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Bay Area Freeway Call Box User's Guide

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Trouble on the Highway:

Whether it's a flat tire, an empty gas tank or an auto accident, chances
are that one day you'll need help on the highway.

Now help is an easy phone call away through the call box program of the
Metropolitan Transportation Commision (MTC) Service Authority for Free-
way Emergencies (SAFE). Highways in participating Bay Area counties are
being equipped with over 2,000 call boxes - direct lines to the California
Highway Patrol for motorist assistance.

Use of the call box is free. Motorists are responsible for paying for
towing and most other roadside assistance charges.

This guide will tell you all about the call boxes, where to look for them
and how they should be used.

Where to find Call Boxes:

Call boxes are generally found along the right shoulder of most highways
in those Bay Area counties participating in the SAFE program; Alameda,
Contra Costa, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano and Sonoma.

The call boxes are generally located about one-half mile apart where there
is adequate room to safely stop on the highway shoulder. You will recognize
the call boxes by the large blue and white signs above each one. The yellow
box containing the cellular telephone is usually mounted on a post.

Call Boxes DOs and DON'Ts:

1. You should use the call box to report a road hazard or accident, or
get help for your automobile.
2. Park your car as far over on the right shoulder as possible. Exit the
car from the passenger side.
3. Stay on the line even if your call is not answered immediately.
4. When using the phone, speak in your clearest conversational tone.
Remember that you must be heard over the highway noise.
5. Follow the instructions of the California Highway Patrol operator who
responds to your call.
6. If you are stranded in the median, stay in your car and wait for assist-
ance from the California Highway Patrol.
7. NEVER cross a divided highway in order to reach a call box. Do not
attempt to cross an on-ramp or an off-ramp by foot to reach a call box.
8. DO NOT use call boxes for personal calls. The telephone is a direct
line to the California Highway Patrol and the CHP will not connect any
personal calls.

How to use a Call Box:

1. Pick up phone.
2. Listen for ringing. If none, hang up and try again.
3. Wait until an operator answers then speak clearly.
4. Hang up phone when finished.
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