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Info on how to scam an 888 number for your favorit

NOTICE: TO ALL CONCERNED Certain text files and messages contained on this site deal with activities and devices which would be in violation of various Federal, State, and local laws if actually carried out or constructed. The webmasters of this site do not advocate the breaking of any law. Our text files and message bases are for informational purposes only. We recommend that you contact your local law enforcement officials before undertaking any project based upon any information obtained from this or any other web site. We do not guarantee that any of the information contained on this system is correct, workable, or factual. We are not responsible for, nor do we assume any liability for, damages resulting from the use of any information on this site.

???????? ?This is a text by an elite dooder.
 ???????????????????? for all you sysops with descent
?????????????? ???
??????? ??
 ? ???
?In this text, ill give you information on how to
order an 888/800# illegally, but 300/1 says that you
 arent gonna get caught, i didnt.. 7 times.. 
 If you commit a crime given from the information tha
t i
 release, im not responcible if you get caught.

Here is the information that you need :
 1) a name, any will do.
2) an address, perferrably, the biggest corp. that you can find in th
same areacode as the bbs that you are setting up the 888/800# for.
3) a bussiness name to list it under
4) a descently deep voice.

Here is what the conversation should sound like :
( you walk up to the pay fone and dial 18002220400, push 1 then 3 )

A = AT&T
U = YOU!!

A = please hold, due to the number of calls we are receiveing at this t
all of our representatives are busy, please hold.. =)
U = [cough](clearing your voicebox).. =)
A = This is Jimmy Thomas with A., how may i help you?
U = yes, i would like to order an 888# for my bussiness.
A = okey, first off, what is your name?
U = Jack Hanson.
A = okey, is there any particular number that you arent looking to get?
U = no ( or yes, then a number or two that you might wanna have them ch
eck )
A = what is the number that you would like this to ring in on?
U = 904-765-5073 ( or whatever.. )
A = okey, what is your address?
U = 2200 south central bvd., jacksonville, FL 32208
A = is this also the billing address of your fone line?
U = yes.
A = what is your bussiness name?
U = south central cartel productions
A = do you want this listed in our toll free directory? there is no cos
U = yes, please.
A = Do you want this available from all over the us or just certain are
U = all of the us, and canada. ( if you want.. whatever.. )
A = please hold while i see if i can place the order.
5-1O minutes passes ,........
... . . . .
A = okey, i was able to place the order, you will be running by.. xxxxx
( sometimes they'll tell you the order # ) and the number is 888-xx
-?-??--?-?---???--???-- - - - ?
okey.. sometime in there, when you are waiting, you can ask them to exp
the charges, and try to have you running that night ( if you ask before
 7 pm )
and if it's later than that, then just ask them to have the number runn
ing the
next day. ( which is actually 12 midnight of the same night that you or
der it. )i messed up, if a guy answers, just hang up and call ba
ck. well, have fun!
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If you have any questions about this, please check out our Copyright Policy.


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