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Acamatica 211101216
Telechat 211103021
Guia Entel 211103127
Info Arpac 211107173
Delphi 21110717
Aerolineas Argentinas 2111031212
Acindar 211101217

Cat BBS 005229048
Villa BBS 0202106026
Grecia 020221114/5
Texto prueba 02022119900
Geo 0202333002130
Theophilos BBS 0202333002332
Nat Inst for High Energy 020412900433
Host de mensajes 020412900090
CELEX 020418802007380
Eco 02041900
X=0 a 9 / CLR (CR) 02044X
Terminal de pruebas 02044901
Login/System System 02062115002
gtw PAD/PACKET 02062210094
Brussels DEC A 9600 bps 02062210168
Brussels DEC B 2400 bps 02062221006
gtw 020622288015
gtw 020622288201
Host de Pruebas 02062230000
Eco 02062230001
InformacioDCSur name: INFO 02062243135
gtw 02062288210
QSD (Chat) Francia 0208057040540
Aiea 0208075000394
Host de pruebas 020800032206
MICROVAX2 0208006042061
? 0208028050129
HELP gtw 0208075000244
MCOM 0208076020367
MCOM 020807602036797
? 0228429000035-6
Eco 0228464100991
Host de pruebas 022846411010
Kometh Gateway 022846451010
EKOL Koda Online 0228468114080
CARPE (021) 693 22 11 022846911003
Cybertalk 022846911003001
Pegasus 0228475212574
Kometh Gateway 0228479110650
Kometh Gateway 022847911075
ETHICS 022847951154
? Dolma 02284795704730
? 0232023139
Itapac Samnet 022225110373
? Milan 022222700096
Citybank 02240013400
Dream Iceland Austria 023226181139
Trabant BBS Berlin 023226221127023
Esa Inglat. 0234219201156
University 023421920014880
Hostests (BT) 023421920100515
BBB Noruega 02422450134
CCCP1 Moscu 02502030500
CCCP2 Inst. Automatica 02502040300
Lucifer Alemania 026245400080177
Alemania 026245213120133
Galacticon Islandia 027401199100
Villa BBS 0274011991000
Villa BBS 0274011999519
Plastic BBS (Amiga) 0274011991222
BullPac Bulgaria 02841321606
Nasa Logging Guest 03110321010501
Compuserve Usa 0311020200202
Bix Usa 0310600157879
Bix Usa 0310690157800
Washihngton Post 0310600584401
Kamome Japon 0440881807401
Galipus Holanda 060593910711
Unit Net SCO Sudafrica 0655011101207
Uno BBS Brasil 072411188058
BBS de Sao Pablo 0724111320430
CCCP3 Rusia 0959574312417


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