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The Internet: Technology of Freedom
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If They Knew What You Know

by Peter J. Celano

Here on the internet, we enjoy what is probably the freest speech in history. We are not just free from censorship - we are free of the constraints of time, distance, borders, politics, ideology, philosophy and religion. We are even free of the monetary burden of mass communication and publication! Never before has a group of citizens from across the nation been able to discuss news and events as they occur, often before most of the population is aware anything has happened. We receive news almost instantly, in its raw, uninterpreted and unspun form, from all over the world.

Those of us who are exercising the freedoms offered by the internet have demonstrated our willingness to exert the effort involved in perceiving reality, discerning crucial differences and coming to informed conclusions. We seek truth, and together we are good at sorting it from the garbage.

Through this process, it has become obvious to many of us that our people are being used to build and support a vast criminal empire. We see scandal and evil out in the open, and the perpetrators acting with impunity. We marvel as the "major media" goes about its business of misinforming the public, spewing "news" that is barely recognizable to those of us who know the facts. We face a presidential election in which neither major candidate seems to understand our constitution, the nature of rights or any of the foundational principles of our republic. Liberal or Conservative, the people have no acceptable choice in this election, and apparently no say in the direction that our nation is being taken.

Because of our extraordinary perspective here on the internet, it is easy for us to recognize these things. We discuss them daily, and we discuss them openly. It is amazing to consider that those who live and thrive by controlling information and people have let something this big get past them! They are coming to recognize this, and are actively involved in ending the freedom we enjoy. The "Communications Decency Act" is one example of their efforts; we will soon be seeing more.

Meanwhile, there is a group of us who have tasted freedom - even if only virtual freedom. None of us want to lose it. However, in the "real world", what we take for granted here on the internet is all but gone. We face censorship, thought policing and the rapid erosion of our remaining freedom to act in our own interest. There is no longer a free flow of ideas. There is no source for uncensored news. We see it clearly, because we have something to compare it to, but most people do not.

Can you imagine what would happen if everybody knew what you know?

We are a very small percentage of the population, and we seem to really keep to ourselves. This is not good! We each need to carry what we know into the real world. Some are indeed doing this, and the results have been tremendous! However, there are just too few of us to go around. We ALL need to get active!

We have an opportunity, and must take advantage of it. Before this window closes - before the freedom of the internet disappears and our ability to freely communicate and know each other is curtailed, we need to take this virtual freedom that we know and extend it. It must expand to again encompass reality. If we don't act - and soon - even the virtual freedom that we enjoy will disappear.

Are you a virtual patriot? Or are you a REAL patriot?

Mark Phillips, in his and Cathy O'Brien's book, "TRANCE Formation of America", says:

"Each of us must now take a stand to commit a portion of our individual time and diminishing resources to support the action groups and individuals who are not afraid to work at taking back our government through mass exposure of its crimes. We must seek new leaders who will be committed to doing the most with the least. These leaders share the battle cry that SILENCE DOES (indeed) EQUAL DEATH."

Peter J. Celano

c Copyright Peter J. Celano, 1996. All rights reserved.

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