSonics. UltraSonics can even make statues talk. When a person claims that a statue in his house spoke to him, it most certainly is not the statue but just UltraSonics using their sound projection equipment from the Spook House. This trick is used on people in their homes to trick them into believing that a religious statue is speaking to them. A statue of Christ, for example, can be made to talk and trick the Target into believing that Christ is speaking to them through the statue.

Another method UltraSonics uses to harass the Target is to use their sound projection equipment to snap a hard surface in the Target’s home and a few seconds later strike the Target in the head with an infrasonic bullet. The Target will hear the snap of the hard surface nearby and then feel what seems like someone just slapped him in the head. UltraSonics will repeat this technique over and over again when the attack stage begins. This is done to insure the Target is aware that the snapping noises created are being created by UltraSonics. As the infrasonic bullets strikes the Targets head, it produces an unmistakable feeling like someone just plucked him in the head with a finger.

UltraSonics has two very portable versions of their sonic non-weapons that I consider nuisance type sonic weapons. These portable devices fire a moderately powerful infrasonic bullet that feels like a light slap against the skin when it strikes the human body. The explosive method of creating an infrasonic bullet is utilized by these two portable versions. The larger version of these two portable weapons can fit in a gym bag and can be fired many times before replacement of an explosive gas cartridge is needed. UltraSonics Agents usually fire this device from inside their car at the Target while the Target is walking down a street or at the Target while the Target is just sitting in his car. The infrasonic bullets produced by this sonic weapon pass through glass with ease but have trouble passing through thick metals.

I've seen this version of the portable sonic weapons demonstrated on a news report many years ago. I remember this report because the person demonstrating the portable weapon wanted to shoot the news reporter in the back of the head but the news reporter would not allow it. The reporter agreed to only allow the person demonstrating the weapon to shoot him in the hand. After the reporter was shot in the hand, the reporter quickly pulled his hand back and yelled “OUCH”!

The smaller version of the two portable versions of the sonic weapons is the size of a regular handgun and fits in a pocket or handbag. This very portable sonic weapon can only fire one infrasonic bullet at a time before needing a replacement of its explosive gas cartridge. The main advantage that this version offers is that an UltraSonics Agent can walkup behind the Target, pull the weapon out, aim it, fire it, and quickly hide it.

These two small portable versions of the sonic non-weapons don't use any sophisticated targeting system. Only simple line of sight targeting is needed for these versions. The weapons are aimed at the Target just like any other ordinary handgun. An extremely accurate and inexpensive method to target these two small portable versions of the sonic weapons is with a laser scope that acts like a laser pointer. Laser scopes are cheap and readily available at any gun store. As the UltraSonics Agent targets these portable sonic weapons with this laser targeting scope, a small red dot will appear on the exact spot that the infrasonic bullet will strike.

If the smaller version of the portable sonic weapon is equipped with a laser scope, it can be hidden in a woman's handbag and fired from inside the handbag. A small opening in the front of the handbag for the laser scope allows the sonic weapon to be aimed and fired without ever removing the sonic weapon from the handbag. With one hand in the handbag, the laser targeting scope is turned on inside the handbag and the handbag is moved until the red dot from the laser scope appears on Target's body. The red dot is then moved to the back of the Target's head and then the weapon is fired.

All that is left for the UltraSonics Agent to do now is to turn-off the laser scope and remove her hand from the handbag. A momentary switch activates the laser targeting scope so pulling her hand from the bag will automatically turn the laser scope off. Only a small opening in front of the handbag for the laser scope is necessary because the infrasonic bullet fired from the sonic weapon needs no opening because it easily passes through the handbag. This is a perfect method to attack the Target on the street or in malls because the weapon is never exposed to anyone's sight. After being struck with the infrasonic bullet, the Target will turn around and see people walking behind him, but noting out of the ordinary.

“Directed Energy Weapons”, or “DEW” for short, are weapons that direct energy in only one direction. The sonic weapons discussed so far are directed energy weapons that direct acoustic energy in only one direction. These sonic weapons are referred to as “Acoustic Directed Energy Weapons”. Other types of directed energy weapons exist.

Another type of directed energy weapon that UltraSonics is in possession of is “Electrical Directed Energy Weapons”. These directed electrical weapons don’t fire sonic waves but fire a fine or wide beam of electricity. The beam of electricity is a very high voltage electrical charge with very low current, which means it can shock the Target in his house without starting a fire. Electricity feels different as it strikes the human body. Sound produces a force as it strikes the human body; electricity does not. When the beam of electricity hits a muscle in the human body, it will cause that muscle to rapidly move or twitch. The Target will be hit in the legs, hands, arms, and neck with electrical charges from these electrical weapons. The electrical charge will cause movements or twitches in these parts of the body.

Electrical weapons are smaller and more compact than sonic weapons so UltraSonics may use electrical weapons to attack the Target if the weapons need to be moved secretly in and out of public places. These public places can include hospitals or medical centers where the Target needs to be attacked from an adjacent room.

Electrical weapons are commercially available as fish stunners that fishermen use to stun fish in the water. The electrical stunner is about the size of a shotgun and fires a fine beam of electricity though the air and water to stun fish. After being stunned, the fish float to the surface of the water to be easily captured. No sophisticated targeting system is needed, just simple line of sight.

One more type of directed energy weapon that UltraSonics is in possession of is “Electromagnetic Directed Energy Weapons”. These electromagnetic weapons are also referred to as “Radiation Weapons”. These electromagnetic directed energy weapons fire electromagnetic waves in one direction that can cause different effects to the human body.

One version of these directed electromagnetic weapons can create intense burning sensations on the surface of the skin. The burning sensation is caused by moisture on the surface of the skin being raised to a high temperature by the electromagnetic waves. This burning sensation is different from the burning sensation created by sonic weapons; it is far more uncomfortable and intense.

Another version of these electromagnetic directed energy weapon can temporary make a person’s vision go completely white for a period of time. This vision disabling weapon fires electromagnetic waves into the eyes of a person to trick his optic nerves into sending signals to the brain that the eyes are seeing bright light. The weapon creates a similar effect as placing a very bright strobe light in front of a person’s face to temporary blind him. The vision disabling weapon was developed by the military as a way to temporary disable a person. The weapon works through walls and can even affect the vision of the person even if he has his eyelids shut. This device can be used on a person while he is sleeping to suddenly and abruptly wake him up from his sleep. No one would be able to sleep through this weapon used against them while sleeping. The burst of light the brain interprets will knock anyone out of their sleep.

People in those haunted house stories who claim to have seen blinding white light appearing in their homes may be being attacked with blinding lasers that can pass through walls of a house to temporary blind a person. The through-wall targeting scope is used to target the face of the Target in his home and then the blinding lasers are fired directly into the eyes of the Target. A burning sensation of the targeted person’s eyes lasting up to several hours will occur after the Target is attacked with these blinding lasers.

Both the electrical and electromagnetic directed energy weapons are rarely used by UltraSonics to attack the Target. Prolonged use of these weapons on the Target can cause physical damage to the Target’s body, which is something UltraSonics will avoid doing at all costs. UltraSonics normally only uses electrical or electromagnetic weapons as a last resort should the Target discover the method to defeat the sonic weapons.

The sonic non-lethal weapons that UltraSonics is using to attack the Target are designed to have more of a psychological effect rather than cause any physical damage to the Target’s body. The psychological effect is usually enough to accomplish the goal that UltraSonics is seeking. If the Target is unaware that it's only harmless sound being used against him, he could let his imagination get the best of him. If this should occur, the Target could believe that devices like electromagnet weapons, radiation weapons, toxic gas weapons, electronic implants, and/or mind control devices are being used against him. Sound is the perfect weapon because sound travels through everything, except a vacuum (no air), and if the right type of sound is used, no physical evidence is left behind.

The CIA has technology that can detect the very small vibrations of the human vocal chords as a person silently speaks or reads. As you are silently reading this web page your vocal chords are actually creating small vibrations too small to be heard by another person but not too small to be heard by this device. The small vibrations of the vocal chords are similar to the large vibrations that occur when a person speaks. This device utilizing this technology detects these small vibrations and converts them to audible sounds that can be heard by an eavesdropper. I do believe UltraSonics is in possession of devices such as this. It also works through walls. This device does not read a person's thoughts; it just hears the silent unintentional sounds produced by the speech mechanism of the human body. If you have ever seen a person who cannot speak use one of those small boxes that are pressed against the throat and produce an electronic voice, this is what I believe the CIA hears with this “Through-Wall Vocal Chord Reader”. An electronic voice produced by the small vibrations of the human vocal chords, detected through a wall.

The CIA may use the through-wall vocal chord reader against prisoners of war or anyone else who the CIA has access to that may somehow threaten the national security of the United States. And yes, the CIA would use it against innocent American citizens for testing purposes and political reasons. The device can be used against a target from an adjacent prison cell or apartment room. The CIA can obtain incredibly sensitive information with this technology and the targeted person will never know he had provided the information. People who believe that mind control is being used against them may be mistaking this device for someone reading their mind.

The CIA has classified retinal scan technology that can scan an eye retinal through a wall. This will give the CIA the ability to scan a person’s eye while he is alone in a room and then use that scan to identify that person in a house or building where positive identification is necessary in a house or building where the person is not alone. Also the CIA can keep a database of these illegally obtained retinal scans and use the database to identify a person at anytime in the future. This technology can be used against people who threaten national security or innocent civilians. With this technology a person will never be aware that the retinal scan was taken. Retinal scanning can be thought of as a high tech method of positively identifying a person, just like fingerprinting a person. Click here to learn more information about retinal scans.

Many reports of the CIA using Facial Recognition Technology may be a cover for the CIA using Retinal Scanning Technology on the public. Facial Recognition Technology uses features or structure of the human face to identify people. Retinal scanning technology is near 100 percent while Facial Recognition Technology is not. This advertising of Facial Recognition may be disinformation by the CIA to “disguise” what they really have. A man can easily defeat Facial Recognition Technology by simply growing a beard but with Retinal Scanning Technology, there is no way possible to disguise the characteristics of the eye. Retinal Scanning devices can be setup at airports, for example, to scan airline passengers as they simply walk by one of these scanning devices. The passengers will never be aware of the scanning device or that retinal scan has been taken. The CIA can keep a “Person of Interest” data base and when a match is found, the person with a matching retinal scan can be detained, arrested, or placed under surveillance.

I believe UltraSonics has through-wall retinal scanning technology. The body heat of the human body and the static charge on the body allows UltraSonics’ through-wall targeting scopes to target a person through a wall but what allows a near 100 percent positive identification of a person is through-wall retinal scanning. This is how UltraSonics can pick out the Target in a room filled with people and with near 100 percent accuracy, identify and attack the Target without anyone else in the room noticing a thing. Both UltraSonics’ through-wall targeting technology and through-wall retinal scanning technology may be incorporated into a single device. So a single through-wall targeting device can identify an image of a person behind a wall, positively identify the person with retinal scanning, and then precisely target that person.

This through-wall retinal scanning technology can even scan a person’s eyes with the person’s eye lids shut. A person’s eyes can now give him away. Through-wall retinal scanning provides many advantages to UltraSonics. First, it provides near 100 percent identification of the Target in a house or building. Second, once the Target’s eyes have been identified, the computer imaging technology can actually draw an outline of the head to allow for precision targeting of the Target’s head. Any part of the Target’s head can be identified and targeted once the two eyes points have been found. Third, it will allow UltraSonics to know when the Target has fallen asleep by characteristics of the eye. I know of no way to defeat this technology while the Target is awake but the Target can place sleep masks over his eyes while he sleeps to block the detection of his eyes by through-wall retinal scanning devices.

The CIA has lie detectors that can scan the eye to tell when a person is telling the truth or lying. As mentioned before, your eyes can give you away. No wires have to be attached to your body. The CIA can now scan you eyes to perform an electronic finger print, determine the exact position of your head, tell whether you are asleep, and tell whether you are lying or telling the truth. All this can be done through a wall without your knowledge.

Mind control involves controlling a person through behavior control, thought control, emotional control, and information control. Cult leaders use a “Brainwashing” type of mind control to control members of their cult. This type of mind control uses psychological methods, such as intimidation, threats, and violence, to control a person’s mind.

Controlling a person’s mind through the use of electronic devices is also considered mind control. On the Internet, there are numerous web pages on electronic mind control. I don't know if electronic devices that can control a person's thoughts or actions exist or work. No mind control devices were used on me and I tend to believe that the human mind is far too complex to be controlled with today's current technology.

A highly respected psychiatrist told me that electronic mind control is a reality but UltraSonics is a fantasy. It would be in the best interest of UltraSonics to try to trick its victims into believing that electronic mind control devices are being used against them rather than simple harmless sound waves. If the Target tells his story to other people, it usually is more difficult for the other people to believe that electronic mind control devices are being used instead of simple sonic weapons. The more wilder and outrageous the story, the fewer people will believe it.

Many good people do honestly believe that electronic mind control conspiracies exist but UltraSonics Agents may be actively creating and promoting these electronic mind control conspiracies to help trick its victims into believing that mind control is being used against them. People who claim to be victims of electronic mind control may be mistaking the sudden and involuntary jolts to the body, involuntary movements of limbs of the body, irregular heartbeat, sensations created by ultrasonic waves passing through a person’s head, and strange noises created by UltraSonics’ sonic weapons and devices for someone using electronic mind control devices to control their minds. Some of these people even believe that tiny implants have been implanted in their body that causes these symptoms.

The people who claim that the government has implanted electronic implants into their body to track them and cause pain may be mistaking through-wall retinal scanning, through-wall targeting, and sonic weapons for electronic implants. UltraSonics’ through-wall retinal scanning can be used to identify the Target through a wall so no electronic implant is needed for this. And the through-wall targeting and sonic weapons may be causing the pain that these people are experiencing. In reality, every person has a method of electronic identification, retinal scanning. Once a retinal scan is performed on a targeted person, that person can be identified by UltraSonics in homes, buildings, or anyplace that retinal scanning is being utilized by the government. No electronic implant is needed to track a targeted person. A retinal scan of a targeted person is entered into a secret database of retinal scans and when the targeted person walks by a retinal scanner, that person is identified.

There are websites popping up all over the Internet that are promoting electronic mind control conspiracies. Some of the authors of these websites are people who want to expose electronic mind control technologies in order to defeat the people they feel are using the technology to persecute innocent people. The honest people who are promoting electronic mind control conspiracies with these websites may be unknowingly helping the people they are trying so hard to defeat. By promoting wild electronic mind control conspiracy theories, it is supplying people targeted by UltraSonics with misleading information that is causing them enormous psychological damage. If you would like to view some of these electronic mind control websites, I listed several in the link section of this website. Some of these websites are truly scary. I saw one electronic mind control website that had a picture of a monkey with the top of his skull removed and a bunch of electric wires coming out and leading to an electronic device. This would be enough to scare anybody, even people who don’t claim to be victims of electronic mind control.

A popular electronic mind control conspiracy on the Internet involves a government project located in Alaska called HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program). HAARP is a government project that is studying methods to use the ionosphere to enhance electronic communications and surveillance systems for civilian and military purposes. Conspiracy theorists believe that the HAARP project is a front for the military developing electronic mind control technologies that will be used to control the world's population.

In my opinion, there is a massive organized effort being mounted against mentally ill people in this country to manipulate them into believing that electronic mind control, supernatural experiences, and other wild weapons and devices are being used against them. This is all being done to mask the effort by UltraSonics to drive mentally ill people out of neighborhood communities, force them into mental institutions, and onto prescribed medications.

There is a reason why people who claim to be victims of electronic mind control and radiation attacks can produce no physical medical evidence of damages to their body, in all likelihood, it’s because its not electronic mind control or radiation technology that is being used against them but rather just simple sound waves that cause no physical damage to the human body. UltraSonics Agents must be laughing their asses off at the horrific achievements they have been able to achieve. One day these crimes against humanity will be brought to the public’s attention and UltraSonics Agents will stand trial for their crimes. Remember this is a “War against the mentally ill” and in times of war, disinformation campaigns are abundant. I believe this is the case with these wild mind control conspiracies and other supernatural events claimed by people.

There is a mind control Internet mailing list that is very active that I listed it in the links section of this website. I listed it because a lot of people who are victims of high technology are members of this list. If you are a victim of high technology, I recommend you join the list and ask questions. Even if you are not a victim of mind control, you should join because many knowledgeable people who are victims of high technology are members of the list and it's also free. A warning to the wise: Beware because some people who claim to be victims of mind control and have elaborate websites with all kinds of information about electronic mind control may in fact be UltraSonics Agents attempting to convince people electronic mind control exist and tricking people targeted by UltraSonics into believing that electronic mind control is being used against them. Knowledgeable and well educated people promoting mind control or other wild conspiracies may in fact be UltraSonics Agents trying to trick their victims into believing in these wild conspiracies. This mass disinformation campaign can be thought of as the shepherd leading the sheep to the slaughter. Proceed with caution! Click here to read a three part essay on mind control.

There is a term used by people on the Internet to identify a person targeted by high technology, “Targeted Individual” or “TI” for short. Also, the term “Perp” is used by People on the Internet to identify a person who is targeting the TI.

The psychological damage done to UltraSonics’ victims can be long-term and possibly last for the rest of their lives. I’ve received emails from people who claim to have been victims of UltraSonics. Some victims now believe that they are being followed everywhere and weapons are constantly being fired at them from everywhere. I’ve received an email from a relative of a victim who claims that his family member is so paranoid that he now jumps every time he hears a siren. I also received emails from people who claim they are constantly being attacked with toxic gas weapons in their home. I received an email from a person who claimed his best friend committed suicide after being attacked by UltraSonics.

Victims of UltraSonics who were manipulated into believing that electronic mind control is being used against them may lash-out and commit violent acts against innocent people mistakenly believing that they somehow are getting even with the people who are responsible for their harassment. People who have nothing to do with the harassment may find themselves somehow assaulted by mentally ill people claiming to be victims of electronic mind control. For example, a news report reported that a mentally ill person walked into a radio station waving a gun and making claims that the radio station was broadcasting signals that were being used to control his mind. No one was hurt and the mentally ill person was arrested. This incident could have resulted by UltraSonics harassing the mentally ill person with their sonic weapons and devices. Many people could have been injured if this is true and no one would have known the truth of what really happened.

UltraSonics has access to an entire arsenal of these sonic non-lethal weapons. The non-lethal weapons may be part of special police non-lethal weapons arsenals or even from military base arsenals. The non-lethal weapons may be being removed illegally and borrowed from the arsenals to attack targeted people targeted by UltraSonics. UltraSonics may even have stolen non-lethal weapons from these police or military arsenals or purchased their own non-lethal weapons from sources possibly outside the United States. The non-lethal weapons stockpile in UltraSonics’ possession is dispersed among selected UltraSonics Agent's homes, one or two of the weapons at most per selected home. This would protect the stockpile in case somehow the operation is exposed. When needed, the weapons are moved from their hiding place to the theater-of-operation. Since the weapons are concealed in boxes or furniture, the weapons are easily moved in and out of houses without suspicion. The surveillance equipment would also be dispersed throughout selected UltraSonics Agent's homes.

An extremely effective method of harassing the Target is to use sonic weapons to attack the Target throughout the night before workdays. Slamming powerful ultrasonic bullets or ultrasonic lasers into the Target's body every half-hour will do the job. This ultrasonic wave passing through the human body produces a strong violent jolt of the body, which feels like a strong violent kick. Just imagine someone standing over you and kicking you every time you fell asleep. The Target will be unable to get sleep and work performance will suffer. The Target could lose his job from poor work performance, which would be an outcome that UltraSonics would desire because it would eventually lead to the Target losing his home from the inability to pay the mortgage. UltraSonics is prepared to attack the Target indefinitely if necessary to remove the Target from the community.

If the angle is correct, the Target can be singled out and struck even in a bed with two people in it. The through-wall targeting scope and sonic lasers are so accurate and precise that they can target and strike the Target and in no way affect the other person in the same bed. The sonic lasers can't be heard or seen by either person, only felt by the person it strikes.

A device now exists that can detect the heartbeat of a human without any physical contact. The human heart produces signatures as it beats, which this device can detect. The military uses this device to detect soldiers that are still alive on the battlefield. The police can use this device to detect people hiding behind walls. UltraSonics has also found a use for this device also. As a person falls asleep, his heart rate slows down. This device can detect this heart rate change. UltraSonics can now tell when the Target falls asleep. As the Target begins to falls asleep, UltraSonics can attack the Target with sonic weapons each time he does. This can be done repeatedly throughout the night ensuring the Target is unable to get sleep. This is really torture and a total violation of human and civil rights.

Another method UltraSonics’ uses to tell when the Target has fallen asleep is to use a one of their sensitive listening device to listen to the Target's breathing. The breathing pattern of the Target will also change as he falls asleep. As soon as the change in breathing pattern is heard, UltraSonics can strike the Target with a sonic wave.

The main method UltraSonics uses to determine when the Target has fallen asleep is the through-wall retinal scanning technology. The Target’s eyes are monitored with this device so UltraSonics can tell the exact moment the Target has fallen asleep.

The sonic waves that these sonic weapons produce can penetrate wood, stone, brick, glass, and metal, so there is no safe place to hide in a conventional house. Houses made of wood or brick will not in any significant way impede these sonic weapons. Aluminum siding on houses will also not offer any significant protection against the sonic weapons. Placing sandbags, bricks, or metal panels around the Target to protect him from the sonic weapons will not work.

The only protection from these sonic weapons is a vacuum (no air). Sound cannot travel through a vacuum. In outer space, sonic weapons are useless because there is no air, just a vacuum. Click here for more information on vacuums.

Barriers that contain a vacuum inside must be placed between the sonic weapon and the Target. A good size vacuum barrier to protect the Target while he is sleeping would be a 3-foot by 3-foot barrier with 3-inches of vacuum inside. Several of these vacuum barriers placed around the Target while he is sleeping would render these sonic weapons useless and prevent UltraSonics from keeping the Target awake all night.

I'm not totally sure how to stop the electromagnetic and electrical weapons but if the vacuum barriers are made of metal this could provide the protection from the electrical and electromagnetic weapons. Glass or metal materials will hold a vacuum indefinitely too but it's best to use metal for the barriers. A metal shop that custom builds metal products would be the best place to have these vacuum barriers made because at this time because these vacuum barriers are not sold by anyone commercially that I'm aware of. Click here for a sketch of what a vacuum barrier would look like.

Military bunkers have vacuum barriers in the walls, ceilings, and floors to protect the occupants of the bunker from sonic weapons. If vacuum barriers are absent in a military bunker, sonic non-lethal weapons can be used to flush the occupants out of the bunker.

Most homes have a product that can be used as a vacuum barrier, a TV set. The picture tubes (CRT) in most TV sets 32 inches and below contain a very high level vacuum. Projection TVs don’t use a picture tube. There is a vacuum inside a TV picture tube because air molecules would interfere with the electron beams that create the picture on the front of the picture tube. Of course, the bigger the TV picture tube, the more area will be protected. TV sets 20 inches or greater can be placed along side the Target while sleeping to create a vacuum barrier between the Target and the sonic weapon. The TV set need not be plugged in or even working. As long as the picture tube is not cracked, there should be a vacuum inside it.

The problems with using TV picture tubes as vacuums barriers are: 1) picture tubes are made of glass, 2) the area protected by TV picture tubes is very limited, 3) TV picture tubes are heavy and bulky, 4) gaps will exist between TV sets placed next to each other that the sonic waves can still pass through, 5) TV picture tubes would not be useful if the sonic weapons were being fired from an apartment directly below or above the Target. Using the 3-foot by 3-foot metal vacuum barriers mentioned above would solve most of these problems.

Fluorescent light bulbs contain a lower level vacuum than TV picture tubes but this vacuum level inside the fluorescent bulbs is high enough to stop the sonic waves from all of UltraSonics’ sonic weapons. By using 4-foot fluorescent light bulbs, vacuum barriers can be created of 3-foot by 4-foot. The bulbs can be placed in a wooden or metal box of around 3-foot by 4-foot with room for one stack of 20 bulbs. The fluorescent bulbs must be stacked glass to glass with no gaps between the bulbs. Fluorescent light bulbs are relatively inexpensive and may be returned to the store if they fail to provide protection. 8-Foot fluorescent light bulbs are also available.

The only problem with building vacuum barriers out of fluorescent bulbs is that even though the bulbs are placed glass to glass, there still is a very small gap that can allow part of a sonic wave to pass through. UltraSonics’ sonic weapons fire sonic waves with the amplitude vertically. The gap between the bulbs will be negligible if the sonic wave is fired with the amplitude vertical. UltraSonics will modify their sonic weapons to fire sonic waves horizontally if the Target should build a vacuum barrier out of fluorescent bulbs. The sonic wave with the amplitude horizontally can pass partially through this gap between the fluorescent bulbs. This partial wave can be enough to be felt by a person behind the fluorescent bulb vacuum barrier. A way to help block this partial wave is to place two stacks of fluorescent bulbs directly next to each other with one stack offset (lifted) by a half-inch. The second stack of fluorescent bulbs should stop most of the partial wave passing by the first stack of bulbs. The most effective configuration is to have three stacks of fluorescent bulbs next to each other with the middle stack offset by a half-inch. Because UltraSonics can fire the sonic weapons at the Target from many different angles, three stacks offer the most protection. As long as the fluorescent bulbs are not broken, they are probably safe to use a barriers but it’s a far better and safer solution is to have metal vacuum barriers made, which should be 100 percent effective against sonic weapons.

Remember that the vacuum barriers placed directly beside the Target will only protect the Target if the sonic weapons were being fired from the side the vacuum barriers were placed. If for example the sonic weapons were being fired from both sides of the Target, vacuum barriers would have to be placed on both of the sides of the Target. If UltraSonics were able to fire the sonic weapons at the Target from both houses next door and both houses in front and in back of the Target’s house, vacuum barriers would have to be placed on all four sides of the Target. If the sonic weapons were being fired at the Target from a basement level of an adjacent house while the Target is on the second floor of his house, a vacuum barrier might have to be placed under the Target. If the sonic weapons were being fired from an apartment above or below the Target, a barrier might have to be placed above or below the Target. Remember the sonic bullets and sonic lasers travel in a straight line, just like a regular bullet from a regular gun. The vacuum barriers would have to be placed in the same configuration that a bulletproof barrier is placed to protect a person from a regular bullet.

A structure is needed that is made of metal walls with a vacuum in each wall that the Target can sleep in to verify if what the Target is experiencing is a result of high technology. UltraSonics will normally disturb the Targets sleep by attacking him with sonic weapons to prevent him from getting a good night’s sleep. A structure made of these walls that surround the Target on all sides, top, and bottom should be made available to rent or buy. You would expect the medial establishment to recognize the need for such a structure and make it available but don’t hold your breath. This structure would be simple solution to a very complex problem. The structure will protect the Target from sonic weapons and most likely from electrical and electromagnetic weapons. UltraSonics will not normally use electrical or electromagnetic weapons against the Target because of risk of physical damage to the Target’s body. A local metal shop should be able to custom build such a structure but probably at a high cost, around 3000 dollars.

My advice is if you live in a house, sleep on the first floor and build high vacuum barriers. No vacuum barrier will have to be placed under the targeted person if the targeted person sleeps on the first floor and if UltraSonics fires it weapons from the second floor of the adjacent house, the high vacuum barriers should block the sonic weapons. The height of the vacuum barriers would have to be greater than 4 feet to accomplish this. UltraSonics cannot fire their sonic weapons through the ground from the basement of an adjacent house so the first floor of the targeted person’s house is the best location.

The power needed to create powerful focused ultrasonic waves must be enormous. A charging device is necessary to build up a charge over a period of time from normal household power. I've never been hit with a powerful continuous ultrasonic wave lasting more than five seconds and the interval between continuous ultrasonic waves of that duration is usually greater than ten minutes. This would lead me to believe that there is not enough power to sustain a powerful continuous ultrasonic wave more that five seconds and after the weapon is fired, the charging device needs time to recharge itself.

A targeting system that can target a person through house walls is needed to be able to accurately single out and strike the Target inside his house from inside a neighboring house. UltraSonics has incorporated through-wall imaging technology and through-wall retinal scanning technology into very advanced targeting scopes that can be used to identify and target people through house walls. I'll refer to these targeting scopes as "Through-Wall Targeting Scopes" from now on.

These through-wall targeting scopes allow UltraSonics to have an extremely detailed and precise image of a person behind a wall and to identify him with near 100 percent accuracy. The capability of this targeting scope technology is extraordinary. UltraSonics is not seeing a blurry image of a heat source behind a wall but rather an extremely detailed image with enough detail to see a person’s hand in front of his face through a wall. The near 100 percent accuracy in identifying a person behind a wall is accomplished by a retinal scan. Once a person behind a wall faces the targeting scope, his eyes can be scanned and the scan can be compared to a retinal scan previously taken to positively identify the target. The targeting scope can track the eyes of the targeted person to display a detailed outline of the targeted person’s head. This is not amateur technology but rather classified military technology.

Each non-lethal weapon has a mounting bracket that holds, aligns, and calibrates the through-wall targeting scope with each non-lethal weapon. The non-lethal weapon is placed inside the Spook House, next door to the Target's house, and with the through-wall targeting scope, the Target can be targeted and struck with powerful sonic bullets or sonic lasers inside his house.

Since the targeting scope is detachable from the non-lethal weapon, only one targeting scope is needed for many types of non-lethal weapons. UltraSonics Agents can simply remove the through-wall targeting scope from one non-lethal weapon and place it on another non-lethal weapon in a very short period of time. Since the mounting bracket aligns and calibrates the non-lethal weapon to the through-wall targeting scope, the new non-lethal weapon is ready for use almost instantly. The through-wall targeting scope is very expensive and this detachable method allows a significant cost saving and a way to hide and transport the weapons and scope as two separate units. The targeting scope may not even have a screen attached to the scope but may use a laptop computer as a display. With no display attached to the targeting scope, it would make the targeting scope less identifiable to an untrained eye. This would provide better security while transporting the device.

This through-wall targeting scope uses a tight array of microwave radar signals that form a circular shape with a diameter of around 8-inches to see through walls. UltraSonics uses this through-wall targeting scope to scan a room for the Target. You can visualize this scanning of a room by taking a flashlight in a totally dark room and shinning the flash around the room. Whatever the flashlight illuminates is what this through-wall targeting scope will try to generate an image of on a video display. Keep in mind that what the UltraSonics Agent is seeing on the video display will be a representation of the 8-inch diameter with an “X” in the middle of the screen to indicate where the sonic wave from the non-lethal weapon will strike.

By using the tight array of microwave signals, it is very difficult to detect the through-wall targeting system. The microwave signals would have to pass through a detection device in order to be detected. Microwave sensors that can detect microwaves up to 300 GHz would have to be placed near the Targets legs, waist, and feet in order to increase the odds of detection. UltraSonics achieved their goal of creating a targeting system and weapon that can be used to attack a person through walls, be difficult or even impossible to detect, and leave no evidence behind of the attack. This is truly a terrorist weapon.

This through-wall targeting scope also has the ability to calculate the distance of an object from the targeting scope. This measurement of distance is important because a distance measurement is critical on certain devices and weapons that are targeted with this scope. For example, the sound projection devices must have the focal point of the ultrasonic lasers occur inches before they would normally strike the Target's head in order to project an audible message that only the Target would be able to hear. The through-wall targeting scope would give the UltraSonics Agent this critical measurement, and the UltraSonics Agent would then adjust the sonic device or weapon to account for the distance measurement. The Target’s eyes may also provide this distance. The through-wall retinal scan will provide the identity and position of the Target’s head and may well provide a distance based on the characteristics of the Target’s eyes.

Thermal infrared imaging technology has been around much longer than through-wall imaging technology. Thermal imaging systems have been greatly reduced in size and cost over the years. Thermal imaging uses passive mode to see images in the dark, through smoke, and through walls. Thermal imaging can see through walls but it is much less effective than through-wall imaging technology using active mode. To see an object in the dark, through smoke, and through walls, thermal imaging technology relies on an object to omit energy, such as heat. This energy is detected by the thermal imaging device and an image of the object is displayed on a video display on the device.

These thermal infrared imaging systems are used at the United States/Mexican boarder to detect people crossing into the United States illegally at night. The thermal imaging technology can detect a person's body heat up to a mile away in total darkness in an open field. At night, a person's body heat makes him light up like a light bulb with this thermal imaging technology.

Fire fighters are now using thermal imaging technology. Fire fighters are now being equipped with hand held thermal imaging devices that allow them to see images in the dark, through smoke, and through walls. This thermal imaging technology offers fire fighters many advantages: Trapped people in a burning building can now be easily detected and rescued. Blinding smoke can no longer hinder fire fighters from entering a house or building. Hot spots in a house or building after a fire has been extinguished can be quickly detected and doused with water to eliminate flare-ups.

Techtv aired a segment in August of 2001 called “Thermal Imaging Cameras”. The segment is around 4 minutes long. I converted the segment to Real Media format that can be downloaded over the Internet and viewed with a Real Media Player. The Real Media file contains both video and audio. The size of the file is around 1.2 Meg and will take around 4 minutes to download on a 56K-modem connection. Click here to download the Techtv segment called Thermal Imaging Cameras.

Before through-wall imaging technology was available, UltraSonics may have used simple thermal imaging targeting scopes for their non-lethal weapons and devices. Targets were attacked through wall by detecting their body heat.

UltraSonics has a mobile unit that can target and strike a person in a building from a parking lot. This mobile unit is a van or small truck that has a very advanced targeting system and very limited sonic weapons in it. The mobile unit is parked near a room where the Target is expected to be in a building, and a person hiding in the back of the mobile unit will target and fire a sonic weapon at the Target from inside the mobile unit. Because of the mobile unit’s space and power limitations, the mobile unit has only three types of sonic weapons that can be used to attack the Target in a building.

The first type is a sonic weapon that fires a skull penetrating ultrasonic laser through the Target's head. As this sonic laser passes through the Target's head, he will feel what seems like someone is pushing a needle through his head. The second type is a sonic weapon that fires a skull penetrating ultrasonic laser through the Target's head that creates a knocking sensation at the exit point of his head. The Target will feel a pressure inside his head and then a knocking sensation will occur several times and then stop. The last type of sonic weapon is a weapon that fires an infrasonic laser that strikes against the Target's body and feels like a strong slap against the skin. The Target will be struck in the legs, back, and arms with the infrasonic laser. None of the mobile unit's sonic weapons produce any jolting effect of the human body. The mobile unit will normally target the Target in a building while he is sitting. The mobile unit can only fire the sonic weapons several times due to the limited power available.

The mobile unit will follow the Target around for several days when the attack stage begins and strike the Target in buildings where he is expected to be. UltraSonics was able to target me once in my eye doctor's office, once in my video store, and several times over several days in a hospital room while I was visiting a sick relative. UltraSonics’ mobile unit attacked me for several continuous days near the end of 1998 but I have never been attacked since then by the mobile unit.

This mobile unit's targeting system seems to be limited in finding its target. I was only attacked in parts of a building where UltraSonics knew I would be. UltraSonics probably called the hospital where I was visiting my relative and got the room number. UltraSonics Agents then visually found the room from the parking lot and then parked the mobile unit near the hospital room. When I was in the room, an UltraSonics Agent hidden in the back of the mobile unit used the targeting system to target me and then fired the sonic weapon. The hospital room was on the third floor facing the parking lot. The distance from the parking lot to the hospital room was about 300 feet. The targeting system was able to identify me in a room with four people in it, two people in beds and two people sitting in chairs. I was never targeted in any other part of the hospital. The through-wall targeting scope used a retinal scan to identify me and used the position of my eyes to attack the area of my head. Once the targeted person is identified by a retinal scan, other areas of the body can be targeted by body heat and static charge on the body.

Since I was only targeted for several days by this mobile unit, I'm led to believe that there may only be one mobile unit in New Jersey. The mobile unit may even be shared among several states. The cost of a targeting system that can identify and target a person in buildings from several hundred feet must be enormous. The mobile unit most likely has a large tinted (one-way like) window in the back part of it where the targeting system can be pointed to target a person in a building. The large window may be necessary because metal would interfere with the targeting system.

Through-wall targeting scopes can identify a targeted person with near 100 percent accuracy with retinal scanning. Objects a person wears can also be detected by through-wall imaging technology and used to identify one person from another person. Metal frames of eye glasses, metal watches, necklaces, and other jewelry can be used to identify a person through a wall. If for example the Target is the only person in a house that wears metal frame glasses, then UltraSonics can use this detail to identify the image of the Target being displayed by through-wall imaging technology.

The mobile unit offers a very powerful and persuasive means of sending a clear message to the Target. A Target at work could be sitting in his office performing his normal work duties and the UltraSonics mobile unit pulls into the parking lot and passes a sonic laser through the Target’s head. The Target will feel something like a needle being pushed through his head. No one else in the room or building will feel a thing. The Target looks around the room and notices nothing out of the ordinary. The Target cannot tell anyone else at work what just happened because his co-workers will believe he is mentally ill. What does the Target do?

This scenario could happen to a newspaper reporter reporting a story that could place UltraSonics’ agenda in jeopardy. The reporter might have second thoughts after he has a sonic laser run through his head at home and then at work. Politicians who appose UltraSonics’ agenda could also be targeted in this manner. A mentally ill person might freak-out at work after a sonic laser is run through his head. There is really no telling how a mentally ill person might react if this were to occur.

The surveillance equipment and non-lethal weapons are professional precision military equipment. These weapons are not just being put together with off-the-shelf parts. A lot of research is needed to determine what sonic waves will affect the human body. This is no small time amateur operation. UltraSonics is obtaining harassment technology that is designed for one purpose, to terrorize people. The surveillance equipment and non-lethal weapons may be being borrowed from special police units or Special Forces military units. Operation Weed and Seed may be the catalyst for this clearly illegal use of police and military technology against American civilians.

I believe the United States military originally developed this technology to protect the national security of the United States. The technology over the decades has been tested on innocent American civilians. The technology may be used by the NSA, CIA, and FBI during interrogation of enemy combatants or prisoners of war. The civilians that this technology was tested on may have mistaken this technology for haunted houses, mind control, radiation weapons, or mental illness. I believe that these sonic weapons have been used by real estate companies on a limited basis in the past to run unwelcome neighbors out of their homes. Isolated stories of haunted houses in neighborhood communities may have just been real estate companies running people out of their home by tricking them into believing that their house is haunted. I believe now that the technology is used more extensively in actually hunting people down and forcing them into mental institution or forcing them to commit suicide, instead of simple running them out of their homes. The technology is being made more available and government funds may be financing it. Mental health system, law enforcement, and military personnel, in my opinion, are directly involved with this hunting of human beings.

I received an email from a person who also claims to have been a victim of UltraSonics. He claims that the people who are harassing me and the people who harassed him are 100 percent military. He said that he traced the people involved in his harassment to military bases. He said that the surveillance equipment and non-lethal weapons are indeed US military. He stated that local military personnel are covertly assisting local police in performing surveillance of and attacking people who have been declared “Social Deviants”. If US military equipment and weapons are indeed being used to conduct illegal surveillance of and attack private American Citizens, the ramifications from this could be enormous.

This military connection does make sense. The military has been developing non-lethal weapons for decades. Military personnel may have formed secret groups that borrow US military surveillance equipment and non-lethal weapons from local military bases to go after people who they feel are “Social Deviants”. One thing I noticed that would support this idea is that after UltraSonics uses a certain type of sonic non-lethal weapon against me, they would not use it again for weeks or possibly months later. It always seems like UltraSonics only has the weapon for a day and has to get the weapon back to wherever they borrowed it from.

I was informed by another source that US military personnel, namely Special Forces, are being secretly recruited to join UltraSonics. Military non-lethal weapons are being borrowed or stolen from military bases to add to UltraSonics’ arsenal. Military personnel’s training and technical skills are being used by UltraSonics in operations against Targets.

Another interesting possibility is that the American government may be conducting a secret covert war against American citizens who fit the profile of a possible risk to the United States government. The FBI believes that mavericks, people who operate independently, are a serious threat to the security of the American government. Profiles of people who could commit violent acts against the American government have been developed and are being used by the FBI to identify possible threats. After the Oklahoma City bombing by Timothy McVeigh, the United States government may have covertly equipped private secret American citizen groups with this surveillance technology and non-lethal weapons to seek-out people who could be a potential threat to the American government. These secret American citizen groups would seek-out these threats and eliminate them by forcing them into mental institutions for treatment, setting them up and sending them to prison, forcing them to commit suicide, or even murdering them.

A police or military application for this technology can be in a standoff situation where civilians have barricaded themselves in a house for a conflict with law enforcement. Conflicts such as these can last for many days so developing technology that can prevent the barricaded civilians from getting any sleep could bring the standoff to a speedy end. Every time one of the civilians falls asleep, he could be struck with a sonic wave and jolted out of his sleep. Each of the civilians can be prevented from getting any sleep, and after several days with no sleep, the civilians would be physically and mentally unable to continue the standoff.

Janet Reno, the former US Attorney General, said, after the Waco debacle in Texas in April of 1993 while testifying before congress, that she wished that technology existed that could have put the people held up at the compound in Waco asleep so agents could have stormed the compound without incident. It might have been that no technology could be developed to put people asleep but technology was developed that could keep people awake, sonic weapons.

I received a threatening email with a return email address of the FBI in July of 2002. I don’t know if it’s a high tech forgery or real. The text of the FBI email follows:

“Please cease disclosing information of UltraSonics, or Class C Black Ops as we call them. This is your only warning, and the government will take action if you do not follow orders.”

“This message (including any attachments) contains confidential information intended for a specific individual and purpose, and is protected by law. - If you are not the intended recipient, you should delete this message and are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, or distribution of this message, or the taking of any action based on it, is strictly prohibited.”

I did a screen capture of the original email and converted it to a JPG file. The email along with the Internet header can be viewed on the following link. Click here to view the original email from the FBI.

Shortly after posting the threatening FBI email on the Internet, I received information from a source who wishes to remain completely anonymous. The source told me that UltraSonics is the NSA and certain branches of the CIA and FBI. UltraSonics is used by these agencies to target people considered a “National Security Risk”. The source also told me that UltraSonics also targets innocent civilians for the purpose of testing and human experimentation. I strongly recommend you read the information from this person. This person may be the next “Deep Throat”. Click here to read “The Next Deep Throat?”

After UltraSonics’ surveillance stage of the Target is complete and a complete profile of the Target has been built, the specialist team of UltraSonics must decide if the Target is to be attacked, setup, or simply left alone. If the Target is to be attacked, a plan must be developed to insure that the best method to use their sonic non-lethal weapons and other devices to attack the Target is achieved. UltraSonics uses the complete profile developed of the Target during the surveillance stage to determine how to best to attack the Target.

If the Target is afraid of ghosts, for example, UltraSonics could try to trick the Target into believing his house is haunted. If the Target is religious, UltraSonics could use that belief in God to try to trick the Target into believing that he is experiencing some type of extraordinary religious experience. If the Target is neither afraid of ghost nor religious, UltraSonics might simply attack the Target to try to drive the Target out of control. The goal of UltraSonics is to attack and harass the Target in such ways that when the Target explains his experiences to a psychiatrist, the psychiatrist can ethically and legally diagnosis the Target as being mentally ill and a danger to society.

If the Target is afraid of ghosts, the Target could be tricked into believing that he is living in a haunted house. Previously, several methods were already mentioned on how to accomplish this. A variety of methods that UltraSonics could use to trick the Target into believing that his house is haunted are similar to what is seen on TV or in the movies. Most of the methods mentioned in the following several paragraphs were tried on me and they work and really seem real.

UltraSonics would use their high-powered sound projection device, which can fill a room with audible sounds, to create loud and spooky sounds in the attic of the Target's house. The Target would hear these strange sounds coming from the attic and start wondering what was going on. Over a period of time, UltraSonics would gradually start increasing the occurrences of when the Target would hear these sounds coming from the attic. During this period of time, UltraSonics would also start waking the Target up at night by using the high-powered sound projection device to create loud strange sounds in the Target's bedroom.

UltraSonics would use their less powerful version sound projection device, which can send an audible message to one person, to create the effect of sounds coming from the Target's pillow. This is a good method of terrorizing the Target if he does not live alone because only the Target will hear this sound transmission. I've seen this method used in a haunted house story on TV where a wife was targeted. The frightened and terrified wife was suddenly awoken by noises coming from her pillow. The husband was awoken by his wife's screams and asked her what was wrong. The wife told him to put his head against her pillow on the bed and listen, and when he did, he also heard the noises.

UltraSonics uses their infrasonic weapons to create the sensation of being touched by an invisible person. The Target would start having sensations of being touched on parts of his body by someone who is not there. UltraSonics will normally use this method while the Target is asleep. The Target will feel someone touching his body and wake up to discover no one is there. This event also happened in the haunted house story mentioned in the pervious paragraph. The wife felt someone touching her leg but couldn't see anyone doing it. She tells her husband to feel that part of her leg and her husband also feels something pressing against his hand as he moves his hand over her leg. This is an infrasonic laser striking the wife's leg and the husband's hand.

Unexplained sudden movements of the Target's fingers, hands, arms, and legs will suddenly wake the Target from his sleep. UltraSonics uses their ultrasonic weapons that produce powerful ultrasonic lasers to accomplish this. The Target will be lying in bed and all of the sudden an arm will just be thrust several inches in the air. Then one of his legs will be thrust up a few inches off the bed. UltraSonics will also use their high-powered ultrasonic weapons to create strong jolts in parts of the Target's body. The Target will experience a strong jolt of the lower and/or upper part of the body.

UltraSonics will also fire powerful sonic bullets into the Target’s mattress while the Target is lying in bed to create the sensation that the Target’s bed is moving. These powerful sonic bullets passing through the mattress can cause slight movements of the mattress that feel like someone bumped the mattress. UltraSonics will not strike the Target with the sonic bullet with this method of terrorizing the Target. People in those haunted house stories that complain about their bed is moving at night may be experiencing this old trick UltraSonics uses this trick to convince the Target that evil spirits are bumping his bed at night. This sensation can be duplicated by someone simply punching a mattress slightly with his fist while another person is lying in bed. It’s nothing major but to a person who is unaware of what UltraSonics is doing, it could be terrorizing.

UltraSonics also has a very high-powered version of their ultrasonic weapons that can be used to fire a long duration extremely high-powered ultrasonic laser through the Target's house. The duration of this ultrasonic laser can last several seconds. UltraSonics will use this device to fire an extremely powerful ultrasonic laser into one side of the Target's waist while the Target is lying in bed. The bone density of the human waist is very high and the long duration ultrasonic laser will create a strong force pushing against the side of the waist area in the direction the ultrasonic laser is traveling. This force applied to the side of the Target's waist is enough to push up on that side of the Target's waist by about 3 inches. This is in no way enough force to actually lift the Target's entire body off the bed by 3 inches. The springs in the Target's mattress also assist in the upward force applied to the side of the Target's waist.

If you take one hand and place it under one side of a person's waist while that person is lying in bed and push up to move that side of the person's waist up by about 3 inches, this is essentially what the Target will experience while lying in bed. This may not seem like much but the Target, if unaware what UltraSonics is doing, could mistakenly believe that he is levitating off his bed. Remember that the frequency of the ultrasonic laser pushing against one side of the Target's waist is in the Megahertz range and cannot be heard or seen, so to the Target and to anyone else in the same room this could appear to be a supernatural experience.

On TV and in the movies, this 3-inch upward movement of one side of a person's waist could be blown out of proportion and turned into a person levitating off a bed by 3 feet. UltraSonics will use this high-powered weapon on the Target once or twice because when the Target tells the experience from this event to a psychiatrist, it will insure that the psychiatrist can ethically and legally diagnose the Target as being mentally ill.

UltraSonics will use their infrasonic weapons that showers parts of the Target's body with infrasonic waves to create the sensation that a spirit is near the Target. This method combined with the audible sound projection device could really produce spectacular results in convincing the Target that there is a spirit in the room trying to communicate. The Target can also be convinced that an evil spirit is shaking his house with the high powered sound projection equipment that can create low frequency rumbling noises in the house. These low frequency rumbling noises are turned into earthquake like movements of a house by Hollywood movies and TV shows. UltraSonics will also use their ultrasonic weapons that showers parts of Target's body with ultrasonic waves to create burning sensations in part of the Target's body.

Passing low power ultrasonic bullets or low power ultrasonic lasers through the Target’s body can trick the Target into believing that a spirit has just passed through his body. The low power ultrasonic wave is not powerful enough to cause a jolt to the body but is powerful enough to be felt by the nerves as the wave passes through the Target’s body. UltraSonics will pass these ultrasonic bullets and ultrasonic lasers through the Target’s body while he is sleeping to wake the Target up at night. The unsuspecting Target will be awoken and claim that a supernatural force has just passed through his body.

UltraSonics advanced sound projection device, which uses the human vocal chords to transmit audible messages to the Target that only the Target can hear, can be used to finalize the Target's belief that he is being haunted by an evil spirit. While the Target is sleeping, UltraSonics will use this sound projection device to project demonic evil voices that will appear to the Target to emanate from the inside his head. The Target will be awoken and terrorized by the fact that he is hearing voices in his head. Remember that once a psychiatrist is told by a patient that he hears voices in his head, it’s the Chemical Lobotomy for the patient.

Several engineers have informed me that sonic non-lethal weapons have been available for over 20 years. Before through-wall imaging technology was available, simple infrared targeting scopes may was used to target a person's body heat through house walls. This could explain most of those haunted house stories seen on TV or in the movies. The haunted house stories may not be what people believe they are. It may just be UltraSonics using their sonic weapons and devices from a Spook House tricking the occupants in the targeted house into thinking their house is haunted. Hearing voices that no one else hears, feeling the presence of a spirit, feeling an invisible person touching you, involuntary rapid movements of body limbs, jolts to the body, burning sensations in parts of the body, blinding white lights, electrical shocks, and low frequency rumbling sounds heard in a house can be produced artificially by UltraSonics' weapons and devices.

The haunted house stories seen on TV and in the movies are usually greatly exaggerated. The person who actually claims to experience the haunting usually exaggerates what actually happened, and then the writers exaggerate the story to make the story more exciting for their viewers. Additionally the special effects turn what was an explainable event into something that could only be produced by a supernatural force. The “Amityville Horror” movie is a perfect example of this. The Amityville Horror movie was based on a true story. The word “based” is important here because the original family involved in the actual haunting claimed in an interview that what happened in the movie was not what happened to them in real life. The story was blown out of proportion by Hollywood to make it more exciting. A more plausible explanation to explain the Amityville Horror incident is that the family was simply not welcome by their neighborhood community and the community used extraordinary methods to run the family out. It all depends on the neighborhood community, but believe me, a community would use these extreme method to rid their community of an unwelcome neighbor. If the movie "The Exorcist" was based on a true story, most of the supernatural events that occur in the movie may also be based on simple explainable events caused by UltraSonics' devices and weapons. I would be, however, unable to explain the 360-degree turn of the little girl's head. Scary Stuff!

If UltraSonics chose to try to manipulate the Target by convincing the Target that God is speaking to him, the video and audio surveillance equipment would be used to see and hear the Target and the sound projection equipment would be used to speak to the Target. This interaction could really seem authentic to certain people and they could truly believe that God is speaking to them. And depending on the Target's state of mind, he could be manipulated into doing something that he would not normally do. If you have seen a person on TV who claimed to have killed someone because God spoke to him and told him to do it, UltraSonics may have been involved. All the equipment would be operated from inside a Spook House, and the Target would notice nothing out of the ordinary, other than the fact that he is now speaking with God.

A tragic event occurred when a mother killed her own son because an inner voice claiming to be God told her to hurt her son and her son would be healed. The mother acting out of strong religious conviction threw her son down a flight of stairs to test her belief. Her son died and she was arrested for the murder of her son. UltraSonics could have targeted this mother and used their sound projection devices against her to produce this inner voice that she believed was God speaking to her. UltraSonics would indeed sacrifice the life of an innocent child to achieve their objectives If UltraSonics had something to do with this tragedy, it would be impossible to prove. Click here to read “Inner Voice Tells Mom to Murder Her Baby”.

Andrea Yates is a mother who murdered her five children. Andrea Yates was found guilty of killing her children and was sentenced to life in prison by a jury in March of 2002. The Andrea Yates case was a highly publicized case that brought much attention to mental illness. During Andrea Yates’ trial it was discovered that Andrea claimed that she heard the voice of God in her home that told her to kill her children to save them from Satan. UltraSonics may have used their sound projection device to trick Andrea Yates into believing God was speaking to her. Andrea Yates drowned her five children in a bathtub because she believed she was saving them from Satan. Andrea Yates may be a pawn in a conspiracy to sway public opinion in favor of passing laws to force nonviolent mentally ill people into mental institutions and onto prescribed medications.

Another mother who attempted to harm her child because she claimed to hear voices in her head was Melissa Wright. Melissa Wright placed her child in an oven because she heard voices in her head. Luckily her husband heard the cries of the child in the oven and rescued the child. Melissa was arrested for attempted murder. Click here to read “Police: Mom Burns Child in Oven”

The latest case of a mother murdering her children because God told her to do it is Deanna Laney. Deanna murdered two of her three children after what she claimed was the voice of God telling her to do it. Click here to read “Mother Said God Told Her to Kill Sons”

Advocacy groups that support Involuntary Outpatient Commitment will use these mothers’ tragic cases to advocate laws in states throughout America mandating forced treatment of non-violent mentally ill people who psychiatrists simply suspect could turn violent in the future. UltraSonics’ objective would be to use their sophisticated technology to create cases such as these mothers’ cases in an effort to give these advocacy groups cases to point out to the public as reasons for supporting Involuntary Outpatient Commitment. There is a massive organized effort underway in America to target mentally ill people and force them into treatment and onto prescribed medications.

UltraSonics could even send the Target on some wild religious crusade. With UltraSonics sophisticated surveillance equipment and sound projection devices, UltraSonics could convince the Target to sell his house and use his life savings to go on some wild religious crusade to find God. The Target could spend years of his life or even the remainder of his life on this crusade. There have been people interviewed on TV that are on some kind of a religious crusade because they claim that a religious figure spoke to them in their homes.

UltraSonics normally targets the most vulnerable members of our society. Unfortunately, those people who are normally targeted don't understand what is being used against them and misinterpret UltraSonics' sonic weapons and devices for haunted houses and religious experiences. The targeted people may start another haunted house tale or even start a religious movement from their experience. It's not a supernatural force being used against them but rather just simple acoustic energy. Haunted house stories are part of our culture and people want to believe in them. Trying to convince people targeted by UltraSonics that it’s not haunted houses, religious events, mind control, or other extraordinary occurrences in their lives but rather high tech trickery may prove futile. I’ve received many emails from people claiming to be experts in their field informing me that I’m mistaken and things like Acts of God, Witchcraft, Evil Spirits, Supernatural Forces, Pyramid Power, Mind Control, and other wild explanations are what ail me. One thing to remember is that UltraSonics Agents get their kicks from preying on the fears and beliefs of disadvantaged people in our society. UltraSonics Agents sit around boasting of their horrific achievements among themselves.

UltraSonics also uses the stereotypes of the general public in America. When the average American TV viewer sees a person on TV who claims to have lived in a haunted house or been visited by a religious figure, the TV viewer simply brushes off the person making the wild claims as being mentally ill. UltraSonics counts on this reaction from the general public because it gives them cover to continue their operation against their Targets. An extraordinary event has occurred in the life of the person making the wild claims but it not what they believe it is.

Some local “Paranormal Investigators” or so-called “Ghost Busters” may actually be somehow connected with UltraSonics. When UltraSonics attempts to trick the Target into believing his house is haunted, the Target may seek help from a local paranormal investigator. The paranormal investigator may ask all the right questions, perform rituals, and use fancy detection equipment to confirm the Target’s suspicion that his house is haunted. The Target should keep in mind that it may not be ghost or goblins but an organized effort by his local community to force him out of his home.

There are many tricks a paranormal investigator can use to convince the Target that his house is haunted. One trick is to place a large tub of water in the center of a living room and look for strange waves on the surface of the water. If the Target has a swimming pool in his backyard, the paranormal investigator may take the Target out to the pool to search for these strange waves on the surface of the water in the pool.

The trick to creating these magical waves on the surface of water is to pass sonic bullets or sonic lasers through the water. The sonic weapon is fired from inside the Spook House, and sonic waves produced by the weapon will pass through the walls of the Target’s house or through the water in the tub in the living room. To fire the sonic waves into the Target’s swimming pool, the weapon is usually fired from the second floor of the Spook House straight into the pool in the Target’s backyard. As the sonic waves pass through the water, strange small waves on the surface of the water appear, and to the Target, who is unaware of UltraSonics, it could appear that a supernatural force is creating these magical waves on the surface of the water. The paranormal investigator will assure the Target that this is proof positive that a supernatural force is near and creating the waves on the surface of the water.

Another trick the paranormal investigator may use is to bring fancy looking detection equipment into the Target’s house that the investigator claims will detect the presents of supernatural forces. Unless the Target knows exactly what this detection equipment is and what it will detect, the Target could be tricked into believing that a fancy looking box that may have nothing inside but simple electronic detection circuits from a car radar detector is being used to detect supernatural forces. From the Spook House, an UltraSonics Agent can use a simple police radar gun to make the detection circuit in the investigator’s fancy box activate, flash lights, and beep on cue. The paranormal investigator may even perform a ritual to summon the spirits, and then on cue, an UltraSonics Agent turns on the radar gun to make the detection equipment come alive. From the Spook House, the UltraSonics Agents can even shower the Target with infrasonic waves from their low power sonic weapon to create the tingling sensations that people sometimes associate with the presents of a spirit. It’s noting but a trick.

Paranormal investigators often point to messages that are written on mirrors and walls inside a house that appeared to come from nowhere as proof of a haunted house. Remember, UltraSonics has surveillance technology that can detect when people living in a house have fallen asleep. As the Target and other people in the Target’s house fall asleep, UltraSonics will be able to detect this. In the middle of the night when the people in the Target’s house have fallen into a deep sleep, an UltraSonics Agent can quietly enter the house and write the strange messages on a mirror or wall and quietly exit the house. The people in the Target’s house will awaken in the morning and find the messages on the mirror or wall and believe that a spirit wrote the message. An UltraSonics Agent can also enter the Target’s house when the people living in the Target’s house are all away for a short period of time to write the message. The people will return home to find the message and also believe a spirit wrote the message. If the Target lives alone, this is a much easier trick to pull off.

An additional trick the paranormal investigator may use is to ask the Target if he has noticed any objects in his house that appear to move unexplainably. Sonic bullets or sonic lasers passing through an object exert a force on that object in the direction the sonic wave is traveling. Objects not held down (nailed down) that the sonic waves travel through can be made to move. This movement can be used to trick a person who is not aware of UltraSonics technology into believing that a supernatural event is occurring.

An old trick of UltraSonics is to make metal window blinds, common in most homes, move as though some invisible force has struck the blinds. Infrasonic bullets passing through the strips of metal hanging by strings create these magical movements of the blinds. There is very little counteracting force of the metal strips hanging by strings as the infrasonic bullets pass through so movement to the binds will occur. These movements will appear unexplainable to the Target.

An object on a shelf in the Target’s house can be knocked off the shelf and made to fall to the floor by passing sonic bullets or sonic lasers through the object. From the Spook House, an UltraSonics Agent can use a sonic weapon to pass a sonic wave through a light metal knickknack on a shelf in the Target’s house and knock it to the floor. This trick is one of those terrifying events seen in most haunted house movies. A religious cross or crucifix can also be made to move or even knocked off a nail in the wall by a sonic wave passing through it.

UltraSonics can also use the old move the ball in the middle of the room trick, just as seen in the movies, to further convince the Target his house is haunted. A medium sized ball placed on the floor in the middle of a room by the paranormal investigator can be made to move very slowly by passing a sonic laser through the ball. Since the ball in not nailed to the floor, it will magically appear to roll slowly across the room, and the paranormal investigator will of course have a video camera there to record the remarkable event. The paranormal investigator may wait a few minutes before giving the secret verbal cue to his associates in the Spook House next door, who are listening with their surveillance equipment, to make the ball move. After this ball movement trick, the paranormal investigator will say “Case closed, your house is haunted!”

The paranormal investigator may charge thousands of dollars for his services, which may have been nothing but a scam. If the paranormal investigator “senses” the Target can be milked for additional services, the paranormal investigator may offer additional “Ghost Busting Specials” to rid the evil spirits from the house.

A scary scenario of someone being persuaded that he is being possessed by an evil demon can easily be accomplished with UltraSonics sonic devices and weapons. The Target could be attacked in increasing amounts each night with techniques previous mentioned on this web page to mimic the symptoms that the little girl in the movie “The Exorcist” experienced. Someone not aware of UltraSonics could actually believe that he is really being possessed. A situation could occur where family members or friends may try conventional methods or even unconventional methods to intervene to help their family member or friend. One unconventional method may be to seek out a priest to perform an exorcism.

UltraSonics began their operation’s surveillance stage against me around August of 1998. The surveillance stage lasted for about a month. Unknown to myself at this time, I was under surveillance both at home and at work. After a one-month surveillance period at my home, UltraSonics switched to the attack stage at my home while maintaining the surveillance stage at my workplace. UltraSonics used many of the attack methods mentioned previously on this web page against me at my home.

If UltraSonics decides to attack the Target with non-lethal weapon when the attack stage begins, UltraSonics Agents will viciously attack the Target in an attempt to get the Target to turn violent. UltraSonics Agents will attack the Target in his home and the mobile unit will follow the Target around for several days when the Target is away from his home. This assault by UltraSonics is a massive assault that occurs all at once in an attempt to push the Target over the edge.

I was attacked by UltraSonics with sonic weapons when UltraSonics began its attack stage against me. UltraSonics threw its entire arsenal at me and never was able to get me to crack. I was attacked with skull penetrating sonic bullets and skull penetrating sonic lasers for approximately 2 weeks when the attack stage first began. UltraSonics’ mobile unit followed me around for several days while I was away from my home in a futile attempt to drive me out of control. UltraSonics used their sonic weapons to attack me throughout the night before workdays in order to prevent me from getting sleep.

UltraSonics is so extreme in that they place little value on the safety of the innocent people on the street where I drive to and from work. By striking me with sonic weapons and keeping me awake at night before workdays, UltraSonics not only put my safety at risk but also put the safety of innocent people at risk as well. I had to drive to and from work some days with little to no sleep, ready to dose off behind the wheel of my car. I have to travel through several residential neighborhoods and at least two school zones along the way to and from work.

UltraSonics will also move its sonic weapons and fire the weapons at the Target from other houses in the neighborhood. The force that the sonic weapons exert on the body when struck will indicate the general direction of where the weapon was fired. UltraSonics fires its sonic weapons from other participating neighbors' homes at the Target because it makes it much more difficult for the Target to explain his story to the police. The police will ask, "ALL YOUR NEIGHBORS ARE SHOOTING INVISIBLE BULLETS AT YOU?" Because UltraSonics is able to single out the Target and only strike the Target in a house with more than one person in it, the police will just assume the Target is crazy and quickly brush him off.

In addition to home and workplace surveillance of the Target, UltraSonics also has road surveillance. UltraSonics will try to maintain surveillance of the Target while the Target is away from home and work. If the Target is an adult and drives a car, a road crew consisting of two or more cars will follow the Target wherever he may go. If the Target goes food shopping, for example, the road crew will follow the Target to and from the supermarket.

UltraSonics Agents in one of the two cars will park their car and follow the Target into the supermarket while the other Agents in the other car wait in their car at a distance spot in the parking lot. The UltraSonics Agents who followed the Target into the supermarket and will follow the Target around the supermarket observing the Target's every move. If the Target travels to an additional store the same day, the UltraSonics Agents in other car will follow the Target into the store this time. This rotation of UltraSonics Agents who follow the Target into stores is done to avoid the situation where the Target starts noticing familiar people from a different store.

During the surveillance stage, the Target will be totally unaware that he is under surveillance. The Target will never be made aware the he is being followed while away from his home. However, when the attack stage begins, UltraSonics will make attempts to let the Target know that he is being watched.

When the Target leaves the supermarket, for example, the UltraSonics Agents waiting in the distance will blow their car horn twice to let the Target know that he is being watched. This horn blowing technique repeated every time the Target comes out of a store or building will help create a paranoid mental state.

The type of horn blown will typically be a car horn but UltraSonics may use a strange sounding horn that is easily identifiable by the Target. This strange sounding horn will be blown for the Target while he is home and away from home. It will be a horn that produces a loud sound that is unmistakable to the Target, such as a boat horn for example. The horn will be hidden in the engine compartment of an UltraSonics Agent’s car and can be activated by an UltraSonics Agent in the car or activated by remote control by an UltraSonics Agent hundreds of feet away. A simple way to activate this horn remotely is with an auxiliary function of a simple car alarm system. This remote operation of the horn ensures the Target can be harassed with this horn blowing technique without risk of the Target spotting the UltraSonics Agent. In a parking lot with dozens of cars, it would be impossible to find a car with a strange horn hidden under the car’s hood. UltraSonics Agents will use the strange sounding horn technique to basically psych the Target out. Blowing the strange sounding horn at night each time after attacking the Target with sonic weapons to wake him up, and then blowing it when the Target leaves a store while away from home will have a devastating effect on the Target’s mental state.

On some occasions, the car waiting in the distance is equipped with the larger of the two portable versions of UltraSonics' sonic weapons. UltraSonics Agents will use this portable sonic weapon to strike the Target with infrasonic bullets while the Target is walking toward his car in a parking lot and after the Target gets in his car. The infrasonic bullets created by this sonic weapon pass through the glass windows of a car with ease but have trouble passing through the metal panels of a car.

An UltraSonics Agent hiding in back of a SUV can use this portable sonic weapon to target the Target through the windows of both the SUV and the Target’s car. UltraSonics Agents can even use the sonic bullets from this portable sonic weapon to strike the metal panels on the Target’s car to produce what will sound like thumps against the Target’s car. The target will be sitting in his car and feel things striking him and also hear thumps against the side of his car. Since the portable sonic weapon is fired from inside an SUV, it is impossible for the Target to determine where the weapon is being fried from in a parking lot filled with cars. This portable version of UltraSonics’ sonic weapon can fire an infrasonic bullet hundreds of feet to strike the Target. No sophisticated targeting system is needed, just simple line of sight targeting.

UltraSonics Agents will also use their smallest portable handheld sonic weapon, which fits in a woman's handbag, to strike the Target in the back of the head while the Target is just walking down the street or walking in a mall. The weapon makes no sound when fired, and when struck, the Target will feel what seems like someone just slapped him in the back of his head. The purpose of firing this type of weapon at the Target in public is to get the Target to react and lash out in public.

After being attacked, the Target may turn around and go after anyone standing in back of or near him, even people who are innocent bystanders. If the Target assaults someone who he believes fried the weapon at him, the police can be called and the Target can be arrested. This assault would be a violent act and if the Target tells the police he committed the assault because someone shot an invisible bullet at him, then the Target can be arrested and held indefinitely in a mental institution for a psychiatric evaluation. The Target may even have assaulted a person who had absolutely nothing to do with the attack against him, just someone who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

If the Target just creates a simple disturbance after the attack and no violent action, the police, if called, can file report that can be used in a court of law at a later time to declare the Target mentally ill and a danger to society. The police who generated the report can also testify against the Target at this time.

UltraSonics may even put some kind of tracking bug in the Target's car. Car tracking systems are now available that use the GPS (Global Positioning System) system to transmit the location of the car under surveillance to a pursuing car. These car-tracking systems are very expensive, but UltraSonics seems to have an unlimited budget. If UltraSonics can gain access to through-wall imaging technology and through-wall retinal scanning technology, I don't think they would have much trouble gaining access to this car-tracking device.

With this car-tracking device installed in the Target's car, UltraSonics Agents can follow the Target's car from a safe distance without the risk of being spotted by the Target. I wouldn't be too surprised if UltraSonics has a car-tracking device that can also transmit conversations that occur inside the Target's car to the pursuing car. The car-tracking device placed in the Target's car is only turned on by remote control when needed. This makes it very difficult to detect the car-tracking device with bug-detecting equipment.

During the entire surveillance stage, the Target will never suspect that he is under any type of surveillance. During the latter part of the surveillance stage, UltraSonics Agents may test the Target to see how he responds in certain situations. During this period, UltraSonics Agents may test the Target to see how he responds by creating situations for the Target to react to out in public. The situations created for the Target to react to will reflect what UltraSonics believes the Target’s weaknesses are. The Target may notice a series of strange occurrences that occur over several days, such as strangers coming up to the Target and asking strange questions. Because the Target is unaware of the surveillance stage he is under, most often the Target will assume it was just strange coincidences occurring.

When the attack stage begins, UltraSonics may use another technique to let the Target know he is under surveillance out in public. The Target will start noticing that as he is walking in shopping centers or other public places, strangers walk up and say strange things to him and just walk away. These strangers are UltraSonics Agents who are using psychological warfare tactics in an attempt to make the Target feel paranoid by making him believe that he is constantly being watched everywhere he goes. This technique involves a different UltraSonics Agent each time walking up to the Target and saying the same thing each time and then simply walking away. What is usually said to the Target is the same obscenity repeated over each time by a different UltraSonics Agent.

UltraSonics Agents are masters of illusion. The local police use procedures when they are called to a residence. The police will follow these procedures to analyze and draw conclusions based on what they observe. UltraSonics Agents know these procedures the police follow inside and out and will be able to play the police like a violin. UltraSonics Agents will know exactly what to tell the police and the appearance to generate for the police.

An example of this would be if the Target calls the police and tells the police that an UltraSonics Agent who is living next door to him is shooting invisible bullets at him. After the police talk to the Target, the police will begin to believe that Target is mentally ill. When the police go next door to speak to the UltraSonics Agent, the UltraSonics Agent will verbally give the police the indications they are looking for when they are drawing their conclusion about the Target’s mental state. The police will quickly look around inside the UltraSonics Agent’s house to see nothing out of the ordinary. The one sure thing UltraSonics Agents always do to present the illusion of normalcy is to have children playing in the room when the police arrive. The police will never believe that something like what the Target describes is occurring in a house where children are playing. The police will come to the conclusion that the Target is mentally ill and recommend the Target seek psychiatric help.

One more harassment technique UltraSonics uses to harass the Target is to enter the Target’s house while the Target is away from home for a short period of time and rearrange some of the furniture in the house to let the Target know UltraSonics Agents were in the house. A table or a chair, for example, might be moved to a different spot for this simple rearrangement of the furniture. The rearrangement of the furniture will be obvious to the Target but not obvious to anyone else. UltraSonics Agents will not damage the Target’s house in anyway and leave no physical evidence behind of the entry. If the Target calls the police to report the rearranged furniture, the police will assume the Target is mistaken and paranoid. If the Target had already called the police about his neighbors shooting invisible bullets at him, the police will assume the Target’s complaints about the rearranged furniture are related to his mental illness. This harassment is usually done to the Target if he lives alone. The harassment technique often proves to be a very effective because it makes the Target feel violated and completely vulnerable.

I was received an email from a person who claimed that UltraSonics sometimes uses a very extreme technique to deal with mentally ill people who live alone. I don’t know if this method has been used in the past by UltraSonics but I thought it was worth mentioning. While the mentally ill person who lives alone is away from his home, UltraSonics Agents will enter his house to put hallucinogenic drugs in the mentally ill person’s food. These hallucinogenic drugs will cause the mentally ill person to react violently. UltraSonics Agents in the neighborhood will provoke the mentally ill person after he consumes the drugged food to try to get him to turn violent. Once the mentally ill person does turn violent, UltraSonics Agents will call the police to have the mentally ill person arrested. Once the violent act has been committed by the mentally ill person, he can be forced into a mental institution and forced onto prescribed medications. UltraSonics Agents will re-enter the Target’s house after the arrest and remove the drugged food from the house.

Every time I went to the police station to seek help from the police, UltraSonics would find out. The UltraSonics Agents living in my neighbor's house would put on a charade for the police each time I went to the police station. The neighborhood became mostly deserted after UltraSonics began its operation against me. But every time I went to the police station, UltraSonics Agents would come outside of their Spook House and work on something around the house and have children play in front of the house, where they would all be visible to the police. I don't know if the road surveillance crew followed me to the police station and notified the other UltraSonics Agents in my neighborhood or the Nazi Cop in my neighborhood got an inside tip from the local police department where he once worked before retirement. The police would see this charade put on by UltraSonics and assume there was no problem, other than me.

UltraSonics Agents will try to create a general illusion of normalcy at the Spook House where UltraSonics is performing their operation. The house is nothing but a Spook House, which means that the house is a front for UltraSonics’ operation. UltraSonics will: decorate the outside of the house for each holiday, put trash in front of the house each trash day, and place children's toys around the outside of the house. UltraSonics’ operation is such a well thought-out and planned operation that UltraSonics Agents will even put empty boxes of children’s toys in front of the Spook House on the curb the day after Christmas. The weekly trash is mostly brought in from other UltraSonics Agents homes in the trunk of their car and placed on the curb for weekly trash collection to make it look like a family is actually living in the house. Children’s toys sit undisturbed in the same spot for months without ever being touched. UltraSonics should move the toys around periodically to make it look like children are actually playing with them. This charade of UltraSonics is done to ward off any possible suspicion from anyone just passing by.

The night the attack stage begins, UltraSonics will park a car that the Target has never seen before in a spot clearly visible to the Target. As the Target leaves his house the morning after the attack stage begins, he will notice the car for the first time. This car will always be parked in the same spot throughout the rest of the attack stage. The UltraSonics Agent who drives this car will make himself clearly visible to the Target to let the Target know that this person is responsible for the attacks against him. UltraSonics plan is to try to get the Target to somehow damage the car or attack the UltraSonics Agent driving the car. If the Target were to attempt one of these actions, this would be a violent act and allow forcible commitment to a mental institution should the Target tell the police he committed the violent act in retaliation for people shooting invisible bullets at him.

UltraSonics Agents will play other psychological warfare games with the Target after the attack stage begins by creating other situations for the Target to react to. When the Target arrives home, for example, UltraSonics Agents will move large boxes into the Spook House from the back of a small truck or SUV. This moving of boxes is meant for the Target to see and immediately suspect that he has caught the UltraSonics Agents in the act of moving the weapons into the Spook House. The Target may run over and confront the UltraSonics Agents.

It is important to remember that UltraSonics Agents are playing games with the Target because UltraSonics’ weapons are already in the house hidden and nothing abnormal will be in the boxes. If the Target confronts the UltraSonics Agents and becomes violent, the UltraSonics Agents will call the police in an attempt to have the Target arrested. The UltraSonics Agents will know how to push the Target’s hot buttons and will try to provoke the Target into committing a violent act. When the police arrive and the Target tells his incredible and wild story of his neighbors shooting invisible bullets at him, the UltraSonics Agents will open the boxes for the police to examine and the police will find nothing out of the ordinary. The Target will appear to the police to be mentally ill and if the Target committed a violent act, he can be arrested and held in a mental institution for a psychiatric evaluation. A violent act can be as small of a violent offense as punching someone in the face.

UltraSonics operation against the Target is an extremely organized and profession operation. UltraSonics is creating situations for the Target to react to. One thing for certain, UltraSonics will never place their technology and weapons at risk of somehow being discovered. All surveillance equipment and sonic weapons are well hidden and protected inside the house where UltraSonics is conducting its operation. UltraSonics uses the surveillance intelligence of the Target to create situations for the Target to react to. One favorite psychological warfare method is to park strange white or blue vans in front of the Target’s house. These vans have no surveillance or weapons inside but are only meant to make the Target feel paranoid. It’s just a theatrical performance by UltraSonics. Some people believe that if a certain color van is parked in front of their house, a certain division of the military is watching them. Anyone with this kind of technology will not place it in an obvious place to be discovered by the person under surveillance.

The Target will also start noticing that when he leaves his house to drive away in his car, one of the Target’s direct neighbors will also come outside his house, get in his car, and drive away with the Target. And when the Target returns home, either the same neighbor or another of the Target's direct neighbors will arrive home, get out of his car, and go in his home. Several of the Target’s direct neighbors will be used in this part of the Target's home harassment after the attack stage begins. The Target’s direct neighbors will usually rotate on who leaves and arrives with the Target so a different person comes out and in of a different house each time.

This arrival and departure home harassment by the Target’s direct neighbors is meant to make the Target feel uncomfortable and paranoid, and is only meant for theater. The Target will indeed be followed by UltraSonics Agents while away from home but the UltraSonics Agents conducting the surveillance will maintain professional covert surveillance. This arrival and departure home harassment is designed to let the Target know that he is always being followed, no matter where he may go. With the constant surveillance of the Target inside his home, UltraSonics can have a neighbor ready to leave and an UltraSonics Agent ready to maintain road surveillance. Remember during the surveillance and attack stage of UltraSonics’ operation, UltraSonics will know exactly where the Target is and what he is doing.

UltraSonics Agents will attempt to get the Target to lose control of his senses and somehow commit a violent act with his car. If the Target does lose control and tries to use his car to try to rundown an UltraSonics Agent, this is a violent act that can have the Target arrested and sent to a mental institution.

UltraSonics’ Agents will leave lawn mowers and other yard equipment directly near where the Target parks his car in an attempt to get the Target to somehow vandalize the yard equipment. UltraSonics Agents will have a video camcorder recording the Target as he arrives home in an attempt to catch the Target vandalizing the yard equipment. If the Target does vandalize the yard equipment, proof positive evidence is on videotape for the police. The Target should be aware that vandalism of private property is a violent offense.

UltraSonics will not vandalize the Target's property in anyway. Damaging the Target's property creates evidence that the Target can use to prove that he is in fact being harassed. UltraSonics only uses their psychological warfare tactics and high tech harassment methods to harass the Target, which leaves the Target with no evidence to prove harassment. It is very important for UltraSonics not to create any physical evidence that the Target can use to prove his harassment.

UltraSonics Agents living next door to the Target will even call the police if the Target commits the slightest nonviolent action to get back at UltraSonics. For example, UltraSonics will call the police if the Target comes home late at night and simply makes too much noise. An UltraSonics Agent will come outside when the police arrive and the agent will attempt to get the Target to tell the police that the reason why the Target is making so much noise at night is to get back at UltraSonics for shooting invisible bullets at him. If the Target does make such statements to the police about his neighbors shooting invisible bullets at him, these statements will be important at a later point in time to UltraSonics because they can be used in a court of law against the Target.

UltraSonics is maintaining constant surveillance of the Target in his home with the listening and through-wall imaging devices. During the attack stage at home, UltraSonics will let the Target know that he is constantly being watched by blowing the loud strange sounding horn from a neighboring house every time the Target does something that he repeatedly does throughout the day. For example, if the Target gets up from a chair, the Target will hear the loud horn blow that appears to be very close by. As this occurs for the second, third, and fourth time in a row, the Target will start developing a paranoid state of mind about being watched. The Target will usually suspect that he is being watched through a window or that there is a hidden camera in the house. The Target might take precautions such as pulling all the shades down in his house or start looking throughout the house for a hidden camera that is not there. UltraSonics gets their kicks from this because after the Target takes the precautions, UltraSonics will continue on with the horn blowing technique, watching the Target get frustrated from his inability to figure out how he is being watched.

As mentioned previously, UltraSonics will also use this horn blowing technique after waking the Target up at night. UltraSonics will attack the Target with sonic weapons 30 minutes after he falls asleep, and then after verifying the Target has been awoken, UltraSonics will blow the loud horn to let the Target know it was UltraSonics. UltraSonics will repeat this method throughout the night before a workday to prevent the Target from getting a good night’s sleep.

If the Target parks his car within 30 feet of the Spook House, UltraSonics can use their high-powered sound projection device to make a metal panel of the Target’s car, such as a car fender, vibrate at a very low frequency. This low frequency vibration can be heard and will set off the alarm in most cars that have a shock sensor. At first, UltraSonics will use this technique to annoy the Target by setting off the car alarm every time he enters a certain room in his house. The Target will hear a loud vibration of metal outside and then the Target’s car alarm will be set off. This will be repeated many times to let the Target know its UltraSonics. Each Time, the Target will look around outside and no one will be around. After a few minutes when the alarm turns off, UltraSonics will blow their loud strange sounding horn to let the Target know it was UltraSonics. After a short period of time, UltraSonics will use this technique to set the Target’s car alarm off in the middle of the night. UltraSonics Agents will then call the police after setting off the car alarm in the middle of the night. This will be done to try to get the Target to tell the police that UltraSonics is firing invisible bullets at his car to set the car’s alarm off. Another damaging report filed on behalf of the Target claiming that those invisible bullets are now attacking his car. It won’t look good in a court of law at the Target’s competency hearing.

Hidden cameras and microphones now exists that can be hidden in consumer electronic products, such as a VCRs or stereo receivers. UltraSonics does have this technology and has the most sophisticated versions of it. Hidden cameras and microphones usually need some type of power source so if UltraSonics places such devices in the Target’s home, it will typically be placed in products with a power source that the surveillance devices can draw power from. VCRs, TVs, and stereo receivers are left plugged in to a power source indefinitely and provide the necessary requirements for such a surveillance device.

Detecting these hidden surveillance devices in the Target’s home may be very difficult or impossible for the average person. UltraSonics uses sophisticated versions of this technology that can be turned on remotely. Turing this surveillance technology on remotely means that detection equipment may only be able to detect the surveillance devices when UltraSonics turns the devices on. Today’s surveillance technology is so sophisticated that a hidden camera can be integrated into a LED display of a VCR. UltraSonics can replace the LED display in a VCR with a LED display that has a hidden camera incorporated inside. The hidden camera in the LED display will be visually undetectable to the untrained eye, so even if the Target were to open the VCR to inspect it for a hidden camera, he probably will not know what to look for inside the VCR.

UltraSonics also has surveillance technology that can monitor the Target’s computer activity and monitor his LAN (Local Area Network). Monitoring technology that detect what the Target types on his computer and monitor what his computer transmits and receives over networks and modems is available to UltraSonics. This computer bugging can be software and/or hardware. UltraSonics can install hidden software on the Target’s computer that stores keystrokes or information from network traffic into a hidden file on the Target’s computer that can be retrieved at a later time by UltraSonics Agents. UltraSonics has detection equipment that can be physically attached to the Target’s computer or network to monitor the Target’s computer activity. UltraSonics also has detection equipment that can remotely pickup EMF emissions emitted by the Target’s computer or network without any physical contact with the computer or network to monitor the Target’s computer activity. An example would be a cable of an Ethernet network running through a wall would emit EMF signals that UltraSonics can monitor. This EMF remote monitoring technology can be conducted from the house next-door. UltraSonics can store data retrieved from this type of monitoring on a storage device for later analysis. The device that stores the data can be a simple laptop computer that UltraSonics owns. UltraSonics can monitor the Target’s emails, the web pages he looks at, and the files he uploads and downloads.

UltraSonics was unsuccessful in getting me to commit a violent act during the attack stage against me. UltraSonics objective was to attack me in my home with sonic weapons and have the mobile unit attack me while away from home and work, in order to force me into committing a violent act. Once I committed the violent act, UltraSonics would have had law enforcement arrest me. After I was arrested, law enforcement would then have tricked me into admitting I committed the violent act in retaliation for UltraSonics shooting invisible bullets at me. Once I told law enforcement this, I would have been forcibly committed to a mental institution for an indefinite period of time for a psychiatric evaluation.

A psychiatrist at the mental institution would have performed the psychiatric evaluation. The psychiatrist would have tricked me into telling him my story. After I told the psychiatrist my story, I would have unknowingly given the psychiatrist everything he needed to legally and ethically find me mentally ill and a danger to society. The psychiatrist at this point would have the authority to legally commit me to the mental institution indefinitely and begin treatment of the suspected mental illness I was just diagnosed as having. My Treatment at the mental institution would have been forcing me onto prescribed medications for the remainder of my life. I would have been given the Chemical Lobotomy and turned into a walking zombie by the psychiatrists at the mental institution. UltraSonics must have put so much effort into this plan and I’m so sorry to say this but: Too bad UltraSonics, your plan was a total failure. UltraSonics put everything on the line for the Nazi Cop and lost it all. “The cat is out of the bag!”

Due to the total failure of the attack stage at my home, UltraSonics made a decision to switch the surveillance stage at my workplace to an attack stage. This decision by UltraSonics would later prove to be another critical mistake made by UltraSonics. Around October of 1998, the attack stage at my home entered into its second month, and the surveillance stage at my workplace switched from surveillance to attack stage. At this time, I started noticing strange occurrences at work.

I would hear loud snapping noises coming from the right wall of my office, and then the left wall of my office would suddenly make loud snapping noises. Right after the walls snapped, my computer monitor would make a loud snapping noise. As I sat in my office, I would occasionally get struck in the back by something after a wall snapping incidence. The snapping noises started suddenly one day without any warning. The snapping noises were not normal noises; they had a sequence and repeated at intervals throughout the day.

When I was in my office talking to another coworker and one of those “keywords” was said, the wall would snap once. I wasn’t sure at this point what was causing the snapping noises. Up to this point, UltraSonics had never harassed me in anyway at work. I started to wonder if UltraSonics’ mobile unit was parked in the parking lot and targeting the walls in my office.

As it turned out, it was UltraSonics in the next business suite using their sound projection device to reflect audible sounds off the metal surfaces of the walls in my office and the hard plastic surface of my computer monitor. A few co-workers did ask me why the walls in my office were making snapping noises but I just told them that there must be ghosts in the suite. It would be very difficult and foolish to try to explain to my other co-workers that UltraSonics had followed me to work, moved into the next business suite, performed illegal surveillance of me and the company, and is now firing invisible bullets into my office. A goal of UltraSonics would be to try to get the Target to tell his co-workers about UltraSonics because it would simply be too unbelievable of a story. If the Target did tell his co-workers about UltraSonics, his co-workers would generally come to the conclusion that the Target is mentally ill.

Soon after the walls in my office started snapping, I started noticing another strange occurrence at work. As I would come to work and leave work, I would start noticing the people in the business suite directly next to my company were coming and leaving with me. It would always happen, at least one would arrive with me in the morning and one would leave with me at night. Around eight employees worked in that business suite. As I arrived at work in my car each morning, one of those eight employees would suddenly arrive in his car and park in the closest possible parking space to where I just parked my car. At night, when I left for the day, at least one of the employees from that business suite would come out and get in his car and leave with me.

All employees from all the other dozens of business suites around my company's suite share the same parking lot, but none of the other employees from the other suites were arriving and leaving with me, just that one directly next to my company. I tried coming and leaving at different times but the same thing would occur over and over again. On occasion, all the employees from that suite would park around my car during the day, and when I left for the day, they would all come out of their suite and leave with me.

I believe UltraSonics used a buddy system when they followed me into the parking lot in the morning. Two cars wait in the distance. One car is the spotter car and the other car is the car will follow me in. When the spotter car spotted my car entering the parking lot, the spotter car would inform the other car by walkie-talkie that I had arrived and he should move in. The spotter car would wait in the distance and would only move in to assist his buddy and be a witness should I do something rash after discovering that I had been followed to work again.

After all the events at my workplace occurred, I had to conclude that UltraSonics had leased the business suite next to my business workplace to perform surveillance of me and harass me at work, as well as at home. UltraSonics tried several other methods at my workplace to try to psych me out.

Because UltraSonics brought their sophisticated surveillance equipment to the business suite next to my workplace, UltraSonics was able to do constant surveillance of me at work. Whenever I told a co-worker that I was going outside, one of the UltraSonics Agents in that next business suite would wait by the door of their business suite for me to walk outside, and then, after seeing me outside, would quickly walk outside of their business suite to let me know I was being watched. Most of the time, the UltraSonics Agent would just light a cigarette and stare at me from a distance. As soon as I walked outside, like magic one of the UltraSonics Agents would magically appear. It would always happen, everyday.

I would take daily walks around the business complex on my breaks from work and the UltraSonics Agents form that business suite would sure enough drive by me very slowly in their cars as I walked around the business complex.

UltraSonics never used any powerful non-lethal weapons or devices on me at work. The only sonic weapon that I noticed used at work was the larger of the two small portable versions of UltraSonics sonic weapons. The only sonic device I noticed used at work was the small sound projection device to produce the snapping of the walls in my office. Bringing a large weapon to a business suite would be too risky for UltraSonics. At home, it is far less of a risk to move these weapons in and out of a house. The surveillance equipment could be concealed in small items, such as radios and other common electronic devices. Not much attention would be drawn to someone carrying a radio into and out of a business suite each day.

I believe the surveillance stage at my workplace only switched from surveillance to attack stage because the attack stage at home failed to achieve the objective that UltraSonics desired. In most cases, the attack stage at home would be enough to push the Target over the edge. During the home attack stage, the surveillance stage at the Target's workplace would normally only be used to keep the Target under surveillance incase the Target tries to seek outside help at work. UltraSonics would be able to take countermeasures based on this surveillance intelligence obtained at the Target's workplace. Hundreds of thousands of dollars of UltraSonics’ equipment and weapons are at risk so workplace surveillance of the Target provides an additional measure of security for UltraSonics.

UltraSonics’ harassment of me at my workplace has just about ended. The arrival and departure harassment ended several months after it began. UltraSonics on occasion still snaps the wall in my office to let me know I'm still being watched but UltraSonics has just about given up on this also. I’m not followed around anymore by UltraSonics Agents at work and UltraSonics’ Road Surveillance of me has also ended. At work, everything is back to normal but I’m sure UltraSonics is still keeping some type of audio surveillance of me while I’m at work. I was told a short while ago that the people in the next business suite are moving out very shortly.

UltraSonics has had me under surveillance for over two years and I guess they never found what they were looking for. At home, UltraSonics still fires their sonic weapons at me at night in order to try to prevent me from getting a good night’s sleep but the vacuum barriers I constructed have just about totally neutralized UltraSonics’ sonic weapons. My guess is that this attempted nighttime harassment continues because UltraSonics believes that they can force me to take down this website and forget about what they have done to me.

UltraSonics will be saddened to discover that I will never take down this website, and in addition to this website, I plan to write a book about UltraSonics and place it on the Internet for free. And when this technology becomes public knowledge, I plan to be first in line to testify. The America On-Line email address or the CompuServe email address listed on this website is registered in my name with my home address, so if or whenever law enforcement decides to act, law enforcement can obtain a court order to have America On-Line or CompuServe release my name and address. America On-Line or CompuServe will have my name and address indefinitely, so law enforcement can at anytime simply obtain my address from one of the ISPs just mentioned and watch the houses to the right and left of my house to catch the people involved in my harassment and capture the technology. I’m not holding my breath, though.

I placed copies of the names, home addresses, and car license plate numbers of the people that were responsible for my harassment in many safe places. After this technology becomes public, I plan to place all this information on the Internet for the public to view. Just as it is for any other war criminal, the people involved in these crimes against humanity will eventually be hunted down and brought to justice. Human and Civil Rights Crimes are Federal Crimes and have no limitation on prosecution.

The only thing UltraSonics operation against me succeeded in doing is exposing their terrible and horrific secret to the pubic that may have been kept hidden and secret for decades. I often wonder how many other people have been victims of UltraSonics. How many victims of UltraSonics are in mental institutions being tortured and forcible drugged right now? How many victims of UltraSonics have been released from a mental institution and are now being forced to take unneeded prescribed medications to insure the state does not come and forcibly return them to a mental institution?

These sonic weapons can be placed in mental institutions to attack mentally ill patients. The sonic weapon would be placed in a room close to the patient's room to be attacked and the sonic bullets and sonic lasers will pass through the walls, ceilings, and floors of the hospital rooms to strike the targeted patient. If the weapon cannot be placed in a certain mental institution, the mobile unit can be dispatched to that mental institution to attack the targeted patient from the hospital parking lot. If the mental institution is within a few hundred feet from a nearby adjacent building, a mentally ill patient can be placed in a room in outer part of the mental institution facing the adjacent building. Powerful infrasonic bullets can now be fired at the mentally ill patient from the adjacent building. UltraSonics has sonic weapons that can fire powerful infrasonic bullets hundreds of feet. These infrasonic bullets pass easily through brick walls without causing any physical damage to the walls. Since the adjacent building is not part of the mental institution, large and more powerful sonic weapons can be moved in and out without suspicion.

Psychiatrists can use these sonic weapons in mental institutions to force mentally ill patients into submission. Mentally ill patients who misbehave, refuse to cooperate, and/or refuse to take their prescribed medication may find themselves placed in a special padded room with a sonic weapon in another room nearby. There is no escape for the patient in a padded room from these sonic weapons because the sonic waves produced by the sonic weapons pass easily through padded walls and padded floors. The patient can be tortured for days by denying him sleep by striking him with a powerful sonic bullet or sonic laser every time he falls asleep. The sonic waves will leave no physical evidence behind on the patient under attack and the room will not be damaged so it would be impossible for the patient to prove what happened. Not many people will listen to a patient in a mental institution claiming that psychiatrists at the institution are attacking him with invisible bullets.

Psychiatrists and doctors may have even created phony mental illnesses to explain the artificial symptoms produced by using sonic weapons against humans. Doctors and psychiatrists at a mental institution can bring visiting doctors and psychiatrists to a patient’s room that is being attacked with sonic weapons and demonstrate to the visiting doctors and psychiatrists what the symptoms are for dangerous mental illnesses. A sonic weapon can be placed in a room directly underneath the patient’s room and the patient can be attacked in the room while the visiting doctors and psychiatrists observe.

The visiting doctors and psychiatrists will observe the patients having involuntary jolts to the fingers, hands, arms, feet, legs, upper body, and lower body. The visiting doctors and psychiatrists will be told the patient has difficulty sleeping and becomes violent at times. The patient can even be video taped and the tape distributed to other doctors and psychiatrists in order to provide them with information on the symptoms to look for when diagnosing people with dangerous mental illnesses. The sonic waves from the sonic weapons can’t be seen or heard, so to a doctor or psychiatrist who is unaware of the sonic weapons, it would appear that the patient is seriously mentally ill and should be placed on prescribed medication. Providing other doctors and psychiatrists with this erroneous information gives them a basis to diagnose people targeted by UltraSonics with dangerous mental illnesses.

Parents of children with mental disabilities should be warned about UltraSonics. If their neighborhood community feels threatened by the child, the community could allow UltraSonics into the neighborhood to attack the child. Only one neighbor on any side of the parent's house is needed to allow UltraSonics the access they need to attack the child. This does not have to be a community effort. The child will not understand what is happening to him and could be driven out of control and forcibly institutionalized.

If the parents of the mentally disabled child make a doctor's appointment for the child, UltraSonics will most certainly obtain this information because UltraSonics is doing audio and video surveillance of the family’s home. UltraSonics could use their mobile unit, which can target and strike the child from a parking lot, to attack the child in the doctor's office. Remember that the sonic bullets and sonic lasers can't be heard or seen but only felt by the person it strikes. The child can be struck even in a room with more than one person in it and no one else in the room will feel, see, or hear the sonic wave.

UltraSonics will use several methods to attack a mentally ill child. UltraSonics will use their sonic weapons to strike the child in the fingers, hands, feet, and legs. UltraSonics will repeatedly wake the child up in the middle of the night by striking the child with sonic bullets and sonic lasers. UltraSonics will be able to tell when the child falls asleep with through-wall retinal scanning, so as soon as the child falls asleep, UltraSonics can strike the child and awaken him. The child will complain of sudden unexplained movements of the fingers, hands, feet, and legs. The child will also complain of something striking parts of his body. UltraSonics will even attack infant children of targeted families. An infant child will in no way be able to give any indications of what is happening to him so parents who are unwelcome in their neighborhood community should take note and consider the possible effects of sonic weapons if used on infants. A baby’s crib placed anywhere in a house will in no way offer any protection against sonic non-lethal weapons.

Parents of children with mental disabilities should be cautious of doctors and psychiatrists because they won't even inform the parents that high technology could be being used against their child. Remember that the DSM-IV does not contain any guidelines for diagnosing mental illness caused by high technology. Doctors and psychiatrists will say, "I've seen this mental disorder before" and pronounce the child has symptoms of a dangerous mental illness and recommend unneeded medication and/or commitment to a mental institution.

If the parents ask the doctor or psychiatrist why the child exhibits no symptoms while in other people's homes, the doctor or psychiatrist will explain, "The symptoms only occur in surroundings that are familiar to the child". The doctor or psychiatrist will tell the parents that if they bring the child back for addition therapy, the child will start to experience the symptoms in the office. Beware of this also because doctors and psychiatrists use this excuse to allow UltraSonics the time needed to position its mobile unit or setup in a nearby room in the building.

Beware of doctors and psychiatrists who make statements like “I’m 99.9 percent sure that your child has a dangerous mental illness”. This high percentage figure is meant to sway parents from obtaining other opinions. Always get second, third, and even fourth opinions when dealing with the mental health system. Also beware of doctors and psychiatrists who ask, do the symptoms occur in every room the child is in? UltraSonics can target the child in any room of a house.

The reaction of each Target will be different after being attacked by UltraSonics. UltraSonics smothers the Target hoping for the reaction they desire. A normal reaction could be the Target goes berserk and does something rash, possibly with a gun. The Target could even commit suicide. I once heard on a news program that an unwelcome neighbor committed suicide after being harassed by his neighborhood community. UltraSonics could have had something to do with this.

If the Target attempts to forcibly enter the house of where he thinks the sonic weapons are being fired from, he will be shot dead. After the Target is shot dead, the UltraSonics Agents in the house will hide or remove the sonic weapons and then call the police. The UltraSonics Agents would simply tell the police that the Target was trying to rob their house.

Law enforcement will be of little to no help. I tried the local police but all I got was smart remarks and laughs. The local police told me that a person could not be targeted through walls, and when I mentioned sonic weapons, the police thought I meant someone was playing a loud radio in front of my house. The local police did have a patrol car watch my house for a few days but the police don't understand or are unwilling to understand that these weapons are fired from inside a neighboring house. Without special detection equipment for detecting the targeting system and weapons, no evidence can be produced for the police. The police are so non-technical that even if detection equipment was available, the police would not understand how to use the equipment or what it was indicating.

I tried calling and writing the FCC, ATF, and CDC but got no response. I did manage to contact a FBI agent. The FBI agent told me that he was unaware of the existence of the weapons and surveillance technology. The agent did a little research for me and informed me that there is no law making it illegal to own this type of surveillance technology and sonic weapons. The agent said it would be illegal to use the surveillance equipment and weapons to conduct surveillance of and attack people, though.

The FBI agent also told me that the FBI could not help me unless I could prove the surveillance equipment and sonic weapons were in fact being used against me. Since I have no detection equipment to detect the surveillance equipment and weapons and the sonic weapons leave no physical marks on the human body after being attacked, I could provide no evidence to support my claims. I asked the agent where I could obtain detection equipment, and he told me he had no idea. The agent entered my name, address, and Web Page URL into the agency computer database. The agent then assured me that if I were killed by the sonic weapon attacks, the FBI would conduct a full and complete investigation.

The Secret Service was also informed about UltraSonics. A targeting system that can target and identify a person through a wall up to several hundred feet away with great precision is in the hands of private American citizens with extremist views, and astonishingly the Secret Service does nothing about it. This is a recipe for disaster should one of these UltraSonics Agents go berserk and uses the through-wall targeting scope to go after a high elected official.

Detection equipment is needed that would be able to detect the microwave radar signals that this through-wall imaging technology is using to see people through walls. Simple microwave detection devices, such as microwave leak detectors, won’t detect through-wall imaging technology and will not prove a person is being targeted because those devices detect any microwave signals up to 3 GHZ, including cell phones. A detection device that would accurately detect the various microwave signals this through-wall imaging technology is using (30 GHZ to 300 GHZ) and record those readings is necessary. The detection device would have to be placed near the Target and when the targeting system scans the room for the Target, the detection device would give some type of audible warning and record the occurrence.

There are relativity inexpensive detection devices available on the Internet that can detect any microwaves up to 3GHZ. AlphaLab sells a portable detection device called MicroAlert that can detect any microwaves up to 3GHZ. This device is about the size of a small pager and easily fits in a shirt pocket. The device is designed for people with pacemakers to allow them to avoid places where high levels of microwaves are present. The device can be left on all the time and has a battery life of about three years. The device will warn the person of high levels of microwaves by beeping at intervals determined by the strength of the microwaves.

Remember the MicroAlert will detect any microwaves up to 3GHZ and will not detect through-wall imaging technology. Several people have emailed me and told me that they feel people are shooting microwaves at them. The MicroAlert would be an inexpensive way to detect if there are indeed high levels of microwaves up to 3 GHZ are present. In the links section of this web site, I listed a link to AlphaLab.

The through-wall targeting scope is using a circular array of focused microwave radar signals, with the range of 30 GHz to 300 GHz, which forms a circular array. This circular array of microwave signals is used to scan a room for the Target. If there is a microwave detection device that can detect through-wall imaging technology, it will not sound an alarm unless the array of microwave signals pass through it. If the Target were attacked, he may only sometimes hear the detection device give an audible warning because the array of microwave signals may not always pass through the detection device. A way of increasing the odds of detecting the through-wall targeting scope is to place detection sensors near the Target’s head, waist, and feet.

The through-wall targeting scope is most certainly classified military technology. Millions of dollars were spent by the United States government to develop this technology. The technology was developed for military applications. One requirement of the technology is that it be difficult or even impossible to detect. Even if you had detection equipment that could detect microwaves between 30 GHz to 300 GHz, it still may not be able to detect this technology. To design a reliable detection device, you would need to know exactly how the imaging device works. The chances of finding out how the imaging device works are zero because the technology is classified.

Detection equipment that can detect infrasonic and ultrasonic frequencies is also needed. Sonic detection equipment that detects sonic waves below 20 hertz (infrasonic) and above 20 KHz (ultrasonic) is necessary. UltraSonics’ sonic weapons fire focused sonic waves so a sonic detection device would only detect the sonic wave if the wave passed close the sensor of the device. This is the same situation as with the detection equipment that detects the through-wall targeting scopes. Sonic detection sensors would have to be placed near the Target’s head, waist, and feet also to increase the odds of detecting the sonic waves.

Ultrasonic leak detectors can be used to detect limited ultrasonic sound frequencies. Ultrasonic leak detectors are used to detect leaks in sealed systems by listening for ultrasonic sounds produced by the leaks that human ears can’t hear. An ultrasonic leak detector can easily find these leaks so they can be repaired. An ultrasonic leak detector usually gives and audible warning and has some kind of a signal strength indicator to indicate signal strength when it detects ultrasonic frequencies within its detection range.

Unfortunately, most ultrasonic leak detectors will only detect ultrasonic sound waves between 20 KHZ to 100 KHZ. UltraSonics’ ultrasonic weapons and ultrasonic devices use ultrasonic sound waves well over 100 KHZ against the Target so these ultrasonic leak detectors will not detect the weapons and devices. I listed links to Internet stores that sell ultrasonic leak detectors in the links section of this web site but don’t bother purchasing these because what is needed is a detection device that can detect ultrasonic sound frequencies up into the Megahertz range not to the Kilohertz range.

Don't bother to get an aluminum foil hat either. Cops usually ridicule people who are targeted by UltraSonics by telling them “Go get an aluminum foil hat”. Cops usually do this to make the Target feel uncomfortable in front of bystanders as the Target tries to report what is happening to him. I’ve seen this in emails I received from cops; the cops get a big laugh of it. It’s simply a distraction and a form of revenge by the cops.

I've been told many jokes about placing aluminum foil on the body will protect a person. It won’t work. In fact, placing aluminum foil on the body could make it easier for the through-wall targeting scopes to target the person. Aluminum foil will provide no protection from the sonic weapons because the sonic waves will easily pass through the foil.

Another technique people try to use to block the through-wall targeting system is to place aluminum foil on the walls and the floors of their house. This old trick did make it more difficult for older versions of UltraSonics' targeting system to target a person but the newer through-wall imaging technology can penetrate simple aluminum foil.

One impractical way to defeat this new through-wall imaging technology would require certain metals at certain thickness to be placed on the walls and the floor of a room. Placing aluminum foil or other metals on walls and floors creates risk of electrical shock so care should be taken if attempted. Thick metals on walls and floors will make it difficult or impossible for the through-wall targeting scopes to target a person but the metals will not stop sonic waves from the sonic weapons, only vacuum (no air) barriers will accomplish this. If Aluminum foil or other metals are placed on walls or floors, Ground Fault Circuits (GFC) must be installed in AC outlets to help prevent risk of electrical shock.

The through-wall imaging technology is using characteristics of the human body to target a person through a wall. The Deep Throat source, previously mentioned, stated that slightly high levels of humidity in a room will effectively block this through-wall imaging technology. I have found this statement to be true. A room humidifier is used to raise humidity levels in a room. Room humidifiers are reasonably cheap and available at most stores. Humidifiers are used mainly in the winter season so most stores might not even stock humidifiers off season. For this and other reasons, I would recommend Sears as a source for a humidifier. Sears stocks humidifiers all season round and has them on their website.

There are three types of room humidifiers that I’m aware of: ultrasonic humidifier (mist humidifier), cool humidifier, and warm humidifier. The ultrasonic humidifier uses ultrasonic sound to vaporize water. It basically produces a cool mist that is sprayed into the air to humidify a room. The cool humidifier uses a fan to force air through a water saturated filter inside the humidifier to humidify a room. The warm humidifier uses a heating element to evaporate water into the air to humidity a room. Sears sells all three types and has a generous return policy if the humidifier does not help your situation.

I would strongly recommend the ultrasonic humidifier because it’s quite, produces no heat, uses little electricity, and easy to clean. My second choice would be the cool humidifier but it’s noisier and harder to clean. I would not recommend the warm humidifier because it produces heat and requires more electricity to operate. All humidifiers use water to humidify the air and they require weekly cleaning to prevent germ buildup. Ultrasonic and cool humidifiers also require periodic filter replacement. The main advantage of the warm humidifier is that it requires no filter. The ultrasonic humidifier might cost more to operate because of filter replacement but I feel the benefits outweigh the cost factor. The ultrasonic humidifier I purchased from Sears has a digital humidity display and control to precisely control the humidity in a room. I would recommend a digital display and digital controls for this application. I placed a link in the link section of this website to the Sears model ultrasonic humidifier I purchased.

The magic humidity number seems to be 60 percent relative humidity in a room to block the through-wall imaging system. Humidity seems to be the weakness of this imaging technology. In my opinion, this works because high humidity levels in a room prevents the buildup of static charge on objects in a room, including the human body. I keep the room where I sleep at 75 degrees Fahrenheit with 60 percent relative humidity.

Remember it’s the relative humidity level in a room where the Target is that counts not the relative humidity level outdoors or in other rooms. If the humidity level is greater than 60 percent outdoors, an air conditioner or heater can bring the relative humidity level down indoors far below 60 percent. Air conditioners and heaters act as dehumidifiers bringing down relative humidity levels so the Target needs a humidifier to raise the relative humidity level.

One of the problems encountered with ultrasonic humidifiers is called white dust. Salt in tap water creates this problem. White dust from the salt will form on surfaces near the ultrasonic humidifier. Good ultrasonic humidifiers have a filter to help prevent white dust but the filters must be replaced periodically and are fairly pricey. A solution is to use distilled water in the ultrasonic humidifier. Distilled water will produce no white dust and you may not need to use a filter at all in the ultrasonic humidifier. Check with the manufacturer. Distilled water can be purchased at any local pharmacy store. Depending on usage, it may be cheaper to buy the distilled water rather than the filters. You will also notice that the ultrasonic humidifier stays cleaner inside when distilled water is used, which translates into fewer cleanings of the ultrasonic humidifier.

Remember UltraSonics through-wall targeting scopes can target the static charge on the human body, the body heat of the human body, and your eyes. A humidifier raising the humidity level in a room to 60 percent will only prevent the detection of the static charge on the human body, not the detection of body heat and the eyes. I discovered several other methods that will help defeat the detection of a person through a wall.

First method: Static charge buildup on the human body can be detected through a wall. A static charge can be built up on the human body by simply walking across a carpeted floor. The static charge buildup can be discharged safely with a grounding wrist strap that can cost as little as five dollars. The wrist strap is worn on the wrist and has a long wire that provides a continuous connection to earth ground through a one Meg ohm resistance. A continuous connection to earth ground is needed to safely prevent a static charge from building up on the human body. People who work around electronic components that could easily be damaged by static electricity wear these wrist straps many hours throughout their workday. These wrist straps provide ESD (Electro Static Discharge) protection. These wrist straps can be worn while sleeping to help prevent a static charge buildup on the human body. I listed some Internet electronic stores that sell the grounding wrist straps in the links section of this website. This method or raising the humidity level in a room to 60 percent will prevent a static charge from building up on the human body.

Second method: Body heat can also be detected through a wall. The human body has a higher temperature than a house wall, and that difference in temperature can be detected through a wall. Placing regular lamps with incandescent light bulbs near a person can help prevent a person’s body heat from being detected through a wall. Spacing lamps around five feet apart is effective. The heat given off by the light bulbs will help mask the human body heat.

Third method: Buy a “Sleep Mask” (also called an “Eye Mask”) and use it to cover your eyes while you sleep. Buy the one from Eckerd Drugstore that is made of soft rayon. I listed a link for the sleep mask in the link section of this website. If you are going to leave the lights on while you sleep, you will definitely need this. UltraSonics has retinal scanning technology that can scan your eyes through walls, this sleep mask blocks this technology while you sleep. UltraSonics will use through-wall retinal scanning to identify and attack you through walls. Your eyes can identify you, give your position away, and let UltraSonics know when you fall asleep. If you are targeted, it might be worth while obtaining a sleep mask. The cost is around 4 dollars at Eckerd Drugstore. I don’t know how or why this sleep mask blocks this technology but it does. You may need two or three of these sleep masks layered over each other to provide 100 percent effectiveness against through-wall retinal scanning.

Using the above mentioned techniques to make it difficult or impossible to be targeted through a wall sounds great but it does not mean that a person cannot still be struck with sonic bullets or sonic lasers. UltraSonics can fire randomly into the room with sonic bullets or sonic lasers that have amplitudes of 10 or more inches and strike the Target in the room. The odds of striking the Target are pretty good in a small room. Of course, UltraSonics will only fire randomly into the room if the Target is in the room alone.

UltraSonics can also use a clever method to find a person in the safe room by moving a certain frequency ultrasonic laser around the safe room until it strikes the targeted person in the throat, chest, or stomach. The frequency of this ultrasonic laser will produce an audible sound created by the vocal chords, lungs, or stomach resonating at audible frequencies as the ultrasonic laser passes through that area of the body.

UltraSonics will listen for this audible sound with a sensitive listening device, and when the audible sound is heard, UltraSonics knows the general area in the room where the targeted person is. Powerful sonic bullets and sonic lasers can now be fired into this general area of room. It’s not 100 percent effective but the odds of striking the targeted person are greatly increased with this method. This method takes time to discover the location of the targeted person but if the objective is the keep the targeted person awake all night before a workday, using this method to find the targeted person and strike him about every half-hour will prove effective. Again, this method can only be used if the targeted person is in the room alone.

Using random noise generators can defeat this sonic laser method of finding a targeted person in a room. Random noise generators are sold at the local spy shop but will prove irritating, especially while sleeping. A noisy fan may act as a random noise generator. Placing a radio near the targeted person and playing music on it all night will act as a noise generator. The music from the radio will interfere with the sensitive listening device that is being used.

If you are playing a radio station broadcast that UltraSonics is also able to pickup, UltraSonics can use that signal as a reference to cancel out the music playing in the safe room. Playing a CD with the CD player in repeat mode will provide a more effective method of interfering with the listening device because UltraSonics will have no reference signal to cancel the music out with. As mentioned previously, the only totally effective method of preventing a sonic wave from striking a person while sleeping is with vacuum (no air) barriers. The vacuum barriers must be placed around the person while asleep.

So the question is: What steps should a person take for personal protection when he discovers he is now a Target? I would recommend following the several steps. First step, discharge the static charge from the human body. There are two methods I know of to do this. Buy an ultrasonic humidifier from Sears with a digital display and digital controls and raise the relative humidity in the room where he will sleep to 60 percent or greater. A relative humidity of 60 percent or greater will discharge the static charge from the human body making it almost impossible for the static charge on the body to be detected with through a wall. The alternative way to discharge the static charge from the human body is to use a ground strap to discharge the static charge from the human body. Buy a wrist ground strap and hook it up and wear it around the wrist while you sleep. The disadvantage of a wrist ground strap is that it’s like a leash.

Second step, leave two or more lamps with incandescent light bulbs of 60 Watts or greater lit in the room at all times. This prevents a person’s body heat from being detected through a wall.

Third step, remove all metal items from the Target’s body, such as watches and jewelry. The elevated humidity level or heat from lights will not stop the through-wall imaging technology from detecting any metal items on your body.

Fourth step, place a layer of aluminum foil over the windows in the room where the Target will sleep to block a device UltraSonics has that can see through windows, shades, and curtains. The windows must be completely covered with the aluminum foil. This device uses some kind of light (possibly infrared) that is not visible to the human eye. Law enforcement now officially has this technology and it can be used to see through windows with the shades down or curtains closed. It can even see in the dark but it can’t see through walls and humidity and heat won’t block it. Without detection equipment, the Target will never know its being used against him. This device is cheaper and more readily available than through-wall imaging technology. A possible alternative to aluminum foil placed over the windows is to buy those metal blinds that are made of strips of metal. Completely closing these metal blinds may block this technology.

Fifth step, place sleep masks over the Target’s eyes while he sleeps. UltraSonics has through-wall retinal scanning technology that can be used to positively identify the Target in a room. This technology will allow the exact position of the Target’s head to by know and will allow UltraSonics to know when the Target has fallen asleep. I have found the only way to completely block UltraSonics’ through-wall retinal scanning technology is to place three sleep masks over the eyes while the Target sleeps. One sleep mask will prove effective but it takes three layers of sleep masks to completely block this technology.

These last steps are not totally necessary but the Target can use them. Run a noisy fan in the room where you sleep. This will act as a random noise generator. Sleep with one or more person(s) in the same room. Have everyone in the room wear sleep masks. If the Target implemented the first five steps, then UltraSonics can not identify him in a room with more than one person in it.

The through-wall targeting scope is not limited to just targeting non-lethal weapons, it can also be used to target lethal weapons as well. This through-wall targeting scope is pin-point-accurate when used from a neighboring house. It can be used to target a person through a wall with a high-powered rifle from up to several hundred feet away. I often see the militia on TV training with guns to protect themselves from the government. Militia members should be aware that this through-wall targeting scope could be used to assassinate a person in his sleep. If the targeting system is used against a targeted person, he won't even get a chance to defend himself. The targeting system can’t be seen, heard, or felt.

UltraSonics also has sonic weapons and a targeting scope that can target a person in a house from inside a neighboring house up to several hundred feet away. Even if the Target is living in a house that is spaced several hundred feet from the nearest house, the Target can still be struck. This long distance method of attacking the Target is nowhere near as effective as attacking the Target from inside a neighboring house that is directly next door. The long distance sonic weapons produce powerful infrasonic bullets that produce a strong collision sensation against the human body with no jolting effect when struck. Most of UltraSonics' devices and weapons are designed to work from a neighboring house under 200 feet away.

People who live in apartments should also be concerned about UltraSonics. If UltraSonics discovers a Target that is living in an apartment, UltraSonics can move into a nearby apartment with their surveillance equipment and sonic weapons. If there is an apartment on any side of the Target's apartment that is vacant, the Target could be in big trouble. The distance between my house and the house that UltraSonics Agents are operating out of is around 30 feet. Just imagine what UltraSonics could do to the Target in an apartment directly under the Target's apartment, a few feet away.

The Target can also be attacked in his apartment from an apartment that is several apartments away or even from an apartment directly across from his in a different apartment unit. The range of the sonic weapons can be several hundred feet. It an apartment complex, it would be very difficult to figure out which apartment the sonic weapons are being fired from. There is a very slight chance a sonic bullet or sonic laser will accidentally strike another person in the complex while the Target is under attack but the person will usually brush it off as normal muscle twitch if only struck once.

Real estate companies sometimes use these sonic weapons and devices to clear lower income people out of neighborhoods that are undergoing gentrification. Gentrification is the process of changing a low-income neighborhood into a high-income neighborhood by driving the lower income people out of the neighborhood. This forced exodus of the lower income people is usually accomplished by making it too expensive for the lower income people to afford to live in the neighborhood but certain cases may require the use of high technology.

This technology is in the hands of private American citizens who are bound by no laws, other than their own. They alone determine who is put under surveillance and who is attacked. They answer to no one. No warrant has to be obtained to conduct their surveillance. Hatred, rumors, gossip, racism, homophobia, and bigotry are some of the factors that determine who is targeted.

UltraSonics is also used to conduct surveillance of households to prove or disprove allegations against occupants. UltraSonics can be asked by local officials or community leaders to conduct surveillance of a family’s house where child abuse is suspected. Parents suspected of child abuse may find themselves placed under surveillance to determine if the child suspected of being abused is in fact being abused. UltraSonics can conduct complete surveillance of the entire family in their home from a neighboring house to verify if the allegations against the parents are true.

After determining if the allegations against the parents are true or not, UltraSonics would provide the information to the people who originally contacted UltraSonics. If the parents were found to be abusing their child, evidence would begin to be gathered that could be used in a court of law against the accused parents. If UltraSonics deems a single parent an unfit parent, UltraSonics may use their sonic weapons to attack and drive the parent out of control so the parent can be classified as mentally ill and violent, thereby allowing legal removal of the children from the parent’s home for placement in a foster home.

People living in a house who are conducting illegal activities may be placed under surveillance by UltraSonics. Community leaders can make contact with UltraSonics and ask that the suspected house be put under surveillance to determine if illegal activities are in fact occurring in the house. Drug houses, for example, can be placed under surveillance to covertly provide police with inside information in order to help legally gather evidence to make arrests.

As this surveillance technology becomes more available, communities with extreme views could start forming their own high tech neighborhood policing groups. People who are not welcome in a community could find their privacy invaded by their own neighbors. Every aspect of a person or family's life can be observed in their house. This through-wall imaging technology allows eavesdroppers to see right into people’s bedrooms. A person or family moving into one of these extreme communities might be put under surveillance to insure the person or family meets the standards of the community.

Extremist community members in predominantly white neighborhood communities could use the surveillance technology to put minority families under surveillance to discover methods to run the minority families out of the communities. With the surveillance information of each family, psychological warfare tactics can be used on the family and altered based on each family’s reaction to the tactics. If sonic weapons were used on the family, the main income earner of the family could be targeted to devastate the family financially. With media attention paid to past cross burnings on minority families’ lawns, hate groups can use the surveillance technology and sonic non-lethal weapons to terrorize minority families with terrorist tactics that can’t be shown on TV and can’t be proven in court. There may be a secret and covert ethnic cleansing war occurring in these extremist communities.

It has been rumored that the CIA has been trafficking illegal drugs into African American communities for decades in an effort to destroy the communities. Several prominent civil rights leaders have made these claims on TV but there is no evidence to support their allegations. I didn’t believe this before I was targeted but now I do. If UltraSonics can get away with what they have done to me, I have no problem with believing that a covert action against African American communities by the CIA has been taking place. It’s ironic that the profits from the trafficking of illegal drugs into African American neighborhoods may have been used to help buy this sophisticated technology that UltraSonics is now in possession of. In addition to targeting the mentally ill, UltraSonics uses the sophisticated technology to target African Americans living in white neighborhoods. I believe the US Government has been conducting covert operation against innocent US citizens for decades. This includes covert operations against the mentally ill and minorities. The covert operations are so well protected and concealed that no evidences of the operations exist.

High crime rates in African American communities, drug usage, and high imprisonment statistics may have resulted from this covert operation against African American by the CIA. The wild stories of people living in haunted houses and people receiving messages from God may be the result of a covert operation against the mentally ill by the CIA. If this is true then the CIA is manipulating the American public. The CIA may be using the fears, stereotypes, racial hatreds of American citizens against the people they are trying to destroy with these domestic covert actions. The United States government does have the resources to manipulate the American public with these covert operations. The American public may not have the freedoms they believe they have.

The New York Times published a four part newspaper report called “Rampage Killers” back in April of 2000. The report studied killings that involved killers acting out of rage. Shootings at workplaces, schools, malls, and any other public place where people gathered were considered in the report. The report used commonalities of each crime to build a profile of a “Rampage Killer”. This report has been used by law makers in Washington as a basis for introducing bills that would make it easier for the mental health system to detect and treat people considered a risk to society due to mental illness. Profiles have been built and are being used to identify people who are at risk of becoming the next “Rampage Killer”. Click here to read “The New York Times report Rampage Killers”.

With recent school shootings, UltraSonics may already be placing problem children under surveillance. Public school counselors have been given guidelines for detecting problem children in public schools. These guidelines are derived from the commonalities that were found in previous school shooters and are being used to identify children who are at risk of becoming the next school shooter. Children who are loners and isolated from other children are likely to be targeted. School watch groups are actively seeking these problem children out in the wake of recent school shootings. Reports of harassment by children identified as problem children are occurring and are on the rise.

If parents of a suspected problem child are unresponsive to a school counselor's concerns about their child, the school counselor can simply turn the information over to UltraSonics. If any neighbor on any side of the family’s house lets UltraSonics use their home, UltraSonics will conduct surveillance of the entire family. The family will never know they are under surveillance. The only reason why I discovered I was under surveillance was because UltraSonics wanted me to know. With UltraSonics sophisticated surveillance equipment, they will build a complete profile of every person living in family’s house.

Children’s fears of the boogieman will soon be replaced by the fears of UltraSonics. Parents will have to warn their children that if they don’t behave and conform at home and at school, “UltraSonics will move into our neighbor’s house and put us all under surveillance, attack you with sonic non-lethal weapons, force you into a mental institution, and force you onto prescribed medications”. The boogieman will be Mr. Nice Guy compared to UltraSonics.

A person seeking professional help from a psychiatrist and believing that his sessions with that psychiatrist are private may be in for a rude awakening. Psychiatrists use UltraSonics to go after mentally ill people who they feel are a threat to society. If a psychiatrist feels that a person who he is treating is a threat to society, the psychiatrist could turn the information over to UltraSonics. The psychiatrist may even work with UltraSonics to get the person forcibly committed to a mental institution.

Seen something you should not have seen? Have you ever wondered why a witness in an important court trial suddenly develops a case of amnesia? A visit to the witness's house and workplace by UltraSonics’ mobile unit can do a lot to persuade him to forget what he has seen. A few sonic lasers passing through the witness's head will have an enormous psychological impact on a witness waiting to testify in an important court trial. Tell people that someone is shooting invisible bullets at me or develop amnesia and go home and live happily ever after? Which would you choose?

Prisoners can be attacked in their prison cells. Forced confessions can be obtained from prisoners by attacking them with sonic weapons in their cells to deny them their basic human right of sleep until they confess to a crime. There is nowhere to hide in a prison cell from sonic weapons. If a prisoner complains of the harassment, a psychiatrist can be brought in to diagnose the prisoner as mentally ill. The prisoner can then be transferred to the mental ward and drugged with medications. The prisoner may never be heard from again.

Prisoners arrested for crimes may be targeted by UltraSonics in prisons. A newly arriving prisoner UltraSonics believes is a threat to society may be targeted. An example of this is if a prisoner recently arrested starts hearing voices in his head that is keeping him awake at night. The prisoner never heard voices in his head before but now all of the sudden hears them. After a prisoner complains to a psychiatrist of hearing the voices, the psychiatrist can transfer the prisoner to the mental ward to receive the Chemical Lobotomy.

The United States Government can use this technology on political prisoners, detainees, and prisoners of war. The CIA can use its through-wall imaging technology, through-wall retinal scanning, and non-lethal sonic weapons to obtain information through torture. If the prisoner reports the abuse to the Red Cross, the Red Cross official will perform a physical examination and find no evidence of torture. The CIA can monitor the prisoner 24 hours a day, control his sleep, create discomfort, and basically break him down and no one can help him. The CIA can also use their through-wall vocal chord reader to eavesdrop on the prisoner and possibly obtain the information they are seeking.

UltraSonics could even kill a person with their electrical non-lethal weapon that fires a fine beam of electricity. With the through-wall targeting scope, the area of the chest where the heart resides can be accurately targeted, and with the electrical weapon, the heart can be shocked with a high voltage electrical charge. This electrical shock to the heart could put the person into cardiac arrest and cause death. There would be no witnesses to the murder because the electrical weapon is fired from inside a neighboring house, and the weapon creates no physical evidence so it would simply appear that the murdered person died of a heart attack.

The use of sonic non-lethal weapons on the Target to terrorize him is truly psychological warfare. UltraSonics wants the Target to be made aware that he is being targeted by using weapons against him that he can sense but not prove. The burning sensations, jolts to the body, blinding white lights, and all the rest of the sensations mentioned on this webpage are examples of this. This type of harassment is not the type of harassment to truly worry about. The silent form of harassment, where the targeted person is totally unaware of his harassment, is the type of harassment to worry about. The government may be slowly killing targeted people, for example, with directed radiation weapons that the targeted person can’t sense. Through-wall targeting scopes can be used to target a person through a wall with any type of weapon or device, not just sonic non-lethal weapons. A person targeted by the government to be killed may have government associates moving into a house or apartment next to the targeted person to use radiation weapons against him. The targeted person would be dosed daily with a directed energy radiation weapons that would slowly and silently kill him. An example of this would be daily doses of radiation that would cause cancer to develop over a period of time.

The government in the past has performed illegal experiments on unsuspecting American citizens. One of those past experiments was the syphilis experiments performed on African Americans. With this through-wall imaging technology, the government can conduct experiments on targeted individuals with different forms of radiation and observe each individuals health decline with the surveillance technology. One person in a household can be given a daily dose of radiation from a directed energy weapon while he is isolated from the other household members. The government can choose the best type of radiation to use against a person to be silently killed with these experiments. The cancer developed by one person living in a household would simply go unnoticed by the health profession. People to be silently killed may include politicians, activists, or any other threats to the government. An important person imprisoned by the government may fall victim to radiation attacks to bring an early end to his life. The prisoner can be exposed to daily doses of radiation in his cell to cause early death from cancer, for example.

UltraSonics can pass sonic waves close to the heart of a person to create an irregular heartbeat in the person. This is usually done as the person is sleeping to awake the person with a rapid heartbeat. UltraSonics can also pass sonic waves through the stomach of a person while he is sleeping to effect the stomach is such a way that the person will vomit in his sleep. This method is used to make the person vomit in his sleep and possibly drown in his own vomit. Depending on the strength of the sonic waves passing through the stomach, a person can be made to slowly vomit in his sleep or quickly vomit in his sleep.

This method of making a person vomit in his sleep can be used on a person in his home or on a patient in a mental institution. A mental patient sedated with medications in an institution can easily be killed with this vomiting method because the patient may not be able to regain consciousness quick enough or at all to prevent himself from drowning in his own vomit. This vomiting method can be used to murder a person and leave no physical evidence behind. It would simply appear as the person vomited in his sleep and died.

Rumors of attacks on mental patients in mental institutions are on the rise. Complaints of radiation weapons attacks and mind control devices being used against these patients are becoming more common. What is not known is that it’s just simple sound being used against these patients and not radiation weapons or mind control devices. Sound leaves no psychical evidence behind and allows psychiatrists to attribute the complaints of the attacks as symptoms of mental illness. Psychiatrists can use the perfect cover story of mental illness to explain patients’ complaints of the attacks.

A sonic weapon can be placed in back of a small truck, SUV, or van and fired into the chest of a person driving a car to make the person lose control of his car and have an accident. While the Target is driving on a highway, UltraSonics Agents in their vehicle with the sonic weapon in back can change lanes in front of the Target and fire the sonic weapon at the Target’s chest. The sonic wave fired into the Target’s chest would cause a violent reflex that can make the Target lose control of his car while the car is traveling at a high rate of speed.

This loss of control of the car can result in a serious accident that could cause fatalities. No evidence of a sonic weapon attack would be left on the Target or his car so no evidence of the attack would exist. It would just appear that the Target lost control of his car. The sonic wave from the weapons pass easily through car windows so the sonic weapon can be fired at the Target through a tinted (on-way) window in the rear of UltraSonics’ vehicle and the Target would notice nothing out of the ordinary before losing control of his vehicle.

UltraSonics Agents can even fire the sonic wave into the Target’s chest from several cars ahead of the Target’s car. The weapon in back of a small truck, SUV, or van would make the weapon high enough to achieve this angle. The sonic wave could even be fired through the glass windows of other people’s cars between UltraSonics’ vehicle and the Target’s vehicle and the other people in their cars if not stuck would feel, see, and hear nothing.

UltraSonics’ through-wall targeting scope can produce images of people through walls in real time so it is possible for UltraSonics to use their sonic or electrical non-lethal weapons to strike the Target in the leg while he is walking down stairs in his home. Being struck in the leg can cause a violent reflex of the leg that could send the Target tumbling down the stairs.

There was a rumor on the Internet that a sonic weapon was used to strike a horse in the leg while running in a race that caused the horse to go down and lose the race. This is indeed possible because sonic weapons do exist that can fire a sonic wave hundreds of feet with great accuracy. I believe the through-wall targeting scope is more limited in range than the sonic weapons. But in situation like the horse race, no sophisticated through-wall targeting scope would be needed, just a simple line-of-sight targeting system. The spectators in the audience would notice nothing out of the ordinary, other than the fact the horse went down.

A "High Tech Era of McCarthyism" could be right around the corner. In the near future, if nothing is done to stop UltraSonics, UltraSonics could start blacklisting its Targets and start harassing employers who hire them. If this should occur, UltraSonics Agents would covertly make contact with the employer who has hired a targeted individual and suggest that the employer discontinue employment of that individual. If the employer does not comply, a few visits to the employer's office by UltraSonics’ mobile unit could be very persuasive.

I received information that some HUD officials who are aware of the illegal diversion of millions of dollars in federal funds that UltraSonics is using to fund its operations are afraid to speak out about the diversion for risk of being targeted by UltraSonics themselves. The fear for themselves and even their family members of being put under total surveillance and possible attack by non-lethal weapon is an enormous leverage for persuading these people to keep their silence. The fear is compounded because these people believe that radiation weapons or mind control devices will be used against them, when in fact its just harmless sonic weapons that are being used, if they spoke out. Make no mistake; UltraSonics is nothing short of a domestic terrorist organization that uses American taxpayers’ money to fund their terrorist activities.

The action that UltraSonics takes after the surveillance period is over depends on the Target(s) under surveillance. If a Target is considered a threat by UltraSonics, UltraSonics will either attack the Target or find a way to setup the Target for a big fall. To protect the secret of UltraSonics’ technology, UltraSonics will normally only attack the Target if he has a mental disability that can be linked to a serious mental illness or the Target can be manipulated into believing that a supernatural event is happening to him. A person on drugs can also be attacked because the effects of the technology can be attributed to hallucinations created by using hallucinogenic drugs. If after being attacked by UltraSonics, these people decided to come forward, their credibility could easily be brought into question in a court of law by a psychiatrist.

If after the surveillance period, UltraSonics concludes that the Target is not a threat to society and is living a lifestyle acceptable to UltraSonics, UltraSonics will discontinue the operation against the Target and not proceed with the attack stage. In circumstances such as this, the Target will never have known that he was under surveillance. The Target may have noticed some strange occurrences, such as what seems like people were somehow testing him, but will never know to what extent his privacy was invaded.

UltraSonics places loners living in neighborhood communities under surveillance. Complete surveillance is performed of these individuals. If it’s determined by UltraSonics that a loner is not a threat, he will not be harassed by high tech means but could be harassed by conventional means. Conventional methods of harassment include: The loner will start noticing that people are watching him and following him around everywhere he may go. The loner will start noticing strange people hanging around his house or apartment and strange vehicles being parked in front of this house or apartment. Names and verbal threats usually occur. This harassment will normally continue until the loner gives in and changes his lifestyle to one acceptable to UltraSonics. The loner would never know that he was under total surveillance by high tech methods; just people were watching him by conventional methods. UltraSonics would always have the advantage because of their high tech surveillance. If the loner were to try to seek outside help from the police, UltraSonics would know this in advance and would be able to take countermeasures to make the loner look paranoid when the police get involved.

From the surveillance that was done of the Target, UltraSonics knows just about everything about the Target, so finding a way to set the Target up is very easy. UltraSonics sometimes uses what is called a "Human Torpedo" to assist in the big fall of the Target. This "Human Torpedo" is an UltraSonics Agent who will gain the trust and friendship of the Target, and when it's time for the big fall, this torpedo will take part in the destruction of the Target. A method for setting up the Target can include planting drugs or other illegal items on the Target’s property and then notifying the police. If the Target is engaging in illegal activities already, UltraSonics can simply covertly turn over the information to the police.

On the subject of Human Torpedoes, I’ve received information that UltraSonics Agents also sometimes stage automobile accidents with people they are targeting to cause serious injury or even death of their targeted people. An UltraSonics Agent will drive a very old, large, and beat-up car or 4-wheel drive truck and intentionally cause some type of collision with the Target’s car. The type of collision will typically be a head-on collision which will leave little chance of the Target surviving if he is driving a modern compact or small car. UltraSonics Agents will plan the accident so it looks like an accident where the agent’s car or truck simply went out of control. I’m listing this here because one of the things I noticed about UltraSonics Agents is that they mostly drive very old, large, and beat-up American cars and trucks. Its information I received that seems to fit the profile of UltraSonics Agents.

Another option UltraSonics has after the surveillance stage is complete is to hire a hit-man to kill the Target. I received information from a credible source that a hit-man can be hired to kill a person for as little as 500 dollars. An UltraSonics Agent with no traceable connection to the UltraSonics Agents who are conducting the surveillance of the Target would make contact with the hit-man to setup the hit. The hit-man would have no connections or association with UltraSonics at all. The hit-man would be given instructions to kill the Target but make it look like a robbery. The hit-man would be given the Target’s home address and basic information about when the hit should take place. UltraSonics Agents can observe the murder from the Spook House with their surveillance equipment. Hours or days after the murder occurs, when the police finally arrive, it will appear to the police that the Target was killed in a failed robbery attempt of his home.

In the near future, the police will have access to portable weapon scanners that can be used to detect a concealed weapon beneath a person’s clothing up to 50 feet away. The police can use the weapon scanner to detect any concealed weapons on a suspect before making an arrest. If a concealed weapon is detected, the suspect can be ordered to “Assume the Position” and if the suspect refuses, the police can temporary blind the suspect with a laser-blinding weapon. After being temporarily blinded with this laser weapon, the suspect will be disoriented for a short period of time allowing a police officer to subdue the suspect. Constitutional concerns are being raised because the police can indiscriminately scan people for items concealed beneath their clothing as they simply walk down the street. Click here to read “Weapon scanner raises constitutional concern”.

The US Military now has a blinding laser weapon that will permanently blind enemy soldiers on the battlefield. A whole enemy force can be neutralized by permanently blinding them with this weapon. The US government has been reluctant to sell this weapon to foreign countries because of the human rights issues surrounding this weapon. This weapon works through walls and only special protective eye wear will protect a person against the weapon.

If UltraSonics were to obtain this blinding laser weapon, a Target could be targeted through the walls of his home with UltraSonics’ through-wall targeting scope and permanently blinded by this weapon while he sleeps. The military’s version of this weapon is mobile enough to be brought onto the battlefield and it is possible that a smaller version of this weapon can be fired at the Target from inside UltraSonics’ mobile unit. In the middle of the night, UltraSonics Agents in the mobile unit could pull up in front of the Target’s house and use the weapon to permanently blind the Target and then simply drive away. This terrorist method would cause permanent damage to the Target that can be used to prove harassment and it’s something UltraSonics will not yet try because it would expose their technology.

UltraSonics will use the fears and stereotypes of community members who are unaware of UltraSonics operation against the Target. If a Target who is mentally ill was tricked into believing that his house is haunted tells the police or other community members of the suspected haunting, UltraSonics will immediately spring into to action and spread gossip and rumors that the Target is “Nuts”, “Crazy”, and “Insane” among community members. To community members who are unaware of UltraSonics’ operation against the mentally ill person, these rumors will spread like a wildfire.

If a minority person living in a white neighborhood community was setup by UltraSonics and arrested by police, UltraSonics would also instantly go into overdrive and spread gossip and rumors about the arrest. Hatred, rumors, and racist stereotypes would be generated and the feeling among the white members of the community would be “See what happens when minorities are allowed to move into our community”. UltraSonics Agents are masters at playing on people’s fears and stereotypes. They know exactly how manipulate a community and achieve the desired results.

All of UltraSonics’ sophisticated technology has gone to UltraSonics Agents heads. They honestly believe they have this enormous power that makes them untouchable and above the law. They believe they can get away with anything. This may just be the tip-of-the-ice-burg with these people. I’ve been in a position to observe these people and they honestly believe they can change society by using this high technology to terrorize people into submission.

If these people are allowed to get away with what they are doing, it won’t be long before they have UltraSonics Agents staking out establishments they feel are immoral. These immoral establishments may include strip bars, Go-Go bars, adult bookstores, and so on. UltraSonics Agents may sit in parking lots of these establishments and write down car license plate numbers of people who come and go. UltraSonics may consider these people “Social Deviants” and consider placing them under surveillance. UltraSonics Agents are not normal sane people; they are dangerous extremists who will use all means necessary to destroy the people they feel threaten their way of life.

Important public figures that somehow threaten UltraSonics’ agenda may find themselves placed under surveillance. UltraSonics would not normally attack these people but would use the surveillance information as leverage against them or use the information to embarrass or destroy them. If UltraSonics chose to attack a public figure with sonic weapons, it would be extremely foolish for a public figure to make public statements that people are shooting invisible bullets at him. This could ruin a political career overnight. Psychiatrists from all over the country would rush to news media stations and national interview programs to pronounce the public figure mentally ill and unfit for public service.

As mentioned earlier, UltraSonics will place mistresses, known acquaintances, family members, and friends of public figures that threaten UltraSonics agenda under surveillance. In Washington, where powerful people control the agenda of the country, a scandal could bring down a Congressperson and alter the balance of power. UltraSonics Agents are nothing short of dangerous extremists that would be willing to even commit murder to promote and protect their agenda. Extreme factions of UltraSonics may use their surveillance technology to learn everything about a Congressperson’s life and set the Congressperson up for a huge down fall.

It’s not at all far fetched to believe that a Congressperson’s mistress can be placed under surveillance and made to disappear at the right moment in time to make it appear that the Congressperson is responsible. At a time when conservative politicians are using family values as a campaign issue, secretly releasing information to the media about a political opponent’s mistress can cause the opponent to lose an election in a conservative district. UltraSonics can even make preemptive strikes against up and coming politicians they feel could place their agenda into jeopardy.

The break-in at Watergate which led to President Nixon’s resignation no longer has to happen. Simply renting a house or an apartment next to a public official is all that is needed. From inside the neighboring house or apartment, UltraSonics sophisticated surveillance technology can see and identify all people and hear their conversations that occur inside the public officials’ house or apartment. No break-in is needed. Information can be gathered about political opponents and used by the opposition party. This would be a “High Tech Watergate”.

Any public figure could be at risk. Public figures such as politicians, elected officials, news reporters, civil and human rights leaders and advocates, environmental activists, and just about any other public figure UltraSonics considers a threat to their agenda could be targeted for surveillance. Private personal information about these public figures can be leaked by UltraSonics to the news media in order to sabotage their careers. UltraSonics can even use their “Human Torpedoes” to put these public figures in compromising positions. Important public figures’ relatives can also be placed under surveillance to gather potentially embarrassing or devastating information about public figures. Tell all books about these public figures can even be published using damaging information obtained from this illegal surveillance.

If UltraSonics ever attacks you, my advice to you would be to keep a cool head. The team of specialists, including doctors and psychiatrists, who have studied and analyzed you, will know how to push your buttons. UltraSonics Agents will use this information, from the specialists, to try to get you to commit a violent act. Please be aware that a violent act includes as small of a criminal offense as punching someone in the face or slashing a tire on a car.

When the attack stage begins, UltraSonics will attack you relentlessly at home and the mobile unit and other UltraSonics Agents will follow you around for days trying to drive you over the edge. Put simply, UltraSonics will smother you and will attempt to get you to turn violent. If you do turn violent and commit a violent act and you are caught by law enforcement and you tell law enforcement that you committed the violent act in retaliation for UltraSonics shooting invisible bullets at you, you will be forcibly placed in a mental institution for a psychiatric evaluation.

In the mental institution never try to explain to a psychiatrist what UltraSonics has done to you because the psychiatrist will diagnosis you as being mentally ill and a danger to society. Once the psychiatrist diagnoses you as being mentally ill and violent, you will be forced onto prescribed medication to control your mental illness. Even if you don't have a mental illness, the psychiatrist will label you mentally ill and a danger to society and force you onto prescribed medication. Being forced onto prescribed medication in short means being given a Chemical Lobotomy.

The psychiatrist will seem interested and understanding at first, but that will quickly change after you tell the psychiatrist what UltraSonics has done to you. The psychiatrist will say, "I've seen this type of mental illness before", and pronounce you mentally ill. Remember a mentally ill person can't be forced into a mental institution and forced to take prescribed medication unless he commits a violent act. If you tell law enforcement or psychiatrists that UltraSonics is shooting invisible bullets at you, they will label you mentally ill. And if the psychiatrist determines you are mentally ill and violent, you lose your right to refuse institutionalization and prescribed medication.

If you are going to commit a violent act to somehow get even with UltraSonics, and in doing so you get caught by law enforcement, under no circumstances mention the attacks by UltraSonics to anyone, including your family and friends. If the police officer that is interrogating you about the crime you just committed knows you have been targeted by UltraSonics, the police officer may try to coach you into telling him that you committed the violent act in retaliation for UltraSonics shooting invisible bullets at you. Telling law enforcement about the attacks by UltraSonics will guarantee you a one-way ticket to a mental institution. If you are targeted by UltraSonics, then law enforcement is not your friend.

Psychiatrists use a checklist method for detecting mental illness. You think people are watching you at home, check. You think people are watching you at work, check. You think people are following you around, check. You think people are shooting invisible bullets at you, check. You think your TV set is trying to tell you something, check. You think the walls in your office are trying to tell you something, check. You hear voices that no one else can hear, check. If you have a history of mental illness in your family, that is a big check mark against you. If you have a mental disability that can be linked to schizophrenia, you are in really big trouble. UltraSonics knows how psychiatrists diagnose mental illness; this is one reason why UltraSonics moves into the house next door to the Target and follows the Target to work. UltraSonics uses their high tech surveillance equipment, non-lethal weapons, and the other psychological warfare tactics to lay the groundwork for your sessions with a psychiatrist.

Psychiatry actively sought and was given a monopoly over the mental health system in the United States. The United States government gladly handed over responsibility for the diagnosis, care, and treatment of the mentally ill to the so-called “experts”, psychiatrists. The common approach by most law makers in this country is to “Wash their hands of the mentally ill and let the experts handle them”. Psychiatrists gladly assumed responsibility and wasted no time by developing a manual called the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders – Fourth Edition) to provide guidelines for diagnosing mental illness. The DSM-IV is a political document invented by a committee vote and general vote of the American Psychiatric Association.

Psychiatrists must use the guidelines from the DSM-IV to diagnose mental illness. The DSM-IV is basically the psychiatrist's bible for detecting mental illness. It is perfectly legal and ethical for psychiatrists to use the DSM-IV manual to determine if a person is mentally ill. The checklist method mentioned previously is derived from the DSM-IV. A psychiatrist can lock you away for a very long time using these guidelines from the DSM-IV so be extremely careful. UltraSonics has studied the DSM-IV from cover to cover and UltraSonics uses its guidelines to harass the Target in ways that when the harassment is told to a psychiatrist, the psychiatrist can ethically and legally come to the conclusion that the Target is mentally ill. It is perfectly ethical and legal for a psychiatrist to use the guidelines from the DSM-IV in a court of law to pronounce a person as being mentally ill.

It is extremely important to remember that there are no provisions or guidelines in the DSM-IV for diagnosing a person as being a victim of high technology. The American Psychiatric Association does not recognize the possibility that high technology may be used to create or mimic symptoms of mental illness in a person. Therefore a psychiatrist does not have to consider the possibility of high technology when diagnosing mental illness. The American Mental Health System is not a democracy but rather a dictatorship. Psychiatry does not work the way an average person living in a democracy might expect. Today’s modern psychiatry has a motto, “Drug First, Ask Questions Later”.

Medical doctors use physical evidence as a basis to determine if a patient is sick and in need of medicine or medical care, such as surgery. A patient’s X-Rays, CAT Scans, Laboratory Tests, and other physical tests are used by medical doctors as a means of justifying the medicine or medical care. A medical doctor who dispenses unneeded medications or medical services will find their license to practice medicine revoked and find themselves in court defending themselves against malpractice lawsuits.

Psychiatrists, on the other hand, don’t use the kind of physical evidence mentioned in the previous paragraph to determine if their patients are in need of psychiatric care. A psychiatrist uses the DSM-IV to diagnose their patients. Basically what the patient tells the psychiatrist and how the patient acts in front the psychiatrist are what the psychiatrist will use to determine if the patient is mentally ill and in need of psychiatric care. During a psychiatric evaluation, a psychiatrist will use the DSM-IV guidelines for detecting mental illness in their patient. The DSM-IV must be followed by psychiatrists. A psychiatrist who does not follow the DSM-IV will be discredited professionally and find himself unable to continue to practice in the field of psychiatry. Click here to read an article titled “Brainwashed”.

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that makes it difficult for a person to tell the difference between real and imagined experiences, to think logically, to express normal emotional responses or to behave normally in social situations. A person diagnosed as having schizophrenia is referred to as a schizophrenic. The five symptoms the DSM-IV indicates for diagnosing a person with schizophrenia are: 1) delusions, 2) hallucinations, 3) disorganized speech (e.g., frequent derailment or incoherence), 4) grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior, and 5) emotional flattening, reduction in speech, or inability to experience pleasure.

If a psychiatrist does diagnosis you with two or more of these symptoms, you will be legally declared a schizophrenic. And if you have committed a violent act, you are a violent schizophrenic who is a threat to society. If you would like to learn more about the DSM-IV, there are links in the link section of this web site for books on the DSM-IV. People targeted by UltraSonics should study and become familiar with the DSM-IV. Most American Citizens are unaware of the DSM-IV but to people targeted by UltraSonics, the DSM-IV could be the most dangerous manual created in recent history. The DSM-IV could in fact be equivalent to Adolph Hitler’s Mein Kamph to mentally ill people.

During a psychological examination, the psychiatrist will also test you to see if you have the ability to do math in your head and the ability to remember words over a short period of time. If you have trouble doing arithmetic in your head and/or you are not good at remembering things, this is also a check mark against you. The psychiatrist will tell you words to remember and ask you to recall them later in the session. The psychiatrist will also have you do math in your head and ask for the results of your mental calculations. Take these tests seriously because the psychiatrist will use the results of the tests in his report. Don't brush the test off as silly or stupid because the tests matter to a psychiatrist.

If you try to tell your incredible story to the psychiatrist, the psychiatrist's eyes will roll back and the psychiatrist will just stop listening to you after a short period of time. At first, the psychiatrist will seem interested and understanding, but after you tell your incredible story to the psychiatrist, it's all over for you. The psychiatrist now has everything he needs to legally and ethically label you mentally ill and a danger to society. The psychiatrist will explain to you that what you are experiencing is a hallucination caused by mental illness, a chemical imbalance in your brain. The psychiatrist will then explain to you that treatment is needed to cure your mental illness.

If your freedom is at stake, you should deny everything and tell the psychiatrist nothing about UltraSonics. Don't be a fool and believe you can get the psychiatrist to believe your story, it won't happen, and you'll only get burned in the process. It’s a trap and if you allow yourself to get caught in the trap, your life will never be the same again. In situations like this, the psychiatrist should be viewed as the enemy. Remember: never tell a psychiatrist that people are shooting invisible bullets at you because the psychiatrist will label you mentally ill.

Also remember that the psychiatrist is being so nice to you at first to get you to open up and tell him what UltraSonics has done to you. The psychiatrist wants to be your friend at first but that will soon change. The psychiatrist will say at first, “Relax and tell me everything and everything will be alright”. “I want to help you”. The psychiatrist cannot ethically and legally label you mentally ill unless you give him a reason to so keep your mouth shut about UltraSonics. If you tell the psychiatrist about UltraSonics, the psychiatrist will look for an explanation to explain your complaints of harassment based on mental illness not on high technology. There will be a time in the future when these crimes against humanity are exposed to the public but it won’t do you any good to sacrifice your freedom in a futile attempt to get a psychiatrist to pronounce you sane and a victim of high technology.

Remember if you are in a state where Involuntary Outpatient Commitment is law, simply telling a psychiatrist that someone is shooting invisible bullets at you is enough to have you forced onto prescribed mediations. Involuntary Outpatient Commitment allows the mental heath system to force you onto prescribed medication simply because a psychiatrist diagnosed you as being mentally ill and feels you may commit a violent act in the future. And if you refuse to take the prescribed medication, it’s Involuntary Inpatient Commitment for you. Involuntary Inpatient Commitment means you get an indefinite stay at a mental institution and you are forcibly drugged with prescribed medication.

Not all psychiatrists, doctors, and lawyers know of UltraSonics but don’t expect any help from the ones who don’t. You have been harassed in ways that any psychiatrist can ethically and legally come to the conclusion that you are mentally ill. Pressure will be put on any psychiatrist who does anything to put the use of this technology in jeopardy. They will be pressured to follow the DSM-IV and pronounce you mentally ill. Because of this, no psychiatrist will find you sane and a victim of high technology. Any psychiatrist, doctor, or lawyer who does anything to put the use of this technology in jeopardy will find they will not be in business for long. I can’t emphasize enough that it is extremely important to remember that no psychiatrist will find you sane and a victim of high technology. They can’t and if they do, their career is over.

Some doctors and psychiatrists will even lie and commit perjury to protect the use of this technology so never go up against a doctor or psychiatrist in a court of law because they will destroy you. It’s your word against a highly regarded professional. A psychiatrist with impeccable credentials will testify against you to discredit you and make you appear in the eyes of the court to be suffering from mental illness.

There is a safety net for psychiatrists, doctors, lawyers, and law enforcement if somehow this technology became public knowledge, Plausible Deniability. They can simply deny any knowledge of what they did by saying, “How was I supposed to know that something like this was going on”. Plausible Deniability will protect these people from prosecution and lawsuits. They can continue to damage and destroy people’s lives indefinitely and not be accountable for anything.

If you are arrested and try to tell your story at your competency hearing, no one will believe you. Once the psychiatrist determines you are mentally ill, all others, including the judge, the prosecutor, your lawyer, your family members, and your friends will follow suit. The psychiatrist's determination means everything in a court of law. Since you have no physical evidence to support your claims about the attacks against you by UltraSonics, you will be found mentally ill by the court and you will be placed in a mental institution to undergo treatment for your mental illness. In short, the treatment you will receive in the mental institution is the Chemical Lobotomy. You will be forced onto prescribed medication and turned into a walking zombie.

Your stay in the mental institution will be indefinite; you can be held in the mental institution until the psychiatrists at the mental institution determine that you are no longer a threat to society, which may never occur. Good Luck! A lot of people have spent enormous resources getting you forcibly committed to a mental institution, and those people who want you there won't let you out anytime soon. It’s the system at work.

It is important to remember you cannot use the defense of “People were shooting invisible bullets at me” as a reason for committing a violent act because the defense is an “Implausible Defense”. If you use this defense, a psychiatrist will use the DSM-IV to pronounce you mentally ill in court. Your opinion and testimony will mean nothing in the eyes of the court because you will be deemed as being mentally ill. The psychiatrist and the DSM-IV take precedence over your opinion and your testimony in a court of law.

People who haven't been attacked with these sonic weapons won't understand what is happening to you. Because of this, the people you tell about the attacks by UltraSonics on yourself should be limited to only those people you totally trust. It is an extremely bad idea to tell your friends and co-workers whom you don't totally trust. People will treat you differently if they think you are mentally ill. Rumors will spread about you and people will avoid you like the plague.

If you tell your boss that the reason you're so tired at work is because UltraSonics is keeping you awake at night by shooting invisible bullets at you, your job could be placed in jeopardy. Your boss will assume he now has a mentally ill employee and will try to get rid of you. If you can, avoid telling any co-workers and your boss. Family members you tell, believing they are acting in your best interest, may try to have you forcibly committed to a mental institution for a psychiatric evaluation.

UltraSonics is doing constant surveillance of your home and will be able to hear all conversations that occur in your home, even when you're not home. UltraSonics enjoys wreaking havoc on the Target’s family members. If they can, UltraSonics will try to orchestrate your family into forcibly committing you to a mental institution. UltraSonics Agents living next door may try to become friends with your family members. From the surveillance that was done of your entire family, UltraSonics Agents will know just about everything about your family members too. UltraSonics Agents will smile and act like they are your family's best friends. They will try to get family members to tell them about your situation, and out of the kindness of their hearts, they will try to guide your family into doing the right thing for a person suffering from a potentially dangerous mental condition, institutionalization. Avoid situations such as this.

UltraSonics will attack you with sonic weapons at night before workdays to prevent you from getting sleep. If you have a job that requires physical labor, then you would probably not be able to perform your job safely anymore. If you drive a car to and from work, you could be a hazard to other people on the road. If you have an automobile accident due to fatigue, it would not be wise to tell police you had the accident because UltraSonics is making you fatigue by shooting invisible bullets at you at night to prevent you from getting sleep. You could be charged with a crime if you tell the police this and you could be forced into a mental institution. UltraSonics, like any other terrorist organization, will sacrifice the lives of innocent people to achieve their objective. The lives of anyone you hurt or kill in an automobile accident are meaningless to UltraSonics. UltraSonics is no different than a terrorist organization that puts a bomb on an air plane to achieve their objective by killing innocent people.

Making threats to people that you are going to get even with UltraSonics for the attacks against you is an extremely bad idea. Saying you are going to somehow hurt another person because he is shooting invisible bullets at you can make you appear to people as being dangerous. And the people you make those threats to can testify against you in a court of law. This testimony against you can be devastating so be cautious.

UltraSonics will always be one-step ahead of you. There are numerous people working against you and those people are well connected with the system. UltraSonics will secretly work with members of your local police department to try to have you setup and arrested so always keep that in mind if you are considering committing a felony or violent act. UltraSonics may also have contacts in your local fire department. If you live alone, UltraSonics may try to torch your home and make it look like an accident or like you deliberately set the fire. Remember the system is working against. You are not dealing with amateurs; you are dealing with people who have the power and resources to put you away for a very long time.

Don't willingly summit to a psychiatric evaluation just to prove to your family and friends that you are sane. If you feel you must summit to a psychiatric evaluation to prove your sanity, make sure it is private and can't be used against you in a court of law. Certain types of psychiatric evaluations can be subpoenaed by a court of law and are not private. After ensuring that the psychiatric evaluation is private, ask the psychiatrist not to take notes. If the psychiatrist tells you he must take notes for insurance reasons, pay the bill yourself or decline the psychiatric evaluation.

If you are going to try to go to court to sue the people you feel are responsible for your harassment, you better have hard evidence. If you have no hard evidence to support your claims of your harassment, then you have no case that will stand up in a court of law. Your testimony in court stating what you feel and notice is not hard evidence. There will be a line of highly regarded psychiatrists with impeccable credentials waiting to testify against you. If you have no hard evidence to support your claims, then a psychiatrist will be able to destroy your credibility in a matter of minutes. The psychiatrist will attribute your complaints of harassment as symptoms of mental illness. And if you hire a lawyer, don't let the lawyer talk you into a psychiatric evaluation unless you do have hard evidence and a chance of wining. The psychiatric evaluation needed for a law suite is not private and can be used against you later in your life.

If by some miracle your case does make it to court, the people you are suing will be well supported and protected by people who are either directly connected to the system or people not directly connected to the system but know the system inside and out. The people you are suing will be coached and told exactly what to say and how to act in court. The system will be on the side of your harassers so be prepared for a possible hopeless battle. Remember you are not dealing with amateurs; they are professionals with the support and resources of the system. They will cover all the bases and not miss anything. And remember the lawyer you hire will be connected to the system so you will have to use your own good judgment on how much trust you place in your lawyer.

Not many lawyers will take your case but beware of lawyers who do. Some lawyers will take advantage of you by asking you for a large deposit of money in advance so they can do legal research of your case, and after the research is complete, the lawyers will ask you to visit a psychiatrist to take a non-private psychiatric evaluation. Even though no psychiatrist will pronounce you sane and a victim of high technology, the lawyer will send you to a lawyer he will regard as “The best in the business”. Beware of this because the lawyer is sending you to a psychiatrist that he knows will do the dirty deed by knowingly misdiagnosing you and pronouncing you as being mentally ill.

This psychiatrist the lawyer sent you to will generate a non-private report stating you are mentally ill and should be on prescribed medication. After the psychiatrist pronounces you mentally ill, the lawyer you hired can now ethically and legally drop you and charge you for the legal research and the psychiatric evaluation. Lawyers charge around 150 dollars an hour and psychiatrists charge around 300 dollars an hour for this type of psychiatric evaluation. You will lose thousands of dollars and will be worse off than when you first hired the lawyer. Your deposit is now gone and a damaging report has been generated that can be used against you later in life.

Going to the local police to make a report that states UltraSonics is shooting invisible bullets at you may actually hurt you in the long run rather than help. The police officers that don’t know about UltraSonics will view you as being mentally ill, and the police officers that do know about UltraSonics will silently laugh at you as they state publicly that you are mentally ill. The police will laugh at you and make comments like “Why don’t you go get a tin foil hat?” or even call you a “Psycho”.

The police will have a patrol car watch your house for a short period of time to protect themselves from lawsuits but since UltraSonics’ equipment and weapons are all operated out-of-sight from inside a neighboring house, there is nothing for the police to see. The police officers that do know about UltraSonics will pass information on to UltraSonics alerting them about the patrol car. UltraSonics will put on a charade outside of their house for the police to see, and after several days of watching your house, the police can legally discontinue the surveillance and close the report.

If after several weeks of hearing nothing from the police, you decide to return to the police station to check to see if the police discovered anything, a police officer will tell you to go to a doctor and have the doctor evaluate you. This in short means go to a psychiatrist and get a psychiatric evaluation. The police don’t have to legally do anything else for you at this point until you see a psychiatrist. Again, no psychiatrist will pronounce you sane and a victim of high technology. If you go see a psychiatrist, you will be pronounced mentally ill.

The system has you at this point because the police don’t have to legally do anything else for you until they receive a medical report on you mental state and if you do go to a psychiatrist, you will be pronounced mentally ill. You are worse off now than when you first went to the police because a report stating that you believe people are shooting invisible bullets at you is now on file at the local police station that can be used against you in a court of law and any police officers that you made statements to about UltraSonics shooting invisible bullets at you can testify against you. Remember police officers make excellent witnesses in a court of law.

If you try to go to federal law enforcement you won’t have any more success there. Federal law enforcement will just tell you to go to your local police and have the local police contact them. As just mentioned, the local police don’t have to legally do anything else for you because they are still waiting for the report from a doctor on your mental state. You now have two options at this point: go the psychiatrist and be pronounced mentally ill or abandon the law enforcement option. Law enforcement’s position will be “Prove the harassment and we will do something about it”. You will not be able to prove it and law enforcement knows this. UltraSonics is law enforcement’s secret weapon.

Law enforcement secretly targets mentally ill people living in neighborhood communities and drives them out of control by attacking them with high technology and then law enforcement publicly rides in on their white horse to save the community from the people they have just attacked. Law enforcement created the problem in the first place and now they get a pat on the back for solving the problem. What’s wrong with this picture? Law enforcement must be so proud.

UltraSonics knows that a search of the house where UltraSonics is carrying out their operation against you will never occur. A warrant must be obtained from a judge in order for law enforcement to search UltraSonics’ Spook House. If you have no physical evidence to present to a judge to support your claims of the attacks against you, then no search warrant can be obtained. Telling the judge what you feel and notice is not enough for law enforcement to obtain a search warrant from a judge. The stage of even asking a judge for a search warrant will never be reached because a psychiatric examination of you by a psychiatrist must occur first and the examination will reveal that you are mentally ill.

It is perfectly legal to own the surveillance equipment and sonic weapons. If UltraSonics desired, they could display the surveillance equipment and sonic weapons on their front lawn, and even if by some miracle the police wanted to do something, they couldn’t. It is only illegal to use the surveillance equipment to eavesdrop on people and use the sonic weapons to attack people. You would have to prove that the surveillance equipment and sonic weapons are in fact being used against you before law enforcement would act. The surveillance equipment and sonic weapons are operated from inside a neighboring house out-of-sight from plain view so the only option left is detection equipment.

No affordable detection equipment is currently available commercially to the average person at this time to detect the surveillance equipment or non-lethal weapons. There are people on the Internet who claim to be professionals with equipment that can detect the surveillance and weapons technology but you would have to proceed at your own risk. Just like any other business, these people want to make money and unless you know what to look for and what questions to ask, you could be taken for ride by these people and lose thousands of dollars.

At this time, human and civil rights groups are not taking on cases of harassment by weapons that can’t be proven in a court of law. A civil rights group, such as the ACLU, will not risk damaging their reputation by supporting a person who claims that people are shooting invisible bullets at him. If the ACLU did take on a case such as this with no physical evidence, they would be accused by psychiatrists of taking advantage of the mentally ill. Remember, the legal system views psychiatrists as the experts on mental illness, so it’s their opinion that matters in a court of law and the ACLU will not challenge their authority on this matter. Mental illness is something that is simply left to the experts, psychiatrists, and this is the problem. This gives UltraSonics the cover they need to target and attack the mentally ill.

When you are out in public alone, avoid altercations with people that could turn violent. If UltraSonics can’t get you to commit a violent act by attacking you with non-lethal weapons, they may try to get you to commit a violent act by conventional means. UltraSonics Agents may goat you into assaulting one of them and then call the police. After the police arrive, you will notice that people are telling the police that you went into a crazy tirade accusing people of shooting invisible bullets you and then you assaulted an innocent bystander.

If you were alone when the incident occurred, then you have no one else to backup your side of the story. You will find yourself arrested and this is where UltraSonics past efforts pay off. If you filed or had reports filed against you where you stated people where shooting invisible bullets at you, these reports can be used against you. If you have taken a non-private psychiatric evaluation, this evaluation can be used against you. If you have made statements to people stating that you were going to somehow hurt the people who are shooting invisible bullets at you, these statements can be used against you. Due to the so-called witnesses’ statements and past indications of metal illness, you can be labeled mentally ill and a possible danger to society and placed in a mental institution for a psychiatric evaluation.

During your harassment, keep daily notes of all the strange occurrences that you notice. Write down home addresses and car license plate numbers of people you feel are harassing you. Write down the times you were attacked with non-lethal weapons and what you felt. Carry a small camera and take pictures. You should enter your notes into a computer daily and then encrypt them so no one else will be able to access them without your permission. You would not want your notes used against you in anyway, so encrypting them will guarantee your privacy. Destroy all notes on paper and only keep the encrypted notes on your computer. Make backup copies of the encrypted files and store them in at least one other safe place.

If you are going to hire a private investigator be cautious. The technology that UltraSonics has acquired is the most advanced available and it’s classified. The chances that the private investigator will understand the technology are very slim. If you hire a private investigator, it would be a good idea to have the private investigator run license plates and find out who owns the direct houses near your house. Finding out if any of the direct houses are rented is also a good idea. Private investigators charge around 100 dollars an hour and like any business, want to make money.

Beware if the private investigator recommends a specialist he knows. Since the technology that UltraSonics has acquired may be difficult or even impossible to detect, it may be a waste of money to hire a specialist to come over to your house and conduct an electronic sweep of it. People who claim to be specialist may even take advantage of you by using high tech words and claiming to have the most advanced detection equipment. Specialist can charge thousands of dollars to sweep your home and nothing may result from it. UltraSonics can simply turn off the surveillance equipment that is detectable if you bring these specialists into your home and turn it back on when the specialists leave.

Because surveillance devices would have to be physically placed in your car, it would be a good idea to have your car checked for the surveillance devices. Today’s high tech car surveillance devices can be turned on by remote control so the devices may have to be found visually in the car. A well qualified person should be sought out for this task.

If UltraSonics does succeed in getting you to commit a violent act and you're committed to a mental institution forcibly, you have my sympathy. If these sonic weapons are being used in mental institutions to attack mentally ill patients, you could be in for a rough ride. Family members believing you are mentally ill will do little to nothing to help you, and doctors, psychiatrists, and law enforcement officials either don't believe or deny the weapons exist, so you’re pretty much on your own.

If you turn violent in the mental ward, you will be restrained and sedated. These sonic weapons leave no psychical marks on the human body after being attacked, so you will have no evidence to support your claims of the attacks. Since your stay in the mental institution is indefinite, your fate is in the hands of the psychiatrists at the mental institution. The more you resist by telling the psychiatrists you have no mental illness and you don't belong in a mental institution, the worse the sonic weapons attacks on you will become.

The powerful sonic waves that these sonic weapons produce pass through walls with ease, so there is nowhere to hide in a padded room from the weapons. They can turn you into a walking zombie by drugging you and attacking you with sonic weapons to deny you sleep. Nobody will hear your screams for help, and to anyone from the outside world, you will appear to be just another crazy psycho.

In the mental institution, you will be attacked and tortured indefinitely until you conform and take your prescribed medication. The psychiatrists at the mental institution will not give up on their insistence that you take your prescribed medication. In a padded cell you have no defense against the sonic weapons. You will not have the luxury to obtain vacuum barriers to protect yourself. The only way out for you at this point is that you take your prescribed medication.

Once you conform and take the medication, you will find the sonic weapons attacks will be discontinued. The psychiatrists at the mental institution will declare victory and tell your family and friends that the medication worked and you are showing definite signs of improvement. If you discontinue your medication, you will find the attacks will once again begin all over until you return to the medication. If after a period of time of refusing to take your medication orally, it can be legally forcibly administered intravenously.

If you are ever released from the mental institution, your life will never be the same. If you have committed a violent act and are now considered by the system to have a violent mental illness, you can be legally forced to take prescribed medication to control your mental illness for the remainder of your life. Your willingness to take your daily-prescribed medication will be part of your conditional release from the mental institution.

To insure you are taking your daily-prescribed medication, you may have to report daily to a health center to take your medication in front of a mental health worker or the mental health worker may show up at your home daily to administer your medication. If you discontinue your daily-prescribed medication, you will be forcibly returned to the mental institution and you will have your medication forcibly administered intravenously.

After your initial release from the mental institution, you may also have to report to psychiatrists and mental health counselors on regular intervals for counseling. UltraSonics will continue some type of surveillance of you and UltraSonics will limit you to where you can live. If you return to a community neighborhood, your dangerous mental illness symptoms will return.

This is America’s modern high tech mental health system. Ugly, isn’t it? Adolph Hitler would have been proud of this mental health system. This form of mental health system is also currently being used in Communist China. In China, Political Dissidents, the “Politically Incorrect”, are sought-out, rounded-up and thrown into mental institutions to be “rehabilitated” so that when they re-enter society, they are compliant, obedient subjects of the state. Before I was targeted by UltraSonics, I would never have thought this could happen in America, but its happening. The Nazi Party may be in the process of taking over America’s mental health system or may have taken it over already.

The only way to defeat UltraSonics’ sonic weapons is with the protective structure mentioned previously. Metal walls with the vacuum (no air) in each wall should provide the protection against the sonic weapons. This structure will render UltraSonics’ sonic weapons useless while the Target is sleeping. This protective structure can be used to verify that high technology is being used against a person. The protective structure would be large enough to surround the Target on all sides and top and bottom. If the Target’s symptoms disappear and he can sleep while in the protective structure, then it can be safely assumed that sonic weapons are being used against him.

The structure is made of metal and should protect the Target from electromagnetic and electrical weapons. UltraSonics will not normally use electromagnetic or electrical weapons on the Target because physical damage to the body could occur. It isn’t a pretty solution but if UltraSonics is shooting these weapons at you, you will live with it. Hopefully these protective structures will be commercially built in the near future but at this time you would have to have them custom built. If targeted by UltraSonics, I recommend you invest in such a protective structure because UltraSonics will attack you continuously for years if necessary. You should not assume that UltraSonics would give up after a short period of time, they won’t.

I believe I was targeted by UltraSonics because the Nazi Cop who lives in my neighborhood used his influence to persuade UltraSonics to target me. Because of this Nazi Cop’s actions, a terrible secret that may have been kept secret for decades is now being brought to the public’s attention. Some of the questions that have to be answered are: Is there a war being waged against mentally ill people? UltraSonics has devices that can artificially produce symptoms of schizophrenia in a human. Why would someone develop such devices? Are doctors and psychiatrists knowingly misdiagnosing the artificial symptoms that these sonic weapons produce when used on humans as symptoms of dangerous mental disorders? Have doctors and psychiatrists created phony mental illnesses to explain the artificial symptoms produced by these sonic weapons? Has a "Final Solution" been developed for mentally ill people where mentally ill people are sought-out and attacked by UltraSonics so they can be driven out of control and forcibly committed to mental institutions? Once mentally ill people have been forcibly committed to a mental institution, are these sonic weapons being used in mental institutions to attack mentally ill patients to insure that they can't be released back into society? Are doctors and psychiatrists using sonic weapons to torture mentally ill people if they refuse to take prescribed medications? Have state or federal funds been illegally diverted in order to purchase advanced surveillance equipment and non-lethal weapons to conduct illegal surveillance of and attack private American citizens? Are mental health providers and drug companies covertly funding UltraSonics so UltraSonics can attack mentally ill people to force them into taking prescribed medication for the remainder of their lives that will financially benefit the mental health providers and drug companies? Are these haunted house stories seen on TV and in the movies a cover for running mentally ill people out of neighborhood communities? Are these conspiracy theories of mind control and other wild conspiracy theories being developed to give mentally ill people something to latch onto after being attacked with sonic weapons by UltraSonics? Are military personnel creating secret groups and using military surveillance technology and military sonic non-lethal weapons to conduct illegal surveillance of and attack private American citizens?

If you remember the 1978 fictional movie “Coma”, where patients at a hospital were placed into comas in order to remove their internal organs so the organs could be sold to the highest bidder, there could be a real life “Coma” situation occurring in the United States. The medical establishment may be knowingly forcibly drugging mentally ill people with unneeded medications for reasons they consider just and for financial gain. The medical establishment may be doing what they consider a necessary action in order to protect mentally ill people and society, and medical service providers and drug companies may be reaping the financial rewards of this “Holocaust”. Similar to what occurred to Jewish people in World War Two, mentally ill people are being sought-out, manipulated, attacked with high technology, forced out of their homes, forced into mental institutions, and forcibly drugged. Mentally ill people may even be forced into committing suicide and even killed from effects to their health from the attacks with the sonic weapons. UltraSonics’ message to mentally ill people is simple: “Take your prescribed medications or you will be EXTERMINATED, attacked indefinitely until death occurs from health failure or suicide”.

The people who are attacking the mentally ill people can get away with this scot-free because of current methods and current laws psychiatrists use for detecting mental illnesses. If a mentally ill person seeks help from law enforcement, law enforcement will do nothing. Law enforcement will conclude that the attacks that the mentally ill person is experiencing are related to his mental illness and recommend that the mentally ill person go seek profession help from a doctor. If the mentally ill person does go to a psychiatrist, the psychiatrist will just diagnose the person as being mentally ill and prescribe medication to control his mental illness. If the mentally ill person should attempt to defend him-self against his attackers, the mentally ill person will be forcibly placed in a mental institution and drugged.

Remember what “The Big Picture” is: UltraSonics will harass you with high technology that can’t be proven in court and will make you look crazy if you try to tell people about it. UltraSonics will try to get you to commit a violent act by harassing you with high technology. If UltraSonics can’t get you to commit a violent act with high tech methods, they will try conventional methods. If you do commit a violent act and tell law enforcement or law enforcement discovers you committed the violent act in retaliation for people shooting invisible bullets at you, you get an indefinite stay at a mental institution. In the mental institution, you will be attacked, tortured, and forced onto prescribed medication for the remainder of your life. This is the method the system uses to deal with mentally ill people. Psychiatrists, doctors, law enforcement, and lawyers protect the secret of UltraSonics by covering for each other.

The Nazi Cop that lives in my neighborhood would have to be considered a dirty cop. If the Nazi Cop would knowingly break the law that he had sworn to uphold in order to get even with me, there is no telling how many other times he has broken the law. The Nazi Cop’s entire public career as a police officer should be examined because there may have been people wrongfully prosecuted and sent to jail because of him. The Nazi Cop manipulated people, mainly my neighbors, into believing that if they went along with the harassment against me, there is no way they would be caught. This technology will become public knowledge in the future and the people responsible will be held accountable. The people the Nazi Cop manipulated may stand to lose their freedom and financial security because of one dirty cop. That’s a high price to pay for a dirty cop wanting to show how powerful a person he thinks he is.

These people that were manipulated by the Nazi Cop should realize that when dirty cops go down, they usually take as many people with them as possible. It may take months or years but eventually justice will be served. One day when the Nazi Cop is rotting away in federal prison, someone please tell him the old slogan that cops tell everyone else, “IF YOU DON’T WANT TO DO THE TIME, DON’T COMMIT THE CRIME”! The Nazi Cop thinks he is a big man because he can cowardly hide behind walls and fire weapons at people, but let us see how big a man he really is when he is sent to federal prison. The Nazi Cop will not be able to hide behind walls and fire weapons at people anymore but will have to be a man, probably for the first time in his life, and defend himself on his own without his sonic weapons.

My neighbors have had their fun and now its time to pay for what they have done. My neighbors should be aware that they will not be able to simply walk away and pretend nothing happened after committing human and civil rights crimes. The Nazi Cop should have explained to my neighbors what could happen if they were caught but the Nazi Cop was probably too busy trying to show how big of a man, if you can call him a man, he thinks he is.

The people who were exposed to this technology will have to be warned incase there are health risks and should be given the opportunity to sue the people responsible. The people inadvertently exposed to this technology include my family, my co-workers, and all the people who work in the surrounding business suites at my workplace. This through-wall imaging technology may have health effects if exposed to for long durations. I don’t think my neighbors understand what the Nazi Cop has done to them. I believe that the Nazi Cop thinks he can get away with anything because his daddy was a dirty corrupt real estate developer. The corrupt and Nazi characteristics that make up the Nazi Cop seem this run in his family.

The message to my neighbors is that I intend to go all the way with this and you should be prepared to accept responsibility for the crimes you have committed. It’s not over simply because you’re tired of playing the game. In fact, it’s just starting for you. You wanted a war and now you’re going to get one. When you start a war, the war doesn’t end simply because you are losing the war and don’t want to fight anymore. Now that the tables have turned, my neighbors no longer want to play the game. They want to forget about everything and pretend nothing ever happened. You can run but you can’t hide: If you move, you can easily be found. Moving would be the ultimate act of cowardice. To move and run away like some coward with his tail between his legs and leave the mess you created behind for other people to deal with is something I would definitely expect from the Nazi Cop.

See what happens when you blindly follow a Nazi Cop. Just as the people who blindly followed Adolph Hitler met their fate, you will meet yours. The Nazi Cop filled your head with delusions that you are above the law and can get away with anything. You are going to find out the hard way that no one is above the law. You are currently looking at 10 years plus in federal prison because of the Nazi Cop, and if you continue to follow the Nazi Cop, you could wind up getting 20 years to life in federal prison for manslaughter or murder. And New Jersey does have the death penalty for capital murder. Anyone indirectly involved with my harassment is just as guilty as the people directly involved. The longer you violate my Human and Civil Rights, the longer you will have to spend in federal prison. The Nazi Cop will cost you your freedom, your homes, your families’ future, and your financial security. The Nazi Cop already has one foot in the grave so he has nothing to lose but you do. I’m never going to take down this website and I’m going to testify fully when the technology becomes public knowledge.

UltraSonics is a terrorist organization similar to the terrorist organization that destroyed World Trade Center in New York. Anyone with any involvement with UltraSonics is a terrorist. My neighbors who foolishly got involved with UltraSonics and the Nazi Cop are no better than the terrorists who destroyed the World Trade Center. My neighbors mistakenly believed that they could use terrorism as a means to achieve their objectives but will soon find how terribly wrong they were.

To any of my neighbors who were not directly involved in the harassment against me but knew about it, you can take advantage of the reward posted on this web site. You can do the right thing and benefit financially from situation or you can go down with the Nazi Cop and his followers. The Nazi Cop lied to you and placed your future in serious jeopardy. For the remainder of your life, you will have to pray that the technology does not become public knowledge. All the people involved in the harassment will have to maintain their silence indefinitely. This will involve lying to local, state, and federal law enforcement, and committing perjury in county, state, and federal courts. All the people involved will have to go before grand juries and commit perjury. This is nothing but a house of cards. Once one person with knowledge of my harassment decides that the Nazi Cop is not worth throwing away his future for, the whole house of cards will come crumbling down. And once the public learns of this technology, the foundation of our society will shake. The demands to find the people involved and put them on trial for crimes against humanity will be top priority. If you wish to follow the Nazi Cop to the very end, then maybe adjacent cells can be arranged in federal prison. One thing is for sure, the Nazi Cop and his followers will burn in Hell for all eternity, along with the Nazi Cop’s mentor, Adolph Hitler.

UltraSonics Agents have been well trained. The best minds in psychiatry have written the playbook for UltraSonics Agents. UltraSonics is trying to be a social engineer and they will use all means necessary to create the society they feel is the proper one. If you're targeted by UltraSonics, an army of people is working against you. A powerful segment of society has determined that you don't belong in their society. You are considered expendable and enormous resources will be used to see that you are removed from their society. I've noticed that UltraSonics Agents seem to feel they are untouchable and above the law because they are in possession of technology that can be used to attack people with no risk of prosecution by law enforcement.

Another thing I noticed about UltraSonics over the years is that they continue to use the same old tactics over and over again against me. Even though these tactics have totally failed to produce their desired results, they continue to persist with them. UltraSonics Agents don't give up easily; they have been violating my civil and human rights now for several years. UltraSonics Agents are clearly guilty of crimes against humanity and they should be brought to justice and held accountable for their crimes. No one has to right to violate another person's Human and Civil Rights.

Well, I just wanted to say thanks for reading this webpage. UltraSonics does not like publicity. If you would like to help me get the message out about UltraSonics and their technology, please consider the following: Please submit my main web page to search engines and post this information in other forums, such as mailing lists and newsgroups, with similar topics. Please copy this website to another website and advertise it in the Internet resources mentioned above and in regular newspapers and magazines. In the link section of this website, I listed several free Internet hosts that offer free website space to anyone. The best way to fight UltraSonics is to make as many people as possible aware of them. Your assistance could help an untold number of people who were and are being tortured with these sonic weapons.

This entire website can be downloaded on one zip file from the link provided on the main page of this website. The zip file is around 6.5 Meg and will take around 20 minutes to download on a 56K modem. All the files on this website are contained in the one zip file. Please download the zip file and keep it on your hard drive. Use a Web browser to load “index.htm” after the files are unzipped to view the website copy. If you need an unzip utility to unzip the files, I listed a link in the link section of this website to a free unzip utility for download. If you have the resources, please unzip the files and burn them onto CDROM(s) and mail them to your local police, state and federal law enforcement agencies, civil liberty groups, and/or news media organizations. Please tell your family and friends about UltraSonics and give them copy of the information also.

I listed a link to the New Jersey Camden County Prosecutor’s Office Web Site in the link listed directly below. If you would like to write a letter or send an email to the Camden County Prosecutor to ask for an investigation of these Human and Civil Rights Crimes, please do. I sent the information about this harassment group many times to the prosecutor but got no response. Please ask why the prosecutor does not investigate terrorism and crimes against humanity and include the URL of the main web page of this web site. I have no problem with testifying under oath in a court of law or taking lie detector tests. Unfortunately, it seems many more people will have to suffer before law enforcement is forced to act. Law enforcement is currently keeping cases that involve harassment by UltraSonics out of court. If you would like to send a copy of your letter or email to other New Jersey County or State Officials, there are also links to their offices and departments in the link listed below. If you are going to send copies of the CDROM out, please be sure to send one to the Camden County Prosecutor. Racial Profiling by police in New Jersey has made New Jersey the national leader in Civil Rights Abuse, and now with the Human and Civil Rights Abuse mentioned on this web site, New Jersey will be the undisputed national leader in both Human and Civil Rights Abuse. Click here to access Camden County and State Officials in New Jersey.

If Law Enforcement is turning their backs and allowing hate groups to use this sophisticated surveillance technology and non-lethal weapons on disadvantaged groups of people in our society, there could be an uprising in this country. There could be a situation in New Jersey similar to what occurred in Los Angeles, California. Law enforcement in New Jersey may have formed secret police groups to target minority people in order to set them up and send them to prison. With this sophisticated surveillance technology, law enforcement may have illegally gathered or planted evidence on minorities and used it to send them to prison. If this occurred, it would be the responsibility of the state to find these people and release them and compensate them for their hardships. High statistics of minorities arrested and prosecution may result from this biased targeting of minorities. These secret police groups would be the perfect breeding ground for racist cops who want to vent their anger against the people they feel are responsible for America’s woes.

The Camden County Prosecutor can do the right thing and bring my neighbors down to the courthouse and place them under oath and ask them a simple question: Have you ever harassed any of your neighbors or do you know of anyone who has? This question should be asked to all my direct neighbors and their children while under oath. If my neighbors won’t admit to simple harassment, then they certainly won’t admit to harassment with high technology. The reason why the question of harassment by high technology should not be asked at first is that it would allow the person being questioned to roll his eyes back and use phrases like “Beam me up Scotty” to make the questioner feel uncomfortable. The prosecutor should be aware that my neighbors will seek to use Plausible Deniability as a means of protecting themselves from answering any incriminating questions.

If one of my neighbors being questioned does admit to simple harassment, then the questioner can move on to more detailed questions about the harassment admitted to. The Camden County Prosecutor will have to approach my neighbors as they would approach any other terrorist group because my neighbors have been well versed by UltraSonics on what to say and how to act if questioned by law enforcement. UltraSonics is a professional terrorist organization that has connections throughout the system and it will be extremely difficult to find a public official with the courage to go after them. It would be very interesting to see if all my neighbors would commit perjury and risk their futures for the Nazi Cop and UltraSonics.

Since UltraSonics has obtained through-wall targeting scopes that can accurately identify and target a person through a wall up to several hundred feet away, then it is possible that other terrorist organizations have also obtained this technology and may attempt a day of mass assassinations using the through-wall targeting scopes. This would be another September 11, 2001, the day the World Trade Center in New York was destroyed, all over again. The Camden County Prosecutor has the opportunity to interrogate my neighbors and possibly seize this technology and allow the discovery of methods to detect and defeat it. If the Camden County Prosecutor refuses to act, he will be held responsible by the public if this technology is used by UltraSonics or another terrorist group in the next act of terrorism.

Many people have been asked the theoretical question: “If you could go back in time and stop Adolph Hitler and prevent the Holocaust from occurring, would you?” It’s not possible to go back in time and stop Adolph Hither but the next Adolph Hitler, the next Third Reich, and the next Holocaust can be stopped by asking the Camden County Prosecutor to go after the Nazi Cop and UltraSonics to bring the war criminals to justice. By contacting the Camden County Prosecutor, you can help put an end to the evil people behind these crimes against humanity. Ask the Camden County Prosecutor to remember the lessons learned from World War 2 and remember the phrase “Never Again”.

The organization “Citizens Commission on Human Rights” has released a booklet called “Psychiatry Committing Fraud”. The booklet outlines the abuses and fraud committed by the American Mental Health System. I placed a copy of a PDF file of the booklet on this website. The file is around 1.9 Meg and will take around 7 minutes to download on a 56K modem. It is worth the download time and may add some insight into why sonic non-lethal weapons are being used against mentally ill people. If your web browser does not support PDF files, you can download a free PDF reader from a link in the link section of this website. The link section also has the URL of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights website containing the PDF version and HTML version of the booklet. Click here to download the PDF file of the booklet “Psychiatry Committing Fraud”.

Please continue to read the other links on the previous web page. Remember that UltraSonics is able to get away with its activities because not many Americans are aware of this technology or believe that any group would go to all the trouble to harass one person. Even if you don't live in New Jersey, you should be concerned about UltraSonics because UltraSonics has at least one division in every state in the USA and several divisions in several states. I have a technical background that made it easy for me to figure-out what UltraSonics was shooting at me, but may God help the person targeted if he doesn't understand what UltraSonics is shooting at him.

LAST UPDATED: 12-21-2003

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