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Newer and more complete list of ringbacks as of 11

NOTICE: TO ALL CONCERNED Certain text files and messages contained on this site deal with activities and devices which would be in violation of various Federal, State, and local laws if actually carried out or constructed. The webmasters of this site do not advocate the breaking of any law. Our text files and message bases are for informational purposes only. We recommend that you contact your local law enforcement officials before undertaking any project based upon any information obtained from this or any other web site. We do not guarantee that any of the information contained on this system is correct, workable, or factual. We are not responsible for, nor do we assume any liability for, damages resulting from the use of any information on this site.

201 551-xxxx Hackensack/Jersey City/Newark/Paterson, NJ
202 958-xxxx District of Columbia
203 991-xxxx CT (All)
209 890-xxxx Stockton, CA
213 1-95x-xxxx Los Angeles, CA
219 777-xxxx
301 958-xxxx Hagerstown/Rockville, MD
303 99X-xxxx Grand Junction, CO
312 511-xxxx Chicago, IL
312 511-xxx-xxxx Chicago, IL
312 57?-xxxx Chicago, IL
312 200-xxxx
408 ( try the numberss for 415 area.... )
412 985-xxxx Pittsburgh, PA
415 260-xxxx, 290-xxxx, 350 -xxxx, 360-xxxx, 530-xxxx, 560-xxxx, 580-xxxx
740-xxxx, 850-xxxx, 870-xxxx, 880-xxxx, 890-xxxx
501 721-xxx-xxxx AR (All)
502 988 Lexington, KY
504 9988776655 Baton Rouge/New Orleans, LA
504 978-xxxx
510 270-xxxx, 290-xxxx, 350-xxxx, 360-xxxx 740-xxxx, 890-xxxx
( also try 415 list )
512 95X-xxxx Austin, TX
515 552-xxxx
601 777-xxxx MS (All)
609 55?-xxxx Atlantic City/Camden/Trenton/Vineland, NJ
619 331-xxxx San Diego, CA
619 332-xxxx San Diego, CA
701 490-xxxx
703 958-xxxx Alexandria/Arlington/Roanoke, VA
716 981-xxxx Rochester, NY /* Rochester Tel */
719 99x-xxxx Colorado Springs/Leadville/Pueblo, CO
801 938-xxxx Utah (All)
801 939-xxxx Utah (All)
805 114 Bakersfield/Santa Barbara, CA
813 711 Ft. Meyers/St. Petersburg/Tampa, FL
908 55?-xxxx New Brunswick, NJ
908 550-xxxx, 551-xxxx
914 660-xxxx Peekskill/Poughkeepsie/White Plains/Yonkers, NY

416 57x-xxxx Toronto, Ontario
416 99x-xxxx Toronto, Ontario
416 999-xxx-xxxx Toronto, Ontario
514 320-xxx-xxxx Montreal, Quebec
613 999-xxx-xxxx Ottawa, Ontario

+61 199

United Kingdom:

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