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MCI Overview

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==Phrack Inc.== Volume One, Issue Two, Phile #7@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ _ _ ____ @ @ | \/ | / _____/ @ |_||_|etal / /hop @ @ _________/ / @ @ /________/ @ @ Headquarters of PhrackNewsltter @ @ @ (31) 432-0756 @ @ @ @ Proudl Present @ @ @@ MCI Ovrview @ @ @ @ Writtn on 11/16/5 @ @ @ @ by @ @ @ @ Knight Lightnig & Taran King @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
MCI Communications Corporation, headquartered in Washington, D.C., provides a full range of domesticernational telecommunications services, including voice and data, telex and cable, paging andmbl eehne, and time sensitive message delivery.
Since its founding in 1968, MCI has grown to more than $1.6 billion in annual sales and serves more million business, residential and government customers through its four major business units
MCI Telecommunications
MCI Airsignal
MCI International
MCI Digital Information Services

MCI TELECOMMUNICATIONS ---------------------- MCI Telecommunications provides domestic interstate lonce service throughout all 50 states, plus Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and major caln ra fCanada. It is also authorized to provide varying degrees of intrastate long distance eric i smestte.
MCIT also is the first long distance carrier other than AT&T to offer direct dial service overseas. tional telephone service is available to all residential and commercial customers (with the ecpino rvate Line customers). In October, 1984 the first international service agreements wer anoncd it te ollowing countries: Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, East Germany, Greece, United Aab mirtes an th UntedKingdom.
Total capital investment in MCI's long distance network is approximately $2 billion. MCI's network,ond largest in the U.S., employs microwave optical fiber, satellite and various digital transiso ehoogies.
Subscribers - Domestic Long Distance (as of 10/84) ----------- ---------------------- Residential 1.4 million Commercial .3 million Total 1.7 million
Operations - (as of 10/84) Network Miles 20,543 (microwave, optical fiber, satellite)
Circuits 238,000 Employees 9,500 (full-time, approx.)

MCI AIRSIGNAL ------------- MCI Airsignal provides personal message delivery and car telephone servi Message Service is offered in more than 50 metropolitan areas. In 1984, service will commenei e okCity, Baltimore-Washington, Los Angeles, and Chicago. MCI car telephone service is oferd n 0 aret.
Personal Message Delivery Service --------------------------------- ALPHANUSSAGE SERVICE
Displays up to 40-character message using letters and/or numbers. Memory and recall abilitys subscriber with a silent visual alert or a soft tone.
Displays up to 24-digit message (e.g., phone number, stock quotes, sales figures, coded messMemory and recall capability. Alerts customer to message with a silent visual alert or asf oe
Notifies customer of a message with a soft tone.
Receives message in actual voice of caller.
Receives and stores messages. Instantly alerts subscriber via pager when a message is receiar Telephone Service --------------------- Enables customers to place calls to or receive calls froee in the world, 24 hours a day, as they travel in their cars. With the advent of new cellulrtcnlg, oth the quality and the accessibility of car telephone service will vastly improve. MC hs hu fr btaned franchises to operate a new kind of mobile phone service, cellular telephoe, n Mnnepols ad Pttsbrgh, and has received favorable decisions from FCC administration law jdgesauthrizig sevicein Ls Angles, Denver-Boulder, and Kansas City. MCI has applied for licenes toprovie celular ervic in 8 metroolitan areas.
MCI Airsignal Branch Sales Offices ---------------------------------- Personal Message Service/ConveMobile Phone Service
Birmingham (205) 942-2924 Sacramento (916) 444-2350 Memphis (901) 682-9658 lveland (216) 464-7311 Dallas (14 788-5111 Fresno (209) 486-7410 Ls Vgas (702) 382-7461 Denver (303 77-787 Portland (503) 227-2556 Phladelhia (215) 677-9845 Atlanta (404) 252-214 West Forida (813) 875-3404 Minneaplis 612) 54-8175 Kansas City (913 648-800 Miai (305) 491-0122 Pitsburgh (41) 343-161 Houston (713) 46-2516 Bakrsfield (805) 832-2346
Cellular Telephone Offices
Minneapolis-St. Paul (612) 544-3312 Los Angeles (714) 527-0385 Elsewhere in California (800) 344-3455
Headquarters - Washington, D.C. (202) 429-9660

MCI INTERNATIONAL ----------------- MCI International provides private-line voice service to severals countries, and data and message services, including telex, cablegram, leased channel, and pce wthn communications, to more than 200 overseas points. MCI has moved into two new areas ofsevie: Itenaioal direct-dial telephone service and international electronic mail and hard-cop deivey srvies.
International Record Services ----------------------------- TELEX SERVICE (domestic and internationats instantaneous, two-way, written communications with other subscribers worldwide. Customer a edmsages at any time, even though the receiving terminal may be unattended. MCI Internatioalofer aces o ts telex service from a variety of terminals and networks; not only subscriberswit teex ermnal bu alo those with communicating word processors, data terminals or computers hat ommuicat ove telphon lins can take advantage of MCI International telex service. To subsriber conncted o itsown tlex ntwork MCI International offers World Message Services--a packag of comunicaions ofering incluing teex, calegram and MCI Mail services. Various service enhacementsare avalable t save tme, impove opeating eficiency and simplify records keeping for teex users
CABLEGRAM SERVICE, the traditional means of international written communications, offers flexibilityvery and economical rates for shorter messages. Cablegrams can be delivered to virtually anyoesa on. Subscribers with telex terminals or various other types of equipment can access and ELS abegamswtc and take advantage of such service enhancements as abbreviated addressing and epatmetalbiling
LEASED CHANNEL SERVICE provides an exclusive line between a U.S. firm and it's overseas office for pommunications 24 hours a day. Each MCI International leased channel is tailored to meet the ed faseific customer for teleprinter, facsimile, voice and/or data traffic. For subscribers it svealofics equiring private communications with each other, MCI International offers a veratie mssae-sitcingserice. Voice/data leases can be configured to meet a whole array of communcatig neds; or eampl, on chanel might carry data traffic from a computer at night, voice commnicatons dring fficehours and imultneous teleprinter messages at any time. Data channels canhandlerequirments or trafic atany sped fro 1200 bits per second to 1.544 megabits per second.
IMPACS SERVICE uses packet-switching technology to provide international communications service betw terminals and computers. Impacs offers on-line, real-time connections and enables many type ficmaile systems to communicate. Impacs service offers virtually error-free transmission beaue f heerordeection and retransmission capability of the network.
INSTALINK SERVICE allows businesses overseas to use regular telex equipment to access remote computims and databases in the U.S. Subscribers can retrieve data from a computer-based informationsrieo s a computing system connecting to a packet-switching network in the U.S.
INTERNATIONAL FACSIMILE SERVICE enables subscribers to send duplicates of original documents overseay and efficiently, even when neither the sender nor the receiver has facsimile transmission eupet rwen the sender and receiver have incompatible equipment.
DATEL SERVICE provides automatic or voice-coordinated data transmission at speeds up to 2400 bits pe. Either digital or analog facsimile traffic can be transmitted via Datel. Datel facilitiesaecniind to ensure high-quality transmission. The MCI International switching center allows omuncaios etee incompatible terminals.
MARITIME SERVICES provide instant, high--quality contact between ships at sea or offshore rigs, and these vessels and land-based subscribers worldwide.
International Voice Services ---------------------------- PRIVATE LINE SERVICE provides, fast, easy o a single overseas location at an economical monthly rate. This technically efficient syste aiie h use of line capacity by recognizing idle time and assigning a speaker to a transmissin at olywhn hepath is needed. Users can dial a four-digit extension from a regular business hon toreah akeyovesea location.
International Mail Services --------------------------- WORLD MESSAGE SERVICE subscribers can accessestic electronic mail and hard-copy delivery offerings of MCI Mail. In addition, MCI Internainli eeoping fast, low-cost services that will deliver electronic messages and high-quality pineddoumnt wrlwide.
Customer Service ---------------- THE CUSTOMER TROUBLE REPORTING ASSISTANCE CENTER at MCI Internatioesses customer concerns such as equipment maintenance and service performance questions. Cusoe evc pecialists, on duty 24 hours a day on business days, answer questions and electronicaly oue eric rqusts to technicians nationwide.
MCI DIGITAL INFORMATION SERVICES CORP. -------------------------------------- MCI Digital Informatioes, MCI's newest unit, provides high-speed, low-cost, time-sensitive message delivery (MCI Mal,ete lctronically or via hard copy.
MCI Mail provides time-sensitive document delivery to anyone, anywhere vial MCI's long-distance teletwork. MCI Mail can reach a recipient instantly, in four hours or less, or overnight by noontenx a. Prices are as much as 90 percent lower than comparable time-sensitive mail delivery srvce. MC Milca be delivered electronically, terminal to terminal, or laser printed on letterhad tatoney wth he ustmer's signature.
MCI Mail customers can even order gifts and services direct through MCI Mail, ranging from software r for personal computers to investment advisory services to travel specials.
There are no sign-up, monthly service charges or "connect time" charges for MCI Mail. MCI Mail can by virtually any personal computer, word processor, electronic typewriter, data terminal, telx rohrdgital communications device. The service is accessed by a local telephone call or 800nube.
MCI Mail -------- INSTANT delivery to an "electronic" mailbox.
FOUR-HOUR paper delivery by courier to 17 major metropolitan areas regardless of point of origin.
OVERNIGHT paper delivery by courier by noon the next day in 20,000 continental U.S. cities.
MCI LETTER transmitted electronically to the MCI digital postal center nearest its destination, thened locally by the U.S. Postal Service.
TELEX DISPATCH enables MCI Mail subscribers to transmit messages to the more than 1.6 million telex ers worldwide.
VOLUME MAIL enables customers to send large mailings in a variety of letter formats, at substantial in delivery time and expense.
=============================================================================== Look for more MCI Fing to Metal Shop soon!
This has been a Knight Lightning Presentation =======================================================================

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