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Data taps

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| Data Tapping | DATATAPS.TXT | by #}ic Blackmon |
| Lunatic Laboratories Unltd. | Info div. | Official Document |

 r For several years, I accepted certain bits of misinformation as techni-
cally accurate, and didn't properly pursue the matter. Several fools gave me
foolish information, such as:
A tap interrupts computer data transmi?&sions; data c9uld be picked up
as rf emanations but it was a mass of uni97telligible signal caused by data mov-
ing between registers; one had to be in you had a direct match in speed, parip{y
& bit pattern; and only a computer of Gmhe same make and model could read the
sending computer. This Ms all plain swill. It is in fact, an easier chore to
tap a computer than a telephone. The technique and the equipment is almost t {e
same, but the computer line will be more accurate (the two computers involved,
have error correcting procedures) and clearer (digital transmissions have morA
distinct signals than analog transmissions).

First, recognize that nearly all daga transmissions are sent in clear-
text ASCII signals. T3e lines carrying other bit-groups or encyphered texts
are rare. 0Second, the signal appears on green and red (wire3[e of the phone
{line ('tip' and 'ring'). The data is l{ost lRokely asyschronous serial data mov-
inu at 300 baud. Now that !200 baud is becoming more chic, you can expect to
find a growing use of the{faster *ransmission rate. Finally, you don't need to
worry about the protocol op{ even the baud rate until after a taped copy of a
transmission is obtained.

Inu{a simple ~experiment, a taped copy of a data transmission was made
with the cheapest of tape recorders, tapping the green and red lines beyond the
modem. The recording was th/fn played into a modem as though it were an 0origi-
nal transmission. At that poinho, had it been necessary, the protocol settings
on receiving terminal could have been changed to match the tape. No adjust-
mu;{ts were necessary and a nice, clear error-free document was received on the
illicit video screen and a neat hard-copy of the document came off the printer.
The message was indeed captured, but had it been an interception instead of a
simple monitor+{ng it could have been altered with a simple word processor pro-
gram, to suit any purpose, and placed back on the wire.

Were I to have an interest !n information originating from a party;lular
company, agency, or office, I think that I would find it far more productive to
tap a d?Hta transmission than to tap a voice transmission, and even more reward-
ing than getting hardcopy documents.

o Significant & important information is more concentrated in a"{ data
o Significant & important information is mk{re easily located in data
transmis;ions than in masses of files or phone b{alls.

o Transmitted data is presumed true, and when alteration is viscovered,
its readily blamed on the equipment.

o?X The laws concerning taps?Xon unclassified and non-financial computer data
are either quite lacking or abjectly stupid.

b The point of all this is that the pruda{nt manager really ought to en-
crypu{ all data transmissions. Encryption packages are cheap (a DES program
costs $30).


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