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ANAC guide for all area codes

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7/100: ANAC Guide for all AC's
Name: Predat0r #1 @5211
Date: Tue Mar 05 23:42:04 1991

ANAC Is the number you dial to see what number you are calling from. This can
be useful if you are doing things on a line and need to know what # it is and
you do not know it.

Area Code / ANAC # to dial

205 / 908-222-2222
212 / 958
213 / 114
213 / 1223
213 / 61056
214 / 970-xxxx
215 / 410-xxxx
217 / 200-xxx-xxxx
217 / 290
305 / 200-222-2222
309 / 200-xxx-xxxx
312 / 1-200-5863
312 / 290
312 / 200-xxx-xxxx
313 / 200-222-2222
317 / 310-222-2222
317 / 743-1218
401 / 222-2222
403 / 908-222-2222
404 / 940-xxx-xxxx
407 / 200-222-2222
408 / 300-xxx-xxxx
409 / 970-xxxx
414 / 330-2234
415 / 200-555-1212
415 / 211-2111
415 / 2222
415 / 640
415 / 760
415 / 760-2878
415 / 7600
415 / 7600-2222
502 / 997-555-1212
509 / 560
512 / 200-222-2222
512 / 970-xxxx
516 / 958
517 / 200-222-2222
518 / 997
518 / 998
602 / 593-0809
602 / 593-6017
602 / 593 7451
604 / 1116
604 / 116
604 / 1211
604 / 211
612 / 511
615 / 830
616 / 200-222-2222
617 / 200-xxx-xxxx
617 / 220-2622
618 / 200-xxx-xxxx
618 / 290
713 / 970-xxxx
714 / 211-2121
716 / 511
718 / 958
806 / 970-xxxx
812 / 410-555-1212
815 / 200-xxx-xxxx
815 / 290
817 / 211
817 / 970-xxxx
906 / 200-222-2222
914 / 1-990-1111
914 / 99
914 / 990
914 / 990-1111
915 / 970-xxxx
919 / 711

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