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How to set up a telephone conference

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*****essence of telephone conferencing by forest ranger

telephone conferencing is an easy way of getting many friends together at
once. this can be accomplished easily with little or no trouble what so ever.
the techniques that i will teach you do not require a blue box or a touch tone
phone line. the only prerequisite is that you have a phone that has a tone
switch on it or have a hookable touch tone keypad. now, if you are the paranoid
type of person and refuse to use your own phone out of your house then here are
some simple ways of getting conferences started from another phone. go to a
mall or a place where you know the phone is being payed for by the business it
is in.
now there are two to call the conference operator; dial "0" to get your
local operator so she can put you through to the conference operator or dial
the conference operator directly if you have the number handy. the system you
will be linked up to is called the "alliance" system. there are three branches;
now once you have gotten the conference operator you tell her you would
like to start a conference and you would like to maintain control of it. she
will then proceed to ask you for your name and number. you will then give her a
fake name and the number of the pay phone. she will hang up and call you back
once she has checked the number. they usually don't realize it is a payphone so
don't think it won't work! now once the operator has given you control you will
then proceed to hack my voice phone and put me on the conference.
now, the other way of starting a conference in which you don't get a live
operator is a "pbx". with this you will call a pbx number and you will then
receive a recording of a business or office co. then when the recording is over
you will here a beep...then after about 10-30 seconds after the beep you will
get a dial tone on the on the end of the pbx. you will then type the pbx code
which will then respond with a recording welcoming you to the conferencing
network (which will in most if not all be the "alliance" system).
it will be self explanatory from there. now if you don't wish to call the
conference operator either way already explained then there is a was of getting
your friends in conference. this is done over a loop extension. no one will
have control, but you will still be on conference. this is called the seven
line loop extension. this means you can have up to seven members, but that is
it! the number is in la, ca. 213-206-2820. the last way i will explain to you
if you are in desperate need of a conference is to go to pay phone like i
mentioned before any make sure some business pays the bill for it then call the
conference operator in the fashions mentioned and ask the conference operator
to place conference calls.
the will then ask for the numbers of the people to put on conference, you
give her the numbers and she will put you all on conference. when you are done
you will hang up on her so there will be no one in control.that means the
conference will be billed to the payphone and no one can be blamed for the
conference due to no one being in control! ***note*** the conference operator
will not be on while you are all talking! remember that conferences are not
hard and it is very hard to get arrested on one due to what i have mentioned.

remember:reach out and phreak someone!

[telephone conference controls]

# - control mode
# - 6 passes control
# - 1 + area code & number adds
# - 9 silent mode
# - 7 gets conference operator
* - ends conference

the "#" is the control key on your conferences. when you pass control to
someone else hit the "#" then "6". wait for the recording to say enter # of
person to pass control to, then enter the number of the person you are going to
give control to.
to add a person on to the conference hit "#" then "1","area code","number".
then when the person answers wait five seconds then hit the "#" to add. if you
are in control of the conference and you want to hear everyone else, but you do
not want to be heard it "#" then "9" then the "#" to rejoin the conference.
remember after adding someone on or passing control to someone you must always
hit the "#" to rejoin the others on conference: passing control: "#","6", wait
for recording to say enter number of party to give control to then enter number
and hit "#" to rejoin your conference.if you ever want to get a conference
operator for some strange reason then hit "#","7" and wait for a conference
operator to click on. to end a conference hit "*".

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