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Chatting it up with operators for the deaf. How to

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| A NIRVANAnet(tm) Infodose written by Monoman and Skeme |
| Distributed via the NIRVANAnet(tm) text file distribution network |

If your looking for info on various phone topic try speaking directly to an
AT+T ttdt operator..WHY? Their nice, their patient, they have time to waste
(most of the time), and their real polite. Call 1-800-855-1155. I spoke to
about a half dozen or so ops and they all were real nice (UNLIKE those
assholes at '0' and '00' and all the other asshole ops). Try asking them
anything, about anything (preferrably pretaining to AT+T/Phones/the like). If
you happened to get a hold of OPR 1031, ask him anything about anything, and
he'll tell you. He told me that his supervissor was a cool lady, and didn't
care if the ops chatted with the callers. No to sure if it works on all
modems (it's ment for the machines for the deaf). The connection worked fine
with my modem. (set comm to 2400bps,8-n-1, echo on). The best time to call is
at night when it isn't that busy and they can talk longer to you.

- Monoman

I called and had some lengthy conversations. Some of the opps were really
stupid but 1093 and 1058 answered most of my questions on switching
techniques and so forth. They told me a number for Pacbell to call,
1-800-772-3140. Same type of line, just for Pacbell and it is a local office.

- Skeme
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