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Bell info 12

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11. Finding your own number

If you have more than one phone line, or can't find out the phone number
of the line you are on, there is something called an Automatic Number
Identifier (ANI) number that, when dialed, will speak your phone number
back to you. In 416 area, try dialing 997.1234, 997.1699, 997.2350 or
997.8123 (no charge). On a few exchanges, it may be possible to dial
997 plus any four digits to get the ANI, such as 997.1111. Numbers
beginning with 410 might also work (like 410.8123), though 410 numbers
are not common, especially in Toronto itself.

In many cases, none of the mentioned numbers will work but will just
give you a not-in-service recording or a busy signal. In those cases
the ANI number is likely on the 997 exchange, but the last four digits
will be a unique combination. With 9995 possible combinations left to
go, this might take some scanning to get the right number. It might be
possible that the numbers can change depending on the time of day;
a number that works at one point may be disabled eight hours later.
Others may also be busy using the ANI number, thus another fast busy
signal (which will often sound a bit different from the fast busy signal
given for an invalid 997 number).

If you are desperate to find out your own phone number, you could try
calling the operator and ask for your own number, also. With the Call
Display service on line, you could try to find someone with that service
and ask them to read back your number (assuming you are calling from an
exchange that pass along the CMS information to other exchanges).
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If you have any questions about this, please check out our Copyright Policy.


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