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Bellcore/Bellcan info

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BELLCORE Information by The Mad Phone-man

So, You've broken into the big phone box on the wall, and are looking at
a bunch of tags with numbers and letters on them. Which one is the modem
line? Which one is the 1-800 WATTS line? Which one is the Alarm Line?
Bell has a specific set of codes that enable you to identify what you're
looking at. These are the same codes the installer gets from the wire
center to enable him to setup the line, test it, and make sure it matches
the customers order. Here are some extracts from the Bellcore book.

First lets take a Hypothetical Line number I'm familiar with:
64FDDV 123456
The serial number format:

Prefix + service code + modifier + serial number +
digits: 1,2 3,4 5,6 7,8,9,10,11,12 continued

Suffix + CO assigning circut number + segmet
digits: 13,14,15 16,17,18,19 20,21,22

The Important shit is in the 3d thru 6th digit.

SERVICE CODES Intra or Inter LATA Block 1-26
AA- Packet Analog Access line
AB- Packet switch trunk
AD- Attendant
AF- Commercial audio fulltime
AI- Automatic Identified outward dialing
AL- Alternate services
AM- Packet, off-network access line
AN- Announcement service
AO- International/overseas audio (full time)
AP- Commercial audio (part time)
AT- International/overseas audio (part time)
AU- Autoscript
BA- Protective alarm (CD)
BL- Bell & Lights
BS- Siren control
CA- SSN Access
CB- OCC Audio facilitys
CC- OCC Digital facility-medium speed
CE- SSN Station Line
CF- OCC Special facility
CG- OCC Telegraph facility
-gwy 03133-ITT: call reset (c 0,d 85): dte originated
& non data
C Customer controlled Service
D E Data
N L Non-data operation
P Only offered under intra Restructured
private line (RPL) tariff
S T Simultanious data & non-data
F Interexchange Carriers is less than 50%
G Interstate carrier is more than 50% usage


T M Circut is BOC customer to BOC customer
all facilitys are TELCO provided
C P Circut is BOC/BOC and part of facilitys
or equipment is telco provided
A J Circut is BOC/BOC all electricaly
connected equip is customer provided
L F Circut terminates at Interexchange
carrier customers location
Z Offical company service
S S Circut terminates at Interexchange
carriers point of term (POT)
V V Circut terminates at an interface of a
Radio common carrier (RCC)
Z Official company service

Y X Corridor circut
K H Circut has at least 2 terminations in
different countries
interexchange carrier
Y X Transport circut between Interexchange
carrier terminals.

So 64FDDV would be a private line data circut terminating at a radio common
carrier. Other examples can be decoded likewise.

Enjoy this information as much as I've had finding it.

-= The Mad Phone-man =-

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