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Beginners phreaking file

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- sir francis drake -


* phreaking *
* tutorial *

What is phreaking?

Phreaking involves ripping off ma bell and other phone companies
such as MCI and GTE. This can be done in a variety of ways.
Phreaking is almost 100% illegal, but has that ever stopped any-

How do you Phreak?

There are 3 basic ways to phuck the phone companies:

1. Colored boxing (blue, purple, etc.)
2. Using Sprint, MCI without paying.
3. Tricks of the trade.

Colored Boxing

A pushbotton phone works by emitting tones of different
frequencies, by changing the frequencies you can do some
interesting stuff. Phreaks have realized this and have built
devices called boxes. There are many types of boxes, here is a
list of a few.

Types of Boxes

Color Function
----- --------
Blue - All calls for the price of local.
Purple - All calls free.
Silver - Free calls, etc. Army uses them.
Fuzz box - Makes sound of coin dropped.
Cheese box - Makes calls untracible.

For more information send e-mail to Sir Francis Drake.

What are boxes continued

Most of the boxes work by making different tones for each key.
I have the plans for: Blue, Silver, Green, and Brown. If you
want them send E-mail.

How do you phreak with Sprint?

Sinces the break up of AT&T cheaper phone companies such as:

GTE Sprint

and many more...

Until January 1st to use these services, you call the local access
number and then type in a 5 or 6 digit code. You can get programs
that will call MCI, sprint, or whatever and try consecutive
numbers until it gets one. To fight against this the conpanies use
two things...

1. They have dummy numbers that you think work, but when you call
using it they trace you!

2. They change the numbers randomly every week or less, so you
can't use a number too long!

Here are some access numbers you can try hacking:

Access numbers

Metrophone - (415) 579-6001
ITT - (415) 858-2750
MCI - (415) 495-2640
Sprint (415) 348-7700

Future Developments

After January first, the day the AT&T breakup starts, all hell
will break loose because the regional companies will not know what
the phuck to do! Who will profit from this?


* A quick note from: The Pyrotecner *

This is a reprint from an old printout I've been hanging onto
for years, don't bother trying to leave E-mail, if you notice
there is no phone number to leave E-mail at (there wasn't one on
the printout either). If you look around on Portlands BBS's you
will find ALL of the colored box' plans. There is a rather long
list of them (dozens!), some are rather stuiped, some are rather
interesting, and some just serve thier purpose, you decide which.

Blue boxing is a thing of the past, it was a thing of the past
when "I" first heard of it. The phone company has monitors on all
of its' trunk lines (these carry long distance calls) and if a
blue box signal is found that is coming from where it's not
supposed to, well guess what...Busted!!!

Check Banished CPU for Colored box plans I "Believe" that they
have them. On top of that they have a really kool board.

Call Banished CPU at (503) 232-6566 / (503) 232-5783 300/1200/
2400/9600 Baud.
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