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Fun with those big metal phone boxes

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(> Having Phun in AT&T Cans <)

+>Written by: Surf Rat<+

(> An (AI) presentation <)
(C)1984 All Rights Shot to Hell

Hello. This is a Phile on what those nice, innocent, little green boxes on
street corners are used for. Beware! The penalty for breaking into one of
these is >very< steep! It comes under Phederal juristiction, Since it has to do
with Communication! Watch your ass!

Now that I have scared ya a little, let me tell you that >yes< I have been in
several of these...and I know what I am talking about!!

Different Types
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There are 3 different types of of 'Cans' or 'boxes.' The first type I will
talk about is the small type. The little puny ones that are painted pale green.
We will call these cans 'type 1' or just '#1' for easier description. The
second one that I will talk about is the type on fone poles. Either on the top,
or at the base. These are very thin, and only 2 feet tall and 2 inches wide.
They don't have anything in them. We will call these 'type 2' or just '#2' for
easier description. The third type is the big suckers. They are painted dark
green, and have brown panneling on each door shaped like rectangles. They are
the ones that have the interesting stuff! We will call these 'type 3' or just
'#3' for easier description.

Finding One
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It is easier a lot more easier to find any can than it is to find a manhole.

Type #1 are more frequent than #3. They will be every 4 streets on
track-houses, and every 300 or so yards in hilly area. In the city, I dont
know. But they do have them.

Type #2 are on every other 5-8 poles. They will be silver, and usually have
some Greek writing on it. These are company test lines or trunks! Write them
down, although they might be something else, sometime you get lucky! The sliver
suckers will sometimes be 5 feet off the ground, and have the standard
spring-bolt lock. (a spring bolt lock is a flat metal handle fitting into the
metal case, that has a 7/8 inch bolt on it. Turn the bolt 1/2 turn to the left,
and it will pop open!) It could have a lock though, so bring some Thermite, or
Chain-cutters. (these can be 'obtained' (i mean stolen, borrowed, or bought)
from any hardware store, or Montgomery Wards has them for about 45 bux..(thats
what mine were!) I advise that you only open a silver- can if it is the 5-foot
kind, cause any cop can see you, and you will be >stuck< up the pole looking
very funny. Also, you may fall off!!

Type #3 is the meaty one! These are very rare. Every 1/2 mile or so usually.
But, they can be very well hidden! (under a hanging tree branch) behind a
incredibly huge thorn bush. (the ghistapho are >very< clever) Don't be
discouraged, a determined phreak like you can find one, if you look hard enough.
They are approximately 3 1/2 feet wide, 3 feet tall, and 1/2 foot deep. (or
wide.) They almost >always< have the standard spring bolt lock on them. But if
not..get out the chain cutters!

If you are wondering how the wires get into the boxes, they come in 1 pipe
from below the street (for type #1) and 2 pipes from below for type #3. They
are cables, if you cut one, with a metal tool (how else??) No matter how much
insulation you have, you are history. (unless you have an abnormal heart)
Remember, insulative type material isn't proof against high voltage. Any thing
can conduct electricity! Even your rubber gloves! Or wood! Its just how much
they can conduct. Wood is a >very< bad conductor, but given 10,000 volts, it
will give you about a 200 volt shock. (not much, but it can kill you!!) So
watch out!

The Presents They Hold
--- -------- ---- ----

Type #1 is very stingy. They rarely have extra wire supplies, but they
usually have aligator-clips. And if you are real lucky, some crimps.

Type #1 contains about 100 rows of PC panneling, with blue, red, and sometimes
green wire sticking out of the little PC holes. (PC stands for 'printed
circuit' for those of you that aren't familiar with a little electronics.)

>DON'T< ever mess with any of those wires! It could cause a small electrical
fire in there, resulting in your clothes catching on fire, loss of phones to
about 100+ people, or any dry leaves around igniting, then you'll have a >real<

If you find anything of use, take it. The Phone guys dont miss anything.
They have a huge stock room. They can take virtually anything they want for
'extra' supply. They won't miss anything. (-note: The only reason there is
extra wire, clips, or crimps lying around is they leave it after they have
opened a bag of crimps, or started a spool of wire, and the other guys just use
the open stuff.)

Type #2 has absolutely >nothing< except...yes! Trunk line numbers, AT&T
office numbers, and Some AT&T Technician's Mother's fone number. (they sit up
there talking to Mom sometimes! Ha!) These numbers will be written in chalk, or
scratched in to the sides of the sliver cans. They won't be like:

(thats my ae line)

They will look like this:


Write these down, they might not be accessable from you home fone. Maybe only
fromt the fone- pole test line..or wire. (you'll see if you are ever looking in
one of those tubes on a fone line wire)

Type #3 is the meaty one, like I have said before! It will usually contain
the following:

2 spools of Dbl insulated wire (400ft) About 25-30 aligator clips at the
bottom. Maybe 1 or 2 test sets if you are very, very lucky!

Besides all of that nice stuff, which by the way, is yours phree, compliments
of AT&T! (i hope that didnt ryhme!!) There is some phun stuff you can do. With
your newly found test-sets, you can now tap into lines. Simply take the 2 clips
from your newly found test set, and attach them to the 2 screws you will find in
the upper right corner of the box. There >should< 2 wires with clips hanging on
the end of eash screw. Take these, and attach them to the 2 wires that you have
selected to tap into! The 2 wires you selected should be together, by the way.
There might be a few company test-trunks scratched in somewhere also.
Sometimes, I have sen little notes from: "Bob" to "Mack" that say stuff like:
"well, VTE#38 is a little loose, but I didn't have time to fix it".
Interesting? Write your own! "Hi. Thsi is Mr. Phreak, could you please leave
some more wire, im running low". They might reply! Ha!

If you find any more uses for these cans, let me know! Im always interested.

Surf Rat...
-Brothers of Capitalism

Call The Realm!
415/941-1990 20 megs!
Call The Twilight Zone!
408/253-2140 C00L!

The writer, Surf Rat, is not responsible for any of this! Nor, am I
responsible for any deaths by electricution, or falling from fone poles. (or
getting your ass busted!)

And close the god damn door!

That be all..

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