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Volume 1 in Phone Series

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? The Phone System ?
? PART I ?


The first thing to understand about the Phone System is
the basic wiring. If you are even close to being a hacker,
you should at least know how electricity works, and flows.
The best way to learn is to experiment! So go over to the
nearest phone jack and open it up. There should be either 2
or 4 screws with wires coming out of them. The essential
wires are the Red and the Green. There will probably be a
Yellow and a Black also, but they need not be hooked up.
Remember that the red is the ring, and the green is the tip.

The first tool that all Phreaks must have is a test set.
Put simply, it's just a phone with special wiring. To build
one read, "The Phone System Part II." After you've built
one, or if you already have one, snap the alligator clips to
the connecting screws. That is the red clip to the screw
with the red wire coming out, and the green to the green wire
terminal. "Pick up" the phone, by turning it on, release the
on hook switch, whatever, then you should hear a dial tone.
If someone is on the line, then you will hear them. From
there, you can dial out, listen in, or anything else that you
could do from one of the phones in the house. So actually,
all it is is another phone in another room. If you've got it
so far, then the basics are finished with.

Every house has four wires going to it. Those are the
Red, Green, Yellow, and Black. There may be others depending
on the services you have installed (extra lines, call
waiting, etc.). The wires that go to the house are in a
parallel circuit. That's why it doesn't matter where you
hook up, as long as you get the right wires. They go to each
outlet in the building, then back to the bridging head.

Bridging Heads are those grey boxes that are marked
"Pacific Bell." They can generally be found every block or
so in new areas, while older ones have none. There are 4
main types, but they all have the same purpose. What they do
is simple, to tie all of the stray lines from the residences
into one big cable called a line trunk. Then the line trunks
go to the main office to handle the calls. Heads (Bridging
Heads) are great places to take your test sets. There should
be from 1 to 6 line trunks coming out of the bottom of the
heads going to the bridge blocks. The bridge blocks are grey
plastic blocks with 2 rows of screw terminals for
connections. There should be from 0-10 of these mounted on
the back of the head depending of what type. There is one
pair of screws for each house, or line. Connecting your test
set to these 2 terminals is the same as if you hooked them up
IN the house that it is connected to.

For example, you could find the bridging head nearest to
your house. The line that comes from your house will come
out of the ground from a small thin 1/8, 1/4 inch cable.
There will almost certainly be several other lines that also
come from the ground. Next to them will be the PVC pipe(s)
with the line trunk(s) coming out of it. Let's say that you
found which of the smaller lines was yours, and followed it.
You would see the line go to the bridge block, and connect
with another line from the line trunk. The trunk then goes
on a non-stop trip to the main office, where the calls are

From the bridge block, you can clip on the test set to
any of the terminal pairs, and use everybody's phone lines.
Whether it be long distance, "976" numbers, or overseas, the
owner of the line is billed. As far as the phone company can
tell, the call is coming from the residence, not the head a
block away. Also, if you cliped onto a line that someone was
using, you would hear them talking. This is risky, for they
may suspect something, and call the phone company. Another
neat thing is to crosswire them. You could run a wire
between every terminal, and then the whole neighborhood would
be hooked on 1 line! Everybody's phone rings when 1 rings,
and everybody can listen to everybody else. Really a mess
for the phone company to clean up.
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