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Hardware Hacker column #43; info on Caller ID, etc

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% ************************************************************************
% ************************************************************************


% ************************************************************************
% SUMMARY: A preprint of Don's Hardware Hacker Column #43, to appear in
% a summer 1991 issue of RADIO ELECTRONICS.
% Focused X-ray breakthrough * * *****
% C-60 and the new Buckyballs * * *
% Electric power research info ***** *****
% Getting telephone information * *
% Caller number delivery secrets * *****
% Text and resource listings in this file;
% See HACKF43.GPS for figures 1 through 5.
% Reprinted from Don Lancaster's HARDWARE HACKER III.
% Available via [SYNERGETICS] email.
% Copyright c 1991 by Don Lancaster. All rights reserved.
% Free help line and additional info: (602) 428-4073.
% ************************************************************************

% Name of textfile: HACK43.TXT
% Author: Don Lancaster
% Desc: Hardware Hacker #43 Preprint HH43
% Date: May 5, 1990
% Release: 1.0
% Status: Copyright c 1991 by Don Lancaster. All rights reserved.
% Approx length: 24K

% Keywords: hardware, hacker, caller id, buckyballs, EPRI, c-60


% X E Activate XON/XOFF if necessary.
% Z Values are shown for Apple Super Serial Card


by Don Lancaster

LET US START OFF with a few updates to the infrared people detectors we
looked into a column or two ago. It seems Amperex/Phillips decided to jump
ship and abandon their line of IR detectors. Their great ap notes seem to
have been discontinued. Several remaining pyroelectric detector chip
samples are supposed to still be available through their (401) 762-3800
sales support line.

On the other hand, people detectors have suddenly become a low cost
commodity. So much so that it is now usually cheaper to buy retail and
modify, rather than building your own motion sensor up from scratch.
Especially when you factor in the critical Fresnel lens design. One cause
for the sudden price drop is a new California law which mandates these on
nearly every light switch in new office building construction.

Herbach and Rademan offers a great and ready-to-install infrared people
detector as #TM90SE1491 for $12.50. And the Heathkit folks have several new
occupancy and intrusion detector variations in their free home security
electronics catalog. Or, you might also want to check your local price club
or warehouse builder's supply outlet.

A reminder that we have a great help line available for tech questions,
off-the-wall networking, and useful consultant referrals. All per the box
below. US callers only, please. And please remember that we are using
California time during the summer. Those 4:30 am calls tend to get just a
tad old. And please, please carefully read the entire column, especially
the Names and Numbers sidebar.

Oh yeah. Please note the French mathematician's name is "Fern-ell", not
"fresh-nell." And, of course, the correct pronounciations found on our
ongoing voice helpline are "hee-lah" and "ten-ah-hah".

Our biggie for this month involves telephone caller identification chips
and standards. But, first, let's find out how you go about ...


Contrary to popular belief, it is real easy to get full technical details
on nearly everything that involves the telephone company. All you have to
do is ask them.

There is a great publication known as the Bell System Technical Journal
that has been around for over 60 years now. Included are full details on
just about everything involving telephone hardware and software. Check most
any large technical library for your access. There's also the Bell System
Record, but this one focuses more on nontechnical policy issues.

For ongoing telephone standards and tutorial info, start out with the
no-charge Bellcore 1991 Catalog of Technical Information. Then order the
individual papers you want. These do tend to be a tad on the pricey side,
with $20 to $90 being typical. VISA orders are accepted with one week
delivery. Sorry, but I don't know of any library that has a full set of
these or loans them out. Please let me know if you find a lower cost access
source. This library obviously screams to be made available on CD ROM.


Most of your telephone operating companies are now in the midst of
upgrading to a totally digital system that includes a number of new CLASS
services. By far the most popular new service is known as Caller Number
Delivery, which can show you who is calling you before you pick up your
telephone handset.

Caller number delivery does appear rather controversial. But, for most
people most of the time, knowing who is calling you is infinitely more
important than protecting your "right" to make undetected obscene phone
calls. Very sadly, at least one state (Pennsylvania) has stupidly banned
this wonderful new service. In other areas, the caller is given the option
of blocking their caller id, for those one-in-a-thousand calls when your
anomynity might legitimately be desired. Maybe for a drug overdose hotline.
Blocking can get done by entering a three digit code before you make your

So what is caller id, and how does it work?

Figure one shows you some of the more interesting Bellcore documents which
involve caller id. But the key horses-mouth paper you'll need is Technical
Reference TR-TSY-00030 and titled SPCS Customer Premises Equipment Data
Interface. The cost is $25 via VISA.

Figure two shows you the exact placement of the tone codes. Caller number
delivery is normally provided as a code burst between the first and second
full rings while your phone is still on its hook. Enough delay gets
provided to allow for the short half second breaks sometimes involved in
selective ringing.

After your first full ring gets detected, a data path is established. A
data path is simply any method of receiving some modem tones. The id tones
are then routed to suitable circuitry to recognize the data burst and strip
out the needed information. The format and codes are related to the digital
codes used in pagers.

The tones sent out are plain old serial binary modem tones at 1200 baud. A
digital logic one (or a mark) is defined as one cycle of a 1200 Hertz
sinewave. A digital logic zero (or a space) is defined as nearly two cycles
of a 2200 Hertz sinewave. Each eight bit character is preceeded by a space
start bit and a mark stop bit.

The transmitted signal level is -13.5 DBM. While the code transmission is
asynchronous, phase coherence is preserved throughout the entire caller id
message. No more than 20 marks are permitted between characters.

Figure three shows you the data format. Which might appear fairly
complicated at first, but making sure the number is valid is quite
important. Almost certainly, you will elect to use a computer, or at the
very least, some simple microcontroller in your caller id display

The first thing sent is called the channel seizure signal. This consists of
30 bytes of a Hex $55 code. After decoding, another way to look at this
"hey wake up!" signal is one quarter second of a 600 hertz square wave.

After the channel seizure signal, a carrier signal is sent. This is used to
condition your receiver for valid data. This carrier consists of at least
150 milliseconds worth of marks. After the decoding, you have a one-sixth
second solid string of logical ones following your quarter second burst
squarewave at 600 Hertz.

Your caller-id receiver circuitry is supposed to use this "wake up call"
and string of marks to prepare itself for valid data reception. After
setup, the first valid data byte is called a Message Type Word. If this
burst is for the caller number delivery, your message type word will be a
hex $04. Other codes could get used for other purposes. For instance, a hex
$0A means "message waiting" for pager applications.

The next byte is called the message length word and tells you how many
digits are to be provided in the caller id numbers that are to follow. This
message length does not include itself or the checksum in its count.

The actual ASCII characters for the caller phone number follow, starting
with the least significant digit. For instance, a digit "2" should get
ASCII coded as hex $32.

Your message ends with a check sum word used for optional error detection.
The checksum is the two's complement of the 8-bit sum of the message type
word, your message length word, and the number of data words provided. To
provide an error detection, you run your own 8-bit sum of all the bits of
all the data words, and then add the check sum to it. If there are no
transmission or reception errors, you should get a zero result. A non-zero
result means an irrecoverable error.

I've just described the single data message format to you. Some nasty
complications can arise if you have multiple data messages or several CLASS
services active, such as call waiting. See the Bellcore info for further

There are a number of caller id devices commercially available, with
pricing in the $60 to $500 range. Typical are the Allied incoming call
identifier, the Bellsouth calling line identifier, the Cidco Slimline
series, and the TC-1021, TC-1080, and the TC-1082. One discount source of
all these is VSI Telecommunications.

Do note that your caller number delivery service must be provided to you
before you can use any of these devices. If the code is not being sent,
there is no way you can receive it. There might be certain state laws
prohibiting their use as well. This, of course, can be cured by staking
your state representative to the nearest anthill. Finally, anything you
connect to the telephone line has to be FCC Type 68 approved. Meeting the
rules for type approval is fairly reasonable and simple. But the approval
process itself is a bear.

We do have several experimental caller id projects in the works here at
Radio-Electronics. Along with some simulator and test software. But there
are ongoing problems with service availability, with meeting FCC part 68
specs, and in keeping the price low enough. Probably some absolute minimum
general purpose caller id interface kit that demands use of a personal
computer programmed in machine language to develop your own circuits makes
the most sense at this time. Let us know what you want to see here.


As figure four shows us, there are usually four stages to the caller id
receiver. The first stage is called a FCC Part 68 Interface. This one is
needed to safely and legally connect to your phone system. Full details on
Type 68 interface secrets appear in the Hardware Hacker II reprints.

The second stage is the analog front end. The analog front end can provide
filtering and amplification, and then converts all your tones into actual
TTL ones and zeros.

Figure five shows you an analog front end circuit that uses the brand new
Sierra Semiconductor SC11211N caller id chip. You input the low level
telephone tones and get out a serial data stream ready for your computer or
a microcontroller interpretation. Inside the chip is a fancy filter, an
energy detector, a tone demodulator, and the clock. An ordinary tv color
crystal and four capacitors is all you need to use this circuit. Cost for
this 16-pin minidip is in the $4 range in small quantities.

There's also a simpler SC11210 chip in a smaller package that deletes the
internal crystal oscillator, the level setting, and all of the energy
detection features. Sierra also has ap notes on suitable FCC part 68

While these chips are low in cost and work rather well, note that they are
only analog front ends. "All" they do is reliably accept low level tones
from the part 68 interface and then convert them into a string of digital
ones and zeros.

The third id stage is the number extractor. The number extractor can take
your serial data stream, makes sure it is valid, and then extract and
format your calling number. This number might also be displayed. The
number extractor almost has to be a computer or microcontroller, since it
probably would be unbearably complicated and expensive otherwise.

The final and optional stage is any "Gee Whiz" stuff. Things like looking
up the actual name of the caller. Or pulling their sales or service
records. Or keeping a full record of the last hundred calls. Or interacting
with a humongus CD-ROM data base.

Once again, be sure to let us know what you want to see in the way of
further caller id projects.

by Don Lancaster

Carbon is one of the more interesting chemical elements. It forms the basis
of all life as we know it. And, because of some energy and bonding
restrictions, carbon quite possibly will also turn out to be the basis of
all life as we don't know it. Carbon is also the key to most fuels,
plastics, and foods. It bonds readily with many other elements, creating by
far the richest assortment of useful chemical compounds.

Until recently, there were only two known forms for any pure carbon
molecules. These were the supersoft graphite and superhard diamond. But
several chemists (Kroto, et al. Nature v318 p162 (1985)) have discovered a
uniquely bizarre third form of carbon molecule. By taking 20 hexagonal
groupings of six carbon atoms and then fusing them properly with 12
pentagonal groupings of five carbon atoms, a hollow geodetic pure carbon
molecule of 60 atoms gets created.

Since this hollow all-carbon C-60 molecule looks like a geodetic dome or a
socker ball, they were promptly given the name of Buckyballs, named after
the late Buckminster Fuller, a leading early proponent of geodetic dome

Initially a few C-60 molecules were painfully hand collected, measured, and
tested. And, sure enough, C-60 is for real. An experimental proof of the
Buckyball shape has just recently appeared (Hawkins, et al, Science, v252,
p312), along with a very fine bibliography.

After the discovery, several other chemists (Kratschmer, et al. Nature v347
on p354 (1990)) were playing around with carbon rods in a plain old arc
welder and figured out how to make lots of Buckyballs in a process almost
as complicated as smoking a piece of glass with a candle.

As a result, the price of Buckyballs has plummetted to an astonishingly low
$1200 per gram. Quantity pricing is even less, and 100 milligrams of
Buckyballs are available for $250 if you are on a limited budget. You can
get all the Buckyballs you want off the shelf from Materials and
Electrochemical Research.

The latest games include putting Osmium "handles" on a Buckyball to make
them easier to align, and adding precise doping impurities to create
several new families of "Dopeyballs".

While nobody has yet come up with a proven commercial use for Buckyballs,
they are now by far the hottest topic in physical chemistry. Buckyballs
will even superconduct, although only at rather low temperatures so far.
The hollow molecule suggests all sorts of stunning new possibilities which
include super lubricants, new batteries, ultra-strong fibers, improved
semiconductors, and entire new classes of materials and compounds.

Needless to say, Buckyballs are a sure fire winner for a Science Fair topic
or school research paper. And we here at Radio-Electronics would certainly
be most interested in any Buckyball project which was even remotely
releated to electronics. Let us know what you can do here.

Ongoing info on Buckyballs will appear in those Science and Nature
magazines, and, of course, through the Dialog Information System.


EPRI is a rather low key research consortium. You have to be a power
company to join them. Even then, their annual membership fees are
astronomical. But, with their $400 million annual budget they now do all
sorts of top quality energy research, including thorough coverage of such
subjects as solar power, efficient lighting, cogeneration, conservation,
environmental quality, cold fusion, and alternate energy sources. Plus, of
course, nasty old nuke stuff.

EPRI does have plenty of videos, technical reports, papers and such
available. They also have products for licensing. The summary report of
most of their recent key papers costs $45. You might like to contact them
directly for further info.


A new method of focusing X-rays known as a Kumhakov lens is now described
on page 208 of Science volume 252. If it proves as good as it looks, this
could revolutionize everything from high density integrated circuits to
safer dentistry. The lens consists of scads of glass capalaries, and the
X-rays skip along the surfaces at low angles, rather than shooting right on
through them.

From National Semiconductor, a new General Purpose Linear Devices data
book. And from SGS-Thomson a new Power Transistors Application Manual. Good

Satco is a great source for oddball tools and supplies. They usually sell
to those school vocational education programs. They do have a great new
thousand page catalog available.

Unusual scientific images of all sorts of geologic, oceanographic and
atmospheric stuff is available on a GRIPS-2 CD-ROM from Meridian Data. It
is part of a new program to release obscure government research to a wider

Our unusual trade journal of the month is Power Quality, aimed at the
higher end users of uninteruptable power supplies.

Chip capacitors and resistors for surface mounting are now finally becoming
widely available in small quantities at sane pricing. While Mouser
Electronics is a good source, some ready-to-go $49.95 resistor and
capacitor kits are available through Communications Specialists. That's
three cents each for the resistors and fourteen for the caps.

Turning to my own products, for the fundamentals of digital integrated
circuits, do check out my TTL Cookbook and CMOS Cookbook. Or you can pick
up all of those "oldies but goodies" all at once in my Lancaster Classics

I also do have a BBS up as GEnie PSRT. Besides all the PostScript and
desktop publishing stuff, you'll find all sorts of ongoing Hardware Hacker
and Midnight Engineering resources here. You can get your voice connect
info by dialing (800) 638-9636.

We also now have the Hardware Hacker III, Ask the Guru III, and the new
Midnight Engineering I reprints available, which have the latest and best
of all these columns in them. All edited, revised, and indexed.

Finally, I do have a new and free mailer for you which includes dozens of
insider hardware hacking secret resources. Write or call for info.

Our usual reminder here that most of the items mentioned appear in the
Names and Numbers sidebar.



445 South Street, Room 2J-125
Morristown, NJ 07926
(201) 829-4785

426 West Taft Avenue
Orange, CA 92665
(800) 854-0547

3460 Hillview Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94304
(415) 858-2700

3412 Hillview Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94304
(415) 855-2000

401 North Washington Street
Rockville, MD 20850
(800) 638-9636

401 East Erie Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19134
(215) 426-1700

7960 South Kolb Road
Tucson, AZ 85706
(602) 574-1980

5615 Scotts Valley Drive
Scotts Valley, CA 95066
(408) 438-3100

11433 Woodside Avenue
Santee, CA 92071
(800) 346-6873

475 Ellis Street
Mountain View, CA 94043
(213) 323-3923

2742 Eastman Avenue #33-34
Ventura, CA 93003
(805) 650-7070

924 South 19th Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55404
(800) 328-4644

100 East Bell Road
Phoenix, AZ 85022
(602) 867-6259

2075 North Capitol Avenue
San Jose, CA 95132
(408) 263-9300

Box 809-RE
Thatcher, AZ 85552
(602) 428-4073

9329 Douglas Drive
Riverside, CA 92503
(800) 999-8232



A no charge hardware hacking VOICE helpline is avilable for your use
for technical information, referral to qualified consultants, and for
off-the-wall networking in general.

Best calling times are 8-5 weekdays MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME year around.
Please, US calls only.

Phone or write your Hardware Hacker questions to:

Don Lancaster
Box 809-RE
Thatcher, AZ, 85552

(602) 428-4073

A free HARDWARE HACKING INSIDER SECRETS brochure is also available.


Figures 43.1 through 43.5 appear in the GEnie PSRT file HACKF43.GPS.



% Related GEnie PSRT Downloads:

% #276 - HACKF43.GPS Hardware Hacker 43 Illustrations
% #259 - HACKF42.GPS Hardware Hacker 42 Illustrations
% #258 - HACK42.TXT Hardware Hacker 42 Text

% #241 - HACKF41.GPS Hardware Hacker 41 Illustrations
% #240 - HACK41.TXT Hardware Hacker 41 Text
% #228 - HACKF40.GPS Hardware Hacker 40 Illustrations
% #226 - HACK40.TXT Hardware Hacker 40 Reprint
% #227 - HACKF39.GPS Hardware Hacker 39 Illustrations
% #216 - HACK39.TXT Hardware Hacker 39 Reprint

% #197 - HACKF38.GPS Hardware Hacker 38 Illustrations
% #195 - HACK38.TXT Hardware Hacker 38 Reprint
% #176 - HACKF37.GPS Hardware Hacker 37 Illustrations
% #171 - HACK37.TXT Hardware Hacker 37 Reprint
% #160 - HACKF36.GPS Hardware Hacker 36 Illustrations
% #159 - HACK36.TXT Hardware Hacker 36 Reprint
% #136 - HACKFG35.GPS Hardware Hacker 35 Illustrations
% #134 - HACK35.TXT Hardware Hacker 35 Reprint

% #245 - PSRTXREF.PS PSRT Index, Cross Reference, and Planner (HC)
% #244 - PSRTXREF.TXT PSRT Index, Cross Reference, and Planner (WP)


% Reprinted from Don Lancaster's HARDWARE HACKER III.
% Available via [SYNERGETICS] email on GEnie.



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