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The Media-Industrial Complex
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The Media-Industrial Complex

The Media-Industrial Complex is a term I made up for what used to be called the Military-Industrial Complex.

Back when the cold war was in full swing, the military-industrial complex would propose multi-billion dollar "defense" projects to Congress, hoping that Congress would allocate billions of tax dollars to fund these projects.

Congressional members who voted for these projects received campaign funds from the military-industrial complex so they could get re-elected. The factories, military bases, and research institutions that these billions of dollars paid for ended up being located in the home districts of the same influential congressmen and senators who voted for the projects in the first place.

Any member of Congress who did not vote for these projects would be labeled "soft on communism" or a "pacifist" or a "traitor to the American Way Of Life". When the next election came around, people who voted against these projects would find that their opponents were suddenly much better funded than they'd been in the past.

Some of these projects were actually useful in the defense of our country, but their success or failure in obtaining funds had more to do with who got the money and power generated by the projects, rather than the usefulness of the projects themselves. The shareholders of the big defense corporations received millions and sometimes billions of dollars in profits. The senators and congressmen got re-election funds and managed to hold on to power for as long as they wished. The American people got a first-rate defense system, although they'd paid billions more for that defense than they probably needed to, and ended up putting their great-grandchildren into debt in the process.

In this post-cold war world, the military doesn't have the power it once did to create multi-million dollar projects that were easily sold to a willing Congress. We just don't have the same threats to the American Way of Life that we once did. However, the same defense contractor shareholders who siphoned off billions of tax dollars using the "defense" scam are still out there and they're still the same greedy bastards they always were. As the cold war wound its way down these people sold off their defense stocks and started buying media companies.

We no longer have real threats to the American Way of Life, but if the media tells you day after day of some new danger, real or imaginary, you can bet that Congress will be only too happy to allocate the funds to fight that danger. The cycle will continue, campaign funds will be given, and stockholders will get rich off of American taxpayer dollars. That's why a defense contractor like General Electric bought NBC, and another defense contractor named Westinghouse bought ABC. Those are the well-known cases, but they're just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

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Corporate Influence on the Media and Perception of History by Greg Wells
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From Melbourne to Prague: the Struggle for a Deglobalized World by Walden Bello
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Goverment Influence Of The Media
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Media Literacy: How the Media Constructs Reality by Media Literacy Resource Guide
 1. All media are CONSTRUCTIONS. 2. All media construct REALITY. 3. AUDIENCES negotiate meaning in media. 4. Media have COMMERCIAL implications. 5. Media contain IDEOLOGICAL and VALUE messages. 6. Media have SOCIAL and POLITICAL implications. 7. Media have UNIQUE AESTHETIC FORM that is closely related to CONTENT.
Overcoming the Trickster: Media Wars of the 21st Century by Roger W. Wicke
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Propaganda in Theory and Practice
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The Media Goes to War: How TV Sold The Panama Invasion by Mark Cook and Jeff Cohen
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The Peruvian Embassy Siege and the Media by Andrew Flood
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The Spectacular Achievements of Media Control by Chuck Dodson
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Twenty-Five Ways To Suppress Truth: The Rules of Disinformation by H. Michael Sweeney
 Manufacture a new truth. Create your own expert(s), group(s), author(s), leader(s) or influence existing ones willing to forge new ground via scientific, investigative, or social research or testimony which concludes favourably.
Video Game Violence vs. Societal Violence by XiPPiLLi
 On April 20, 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold went to their high school, in Littleton, Colorado and killed 12 classmates and one teacher before turning their guns on themselves. The Columbine High incident raised a panic level already high in the United States, and, most would say, rightfully so. People realized then, if they hadn't already, that kids have access to guns and that the results can be grim. The Rocky Mountain News covered the incident in depth, reporting on August 22, 1999, "His [Eric Harris] nickname, Reb, was inspired by a character in one of his favorite computer games, Doom, where the goal is to score high body counts." The paper pointed out "one of the game's slogans: 'Doom -- where the sanest place is behind a trigger.'" It was widely publicized that police had found a videotape that showed either Harris or Klebold with a sawed-off shotgun on his lap that he called "Arlene"--a Doom reference.
What Good is Free Speech if No One Listens? by Kurt Luedtke
 I was for 15 years a journalist, a vocation in which you'd think you would learn a lot. I learned three things: The accused you've never met is more guilty than the one you've talked to. Truth and accuracy are not the same. Things are never, ever, as they appear to be.
Why Newspapers are Pro-government by Vin Suprynowicz
 Having worked in the newspaper business for 25 years, I'm often at pains to explain to folks that the pro-big-government slant of the news media (though very real) is not a "conspiracy," in the simplistic sense. That is to say, I've never known an editor to wear a hole in his carpet, pacing the floor as he waits for the phone call from the Tri-Lateral Commission (or whomever) to "instruct" him which stories to feature, and how to interpret them.
World Media Protest Day by RecDude
 The mission statement and date for the World Media Protest
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