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How to make Long Distance phone calls for free by

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LDPCF - Long Distance Phone Calls Free

Now when I wrote LDPCF1, I thought it would solve all yout LD problems
but I guess I was wrong cause I found out a week after I wrote it that it only
works for AT&T..Now I have fingured out how to do it for NYNEX..If you
read both this and LDPCF you should have no problems getting free phone
calls..Now this is a bit harder to do than LDPCF1, but if you just follow the
directions then you will have no problem at all..This is onlyreal ways and it
works 100 &..So get rid of your boxes, calling cards, pbxs,and code thievs..

Disclaimer time - Ok any lamers that get caught doing this should go to jail,
if you are weak enough to get caught then you are not a real hacker and
should go back to lamerville..And just so you know...This is very illegal..
Have fun...

There is going to be 4 parts to this...

Part I - Making LDPCF, this is for number outside your state..

Part II - How NOT to get caught

Part III - Closing

Part IV - Other files by me..

Part I - Making Long Distance Phone Calls for Free

If you have AT&T then this is how to make free calls within for state if
you have any other phone company then this is how to make Long
Distance calls..

Ok lets say you live in Maryland and there is a person that you want to
talk to and he/she lives in Arizonia now you can either pay for the call
or have someone else pay for it..Which would you rather choose??
Ok lets say that the person you want to call his number is (123)-456-7890
what you have to do is hit 0 beofore the number and area code..So it would
be like this 0-123-456-7890...Then a recorded message will come on and
CALLS DIAL 0 FOR THE OPERATOR..Now here is what you have to do

1. How MUST charge the call to another number but there is a catch, NYNEX
makes you say for name into the phone then they call that number and ask them
if they will let YOU make the call to the other number..Here is how to get around that.
Ok, when you dial; the complete billing number (area code-number) they will say

2. Here is the past thing to do, but it doesn't always work..When it tells you to say
for name he is what you do Ok, make your voice sound like you are almost crying
and stuff like that and when you say your name say HELP I AM IN JAIL..But say it
fast cause they only give you a certain about of time to say your name, say it fast but
sound VERY sad..Now, if they say YES then you will be connected to your LD call
If they say NO then try again at a different number..Here is the other and more affective

3. Ok, this is a little bit hard but it can be done..Ok when it says dial the complete
billing number now, you must put in the number of a person and not a company like
in LDPCF1..This is hard to explain but here goes..

1. Look in the phone book and look for numbers that have 2 names beside them,
that usually means that they are married =)

2. Select and name and number and call it..And lets say that the number you call
has a person named DON and PAM living there..Ok, if you are female then you
MUST ask for Pam, and if you are male then you MUST ask for Don.. Lets say
that you are male (which I am)..The person picks up the phone and says Hello,
then you say, IS DON HOME?? If he is then hang up and try another number
with 2 names beside it..If Don isn't home then you have just found the number
you are going to charge it to..When they ask you to say your name after the tone
you must say DON..And then they will call up that number and ask..If that person say
YES, (which he probally will cause he is getting a call from someone who lives with
him/her..=)) then you will be connected to your LD calls..If the person says NO, then
you have to do all that shit all over again..But it is worth it cause doing this you will
NEVER have to pay for another LD call..Get follow the rules on how NOT to get caght

Part II - How NOT to get caught -

There are several ways to avoid getting caught for doing this. I think if you follow
these rules that you will be just fine..

1. It is best to make these calls from a pay phone..You don't have to, but it would
be best..I always do it from my house..That is mor dangeous but if you follow
the next couple rules than you will be just fine..

2. When calling LD, NEVER talk for more than an hour with the same number
that you are charging it to, talk for like 50 minutes then hang up and do the scam
again and call the person you want to talk to back again..

3. Never charge the scam more than once to a house..Always use different numbers
when doing this..If you try it more than once to one person then it won't work
trust me..

Part III - Closing -

Now I have had fun thinking of the ways to make free calls and writing it was fun
also..=) But again I have no one to thank but myself cause no one helped me..=)
This is a 100 % way to make LDPCF, and it is fun..So like I said just do this and
have fun but do it right or you will get caught..If you have LDPCF1 and this one
then you should have no troubles making free calls so call anyone..Give me a call

Part IV - Other files by me -

1. FreeAOL
2. AOLHack
4. LDPCF2 (this one)

This is..

Blue Demon

make Long
Distance calls..

Ok let

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